Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 29 Jun 1841, p. 3

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. ~THE KINGSTON HERALD _TUESDAY, JUNE 29lv 184. arity ,ag- -l ie eit to We have becen requested to publishthe fo1- TrO T i REiNr»ABlITA TO M EAmE T EA E LVERA'HS? M i OS 9 ut e" o YOfi to the Pd e lowing notic respecting tIe oty eiw KLVGSTON.X N oJ C OONNe imorte & f Britih Dy G III N A OMS W AREO re . Gnera wjoge ho loo not a ig for NOTICE. rHE BAPTIST SOCIET recently organized onro Bok&QarysreKà ti a lto g e t a n o h e , n es s h t t e a y No s q ecif c r c m t n e t ae w h ic h a li , - r] c a v e te ar s é i a i w "m en e il l st r t a t h b ua t t re e d ie £ » rti i on ¿cIs, no1ftedssru rendered dhe furtheF continnace of the of Divine W om hip, fr teir o n Dise, a d tae C tl en s of Ky in a and jiin ei t df a t favose Vi nitcy , a t e Das ju ýt raec ile, dr fo ea LU' free froÏ , * p tir g a cntry with poor MonTutr REmEw inexpedient h ulc-o n fterflo.@nan0h sypfr ads a hth a utrcie ietLno n acetr hieasrmná >g trceo - vlidul , wh waat ere it not ion of tht work will not be resumed. may and it convesit to worship with them. Glasown, Manched e r ado L ono,a er large Jan Foacy . S a " 1r GoNds su ita fo th uE mos the old -n rton o o passionate Those Subisenhlers who have pid for the 'ta ra dta hersn m otneo s i.i Bo n able amnt Dougil a nSavrylare ar nd s . len «,,,-im n hihw llb ondsp g e a e eesgxoas gt dic in the whole year will receive the balnce of their Tow, neeneio ih h cam o nMeras oabeamimnto anyanNtpOTryGosICE.N 1adBNLSHFOR As tg rul .11 ej m ividi the wvants Of the Subseniptions through their respective Pot-in pouaInl secunir aset f pubiym- EAD TEaDEng amprte thmhislfdree feelsv d'VRNEN tOTIC PLfNS arNe" stae r; FJMOA El PAI 'fi th ens, o1m s er rA t pathy, a .w . s p e ni r s it n e toi ihes con s .de t r n e a ination, descripeifound eg li y S Coei s ra O fc K ohal td E A LE D •n P L S ;N G O S B E .tJ P ES and S L O N D ONE h ot ,ny Il essaies. lafr.asseso gns who &hus seek te fumih it with another Christias and y ne markt ins rce desrto quly TEDR ilb eevdtteo aiu hdsi-SINB a cand bel outaies of the, famtous emi- JOHN WAUDBY. Sa.ncterv. an byhtL r n ed exrtii ces onnv hsprtg the Cmssriat Odie Kigsn Ail peto& or OS F7Rf»OdjENCH NE SE E; an LONDO eau o1 . O Caad Tm.]Kingston, Jolne 2%, 1841. Te ere'e a sahstantial edifiee, suchasisecotemn- wit lral icesdfaii:s hain accs s odayi hel hJlyent, rmaypro rST n fEBNET;Gnimn e Srnpit,_ .pSted with[ sutal acodation Mor the in- diett.h rts lres oe ogv h uiu is a, roue of engmio a Castrats foin YASofut'a a ten C aT e a wum niK EL 'f his s iy seidently rapidly in- EBiro|. strucrion of the vouec, wit inveive a large ex- · customrers andl inds satisfaction, and to rece'ive M any oi RaFof Bop-renCaeatsynCP ofwc various pattens ;ODO aHNT nice assTmEn eAI t v •ti , ,d t rdetly, bec ause it munst be re têti tomm.m Thuned.y menai, i7th inut, le. will.a pense ; towvards 'defraying which, in addition toa c ede ontinne of the favositeoso vieal e x aonry, nar oth HRoyfwhcSpietonLON NCBT' rPNEDCL- lI "inal. ite Sahat there is, miel erater CJ*rkB o seMhiddeLayo what they can themives provide, no otherl Te- tees of isnc Gin jMrginaeag Conditions lal Mguel every dayr grnan CWES ;. if rCh amr (fâtt of I -I the1 . e 1 ¡n' oner stet a susual. rAt se.ýà un'h 3hiateLaytàLLB Lr sources aie available hiaasuch as public and Chéris-.AfeofhsGosjsreivdaeafoow te dae alEge'sdcafr ra ers;aihasrmntfFIT A ýy thmn Ila teeAliinenOr se bre. hegn i& bwan liberality cray supply. Sanctionedith n viz. 1Un sateGxSScTNLeNRN RBOS associ ial nan isa %ç' .imne. Storag*e, At hie recden.s....r.ce tu. 4th 1,t. dettaking byl their fellow-townsmen & i.à.me-diate A very rich assrtment of Ladies' emýbroidered -Vlotheptionlale s;cur, subj lect theq apro- TR a od VaEty ofGOVS adüRIR assei song ,ý ofin te lltoPue. Thr=r . nm.Eiae 3 neighbors, the helpe of friends at a distitâce will the Shally Cashmere Cosper Thiitat, Mental(kd et.ssril il. be requred VICnaen TOtI VESTIEanCS. >ae ao charm esUt to plerr thrq "teya r k.. - G .eor a s9dh nant, ja th. 5th moeraiybegiefolid Fillet, Blond, Lace and sa-tin Shawls amI rlg- o ommis st, A84o. aal dnod asso,1tt.mentaeMI of fanay and Malwhi 1IOr eaâ b aie. ik, omisaiDRLS;lg-le mla etrtamrmta Ilich th in ouorin trade is ex. MAlo. cthe 14thinaae, EA aabethaigar,. w..re 1%' Parties connected ith the undertaking will very H nkrhesHfth eetadms asinbeaaso, 5hJn,1v.DI S;geter ith auv Gna assrtet fri rl wy caniu, bhea rpt th ohe dyfo c." a yl 's s -.kehortly wait upons the inbsabitansis and residents of 5tyles.GOS o nmru ee omnin I al st u , .l ath , if o te, a nise er a , fesse l k a h l i s arE . , t in the C thi d - . -e co d a er the T ow n to solicit cont butions. Ja n &ra t C oi pari o a d is N ed e r ought C oa N Ew W B 0't c 0, 'ý T K I lâER Y ie xr e i ve th h ie ab e ood dir et re A, 1111 ."u..týI W bsn reason why The allowiug Donations, ke.. are hereby acknowl. saris nde Cuff ones, pli an figre Paassimn af; -h mauatrr fGetBian hs a lo thnn. sas n the West Frn ndieseo t l ub«G"I fiared and esmbroidered Bionnet, Saline, and a very E I N GS T ON. v r b atronage ksteo é feel tradn fiden it.- Ofleave " 1 iands o the rzs Iluie KSECZtre 5 FIE JÀl friendin EF ad byRevda. John% GHlmor large and choice aoretment of Bonnet and cap, L& L descri ' nslof Binding nendy exe- somnsepa anage tge g utis thou tho in, oti on of this lrae L t ne asc ! eE c u E c a a o E m s F i nd nE al by e r J or. ...... .. . . 740 Ribbon of the latest syls Figured satin Vest - LI cuted.- = e '=,&u b w n lrs e tuly dsc h m o c R a y. ti ray rtsa ofeace a dthi k less oft e L ben pleased to grant a Licence teTEa cE Friendsn SnIecseEgad y Hriktock e chifs geteoe' at ad adrparn. a cd &hae n 1 e a er h.e i, comn i as l ite rospert ofa .iyr Sr.%iuAm, Esquire, of the town of A:ngston, 8o John Der, Jour., MIIinister .... '...'........' 2m à Gros de Napiles, Black &i Bine Blaek, French t o attern. Laiesan Scap-Boo:f alma o- ie ohn od t h sadsm o notelet ta* an stores , rd tis rcic hy-c 4ugry'nuMdier,".,, . .... ..... ..... .. ..5m o o Bombasin, Tortoise sell[ Bide, Twilt and Pocket and .Potois Cn.Bollo&, rnlde s ine t Hatiner.lywste yMes il, [,el],n, M ar sty M str a l a rejie Gpe 0 Hai.s & ........--...........-.12 1)0 Combl, Rose wood andl toitoise shell back Hair ser:ptionls, made-t re.Ci a&H in . 'te aUre; i ar f rety. Wse noa- mision danted 23d Junte,1811. Samuel Ph ppen. ..... * ....."','....,," '.'.*Il) 0 0 Brmhes fanc P.ke Books Formeer Peci Cases Midngdnefrirand Bookic tnui- Buta lrBgs n SelCavs lûes, lthef' l ba rs an ,als of hose , a- S" 's O ohn coun t ........ ..... . . .... l0 a ome very rich Feathers and Plumes, Bead R eti- tutions, Societies, &c. o n e- most ndvanta- Thâe A rersll of a ah e midan Dstrict fll tin-a i , a >i;s " T his Clouser to et "E c E T a Y F F C E W4 - . - . . .. -....... . .. 10 o 0 enies, printed S ax on ties, S eal S lips, a v ery nice ar- g e s te rm s . vi a k e g ne" k o fn te alla t adetset l .q e firsti ndeant yyt, o dr p. Kison, 25th Isme, 1841. Box of Fastel artû"eefmLeiesterNl o l, hnleCodadTimig ie rs i- r iedt aenoieo heaoeavetsmn i- ii t .ook a • p - too apparent vm nt The - H ID EXCELLEMCY T UE GovERNo I C»ENERAL eståenated Yl. .......... .. .... .., ....g 35 0 e n s, linen P éocket liandkerchiefs, a large assort- s i erak Strece ve at H . & W .T C E .o-,u,1 44 "Ifi( ee l th - ecat holbThe h as beeen plferal to .appoint Empaap AL.- By Officiers, Non-commissioned Offwera and ment of HOSIERV, plAa:n and enbessed black sel sasu BookER Str r 'oth eteent n toilibhe zztio Ex iLE TucxEa, Esquire, to bie Riegistrar of the othernt beongisa Io the 2":1 Rest........ 24 9 0, Silk H andkL'fs, Carpet Bags, Prunella Bouts and RICHARDtjae 5,181 BRWR -L i BING TSonCE.E t er onthat th -e e .c Mnt. Com Me. Prol of Canda By poy-week sbscrit tions by Mise M.a o Slips, children's Bonts, and Shoesy a large asort- ingtn yan -5 81 8 o KY iE L y HUismLiNGfl Ota oe LESE in 'ltua du,ýission mae 2 Jn, 1841. By penny a week subscriptions by Mi" maines. mn fba lc rnla eotie yapiaini h usrb tuice din. s reret we hav learnedsEn OF 22 JTToNeR B eling a denaion, :.... ... .. ...... . 13 2 4 Furniture Manrens and Assrted Calicos, Ladies 'A G"MU'Yta notice, -'- 'te-'i-ido'isnsoi-hsee- not è ali d'etrget n the arn of the T . TON . &C. ypenny-a.weekoubscription.byilmis& Reberle- ' Carsetts and a great variety of Infant's needtle ritgsto Tmlufotneo Cub washel it DGEey's George'sU Chch mut ala.tade a the mrin o Phlipbrhe A T h toi ossais ofthe sb-'r THIS ail ············· * -...... ».*«*,*... 1 rou.ht Waigtst, Capq&c. A verychoice assort. Brt- Amr:a Hoes.usa te86is. EOS OASUR ta se si uc altons a Iblisbufrmh JId E G, Tuesday, 29A 7zm, 'Wa.1 hie E ADDITIoNAI. SUDscIT1Ogs, ment of FURNITRE PAPER of the latlest il vhnMasklss Vice Raesnt if Le plues ohn Nis.t Re1hctor84. Mernesu .Te ourgriials ihotrsre the fllo n sMer a •ad ··¿··. ---............. ..1210 0 pattern& ; gemmaer Tuscan, Leghorn, willow and itwsrsle htteRcssaltaepaeo iýtn ihM y 81 pentl cnera of d .-te Voluteaer ili- ionery, consisuing of:-Albums with Mosaïgue J. Watkins.. .."....'." ......... 4 opalm leaf Habt, together with a large assortiment edsnetay ;and ThurdthésRàleth anith Aiu- çTR, O S O1,BT Tllssi erp n sburgho he objnect couli Caern, &c., Scrap Books ; Port Folios ; Visiting B, sweetla.......... . .......of.Goos*usuatPyrfoudnin a Dry Gnds establish gustpnext&iand futegRsledtal yteSOEHUET ET 1s he ha th la ro tier.Tistasc bW ?4 os lirs' B..ok Boks;Pit," . .. •........... .. ... 5 0 or Relail, as ha as at any other establishment in ; a be espected,, . )illsith hs iic QdlCle uie ie;E vlps liecaeJ Nakr . ......ý.... ... et i fWnhwl i ipsdo,%bisl a b » c.,due notice ifd whach wiB b ho igh dimpension 40 byl 50 fert, saltble far. f an d 1 S gl racfu blhat can be i; ,ra Bo x ens R.P. ina. .. ....... .... .... 9 aaa.gtn Sait Loa% or & antouing establisment. , yA t i ai( os ï,D i "asel tita cas ele as aes ; Memorandam Books,; Lighit Lamnps; icehard Scobel, ...... .... .'-" 10 0 0 N. J. COONS. Ri ces led P. Ise, Weobsa that thsmet 1 de adirn un- gn GEORG Ik- 18.1 "D e , wlde % ,al hloli it Pive ks olerM jyset - le ic Pense and Pen Iloiders ; Desks; Books, "_L Scobel....-.--..-.............--.... 10 0 0 Kingston, June 21st, 1841. w 1 il 3 'clck P.a met ngwl Wýe1d andaly he B6obiet., Kigtn s ae.81 elestial fin ' ri, fieIbo ltMnet &c. &c. ; with a great variety of other articksi. J. "" ··t-a m ·· .. - -- ·· .. ·... ..5 0 0 -ie a meetin iil be-held. atO HS Dae'.H ev alrnd m i f i n si tel n eles Sale at 7 e'clock. Armstrong & Greer, ............. .. ....... ..5 6 0 0NEW REBADY IMADEo CLOTRINIG. ,.Mr. Psiior having resigned the Seeietaryship, il BROA lvePacLOTHS.pBne, lstf Ins Lpe.,]Lron [ I ed andte und o stansd -JAS. LINTON, A. & B. IBROAD CLOTHI, CASSIMEREC, & TWEED ls unaiosyRolethtCp.aeombOLdedßck ndg.BeOie, Ir spa, n om e msoJn 9 81CR•WRHUE requested te Verflltaiet. fiefice. W Claret, Browns, MiKxtures 4-.. sil alck ndIng Sofl - ibeo luli G ENTEMA and Ladie HEl Indersigned having enteredl inrtai Partner- No-rth aide Brock street, diroctly oppÛlta the Market. e. MARKS, GERG Brsde. andJC cooedCrsm.,a comn , GENTLEMNb anol I and totingo ship, respectfully inform their friends and the R COONS & CO., would very respectfully A. CAMERON, &Setay 1 EORG H. Il AlE e-i i.lirý, %vs bee caldt h n App ontab e marend od 'i •coto e - ii cen- publc ieht their joint attention wall be directed tu . bug foeaie to inform the Citizenls of King. KingtoX AI priLz 7 ,181 we! h ea at aý be, eent the idAppy fi tae rden Lofgti e n a o rivll family. the fortheranceof the n.:eres et ho it may smon, and te pic e eral ade th havL Jo.intc f pe T O L EA SE , n~~~ 'av, tkrh1 oieg e rean Kigtn MJ, IM. il As Ansctioners or Agents, whether ab Public tablikment, in the new stone building erected for "iul dipsd fBt h ubcier Oo STH 't REE good n ULDN LS n, nusibihtyse cr, avehe crie whreidchte OST in th viint of-ins'n,--BA Sale or by Privaste Contract, it is their determina. the purpose on Brock sitreet, opposite the Markt Auction Romomn Wedaeday, the 142b day of Bnac to sT in theANN TownN ofangt S.a praclial the of t:adigis to sm te- BNblnigt h u f arae ina l times ta obtain the vaine of ail prope rJ-nd nxt tu Mesurs. Collins & Haines' Commis- Jo l et.EqieofJNNABON uihtariani lors A, e a lon arBANilusW Dee wilreturn the an tte HaEnag.D ties, Real or Personal, whicha ay be enomited! sien Store, where they have note en hand a very A Loto goodl LAND, sifflanted in the well May 11, 1841.L 1 ' utatai I forethou a w. chteepo ewt oOFcwRcner a greatfav and s11118hovrI rlia iesii a e lI t if charge ; and immediately upons sale fueing extensive assortment of Tead made Clothing of Itneva old costel âmettliemtent of Seymour, on the .T E en% t o folow. outi conwires anda chidren they leave eralt rewrde. effced, to hand orver the procereds anisimg there- all kinds, manufactured trnder their owni superin- Rivrreo tthwhc astlesr. CnaiO enin 122aro T O L E T ,) ? ow ou die t he i aves n ofide thedneos Knso, ue2,11.1 o • edne ytebsto ok e uigte ul A rstruh w ic ee aln tra f O emo ea o U L I GL A E lutin rrfie ofag ca ti toavetu heniigtn ui 9 81 As Commission Merebants they beg to restrind! Limes Liat winter and spring, ami -ihich will be water panstes. A plan with particulars may bie thaet Valuable Propoesty le Kinmo sitoo chnt l erac to a o ceetap ymaig F E H A R VÄ S 'H A G O S persons living at a ditance, that ther lt miess will soldi ansually low. They are now preared to had by applying te Rien a l) Hat, E ,o &eY- at the corner of Store and ea Stmets comprisngi t"" ec a he faci"l orsrit coymen t AT H never.suffer by their being absent, and. lhat they manufacture to order, any description of Cothing, porEso oafont of 6 ar deo Town et O,Kpbg laom- us poe 1ta ct thmloein l lkeGLAS A RH£ OU are now prepared to receive consignsmenats to any on the shortest initiale, aned having en hand a good JA LINTON, A. B. & C. M. pose fprt. TonLtN.. pyt h li wh tei ,f evtotefl 'ri lcmtXtent, of* any desci iption. stock et liroat Clothns, Casimees D skins, Sale ai 12o'clloik.' Subscriber. , ""nteeth t'.abiurl llr une wping store Street, Corner of Alontreal istreet. The Weekl sale of Hrsea wilitbe continsaedl as Tweed, Drill and Salin Vestings,. mported byl Kingston, Junte liie14 1.Kngtn Al1 81.Hý. .MIT eta. m , and t k mes- wh i n h e a-d 1Eubciesbgeaeoinmteo teusual, il which they he tuo ensouragied. Gen- themselves, feel confident that they can fut- KnsoMy1,14.4 ri,"a cicusane l aI o sl)mtje hni foi ragihen Inhabitants of Kingston and ite, vicinity that len purchasing or :isposang of block will do nish Clothing of any denscrpine sgo WEST OSWEGO . h irs a e l a . ta is ur that ism n they haeoeethtSo ltl cuidb e ispect their lista.. terme .as an othier Lstablishment in, the ! hii alento . ki at41dir f t cain sagar-MessT.&JRgnyStrSrewihaageOffice, K angestre oext door 40 Il.e Bank of the Provincad as, thte attention of one of the Farmn ýrueÍ litarRra) hvhaeoeê htSo ael cuidb " t d th.*r Ware Room. HE Subsetiber wml pIy the 'ous mù ; ite dio ]li • çàt¡rtice butit teriscas a adwl assarted stcIo l• wili be exclusivealy and diligently devotedi to the QDOORS South of the Welland Hosie.. On T for all ind of Pare, at his WhoLnesal 24 Ré ; at careepli attilespeakingo wheare or LE &as WaOLE DRl APERY, stc ofTOAS JONES, business, the brabserribers licpe te give such satis- hl and, a general assortmnent of Cabinet Ware, tait Cap Facton, Brock Street.ý yilg, or arlà teho, ýcåtbeI;l bre inmin thatN &L WOERCE D EY, JACB c i O ueHN .çHRWIOOD DOYLE. factions as il merit a sare of puoeic patog. MagayCreMpeFganCaeea J. A. McDOWA Lý atscl oftei'aly ghacie i a in reyporgar- ected by C Y tAES the. diffton Bn 26,,1-1 Havin tecued the services of an experienced Wmidsor and Cottage CHAIRS. 1Kingston,20th April,1ML1.. 2 aty, LUhi e[leiimdetc n, of no n tte with ever advantage thlat; experience and capita SPLENDlD INVESTMENT. Teir Stck at pessn a onistsI part ofrre a-iseti c * ser Crm ada ndem Io. -u 1aaTAnm tmha palion of %betan Catains an theuir menu cans commande andg teusselveis naufae. - ESSlS. JONES & DOYLE, have the hon- lowmng, Vaz:-Black, invisible green, bine and brown -B IIC.KFORDi. _ acts, applied i litoe bct n suoangl uad against'ien turers of a variety of te gouda which they now M or Io announce t-o the Members of the Pro - Frock and Dress Coats, essntted, bine, Beaver and Jue 5, 1841. '803P m .=Ax ,=>ýi« aition and excqine tanniL o tiedu chart areins tene o fr for sale they fel confiden Ilth thoe Who .ica Palaet enetOiesie Pilot Coatis, Pilot Pca, Monkey, Baboon and Sailor - rgl O eglLl »: , - 1 th ~ ~~~~~ glaykn oedb a goat'nyvr mw a r-calts adCialsts genell, tha teys hae Jackets, Tweed shooting Coats, Tweed Pea Jack- SEMgNARY POR YOUNG LAMES. emyetWe e lassi Is la il ben'cd to the exrinrn s ie of the Y O nCIEAPEST EhlPORIUMS for received instructions te affer foi Sale by PBCesMcithCaswthapBakesier ISS GILL, just arrived fromn London> most r»ii d» ssed by Ji t eir ater leeced by th ERY RD in DDEe Lrvne & 1 AUCTION, tir thout resere, on the Ground, on Clth Twed Moekn Gabmt Drà,Bih aetul eslaet nonet h SR.J .BTOdrc i remtet rd tel bw hi -imperfljuded be- KingRto 29th Jun 18o. Friday, thte 2nd of Julynet ton and Duck Pantaloons; vests in treat vaniety, Getr ananaiat fKigtnadisiciat- Manchester, England, bug to acqut tu uny.ton tot thee o941.r. 1wtottemaso eecad IHTSLN1 ULIGLT twilled Regatta Shirts, oentlemen's fine Shirts tIltat assisted by her'tMother, elhe has opened a Jiegnrlyta te ae tevd ract, trïat apl W anl IL pulliate denizens of the- T. & J. R IGNEY mosteligibly situated at the West End of the MeF- h e Fronts and Wolnt ravtitbands, aie hret DLY in AR o the instrnsbctione of YoabEung- ne- peies ,Lateon id brIst4t ÇeEag id the subject 1 pi l the CIntainity of being made vif- MAVE remnoved their Comb and Fancv store tropolis of Canada, poussessing two trontagesl The- reto e spreSictbckBuls and ClaCratfeeragata-laieson, tthe waieMsi an he Fench EdLao- e baune ,lnt Lamttton Io ue% aagvs, -r-tre,:. tg. It is uni lie noi so before.- [Mont. CourierJ1 -&ILfi the Cornet of Store fi Mntreal Ístreets one oie the lawn of the Parlieaent Bueildinigs, and Italian S ik Cravate, siý Porrai Hand d cion, toete wihMsc n h rec a-th *etrc atentin to b usins togaethrr ,i ýýi e»JJ»; sanems at, d ..to *lhe premise-s lately occupied byl X. Wàrrrs & which munsi eve command a beautiful view ot the Su enies genle 's Plasbe Wat gaage rEM-E QATlcnimeotapuge the luts at seiti . n'.il rely fisfikom the Ne w York Courier Co., Store Street, Kingston. noble, picturesque, and animated Hiarbour ;--the Patet Bos gencket Combups, Wae Illets Un-Raig Viians-ra Quavan. continuance, of tha patronage th laeec. ý sI I r ee mi f t t ei i n s t nt . \ e i e n o e t. D A 4 E , e h r f i g a n e n t r a e f l u h r a r . l a i s a - b r e l l a s , s i l k H a , ( C h r i s t y 'a b e a r q d o Lg g W r i t i n g G r m a a G e g r M e r s . 1 & R . H . r e s p e c t f u l l y i n v i t e h o 1In Por hi a ýhjap s. OLICITOR in Chanceery, INotary public, and to bie admirably adaptedt for Villa lèidene a orWilw Tusan aam -leafê andl1 These Frede ,.rilu -n -lun -*uto-l -c -- -h -.. - --.--................ 20 ,prtion, of the inhbitants of Kingston éai - howvr as . Iîý e Pemeitre b')y the English papers Con veyancer, having resigned the office of they are withins a loew utiente& wa lk of the P ublic in S Miss las oric thue prnt ake paretm uvet oveniy, totesir tensfRie asormt, o, coilf thee- fScuil of .fteMsuts h idrcnl Clerk of Common Council, will devote his ftme Offices,.and bus-es pat-fteTwytetr Con aned Merino Shirts and Dntwers intelrebikbse nBokSre cnied o f.er d estiso TeiS&iok M &fane elià. I the whol BI ' u talis dec slade a Il, by which solely to has professi.mal duties. ly removed from the thoroughfere. byete Mr.amsteeyaril onet R"aýRoslBkele. sulerhe nitbe fr te seasora.l Thir tck .baies; l. ,u D.%'c W e Ienitala h s sole heiress, and He will aise prepare Memsorials, Petitions, BIS These valusable Lots are in the immediate wit nstr w'sh alentftrkid artiit nete Rias", .Rev Mr.à M",her 1in unde very faoalcriosaehvp spea too a e aihle vigits, he himself plsses- &r., and carefully attend to ail husiness connect- neighibelhooid of the property of the Vens. Aril Linen of every description manusfactured en the mnatnrkMy 1a bets uuht vr Cah adtma time whil op ,-t D 1-ýt,-,t'o ie t r it. We be - cd ith the uble oies. L ters must be pst deacon tuart r n d of Re ai ai I re b ased by abtn otc a d b n tri co neet attnine bs ien anec r alT »EmaE of the erW slr I co me dow ta and(fe tu ic teiory extedeabou Chs Brc iKnsonue2,14. 11 A indiputal title Illibe given, and plans of exertions to please those whos may favor thleul with NU FOR SALE nt T. , J. RIGNEY'S, a ose of which Mr. Jaum Hutton bis fer th 'a tIlF ale mlloc MI)eCnia e and t hd i ,itrxee aoTtA N TE D.he groum ayle be seen at the Iiiinespal Hlote!ts, à a call, halpe to receive a seiare of public patronage. A fresh suppl of âonehette's MAIs of £à- ben years bsee actively engged!. It ls plnèe, I .i T=oc 1 vu ýeFgs eefrel a ON AN, ho ha some koed Et the Odice Of ,JONES & DOYLE, N. B. Gentlemn's Besnta, fwurnscdo _tMe nada, including the DIpte Territory. sary to enumerte the vatrie articles eethprise,* ro usfu than nle Bai i.nihTori- thaelymr-A le Dry Good busine>s, of çteady habit& and Kale preil at 3 o lclock. Auctioneers. most repsonobr ternes. AL.so-Fro:n thssive wnfactory, a full assrt- in their asotment, sue it te isaw, thasst th., Te ocut ia ar l ----uie il io= 7g 1rals, to assil in a Dry God Store, and Who Kingston, Joue 26, 1811. Kingston, Jue 21, 1841. I0& ment of COMBS of all descriptionio whlicht thliy wiIl have every article msaly kept iis a Dly Gel .- e th tha ar ca-uns euiyfr i dbhvor p are enahiedt te-smil below Lteir former prices &toe. 1ý as usful o thctanryat tih vie of er Kinstnc Heleur. At OBESOLDBY TWO SUPER[O PIANO POR TES. To this and their fisrie: btock of Fancy and Bs- y. & R. H. allso loger et hn reeedented fI*&7 Sa stmb nexLuie nd lm ingsttheoic of6thue, 1811.q)r Mead W TOTRSRE tteSdna UST OPENING AND "OR §ArlP If Gonds, thbey would invite the attention of cest, a large Stock of RE&BY MADE CLO l -orsete . Caad whiler thcue a to lotel. near the spot.. un WVednesdav the AT the Custom House, [Mr. J. H. Greer's A ow an Con" de'r n elr.AG utbefra gs dpe ihrfrs --r t obr n arrison ,iiduty beTher tncpa 'A EdE t uy yJnsadbye IT ID..I Warehousel twoc splendid Pianot, One of Ae.dozenn of Shaw's celebratd Cast Steel mer or Winter. Also a large assert:nent. te Rtlkand file, 'Al coss fvlner . ING LOTS fronsting Io Beveilv-Street. Si Ibote whchis Tntt eqtaled ind tonte tah, made KingXstn for sale t 41 T.il .s CO!AS enRCIL ai present stationied in Amerl WO LOT$ in the Leva of Kingston, one sit- nna mnnecmadn~h otbatfltems eetsye ade arnte tol sta th Kmgston, 8th Jfeee1.J .sligcoiet barl ispectond óthea 0» rteaoe èsc s r ntror or- n T ated an the corner of Front and Johnson vaews Of the Lake and surrounding scenery, in the clirrate; the other Pino, made inth old Englis aasten feel cofndn "hw"aliy fan pbice ", .-si [Lý. ca.] Streels, the othier nearly oapposite the Government indtia of the properties of Gentlemen, Who ar .t.,mhgn ae on onr ihmsw NWwl esc at fr hs h d aa Sh ambe .__ Offices, on Front Street. Substantial stone honnes building and impioving them, withain a very *Short meadmtti pae ågggg ggteop witirb spt ey estsi eatio. Th"ef s ;a.L.e TEr L- .c-h ih must be immedtatel erected un the lots. ditantice of the centre of the town, in the neighbor- The &aove Piano have been selected with great [UST RECEIVED flthe Subscribe and wlsmdtt ponis wbich theym il tm Cmp". ,it a oneah i¡ts o, e byc-' LcnsumTh Ion ý LB. b ond of the housest of Plarliament ansd the Govern, case in New York lap un eminent prmfesso Of the by osldftrfo ah gesr asrn ofl sma. P.Mrs Cickeurl Hen no Crit. . o, ·l4 sai,1ei by utly t hichTo eaeo Sell, one Lot kt Johnsors Street, ment house and forming, no, inconsiderable portionPaoFre n iSb adcep esl o o ah enr1asrmn f N .Mse.Clis&Hie mhaeia y -ýto the2 compressiont pen-ft by 132 feety,-onie on the corner of Jhnson otasrpdylersigow-the ubae. Cespectfull invited, toees cal annR NONEY LE, ac., opoThtyo nrduigt terfrereis ireels ha-e ari "ý,. !e chest, by cotm.I hurch Streets66 by 40ft.-and oneonChurch An Pn.pual title. willr begBAadpaILfexmnheaoe CpiiLn neSwed ]nn aond Thre er*ad lboerst retteine etsleef and bg or iý,e maleriadl (I ye ost rume hInfSre,6 0feopoieteoieo . the spoit May bie seen at the principal hotel. The .t.P ID iesBalor ak eie o Rudadscmedte oterepeefvr eg- .. Inti d rtib i de posits tubercul- Catrih - il the above Lots Are elig«ibly tem o al res lbraan hestato s egtnJneld,1ion0 qar idarnHdpad ad Tr'an itr l endnt o serthtthuh hyw e ady~~ dead t ttuntrlfclt.2i- ste. Apatotobmdetethrfte gond tat combined ith other advantages, this F'OR SALE, and CasT 8-rtt. 0 Stee InadTnP ates; at teri Hou«inTn, thed a o if ntiota ýay taesaissp and nibiua) E fas'wm did i s uaies.A iaontlemdetrte ute must undeniab)ly bie one of the best opportunities 1ZWO ACRES of LAND frontini the Bath Shemer C r, Brass, Zinc, and Lead ; Te&, akle an e othrose inl Twn, ther avatisee wever biesd rp maed iila dni vsig Wi n is lbr. JHNVE, for savestment beforse the Public. Podd-**t atL fteur. and fisr eldes, Saucepans, Stewpan, Bellied genl emenlfrd tu Hill er s -ero adatgs cl«âe lns. o I rn an ibis - GEORG E IVES. Any finather particuars thaet may bie requirlesd will tentm Ln ppg at this 0ffice o en P. cand SHr.o Aa ofe alers ;n Gavlan is, be" enb1 osi tR pi. y woe rgt nt and i- KigtoaJne2,e81 1b giaven onppl:cation to THOMAS KIRKPAT- CHA% RLE.72 A Rà lral Sh- es CastSteel Spade and Shves, Kngste% gudà imeane,,8 a I. ., Il tVoe ibandon ah rciclIK sBritra s.o omo pds cte n eteSoe rs. 150 boxes 3emples of the above article eue he »«t ay a"d Constry»M6 d7ls ecis h ig as aeby - ai Wetks of d ia n G am Handkeichiedda pvinm le the sale, eith et the Ordance T..RIV& AIM , .m ntle tSseaWedsy heil ab odac;btfdr weather, we i de jai aItì ilk Baldampas, a5, Pala Henary, er as the Aue"io ROsOM 0 Jmn 2!2ad,,It b8ea b pan 6hu". e War advace t'eea speaking, Bobbisels, Edgigs the Basie. 41ePOMa.4is , Hmms hih av re t heha ro ad rod lohs eaerC pe a& Cedtions mode knon at" th"ie ,of, sale. POR "ALE, A -4i-'salmn f.Mnape e coe omkivenjury, will not varieos other ésiles which t wedis et en*- Sm sa Il e'cck A. I. pleeisalv A E """"'"""°"-" - , TIN """ at '"- --- .4ther isûe themn an average merate. .LRM INTO andm aiaatt h sm. .drm comin o°n r tfQi, nd grain CoLubse î Amesý ons of Ordaane, D. ýRUTrN, de". là MS poWEU. ply i . Kingston June 26, 1IL igDston, J Me1t, 1841.' -%el)ta 184U. 6 - t St. Ei-à n Joue 22nd, 1811. I0 Riaston 7th jeue, l8ui.

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