Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 29 Jun 1841, p. 4

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1?1110KM.-MMaBer"Id et B AILOR-15 C4USE. Tb@ q»ieta leoflea uahd-I" eh>-in thora metinrdata< iiIbis bPort of R iagetle ' lapove aI. isisi&"amesmim1Icondition oet Bemea il- qumgilla u nimportauss affabut e hivespea 4èd tue!;& amgumaimous art i. h.part 'ftblI liieâ hîl in ~mIbis place. Letsuleam uos heuialt mas, misawm«shesil 4e lm apeie,sooeeapate bat fer ence, *lIeMme whielh mvi-y reiuuiug OSmtaipreetias-et sur erbarm. a mlag s .r pnapaimhis ah-es : And If hobuasenirtaise tbale nte ,priet>- - v-e latena oeeas a n uegfut sous -tent. tGaie dubaii pel>vais. Tb. Salio-sfte ll toile d ntarskips ai îsaes-douoeg wmiilh hua dictadeprivedof Untii Uiabth-andi et bt enghmb.a aSablat thtie b sua tait ie oms, and coude o ore t.. asenjoy i- " bo iles dtaheaucme amseng man~md bat are bis ,easol montlic onceon ahore cia rger, so - rZilsisse.."la prepsreit for lis recepiion. se lirent meetz bi. sud pointa limaitaotise Sanctuary ; mwBheli is fta ei.efatiblg on th ibecs, drect- , g L0 hr.tieGont o: Jacobs us>-lbe morahipet. A lan emiseuti>-a social teing. aatdmimaI- ever halingtis that promises social enjayasact, Le flsyaIboitor. W. have ocas Ihat se inducemsente are ]belli cet e ainutprovideit, furIntuseranasd îeaitlaful on- ' t, mid tos.eing no aattu e'%co ia ia, tîne nesorts a e oramai Shoup. ed people monder, tisat li Saiens itut cossa lut.is Port are la goe inu> instances inteolperate - twy »asm alisls.taithe1fe t suhantueaacaconu for il: liseir monider aastloaiialment mouit risse, vaet11e>--toauppl>-'la many sources et ,,inncent uujoynweuI as there are now h cnta t o mf auc udvite Iiremu open te tlies aion maise ca itabli provisiosn rb lsasd 1 a gent catent 1e Wiii a- bane lie min, and clislone the brai uscan oreni. josien, sud bis iaitemponaee uni degradatios wili ceas.a togeilsen. -Suds ihave becs lise recut, on bati aits, et tise Atlautic, wisere attention haboom paint te lise socia ad murali isproveuueio thetmariner; mier.tise Bible, tltacct ndthe Sailira presciser, tb. Betisol Clapel cnt Salions Hoeme, are moriAi tegeliser tiu<huagond. Ana, ehy uboultva e hobelin otliser comuriLies t tg fot te do ib. mriait gondt Surel>- vu owi hien veuetbieg. os lb. scmoir o umatu.and vol- IligionBu lur oui ser, periapi au strng oee; hbul a Brother stii.andtvril ast mcdo ns te differ fillesbisa, e bIssu Lord tao, atd wie salltsay ils emo oth ai effort tb gave, cher. stch -nrausmus bas tees paint fur il i W. cere hiemimch osnlise score et gratitue, ta liii toile antdIartahipsansd ptîvclion. anr e uis. debtt in no aailll dignes, fur osai presets prousperi- 1>- and commercial imiportance. W. osce it ta ont- sies, ons Oie score of consisîency, tht oun public -A bs1e caret ion : me cre lnying eut la,-geiy foi Sgie t1coinse; the impmvesents aireat>-iate sud bahing, anduthierà&G1in uprospect :---iicisaul. pliestios 0ffatcit>-fur toisg a large puorion ut tise -business of tis e stern mont ;ail lcokiog toa con- elesnition or umercautile effort et liis place; al tisese deau n o utpartila eorrfspnnding ointil #se the hombelit otthis a Ienturous portioscf oui te. Jou mos, mie are ho set uimportant part in Ilica -exitea ed peations. Soit intenetI, usoreaver, couts ta idil@ aproitLing&; mus sM intelligent, pains .mig ti4isy.,aral Pulic Agest, thse delta et uogaties i auan ruisly dinutnsied ssii prompt. M1eseSieem "d dspatela"M " ne.No moute>- i -bte lidaoutissbai mbt ich prostates agansmîsla Iheoss-telceused t,>-auninlamperale asd i-n- Opumcble IlContaoneCtrdr."r We have prelsabl>-, orucoseot soeial and moral fraprbeseut centildtres! a martima population irMeipi« ud utmomsi usnumalhi tf»"telsehere, ui ab " am »nea.1.>-ud es. W. are yet te te- tioueiami humus pielblit>-, lb. commerciaulnes- purins cfa COUAir>asal Smiuimited in exteelt, Mmd ilas a pise moi-lb> ambition on oui part, set «91 te equal, bul te exaeed l iliten commuaili dus Miabmlirepie efforts te ameliorate lime condition «t bis Commuon Carrir. I'Engimnit experts evbr>- .ýuteIoebis dut>." Ma>-a ueffortlaI homata tbé proese abs on Ibsbelmot? Oui merbant. il titevednseuios- ty te hie eboltel te oeurs thein instant met cordial 4i-eperlion in any fesible plas ast eur Camion- samty %'iui eot hi outilob>- nîloter comumitiols o! Oqui ubiliy. If me colinot ai once provite a Cisepel susd open a sal »m eu, possibi>- e nMay-secure tbe services 4«4 omitait. imaivioeh. cill devoaslimmelfte - tu Promotionofethbie Boilona intercale. Snob asu 4" e IdMoutld «a e.gs do, sud oult met Ihem fflucsa lisenselvft, bath ecmosetesncesmat support. mhilors ute ot slow le appreciate bhissa ime snt eferts te de lisra goot. AusO.fiCeuight t bta"inet nr ilbs Sbipping, & Bibesiand Traicts te;bOitedthtisonfor sae.anut oc. eaciomal gratiteus distribution. IcesuSedm MaW iond - ;for ucis ce moult &aU bin,moult te founi and conallt. iSthenDme- tee Vessis M s te tataie inlFoi-I migisî te visd11>-lias.Tractassd Booidistribuitdn vligi woma eslip migistt e heit regnieni>- on the CabSon hord Oiseuste Vessai or Steaug Boit. The. Emasigre t iailisrng dur charte s ud ibipplsg uring a portion of th1e Busiess Brasesn, masd prsfi 4>- Ocis an effort, sud in al@a tenu- ksmn a emention. Wb*l. miii tMeiiiSoutci orkh1 chever lie me>- le hi ul steuassrodt sial liaiblessing et miel- M em- te pu"irismliicoua upn hiLia. Sac :-Au maicle in Wedncsas>'s Chroicle, balot thisiipoing title et-' Caution tg Emigramts Mmd die public ai large," in mhich ont repuba lion la rbrtIy treel>- iantbat, deuasis, on oui part, mornabe exjlantiion. We Dom hasie tu do se, MOre weuh a vie tovinticqle »oe«oms eracter te qaarters io bo cbeaaricle mîludelte mala> faditu M uy, and weee vme mai>- se i neen éantle0obusate s>- unfaierablu, impreeitains shicb tna>- have hotu formesd in lisepublic mmnd, in coséquence oeth1e publication et tb. article in questio, ibs (rou an>- importance vma attaarb le macla On egrattul indvidtWualasEtard CorS- tues. To proceed ilb noi explanabion, or rather ne- (8966ieOfet (ho ealicigu, talo ont nmiedin i M. Cocisase'"s producion, vme suld hon. eh- ieu., the b.berge siBytom là in chiebhehanad bis tillaclori; Montreai, is a in, aeusg, soune ci-ah, Wi mcl eusiin euer>-respect, and mwu builtma year or tWe go at Qaiebor, foi Messs. P. MrcGil "bas- e.Of Motreal, <routmisons mo purchased ber)sxsa fer tle Ottawa River andi Rideau Canai taelor ebicb she il mell aapteu. Aimet bis 21h May- our trot in Mostreaiwere tecisainh. 108 moeral barges heuRe for Ibis place, ilaen wilh 900à sanil pqunmecs-Tbey cere aise sosding <f15. "Bybome" iIh uttmftuîtons efgo0d2OOs bemal-0ur towing ress. t .1 Iolmebeing tiser liuiîcd, il ties deciddt hat 1the ladeen bar- ges shonlil have île solo benefit efthtie temi».. pomer thoen ovailale, sud thît the are"fiB>-- _______________ TUE EiNGS'1'ON HERALD..-TUEil>AY, JUNE 29, 1841. %a m - s haIrV d hb> e@ >,l ntrlt woold outIgon liaI aecut lbiak -fitRitrentunig aev pasiaffl eumeleaur *ap. The 3 do» maeemaq _y 4uayUatoned b>- Mn. cociauac1ls se ,euied*M telapse irntrthlb ti-rtisaIt *e0la" e ssutck *the10fiaet berge came ieg Iuulee Uinepsumgmer n bourm- 'fhssmdbote lote chth1e paseegers vert traosfereind vu bee 4ui,' sà sali berge of a- ltISisu354MflleS, boiRA ne cargo eith theex-. cepie. ts o teau boiter,anil being adl turnisised wîth gond ail clûtlis, 14 pensons gould certuily oake tilsescves comfortabi e oa ord et ber- 'The.observation relaive'Io "dm1>- voter and thse 6uis.onc ariing tiserefom, oui>- shows tle igno- Tauneetfthe iritler. Any mie ita&lconversant iS barges or ailher crai, lues, that in tiglit sud seaworthy vessels a certain qüuntitl>nf mater which casuel 1e piampcd ont, aima>-. romains in the bt- imisud teqoently euits a fliser sot altogelisen cfa ptasing nature..Ilis apib7 Ihat roueeians of otavîalmng this isconveuiecc bas oet been loîuit not, se asate $ave lbe elfaclon>- ergans ofsach deli- cale gentlemen as M. Cochrane frein sncb soveie erdeals. Shently aller1the pssseuers twere- lrnsferred ta, the "Janet" bits everteel seother barge ot oui,, the "011cr,'5 et about 65 tons but"e, and briog but fairly laden, 111.y voe with a view te thein btter accommodation, aeais tranaterreil te ber. sud rcaraineai on bean et her until tse>-arried here. il wiii thus tica ees thal aitbongb 111.es peeple ivere lon.ger on the ma> thon ilher 11e> or me rould bave wished, on il thny badl tales passage en board cf so ofth11e passenger beaut lcaving ai 1the saine ime-tb. fanit rouis net rith us, son îith oui- men, nie, we are amant, dii ail ins thein power ta exiedite matietu. Tise mode of tnusfr mas one eft he:r oea choies* ad they -.iers made aiae oe t is ting s todionu one belote 11e>-embankeai. On Mr. Cchansanial bersebhovau ver>- en.xioîastte-£et back bis match, chicS Sud been sent op le Mr. Gana env >.gent ber, le baud over te hum on payment ofet b.son for hicS il mss taiton sas scunaîy, but baîing ne meassoe raiing fonde tIde se, bit sortn11etisetMn fgeting up a long tony about ill-trateent, &c., experienred b>- binfteîf sud bis feliow passeugens, svhicbhoe arcordingl>- dnes out saldprerestod te Mn. Gens, staling eit the saine Ou. tIsaI if ho Mn. G. ivoulil refond the passage money, se turtber notice wroid b. taken efth11e malter, not, if the stalement hlud Le publi.4hed in lbe public prns. Mn. Consver>- properi>- efuseil te coispl>-with bis reqocatsud teint lim thal se long as me siere saliafsed that ne ill-lreatmeiaî dle enshows l'y us, on any etfu men, lie M. Cochrane vas aI perfect liberty- ta ptsbliab ehalever le Ihenglat proper. Pared i uI indignation st the ides of having bis ver>- modeal rcque'l se ligbtly Irealeil, ho determnied on bai- ing bis statement publisbed, and Mn. Editer bhneugb yean assistance sfeetet bis aject. Andl i en, mie moslilbeg le observe, Ibat i.*in ropinion is ail cases of the kîid, wbene complajuts are usde by Imimigrants le Editors o e -feflpera againat Poreasilers, weeiereon real or pretendiel pends, Ihey stsosld lihe îeed Iothéis Emigrant Agent <provided t lis aoseet aIhndI miss. duby lb n-. donbledly is ta iniostigata charges et Ibis nature, andl no,is me are ieftxsed hua he, tise case ia tise pi-ouest instance, te recomantdb.h course s- dopbed b>-Mr. Cocbmre,-.u ade e. (artSer in- quir>- ie otise malien.- The oon erpsseugetamade ne abservaliesber@ enlise -@abject et their allegeil giovaces. M. Cechrane tieus spekesmnan for ail, sud b. so doulte, indateil 15m ta aigu bis latter undon tisa impres- sion tissI thair passaqe moue>- moulil ho refunded. At ail evrenîs il is evideo t'nbs etovrd dirctcal more mith a vioc to gel hock nis match and bave a free passage, thon trout a> philanthro- pie desine on bis part te comensicata a $«Cautjcu te Eutigiras and the puila lrge!." HRis e- quest te couupossn tise mater for a 11Sierati5sî" plain>- indicates Ibis Wo havi beeu the# explicit, in tis# hopte hai lb. pulirme 2ajudge fer tbemaelves and se thal meaentleasse, -andl beuas tmnde.. lb.e malIe n ofetneosaan impotanse.. SbIud ibis set lho deemet anffilcieni, mc une o- pas le investigation, na>-tme invle it. And trout- ing that yen air, andl any other oditor ehe uay have copici thse fermier ariclei a Wisr bbis, - W4 remnir a a-ai ssr Youî,:Lt ;enî'ta., SANDERSON & MURRAY. Kingston, Jus. 19, 1841. V ABJ1E T Y T 0RE . Ao. 4. GarnussBUiùgs 1>ROAD CLOlli, Càe,4imere, Worsbed Plaid, .kDCassinct, Cambleleens, Tweeds, Canicees, Moleskine, Vcatinge,. B>- bie Plece or Yard, a fine assotuent et Irish Usoens. SILKS. Engiisb ast Frenchs Gros t. Naples, iguee uni plain Taiinecîl. DE Mousise de Laine Dresses, Cambiel de. SHAWLS ANIDDRESS BANDRERCHIV.FS. Chintx, Prntqand Asut siai Colhars oclatiDem 4ipiows. Threut, Nett Cape, and Ceihma, sud Curs. BONNETS. Donstable, Srse, sud Tosurn, laleet tasbiens. Ladies' ant Ciildteon' Parasols, jest receivet. Genlemeni Hots aud Caps, Beys Caps. GLOVES. Lbdies long andl short Kit Glovea, do. tdo. do. Laice Mita, de. SiikGieve, o! li celons. Tcillet Begati, and grass bleached Shiting and Union, alunit eues>- ciher article in lise cottes CLOTRELNG. A large asserînient o!f1the cLoye articles kept conastnl>-ou ban$ made id tle lest ususen, ami cbesp toirush. STOCKS. Englisis, Frenchs and Ameriran Stocko, or' ii descripiona; Salin, plain anut Sguied, FPrench Boesbcsincs, Prunecha, SilI sud Valencia$ and ail Mst al 111cr his. LiaasuicCnaaaas ASISBesous. COLLARS. Ladies Colleas and Caps, Tbread, Lace, Beiett snt Mulin1 efthlie latetI tyle asd lest qualit>-. TEAS. A tewets ef Youg 8>-on Tes, mhich ciii ho colt uer>- hem ton Caris Ail thseabos'e articles con h bc ut mas olesale Or Ittail, 8 us macn bk puichaeetin Miaculea. Pleusu raIl, anal sce for yenselias,-qualit>- sud pice-aud munis oblige ýýS .BAY Kiugston,17tI Msay, 1841. SPRING GOODS, FOR SALE BY TUE SUBSCEBERS. A LARGE qa:dity.fbiiuchc4cuvas, 1 a 7 Gemamen Rts, e! the neme.tk*aublem is, Clotb ICapo, on a large usorlinut or BSe awBo neals; ai-e, Molealmn, Jeansuana Drillsa 'u varions de- Tie ubove gondls Saving been puxcbusod in tise Entglihial Nsets eI a lime UbeC tise>-mere mach tepress4 t'usquesuy tht> ey s.bosgit ver>- bmw, duicS oubles lieu se <fertihse.Vgalse 15.1- Cwstouer a aver>- kW prices. W. WILSOIN, xiagcta, leS.3,184.1. T UsNee Dtuat e. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR SALE, Prealareu ieds- waleul.and retail, 100 fobbs, wlm«erns, 60 doz. poihed Cod Steel Heu, M 11,Maitare Foik,? 4W kegs Wbite,Gree BMu:& Red Pains 5W galons eustot ibi Oi$ 50 Sagar Keila, 200 pairs Polisbed Trate Chaires. BRIGGS & LA&SHE2R. Store Street, l<ipton, lob.2,15. ROYAL MAIL STEAMERS. Lalce Ontario and River St. Laernoe. rI ~Pbic are informed that theî following .L are 1e arrangements for Ibis Semsn: LAKE ONTARIO. Betweer Kin -stopx<i Trs St. GEORGE, Capt. Te ohy,-NIAGARA, Calit. Sutherland,-CITY 0F TORONT0, Capt. Daek. PROM KINGSTON At haâti past 7 o'elck Evening, Sonday, and Tbuîsday, th1e St. George. At 8 o'clock Evening, Taesday and Friday, the N-fflra, At 8 o'ciock Eveni-igt Wednesday sand Saturdy, th? City 4 Torr.o, Land arrive at Toronto early next dey. The above Steamers awalt1the atus eorth1e bMontresi Mail PROM TORONTO At 12 o'clock îfiee; Monday snd Thursday the At 12 7.î.%t Noon, T .. d.a nd! riday thse City of 2bronf o, At 12 o'clock Noon, Wednesdq uand Satnrdal the st. GeoTget, And arrive tKingatenearly next morning. The abovo boat* cail ai Cobourg and Port Hope, each way. And the.64 City of Tronto" wil eave Toronto ror Niagars and Lewiatoiî everv lMonday Mors. ing ai 8 e'clock, snd réturu to Tomanto in the at. teruoen. RIVER ST. LAWRENCE. )Jeimmen gston & Dfckinaon'a Liding. BROCKVILLE, CapI. Maxwell, Front Kingston ut 9 ü*clock Mering- Sonday, IVednesdav snd Friday, Frein Dickinuoss Landing et 4 o'clock Morniug, <or on the arrivai cf 1the bail frein Montreal) -TuesdseV, Tbursay and Satlons>-. H. GËflERSLEEVE, Capt. Bowen, From Kingston at 9 o'clock Motn.ig-Tuesday, Thoraday and Satnnday, Prou Diç&ii-uon's Landing et 4 o*clock Moraing, (or ocm1the arivai oe bliai! fioin Montreal> -Wednesday, Frday sund Sonsda>-. Front arrangements whiebbhave becs md.e wi thse Upper Canada Stage and Steam Boat Compa- il of Montreal, Passengers betweeca Montrial and Kiegeiton, arrve at thoe places on th1e aflemanoon of the second day. The aboielBoots colt at Ganancque, Brockvile, Mlaitland, Preucott, Ogdensburghi, Matilda and WilliamaWb ah rway. Baggae Mud PFe aet Sdari*e o the mon«r, s- lmbeakcd and geffled for as fruigAl. Lake sudl River Steam Bot Ollce, Kingston, Ist May, 1841. j ON SALE, AgtM Ske & iber's Whokue s Varrcksgs, CHOICE IINES. 10 QI!. cssks Blackbun& Madeira, 53bur. ahs Osbonesâ Pot, 10 qrss, Superior Claret, 2baskets Champagne, "Victoria Brand." r oALSO-FRESH FRUITS, New intranssits trou Nom Yerk. 100 buxes fresis Oranges,, 50 do de Lemnsn, 10 hbls. îde Pine Apples, 100 boxes Muscatel Raisins, 60 haIt boxes do 25 matis paper sheli Alinontna, 50 iliums Figs, 50 tsar>-bxet.Prunes, 10 kegs Cutrunis. Aire, daily eapect direct fronst th London Io0 bds supenior Cognac Brandy, 10 do de Hollanda, 10 do Caupbleton Whisky, 50 cases Seheidais Gin, 25 qr. culks Sherry, 50 cases Clanel, W biai. Poten,- 60 de Aie. JAMES BROWNJunior. Kingston, 7lb June, 1841. THE MONTREAL Patent Cordage Manufattry EINGC ommi ffut eperation. b>- Stesm power, Border foromplesSite ni Rigging, for Ves- notice. A large sud weil anioreid stock. et White, Ter- naids sud Manilia Cordage, miii ho kcpt cuasandy> IL H. PERKINS, Ageue, St. Palnt reet. Montre]; April 21st, 1841. W8 j USTreceiedsud for sle-*y lbe Subsenibors 76Kegs Spaniala Brows Paint, 123 te. do. White do. 50 do. Blsck do. 21 de. Creec. do. 4 bhdh. Best Vinegur, 60 Kogu Cet Nails, A toc Chesta Tmemlay Tes, Kingston. 1811 May-, 1841 A SULKY and HAI<NESS VYOR SALE. Kinstome 1'th Ma-, 1841. -ILuih c supp>- et Fresh Garden, Grass ant Fi£ d Seds.J. W. BRENT, Drsaggist 4& Apcae"-. King Street, Dec. 22, 1840. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS. A CJENERAL assortment ;ecoiied met for sade J. W. BRENT, RUCAD) 0F STORM IÎTRCE?, KloN OON, I. 0. BLANKS FOIR SALE. IEEDS »di MEMOmIALI, Lac Cout et AL- Bequus,and ether B-L ANi K g, in gneîî v4ety -fer s"leattse Ilerdd lir*Ic. CLOVIER SEED. LES. fima tiasisSeed, tà*sale lin> §*.am jb&M 1 amtheeet wS. WUotssA.LE IMPOTEISo <i matÀ»D Mit- BXGN ri CY AD iTALE DIT CoqD". FRONT STIM., w ILL bava l'orsaile on the arrivai of the Brut spigvesscia tront London, Liverpool, Clyde, andt Dualeg a cbesce and comsplote a»sont- ment ef Fancy ad Stvel Dry Gouds, loi. censst- angof Bine, BMati, Brown, Botle, und ivaet S. F. Clihas; Satinette; Fàna'y Valentian; Plain and Pi-led Quillingi s ut 'anbimu; Plaia, Blacks aud Fascy Cusbons; Rach Delaisanmd Prinicil ISsienysi Brussela Canpeing; Grt-enan sd Genufen Mrens; Bloe and Eugraiucd Crinison Damasha; AuSsi Fringes trîaumed with CTinisos Tops; Dm11 Moeskines; Pristed Satin Tois sud Fancy Cas- toms; Twillei lons sud Swasdowvns; Plain aund Fascy SeNcias; Cotton Veivsansd Veire- teens; Black, Brown, Avantorine, Drab, Gi-ss, Orange, Myrtie, Puce, WVaterloo, Pink, Sky, Crîmsea, Cînoamon, 1'urple, Yeilow sud Civet Rolicil Jacconeltea; Pfints àa great vsiety ; Jean Stripes; Regattas; 3-4 and 6 4 Cotton and Linon Ticks; Grey sud %White Colton; Sheppards Plaid; Beugal Cord; Bluc Dermies; Apros Checks; Tînt- key Stripes; Cottlou Yarn; White sud Brown Union Draper; 6 & 10-12 Bleacheil Clotba; 61ta 10-4 Cotton lovers; Blesclici Lioet Diaper; W. B. Union Dice Clob,; Plain aud Diagonal Linon Drls; W hile sud Brown Docks; Hocka- harks, Dowias; Ognaborghs; Twilîcil Sackings; Impenial Caivas; Tweeds; Wsddng; Paste- board; Fancy Drills; Calice Cutings; a quanti- ty ef Ready Made Clolbýing-; SILK & BEAVER BATS; Devon, Plain and Coloneil Luton, Berlin, Rollaud, Plain sud Slniped Toacau, Rnstic and Rice Straw BONNETS; Wiiloiv Shapes; Hain tCord Dimity; Plain, Checked and Spoited Cami- bric$; Brocades; Back, Witr, nsd Sky Bloe Book Moalins; Plain Tamnbouned; Yeused and Spolteil Jacconetta; Taubourd Book Meurens; Bisbops Laen; Swissansd MaIil Malins; Print- cd Colonade;- Plain, Greias, Fancy and Fignred Neti; Broad BMati,snd Whigs Blonde; Wirs Gneuod snd Thread Edging snd Footing;- Imita- tion Valencia Edgiugs; Blonde Edguog; Wire Groud Lace; Black Paria Blonde Quiling; Plain sud Grecisu do.; Lace sud Moslie Caps, tilled sud trmmmcd - Ptinted Canabrir; Chintz snd Cal. ico Dresses; Furniture Chintz; Ladies' Plain, White , Drab, sud Cordeil Sîsys; Bachrasansd Foundalion Mlusiis; Veionas Haudkerchiofs; Pliin sud Figured Gauze. do; Scattsancd Veila, Black Barcelonn, Bros an sd Ducape Hanker- chiefs; Chechei, China, Ciimson, sud Printed Bandannas; Crape Bandkrrchicis; Filled Shawla and Handirerchiefs; Cotton fiandkerchief,, in va- det>-y; Fancy RibLons; Plain sud Figured Gros de aple; Colored Sarsurt; Whie, Frenh W hite,ý Blark,' k -. sand Pin k Satins; Plain, Eu- grained sud Embousseil Periians; Bonibazeens; Artificial Flowers (in giest vsriely;) Cottos, Silk sud Satin Pa&RASOLS; Cbildrn's Gney, «Vbile sud Scallet, Worsted and Cotten Sodas; Mfes'. Brome, White, Binse, Sîripeil sud Poney Cotton Secte; Wite, Grey, Marble, Bileeoeil Fancy Rose ; White sud Black Sîlk do. (cotnou !op); White sud Black 511k do;-,Men's Cotton, Wersled sud Inua Rubben Bnaces; Boys' do; Body Bles; Patent abd Fancy Leather Belgeai Listing Shees; Webb snd Girtb do; Chiidien's Plain sud Coloned do; White and Black Bebbia aud gibbon Wire; Knitting Pins; Needîca; Pins; Rooks and Eyes; Bottons; Tapes; Cotton Speelo; do Balle; Markiog Coton; Licn n bread; Sem- ing uI; Twists; Round Silk CoaI Edging; tLab's MeOI and Rng Worsted; PruMsan Slnd- ing; Rabbins; Cotten Ferrets; GalbSu; Cotton and Silk Stay maud Bout Laces; Stocke; Stilliers sud Giazcd Thsabera; Kid, Cotton, Liais sud Silk Gloyes, (in great varie t>-;) 25 CRATES ASSoRTED eRocKEgRy 2M0 Bate Bleache al iiCauvnvsa, No. 1 te 63 to ehich they tene st the attention et Sbie Owners snd Captains ot Vessels. ee>-A libenal Credit wili ho givon b>- fîrnshing e doedpaPer, sud 1the maul diacount ullomed far Cash. Kingabon, 6111 Msy,1841. SALT, &c. &c. FOR SALE. rIESubacnilser wili keep constaetly ou bandl A. duriog 1the seasen of Navigation, Water Lime, Plaster of Paris, B>thBrcl Onondaga Ssii, & 01tef irl Whisky,1 AI[ ef which wiii lie seid unsuail>- be for Cash or short approveil credit. Couns iai Wharf WIIOLE SAlLE FUR STORE, MAT &AD >ÀCAP FACTREY. ir HESuhscib'. s emnasomnldgi n g t l i r grat - i*udie Ith e lethaute of Uoppo Canada sud their petrons gnemly-mouit give notice that lIseïr eutire Inn Pataishtbu ashes emovot tram Monîneal te Kingto; miscre lb.>- have greail>- extandeit their buaineslielis lu te manu- faclor>- asd hy importing direct frosat Lonten, ant olhem foreigus ports, Pull OFlp BII! »SCIITION, Vii. ruaL CAPS, OLOVESB, tiSAicTi-EsCOLLA,, Cuits, mils, anas, ITT, TSLVIIiSO, l&c. &c. Andl arc nom prepaneil te execule al enteras pon us neasosahle tenus as au>- establishment iunlime Unied Province. N. B. Tise higist prices pi ton ail hssds et SHLPIG FRS *M. L. GREENE & Ce. Kingalcu, 1841. A. HURD A NNOUNCES le tise ishabilanîs o! Kingston, Ihb has epuee a SOHOOL in RElit STREET CHAPEL, ast lega beave te soiiciî a shore et public patronage. Branches laugîtotal-. emitcs, Nofiaral PhilospIy, Bock Koepisg, His- tory Eng. Gamsnar, easgmapky es Paismas- hilsien, 11h Aptil, 1841. SPRING GOODS. W H ITE &i Colorcai Linen Drils; wbite and V ooeret Moleskins and Cautoon; Faner> Cîscînd ent pris ted Moleskins ast ieans; Due- clima ast Fancy Saltinetta; greal variet>- et Veut Pattenus. GEORGE B. HAINES & Ce. Store Street, Kingston, Apili 7ti, 1841. STIIA3K BOA.T ExjpEEjsI, CAP?. il. N. TIrimoop, W TILL PLI', dorng thse asoit of navigation, !YDAILY betweos Oswxo ansd KmG&ToN, lcavieg Oswcgo every ssornang aI 8 A. sm.; and Kingston cicr>- evecniun the urrival ef bhe Bouts trou Proscott. For !,oigbt onrpssgr, apjsly te FITZIUGII & Ce., Oseego. LASTON, Ross & Ce, Kinutois. April 27, 1841. TO0 LAND OJVNERS .iN.D pRopRI.ElYRS 0FrflOUSES. nunscroaeqiaàlirîaftonTown Lots, Hoa- ALitas &nBooms mate te the Sutsorte& h&#bisnl- dneed thebe tissu a Notice, ieforn. thoe mise haie PROPERTV FOR SALE, or te RET, tisai Puirbaseis sud Tenants. cru ho recoanendet te lise. on application ai 111cm Lanil eg.stny, Auctien & Cons u is;ion ReoCUa Cassady's Bulding%, '5w re tretl, Kingstone. JA'$. C. GODiWIN, N.P. F. M .HAZtL Aucliones' Brokh & Comuision Mereisnt. N.B. Ail ordce, la *'ise et lisethéabe biaucisos, reswefronM aeir" «* lhe SAsCoM,sE alN bave t111cmut auss atenn KiCIDSte, 2411May, le " - 6 1 loti. NEW FORWARDING LINE. Pia the River Sr.Laurenc. TO AND eROX MONTREAL, BROCK VILL, KINGSTON AND O Tal aecmDrAiE PLAC81s. ROS, MATTRIE & Co. et Mentreaol, EASTON, ROSS & Ce. ai Bre*sil f Kîgst. ITIIUsnjeand iusproved Barges, ii b. lire-4 YVpareil at 1theopening ot lhe Navigation, te give Passage te Enigmuiîlan o etransport Pmo. envy of ail descriptions wiuh increaed saafty and dispatcb.1 Freights upsi'uds charg-d '-or by WRIGHT & - t ratas reduoed bAioo'Ac TariffFPric.a exacted for yesa paa-t. The Sobscriber%, trou btoifactiuiies whach they poessansd their deterruination tu do th1e business iutresteil toe 1m atisfactitily, trust thut tbey wili comen!andd mcdlt a sha.-e o! Publie support. (Siguned,) MATFIiIE, EASTON, & Ce. JAMiES ROSS, HENRY EASTON. Jana4ry t, 1811. 381 (JIRCULAR.' T fiE Subserber begs leave tu retrs e bis nu- those acksosvlcdgrnents whicb Iheir lierai sup- port dorng the lait season se jostly call fors ad in doing se hie avails bisnself of tie opporunity tu ste that lie is nom coupieing hi, arrangemnents tu continue lias PERIODiCAL SALES in Kingston, Toronto, and Hamiilton, on a stili more exteodeil anale, ini onder te ensure te bis pre- sent customerasud lte1the Trado aI large, increased facijîliesanauJacertain miaket for tb. uupply of every coaomodity under the denuminaîîon et Tous, Sugas, Wiîîe,, Lîqoai ai-I Groccries. Aad leb egsliai. te assure 111cm that they usa> coafiuonty nîly upen ibis.e Salea for their gemeral supplies et 1the lowest emarket rates ai nd oth1e mest fivorable terms. The Subecrsber hep uettheb sme lime te iro- duoe to bis cusatomers Mi. R. A. Goodenough, te ebou hli bas entrusteil 1h. geoneal management of Lis Sales as Agent sud confidontiel Assistant. JAMES BROWN, JaicioR. Kingston, 15th February, 1841. FOR SALE. Y the subscribors, at ibeir btorcs su Front. B0 ategst lug Tebacco, 181s, sup. quality, 50 legs do do 161s, do l0e boxes Cavendish, do. 100 jars Maccabo> Sout!, 10 M Principe aud Regallia Cigr,. ILUGH FItA$ER & Co. FOR SALE. BY 111e subscibers, at their aloest in Piont 20~ hs bi bght Muscovado St;ugir, 30 bbla. d do do 40 baga E. I. cnualalixet do 5 isbds. rellnedLoaf to 40 bahf chosti Youmng 11>son Tea, 10 do Tmsnmlay uaid Hyson. RUGIT FRASER & Ce. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS -10 Pucheons Janaica Spirits, 40 quarter cashs do 28 do cognac Beanil>, 5 bhds. Bordeaux do 7 do Hollands Cin, 20 nas Schiedao i. 1 doz. eacb, 30 casltu Bordeaux Vîsogur. RUGIT FRASER & Ce. Kingston, April, 1841. FOR SALE BY THIE SUBSCRIBERS hd.(ag)Table Cedfiai, 10 20kegsLociaine Herrings, 10 bile. No. 1 North Shore de 40 boxes Digby do. RUGIT FRASER & Ce. -Kingston, Apii, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUB-SCRIBERS 20 5 bs oasedd 30 boxes Ocnend do 10 bags Back Pepper, 28 boxes Grounil do 50 mat. Cassie, I caul Nulmegs, 80 jeu~r Mudtard <risb), 20 egs Sun Lais., 2 krega Zante Cnrnis, 2 bales Clouas. RUGH riFRASER & Ce. Kingston, Apil, i841. SOAP. 20 )Boxes Stee'li eut Liverpool Seap, ton 'RHUGIT FRASER & Ce. CABINET Ul% Su asrsdtbt9 vrected iu bl,, bis z coner oetSSoreSt ee -adcnir, i Groceny Stir re st a-w"hst sriaorn-lf TRof the-Whrest î ~ Pricea to suit insîe d1, I'r t non otpnh sin. ina- ý a rail. As Il .e Pr 11 ai. iastnaint îsîî. NEWr lis-i-ran N 'fIc., p,~ Slee, iy t sia bd U il et ~ 1,1 Mn*. .(1.r aIl limes, aanes[ î, '. ver, Nesaîrns, 'aI< ~he ai Mien Iliai, -s,,s:i n"1. IVOOL IIAL, I'S >,,a i cash on aîiîaîsrc..l creji,li thsktl ac(iave,sJ c,15 CZ- 'sa snti .oî c %,, Ci. KigsonqNlcin> !i î T HEçu-ier a, bnd CLOTH CAPS, iuitable lasUrio rien le amY iniporteillie tir oi1 prunes, ai hi, VCap Fatoy, k Kingston, Apri 2t) * *. M1 7r1HE lpublic sle asiîîa5a, , J RON îusy aI i 146 (5-n illib,a,, id Itird ii Moalistomasi, iPlld,5aBruj '-'>)sccgs, on La, OiiiO Rochlsier, cialt.eiirsee uRi. Uponsathse not rcaicnî,îc jtra Messns. Fitcb-igilî, C r M essrs. hilai & iJ.., ~ i Andl at Msrîisiswan] >il r' budth 111 tls îa îin ic. î Caulin on ltha rki.trir Orda-rs finr(asliaî; s al kiisaàs particularl>- cookîs Sev., îf Cauidros genties, l'lt-i, als Andirons, &c., aitimr aller tiheplles, fino ad oh, onafier nys> ttasinu, fniethliaIpu - %vîil moite lion, being directeIteleAgi ia mo r l, o r t e th e a s bi r en l JOSEPH îo1 Exanator cf Gcia Ogtessabungb, 9th Joiy, Ise13 VALUÂBLE PRoPERn IN THES TOWN OF fiNt FOR SUL T FiAT pmomin part et XKseï pyI> th ie s sa lier tepremsas WIILLIAii CI Kingston, 93d Feb. 1841. F~ OR SALE b>- the Susurniir,ebsu .L 20 b i osd Cehl Ta, 100 Boxe, Glass, 8! X 9i, 20 Bailes Ssi Twinar, 8 Rdds. Cognac Brndr. 5 do. whilei dis. e dox sopenior golai coli Sblms 40() reouuu mnappisg paier, 20 boxes Laurioniarria, Kingst on, Apill3îth, 1841. NEW BADDLE AND MA WAR!LIII] UE, Opposite Mr. Heeths Drrgpfal çkh Sâ J 0OHN HARVEY espenîfullymu~ aso b easdl eai il onbella oppositf n Dc neTailsr Siapaasld poulte Mn. lleatis's Dnaueisl SImCA' a gesenal assontnient et SADDPLE!,l aisling in part o! Dube ast inglelrieis, piie4 h black mounted. r A ceice usnntment cf Ladiins'&Bd ýRitisg Wiips, Carnage aud Teamoiers' Whije Cernry Conte, Brsaesm, Spun, lac, Trnnlil Valises and Potatle. H. cîlI manuWbtmre te onden, ery dm marki lu bis lino mils lie aue m* su very- resaoable terss. r> The attention ef LamubusMerhm ers sud Teamalers la particirinWsl gala et ver>- soponior leary DoelaBii ho bas nm ou .band. Kingston, l7th Nov. 180. JUST RECEl VED AND FORI' sail£S'Unesuceusti- 20 legs lPlu& Tobacro l16, 20 kege do. 1U5 16 'oxes Cavendishal-3e 10 hi. do. 3Ue 30 jasa MacrobOY -Staf, 60 baiesB5unhRdis iis,, 3 0 a it b o iras ado 10 Tierces MiCc, 40) Mets Caîsis, 6 legs Ginger, 6 legs Nubarg, 10 boxets roond Colice, 16 baxes do PePPer, 16 boxes to Allsrice, 10 baga Lagia Cot-e, y0 bogs St. Dosalago <3aIIIl, 10 qr. rails Sweel ll*alar, 10 baies Faîhents, 10 bis. AlssaeadS, 5 legs Cornant-', 16 boxes Leanoul, 20"bakets Cliapage, 120 dz. Tumubiers, 40 reamsa Wrspîig Pper: Kingston, Sth June, 1841. CELER1tA TED CL-4ililE» C A PRIMaitile fcr b itlia Gt b et;frsale bY- tie R oy a Exchange a ist C:j -The aboi l e~ hI vonage fer aisiuerdrink. Kingclon, 111m s>-a,181 - PUBLISHED EVERty TUE§ Mrnos.TIfO.se AIbis office,' us Store Stret ne'~ Mars iHuse Hatel K"g?» where al eders w i l c tisà k» poutusill> aileudeil to. o >o TZaxS.-Vnfieeeahiliii ier 0 fessage> îm>ablo lnu aSiiiiCCs shillings sud six pence ifàp.i in lite prporin o aKele 1 01 lise lonf h.Pui1' 0 te th.editor. Aivertiseneftts A sud n -.O adiheseitte Thoses». Istl'> à t- FOR SALE BY THE SUBSCRIBERS, 1020 bbis. Rire, 10 bbis. BanIe>-, 100 relus Weapping Paper, 5 bales Conte, 30 boxes lîppeil sud tacet Pipes, 20 bbls1. Blacling, assonteil, 5 do WaInuts (fresh), 3 do hurd-siseli Aluent,. IIUGIT FRASER & Ce. Kingtue, A1îil, 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUBSORIBERS, 4 Bbis SandemanIs Port Wine, 3 dox. eacb, ~*6 cashs Sherry Wine, 3 dcm.eacb, (sup. qu.) 2 ihds. a Gourei' Madeira, do. 10 ti. casks 1 acn Madeira, do. 8 do Sherry, 12 do Pont, 10 cases Champagne, 40 baskets,' do. Leiîh Aie aud Perler. RUGH riFRASER & Co. i Kngston, April, 1841. OILS & PAINTS. 10 Hlds. double loiled i lmseatOi, 10 cashs Spiita Torpeistine, 90 kegs White paint, 25 do Green do. 5 bble. opemOit, RUGIT ton suie b>- Kingston, Apil, 1841.FR SR&(o GROUND PLASTER ANDS W'VITr JL Irj m z T lE subsruiber bas nom ou lasut end allers fer T al atthe Stone MiinuMaysburgh, 0bne a Of Kal ime, Wlsich haecau futnsatbàbuoutouers, oretoil>- 55ound sud ready for use. -Aise condut> on ad, TMIASMMNG ~ACMISt bbhe usai approvat kinds. Ha miiiguaran.te sel Greaut Piaster mi lower rates Ibm as ho beimportet, heing 111e prepra.ter ot an extensive qnsnry in tise U. States. DAVID M. LAME -Etene lMille, Ist Pebruary. 1841. FOR SALE BY THE SUJ3SCRII3ER. DYE WOODS efth11e bestalt>, Wbolesalu .3. W.d Relail, J. W. REN?, RingugStrtet, Dac.k2cs180. FOR SALE, 2( )PCS, oe t atu Esmi Dck, foi-ma- ssii o ka Sinser Treese w. AIse, Top-. Wu WILSON. Iiielate, ay 6, 1841. -9 gui rn~ ~g 0F A~LMî ~Vrss:uEsuAv r feou5 te Legusia' ri 8,cronrsud b> 1 1,e amendaienst et r preeedeal clth Sb ddnes~. . il(a Md d ssi ,ih5itte~ amngrapbg. The lu 751 oiutaoptun. scoItiintageechi esq il, -;full belle! thb w iIi Ise bajaPlI>- e e nter the casaiîr e w tie id tas I te uetitiu.lt u a nt aea n d l't~ce iouse inisu ppofe lie alladedIo le e - ha 1avr ia la i giona bc stnisel ocr. aSainRr rose and sair ýerc et a ditteren ,t the divisinSle e 0 about le press the 1 tîlity te tise messul 1' mras 111e ight il cossanlation t hei 1 ail uatri,5 inue orfpetiziotl: if uaking knems StI th îemothenr oua e ta thenesisa 5arouragaun. iy, lu tie ury * the imfpression of s 1,ira Iopeathbonie. Id vidraw lai*5ni iprese c nl>- the 1 mnntsthat pence t Monsut tfrainthe U lt nait le ie in ala a lud Iot. NDoulai not pied@ los Bill in detai, Uiîon, leause it lic laie Earl of D r taisui iat itmre atsi molet cou ea- ju reaýi)erite c n culai d t isctil in tarer oftihe Uni" d«;ffe-ed tramt tiseI ahi. opinioin outh1e emplioyed in 1the a roneadgo las a5tise1 sanirai î;ovemnmn [liiv woult 11e resi al tisay nuglat ta br ns fur 1he agsuras a(0 sst nl0that of, tT.-li ce are liai,1 niy uder tise ce i. luosuhoxwcisc l asaings. Mil rase un expia a-laisn li asase, la u. meailmeN if mu ci raid sol îaicdge tîcar a'i 'eiar armai nes inter lime eepreacult rpninarshast if lite 1 bPea-ciî tlan.>- oult a i malmauen . (C ie s CL. MI1astosaied Oxford %would oete: it aie iereent s e) mas a mottaI tit at noesi>- 'as rty Of gentlemen G artilel,a lie îsit r î-lieliant talesni 'tl'arerday,aidthli arar ins assauti laiionq upo a iri uailaid ebicsaa Ilime,,riacioraf 1t1e le ek-a k e n-w SI an ra annasys lha, tia nir reoul ilha, anajira lo arlaiiamer re2ojiluos Jsîlicis 1 : 1 ; i..

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