Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 29 Jun 1841, p. 1

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134 cave t Wl"I1 tisa r,,in; ' te d -àiw4 if cuni- d iteclm . silII ~6ILTRLREPORT. ..i clcsed this yeal p. aloi ~~5tao s iddo tâu.itai %cre un ta': ,- mtosible fin M',.unti Z' on d 55, pt f t tire orfjus zritet . i 51 mi n ittin ill tteetid tf J un. lit a. Cc. tito, uthef n ~t tit i c' tc. sali dry to admit -f caiy agi ,via sgtI,, rn partclai. re a~ t~oitafer the îse wdid;lle.rà àt f,,' in s tthebiit sîste t. roceise ";Ilbrfow ori a ftcr tc î il"ttic * frtU>tti. ta a ssatii tilt. t. Id and sot, Al was impoîssiblt 'b' fr C' fic îdssscod is M&V, rhe rho. reýuriitct-tabtt 1,uthed d t jr'ttî trie oit, fi. 1M.ssc9111c. ve!lria"~ cfop. Ste.tg tac trut . ri.rd. tise lsrcmbas01us11 dtaJd th#arouteof tise panetata sts..Itly ger Os utth, t Conu.cersst e'tends li rrcthe trioenct &theiscso vi ossol0eOr heir gressisinperfetion. tuudsifet t rinistotle850 casetiait 6o bit -wtic unf e ly îlans, necal i ta h" euti mistieg Arr fanster tict ,ftcuIadat'tiltili .re .it-t tuirar.ij -tta1Unsitirrs tioe terect!drirnh- Ir 1ît t' Visre ee eeii Pue. This Io bdous. 1,1rtouutyif îcigt" cio9 tta a - 11e înOCtand orve I tctxc t mthrue cim rdrin i th ie grea.t-t defect trIturese, becase t tutitttti-i, <moi -uit iii t, ot muuattrtici i n ed lithe 11eiaiictheric nug tiI iiittli ait tuîe risia rami ie lii i- i -lit uý ru-ont sel di-]-ttc ri>' tu ie forumer 1.11ttu.t truEiIlsI u .t aiut-1s mue or u, orced 3 tipr, anJti rr M ia tg ii t. t o su nYri lt- ta isti s b. toit ~il bîîirn htiîe requiire tmofily uîaincd, Iseft t Ilcuafor profi- .lisnibut wtiia tiu. pin.srt si ,ml i , tteni uposi tem. - îosttur t sbeau sswO th't$spriug lu sa torf.cassury WChaves secsa. Soea boi.r barc pt ina uféesballiserfo etuoy ituturtilads,,and thsse tat bas-s r1oe it ritotu, trie youog raps bacc a s ppumcelidame iaiaeubau becu aitniisiot. uoasd Srle, l'ut le yta .ua i ent. itWaecuas anpear t1i pspdit ammurrouiy, ieti as matchs sus ,lJ s uta coer lise grand aitisgetis- et, ain tsuitluxuriat l#IPeamaile, là, t,lteio fertiiiy W bhoestitheand.ta àm soîefs oit byCostatslCrniptn m ieuý not tsar e a.s ent as WC risvs ever e t utISe-toait> tifJolie, wVriatise ex- et l t-sr cr pitrcti hâte wiuis eut- 10 ttordro, are rieno;an sd ili so on n- t-the 4tm-o tIicatte, triti pertur.1 Id-ru b.ou i nit t thint.sesson corlise hL, ttto c r.ry Coiurbeloua ocf eatrie s, ii c,,eqente f hitandsot isufficet tisthIof ih- alla suiteaed. ssidtise cop rtdf,et The prcetflhurler i o tu urmorÈt. l- as ..futten ICIteics cai i i lut fr titi latter cuitoef May- tu u apile.st, ndwanid, eassvse540 idle ac seiuogItouisatisaitonettitillietr ts .si'y1tic tri a tre qtitifyt>'tlibacst s usutsJie iti ie, fris e ms srcit>' if Grs Suc5, acr cpricesfthlie pîrduc of verorl Iriatbt-aticroit, wuuid sol suret>' ait ecouags5mtt1. croltbov labotur ia£. tmiroeue. The rmisrds bacc sur- ata., cifssa Meate.rlisrs- autre eft he ecores, lufa trihe wissie, r,, ui tb Irraiern at s..ut p insu éLî mon t àke5scal y ruiiaidptisat . rein, uiste ta grimte act for te tsar ibe, t bt!rant biens ttale thstcrippied ini y sefT Cirrmtusee, asd tiarelits meut kthur, fimun irnrimctmcis oas lir- Mçurstnoti. No uuiistttes liase Jet hy croit lusnoile lt, fur thc losu of solîat. diable tasarc ta ie os ceititti sly %virla You ar etilhe pice of tricta articles kWe, tiai truc7 sil ula ll re eateoe and Je t oidtciagri cothe. rit. e ritace of aili. ]tn (toyin td a homie cosoumptionI, le à"~ 1 os ,,Mduiteotr this conomtioilsial tnetttrcittutAtbcmuoy fartitea-martlor ose ie rl,. Aa s ii Jlin tre.to trie tirer. stuttr Snf or pris, the prices cf affew l e' es.055,cr> ti,lait fatu andilerae, er.n.Th wh a . bueT o is:fum ixl r55iI-, c-, 0iiho tt it rtot bu utisicd te ti11 ud ainiemîta och iser c aif tise ts rtd vargîht. tissât tisay witcatacet is ittri osu. Fritatelisegisatrice or mutilt -ritis litsIyesc. and theeliras-. tutusniag to ie ins niswoutd havesp- l. s neut.g c ne. migrt ie hoaffijet fer6«eti lte, fur ef sond1irk foc exusera- ine IbOrlDotsthlie casa.Tise paice was eus - ~ ~ hrt. ibu %l nt si i rptilisnisn ithie tek - -th tua rit If irrmerà a take t~cars lise et tutiincrstIlttil tirsmulesasn ye> 'yta isin> prdaee. No mdusuiar, r ta ltrtnet tte froirs bhem trire- l're ssttttibroo &Id 1,slise bam bcs, 0 fOr ~ nnil$ inspection, sud tsguia- e tinSs, &c. &c-aV. îose trie ad- meti; r- teritish jrknet, snd siiaw ilt rit bu t titev itarti tcle. tisai We ugrt Mtfnotii, iteaurue an mreaecare be uitrct tut ecergc cir s.-rtcltir l bir-iniet, saitsutac saitarit.for rie, i utiftsîer andt chsos.e ce 't iit icsar, suit are s til. but rcii., iutte i murtitis sioaosa.>e offerets att. le.iti1, t lbusener uppears tri cx. Lii Oau.r ire eirrarty ta mpromts, ug- o, littiteit,- o intitbcorbu ftins 3,asit -lt-itte0> il-ioti ilt.We Cau iPlieti the orstugsat c itinih, té,taitttte struetsiaarigts 11111,14tlo t , Iturve tc tiotiis,a q. ' týeIcurtemient ri ettcstuo. Z 0 ý u 1 u t th. t ite more n 141-tri , bOt. -. 'n turir w e gsI srttiture t 01mt,.tirtese.rtarcuu lis t cIdrer ristin,5 ireurnitnce., Peci t 4ataitte aretheIlt'trser, t s ïq ý uic Sveronlat -ri s i-u.take s teetrrut a It, e trie ire-attPecs- q. es ti. it ti '<drt; Lt a u seilivi t i.t tt laburta tamth !l iIrieent a-ad I iiricy or sa ~ ~ ba ut eurllia iilt taii are o huiyfeet-riti ra.tutt ai ibelo u tte e-a , ttiemut loiîr A k a b' cenual't oot0froaudutio. al em s aobitficte here et thecou- tI hudit oas Ifac Prrteeîitoa tee.. vatîr oi csrsreta-raat lus itnher jouit arr ti forter hu tiisli, toda 'is ftii saituayri.. nc il, itreIti a it eainitely 5 r ' et5 s rsat laroesc te. iii t a.,etuse- t t ~~ uinutie ur.iduss M cut iirr rnsiil otise 04 . Escaa. tCO55ett is abaut to ctab. ta ui t bher belt, etBaiout , tal, if ! a ___ KINGSTON, CANADA,. TUESDAY, JUNE 29, 1841. Ir BOUSE OF ÎSSEMLBV. o, Roi MESOLIgITONS :Subuitted l'y Mr. (2ameasss as flie biais of a r"lit tu lis Excellîcys>" Speech ai the ojsenrrîg g voit the Session. - Iý1 . ResaIs-rd, That thisouse do irurzlsly titan y his E'sceiiency fer iris SiIeecb frointtireThione z ie- ce peintssifthe îîrps:-nt 3e0500e. ri. %'RreuIvd, That titis .4!ctusp !uiy aprrec;ate ýc tire nieives micir bave isIW is Excr:lleincy tu a k semble thse Provincrisal>Iatsse.-t ni îLe carlies CIl perios i lricirthec crrcumillancr'a cf thre P. a, i h, anrd tire dies in-jr(-sed trpO rn biy tie lnupcii cd aci for the enliocf the~ Cirnada.«, utider wbicirlth sLeegisJ;iture la ronstilulcd, have adetittod ; and ii adgratefrtl te Ilia Excelleiiy foi ilie iexrreà&iou co bebis satisfaction in now oîeeîing titis liouse, lotir:- libérale on tlie grelai and Important int-rests coin roositttesi tite chlirge cf lthe Provincial Pusitsimesrt 3. ResoIved, Thât thu,.Honse lesmns seith leaic ltsure, tirai no turne mas leist by the Executive e )il tire Province, irn reinonslretiap againast the forcit-Io a-détention o! a snlîject of licr Majealy, un5 iusabi- tutant rftf Iis Province, in tire neighboring States. ltuniier charrge o pretendesi crime ; tiri provisior y ws malie fer iectoriuig taille indiaviduluaitirealmaant a- cf drrfeice, p. iiditg-tire fwstiter aictinof 11cr Ma- osjesty'a Goversimc-rt-anidtirati e Qîaecn'as repre- 3'ittative a aI'iValiîgton lras irice Iccît instructeil tu dem sild ti r cilesse. .1. RcsûcedTVitltitis Baisse receives Svtiitfeel- inrgs cf tire ttareet gratitudle. ther assuirarîcisý iris Exccilrrscy iras gisera us hy lre Qucetii's cnin- transi, cI ler !t frsy. ixeil retermnation té pue lier Jailîfri! sti"'cts in Caruadt v.iihthtie w so t %ergit c i lr. 'i. *5. Idesuled, TliatiiiSBoiuse is iecliy sensible of tirs great adrantigea Wlich tIre Province Iras tde- Ifrived, andr must dr-rive, feiru tireasirgemnrcns ly 1whics, uanier rIre dilectionicf ftie Tîcasura', !lie Îrates of posta ge betweers ail parts of lire Colony ilandilte United«Kingdons bave bec,, gceatly redio- oced ; as wel as those tvbich bave been made hy lirhe Depriy Post hMaster Geirerai, céder Bis Ex- ,celleucy's directiot, for tbe more îpredy andi reg- acrte corsveaisce cf latteis beteen the different paria cf titis Province ; andsi t cotsfidently antici- pates, with ir aExcrilency, ibat the reanit cf Uic laboura cf tire Comision lie bas heen pleasesi ta eappoint, ta enqitrre inte sud reptr cliaitlire miiole 1Post Office s8711cm cf Britashr Nerthiérimesîc, ili ire thc better estaishment cfa plan, aeccring um- peovemenis in tire internai curnotrisication (by po3t> witi t h e Coiony, equal ta those wu-hirb e rhave aircady obtaines inthe communication witb rtire moIer country-. 6. Reîo'ved, Tirai tir ecaliesi andi most serios attention shall biegiven b>' titis fBouse te tireIr acy ricîjecis of deep imrportance to tire future seelfare of tire Province wbicir remansi il ; ansi iis Excel- lency tnay rtst assureJ, tiraI any maîestrea s iicis t loi Excellency may sijbirsit to us, sha!h receive 0cr promipt ans i elling coidrration. 7. Resolced, Tirai ibis lieuse fielsa ta among te firi cf!tirese sulajecie binsportances is tire adoption of oteasurca for developing lbe reseurces cf tia Prov'ince, by weli eonsiiiared anss extensive Puir;ic Works; ansi Ihaitirhe rapisi settieusentef tire fcountry, the value cf every msan's property seith- irn it, and tIse adrancement of is future fortunes are de dpy trtected lay timquestion. 8. R'js lcTirai thia Bouse ise!ieves, Ibat the improvement of the navigation frémitise abriaitcf Lake Erie andiLakte Haron ta ibis Ocean, and tise estalishmenrt of nese internsat coramunicatioins in tire inl.rrs dsticts, arn wcîks micir iowever great tirs outla>' tire>' îy require, wilI prosicce csmircîratae reluoins. )Vearae aseace et tie dif- icuity seimic wultibave exisied in ccderiakiug tisese works in tire present linancial condition of tire Province ; ansi ae learo wiib gratitude muid picastire, titat iris Excellcncy bas recerved thie au- r hriiy of lier Majesiy'a Goverirment tae date, tisai tisey are lîreparesi lu caU oa tire leperiai Partie- ment ta affurdti ieir asristance toseartis tires. im- portant undertakiaigs; a4»d tirai in thc fuît belle! rtisaI ieace aind tranqui]4y miA t[eairappily cls- liset in tire Province tapoter tire constitution set. liedt b> Parliattent, smi lirat nothicig but a relief~ frou]î its Mosi pressing difficullies la wsîsting gteil$ rajtid arivaiicomennt ins prosperit>', tirey will pro- po6e ta Parliansent h>' affurding tire guaranieo cf tise Impérrial Triossur> fisc a loint ate bectent uo! no tesssi ban a million, ansi a bal!, tea&id tire Prov- ince, for tire double posrpose cf diminisiring tire pressure on tire interest of tire Public Déli, sud. et enabling ilta proceesi siti thse greai public ce- derlaking, sebese proe sdwng tire lait (cm years Iras ireen arcested by fieaiscial riifficuiîiea. 9. Rceoled, Tisat in tire beliefttbus expresses b>' éis Exceileecy ontirhe part of lier Majesty'a Gev. e1nicreet, titis i-toue pecfectly concuis. An>' mréosote emiaracing a plan for tise Importanti pur- poses nrentictîed by iisExceilencv, seul receive car cordial co-operatiotnitul jprirt ; andilwe saai ire haitpy to receive afty extracis sebicir bis Ex- cellene>, nsMay ie pleesse i ay befote us for ccc information, ansi tiat o! tire peuîple cf Canada, fron tire deasaiclreasri hibtis gratiffing assut- rance of tire inienticos Irf lier Majrrsty's Ouavera-' ment wcre comenunicates toairis Excelleiiry. 10. Resolreds That ensigralion, ansi tIe dispoâai anrd settlement ofthtie Public Lnirls, ntr- ruijects sa iîttimaiely conireried si wiirtire wv1rifrA tire Province, tiraititis Bouse cannerot tlaite rire mrt ivcly iirtecestinlaail truasures that may re- laite otirent. This Bouse cordiall>' concue s itir bis Excelcncy, in ilieving tira tiser. exisis siirlin tire Pî-.rince ne crleans Fo certain of pro- tiucin.- a ireaulty fiasa' cf irmigration fromttire mailler cc-unstv, ano f citimatel>' esiaihisiring tire imrgani sea sellier ansi hroprîctor seithmn lte Cly-ai tire powver of afford rsg sure employ- nrent fer bis labtourr on bis ftrsit tivai, ent tiritire assistance of Paili:arceni fer tire public wocks iiicit iap tue unrirtakeir bie, %stit ,in a griat ;naurpivde for tis. But wù re ihappta ear tht yt fitler .istattce % i!oieaffirdetiu ils lins grear avor. ; aoit-tiret itlt a viese furtiler tu Uid irrrniiatiott. isa Exc -i:eîrcy ota utborisrd te déeclare t) us, that bier Mi-jest%,'s Gavcrrmeîtt are ixeparetat assiît in lacilittitîg-. tire passage of lire iiiielîncatfrorti(lie ts et aiiiis ire iis lnes, t tile place mirere is labour nis>'lie madie available -and ibat a voie cf norsey !for iis pu.Ioe mii bs proposesi te lb. Imspérial Poslameut. W. shat ire gratifici t l reccîvre an>' coususcnic.Iiem wbtci bis Excelleuscy ssii>bave teausake ta ca ou Ibis subjeci ; and me shallciet fdil to gire et beat cuit- DRAFT 0F AN ADDRESS Submilied by Mltr. Nns.sos, in tdu L isIotfe As- aembly of Canada, in onsuer ta h Speeth of Rit .xcellesscy th Joeuor Gnera'at the opnng' '4f*th prestent Sessioe We7, 1cr Mlajesty'a dutiful and loyal subjects, ,he LeIgisirative Aasemrbly cf the Province of Ça- ..ada, moit bumbiy tbank Sour Exceilmncy for tLe Speech delivered [roms tire irona altire opening of ith. present session. IV. receive waîh respect Sour Entceliency'a de- laration that Sen have assembied et ai the eatli- est pcriod whieh the circunstatnces cf thre Province andi tbe duties imnposait upom ycu by the Imperiai Act for tic Union t e.Causadas bave peraitted. Irais with deep coisaera that we bave leaint fron Sour Excellcncy ihat a subjrct of!lier majety, and an inhabitant cf ibis Piovince, bas been forci. hi1 detained in tbe neighborirrg Statessnd wec ac.' knowienlge witb gratitude tire assurance whitb Sour Exceiiency ias heen aitiorized ta toru, bat it is lier Majesty's fixesi determioation ta as(otd ber poseerful protection ta ber suljects in ibis Pro. vince. W. feet gratefui for the arrangements whicb iour Exceiiency romnsunicates, by whîch 11cr Mjesty's Gove:nmesst bas resiuccd lire rates cf postage between ibis Colony and tire Unitedi King- dom, andi ibat a more spcedy andi regrilar convey- ance of Irtters wiiliin the Provse li as been effectt- cd under Souar Etrceiienry's direction. And wec shall bail wiîir satisfaction any imirrovenients in tire Departaient cf the Post Offi-e wiriclitlAilput1 uis in a condition in tirai respect, equasl ta that wlrich exista in the Mloirer Conîtity. We beg leave ba assure yorîr Excellenry tirai any message from vyor Etrceiienry on mateis seiicir May ire of deep impatance la tire future1 weifare of thre Province wiii receive cur mosi se-j rions attention.1 The improvernents of the navigatiion onsi etb- lisbment of internatcommunicatioins are cl'ects e- sentiai to general prosperity; andi w. fuel gratefuli fur the informatiomincis ynar Exeeilency hasj coinrfi Unic.rteri, tttt lier Meijesty*s Guverînrient Lt dislîssed 10 assist in promnoting îisem. IViseii ycrrr Exceeikncy rbal le piez.4ed ta lay Mère e is tire despatcbea wiich coîîvcy titis assurance, tire wvirce of tlsrse subljecti wil receive 0cr inâ es- pectfiri cnsideratioa. We seil aIse give t or eaîrsest consideratiors to Lthe sui'Jecl of eniizration, andth ie disposal affli set-i t1emint et tIse publie lanuds, as conneetei witir thej iutisy cf capital upen public woi lus; ami me de-1 rire satisiaction frain tihe informatn a esumies"-1 cd by Saur Excellency, tirai ber Majesty's Go-1 veinaient is is lpesesite "et emcuigraustasa procei-1 ing te ibise parts of the Province vwre tiroir la-1 bor May b. imade available.Àn *jdicious osea- str. wichMay acueisilîdtateith .i su&rîngs cf oui felisse-aubjectas ibte Uited Kingdom, wbo leava tireir borne tvitb a view or betlei ing Ibeir condition jus Iis ' Province, wilU ie1> resdiy cociesl inby us.1 Wu paiictilacly tirack vonr scellecyfurr> Sour expressionsa in fayor of local self-governmenit,. &Di tirai the preple sîrouris exercios a greater de- grec cf powter ivcr ieir local effirs. When ie1 Massoira May comseUrsder t'ur consideratiin, ve « *shahl ct f4i ta respect tise preogaùteca of SMse Ciowu, ta iile we edssrcvor ta sciure tbe iu4rjs-rrd-. ' eut su.d imspardai admînistcatrrn cf justice. 1%V conc Ur ertrely siri Sonr Esceileicy 'ke thse impoeiarce osf ndulrding every, facility for à gesierai edsscatioss cf thse peupe. Whie me arm evrr rsady ta respect tire rigbts f aâ l te .eqsi eio.it of thse beaings Ur !iisraif ed., me 1ai thtsuàaota foi thse eods fer 'Alich me hase Tour 1Excsillenc>'a proiteired cu-ot'eptioli, %aili mveitu. raliy lrove successfs . Iiià car peruliiar dutl itestowe ts t serions attention airt te luirlie accoliti, ansitire estilnales frthlie public setrice te ire r-ubjeceil ed us by bis Exoeftnra.,& sloors arr>'ficrarriuI iessures mbirh Vetir Exeetîiàuy mo' la oyius raaflitg lte revenuereiîRi in titis I'ovitiie, or %whisi mair in any ay tebid tu imapose butienb on our constitu- yitir Escriliencv - e ; c soridtt in iatise dis- of ~t c ur dlietîre ber M.tjesty "nn ur ortî-en stitueîrts0t wr i ti(ti r c4tm1t it 'Jeaics-r 1h t ii aurjrceidurg siet~~iii- ltsact.ized hy 'aisdem Jani itiece. lin ce nitîy te otir &cigirscs afý Sulject cf lte lBritish it cn nd rtirrind lte fi-. sistit>'iv tie nsut san; cciilier, as-c hive sAeerled iii obectiiere tg an Art u!' tire mpetial Partiansent and lier i wait> i nt-t, te sSci-c ansi cottaço le scti t"à a uas>' irbe deenrerinecesuary fer lb. patsce, ale,ari god goverrnnent cf Canada t. alieougi me cannot but regret tisai thireft pop- clous par*otiaef the Province, ireretoefs centi- tutedrser tire Act of Paâeiient ef 1791, as th.e Province cf [.ower Canadta, has mot becus consulted on the Contsitution eft tie Govrermeni mitichi nos, suirtitnted for tirai ici prevailed iunder te said At; andt iai there are reatuca3 in tise Act new constilutiiug tise Goerremnaref Canada, mincir arce inpensisterrî witlu justice, snd tire cettmmon rigiri cf Bitishr suiiiecs. Vie sirshl, nevertinens, ensicavor te i-charge thte dulie-s muIds me are now caihedte i perforin, irat tIre tite spirit of Blitisîli freemcth, in tise tope tirai jurstices rr.ry tîrai y Ires-iariîl dctotre tir-t cefi- dette eandi Ireeprity taiac!u scirrExcelI Ire-y c-1 surce, tandi i) i ali 05, as sout Il 'is -tr 1r stcriiy,1 are so iiaclr!v iintrrteti.1 pieltelire a suijeet cf parmilrsut itspotanrc, tue *tirat tire>'gueve si ncecel>' tirattire maitof du i îiovi'isiarr tiî, mil! atulsi bave hertirie1) Io (Clt ir he Province. Tirey are aware of Lire dli cclty of estaliiiliing au efficitent svstem b y a hicl v'ire blessinga cf laslruction mnay l'e place t aill ;f tise reacli a! ail, but tire> are susare sIso of thr overmirelmittg imritrance et'tire aubjert, ans i Shalb h aire ie ict of ttseiî l'cst attenîtions and thi inest asîirua con.idecalion. 'i e ho7n inciaiis tia Excellency lfer th ;ire4tte bi Ins tria e-iraliei a iii tteir ilabours, ans iie>' trursi tisait itirai fl' tilersa tis ey lil tw aeta e tain a measalîl t wiicir, if il sisouli f-il se te recorurLe confitiin; opiinss 5Iou 5cci lie sp;trurtatui'uo!afIp l, a hnast serre as a step by wh it-l an aiisance luà sure perfvci sybieltr ma> le rmade, andthIe diti. cultîy cirer seis tfiree ésie cf tise -proince flan !abt nia>' ie greerly îmicisîrot, iuljec Iolt.suc i 1uojroverenta isereafier as time a ndt rxperiursci May' peint suti. 13. ARe ed, Tiraittis "ouae iians abis Excel. iency fer baving sirecteilliaitihe fiaacial c- cassants of the Province ansitir. esticiates fer tir pubieicservice, shall ire suirmitesi ua uheats siti tise least possible dets>'. Iis Excelleor>' may reat assuiesi cf bieir ce-uperain in tire fissancial ciresarres as-iicir Iis idsceliency ma>' iay befuri d'anm, for rciiileing lire assistance wiricit ber Ma- ]estY'a Goetcnurtcrsn propose ta affurd, ativantageous ta te Previnrce, aird toc carrying inu efetthei public imnlros'eeeurs aiicir are deemeti mest desi- rabî-, anui Lrbcyaeofnlly persuasisît tirai wbatever tirele >'yr'ppolrstae for lire latter Aurîtose wiIi hi econinica!ty enîî)teyeîi anJ renide-ced effective., 14. lts-soEeed, 'ftrat luis itm-e tîn-aitks ilsIXo lenc'- fur tieere lrssiott o! i cinfrule-cre in tirr.in, for thie.eu!atioru if te iidlIent rimpoîtertt mtr- tta wseirm ït rrîneccssarily conne itefrre thin; titey vilI endescor rie ta ordetr tirrir cruicis as tiret Canada, unitedsimunler a coîstitutiota shicit tire Erperiai Legisiature iras fraines wilit an rare- est desire for lte selfire cf tir portion o! the Britishs Empire, connolt faitbu prtuper. 15. Resoltoed, Th&*t tiis biose gratslully teceives se piesiges cf the sincerity witis c ic hemetiier countsry dcsiirea te prenote tie Ipcosperiiy of Cana- da andi asistin tlire mli orkiasg of the cicasin- stituiosa bicb it iras esiabiisires ; tire genecous aid wbicir bis Exceiiency ia rassoncei tn titsus, Abe determinstion sehich bis Exceîir.scy bas beau cm poseeresi to state onithe psut cf thc Guvemosent, sa devote ennual>' a large aura for thc ariiiary de- fences of lise province, andi tihe ixesi andi settled sicierminalion abchr bis Exceliec> bas declareri tu tem ici ber Majestla usine, thai ber North Ameriteu possessioniu shaiemaintainesi at ail huzards as a parte!f ber empire. Tbey are amare finit tbe eyes cf Etagiansi are fixesi ansiocaly oeustire rescît cf tise gete crent sehîciris nom ta ha tsied iniu Iis provine.'*Tue7 ywiii use their besi endeaveri ta ensui.reiftssucecans itreconvineesi liai ticesiid cf Patliament in their cndcrtakiogs, lise confidence of Britisir capitalists in thc credi tirerina>' rrquire o! îhem, the securcity wmincisthe Biritisirpeoie mil feel in reeking thier shores, auss establisiing thernarlyes on their fertile soif, mil carry tire improvisaent rof tise province teaisn an- exeamples! heigiri. Thse tapid asivança ot trado & inîmigratien sertiurthc lai egltren mentheafa- fords ample eviilence cf thc effeci ef tranquUrsty in restorirsg confidence ansi prornoiog prosperit>'. Th'e y a'fervently tiat no dissension usa>'mar tire fiLleing prospect mincir is open before tirem ; lirai bhirrefforts ina>' iresteaduly directes! te the greai practical btnptovernents cf wbicb tbe prov- ince stands se ue-huc in need ; surI liat under tire iries.ieg cf tirat Providence mhicit bas buthrtt preserves Ibtis portion cf lb. Britishr dominions, Ilîcir counsels may hoe se guideS as teacluise ta tire Qucen attacheS and loyal sutjects andi tu Uni- ted Canada e prosperosus andi contented people. 'n.. au W a~ SaJ in 'e il ir at a le CA1NADIAN JOLJ!INAL, POLITICAL, AGRICLJLTURIAL & Cou~it1 4UN 44.1 1 iont, IMs about te ie estanilisiteti satIlibn becc long Seugiri for, iameiy, l'lcraiîe Gvera- meins, <iear irar,) or in ethec asoverthltsert ri 9evennent sîbicir is calculaeilisu hait)iz wi Wtu. tire miaitraansi feelings of tihe people. Tbua i anti h as lever been tire great desiJc-ratuin inr guseerr- menutr, nerause itlniarlers 1.0t boss m-cl adtniitis- tivred lthe affalce cf tire geverrsmeîîî nia>' m.5if lie pftcple arc uîriappy ansi riscottemrteui. li- Mi. Duorasi) isad hiojedti th ie Jeta-e astis irae tetueinstedl iefrre, irecaui ro icaliy ttoraglit sci- pl ie aa been affordde fkr bon. -etitlentàen te bave exaninedth ie otiginai resolalierns, .-rrd a> linie ties exceedin4.ly valitile birettiol tirat b"s. Reniiemnan as-e-ul ali t lce tieciue tie jues!ios by lhirradoption. lisa own tune asapcettitriý preciorsit, but ire neveriltel-esi;sceuitinot sli:iik trott tic flfi'ment c! iris Sut>' teiris co-ýsItuctls, Usai lie moulti f.ithlltsiy iliscliarge thuiu'itbcserre <ibliged ra o entinue tor tire wirceterra cf tire ex- istecee e partiaient te negleet ibis curn lediviti- ual lut eosti<irrbear bear.) Hli asit e1ed lirat lisbonh. Meuiler (Mr. Neilsoe) sî-sstd bave staieS saine guet! anS vaiol cessonts mis lire>' sirouit adopltirbe resilticlaswmics le bat drasen up in' preference te tirose micirhlbairai pre- vionai>' proposait.lie séreuld ai lrws, bare is- ted wsherein tire slifference ireteen lthen ciesistesi tirat tireCommittee uiii bla ave lbailtire itelefrt cf lise iîtfornatuon. But lte on ge tîson bat] sceinesi te con-ider ail exjtiauation cees5ary'. . ic. De-'ctàblaitprermtiletilte conpare- lthe iss serbes of resointions ansi observesi thritrite fortmer wece inlisitel>' Atefrralie. Bis Euctlhiey liras 'Is-riaretatI it is iis isiscere ssti-f-rcîiertirai bu- meeis us te transait tire adttni!s (i!tire counrtry, aei lie (Air. Dnggaii) aould imcomteuenul thireite. i MýenuIsers o! tiratIBouse, tise uroprieiy rf miccttin., Ilis Excellence in s like spirit, trot as-rth coltiiii- i dillecerrce, but wîtir an eqrn-sltitst ýr lthehpulic -outil (Itear, Fie.r, hear.) ln(Mc.r. ilr suflicient confidlence ira iis Exelec te beliits- t tirai ire was rcad>' tiall te ce-nperata acitît that i Houa. in gieing te the people troc.* equal rigirla i andi priviieges mbicb tbey have so long dersandesi. I le beliesved thre force off public opinion mas novr i tear ctog tirai il couls net te succesftily icistesi. Dues lie cenduet of bis Excehiene>' or duesa Her 1 Msjaty's Governoment siresean>' disposition te continue le reiis tirall. demanda? far frein il.t On Uic coutrar>' lIeyiraS tesson ta believe théi ti the carnesi curteavora et Lord iSydenhanmaouls ii lie te tendier tbis Province happy ansi prseroi c -(heur bear). C Mr. dp/rein saisi tire rpe inci o icb i tIsaI Houar stood and in svhthre coun- try' mas piacesi mas one of cxceeding intertst,e bhey %veto about adopting mentutes sebicir moulsi affect the intercala a01osenrisia a ver>' bigla, de-i grec, andibe rAId nettîhink t ai, as statesi in thei seech, tie eyea of ail Engiansi mer. open tiens, Hie believed iletee as leu ucit indifference beaun in Englnnd tesearsa iis colon>'. (Ne nu.) C il mas certain bowsever liraitirhe eyes tf ccc fclosv t coluists mere citenaus, andi tialli e mbers cf t trait Abuse '.erc respensibie ta tireir ceanstituents t usitoi eit rGoti for lhe course ef conduci wlricb e ire>' mcla puratte upon ibis occasion. He ce-i ,ardaS .cijaer ernt ire iacosse q a OA ici5- c cttant decumnts, gsc ie b.sitreli saieS il bat] n een oane toemtstth irocould, stesponi. Wiren he f comsidered aviat ougbt te ire Ill. language of thse il rîdrese cf bis Excehicicy te tirai Bourse at the client-61 ins e-f tire firet Session uoder tIre Unions Bill, ie il cou.S net but expresti bis extreme dissatiafaciion E isat se fac from bieing abhat irec cnecei tar irela sroer itl iasitirean exactiy thr everse. Tire. asre statures airo in tise Uunion Bill minc itil as impos- i urble fer an>' memirer n~ibat Hocae 1a approve cf. e He menuS refer.le tilatter parit oftbat &ci coin- il nencieg seilh tire fiftiaib claîrte. Tire Pachia- sent 0f Great Brilain badu ndettke te maire t provision mith respect te Uic apprepiationusof me-c ries ueie poco.LEiaCelon>', a proceednng wirL b i sta vatiance watb tire course pursesivilla regard Il a ai x'tier colonbes excelît pechape te $orme in la ides. Tirait ibis slciseîibelis hee lyCrs ooncy wciet aironis ie deprieidof thse disposai ot ite U revenusaho censidered te b. a toatn cf the ut- a viegt cocilempt te us sud tiisimprtranlt ranci et il ire Empire. Tit wc on!>' among ail tire coleonies Il f Ber Malrtyarts degaded te tire loves> depîii o! v egradalion, a degredation wiicb is ucexamplesi re an tre bisto> ofColoaii.G.overamnt. is, o- tg *ciot ir pseet mau that bis Excel'ecyao 1r tao co icn bis trasddistinction, bas affect- b ait ses enti.. silnce upons the stahject, and iagain fv ber. mai aeter point teaibici It %sas big drar' hi tdirect ihe attenion of the lieu, aussitiri s w no referecice sehatever bad haro made te the impor- il tent question cf Ruspousible Governiment. Tihe ir carnes Alterne>' Genenai for bbc West basi fait thetIl iporanrce e[ ibis question, ansiiasitentere iul tu i long vindicatien ci tire pniins anS vioaisprnphi wincch iusseif and coileaguca brut acteS, andri- n Ilougb ire seelueilte bave cons-ieS ltire Hlies.91 si the principle wsea recoguizesi by tire Govecci- lai ment, yet hb. <Mr. Ayimic) foc on.e .st lexpress 91 ai dussalisfactiont ii thseexplanation micirirSboit f eas given iy tirai hon anS lesînesi gentlemnu: If an in doraar se ire molsiie unjusstolwauis bim- ci selt, mere be nau te Say, tirat in ait lie observa- CC oens seiicirirbc eeed e tirailloteuse, b i.a-sired te trbe undertositrai ba e deslirel go speak sUir tire th alîncat defenee cf-Ibose gentlenen as-boeccupies lait r.e Treasur> brrucites5 rbase <ontiitsion ail cc reassons berça incb as te menit tise marmeat tes- iti pcl. Bisel'js'ctmwasto attack not min but Dis- th ares. Il wottiri bave b-en itiriiiiy sabimNtisce> te F lave beridfron tiehort ongentlemcn la (at awe are lb tbave aLfiia cosnlucteil open auci r sineiples as av -ere'o secaccealy>calIei ferrIs>'tlire Ccntry ahi it lge. But nut iitiaudiug ailt ra S imben Sel clared ( te ta Bouse, tise>' ace precisci>' in tise it. uine condition in mincir tir e>' ccieforte. IViat vi s tise engin mat ait lboe civils a:rtS diffiulties ta ieder wich the Province i a sourei? EtLmw» hu le comîposihion cf tise ta-c Couancila ansi a grialfil and unfoctunate mara-ufauuîiati as tega#dslam- th self as as-il as tiec c t - in bueaiaveurcigte ai odif>' tiose evils litead ci attackixrg tret deF..- li ive composition cf tire Executive Coccîl, a s a s09 ea alisier! as 1e sitack lai e! tire Le,.usaaive irt Council (irear, tatar.) lie fel t liosc!t iocuasito. ce sier ai soe leu.glhir iîrte e so'jaei, iro deairei thr iasever notue niedsihe asilbtlire affaitas of Uppet dt sada, b. diS s« o staeles le k»ees»>'tbing; ef se bat mater. dl If ha mavuiieghis a . p.in-itb. maseen- 0 griciate give bis cosenU xPWCeltlfte trir vth gaételi6ecouspmuil ofa thbe Causeitbu cuédo lais ve i bat detecesce mia ;zdms a t" esmaite. 113« b. biSia athasit>' cf à 11 usen sesmls, fioneîtile Lut mark uricsbe bd.14, pu iihe , retillsd a l it esw c e p uhes- .,,b icLegisasure o utloez Cmoia.&w lg lue asoui megat irise read>texcuse et *t flasa be reading fMur or byve pagea msda es b ial emàwms iran, Iscutedl>' tosscig aujiitrle pelaistu lis b>' tire juan, sudleassirA Atoeney Gueral-5r Up1.r Cesenta. 1 fieraetse bon. gectimauts aatIronsnià@ U" ri-fersesi toj fis a5fmI eljectioni le tire exptiu k as Pms- VIS atsîi sicatof tic ce 9084L <tverulac cal- e d ir.' ir abns d leisused à£tb orrae l Meeîu fîtr U1iper Cailuf a mas ths, tiraitisai PIrpu, eul>- tri iratilsi eer.irtI os. emaer jstie estivlàs rnittirexercWsd aisos, tandSW i *»l reôithiti«t 1. VP a tepeu itrittyw4b, a ie lic b one iry %nsrsrh a , -ats W 4 tii qhqw m i- mut>' cf iris adoiseral spi m44segas&atralpe, aibilita- extenuls 3al 1Ubi. . et eCeu*ury Baron; Maxeres, sWbo fLad tfilleS t*1is uSa. et Atlicutr>'Gc» nerliiLre ~ud~usg enl goe iwcci ris csis ie.a. Iliabuacskdimueed t) ire iniltoiruli efteves>'onea, Ml asoual ea tmaeeoriues îorlsrmu.Ttte S"Ca@ad!iaà reeai.s8» is aatiec ira thcform of a dialogue. belupga et Enctlibliînan aanda àtîrundiîn. r IVsith reforercotte requesion éet lkespoabw, (-Ovrtinieiit,Jiturtust le observeni, aeattiaitI»bvt nlA ori>' tire ieor>', lent m iras-e tire practiçeai,- (le imenbe of !tissafast SesalU #t, thee pailla- mnent of Uptr Cersnta, anal b. baS iroped gliat sa-à sru1dlîlve larui iluase iin.4euhie4- iurisn is :-st rien uiitd amuil e8,s-ciall>' i . Ibo t&me. tioli of lune Larectîtire Untîicil, bc , WledIbAsti tir ut lue ' W &@s u io tt kLe . If l ie -c a ud C P w wsi . 0 & Gireat Bitairi, i il ijovae4lthe peivilege mi being -oreiseul ly Councila mîthielu ure. c6opmirle btlsi an- e al titis jat-iust, ie atitLs.Maols d - g r e c - f l ib e r t y . H e rl ae ) e i ané é l m e i fit thirInioýt tots w as-Sncbhsic»&a saut go die Covener General, ruloel-a. leand W...i à bbouse, Miliceexauriingn;fige Union BM, boutes .e dicovereaib5t tire passera et ti,Gs.u sut Elouncii, mere te & lb. an»elas l" 0q ie 9- 91h. Buitithrer ai anoher cireuaaft el struck fais natice, lu inhaiposei ion of tie dccl. "a e! Resjscnsibhc Govelunotent, a& MW gdoms b> b.l lion, aussi eamned qgeaileu, 4usé h ý, f. t uomate for us bt a eh ave s anphle»bo us, orfls full sand succesafut carry.g 'ont et linspatu- tipi thn lb.Povince o! Nova Sco3". éa M i à"i been r!one livre, ne quite the reverse, MUes ma sc the sainete nflciltial setvaut et thea Cru-» occup)ying lthe treasur>' Iencires in tnpI W., Ydésý uerc lire contidenlial servante of the ÇCiemeidu. li, ltsee ld admiaiation, la tabat Wmq Respoushaie Govtenient carries ea nlia â . li. wusil in Iises>'? fNo, th* odivesa u- sullet %viie Usas, mie band tbe confieeet cflis country'. Tneremers noper*onmW« b.àibeeu lertaused a moe rv tuugd nrealsec atl*dayp iran bre dinhfer ibm gntleusm ine eWho te -'ounci, but it bad tasu meli remake, "Md netiuirt oul bc re oeIntra. tie heuai iait thte Execatlve ecil et Caade, irilam ciaracleq lusa ti L. *o.ird o dloubi, tIraIs j imPSuas tgerig!f*iane Hastisgs, beld sepuraied Jae tbnemarb.ar ire,>, Lt asa notbing 'nore or lmeasb.tlfçrgetbe carcans. tance o! ier ieing ia tire :gioet isat i"Ws ry as-bicir masseoa&-WUaty ri&dicsib> Mr. Buche, Tir. members cf" lir e . CgcL du nit even kbomeaeb, uscb lhia u N i Î.botse abe polutical Opinios ofet cadiOume. VA culé iagine tire At'>'. Gen. for Upper tCuanad,1v" i, tirai sasity Io peculier lefaim, usdeour- sgx te finI ont el.AIt'>'y. Gen. of Leseer Cesn. Wiro augru fige Colonial Mion te eb. UMn se>' te Ille, Ministers beaum ser bom hlé officiai ail uatieus? Ongtt th.) mot astreid r tire.Wiiit mirons #peoplaetofCaad% go atil in basaS. Sncb serrste bi e iuop» obicir te <Mc. Ayiwin) wussébiat.ld wmus -X exposliioncf tiere e. stiedaemS Ail»'. gm.l Upper Canada, e as i flot!dbhard _111(rottai11sa r th o! l et ge teea . Tir. Laa e » M uYs rre sirouisiie uan resposasbbie gotem-m bw ne lase of God ays thete airai! b. resposasilisgo- rerrment. fThe hooe of the Governotreras quirgrettirI e aboutit bave satroduced ti"emam- er Iat bris speech freint tire ierge. WhIbo tirebrn, gentleman (Mr. Draper) gatte is exposition et lb. princiles ofcc .a"bege- ariment, itapppeaied 10 bira (Mr. . ILn>tia re sui il nelt ir filet frecuoa, seiir mi c u -osaiS bave donc if b. bad basen impiesee i mi ta correctiesofethie viess mcbc rebai lais ostead cf coming ont sponteneoul> sied aab te matter iu ticheosmdest posble tesos hbu pen casen frtem iiét, aà Wtlsmerlutganti,sud li (Mr. AyIm iu's) belief vaos thos ai stapnc Ibo ninisters and tir. Gubemsatoelal chair, Irpmïiwuas test gulpi fixed wsellci üld rId slrte puss.I at )souteetoftirtireprocensltlrfriesuis.- it'pou a fardiner and ask Iles bai. geatiemea sehtbse e rtpees-b is osne mbiîb proceeda firt* tbien@a, t Ir e wcc tbld OliaIit dISid meIusou Ip insider abt it procecdcd troutSsomeuira* nsaular triendu,, mire.advlce if il;irai uaIMueý ohb tahena, mibi bave figee ianloiw espei fccc ion. g-sar l uster ondertsst"atgsrnm- cl difficulties, iromevef dedulrs ïb litenitil:the of ýnliusring in lthe publieservice, te, gi- Me~ houIs nom dismin se ia oijet witb =sri.$$ eat he considered il; tise mperaeive dut>'ofibu xceliency in addtirs gtire tirai tela--u t o ecI unîteS Iegrslature la, haret ceS ibissubjeet, md ii resen foi vsstl4'tgaiîai Ibs addrets mas t silenace in regard te ibi mportant quesrtiei. But the tee mareotier gcrenadu on milis b.hofui stae eis Sut>' 'eppoçe ti ddre,.. ir.e- rser G-neraiair-ehilid avec asideusdIhe sjsa lae eftlie aîsiaon mi ire a Ideiititis mms io S. Tire>' mes îl-e rfd epsétrcsa. ie Ausemir>'lys in e Bitisha dep"eee Wlty b. sbonisi lb. Provice et ICassésbc cebaj4sl ut is -fair 1inrncias, Md euemud 40 the irtme 'iiicislie couisi nt cirvctetise etleeselante ad but assisleS H s E cAWkelee tur.ee If liii->'bai don,-. s iasku lieir pair tonuet, lir. meué"WYi>'bavi * eured tireitr ie m. b@*A a gaage Vilb a- im PAMsble fte binelteu. là"~ id tw M mIl wu tsai ern eu.plaige!ctls, OQ gc ew#dallt tllesi e lel'su er upil = ,W.l=-iIlle..ulteui !AS-dI5UIqSuS baed et5 Elet teseeagmfat ts e s essp6miti f tirs imiauL*sd"«W An baie aes ace- 'lafisélt" e a rrta et i Exthn ee wêl U5e, s Monda>', butte 21, 11341. Tirs order cf tire day. fer(tire cornniîtëeetcftlie eherle nste, sipon lte aitdress in attrs-er ta lte aSpeech train tire tisant bein.-inoraeet. Mr. Bîrldtiisrose asid!saiS irea wouhitalce the s-pportunity mhich mas now siforded bina et recun- r ring te tire anijeci ut the communication micir c ti irSated, it ses, bis intentioun ta makte je Uic H ouse regariling the reissens sebic bainl leS ta bis -reignation o! the office o!fSilcitot Cesserai, and o! bis seat in tte executive Ceuncil. Il mould bc recoliected b>' hon. members that he bait saiS ire1 bila tersîcred hisr rsignaion, anS tiratltai rei- nation hai teeci acceplîd, sed tiraI btecefore ha mas no longeraà memier of tire admainitratien in ibis Province. Aieibas! also satesi alia iv as ont tirera prepared haracasete lit uer féec i iîelf at liberty te exploaanbis reations for the atsig bt basieg inte spplied te tie proper quarter, he nom felt hiuesetailibrerty te state lirese ressons. Aîuy. Grin. Ogenfber. apologised for iniecrulît-j ing tira heit. andi learnel genliran, buti irieiirsgirl the business ongbt no(tato ie interrupted. iîle1 îisougtt it maus bighit nbdeconous in tisaihauses, atill ta ersist in Sefecrins thue pasirg of tie adi-1 dress. Tie>' bLdbeen sresSadnuisober o! days iii Session, ant ibe rcail>' tiougiritinbt ne more1 tis eoul b. matteil.à Mr. Ral.n se sidibuat noilsing coulsi ie tuitier ticisiissictutiolariaistea mpeie fer a maoent the business of Uic session. Tic Speaker lefi lhe chair ansi Mr. Morris re- saumei thic chir If commnitte,. Mr. Neâissten rose ans id bi bt pcriaps it0 cight bc expecesd ltai ire vonlexplaia nia Sicunda uplon sebii irhaidtbtiugirl t acessar>' le louve an arindirgent tia lie atidresasubîchit s been aoùieaîhy îroposcd. lit asoilsi bave giren1 Î.mgrat pleasue if thsaï, adsies iraS becc antif an one as ha cad cncinloal'voie for, be-5 causelire dit net mi at ons nsmtt Id, Il ta oe tihe1 atier oo thle banda o! tire boc.smuvene! tirat 1 asidress. But culeing as tis ese itirhe present I montent on a nae carter, anti baving ircen ver>'r Labteeni>' eccusmended b>' i-is KExcellene> tire GovercrrGensera', tb proceesi tils prudence auss mision,ire coicîs conscientucqal> give bis suppurt ltute adîregos cf ibis bon, gentemgggstrading, as il diS t ie rge tial Beuse lea aiarticcar couse iii reterecice ta tise nattera u'bicit marc tobhe irourgir csnder tire consiileration cf tire icuse. H. (Nir. Neilsnrn) bas net thc least objection laecahbe spechi, but lil mas net ?sgbt te prejusige motterca0 m:cb mer. tu omain beturs hem, in the course et tise session, unuter lire recommseniaîiou of iris Ex- cellee" ty ilail tbsI as necesar>' tu iresais, s tisai lire>' enA saiesirose suijects ibeme their se-f rictus ands aespectfirl constîraion. lit mas gepon. this grouensitiraI ho bal tbeugirt it Lis dut>' La pro-d pesse a substitusue, foc ticeaSStea wbi hbal!ireen t issovesi iy thse "es gentleman. Tic bousewmas nuom ici possescin do past documents anS bon. macm- becn cuIti decude wmictcaUi> eculti adehl. He bst] alindedt ta tira course opon wtricir me are eu- icming, ire mouiti bomever ruframa tlous tucebinga upon that anrjictfuilier tonta s>' tat il can- ot ie deniesi Ibat the affairs cf thia Province irat beers managed in snoir a ses> as ian no respect le correspontd mitirthe aciage et tire giturse- enai ttise conclusion o!fiis Speech, Unît the peo- ple cf tris counIr>' arc properous anti cusitlner. b On rire coutrar> it sspeifecil>' mel humiio a ever>' one at ail cenversaît i murthe if fa !tria89 cellr>'5 liai ilese affuirs bave ilan idul> manageS, snd lic pe'opliehave nrver iteen phrspercua ansi cons- icutesi.Ilie iope.J l'iasev er, tat gueatatmorrl bc. laken leairoduce peace, ploapecit>' aud contlentl ment titrougitonti liccorusi>', antibc ireM. Neilson> 0 'for beae sa-ul go the fulllIegtb, tirat an>' bot. P geotliemanin tirai bouse meult il&iu botul u desirairle aur etntd,<bras, lîar.) But tire. arln ire a great diffieonce c! opinioteus irshmoareion.U granlle me.n ans i imsîf as lathe rbb c ouly minci' ire>' were le arrive et tl.alciîject. lite t ouidnt el ati lime pieseut moment tecrir lal thaI liaS been 0 saisi upn etIis tapie. Tic>' had glket about a s reti>' for existing çmeus,sunt! thiuccirdy it mas t'ii a-uhil ttd fiontiin nssponsibIriegovetmentl.a lie (Mr. Ite:!sets) asinîshen tis alliis beisatI W. hral espilre ga-eràunrrn, l'unI i must l ie a' s-es>' dteri-ut Inuits afiisclith ise>'hainsi up te Liets pri seinI timer. Hc mas ureil aware thb t rasionsiltle t' gciv. bhoulti Ie, anti he asa lawIare aIse Iliat it ss more easil>' taiketi otathonbtaitrfeti, O! au fa tLiius tise tueit fatal te an>' peu lebai-a délation te ' imsa:ine tir>' bave guithbar mmicli le>' iav-e net ges, tcy i ili asstreil>' fins t iemacives aitIhe hi I*t, morse hon etthe biegiening. lie diS sotlC tiriai it neceisy ar> t ci ll feu>' mbtlb.details of th bis visatfti.eanase hici aensai te Étionsle bc necessar>' le p.del a amore prospececa andStI bOusbiasg coudition, an lie e the traProvince. s la tire course of thse discussion ire uigisipmteiruiw lie mnetife te euber more videl! ast ire e bject lt l.Dwggasssaisi penrN*i i usigisluet rha si- G peojaiate s-n tire pegeesi occasions ta site the o- si glisnsehic irefireld, anti tpon lthe fsiib of seiir aS ,le iaS bnen retursi ta iarliamert. h >Be Mr. DueirAsx as resolvesi te asrnad ev-ir>' cd tinn;imai mutidtendt taep s eccremeurl, Io bute> tise painirobliaben, asi ll o l>' gthe lb cc future. Hi cotrtidcred th ire ccis us cl- sa lene-> as a aonsiiimportanît docuascusi as effevlag Io0 n iis Provirnce greaten inreisso f gomthaba taila blc lever befiare effenid. Tic>' iasaigepromsises i, Ai tha illustuitloue perauniatre Lerd Sydenitaas- m Deay tise>Luadimure, irLer! inim. oceneiglistl!.ls mi i irîi,e-they iasi iriseatas iiicitmrcin irejler tias amrdst; tInty rase binsactivel>' iail s cui tieseiajedt aiScbforSecselonag a tiace bal ait-. ttlr! andsil ueSeStire publicialsinaids!tire>'asise fonunti tiraI tisou&oni ia inluec aupea huluLec pm-

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