fil huUwSI fi t e mise i rdsuos wj hMi'.QieatralIpeesenled tLe petitoosao e iChe iTrM a c( iselag.; isfSe riS.Heu»s.- adil sh i e rtain cisstors of Rourîlle, aud cf T. ltue usury lait', b .M Se.deu omitteil tO bhiistises. oward &ai Fractiereaintthse elerI- tf tht cou- < caencYv.9 & ,P"- tif-, Le <i(Mr. Déliu> mcmi dr-ty; lir. Dun that of W. Il ZP.Jîoodand 1 Tise 110i ra<u taidsiam e e r. fmm < a.i t= other people of color, la.eir front the Unitei lies bilIi nd tJ04- heme tise Homs iief în e r lise Staîsi'ps-ara sur.ilzaîts. 'roi piopts'me- Mor. BOBWELL said le boped thse millier assistance of those lion. rentîlemnii. Pet. M.S,<rI woulol Le referred t0 a select commitlee. Laps-Ile lion. memiber f.r Itlton (Mr. Du-,. md 11it Mr. CAzrWuîcIGRT aad that le uic opposcdl rand) niigbt gel sorte of lis nSasures tnp.. scIlîe itîîrr ý Io payiag Reporters; but le believed there ped up in thi?, way. (A lau!tb.) ii was a veryereat-dislinction betweeii pari; Mr. Mcnî, ro"e aN sid.tha ba li Reporters a<nd therehy giving ta tbeir Ie- IliongIt lat any embarrsssiîent would tlen»t0(fi . porits the sanctio o îe Crse>and îaking experienivi] by the cificers ofthie Govern- 'j MoITii ýV a crtan ir o nwp a: for [le nient in consequence of the sdopticn of the i v.uld rs correcinesof îLe debates in sncb case, the motion for the appoiniitaieti'otstatnding r ai Reporter would le hinîseffreeponsîble. coummitees. le (Mr. Morin) wouli certain- t I turlli perian.p., Capt. STEELa rose and said liat iti bu îLe ly bave opposed abat motion, because lie 2J oeces , r question of'facilitating the publication of the wished thlat a fair trial shouli] Le afforded ta cf Ji - * ýîj < " debates was ofsaine consequence, represen- hs etee 0crr U lenw ,-of Educîtiun ad ling as lie did the backwoodcmen of ille ten; but lie dii] not thinli the comrnittees 7th.OAzu; eountry, and hie would Le flai] ta sec iliose would impede tbemt in any ur. le con- Public Irnjpr, Vii<_ hon. Imembers ofthe frontier towns, to wlîom sidered Ile existence of romnitre abso- ;and Seiznîourî<î aud Io wlose constittiensiil a of leca con- lulcly necessary toIthe proper trasacticILof; fBills 11h; - Pcquence, give way ta somne motion wlîiclî the business of the lieuse. Matters I're- 1î~îtn. î souli] enable those less favorci] than ihosc qoently arise which require the examinttin and otiier n . i hon. gentlemen lu have thse Lenefit of reand- of pipersansd evidence which cannol contis rue. ts 1ittr elî ing the rroccediugs3 and debates which oc- nieully le doue in committce of tlhe whole N M OIe curred in that bouse, iue We h reports of such stand înz eCeCtfrs CI' Vand, Mr. Jon,soN iras desirous that thse ques- i'omnittcc arc brouglil hefore the House, snd a n rt he iecî.n 1t fion niih cî L poslponed that tbey mnight as- tlîey rire f'uni] not ta meci the viewvs of thoe %I,. Mc:aj certaiti the cost of tbese newspapers. Helion, gentlemen wlîo constitute tlie miuîistrv. thIs r ard D 5 iat] no idea of lavishing tbe money of their they are aI liberty la moye ihat thie senuse uf on IV 1 1 lýf a,! constitiients; still, a work of titis kind ought ilie I1oase Le taken upon attenri; uni] iler The report « *l'1 ta lic supported. cane, tlerefore, he in emv way disclîarrred î!e 1Y le(4 Mr. VICR observc itat il irouhlie an front their responsibility. He coul] not dis- (oniîîef ri î e extremely dangerous precedent. cover any cmbarrais.ment 1talie apprelîctideil ic ecnd rdc o sii b ha] eai sme fîiein the plan proposeil of cslablisluing stand i S Ai te secod od.,et dehatca as publislier in the Mirror of Par- commîltees. 'îbe day relasîîî- ti ý hiantent, and]lLe noticed that tbey hat] been Mr. BOSWELL saîd lie coutl] nul take thse Clerk of the rcwlie vcry fairly reporled. The paper luie hougbl sane riew of the niatter irbieh thelitou. zen- Il return. %Wili % shotîli receive encouragemenr, -but the bel- tleman irbo liait preceded bien liai dunc, tee of thc Iviioi, TT.iv ter mode of ascertaining and] deciding upon Hi, own conviction wac that (lie goic-elii lutionz, Twliicher the quetion irouli] Le by referring the mat- ment would Le exceedingly embîarrasse(] lit; tlu <va aid ter ta a select committce. lie would, Iîow- the appointaient of Ibose committees. Witlî WuVI, Jqw d e cirer, observe that il is or car less couse- reference lit the advantages to le derive1 ýNi Mr.înk,%< quence ta their constituents 10 le iuformed froni proceyding in that wiy le would ask, weuid ruove fora L of wbat kbey say tIbm of what they do. were îlsey no' perfectly sulle in following tLe tu taire int orid.~~ Mr. Simpsosnimored that the malter Le re course adopted In the Imperial Parliament grartin*, a o<s, ferre] 10 a select conimitîce, wbicîî mas or- in maltera f uadeciption 1 Adlniting whl O wuidudeîi, dered lifter some furîber brief discussion, in that tbese comiutees were forme], Ibeir faitIifui. and corrct tbe course of whbkb Sir Alian MeNab rose doly mould lLe nierely ta report upon those of ibis IHouze. lnauti aud said le hlledl the motion would prevail. maîlers which migLîLbe referred lu tberiî for Tihe Hu, eTertui The conveniences for admitting the pubîlic consideration, weil, ou tLe aother liand, ail Rules and IReu'î,~ Io Le prescrtnt athîe bar of tLe bouse were tbe3e maltera bave, pirerions ta tLe sittinhr of Du.r]rpr5 very lîmilci]. and le for one was very desi- thse leg sature, Leen consîdered lîy bier Ma- lu sit apitI'mor rous that tLe fullest informatiun sbould Le jsy' oerient, and tLee flicers of tbat JosephsW~ conî'eyed lu the country of the proceedinga goverument wil Le preparei] t0 submit mes- burin., sub-crîh<A Ile u I of that bouse. H1e thought it, vcry desirable sures ta îbia bouse upon ail subjects- of es- that tLe nmotion sbouli]bcLenetertuined. sential importance; iben Lere we are mcl Robert ciîritie In -by anoîber measure proceedin!r from sorielis ceat. FRCIDAT Jonc 251h. one of the tommutteee. But bon. gentle- Mr Mrimc ,a Upon tlîc order of the day bing rend for men msy say the measurra cumin.- frotta ber tee ta supe. uîî:cnd i the appointaient of slaniiu commitlees, Mjesty's guvernmenl may Le subinited ta durin.Zte se-.îs Atty.* Gen. Ocacit utorci] Ihat tbal item îLhe coniiiee alto. TLe answer ta ibis is, wv,-il, D)uscl,,îbNî itî le dischargcd, ansd upon makin- Ibis motion tbat those measures mIll bave Leen ruffiPi- nariiedsl oîîî the bon. and] learned mendier piroceede] ta enîly dtgestedl if laid Lefore her Majesîy's Mr. Szeot IdIsIr0dss1j ai observe, lataliLe looked upon tLe appoint. Councit preylous te heir hein- linuglit imb Wesrwîitr ni nient of standing commîtîces as an absolute ibis bouse. Sir, this systecm if carnie] our, firsi lime. ' . 1,I deparlure from tlie praclice of wibih thrat is not a desirable one, and if Ire are ta cm- Mtr- Cartwrih rreserîed bouse cLore ta caîl responsible govrerumtent.1 bruce ibis course, in the manner spoken of, the ltev. Iv. lKîsande <Hear.) Herc Mr. Og-den enumerated tLe 1 il will tend ta serions difficulties. Sit1 ui&Ll~îknî, variotis objects for irbieh il bai] Leen propos-t course adaplci] by tLe government, as I un- an] tIsaI copies or teils i;i ed tbat theseccommittees sfould le appoint- derstandi l, is tibis: certain individuals sur,- tt lle choiassaiendind, ed, sud remarkeil (bat witb one or tiro ex- posei] ta have the confidence of tLe country, .-ric, 'p ceptions these irere suljects for the espe- are called btaîLe Counicil of tLe Govrnor oltiers, for nlturaîzai.î. cial consideraition of tIse govrerrument, sud General; ILey are then to show that îhey do Mr. Cbriztie, ihai of oauchit ta Le submitled lu thal bouse Ly possess the confidence cf the country by ob. un tLe rmer ltigtgouche tLe minister of tLe ereun. Were il cIL- taining scats in tLe bouse; îhey Lave tben eut places of pollios; ai anal erivise tLe responsibility atlacheil le pow- te show stilî more strongîly tbat they Conti- in Bonaventure-Of criu er irouli] Le talcen out cf their bands, uni] nue ta p ses thal confidence hi' carryng tLe county of Bouarîsîtu, placed in tLe bauds of certain meoubers cf mILh them in their measures genenally tLe tLe reluru lo, aaîrtoutt. thal bouse te Le nanici] hLe bouse itseîf. voice cf Ibis bouse. Cant Iere Le any dan- Mr. '%falait, accordili'. 1 He irouli] maintain tbat if Ilîey wre ta bave ger, therefome, in culrusting leaîLeîtr cousu].- for a gouuiu~ î~u, S le responsibility, the power muatlrest miL ration aIl malIes wib are ta comte before stndng uoni ltees a IW 1 ,heni also, sud conscquently tLe power of Iis bouse ? The bon. gentleman tLen pro. motion 'of Mr. Thsobrî ir decidin; upon the nature sud chaacter of ceced to point ouI tLe course pursueil in ballot tLe saîd couusiine those measures of public utility îvhich ilî mas tLe Iniperial Parliamteut, sud continue] le Mr. Smith ncred foai their peculiar duty te introduce toiLhe bouse, observe thal il would lLe interfein; mIit balte take into ruusideîsîoc aud opon Ibose casmes tLe bouse wouli] esponsibility wbîch tbey were desirous of Lv G. F. %Vade Foi,, F4 le entile] îoprouounce judgmnet, andupon placing upon the ministers of tLe croiu, Le- electiois for lite eoucty cf tient divisîouwouîd the standing ofîthe advi- cause Ihose hou, gentlemen meuh] Le able Inobis conduct in relatioIo, crs cf bis Exccllency le determinci]. (Heur, ta svuit, thernselves of the lattors of the cnIm- pird hear, Lear.) Hard indcci] ould lLe the case milIces, andi t0 ibroir upon theni the chief Tbe bouie wcnt aisa if they were toait in tLat bouse as responsi- Lurtben of responsibiliîy. mIles andi remu!aiibss.. MI. bLe servants cf tLe crown, if the conducliug Mn. B&uuwi-u thea rose und] said tIsaI lie chair, %-re r<-oned Tsars tLe public business iereta l devolve on oth- certainly was mucb gratifie] at bearing tie leave 0 ta s5ian a-nintq , ers tLan theniselveag. TLey were Ly no remanka irbiehbLai] falîcu front ilhe learne] means desirous of taking freini hat bouse tLe Attorney Geucral (O.i]en); Lut le dii] not Ths e uze e ilin privilege cf umending, ail measures irbieh think tiat the gentlemen opon tLe lreasury Exceîlence<s sec.M came Lefore îhcm toaitexteul te ubicL tLe Lenches Lai] Jet fCou7 explaincî tLe minen- wlio reprtr:d prce'res, aid mînisters of thîe crown could coîncîde wiîL ions of the govrmument itoî rega rd ta the lu sit a2aln to-moTTalyIll tbem, uan] mhenever tiser go Levoni] tuaI, tipi- precise policy %% icIs the7 intcude] ta pur- Theli Spc.ukrr comîsîuîltil on tîtose ut public ultility wiricli il sue.11(M.Bl]i)ra averse ic, of- lA aii o. ecai wouli] lecte duir of îinistcrs 10 introduce. féring aur embarrassaieutta10tîio.ebon. gen- îown of l.î.;o;. Ibertivouli] ihere be a collision Letween taat lemen, but lbe coul nul underciand 'LoirO(Suoio o flilon. D. Di bouse an] thocuinisters, uni] iben it wouli] tLe appointaient of Ilîcce comnîiîîecs coul] for lIse towna cf Klnz-saw become tbeir duîy Ile iake rooni for oltiers interfère wiLh them in tLe amaîlest degi-ce. The Gaspe Nutarirshîlin wbo mizbt possesa îthc confidence of tIse Mr. %VOGER sai] il appearci] ta ini liant ai- uni] aime au] refermed 1i*i iouse. (Heur, bear, Leu.) As rcsponsi!.ility ltseugh îLey Lai] lreasury Lenches il tva, tee compoee tof M31er. ladt fieen usked for in thal bouse according douhful irhettier they liai] s îressury at ail. Chriîtir', Mortn and i'. te tLe principles of the Britishi Constitution, (IIear, bleatr.) As ta tLe appointaient of Saîttât, the bouse iliauli] t leasîLe willinz t0 alto;; the committees, il woul] net have tLe eltect Tse Speaker anainedlii uhinitIse privileges cnioled by tLe Engliah of takin.- frotutLe occupants of thqse treasu-ladaJ.l.Fr-i o ministry, uf proposina ibhose meusures ta ry Lenches (witbouî altrcasury) tLe poimerofladndJ tFozhW wbih ie liaitalrea]y referre]. 11e ftellbringin-, forwari] any mea'ore wbicb nii'hil eessrecî4izisi satisfied tbat tLe bouse mroutl accei] to ttislis e ieeme] desirable tu le inînoducci] bi the îngs clertioti. at"il thai Jma proposition, and not fly in the face cf officers of tLe goverumnent. As regards en,-îJamtelirc e lii oeti the e>tablishe] practice ia tIbis respect- barrassanieuliLe IeugLIt diai bouise moul] Mg îL Ilrîsi, elecii te In a neighboritag country, where tLe Gai-cru- fln] itself embarrasse] uben petillons irere 1rMri ruh ph meut iras not reprelented in the Legislature presented lapun varions subjecîs wibi night ua tasiss of teîîal'lîi by ils officefs, le mas aware tisaI îLe practice neiuire particular investigtion sud Iberela udsoetîesis is differen. There, Loircuen, the adrîscris ia oomte i xsec ewouioerosi] in Lalîtownshiip. af tLe Govenumenî are piacci] in office -for petitieus migbi Lie referre]. Besides those rHlies fpmareue'J the termi cf four years, Lut beîle e fficers bon, gentlemen tllius tIsaI îLe:r lime is ta- eblr c lade of tLe Goverumeut niay notliLein office for ken up wîîh public business alrzai]y. wLy ]are, praying thât ihe wa5t four moutihls. [Hear. hier] TLev are liable then do tLey wsh e eurîben ibeniselves mrarle opeurd toemiigriOt te le reniorcîl -y sbreaîh fron tLe niajenily it teu eintroduction of ail buils wbicb il M Crmtes i lto T ofîbhat House. Let us therefIcne Lave a fair migbtliLe ueeessary tlelLe taken int cousu]- MnSîectia0fE3L! trial. Let <Le sewsystemb e put w practice, emtion T Who bail ever Leard belore iLat nalization. anu isec hem il wil operate. [Hear, Lest.] bon. members of that Louse laed ual tLe rigbl Mn. Steeie. of D. Caidit d The soocier il is decided tLe Leter. [Hear, cf introducing sncb meacures as tLey cansi]- Simcoe. prmiug for I,9iaf5' bear, lallmse in iabat îownsb'p Ler es.] As a humble servant of tLe ered uecessary for the enefil of îLe publie. The order of The (1111 OI majority, le stoosi prepareil te carry il out. The comparisan ubieb mwas tasiLe drawn Le- mmes ifonan<unt [Henrifheanhein.] hmeen tLe moking cf the British Constitu- eof stanIo ng amiCtlna M. Tuosesasit! ne perreeîly concurreol tion, aud of tLe pinciples cf goirerimeuxo tndn onate in sehat ladt fallen front tLe hou. au] learue ci] diiupn in tbis colony, dii]net sem nta Mn. Ohrden posîpourd tia Ieî gentîeman-that as tLe officera of tLe Gev- hinm mdel founde]. Iu Engflani] îhey have a of. Durand reporterd froi etrament mere ully determinci]tlenet in tac- consiitutio<ial goremument whiçh is eilde- ofîLe a-holcon the mles IMd corance wiL îLhe wishes of tLe Bouse, an] fineil an] perfectly applicable teotIhe staIe of rL oermncfthisS te Lecosue answeenable te tLe croiaisud 10ta at extensive empire. Tbey Lave munici- cucure] in the aLo!e liii l the country-. îLe>' aoul] Le peruijîteiîLe pal goveraument mbicb is the scbool of self 67tL,' when 31r. Meri5i Onigialigru ide Leexpuuged. intiamil pririlege ofcf in tingtose meassres Cuernient, the wtoîe macbinery ofgovmn- a nees w icb, Ly tLe yrcuice iu Englaud, minis- ment lucre is like as dock mbicb requires re- aundiiiuasfsapitmi is ters menu enîiUrd te introduce. The boa. pairluganul regulatingocsiooshly, bat uev- i< f îduLe irdn ppiudd ani] learne] gentlemen irho orcupied îLe er ceaies ta moi-e altogetber. lniibiforetheion orre ireasur>' Leuches wmuId not il hfam (Mr. counry, on the cen,tra,he vanta are ihu- tros acil oadsut 5 T rbr)disposci] te îbrow a single arai mettable ; neir cases ctnually arise forai]-trdconsdometlu in hei27r ms. justmnent, and a great ieal cf niechanicai art ther penui a iasoI Mn. DurAsa ii] mcm ihat bail fal'en as slili necessaîy btpnsasince upe it armo- - Tereanrcit ucmctlloef C GAN 08, th e U sur>fL Slib ta Fa ~t d insr mOU~chai 91Fau~' aeu Ie t iW' L î u iitii5lex osbftîS iss ted 00 là' 'e, irksý ai aIl gave maicefu ros alis tisevole hout ibis PiVil] sbe"rseia u s ra. Smiths presUi liz(ion; and t il e hur disîniiîft hliiiiug la Mcadi «,e11: 1h51 of di" fun the annexa5ti e Tafl tdis4trict. litin: a t of tht ptsyiui fur tLe1 u fth îL pecial E ra: thai of 8 tLe Gare districtil or certain lasses. se sin weut il or Gempsrali e] te tLehLuia re agreci] lu bY îLe Black, Dunscuil ele aproisuteilaari s conoteuiîbkît ad reading oatt &Bd th îe judg posîpuaci] tilI i Wednenq sktr repots]til 6. B. paubaui Cf cr5; ubicis a in by 1 ie nliuse. cbeu, sepoîtaisà Mur. 2liio instant. ci Iuard e.( tin rerl'enlu othe edfictîin. suerosfruom tIse led tfie draft of eurt in aiswer I. ut ut roucumren, s nouer] for, 1lul svec]anuthen ai]] s the aitedment. Anuîlrong, Ayîwim IlouîiiUier, Chisitie, ilion, Hmnîks, llopki sel, Parent, Price,i 1, Tascheresu,Ture, Bluack, Bosoteil, 1 Per, D)'uan, Duou it, laae,, Hoîmee *Allai, MeNas, ?A MeDouialil Jobn &It, Moore, Moitit r, uRnblia, & wutttlerawa .-Messrs. Burc lihe, and TIsai Kingaton & MidI ri, 1; Speaker, 1 Ouse Ibm aiopîed ameiuon. 51 son parairra1, adivision. OUtif] r. Houcka nove] i iLe wurde, 64 o $iutllished fy Pa (1n the oîueidniî Ariosrong, &yIwi Boubiller, Blin liuchs, Khnber, Mi rice, Quesuel, R. C-21. Bcki, Bo@enf, Cumpblj, Canin Lialy, Dey, 1 imrper, Dsînn simpsci, m ,SlerwojSel buna, W4W wu. th ParagrapL ira le. ubsetuent i 10feiî hupropc migbî Le equiri ail experence 0 Le H-uue divide ,oîlu, l a CwOpsl Ch.i -J