Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 6 Jul 1841, p. 2

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r a crelaL% nuiiher et lapors adich cou debasle asufat leus objo*oesahle. K irdécare!sthat the.19 -une of Awmhly if Upper Cafaç)lu ai-b.d seoreateouble it ter- tolta aid publishers thonu rley bad with ailthiec lis ebodies eosghl .avelie contacto f a1aeees-, st'y p11.end:turei, but il lvo'sld bat tim n mel4s'a whmn l1wy sautap*ctice o r s kJad antràkid iý litiEgadfor es te adopt il here.. ?4t. Dmaàtîmn ali1hthe on. gentleimenMU ler.' coII.c&tlle very greet dti isice th ' 1s iieeemia .thés cieumuàuacetoaIEngl-fddiad c t ititntry. cmristug mmt thauthe erdigsry Min Pétant pet- roDage vas necessrybefte f bee e fft-me t Vte tbftCIitetioO W è: utrgg. 1iuebate o ftw1i étage of ÀAuembZ. $iFAEALLAU -la~iuoe uge4pinu i thalrsodsae thse uncesit> oýf atoptl7ngâ,sose.fflsure for tise eufcc'resn.s ni ofgiv,'irAe dcbàtes or hh~b#o lotsc~jubIIC 'avalthe dty of lion.. W e*P-temoreivs in'-cose correpm-i 4esee1 1*~ir icetituejite;.VIfIlwere sWrcngý '*0s1c f oded-eoiwltwere qi lywroug te oede tAvé. - i Tii. notion vas Ïatect.. ' KXPLMSATION OF MIL RÂLDW1N. B r ALDW.111saitisat afterthe d igiaimer, on lb. part Vf (the hon. and lear.sed -gentionian -fptn iJaU< r. Dt) of uay desiii- te--*oondtis. f.-tip, e a»bou4d low hcUeve liat th llJMê.aAlsaroed menube: ba -cas. ntmen- li%,ud hio slamldtisreicago -Iront -fuse1e,. "b tjçh It but n d earned brstlégi frpert P apply obïlas.in tisi:resfl<c'sê4 Pr- ligue fliotnadnfrignt. ha perbon. MeasaesLias.. »d lmesrneuber tlsI b. lbad ~t gt o qçO 'Wle -igi 110no-éther or oraalnsCid. vils& te1 on. be, icébÏwt orgw hov iyamr, forgt- bdiho. aïd learoci entem as- refe ra 1h pot onofbenof f tbicepi adi. iTékai ud iea bh oaanit. e âàieaun aignedth datas viuch b. Ii. censtry iletaif esn acpei. el0i.altegeiar amun .TIof h hsad cTh lbnisudev.rnemgentlasonbéai peut dilicn't ui tirsotecl lhoiMr. B.)iai nt etprhensio t as le ish th2ied leaniue d aseefaitrferin théa C ino faoneaoupossibltadroinistat ifonssdtlte l t i ay.1tisa nbleLd bo i l he-HtaId ti ,9isiuhsl«metuathé eu.ItoUb. ern.eu tiota, et tbieouun hé Ucoultr i tsetlu 1h E inaecu- sire oSk i, b. a mlead Tost of thoe blico qeusthe pe oneaicrait caterny pad iebrs. ilico. adhi eau aît for tses as ei jaisset e<bensg caiua d upo 10 ti a e t ai -<uhcbvamooiots .be admaieft ls andmita a- *d mIad te abpsble tUouhmg 4harov icihgo-i .Oiell > selusedntbleelordilho muat f cowrmiava imdu4.<.itoaCin l ia v b ch bai il ys me etasU"viawu alputéonsentuin havE bee IS 0 iii ov sehéwudirey oetof mphms e puli çm ommd the oiared gentean md appittoî i-h u.w oe-d.ueed hi. f or tg ceaedip bat u,4"it'sw iesdionceHd hm o n et ey- isaaacorafble ing oll mbrson to tacrtàIs et béaemem» md e ac t t a n - fCor biauve te« éveil ucis o ave bueau oniotv cf lueie m el.ulib" t to ancarrangeetoW or Ib. Um4e Povhitg vis. tblê vlano steasmcf USOaimag111 omt oldavhbpo ta, tataÀd-n it- Iece uigbet alat e ad beinbi en s.p 'asedtvWdeè i eorg buoi ctedova e hvtel ise office dvnon h. ble aaa illtertyami, tb. oe ifueisolty (ecuacion. irai lieui"sk, en ite asi aru fie effuttc us U ean aI suiffi lsiime? otélrie-nc-oritne tO pilei veat taeuosuSny 80-ins g iainie " ias ou te mdaomis the v# ofaald uqes.- temalyav el ici i. 9tse *minis élct ilon rthe <VeaI questisa M esponsibîs Geo ean oif 8-deàe mi li5ai eetled «e qi(6 11 seui Uesncheri t n ahs . onnecl clis hum tbleofrnewhliaIt-hha prini-iil l i i-9 M y ttiaed1 islaIm tonsi îlegg.bqje oeýi-yar s have ootssI teal. clthe areditsst mulats . Il Wiibat,. i*I aie êrUIbaeien, sds a tep-orL lad Loue liec cuion lime wa bihécouret ac-. 2epl lie sea d t ombich h eiufth Ioul n esesit bai aîcii hinemusinib:o vepn theua cee- esil. hi.espibl ov oltiaione ins bla. oe le, ien no mahch or< wt e. epeet le thonb lopinion ts rne or thecaie, mJetie t e dMthae <iveumanl tarths b.otemethn ic a théucovn riat*cofdemi- ph;mt aga.m itt hâ tbslebati knoffie otîinsth- le ei fsIl av o fbias pintha-.noiMeta Éba vasofoitwscai cn ooldcesu erttin.b . en- Ileuo. Tsa w s heforel pubIc, mm ha der. sd eaieethemresnc osie Canada Is is itdm "le ie Urne. h a se.tiaite at in cese Loctiv ccuincfliairs aprovinCe, va tmernt eto llgioisthe ao ofte Cofhen in th iaitsu old lobhweth peliti -l a cf Îla hodonsans edne,uaher "Word i.thTe fpod-1 lass oininseltebasngei tior nieua DOMM* Had f teGse bie .1.111 bplths eD biiuld a b d ot eesati.fasaiti tof ai O» n Oginlbinaeue ya lvaen loffice viina m tle tis. hem is efe th rafl, cad ep-n 6". "ul abA-detlseen Ms tasiç.er aad Wi. a, th Uioe ud ie trluêk te s cf i tboddXid den il ofernnited al4hinec wI,!p mle i ueilng Iii tirnote nam1 lie l dbév etomber andii. li ainatha blddesatyees Heai 0f i Gcs ignons seplyteàliI oe c abdMolv in r e the fflesomisaud b :-then aad upon te mame i Baj1 shlbat bpissdit iiat osspsed z. iveiy .ftu-cIa d-f aomrshasgovarasmnth- anal I have shrdr eeli on i aie *0 ua no Ui~wilb rosar iln sot akats i~th ber, bu Bier. iii . .0nocssit forthi bialg ...lumadatuy ad i sau-.mmiin -seqiîd- bm unwpm y m bue"m fa me 98" of the oew Lyioliq0mo Wùtb. __ -" . 0 thst *me %mois] tbe QÙOMdb m foi, ______ THE KINGSTON 11IERALD-.-TLiESDAY, .JUI.Y 16,- 1841. FVfeslvAT] lasProvince bail saoulto repraseaslthees, vhicbl Einqgtan graIt. Te the Eaiaser ofte KaîignonaersHoil IMr.MOgRtj , Mr Rt oert Balin abas te arbuuwteafe t ie h cn. mni teamed ne smierbai becs plesslea li s'D)ei 1r.-Saiu, tiss &go, IBauirin the cttraité!mite reccipt cifithe (loversor Gensra's note isfbrming- designate as s«tmidauigM meetngs aid soeret cao'yo psa-,t-oe rute3v.JbDae'as'dre is e te 1-lth jet bin of bis Eacelleusy basin3 done bis. tie bon- Zbas." Fit lis paflbe bad-nol nte tkS~ifii.x-I 31'ot, MMDAY, Jus -Y c, lais. Il. ye, bat inanaver tacosms vrilles by & b're.botdlde~jîee îiy ai aIý ber- _____1_____ td a peeithbe Frehebaldr woald bsvec rplied, but 1tise Pruise of flour a out- et calhagbien te tise ExeCulive Councit of lie 1< té coinicae*àiiitbbise bon.. niember, .. I aot ho si«* use. ppasd i-cernhbisPeu. Mr. Deacea, ief and purk, î Uujr roic.TIemres0 ie tsi oeb~ f tbisai'bous isa tti &fle w toa certaieuitlicit e t.- Wepuu»sssyu heu >aatonofMr Sttertat siier-cacéns eatmets sud mitrepmr.- n iad d * L t-du eximnflrl ti»ss.iriieh, uhather willally cr issdvertenim ode Znsing and c , moen appoinleul (0 the consil Dol icvint bec-n menrs uportbiis as veit se chaer suut5cts, but hit BaldWv, in tise Housse of Assembly, of tie a loup yiniuyssud disadvauisge. itbaretcre i Piillice in îeintaon i coqmunicaberd Mr. Baldii inv cf course ignorait, hbai lit il tele hbis dml7 te do se [heaàrbeur.] Ugtwhkh i ndlwn bi nate accept office un- 1 yu-'vil .gi' thaeicbovims Setr ressed tiauodiie.. ex -ep fron ruinr tub theya ni olIti withne An bt>dd Dotlée bs liai sesbouttheas. m o #bitedi.m l plcecinthe eluminres.o ex-pI te rqeorboheyuaptu-,er theiss piesent admnisatiaon, aad>tibà- Liai=1; t.. amlis it «is wtovadah, r par. M.impson rer, chber authosr talus pis fisnthiniasiaioWatîliespeam Goseramwt use ivorbedt'iti- u an rl iebnl fbt ustarqie Ia ieuae.ea cti.i~ the stitbripiotc Mr. Batlwin vouilutbavé prohably vaiteil the . edly beeus a parly man, mmd le abouticontinuaei. (overnor.General; for which wase ei- - oan Jaiab OHN eteat. caJ mntidared t -lir cil nouacewif iis id nsefrelt l ial misac. Pastias vers incident teaiat poiir gaveras. debtod te theTaoronto a &onarler, as the Frederickboegl Ju5y l2t, 1841.-bebl, p. ie o- matera ail Iis blasa, netol lcamulour but prompt- clients, and il qvastonly Ibrougi is e instraumtity Kingston reporters were aisent fromnt te TO THE REV. JOB DEACON. iM r. tasri~,on aest, esu fdrtlesconsistent vih idue detihtci-tio,ij a rt t msrigaverenents conadlieN succeas- Hbuse ut the lime of its dclivuery. Ve are 11ev. Sir,-li boisoeerved icte .cùu-t»q cf tieKin«- lsd in fau-r of the tt the surellt usnelarrcitug ltimate maode- 1 vcYrhleil. Whle ha alai te, hovever, lbe sure that ail resôga, and impartial peusons, tre ouu Id. a'teiauiicinft uuni i oe.pged 'iiCor- -s atgàdirg. Mr. DMVift theua ssmming liaI 1h. muetInmoliho s.isonalîr -Sodeifrfubvile v ubhthese siîn oeaietie~beîwî nUite Eta t tand y A rea isr,'wbich lit a rpyu , sek i genlesmens fowhossruinanr liaas irni eist$ i sayho fi-lb t-nni te cIonnc, bimdeltvihhtrourIdI - lieseCoucier.isseewiorbisErettnc t, i fileaaly L1d esaisy bmatf i niceýd èye,mus Le satisfied Chat Nr. Bald- YlPi easd t o,'nSihci ,ndifhT0I ebs l îorte' the»ew-Counil stre thoée te whéico bis Ex-es'as nY, ieetelld bylthe rrsoata honoray lesself tii, . sendnavus leubece beatiirt briecpbet-e the puble R rteJt Jon Turer t bas titI it-ieeemlsy--5ltcId" etprssentt'composatle ptisciples anad o6iets-ef-the party vils ithici wIl a nlùn iyth thooal ransctions pureiy rivate.' i suitOsir,.iftla mee theCourt 'fcDspe lCiucer1-, it, itemsil a dty-vhicbhae oves te tisa (overs.liae bai connetei imaîf wvre sua-l as hie ca'id and consisteît emotiv-es, ini resigîing bis scat pro5erty olsJiar neiabaùur and inreive t<ho-oeor fir Teh h ortaGeier&l M1once -to counaicabslisoe oaprouve, sni aucia he conse-ia-r.tieusly beieved cf [inithe Executio-e Council, w0sen lue fousd miles ltu bce xl)ie.id for public sale lu 'a lrauctaan eTtion, dfor bbc bd- LiaIu-h meanzeoeal .1 he administration wil lit bParty w ilhwihoslieiad tlte pieassre of actingr. 1that luc could flot act in unison wifli Li$ col- ';: hcder' bea tturdi lheuhy uare it '-l 1 etan assi forus asot command thea support ai Parlemnent. ITut But .neither bu bisat paly co ai-teany offset, sietîher iauescandsewhen tisewas coroiuced îhat*the 8aoinwaling ta have lih tranusaction lbroutt tapublic e îisd viti te.retel 10hosse gentlemen Mr. Baidewin bas ta litIbhute, ne, nos-lise viole lbody atise lien- CvI - Gneaadlscred more le tir irn- vblaattempticg ta cive tle 1"reui tact, (yon say] ,mi.. ai)"eli 01 ail cf hhertsu scept Mr.-Dutus, bit. Ilarsiindsii isenlative en bise liser wocld lie sacrifice ci-en vc r per odut ajisuted"1l37 <liouto-M-larsu 9d er O i r a n iiut-a M.i1tnitn Mr. Datty, and tIsaI aid erea'n tlosuposcfintone pasLiclenftprjnr-.pe,[hear.] Bail soiwbow -îhat nîthe lito tMbr. 13.sappoîsalment, bis Ctire Sir, ynu haire uitated thetact. If Yeu are ntot lency lO's- aenn thse genêéralty -unBsrod politicst principtesandî lithie justice thire vas i'i th,-is.pfli f bthe- Excelienicy sigîsified lits intentrio.n of re-msod- esor tar Sis, coit on me andS yeo-sca ee îil suaea in au aOîîtiat h -vsa ri tsrgolmnn'tcciucil itere 'Iheu. a's tt deliisg asCocsncil, we*te arce fteyecreêwoband writiig, lIai i have but 100 acete i-qe muisote le etlmnete o.ad loarnri menther btisle iai ens p o- éhnh os-ce f tIs'aend et aZs. - <ipl> ince 1835i thoso îtiitwiicitle goeeanieuî vasita lia ai- ting massai-es for tise oves-îluot cf lise aimins- IAssembiy became kaaowas. las lie donc se '1 Yen aigsaay, tISaImore than <hi-cc ears lalit vent t5tirctab oorbihe tiirltd, io cenceises it vausitliNetbus duîy te,- ration,,he vu l tke tiselubest7 Of ieaaing a lat- Who advised the selection oftise Legisiabuve $w the Iote cpn abou <wai pau&dTay laid ao w edsi e ui nlet çettiuIty tla ie6line contuaisig tu old-a13ce uder 1cr viicie bai addrescite bis bon, ani leaineai Coufcil i Ani! bai tha seleccionbéen'pleas- troiU et ýedi (niyc elt& T hay gain omtedi-1835, iia<iusiv5-i it.l. bBaii as bowver unc desire ta risk firiend infra Nicolet FMI. Maroi-ii ithirafrtain ~ ing te athé party upon whom thse Goverasor mie-iaeagregiencerror. lustleabi e,.t wc p6undu Mr0i- luieszov d enuissrrassrnseaitaé thegovarumesl, and i ahe apre, mmeeting of bise Roforni memisors of tibRoî eHrl *tydeed orspot r ise- iho I 1 o Ie. e, i -n t I 1Sfin 15arsye nqirelsiuand r- eqsor se'nt crieical mon.tt, taking iota conidration h beli e use fnal daycf tisepreoeotuepsion.Mand suc- w ci fiilcnl;ia-g -iit Wh-Ch the %<-5 -iBadwin bei-e rasaI liaefotioviiuglette: la Mr. Me- cess 1lias it giveso satisfaction tea asuclans moeta bmt=,o ors.towlicb 1 hbldeceipto, the asni.t teesr te coolend, lie ados tt fr fait ha vno ou- la f Her Mjesty's subjecîs in (Jatasda 1 Vie usoam i dat, o etiova. tiiei in doing se, b>' dectising on thse. ta e49ulc.Ia, 14g v Cd1U. i i ySay ne ; tnd-we are ut al a lst I ........rcb- ...£6..7410 Il0ton, ai blnus.l,, alspgete te aaccei tiheplace te vlicb hWssExcel- "' MY DearSir :-So long as the quistiom. Te,- 4efnetse»policy, at -the pheent lime, Nhich uly- .1840-....213 9 s-bas. vebe Siberwa iqiscy bas Situs appointad i hu. Bait hofeut sac sgo peakerskip itas coineil ta liekcan- -dice t e ieappoansmtent of a Legisl4dve -- Jobuston, tue nuises exiagcbmstampicescmiis pacultair individuai ihica 1 blong abouti falit, 1 of course feu nt 0 ~Ecelency Sie n d mmiti moi-sow as illtan coI pa iatit ie Nmisinitrpeeaiby lie gentslemens ty jusîtifi but boand ta lie p-cun, ia îyi - may, hy a pecuiYartacifor whîcls CCr t':beeleoo iies td wifirm~itii of uausdincy et, rsleiIa C to-icia n 'se bas refftrai, as a lacit adissiont be prepareil in an filer capabei> ho place sacigecréditia aqsres m xrd tua t éy osi-tetelo-crie; bis confidlence nlailientas macit as in the gemtleiment Ieman, vinener hlie it be, in the position bof receim'susie mcr esceed ii rriîg ae ilt r oit n betre m a ve obl swncmi- on!th reViol olesu aboya pmema. oprevenllheteforeîli.poaibiliîn li aadministration candiate, and lbrrehy preven ol <ril, bmtasure here a proieIglt ti ie basactty oi tond icaueel s-emadewiît ui he leason, ir inscsin sî qn suhms oriro herpilt i eetoib diitain u avin itressuccessor oill bc eqrsaily fortuntatel-Wiûs uou lmaoinletrous.. Drper- «ove Batlwins iil fa-ut analcandudty sud explicibiy given bta nicistand flbat ili im rposi Ibis moon eadt h epde fM-. Ywi' o prele orrta cor ain thor auiy ai- yraiir es m -as ta coemessinicaletarsgaina htpriuatneheeqe lnjlifoe-l.bis sentimsents inae- rnifta leconier lise measofaimaking lhe question rsgaina htpsiiu ie h euldeiyist. Wisy teoldite do-ny il, clter t ilha. bec-n 01 tisl ea igtC bu lt ties.poliiçily, undilbe tires i for gras, terspeakerabip aquestion ta test tise slrtogti of bspovjttupesecsivd isna e ada yih a <h gain e îorz iahîs ththo- bSud Mr.a«Sui f t Stisi it-tisera can le ho euje ibs dicgso the adm.inistration, as at present cotitutad, niy bspoe hti apnda elte si aaabstemneatoiylihntebu on tisa prescrt loccasionasseay marete Iamuserose sfriends vili of course antoco mec at b Icancer, at any subsequent period, for thse cause off i bs rectoo-s lth m laeer le Eeglacd kas warabis lau -M W rlwa cCatide te bis aicptiasg a imitar course vilS respeclt eMF.- viile 1 continusetaIot ldoffice, bN preseasl et a Ma-. B.'s reûrementis 1 YT e a d '.d e ctie vols. vziyu n cc crrgllt igen I ai nl Draper and ionsou bis acceptance cf tb. office miniig vier- e sncb a -contsiseiatended a l le in ail probabîliîy, the (Jrewn Officers wvil l bedistais, outtlevirite pour osent warranit, and seniSyur 'lihe speaker insi of !eoliaibor G(aiatofUpper Caaia." uifresseil. tVint uill Iheregbre do me thse binaI-induced te swallow the Intestate Eatate Billntem rd men ontheexueeltion. -Nor diblei-ovo-i Ipttor ron, l'su Lor And in purscamce 0orithat hie âidthere tateaite cnsa te expiai. te my fri-eois the ressotonf msy the Electioci Bill, tic Natua-alixaton Bitl, adtenants. Nor uS ctheehcdededony your'riïlt ta i i>c tifososnt1 the beed of lbe gommnut ho did addiras laersiabo.meting ssyselif houâ thie mesetig this .omnsg. pea-hapis esen lise nasseous Ballot, prev d ingditruia at bbc ine puis diS, just bai-ir e last elto-- nt -l iilt<t o2 tuss ei te tiss. hon.gentemens exptichlyiforsiiugliues il<cBeleis me, my dear Sir, iaithiuhly yours. itL le net Execative lYIICY te tic. l thos iun t oviCcaiep -ateie ld s gbtse blat'ion t hl.se a-s tg ofissentire tvantocf poitical confadente in thons -Sineai] 1h! "ommT BLuovu. measures; and teeVMimg pns Oe ePi eit'o wl de C tsis bnnigl es lilunst i- N. mni tiatl iedho ressoot teqp"oethdtibaur ge- 1lIoi-uftÉq. b '*" " d satuand support ~a dominant Churethin.as CI a electioas, hl.. liauyn. eraity unilcrsitood poliical piuciples ani vieilles[Hast, beau-, heur.] Hon'sle gentlemen wvendtalion ici power us-ioithe sajous-namang us ceauuitrry ithi vs t ofa mvast miajritp cf thea inbab: Cil pi-rs s ànai o ver. thoseeuport vhicb tisaigeversumeol vu uo hi o ur ewae evon if lie cisiatatmcf tleb.ton. gem. of fis Excelcncy Lord Sydenhbam. No frants uf iis Prvince, an bas b.ec rcpeatedly tprea- marro-. adiminiatlo wuulb ' et ctcontinue la- hotu cffice tlemen vill visas.-tisa.communsicationsalverse ane yldeas àt' âtbs MrI. '3. centinosc hiesceci by their Represecaires in Partilment Tise ccoud readin Therearti-amany cller immeooaiesanmaisonmig ts yM. l.frt entier ils" lie [Mi-. B.) vcatl uocrappeal t4 bell ual nct cf isait f afoti a ttfietlt gmatmee, ccnisectian With'thseAdminiitration, lie coîld ta pouir txtraordiu ucmeunication. t bave onlay -.e'dfi-b bon. gesiblemaaa -vwhher ha coutl bave dont asoré fbit sotbiug cijsctongite or- a.ct.& àeutl vibi net Isse vaned as lie bas aoase, wiîbouî op- reterred ta a few ecam«ed titipur eresi-cee ta me. laveaas so veraiiy p ta~~ ~~~~ abea ~Iéaoc aro dose thiai,baucis, m'y et» cn diffèrent iram The bil iiw the ri-e tpul il partieaatnpossesaon cf Mibieuritansd ahigi sen c f hooclir coutl have passisy tr g posiaog fttie& o f wii b e woisid tab cr-uap cier persansliving onuIlle teet* Bons mas i e opinions and ta prevent lb. occurrence oay mi.. apireal in mie couse of Cbisas., hat ie[Mr. '.bat! a- -een aurinèmbea-; and were lio still in lu ]M, 1 ,iPurebsed the inproyfenua, mcd tise tesi a 5 apprelienalon as cetisa poaticm -las tciieiselle fait ne1 soagisiin tisose meetings, thilleatrs -of 9 ofic ,ad bd .îe.catroyssebssfeelngsoflthe, a glbe ntngwai are si bic, ueFlus w iimseIf-piaced. Ne mit tbave Laiton 'Ise cob:rae fying personat atahtion,batat aIpotil i bt-andt dmn,-arlybcueleddne h eurdfe-bdbe iiead rms rns(-ilibrRa!a of ieirisg frons. tho goveetr.ett ltiseiseriod irefer-,malo. as b-lise standingoet lie admuinistration l n ugmnisreybcue addntth euhred at o-btaoe pa utnani atromise-t iiinarln i-ai te, but soesighlthehioua. gedtuea, .1 moi lthe cofine o thlimembers dif IbsI idtqisa baisIii 19cosose>in collisionn outsclla e,<o-mtoie aetdtied u onOle h n am 'endsaientl, tbh a s-it bs cllagusdownieut, pjoubinerieu eiS<lrent, e al t o,acw It mmig iar oisa ho[Mr.11.1 bal lites tma en s s ole uisect-îniotanatiom viici .0ien- haw unmanty, baw unpincpeh utal o -e ai yai tiiar«-ag i oale n raOrles-of tbeis "es ipbi yai e elbonni! >t ivi eiaigyal-elli aebc o nyh.despcablu sould hie chas-acter bave appear- pi-enimes anaS loe purchase «cyPls-. Pri-ice's mrotion ta-g i-hape «r case «yrtcoins btteaheISempen-t!St. Xans-ice elecbio! c,.dit le lth o. gnlieat'bvigi~ ise ilt , bat bi' a.uîy t quii-e, soi te have donesom i i te eyes of ca-eu-y bopet, independent Ij»itril Parfiatiient. Andîi1I umsuce, eut G.e-ineio-andoChtat s-ii, oi sane initisa-courue uhic làbbs7babdspursaed. Hé.bhy <tas.very -ensnliatIS. bai maie usas ci, in-4 maci. Besides Hia E'xcellvncy bas deciaa-cd wiil oeatierc-taievateai îulaeetiaf ieitaijsy la le- itsUu bai fcI, au ha takea if forgi-assIed thep bai dose5 ei ercolsole fn tler. Upon suc injfor- that Il those white lia-e uy lhe Governmnent, fo-iyi nd uln rmi-iveo h îet ii oIals.isroTs is biat the ve-rdict of lie country vata dacide visa-molion bai beeci basei thc aivice wviclcie sh a îziîr teGvrmnt"o ein o Da i, iicasotiuerthia cescar rfre tiser lise poiticat viesite f tiss.boa. gentlemien crt tnleied ai atisa-Reprsrenîative ai bis Sovereignt a.la is o , caIaanhuiNrs iurhmlIu r l ubti lnhoi bis,e se milin accei-iance titi tie iiaes and.(heas-,asbearj anici b eaolinow> fisnt lies-e cour-se. r 1adwis acccpîed office us-sia-to., wtli île ilitceouiila dasitainied in lie ur ccmmanacs. .intls. af tis eo.The nest charge -adse ii ecepniil ilk 1 ienatr mi iseexpc'ain e riin 0tise Council a osî.Sr-u-. arniîy fer tosse, t gainst iim iy thehe ndi earsiei gentemnairseeeai.ta-ies s rn upetipa- fsla eeling, a union oa' sentiment, politi- JOHN DIAMOND, Ru. ai 1838,9a-oftrou vis net1 av. i ngei<Soecommuni- tience an ta reai oeext-ad ii-em is etelta te ccians, as is the case in tise Cabinet of Eng- ~tisiLbs-,~l ii81 By Ms-. Siat 0ii1 cations wihthetsabon. moi leamnea gentemen eni Head cf bic gavernmeotin iciwici blistaIsice ]aride agueeing witb baiin the car-dinal ond abut]l hr 1 lbe sier ian'bte geurtîsmnelatîueita k-icti bai ed enee 1.[i. Badin intr rea ieraie aicpe iaosmetwligoe o b ialuIendalai îl brti i-oiak Acadr might ieldteoa correct calimabe cf tht iespec-i fllovimg extrmclt rosamletter trnsimescift'O lb. ferste blliopn* ssn iishr, OJM'Ewî SE. UafCor.pule t-etafohaý tive peiricat ritins cfeaich. But thaben. aIs LlcUvernor Glamri, datai Joni 12j 841. 1dm as irnen g the charsacIeret tise EXecuo Tic talîl ta mirapedin lira fi-cas litrlyblons, gatfrtcpic tearuisi gentleman forgeltal itbis vas no charge at "Mr-. Rubei-t 'ialalvua' athe io 'onour of tin- -.es'xm hMs-. Duoscasmbe ail, iecepclel pn tise suppopitien iuatlies [Mr. B.] Iflansiiag the (lovaer-gameral liaI teuin -Jos tis'e pepular -usnd vrtualle and at thé saimc Yesc4 8pring bath dcparted, ad mmd sis is e; Mocîrettfolrsan exte bai esterci jettea coaltitons witb tCse. o,,ne- t. eR-tanets-îf theaEsternanmd beile .tci te lime dspeniing office, power,.li'berty and Sha bath &prendilicr-g-een carpat core m-a w ide pewal ef ils charter; tIlimen. WithoûîtishaI pedat etn e, it'Wtstoenscin ftePrcvince, mIntn eeuiited justice with impartiality. But in wham u- dos, sqîtceeppmale W itaa t ilrveyoaali section t'?h.0" AniSpreparcd ber ricti banquet-on-llneisplean: amenuntea hut Io [bis, liat ho bad cet atUea m- I t a pac.Tiratof tlia nult ien dit]ie fid hi i 1Snrrouaded byene. lu.wnagmweobencaci, Csmin gasat aaieu t t iiares a tislentlf 'villail belé avoua Dmdvi-isaenud*er ma-thoi i vilth&*-s ' ieomuuueu eno-thies--.tsen iati-a i- 'jbuenslaalia -ia-bututImLhla Ir9oî,a ottihssae be.gefenmon, and miei tis Sa l ys, vhila ho cau doee sso etty VilSte rctcijales héo -Cllede alt; und&aitw1hoste gaverri. Au, ailtiie,%ss! a!cl >Ioetd obey- efUC.friu slov-d'coea into a leliefibat bias hons asusbu avec bell, his prepasred 1t0etTiat aco U C rren aapteseieopinios.viti respa theut 4 e. tafaety, ti Mr. Batdvim's Opinion, r mninhà étànt 1dklt colwud IegaSmi; sa;îe asap anp ts tMa-bmf modufid,etofr itrecissi itse tficjute à repetitin.of& lie po%*calvaievs oftis enat majry't- îlott hécontened, noirlsienrpoaa-u; Teidm b.uîgasytgeierpa.tse7Ianlbîri beur shape Mofbthe îst charge cf accaplinu lb.e p!s af ibis Pravince-That ih e mtura ffleat mmnwlao uyed bu with suapiicioi, and wlio To tISe widc spreudiog labial, itabouatie, ta ahare. David EIder fais- O-fi clice cf Executive Couscittor etai al, la vhichhaie slye sfh carcely a siugle exception, as far oblt Pùdtk efr ppruiyt tSme scm. r'tste1ms nbrtes'ie raens BîL Ne Sd, lie 'ticSbl, given a sufficientip saisfacbo-y C. adwnbas as yel bmti ann oppertnity oa - doM of es wdteesient ps-luaiy tea p* *I ert-ns'~t ResilmheN; "Y amavar. As ft as regaried Ibo"e hons. gentlemen leatraiig, profeste bave no confidence in bis ad-el rand tsfonbse rghsntim nisentse acyAt ndw chramei edputtS iari banea grce, setre ansfortias hae conteudeultiat lue brutliv tisa course objcsi minialraluasn, as aI prestent constitîîed,-thiss md cd nt] ws fopaigtes ainatues, tey An&d '.r a s lii &apdheouti ona: cigr-nlosis~tui i i le, adoueano moreShtisnsmaintsas lihe positiosoui>ch f confidence hbever exlssly fol eileniiogt- -t ' fou in Vaihe piios o'ee atwite'gntof dintlutc fo-a b. biail atreeasuini viti respect te tic-s. Itohesd ct f' tisaGovo-rament. Tisat Ms.BalaI - tltel- - isnil ill--sdi as Bat t-th respect te -hase hon. geo lenen efatho win liereiare taris his-st-f Saunai ladeclai- 0 ii 2 rTeheelisaiîe osnu akn; a e ou a i tade#,ii otrgblauimigy aintiof. M. i1ccI - or admiinistrationn viiai habailfait miieovsd dExcllemcandstita onceves tse altsiii (r(bonisew ovesa usl caret]eut; lii rsioca tia TIc ieec pevert'blineto-auaothng lout;iy, ss<sibai Isar o-rus poiticat confidence, lie ban. archmer for Tointotssaut prc-entosilteid dcv met passess tic confi-sortme of bis colleagi-es soul ba fus-ced te ]Enjayntt esisec omtrmer sccas."sidsoans i tnaisy N the boun. member for Megarntic, [Mi-. D4tyl ithoin do-mca of Parliaiseirî or thse country. TisaI te giva place te othes b aving lte conifidence of Sommier i tcen: iadShe<lile sbird, siog Osusrnasos, lor it tin ho bai the pteasecf meet ng lot lie finst lima place il open a footing le oblain asiconfineu ial;hut ds, cf pas-sons mb ovihose liant], he Thirntrecli nales ta <he la-gane spring; cotbe bCsat oni Mu , ant occasoa af tise vimit te Monttri- eai 1 .hic Cifbic il ie N xtailen, 'in Ms. Bati-ain's opinion, liead]cf tic Goernment iLadt tsown hioseif Their voentsmix vitb the cloae bloc sup, rbasbsla-iB bon, sunt learnealmetiaer hi altaici tise bon, liaI Mr-. Sullivan, Mr. tledeaa, Mt. Draopr aen&for maintenance unit]support, was Osat an- As litbaiwing <beit merietl lighs au big%. Oran n ma ou Bi member forLunon and lie migil mddi lia hn. Ma. Day è,bouti ne longer fpasm a paYfitil; mud ,O atoao lr Secrets-y wisbard inet pet a seat i in haloupe-lc lsoai e getleman <te's ameasg the Refoen of i. cn fe;i hr b emltsth a a Oa is c a. ce olaipam ull adLamtaia cns and ail t<base gentleene woiontilolily op- Liwet Canada stiouut ihe iotrodnedi mIa tbe ai- mare automators-Isead ansitablders te be Neagîl s heard but the wrbiei-', étrais John Kator, liro-icita pei visethor Le bai net commuasicaleal viti tte.-mnieralionsas accession 1e office vouli ttigsure, but rie action, no powuer te mca-e Whoat ESIoreareolstaie ese heral Dicul.,Tic pettisao ssit un lhe ftilot-ustai nealntmanasu aspo'î evety tole itis iselose support . lb. Laver Canada section could lia do 1 Bear the responsibility of se- Tit h-m lcaptasSu fs. Rivet tanis prosenîs coutuecled t ithels ate of tise counry, aid uion. Of RefaruanSdvith lb. heronfience of the leccing a Legiseltia-e Counial in viiose opi- Tis e ecois tsi-t li jgut ha, - referreai. nornes-oe flfio hliI involvealilu tho eniject Wb.io Remnparty cf tisa Unitedi Pro.ice- ions lie was knsevasto«disbclieva i-or mari- imeuru sh hcmgbte te a poi sublime, Mr. Speaker infor cf thiseist discussion. TisethIrdchai-ge maie Bu'lise repusait;that behoks apon tise accession of fully conme foi-waid andall bis Exoellency, Br-.eug ibis @aucmunng as il fiesrecela-ci a reburn fi-s atu!ýwien bis he bon, anid. temmeatgeottatuta Liwer CasaaReformers iiv is btlii witmati bat bavung in vain waited fer thse loat]y cal- Olor lteacote'svaste Ibrélmjs h.ebagig skies,. bnmceYys wibh thI vas tiaieboiad mol il an sartii- enldtaire listserateconfidence cf heur <demis, a a" elteyled for change in bis adaileus, aa o ii- Cl silsbyut-nisp<usrsi um-ia o liai eavica Ispe tise rejectian c iii .b.d eq.eti-t1 te earrangemenut. The liavenro. . nd et âMs-. D*iteri-isisb;re miic tho fais hcnett, call epon ta reoiga. - Il vw as oi- lrai l lresse blrssa Ms. Bativisisinividual sog te étatbtik lis réputation ia Ifiisstèim boa Bu m aig brsutrbe s oici-aic tMus e vas teemo vit bard tiat ëhasaon tie one bmnd accusti vant 0ff political confience in tics. of the gestle- wstla ibeirs, hb. els .it bis duly ailt to'Yc ide tte donit<sem ani-lb.he coi rei5ACt 0s-GeocriIfus- a rel cf ltocipîtancy amidu entse tef-iap, Bat mon mN,. utuame, isho lIe, iseisi clice leaderthticperset] to rettntt bis office hto Hia Excellen- th oue s.-n h sbas the ctveem ecein w v bli e -vas pieu&agverti -enst OfUpper Canais, vu csaitly de- cy's bands, that lho may lbe ut luherty ta vote Summer la camma amd vith cagcr o-iBytovnoan timber Oc Iver. fairty couiiereds wheas il vas remnemlseredaiedata ebis Eircelteocy vIse. buediiiMr. B aid- conscientiousiy ini bis place in Pariiqmanî 1 Ticei-rmer bauu atch'S te spriag pa. tipnfoi- <ha laI five3 filet iocs. b. lima cf i. aisssnimant te.htirati.Win the botter cf o&friug im, lis Soticitor (on. Mr-. Baldwin cliose the latter course, andl the lIeu gIailyregain" lusordsonnertoit aiîrauis andi the di cfli. puaeeinig ta Montati'm,heissd becm aciÎaly erilatipfît Province,s-thli l as siptaiuisicountry vili uphoîlî im for it. ula uiraiog thec thrivibg mai]. stssing wLotIer au), erigaged fini vitsthte 'Uppor Canaisa laclions, Ioatitismegentlemen tien-tsaI il vas rieleted t lm a h iee]t b li olc. Who boving tolici hho-eh the fields sewvicde tues Issu senenoxtsen- anal mors pafticlarty the conltetfor «Hastings airtI.ami a sirili- snt cf poliicat ceui I lm ariencehdt h ât oii lo ftatrvran tia City o eoto and milalervasrd. vitis atteding ilis e other tistgomenfln i a-i'alslabi nc a-General, it is in the alet act of hi, .c- Repaire a te le auly flo-esiee, imp en l aI rieis te liasducies cf bis office of SolîciirGeeal au Excellecy anal îiose Imessmen tiemaelves, in cepîung ofice ut ai - but wew nsie' Glben e id -I geofeue-madelb t. iof nsaddrSua public proseclor ins lie Rmre Circuit, part>, s-cornai-y test, peser tWr. Bldi n'a acceptascs r esssîy thiaI xisît] tes-semdemoostra- oieonaic visieh ie he b n.nalteuo atend le, andi lifa teseat in tht Exerutive Counceil. Tua (lover-tontegie er ofdnc nheG- Thc Pensamtgirl longs as &aie vieua teto-cs,kovbyitbs ictea abtigeal te req ust bis bonte and learnidl ' il nd r-gsne-ral viti aIse recotiect filet Mr. Baldwimn ves-nos- CaneraI, te musut coms e ahue conclu- leur the erchard'a camsing luxurisu :exemptési fi-est char front the East Ridsg of tisa courty oftYorb o a- attbttus soticipatemilliai tise resaitlcf tisa tien e M. aMwii-. Dei-'eoisbiTerunhthtapes nd elowper ten t erbs. mivicivesnutcc&elod ,ppramching electicus o vuli aeronets-ate lith e sa ha u.]atwnatt rmlepa-s b cdtS pt n ilc aExecîstive tfficeri vie. he ucceiveai lissignification a e islicet- a infiltration as rrangei vount ontctain tisr neÉ at isneseîa mta-sinîlrwiuhAStIS ee i gito-a tt h me SriAb-atre, Hasnisnti letese pieare fitalihe shootai promatd tc Min- support of Parliament. Mr-. Baldwin theeefirii tise veigst cof hia influence in aise (iuaeraoCseuTISnI Icc'rgibantdIeSo-e ah os c convanience tal tre. Tiat lebâtimdnet onty eeasly muj itihsidahrea i iriluylaoc cl.It cannot Le denici liai hi, appoint- OrtsIal u àummerda yuviii su non b.liegosne, lrg% i oiiRuea ralal e . huatcfticge eitaIaly omp i thé, ita uy i, calS of teice t rcmp*ct. rIaet1 fiena eej-t ytacnl - s idm. veu h -ui -eiu ye sy nIi isac Ti.. Onn....--à:î. ...W - - se in hojuda ii u se . eeliea&ii.i 4 i ru it s tmad, sud 8 aI lt f Pailiamentfor tho Tcvnotïingtosonn *1bars te M eni- .Stae, 2Mc]NmbsWitliautsa, Dunan d nolting in ternis of te t Ialln nlenvU =-b belle e aaleled 0 b ws tire:f Mait.Aifs natianal cisracler stands' day lem. Thwe r uaCuo.op0e.ti. Th. hon. jKilaly. roit, a niait hos-i4K j«i,uhdm omdema, .empet y metm * #«y - tiow--11 ïScolci naadims, 2 Irias, si Ecg-1genteman ttnk bis sent ilu r.tiseeas lsanie jTic petition cf Aiphet odah ts eesa ave griave tlagay wii5i euiatiuicatie.. viii licesvi.lietee Po o., Ibe ismid Ï Amesricans. a.tsacmiît n ieoies tt ous, tue nigit et Sanda>'t te ni- Lhse z ze -. - a ta-li t net, h ouuO , ', ne ruîflC 'le' 'Otti~ te stife a 't,Irs s e t r sst,. a tUila ts-su ti ourts r us th- teiani *l , ai]a t a 1 hesisie s(, tise tti 11le 4 ltniitaC 1- iOrous 1. Ir , t bis Il e lit, ,n.« -a! tht li bil uns bitenft,blond. iei iss tise and C u.t ;nt tMise0s aet ilel ler , n1% frf tl t isî 11 lisfaf,li uet- coud bluefunq. TitCuri ,le js icI, rs-taeu-d ti e se.C o ta-the sur sf-a> far t1aCalasi [tir gait, 50ad14uit bes hita1i-e n tentiîrsn oi5rn andb la nadariIr ste, rtiIo f ii'of U oru iai- a 04na 10,1 ris-eni gste tl m' e iitig fo i -e Sycc i-.elis le, ide teng lathsuss al sutr àtah' penesss l'rs liait àIiud ti*,;Bn r. Mtl, thelulLIS, rh ial itats ofdu iforeth n iao-si1 'rom thesl fialsibi-Û suninethe an. ui rc th. iclo isa, sds nva isre it t i sthas- t ciruc ink aie ao-ut of ulies f lf a uclown tresi:e 3,a"ýi ntui yanduba ssdrtssl'I -ie Pae-il, ilits 1sct:is5 bir as ise151 ani îld e iaitbltiif h nifo ac tie ltis&Bd rmeid tiefuad tih sof tshenGytaiC sae tia li n 'SI tc humio n ia ceais W80 1 1"Ssth tus-n t l ethi si lecdosli l a-apafint l 1 ssi a-tr Pd. if sTîtc hst s 01in ate il a tane dig 1 fo ta iLe dyat uto [l r isl-rhluiem u al h a t a n dll e C sIo tie uitw nient:as stila a tosneou .1 isy .08tIna itiOlV .lrtma i :ucIssa 1 ai Opcttrrou- pM 'il oves for sal pe te àhl oa br i- sem risPece ai5 Il a a maipaS sIied bl Ming ic pilcun oav a Ptm0 d letin or hopia'~ iiea ,i usisa5oo ,sictil a stc a t niistee si tboose mi î Lî im ir de p Ie pbr.sa5I d the ,,ouuslnate adil lae0 t <aroll tIseti t ile aSt:aeast fn 5 &. eat o w al al Oe t ia -saut muidwsa tets al 1 Q5ltînî< issi blta lae Ptfi lota- liri, clîe, i csade absconld, miss' ,,.-r ai-fCs5 Sliae iî -ý sto rotakin; usai- ho-s Sérssiity. 'Ibalie ,,'ultc-r!y demies ca-sioeanani e le u0 *mply fli ieurSocritn e exos5uitsiotf lie aif lISe Magints-tes sa sten-t as te fa-o-th<le io la-bis ppeaancie asi-cg iii bis Dieetit iklrama, l'aie are of bhc osiers chargte ad risti ta 90o alfouf irsg to alle e r li ia i-oao tus hop, <bey esialiissheuhr isn.,ca i basdp ssab at is a fou 1 si-cibai caismtniiyandi 1 bti to-iy propet cs-ptionta traie ap an tise uges-c-n, 51iPINGuINTLLLu! .tee.u Nicg.eoia, Il"g ustesk (alla-n un %vit rd--Tuee F-cci Sb abirh îstiycd il N cris, 'Oa tise 291sl itîtin s faisyards bailof ai- lci-, avi andtai acchoias-t ta stlen- FAX, m lotIS mussm-ci-ago rigtci- ,thc beai ci i 'aVe î'ael,4 te.aors sifaoauber." s-r-TSe barque. Les ustas-, selîi-istank c sit'ed at Liv'erpoolt slitis, N. S.-Ps- 50.31, siak an il: masrd -ci ss, cars-leda r daauaei. Sîsaso-U t cws-uIwhists éîo-> 10 thictk i-cla ii i-aeuso-iliiai t îîy anu y s ltCi-asth w as i urds unI--.r, vas put -57,17 1the Gaizeti 7th I îay. QI lÏaiI lia$ bihen sd bet'e(issîronsa de il-Ot, oahîle tise-1.1) *a - 9 e tuiisi veo-î !ertilsste Mounott, îttiîrg useas- arock, v; e hatiiig euieu. si-tirhin. exîries es he ta Ivre ý tut Do-tiireturnai -(G WIa the Nocrti Tiau, N T f ÉA L 1MA eta ni"*e' a ccriaséiat 'uu liais '.a'ek. C., *- fier batre e <isutgc-î Lais*sa ' latteai- r i-ice. eahli s-c mv$54 per la "lY 12hW0bas-oelsano, tradeatuce belette 1i huis1 l ta 'a-I tem ng fltrti O5cîCî$5 Th TaBankOfM< sin 1 is .pe- Kmm t~ po s 0comtAMY1 s ARHS s y ob&R@cud Oin nids- -c

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