Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Jul 1841, p. 5

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144 SuppIemne~t. t. Nie iîq0têfl KINMSON, JULY 13, 18*hý LE AS s E i OD A N N . B UlD N [h of 72 fr",4 Lot No. 29IJ-A1P It SALE ,,Y one male front Ili of a mile fram G4 ne .1 thet ansm taînal)le WATEI L îbîrmn & Cros,'I' îldcrilefels &is" S. W. BOA 10 SPLENDID FURNITURI chenpet,mo cbest. t'leave Ioî iîhisi it ho bas naisasad lâ lias new hailin, e trert, tlinîldi " asdtin la Mn. 7% sri l Ilalysit M a EADY MADE 0 alitv snl lateit Pella Sp«frihàqýra. Pers rt.tv( tiullv usuieli uber laii; eaetlîsiîa 9-uer, tey ras S"e le thev mac m1slii T. 0. BVII lier anal PIluliey. T. 0 T MAC TOR1 raters ligtean nu hit.uit ocf Ilioplo,, iey h>ve rutia'tî [in-,opposite thie Fi Tht-V wilI kroji 09s ais,iit ofi lthe hm )n Fur liai yý Pliit Alup, and enirseat for cash. Ail maieu d i iebtlleci EDI>ELI. & lUlil 1ill. AND 1MARI EIIOlME, cugg SLip, Stalli mpetd5ll Ic« Tdulor >.hoii,&PÀmOl riasit store, iai taseaa pIstant, 0 >f Ladies andG lms' Wb;p<, Potnoaews', Lamber JMercbiý rim LufIED ci S. Ib M OIbi 18. b,,4 .W -o- -À Ji -it la gotjlC or ASUEIIELY. Tucmt, Jnly 6. vé.CsUWsm'smotion that s commit- t e ainquirs incate .abuses in bea of justicetin the district 6«>-h! em.Dur« rose sud snid Le t.hmmLii ht bon. gemttlcin vo lud . oit .dmot duîy consid- la . ebelaeted the hoa. gelle- ,.ladt w grillent vbich would. wa la arosn tht the bogas ce*te au1 ry of this mns.. lamarbeees pil commuitteevas Mc- ii t ei!stgL a sabject cf ti. ina. sePt""s the he. member mot- f, or 1u e t s I ltbunad as dfor hcarecds kialtos certan Cela auachnov- t tht abuses doeelisl ; il vould bao mlertpreiig tha.eucae. Althongh. ,iiin facomiittteepledges Lthe t'Iso pariculMr coure, yet t crtsinly et(0ate coantry et large Cht5tsomnc gala f«i going iota au imquiry ; and à tChr mmr regullsi course fur the ,tirewouldble noi o tetu<othe dit medsImpacn vbicbhoeconceives incirl ileesmay, and whl it La that lhe ,se mlv source of redreas for any Di ithicl ay TeZist, s fre. a coin-. d iis bouse But te saitfor a cet.- 14tinig the bousse any lnor- le 11ieher the leu was in itseli whether iiivdualils en guilty on in i office, was, in bis opinion, le abat~ alas sîtagember unreasoniable. il 1 couittee ls granted Cteb on. gens- îhould pet Ctht bouse in possession cf .Cjroalwould toit the hons. gntie- .0ille thetbre bad ben any - i mmeseteta thefbtause eumpiainingof i id rÀ«iistatsionocf Justice an that dis Ilirearere pat, he duubted whbetber d t would lie justified in adopting amy mweoteig. l Csient s sad lie was anliius Le avoid 'a ith ie subjec 9 ut this moment, as c m oe particularly te the character imdidiial trim presides ever tile Di,.ta Cui in'tht district cf Gaspe. He aa'5 bious liat th case slsould no e !l il remmOaf anyting vitich iehlu Chrit) mghgt gay prti lis$te the Pro- Pl of Mboe prous uhic lieb. as prepia- JE zisybeore the corumitte. But as ho81 keni cilîd pcn te saIte Cthe resors di blt iirel bat a committie sabtat!lie li 'tit, le would do s. Frr e n en e 4,ncitro le nier ihere is oee bout b4 rotation of mihe ceaduct cfChat imdi. es wo larmiles over tht administration !a ldta uldistrict. Hi ispronounced In a mai labo iî totally unfit and icapa. tri ilI thlaimiportant station ; lie is eue P i whi) are culed tI family compact Pl pet Cuitia. (Hear, hear.) iftLIte cen-fi sert apoteid lie would be prepared 1, lWemhnproofs of the meit flagrant Ch Of duty'-proofs of stI oti 10fia- tt iinthe îxecutieu cf tte ianport nirs whicla decolve upon hi, as judge st sbire the jiirisdlicîion of the Court r lits uwrîrantably exceeded -cases cf li slave;g hes tazed tei mn enormeas a-.h s;mnpmalleled in any titler patcf lirb ! uinioioî: these were . ,hvicbi P 5 prepareil t0 prove, and if lie failed te tC r I he hi as willinzthat titi commit- sa Olid T'ait hâti witli their seerearît . It liHe a ina axous te avoid enter- s iu ihise staiernents until tIhe proper Re îrrid for poduing te the aculmitehli Prot; but as hl ad Liirn forced into Ob ntu Ibm efore the house, lhe would net M trio delare, and lie would assume ail lit cipasibilitY cf Makminz aucit a declara- W, ta the idividual holding the office cf su in te diitrit of Gsspe was one vho hi a babts of lite was toally anfit for Lb.etii lie tvs s man lisituaied te, habita Da lmicaio an sd drunkenneas.. y searcit-ai hjornal& of the Houa.of Assembly ch air C&ada ilawonld lie foundlthat ear-an i im pachnmenthlibenmaenLtrei a-.a I bti; bmw lehuiadben 'abslved God i7 liait: bie came hack, however, snd ai alibi adminiàtration, net of justice ct 1 ijutice. D)epoition.s in bis rayer~ th, e herdi viih the mamost aasiduîLy su loin tu dont, and lh. had undarst o Ui o iti tDtilimn huit semsrtîd tChat lhi bad lfo 9trn titi jîdge druk; liowever, vheu Wl Sticlr% raie u, it appeured abatlhe Am ira bi oîly ilitai. tiania in ton yesrs! thi , tlwix heri cailîdl the lion. member ta( I: e could sot consent that deme. tri Iiis li'nd sOold lbeindulgealin befote Pel Chaacter Or ai tu facts could taile place. noC iiîlrcfahigl public functionaq Je' Il anhi; lie wasîa gentleman viLhlin huitîr Av bn ad dthe lionor Pe . "* hi, Profession (>8r, bleuar); and i hbh(MrAylwin) would n et prosmu.pa tia. memhir from Gaspe vould P' Clisin ~ 5,that bouse vhich lb. vasau %n'ae, Yet ali id hope 'bat at least <hl mag'ns would hi deferred until ai-t- >tioîhlia aeid i all' er hadcaenplace. p 41leil abtat thc houa. would tlbl ier itaidvida 1tlfr taý te netieil Pes;rit rîluctance that lie fet in. gel iSPiIld t0 ake tiis course, titat the t bals aShîli xt w ithin Chat district se t e idresoed. Hi (mr.Ctitln-au Chitet.tri, o"ýa-f stenty,-fir railes Irom b~alc Of tht îndivi %Culîrefered to, ICI lieeotmmuicaiOoteoniiectiu on St omCPljancwith he oiieSt tiS hL liConititueta<hen! îbiet under tieti ntie fah. Is d île îr.te dive that bouse a specilot h5' in which l tvsa T h :rct f tia indivjal t .1tdbMentr u astte etW, public femdhonsay actif ng d ethe a po emmt of the Exeoutve; d<b locati therf,, lbcand Wtôaie cngaimmor a colnTlaiats ich n Ibe mad.aaist ii HHarrisonm') dia) Mecumier <bat twuaacm whick formeid Ja r subje, of tbat boum~; ilt boold liratieb.show, th, tb..ve nao otier menus of ïiedsm E maintaitied tint the e vuample MM,. widieut brimging the matter befori tLb boum eat ail: hoe thougbt t ilquiiunoees ry Io Dea COmmfltte, eeiioflt ofvbLc casdleet au impoliatie upcn th charneLste oftitat gea!lesoa. Mr. TRoRWatz MMaidehbeliered the hoa nt em had akense M, c aso li Dg thornerauer, u e tmbuebnj AI for ltrcto sea re ,bcn ass fkefagaâjuytbP mou (Wbetws e pon, àsu amble a tion:'Jthe reason of <t vasuobviens; liq believed il wamatter of nosoietythaa il t bt part or the province tUhpepulatioq coij aigta ofa fewmerchaetasudliheo: la a matter of necemsity, therefore, the. ranid jury muat ieb composedlof that cloag df pet4 sons *bc arcmoM intelligent, asud lbebelieu ved thist if the grand jury mach as t!my waet had acquitted the judge of ael blema, hie musa tand exoneraeed outili prorveid gUilty by oile higlier aathority. He did nam thini [bat hon». ouglit Le entuntain Lb. motion; il wu* contrary te ail precedient. Mr-. Atty. Oea. OUDEI< wished te lie info. aîed wbetber the bon, gentleman, in the ap. Plicatieu vbkh lbe hall made ta ibat bouse, wus fortllied wiîh-any petitiona f'm <the in- hiabitants of that disgroet.. Mr. Caserna nid bie vas of opinion that il vas eoapetent for a»y memli., te s.k tbat ioute te enter imm aU u 7repci. g grievance vbicb bie -igh: le tueciti. Mr. Atty. Gen. Oawàe.-Then I am te un. Iorsian4 UIc,. eare ne petitiomts. Mi- CRMMIL.-49 vas motentilredres hat) beau refusedl by tbe Executive govemn. ment that b.e hall dotermied Co maie appli. cation te <batboas. Mr. Btàc.-Tbe question nour snbsited to (bis souse as one .2iOre imaportace than et litai may b.e coeived. An inquiry into tie ellicial conduet of a publie functionary. is oy no meana a mater cf course, and on no occasion to, lie considered a trilling sali- et. Théi hon. gentleman frqau Gaspe bas stated that ho vas ne: actuated by any vin. dictive motive; bie bas asacrted that hoe bas broaght the question forward at the urgent rquest cf lte body of bis censtituents; the bon. gentleman bas declared titat no redres ould lio obtained fron the executîre xev- runient; bat lbe baa net condescended te inforal tic bouse whetber tbere vere any lp. tions proceeding from the great lbody cf the people ut that district, or wbether the. cein- laint proceedeil fou aa individual. I tbiuk, cm the facts withi my own knovleg, coulq pointpq4hît individuel frein wom te cou lIat ptýeded. Mr. Caatswýsanmaiindirid«xl. Mr. BLAc-laun gla)\ thât the few ab. rvationq whicb 1 bave imode bave dra*va rort ibis confession. The bouse oeay nov b able te deelde bow fer that hon. muember bas procceded in the disinteresteil manner whidi lie professes. lu point offset, ae. plaint proceeding fro. hi. vas submitted i the executive, and the anaver vas flot se tisfactory as the bon. gentleman desîred. [seermed ccrtainly like a vaut of condor (te ie the mildest terni) on tb. part ofthat bon Zentieman net te state that thecocmplaint Wd proceeded frein bimself that bieliad net nained the redresa vhick Le comsit)ered bie was entitled te, andI that therefore hie nov )roht bis coniplaint to that bouse. It 'ourd bave been more manly if biehall donc o. Bat 1 think enough bas~ fallen froux the iou. gentleman te satisfy every persen in bis bouse that the application wbîhieho bas sw made oagbt not te b.e entertained. 1 nm one of tboae wo Lbink that vbcn the ffaracter met enly of a publie oflicer, but of in, individual La impeached, some means mouId b.ieflorded te the individual accased i auswering Ibme charges vbicb are broaght qainit him, and of establishing his$mne- ene. But i: wili lhe borne in mmnd tbat e bon, gentleman ba satated teuos that the !abject bas already been invcstigated by a rmer Hoasecf Aisembly. Be bas brought brward n ne mc chargea. If bon. members aIll refer te ihe Joarnals cf tite Bousecf ssembly of Lover Canada, tbei vil find bat tbm chiarges referred Le vere ihon inves- Mted. if ibis gentleman bas been once 'd, the public sboald lot lbe pet 1e tbe ex- 'use and iaconvemience cf a second trial, aio should the individual hiscîf lb. mb- ected te the neeessity cf beang tried a second ne forthe sasne offener.It vill ie ien- etent for tbe bon. gentleman te moye an idreas te the Goveenlor praying that the oceedinga wbicb teck place apon the coin- oint vbich vas made by the bon. gentle- un te LtheExecutive sbmld b.e laid lhefole le Hanse, and tbsy woald iben lie enabled odelermine whether itlvau a case wbicb etcircd their interilèvence. Mr. HiiLTom,-If on the present occasion iue it i as re reening the lame oto the district cfGas andl1tbin korit u yon the present otesasion te, deny the'state- menta wbich bave beesa made by the boa. notiemn opposite. The bon. gentleman ttem that sbouts of diastilstmmbaie ari- en flous on. end cf Lb. district tu tbe other, iid &bat the enduct cf lb. judge cf that dis rt bied been cbatacîcrisedl as an adminis- ratiosnebntofjostice, but cf injustice. I amn rr, dr. Speaker, to b.e under the nccessity cen tradicting the statement altogether. ltch is net tb. case. 1 am sorry on tbis 00- asien te lie under Uic necesaity cf rising, as itatcd betore, as tbe reprementative of the %rpr portion of tb. district, te dcny the tact 'ie bon, gentleman seeins te forget vbat ecurred only yestcsday, that hoe himaeîf lien à candidate for tbe repissentation cf lt- ! tat the individuel Who had drovu op tbe petiiomvwaguity of a gmu ibel upos tho ebaracter ut tho jutige. Wus this a basi:; i. indignation front onie endi cf the district to iL the other ILtvasa busLf iqd*qpnso et gsiast bat bo.genîlemanbimaelL COrder, te order.) Wc bave been4odtorefer tothe biarnaimmsof<helimoaccfAsembly, and wat le dovd flnd?1 Petitions for teredreas cf s, greances in the district cf Gaspo, but no at complaints againat the judgeocf that district. ba- Wbat furtber de vo "dl Tintthec cabrt eh oVey whicla <bat botoe.mber presidei, te aie Quarter eShions Wuucomplained et; andi et Wéaelb4b ththou 4timam dise Îl muopplté IaJustice. The bon. ei 5: er s1 = b*ee r ht prope ta te ite, de thai ýt z t &-aa.tioaon of le: gmlq- l-am' Le&mm - toeçy yat,ad snau alltt Lo bave l- nfcroceptlhnu,àettt livts e- fitauerùe ars ibàlnsoat ap te meet t sa mxî parte statenânei f1hîe d n"ppc nd iud ce vidual, thceunforLunate binestr wbe teck on, In mach pains <topeterIbis cotplani The bon - gentleman t<c :lie s .hinsefwvatheb.indu- te vidual vbo conplaned.' Wbaî vas de re- ,i suit cf that Conpllitt bnnredisuely upon ritm being iadu, bis Exceltec 'conidered shevwai bound Stt«Ieau aothe a gmfq bis ,e defence.The ludge ibtWeil l. aid, ealread' bas * fausverbonaubtt2,a- nmd Iesyae be xomerated; but that vas rnet 7the course b. tlowed-I im tcumed cf it certain crimes and tbstsnaors; I viii a nprepare mi anaver; I vîlI agaima jus- vi ml wh brip ths acusato indu-me me in histrue orair, ber,ear.) o n o nt i- wish te enter at large ate thia subct-mt is net nccesry; butL at th at "tie vcry in- it dmedual cfvior4 te bon, gentlemian bas 9complaintidfrein daoteday, andi frein ycar te yesr, tho ery 7iniuidual vhomi tat bIon. gentleman wou d deastetai*sec ai <hebottent cf the mca, that rery indiridumai bas been re- turned as'a mendier 4f his Bouse isy the 1 1ar' t portion cf the District, (order, order, 1 oer.1) itla perlectly immaterial vbaîibeh resuit mIay ho, vhatbez ticheton la adopted or net, bat I shall MY this, it usine Io me ibat by censenting Lo <"i motion the Bouse 1a ttrits tbat there are gro nis fer en ering )loto the investigation of the charges préfer- * reti iy the hon. member. Be voalt refrain àtro. enteriig more ait arge Inte this subject at the preut moment. Mr. ois. nai! id, ho.tught t vas rer mach go bc ite # e tc iat this debat. hami eccurreti: itWou id not appear s'ry creditable to tutat houme, which vas te btgheat tribu- ,nal ia tho land. Sucb grave charges aa ite bon. member for Gaspe huid made against a bligittuutionary,verc vorthy et investiga- tion cettainlys bot lho hlieveti the better coursec Woula b. te sacre for au. address te the Exectire praylmg fur <he production. cf ail papota relating te .motter andth ie case wotld'then*corne more clgarly and proper- ly beibro Lbe. 1h.V~ota:.'rsmhou 'geidetian 1 con- ceite, hum actod with tiha grtoat detioaCY Eti thia mater; fie l anmready tLe maie out acase whenqrorIL wvIipleuse the bouse to afor meau potuaity. W. caoutet a n charges arm untruç.- ee rea tteL presume ltat an huin. met- ber veuld ris, n hie place sud blieplty e1 ttiering a caiumuy aupon any individuaL.- There La ne Mau inte bouse vheo aht tonsy su. The tespcnibiiicy cf matamin tbose charges-and tlb.y arc eornieus 1 ad mit-muat tesI vith the bon, gentleman vite maies theam. Was il flot possible tbat th. Executite bad! been led into errer iu re- fuing the aderss wtich tb. hon. gentleman sougit ? if os,,lh. descrvcd te ho applaadcd rather than éeurd forPeesvcr in ubrîng. ing the matter under the notice et tathbouse. He (Mr. Viger) coul.i mention many instan- ce wbere people vere deterreti fromn bring- tn orvad their cemPlait-wbere they vere afraid cf cctnig te ber Majety's gov. ermînt for justice- atead oftbiaming te bon, gentleman, titerefore, lie should b. ap- puddfrbis courage: every hon. momben aitaingL <at bouae knev ful velIltaï t vas te nmen of courage eud determinatien ubat <hcv ovcd tbe libertica & <ho pivileges vbich tbeyeujoyed, et itting andi ieesia- Lin 'nparliamett A"tîy. Gin.0. OWiend hat vithrespect te what bad Ilicfrtrmthe hon, gentleman (Mn. Viier) in asacreing <bat ii vas tho Pri- vilegeofe any member riinç; in bis Place to ruin tht character ofta public tunctitary- Mr. Caarstmz deprecaled thte epatiating upon matlers viticli vere net properlY bc- fore thern foi discussion. Titeïquestion vas vould Ibm. bc a'inniy grantet or flot. Atty. Gen. Ooiti.-Tbe question is xa- ter, vitether the bonu. gentleman La fortiied with saypetitiena Le support hi. appica- to.Te hou. gentleman mtes that tb. responaibility ofttaking the stop beie royse yll test va<h bisa; air, the respons i y wiUl test vit llalofat.s, I yuwl net tabte- the Word ot any bon. ulembor, bovever tes- ponsible lie nay bc, ai -autbOritY for grant- mng an application of Ibis hio* fl;i ren sacre titan the meè j; it t ainylho. Gentleman lnauwcb h sa s Mthse preseut, when an indiridual elauding in the bigb characieor ca udgc is:aocsmd. The hon. Gentlenmanfroni Ricbdliest uae laagb, andI ne doabli e Lasincere Ohen hoiestat"a tbat il is the rigbt et ADYItOD-en. smer te more for the appuintnent of a cemmitace te inres- ligote Lb. conduet ot any indîtidual. There La ne deabi th paver exiat,buî Lt La danger- eus t e ercise that pever on ail occasions. Wbat viilhocUiceconsequence et such a proeeding, the cotamittes viii boa* ppoiat- ed-witnesses yl bc eiamined-a treport will b. mate-the hanse as a mattur of cearmeyl concur in il, and resolu- Lons uili tollov for an atidreas te tho crown for bis remnoral; anti ait <is vitheat affording tb. individual accus- cd Lb.oportlhrof eiculpating biaam :I c ouseL preocedimg vbich I can neyer consent te; :iLs luconve nience bau beeh 0 M - TAY O1 f Ax - s

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