Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 13 Jul 1841, p. 2

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T ioJeteb lt n a-I ctllersttLnta,. ! bc igrnofîihe D:ishicl Court, anti lut;. o!flise lot I i lAngues1 turapise r-ail *a; Surgabe Coitu fr ic heLootutsDistrict. reteered tca ble-s. i.Ver, KlUsly, ani DuiSs&l- Commission ststet 2&b1i'Jue, 1841. Tepebition of S. Mc.eaxie anti Q(hers, in te Stcxmunas aOFIrCE, O.eeDistrict, relatiog golua aeiclemy uv1 tKingastoa t 'UtJe7, H41. son. Qusani, Mer iI., end Kilily. - -bee au t etil suit Suuu:eell a1i Ibo peîi1i cf tise Board cd Traetofetmetea, MRtrlli . ie .o . sl4oie Dsnuirecf releiag goth e .mreue,, vas refýt-tnto #àuetia- PrineEiau re, cy cm ttIfel visereceived.qt u ~iy i eet ou.asltmÎ'ny,14. (foun tim tebulimne. Thetc " alrlHiara- Society' petilion watt efer- 5Ssramv'ys 0e-FICE, -tl rugin Mese tltue, Nt:ssort, Qaeins4 meMetItKn.-çtn,7îti imul,,1841. absmKlblly. RIS* EsîCFLLs.. ERe nisGovxaEROaR MagL bas ýh The Saguenay Petli t elalifl10 bu teienve- isaca leaed I appoint. hler-s tise electenotifQuiSes relting 'te Dr. Eluaihau IlulelI, thuir dis!trènisèenOt- of Johun AtIsttsomio! Hem- TShe Ru,. William Suat, miagtord fer reief-tisiothe b nhasacstoftort ît Tise 1ev. Et watt Dencoche, Neuf, aW1etIoriserinhatsitaass-o!r. wnCama., -itacRev. PC. Camisell,- anti relila; lga tise Speii ci ilne' --Paul Gisforti, Esqire, Sm oay t Na2 . -lt aea. o -Iilssct n bOts. o!fie Board of Eticcalion, ans!cf lise- Wedesia a 2ols'fe te tlt. ilaunlt'on juaa- fluaid ai Truvîea lfur Seperinlenti is e District mandenmtuiv o rise.*ieie ieday-aega. &Scool ktr lise Disrtrict u-Jaisastdten. tliveti, Juas 23, noya 18. WilMi. mai mtiei as u.sinssion dtet :slulyp 15<1 liseu carniet. Tise ire Bis for aueliertiaftise. crimtinel laie-BzcitràRlcs OFFICE, ve.e tIse-areat a -secousiltinte,,augt-tfetred tu tw. imgson, S&s Jil,, but. Mesures.Black, BatUwtin, A)wià, C~utigh 5lts.4. '15ExcFI;LU.rUm Govxasex G»rAms* bat ueser orgossg ntieoimmslis~llste50-len imueaedtu sapoint James MCDOn.l Ps Uas boula syaeen0Wa aslno e 10 sre gg s a e-Iaspctor oLLclnces in tiseHoche vausi as lstemurler 4= tglWo qst.% Mua aplace of )AexaintienM'Danell Esquire, resiei.d. ,ars ulattheo u si for i f-'ommeeuô~u j V iussi" sdaed lai Joue, 184. on the -dIrst.report et thse .unitMW Oui bbc îtlieàs1 - OnUe ef the Hoose. sMauro"ned. a. t n '.I$i ;,a Thse Spcakes lait isbeuWt iHbdt"ieespeete "t-- mie eatei &Ba~ipf ýw#«îesea o R.;best S. JmçnTc Ossub~ mn. ifi also aunnuncei!l4'l#jn ela! --"James Becluassemaembla, bucj -ciea-ci-jogo ta . l t5 gara « rèlé.Jonas joutes, a..efollwing petitiassa steîîe preiemîl :-Iiy Ameltbalti MrLs-au Éit- Back, chose afthe Quelc Baninis e relstion i Ctiriopher A. Hagurman, Justices of la ther charger, anti ot thé inlattants ci âge Ga- tise court oM Queen's Beah la Uppe lriel for agid-te alelsge. By Caplain Sieele, o! Canada, A.-Levrs endi -oters in Csiletioa anti adjainn; " Rabut B. SoeUbvant, Ioansleips, for aid letu oas.- - Mr. Christie, of John fi. Dnna, certain mlate laon lb.Kempt seat fouaidtotea "Doiiick Daly, scitoolinaset un tisait est, andt#r-in intuljit, ' Samul B. Harriion, aute <ftlb.upper parts M uteait. B! M. ~Chsarles PLR.-gesa, =Cteoe f tinbabilants ofCemva&Wfer rel:cl c'Wm. B. Dragper, fron ccusyassesauseul. Ryp Mn. Iieseil,sofise UChsa1esD.' D aa Bo&,rd titils.UppennlCsniti Azad e r lLiuoto- -"hamiîcis H. Klli, Mebuofu -tis rationslte Vietotla.-Colge aatid-L ai., liy EeeleCccl-n Mct. Att,. Gen. Ogdu,oIth.CRsto . %# ul-id - otai Macaulay, lu b. Comminmrus 10,000 lols eagaiMt -tia tiaemburmmi aethlb. -idertheseir anti Devizee. Ad, pasac e titis ditrict et Tsse. iveas ,M.-Rpis,.-iepeesenl Sessionscf tise Provincial -UL einttea. inlsabitmntu ef Teafegan fdr nid le-rnd 41tlY -a.Commissios date tihy, 1841. festanr, of eerWa ainisakits of Ithffti au reter- __________________ ece u, o ducatios. Mn. Hamikoat tepartut on tise CGa s e abnes iiOOi~TI~ Bili, but lise hemse tmsudola eceive lsnpa. Tlise OursDistrict Cunramillue wvee persalttgàtous uSxuauxas,ruxassay, julx aI% U. - ncec roû ns id o"im. ___________________ 'cealie ceoat nlallw le-bf pentacg tis Ho0,, 'Ona Sit-sday-6rstning the 3d1 instaist, tim tot hy tit- id6àtmct et FlÉïa,, vaias mange ti aser Britanitia arriveti at Boston, havissg andth ie report recemoR.t#lîtt e the saine. qr«ial Jeft Liver-pool on thea lOti uit. Tise muaI Mr. ine;ki uoreé te teceiru instante-t tise-on-simportantI intelligence roeerved by itisare- - dero uttilsed&, efer O"dîiv% taugla"rPort laf'11 val, la tue smsaess of Sir Meobert Peel'a vole1 tomm 'ece o n t c --othelug-het Ippilte -fdavant of confidence -ia Mitisters, wviue atjaurnnsenl dfiscsrly. . Veaç26. Nayisel. 'fis. Ilous. went'iitd cocasmutte,.Mu. lamnlmu@n- mr-a se-ieul by a me.jority of us., ina on ut ia tise chiY, ttto reprtaii a ocrn.vil se htlest bouses tisailever met. Tise votes tise specisi conmitîterotsamwansing 'liWt MlUstood, for Sitr. PLeets motion, 312, againstr colt s o! tise Mittor bue taise n for une mnM3. klit,31q. [n conseuenSceof(vhielsa Lord John - On -mie qestion o! reocisrree me brehe- Y"tle RamseIl alclareel tisi["arliamesat woulel bu lieus, M r. IaiI-tmvt Istls eÉeaCe thw«h isso eà,and auappeal niste c-o tbenein ha put Iis day 6 months. NegatiVu- yeis 30, nosyas3L The msmn mogion 'a tisen tihe euitry.i It vas expctsed ths liase ev 35, nays 81. Pariuttenti would mcet Ieveen tise 2hSffh t 'pu-jasAnîgust anad'lisSeptember next. So atiri i prsent t t e .Unied K L oa spc? MEETINGO REFOitiuLî& S -O rsy eonvulsea 'frnst t - 'm is pobe . AIea Meetng oe! Ihi.Ieu(rmrs of mléCilty ui tre, auj inna masaner flot exjuam] jMriaps, Torsmit, oeve 11, aI'ritsVd2ýMëienflq g um sin.e cbe exciteraent immeduatel seeuding Yengoelteet,oss S.faartyeveaig lIme 8d4el. li. p4 a ofthtie Reform BilL l. eg' mua Ce tain Ecufsa, imiet isCer - appears a ps-ubabiliiy chat lise proe ut'Miata. Tis E ol4e t, et tis èîa avri. z- .ta-y je-I be superseded ; but wisethse ri1 Tb@electofth caotne avneb"uma seeal b Roabemrt pedaI aii bc sauffilientlly îroog lu tise Chairsut I a tuhie co!afeaii n «lise ioîpor- carry on tise govertauveus, i ext;eely prrb-1 tance anti uecesity o! giviagu sons. pWsllie lesti-- lemnu saab. lnteed il is pretty certain tlsat mon, lte * be asduit pilclcondut of atise - - ~ lt 0f Hon. lhbeet Isa*i, lb bis jlie Iîetieesieit frem n linisry vili bue able t lu -nie e tise Eucuivé e ecsissn bis rignaaion ofthe - îy peaceubly and ati nasctorily, uebil tise oùk affie.-e f lci Sbi al I as raîeated A-emada rof tisesgreut boudyofthtie Resolveti, Tht -a !oas-ee'lb u Srîbvitis ms- people be granted. Long iand loua have rane aprepare citset an attirent or a ffiefl betis the eomjalaiats of starvissg tisouasuada;i rsltosexpresivpe etie sentiments a!fte).W tc-le form Bil, altisough heneicial te a cer-1 (arer es Tnoao.la u chualetib iseicfriagtain degree, has niat eonletred urson tise court- ad thal' Me-srq. Beal , M-Lt-Bla"9 , O'lerft, oomsevy,-andu lt».esas, sicftrri al nmu trlydtosir blessin&s jehieh its friends arsîlel. tetreiausi iasug tlune!, pated, adnov, itmay be tisat unleas cseap pombetillthe tolloving resolutiaus, viich Mniseis uh- tie-d andi more exemlttioti from taxations Le niteti crialim itruce uamcuuly adoie.lt. bte ondcr of the day, eveunté asone seronus in 1.-esovet unmotono! Mn. Mie- fllats e-thicir nature tissa any %a-liiehlaveo occui-eti« cosde t M. Dmse-yThali of Sirss i l ite tise memorable dny of Nujsoeon, aili lis. Psty mfo'eiotieue la i t etds. aof.flioW. Tse Wigs ba-eu erttslyfo e t t e ir a i O i*5 i a î l t i tt h e i m i l u x p r e s s t i s i r l d d t h e s e n t i m e n t s , o r sl l e v i a te d t i e fuei rlal,, ! ile iforet public conduticlaoiei1 oof bet B tviEu:.lsnoae,' theaug aamus of thse nation ; tise principles cf c-ha chsampions of tise ivil anti religions lîtertirs cf thse Reform Bibl bava not lieen casries! out; tise peple cf Unitedi Cansîla. - Iiiss ipeople liavo recelib dbut faav immuni- 2.-ltegolvti ais mtotion cs ut M. O'fleimc, se- tics duiag tisea ruigîs of the Whsig Cabinets, conticti h ybM. Sheltian Wsrît, TisaI t e1,iî.anJ, luoultitiha hclm of Slat owvpasIt lns cuad by Mi. Baldwmi i i laIice las Pa- tise hande ofthei tories, fetirs uft t he ssmoi1 hantent, relative ha Subiste tirerneat ri-m office, tremeadouas cnsequences nMayailis renson sets entlrely saiistactany ta tisameelinup ; atiti ufrt e ittaud.NoisuronC ada Ilitit secideti Opiniuon tiaI nmuarse was' opiî la b netiid o so' w.alda bMi. Baldinesmn lionouraisle ant induti-pts.édent Province 100 Fart distant, or hou unimjnust' nan, hat eignatosa. to le influenced bly n change osf Munisteas. 3.-Rnsc!veti, un naiIton of Mr. Calîseaml, su-on- Blut, vitisort an, îaa-e-upposition in the mini- <ed lv, Mn James Atsoi;.- isa iis ttseling ter, as-e arc oft'opiniesnstisat ao goi'ernrneut entirely conene- vils Mr. Beitteanin Oaîi"!"Ian4t i aseti upon the principles oft c-iter tisewhis tb. ne-otiizalon ethtiseprosenIlProvinicial Cai- or th~e tories, aili stand long;tises-emsitaIbc net lu saris a se la nssunsSosAktise j-saul conbcii.mrjuet itence o! Ihe Reformera in StS srmtou attIse atmorec lberal pobacy obse rei oojutc Province,vas a tp isupenmtilvely câliet fut imuise niusut hbc stitedout Iont a lI classsof Uiefna- 1inst cscumtances. titn ; or, as tise causes oft Engtand's present 4.-Peseved, en mottion osf Mr. Beuly, iwrroneudtdililcultiea ailI unul have been seseoet, pi- 1-Y Mr., baamoi, Tisat are cotdialy iptnove of liée verty, wrctciscdness, diaur.aon, andtunanlahn- .-udralc Sd conduttinasl ceeu.- alte- aliai- cd state of society wiu iatvoidably continsse. ment tylh*,Reomuvsof Lover Con.ud.a n n- usncion saitis s pôrùm ai ot thse leeted â6 R-dI#II- Feus theNew YaokBSn. -sain uppercaulta, ww eqpast thatlà15DAYS LATER FROM IENGLANX). uiit, cfliosu m»emnhvt-iun ed-s ad-solisîîi n Tl a ttr have givîtisuhir coin tus4aceup Bsi .1iicltsuc TteBlrarabnnaa ueo. ets Is l'roviailadmistîtrtion as .1 pieseat 1-outiute. Th rtnibigs»Lvpola«aofýe RireI d frhr-Ttsàt copies 0othe clxsetrnuî19(h ut., anti Londona papes btatueevoisg titIs. uor, tlie Kiimtgn ea Cili and ti l0it &ial Tuns. The non-acrival o! tise Bflnaail le ise Caplain Priac euiicli ýtie tMiair, andtitise vs-. ieveqctt, antts çute e ihaîs s! tc cmi>; ai-ug i alts ~Cistît- iely i> StglandiforSertaet,. 55.arivedime tuaî, it a.joewîstd. 9thI, andthie Caledoceia Jolie 14t5. - J. &-S-iScrelary. b A cnmplimsetary ltter te Capt. Cil"eLt i I.ESSLhEfouli tbelut. Fron thlie BSuplernet Ite lise Quset.Gazelletcpublîahed W.a bat ieliing ofthle steanun rPreaiient by nt Kiug.mIt,Jmimy tius4. sus.tissarrivai, alisougis mas, nrepet uf er eoapposet PROVINCE 0f CANADA. saf-ty bave been pubhilhe in lb.e laglisis papers. Beycnd lb.etnrdiluaty eleciion nova, i er. OFFICEz Of'TifrSE SCRUtx-aaor Tilt 'muinvwe, is ver, 1finie intelligeance o! inlerest is ise papora -Kiugstss, 7îis lily, 1841. briugl bthe Britamnia. fis Fxc- aJî.iscv M utai ogmic esaltabas Et.ncsoasMoyalismairsag u Eai-s.-Ibe, tue.t npleasedtalemake dm efotouiu.x- ApPÇ44tises, meetings in laver of Cemmercial Refiarmi ltât vis t- RsealeflseCeca .avsotvhicis seme.bae Thc Honoasle Sir ltes, Stuaci, Baumet.tés bua uat bieunnsentied,ase ta etimostateMuua Depulp Govemef u!tisapart oa! lse rPýiauvleofetpeselilt tfesisl, a pelitic al 1h555m pu-" -Canada, iscouconstiutug the proviace oet alled te t h e b. of e*atie oRuta i il ha"ve eu I.Mav wàud. Cotislau i a rtheIeCouu t b- smidi- R. Sajoheace Es£qairè.e, eSbc qf Rer Unies- siibed force. ami ctivity. . foi il ie i-, Pa jeiesefi-ube Paiand as triity, Mais- e, the repteeof pcceedmgs»aît eeseului .,.. tor tise Oiekt ieutrnle&e1, ua-4hafoeeaaid adepe~d bylare.btodies cf se. guei aeuud l ait o! Cansla itmdddlmuto o b ls@ mi Flui wt Wojg.ýataetF044se.g e i .B-iielur, Pateismetbas »m eIl l ttmci by.Le Ativecats. Allais.,, ~Irttit«, 4% ntout, id V- ueli, lbWee~mating$ have in almesl evctJ le- lien 14 M, ta ocuaum t itice -uti esi abme. ed soeactl of.gt. b.ebaci=esm p 'ut t t.âs4a. '- eichio movemçnt,2 heicig maire et hlm or, Fekx 'fs Dlae sqable iis, dium , e *pebm g meust 14te*s iaplers lvbiss JesepisOctave Rochon, OeWmqh 8l tcon-te l, is. -d [este. ee. tac Noitf1 rfor lbheafarg aidipr fseaY Tst~-Vre.v pie m b sli LncLriU- wemZ.i il- -la bay M be ju5pbu dsp» ,ta-- -di - Smm* lâtaalc 's 7tir matq h84adopa@@ Kindie h 4 6 â whs d tat. - *& i l e Il. ucu.acc amt cve%;a esa.ba i asi iesù tve e lttii arkg i e n pi--:u'd'u'a~pmu -a,' Al.- E'uuaIf~t ~sut. in crnumemoràtmof th ise~t@ (sf Waten-i i Tb b nwié Pdt"Wl ea -COU makn ey .0 't eact HPu' er neiaIg reess, ail. naet sai, ty ot ocrta in terat tc ouln;Ab-notea bi idr d*y est vislclu Paartiesti - vlbeionlI blu i.,l elogl eeseteIte*(tiaPallieeliim isaobr e u trsieo at r b oe tiii ieW "" gtJe PrtIet, , at ui u a eit. n f £DE.114.Hugny asbee ~ mee viliroeoety i inlbae moran tl reproIinc f td isttl(in duoi. STac80Xes..-Ne cisanges wiii bu made etah, iseninues lu vielti, a vie>' buneficiaèl influence O-te boasiofet£dutal c At ru naeena!ofthe Pan5 bisn'msanmd ?sisopç, p-tnt inet'utr foeigs fegititons. TtcKing, visa ttaogbcut te visadideost"t % Chu cvenr ArliCs e î tt blcli et Lem!'etls, ils'tiwc de-i hat the immt- r~hu.m ltrea-ly rpait! -t scf isa ciitl iit tise £f,5m 5iog rff-rte t Cne hutpprtn :tRte ithat .ie mrat l P r Jict7sa.5- h' I .~e oeroeffOF moeommM eW I uom Poe9 I eamm IWo em Amly ,1 C m s. Co.T~ THE KLANSIO0N IIE[t{ÂED-1-UES.AY, 1il J:lA i, 14 tue, l oie evei~l th e lle of Wellington give 1itecrection of hmshopiu avas nuce bobe sired due on Ille drt of the Criluset Treilsuiv, %vil! lira- ing o Tcia .ve i tis aunuaî twaeot. in New Braw*kick, am ' t uther dependencies of bably sùakp n,î il, the Saiee mai7 net th; dicierIc5 roled uhsles g tV E)f Fratlc, B ritishdî Ambassaeor lit the Court Gréat Brihitht rn lu- qune- dpl 1iee - ucs AlýwmsIv4 b ofFice, un ceotpejiia u tareJinquish lit ia rusifiumu lt AdiraiuEir brailler diwith 'tifh. )i - cîy '-aoea big office »ralyoatit ot iel reaith. ei Lord ol Ubusan for nobsîdy double thal the next rmet will vote ail Week, iàke 63 aw aîenibes Lord Ponee.by'eidepaitui fimemContantine I eb, l, la teoiseappelalattiste lucrative these r-ppnses. Tilt SIrînth Crf the soý t tj for Engluand, ba u ,On accrumit of lb. command ,ot.Ftyamtbh)ok-yard. K . . Jonc 4.-Ilt h nuw said thitit fie question of the .he eierhave ." rierions stile o(afirs iailaýai fie0-10- Major Geêeal Suir gl Gôol . . . asdissolution of ie D.et bas neot been brought for- etc55,1,,5ie man emeirtebien aapp"W ed osmaufnd-ln.Chiet of the Cein-. adin theCorcil of 'Blute. If on li eaubly ryrat it t e th Thse 'Tmone.Oburvt r sy, isai tthe vrl au- panv's forcing in thse Madras establshment. lake 1îa e l lthof Iilestmordît. gn 9î bta e an ,tî putietevntof ber Sajesty s accouchmest wsay Tise marriage of Lord John Rueseil and Lady TtKXEY.stGYPTAXDSYRIA. 0f aurlaîresand sn be ezpectad et ta encdtiof Séptemuber, ut eaely in Fanay Elliut vi bc soieminized towards thse close Tn ae rm oaartrpeacl G h avin,ý t'trohr h! aehe.1 th munhofctbe.of the euscing mantb. ' jAffiaira ai! irem.rill inian tunseftird state. affihe OCIîY. Thse Hon. 'Fox Meule wiii succeed Mt. Shiel Srg.alia ParsIDKNT.--O lihe 10th uit., iliseh.Tie Portel, ii order ta aliruy lthe rritalîun in lise as -Vice-Presidasî of the Bord of Trade. The House of Lards in ansiver lu a question from Via- Provinces of Adiianople. 'bilistria, naud Mollablie . ofiSce of-Under Secrelary of State for the Honte coulSirangford, relative la thel Presidentasteam- bad eemovetl thcir Governtia 5.1appotl îlIlafii; bns:IzLL~îî Department aili be illed by Lord ?5eymur, n0W e,lthe Eard of Minto saida report was rirculated Pacha, Nouti Effeîsdi, and Beacbiil Effeadi ta soie. violent an, d ti Secrets:, ta theBoard ofCmr,îol. in the murvapapera si hich vil cahiutlîd ise frared, ci cd lhem. ise oeahall scherifi, wiih thel île Cxprcnccj in":~ Tise London Sua, in apeakin; of the baukruplcy til mise fallatious bolles. IU vas stated tisaI a concetsions made ta the Viceroy at'sho a -,estion inprînfî- of Messrs. Cockburn'& Co.,sys:41 fit lastatutd la-rge steamer hall been acco, in iistre&asin Sti.of ahe Four Pailette, lgnwa bc eforsaerded t l ed Ga,,so i.' ins wel.informed quarterg, litI Meuor.. Coctura Georgesa Cbannel. lu comsrqueoce, lise Admir. iandria before tise end of Moly. the 'îîhî :n'. 1:Conp pii'11 & Co. vli uitim.toly pay iheir deuîs in fu. at Plymsotb bail ben ordered lo dcspatl a %etin- The news frtr theIliovince becomnes ca-rs day I ea, cd Tisey live about £25Q,00, andI bave £8%,000 due et <as coold be easily doate) ta ascestôao uther more alarming. The, insurrectioneory moements filiLeii i uuiiiiu cnl ta them lin Sydney alune; vl"cre,huiotever, [loin there vas any ifoondalion for flice repot. lie vans l ugaimwretereutfanxesvecait.l ueco lias th tise recent iseavy faileres, fellaer tirat hey viii sony, aithtie saine limne, ta say tisatlha dit! wit rary iu aillite Tuekis Eurapean prôtinc.s,leisicb not realize ani tbiogýlike tête full mnumin." place confidence ie il. lHe iad sao reasontobe- premaîurely deciarad ibel! in coiliseitîenre o e ehi.<liS hr ssc i Asey'ls l Amphisihc*re wu, wbii de- levu.ftlet it vos weli fouandid. la bit ' o n it acta of violence committed hy the Aibanians a( fu>rcar trocs fuilefîeiîî stroyed by ire-on-tise mrigfli t i A ores oui of thosae îux andi mal iscompreLasbie Niais. Tranquiiity vas fat troanbemu re-estais- and lte gratin and rr feuale inlise service cf M&. pueraisttber lifte. allumps to faike alvautage ofthlie tempoaery borte lishmd. Aibautan desterters contanuîed te overriu cd dow uu tu Ille caria 'lho vauable alutI of bousles i'i&r-ed fevereiy, but -mhicis u"c a report watt calculatea Iot excite in lise tise uuigisiothood of Rouitclsoîk, committiuglte 110 resrnsl~cto!î arle eul 3pî.ied osa g nwoteeiis nymnt greateal exceases. The samen scenes bave occurred nîulished il, an iînstt of lise ire. Tisesmoniderlugremdins et ume oL il la anlllcient here la say tisai railta the day cf ai Trebizond, wisere tise population, con.-msing of and yîlgturLes "itlu flie fireworits used la lise coorse 6dtie purfoman- ,thse depatture of fise 1Britannia freon Liverpool, no0 Cbs4tiaess, Turks and ti a-v, immediaici, avent tîteir lendsIndre .: d - i en, itis slsppmsd vasis e cause of Ibis calainlty. sccaul bWdbasa roceiveti reipectireg, th. saly of ever ltiste Ruasian lerritarry, visere tisey were pro.-themcaetii Il . Nearly mree huadreti persoqpamare hrovn oe t lsePtsident. la unt opinion Ihe lait tîy of tope videdtillà noesey, andi prouied exeoplion fro'n e9I W i), tel. are empioy by ise destrusction 4f tis elte. Ur. lin bler afely la exlsn.-uisied.-[Edo. s4n4 taxes fair 10 jeana. Mr. ReuheutSpoîpc Ducrow was iasureti fur oaiy £»0. The toia Lete (rom lthe Passeagers on bsoard the sleaubaip 'la Syria troubles have aiso brokrn out. sud sonne 41 Cuirnrel cult îRf thiut I dammage la ustimatei ai £112/lOB.Several eofIseo Ums.rusa, te Capt.,1.1B. Clelanil. Titsh troupe bave lie. .Iiv.« Ib.k b7 îLe hua ite to rn bewdl b Usail baea sdieing tisa Asty's ser.re m îe Dm-ffy-., ulierer.otut itail simiîen fil !n',h lus lajuseti. A belletiseatre l is cereecltdina- i e, mthe sasterignet pastengers on hsourd ise la . rete lise insurrection is comrplelte, raisiug re- uMeley. Meutai, un lier prescat voyage fromu BoÊtstlacmnalu, dislfsbuting arma, andi furnasing men Sianeôus Rietn astNoTrratitus-TAe ia this pont, rotracketiby tluuciing tise rockus on en- Ibrougis tile Arcbillelage. 3ammoui:sl:x tLtî,., 7t5U&dow.-.[From tiseCarrespondant cf tise Loin- tering Ha ifax battueril a fog visile ln charge of a STATE OF' TIADEL We are iidle., n(li don Glébie.1- pilot, have muci pissar n tes etifying lu jeter relath x,, e U-d. riE )rssfor !e s NoTmrxaa, Tinianigist. cooloess, decision andi inlrepidily is tise bout f MUIMTP-lr a be araitcoeoit uru sd MI la"aaCcoqunt telithe elecelon iite b Monday danger, ta jour gencral assitiuity anti attention ta .ceaTa-lou a ir afl m uicoaou ,ns!ý. ; nigisi, wvie Sir John Habitueeou Mr. Lat-. thsechâlies cf jour station ami uniformu courtesy and cf bils es dune tinrinz bine isat verts, bath la parti vers staiedta lubu is Nottinghsama asi atdreas.urisaiiy. ouaat an;ts ltc tvahla rnl ag tise eeclos.Tise iighs .1510 f eeilug-vhicb Ai atôlisesaôf lise iig i eeimalion in viuichis e ender prices somnevisalt more stfady lisa hetre, Emîiîîr exista oras evioceti ou N orgiay night,,when tise' siin sasaa niagnlmn v but arilisut causing any attiane. Tise improve- YellovlAge vreltt-up by-the Blttes, sied Mr. yonracce$tanca cf lise accbmpaoping gold Chro- ment vvuit probabiy haveIniten tmore îstketihall% Majoriuy fo~r -ii 1:: -Larpeat biemselfttei as bu vas psroceudng le eometor, value £100,ýwlth jour cordial visses for it saut been checked bv an extensive tailuàre ini tis e lV tsavilice lel-i rîtil bis bote]. :0. Tuesdtie 'Bu lgs oa r e os f jour %ralis-aod prmsperity. spining busmaes, arii fcilekplace lil the lait- r leecd oI;aInurî! CI flt in~ holà parties ver. out, seihomne conllicts cfas mont Jbiss< Bhhop of Charleston, end cf last week, endi las causeti a good ideat of te- - ini) u htii]éc!,rs,. sericus -nature ensueti. Many verte suverdy les- TISEHo uit.Il NALs. Me, grui atinairrisenmo joratiaisd several stilsed timsina tise connatel- W. S. SiTw., LOoirrsose T R aDE-isepublie sales of Tes ta r S~G Towards etrening it vas levidunt fta oemis- T. H. Bo»muzd, -duciareti for Ibis ds>,-ocnjutesending aboot 13,000----«I chief woulti be doneclisa im alsusdy beue. Tise L. H. SàAUNEL, packages, have been :poalponeti'ill tihe 22d i mt., Alihotigli UIll foret>a,,i~Il firt dmotràio oft as enit hi lus, rh CosTVo2",tise narket lias asamîmeti a mer.(? eady oppeara. ce, indeced ulàiil a vraier u~i ' , vils a shuver cf simste msussaet ilite vieildrese cf Cmsme siusifo iepse r. but la far frouesactive. BI* ck Touas re là slei.most tuf thse Ismrv5t î%vas g(1iîu , ri, t tisuReViv ollccise adial pper.<lis bas We tisee nuaaraige othavia mbseti feli-requelit, and these bi.ing'Iprrnvhlgra eltîiyarucreiifii, vas immediately appreisendetid iefolsisfat, tvsre cobseelently nn on huard ls'Ela do4lsritiahs areisut-iltîlie laquired ; fltr, but vu eff'ecîcd an flttouîiýdnîu', e lise set cf trovsagng uimmense iedgesge rfisevhértîthe acelet above iefredti e oceenred ; bi c an;oliuote apy mits-rial change lanthein vaine. , iiiir, a ntimdconvreved te tisePoile. OE1ce. Ts' leý afz m~ei~im f'Sevetal breaks cf Couteau bougi t atise publieapearate llu ie ciT1u5s.i , evindélirrinte Wilmes, t ut'fsale -oitTisuesday anti Fiiay lest, bave beles dis-.ontmàki i lsis isiearly inthe,îL Reviev anti Journal oEie. ven ivre t ertod by ockaovledgdsearof Captain Cletansa uniforunti t falbu b aeeaah-eîtsra.Ts 10kfrsurtiigieraî~ eacb party vus soteliieg s haalusadubaiyat ttnin 0tiecufî c i s osî boint cfheirat sai ,e etTet fr cmma Cngfn s sTc ica frtDnt acuuîrare visetever lbe Police appositisuy vers itait engen--endi of bis unrumitlosg care andi ssidaity ai ointe.of 12 mrkto forid.c mmh. Cri ule (lIcn r )tictiîîle asV samefntiy baren. Thé bKayac'.vieilovaiualure i1 hie diacisarge o! bis attisons dulius, as tise cons- ab omUnp12 anys Uogo Id. Ie pcca cash.rtn, yIoka aDilict tlilI.,1iri tise liat Neeen, and lise7voes asied bu lise mander cf Ibis fllei.vessel. cI par oscu utEffl pclt.o isrl looswil,ît teil' Tre.I en10o .lcetagâ,and "ihevil J AVT I rGeeal îbiatfleH. arretton, anud theise ll.telis. Iti. i)er lbt. cash. lîay naili bc Thc rUtiThe Tories. Il bMajr 1 10neo'c, cOnbeI afofthH - -[ercantile JoumaIlne 7.JI - menced there about eire Sth ire fore. big entirely oiraont, «orties. euiven laies CALTES, liftez pasciges. Coloniaîl Market.-Thse marketi dull and pri-ta for tise militaiytlalie calle t . The 3d Dra.oons TUOssAS SIOs.soa, vîtely 11111e bsines as donte. Tise publie sales anivet in-lafuit led, and lhe retus ver. mume- On boardi the sten i sip Praliais, of-Livt rpool, vrNe fmsi oet at ictofqity Ve lbartiby the Ilaniits J bdis ndeît -ole nti ltmgea a ti tbe lusudh IM . " xPrêeian ver. hlargu pportei. Express of the llîh i:st., titi isuimfigs ntipatollt lse lva il igit, ntiFIUNCETraa Mak-Tise maarkset for Fre Trade vus poor nigraunts vio lately sîsf qule etrldistorisseces. Tise magigîraies on Thea neyas frocs, France posestus very 1111e la- doita anti former raIes - weru bstcly suppurleti. pae ldn ocat fa bica of bonds anti&.-a eantideelareti tislocd Iatise ChintmersfetPer: an amuntimenl on a lier Company's CoagonutliItaI2î. Ot. la. 2d. cash. left for the States. They saitiM fermeacul li founti assemblirug. Six un eigist pet- of reaulaitlmmnt vas carnet lan apite o! Martsal - MONEY MARKIETS. nish tei go-but whac.'osi uy sons bave beem commilledte jail for Immullume us t% entreillies. Lotimoas EvTocr ExcrsasGec.-Ile businesufthtie wcre stot wîilliiîg ta stan-e. 76 assemblage anti bmeking viestios, anti vanais Tise Recritment Bili, vil cborad occasioneti a wuek bas beun upoin the usually limiteti scule, ant i iducinge ayprnst are i-sceti against colley more. Tise awn vas la Ministeîial crMas, vu as ihrawn. tisefluctuations ufthtie Euglàsh Funtis bas taien gs aypnosu a e opltaUteofo!nul on Wetioesday, and ti lvs Macuhal Suit, lin coraequence cf ill tillt,ne- quite unimputtamt. otetti ro Ilifo tbir tebcmn veyaymr scrcel safe tor an, respsectable peison tau valk tireti ta tisa coaustry but continueti bis tinies by Spectaf or, Jeune 12.] bcmn vr a oeapjaam abronadi. vana cf estafettes. At lise last date bc bat just dgIt il; aearccly possible mu coacéive lie existence ---- e ,PAIUANENTatrNuws.-Où thé auorniag o! ittumed tel ~bis put. . o a moe estagnant @talecof tiletslon e isi t prisent fil vas teporleti in tow esterilty JJspa the.Mthlie admured tiébate cf Sir Robent « Fguzcit Anaa-A lutter tram AI lrsofMa p thae lsevole o! lb. St 01&1Ijarkeî,i ant iIf Mr. Dunlieblhe, Uhe mciucher feri8 Peips vint ut confidencemillts ubsusglst lI daatuo r etseas tlga'i esaeuaa eaylesg ee ant&a t a -,, aI led ont an individual eameu Tit el, ant i eben ftise Honse "W tliserlaree812 tisi Abd-el-JCadcIad nai sul ist imain loiciel; rja'ia ilmalle electaiy do qlien Uic excite- pertstle b eber etof1h:elHs for t ise ation anmi311 !<n4 IL. Maonilv 4ws-ve ag, probaily, tIsaI eees1Biipid meat evoty viser. apparent aed l ildatb. anti tisaItliselatter roade ahumbe againt malisters 1. vociti laet.'oad o! isth efle les 'bere in 135 efloc A hi rryle,e «'nguere s5.iquediu p ciflousAs.lis ssèretylorrys cprath5mkeuaDe Matday,Joune 7tis.Lw.d John Russell mo--i tihe Finit laiti ansambescade lfor Goterîl Trezl; tias, visetiser peculatively laclineti or nt, los etihet tsiIi. lhite thel.day for lise cousmittee uf supply,l but lb. expuedillon isviag taksentanuter retonieapreatient ring-,eileingone o! mare tan-etAiaary m aclinotice etthe tyretch, 8tb. Pprs1 aud acnnnee th ie intention o! Govrernaient ta Emir toliovedthelb.movement o! Geel Bugeaudi in iprtace, tise mlexperiencet .dealers conli- ougitsa îobave beeca a sou is abantitn for tise session,, tiseir proposied cortmimille lte Wcst. Tiio o! bis Kalifas, Ben Hamedy anti deui epresfise belle[filial, as tise rrincdvail of M,.D.'s shoeblacis. Ts.rcotteistii un tis entrsLtesv. Ben-Ttiamy,lat tise iel of 5,000 cavalry, 2,00 tihetrolley requiret far tiseeveral cantesttuas ai- bu be nalicetib ,sa getlea.[n. Lord John kRuseSstatudtbttisihe course telicisrgua lf nryamd a large numiser ot Kabyles, tuaiytbensa ititvirvltrameis e markselt here aaill Vccan aioz, tiî!uîteII Govemament snlemdedtoputîsue wssliatîvici iatiba efi..; jucla Anoter Kalit,loSidi-Em- bu no material loeese ia business orai- L tuations 1 .3ntawr irulil bue. toptti onaisedeats ut aag illim, tie breck vbudaira.cd gouard bal conte op viti la value fl]iitise, are concludet. AI le et if flue- ittserea otauidtii?,'h vouiti tailiuhir estimales 001, for six monîba, lb. Frenchsut Metier or Mediaiser, vans put 10 tuation shotîlil occur, îbey only mlao toecanse %Vc are crcdihly infuirinseilrLrri calcnlalet i(ns is ie beginain oet April. Ho sait figlit by a discisarge o! artliery. as likely ta produce il, visicis vauld ho aittavorable as was tie memoriliîe nit iraitý tistai aler tise laIe division tise counry itseif os mN uvIara- eithiîr fiocm China on tise E-ual India pres-anilka may decide tise important question ovti peusding ; tisat i Manaso JuNç 9.-Tse Minister, insteati offr.- denetes. Morley la easy at 4 ta 5 pet cent, asve ad ieagreat mn thliri tiW lise presunt sessionu abouti be voatinp as speedilY senting th. prjet of aaisntise Ayumtaaaientos . lti e etiday, anti te h iere is 11111e husiness licinuts tory editors prupa-gate ti as possible, ant illtisa 6e new Parliamut sisoutibu isunansetia nev Commission, compsait od f Unl- ln tise munirlslikuly ho reoansa, altou is il dice oul'rcfrercr, ithout ttth sumnmonied vitsomt dlay anss1t eis. Ibis flu'.Mclhn< as lisougisilunotimpossible tisilarge operationu might ocr-a- dationu. Tuen eders of thre Ili Tssu'so),à, Jui 8. ttseRui Lrs i taIMatridbt 5a ie et. on ti 1. ery' uttIe sien a tomparary scarcll.y." atb 1 iergad i cota lavquestion vas ragain mcdetall$ tmciUd busiaus tinc et tise Boisag.Acteece vas l291M. [Time', I7th tilt. v~-om ileo iergsîf -tseir Lortasips concut kesp tteir anise of lilPlana vere *#ill Isiked éter essl mont, for ira- ciThse mercantile adaices tial uArnierca lai apýtos-eott i eýi(e1-11 -andthie occasion vas reailled ctefi s rable fil qmediate WB" a btt "ing vacosuelud. appear ta havectiven, an fle visol-, mort- a f aîic- îîcy ber trutît. tiese r-appeariance ud Lord Ibroughisssiffler a lcM. Tise riegeliatiots beveen Sursy Ruil ant ficsetioa ta tise tadersa inte Cilety ouectetl aitti t -- absence on ise contineit, wb.eadtulsand tioin Mdli aiai frean aivance o onuu, are country ; antielle regards oum Bitisis Nortît Amsuri- Ve bfg [0t liteir murresIujft': are tisas deacribeti b7 bbc Spectaton- Iougslta h elleanallongetiser istkea off. cau posseions, bbc strong ile o!f-nigration ilsat ras" forlits valhille art de lut Cisac Tiese imiden miesglng oftiso ean emphtaic The. Infaite Don Francisco de Paula la net ta bas selinlaripn itemrasenasata augi-r aveUi "r their Educatiuet. Tht su ljeit s actaIàla viica ai Brouagham vs e s.ri geatile tisptatioas proceei ta Madridi. futusre proaperity. oSn11îut ut alt paueetuutisi.a potuued a startling- effect. Il vas the aaritioa Tise tari question vas ta bc discussed Fly tise [ult l. sc lfl eieo scgt:0 ut a practlised ti de at iia bisslow t tt e vital Chamher of Du1uties on the 91is. Taux FuNSe.-12 o'clock, Istt sJclnr.--Cansr15( a ul t nferils disttue ion-the sitiud part,-i antri :knhume aI once anti vitisouLefort. It vas believet islise Regent avachi, agreeably opeard 1hbis înorning at the saune quota F¶ins as tht-y is elr,-tnely3isssenable. Weholttp Lrd Brougîsans strippedthe lise ofbeth!le adyca. ta teintient usagesoflthe lK'ngsof Spain, presitie lefI off, 89 1-8; Excbequer IBills 5 6 preur.; hue rcnrrespemdet sgain. ttillos accessores vii wiiichi il ati ieen ercum- aitie procesision of Corpsus Chsrist i. Stock, 167 169 ; India Baudts, 1 di-., i preui.tiun.nu----- bret. IHo placet!itilon flise nasasailable bisis of PORTUGAL. Ilaif PI ' (>sîe. F1i" justice anti expetiiont>. lie terie bis isearers LiBaox.-Atsotiser Mîni-lerial cisis bslicoecur- Botî lte Fisnilà andl coîmercislal lairs coninuerFtusIr~Cst ft heani thsequestion bhitibela urget i n tbem na aced at Liison, on vsicistise Opposition vas lOnan. 1tiste pri-sia-t heur of wrting, arlîchis lcausi Mi.Eisr ,I as eii IUtih petit ufompaalie caes ;nt ov luastise ne- cially deiestet ty 45 volresta 38. But anaîher the approsclîimg eltctios, as ao> tiicclstions- i petuieu tise faowiu aaiî cessary consequence o! their re!usiag tu enlertain question isat arisca of mare serions cisaracter, la Se miîdsraken vil iln chancer of succebs outil th liai.' filru8aue bOil seut, i'S k lses, ist t vs owforia ilel uon isirconsequence o!flte Finance M inister, Baron To--tfrmoit is rver. tAhue irst l firl, the! thtili i stoticels is e clameur of agitatiusn, aI a aiaent gai, baviag refused le agnee ta certain prejecis o! PASSICNGEIIS 'A tint or é iri otîlrlse tr.rIb' mltesnlise ieseciai sneconoaicai condition o!fise tisetS.ecal Plaine Commiltee e îu. is countr renteil immetiate action unavoidtslel. The i tMentiesoctssioned hy Iisistae ofttings For Haliax-%Ir. Fonsytis, lady, 3servants ad anJ Proint eplCîî'- Y Lordl Broughsams balltalion sceecsion Mflise coïcieming viltte disputa about bthe organization 3eb lut tisesBClbakmis, eT irisl.an luat,'n c t-istieiat iiî.se0lu quetioa ufthlie day la tht Hrniae of Lords. vcN ! e atinl atain, iaitehtsemnI s u cblte, I 'of o Me.Tiiitgatiina' rreet.s.il aesto a cliit 4 f t e indiscriminate cusiogisle, vo bave somtetimea tendîer tseir moignallons. Tise Queenlsent furthtie Rev. il. J. Sieigist, R. N. Mesis. .1. Frazr, bWe..H.J .Bytgs ict r s' t ime h ie ,.g io! iti tuuce dsui rie b beenfli sharp censres cf Lord Brougisams; but Duke osf Pemsie Forsytse', R. Bendlshe anti N. Benilysise, Col. "t" jlîi u11-ia m the udli lents amndijustice couipl pralse fsons lips nuiseti le JTALY. Butler, Cafit. West. cfini as ~~ tmtl sofijct lu10jouribestarl i0yi~t iigh clati of intellectrai i pbicfie R bWis - undrtl.Ion i ytowier.!lii0 lu ptsîc lie. u ~ mades aaseet3,00,000 oficlcaus, wisicis lie vant, Misa M. S. Coolidige, Mis> Owen, Mus i mou'ane5Olafonti 7 f il~ in bis lime dace service la lise causse ofratioual guotinaient reqnrdtiin octer ta anfile âicilian ef. Borie, Melssrs. J. Roborriaon, J. Sultzen, J. Bioaire, ca-omrslbls o eonie ig il gcmmer nt teîlis neoec but hblmsltcoutl! bave faims A. J. C pliant, J. MeWrs.toms, F. S. Caulitige, Ba- inipsulsooreui iitie tiW s ib. bas at limuelspefilUetia iigisreptaticun A Nailles ler, May 23,sasys ;-Tse Hu. Mr. batl, A. G. Beniager, Kentgen, È. IBlanchardtinlao ail, a trusure avbat iait e "'ali a atoaneals i lu 4ih-aejia robut astigo- empde"vus cecasied ilus imigcg tise lreaty of Hoidelsoper, ÇChurchill, J. Wilcon, Lt. Piackley, i wi ot dinace jela c muisa cuull have imtmeml 4vittouI ltterant ilare ecimerce biseen Enelsnt se] Naijles lu ana - U0S. N., Wm. Battomis y, E. FH. Beatibur ,W.HI-.! yviedfdN ho li opo5l. ýg.Mtbemhlr 1 ,mud l huhrste5$94 is , Be attu 'àh geml uSIave ai, etaist ueu stvlà at lbth e, I 5f- lahohua 1t l nmaa>,V saeeiti iswe pi In. MaStS s isyus e te, soeie-ypi le 'tt<5 poWt utgp àyset ~Z isso e of il cote ie t sai 1, 'S t h um e t r. On ai 1teil 0scea aa cas sm linu tu,utC-4 as ît l teuu lt> voss àattuil t gti litr a Éat prue tise Il aie '>il forou in amishu mn oideda Wlîis et el.,rC r crit II tils r. aimS ais, o tiunett ach demcv àl~t an a sge ; uittes 1 lti c.ia l iesla outy, 1m Cer l ensta ..Maî, 01ieà stapei, Uecog30rY1as e!udigt'i. i nue, alin t emifous ne siri, I -aI r retn for lb.toelov distau n raties mas ion, btI -eis te ce of, rm v tfin t 1thu rît tise*ol fr tm, vs i e, i8i> -ety prio ae svi stlfmne atn he Csnier iaersds sindCs urlqcesti cual iiigtvnoibmi dIb lt ~ ecaers cfh .I1 wh cthe hcn[ Idioattee a ste plat e-r ItiaI iti i. avl oh or have ildofila a irn aIle tîîy bie , frdta uchîrn .hte t ifsinsua1f a dctitcherrrafer ia ae linte- atngatest trce sconraicoen mllenr in centomiltia if the I uslulinait reoi, asm o!h s as, Ioe ti hoeii buimaie dcui s-Ommi etc! i Patysivdmusliia 'u ie liaislihi b al% p1âui MS liteeiaii iaa tle 11-t ie th y I foîr talsc tua allu .i;anu of- t a .utre yý l is triasu ie iuth uh; taheroînt tes us uie e ar I es.lAsr Merevrul lu ds efI ai au tel> h( Csu taIe see of ef lui nhid sel aias its ne SltWil tuisa tohi e-lit ar r la nieahI m d te aintttiffti] I l Ciii i tI tilulte ili F-15~ te uaIi il mrîcm ti hitaii rutdastisti 01",( nadken!h ialli lie ssieccat;ily týill t Bel i ae cri %dais plliiom ttîs5m5tain iniour ,ý- i Aga oreil ' let coge'.vAim Ler1lintsi;,'el!su-for' Oiltter olialdu> 1,depri,,theim o! a l 51ýd ittintuun i Idhat siedn Ion ti Atc tiâe btptie il Mo itise vas munt aeily be*,lieetislate 1 5n fu Si, d1i YOltits t i lice fes, 1 ateseeute t7 5 o l i t ..ileln e ii . r te( riaet- 1 --m à" 1,,j

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