*1t1 TUE JNGSON HkALDý-TUESDAY. JUNE I15, 4. -,.Ld JqOmw NPULL "a 4b4 tasmtewt 1 obvermalsM Weald Proeed l tkyaub.ae e11 UiwBdt w ï*4.d, m"à Udhbad'inmirot"1u- oàRRimel> oui kt nh 011 t t a alemtt1* tmua. i t ioemay Ge-Mer poe.ds m a- - dudamot abo My tourav»,* f &*~ j 'fl. M'Leod d.clacd aa aeoue . Imdolmoe et 7&ý hMLeOd arotminth b et lbnd becm nisd a. by 1UN BdilaSgovetsuflt, md b., Iberefore, Mo- -CVeil th' thl.e shrodb. a oved toma Federmi MW ocet a pplicatonbu becs comlied vîtb, mcd 5e cse bi bel ïvedi looBa oilerai Csut, &Rd Ibat court wéad td agiàe .l.defeuce Dey General cf lb. United 81.1cm could'do ha1 -h&ch b. <Lord John Rancit) mpoed il vau ioïpoussbllofor bina 10 <o in'tii court cf lb. State of Mr -. McHoyA» lbought Ihat et a iane wbes -tu$ counr, as vel Bmtlb. Vaited .,"ts- e dqal theg lm.of l.the . ub..5i-1E . *e btconty, i; ut vas bl.yiuel socbma i" a bis Jui th.'ue,- v 5«0 Saue. lueur, bear. He b.bwcvd thltdbhere wuU a sroeg E i asn eboth dwo# the, Mtwic for tbe pruerrationotel.mib u'a6oae tern Ie veuuee. birHm eae.] The great commrcdlbodt wu incoal7dx- iojo e .sodet au phahedulry &dees 15.115e retlsatdcli .ebuld attend the Itr. T. Dupmd e i eco,.bý'l' b doctrineo 5 il ove el¶ir in t dtty b.d ne do5t lb the cssosicn lnformmtion The rgL%"WMew«aW0tii m mther. ing11uil~#iPtiOi.lmWb a vmint. teknov vqvya dib~ MpL<.od, a e laiàsd a ~#~fte Oales- evia b o ttnle àte. -n :à k mti~<tn m *Le otop" e boemTh, n, a b ýtmà'f * 15. ittculioae. 91%e W wa.,Mc leLod s am mtpreant. Dot tb ha ledfobI o o itb the Mrt. MeLeod b.d beau mttestad Mmd deaind.- !f*v if Lbpy b.d a. ngt gbde"al. i4.y;' hd AittttfMm dé.itbI'md m ighttc "ry b yi j. I t aýalla wecne min *i015emc nt e a ab fmd guily. Did %by inlemdt-oml- lor L..Led tebcb.exect.d in sauch a cm..? 1(15jwr 1. _ MLed lith a 4lb.~M- lem ttcbu.1 twies "ipdmlqustbu. .89upeasCpt1 oENv, wo eoamagdelb.he Xpe- il.,.. vbich h.d'deaoled thé mrOIin mad vbicb bad seteljSdty and propïly icolryed ber ini hie Duo c-ampose Captaiem rove vraveflns ;à uiwJtmte, ha w.ild blmi Wt.b. ues- d. Supps.be wuars teil tsU 111t. Mted1e eoassmaac sdld b. thât b. vas ifod- i Wlly, vseslbOe.plé of Englmmd l bu« clt49 '4bt t Wete tbe people of Englaited o BIJoU' p..ofet i.of- Eécrs le b. pet-on-bi talifo obeyag4bieraoit liai vawulhe'quu" e. .voilid ak te b.laSe lord did bume.n eld r. MéLeod's'lriml pro. =tThot gentleman va i aiscmed nov six memb, mad a i b i. T. Duuncomnl2w drepot i, tb.e O Zet mland ougbit te boomv heiar - w e t wui anaoed. CerLmnly thlb vie dvid Io eu i vit tieu, beiMriT. Nc Lme wd -dq b »bdswwna W gtmêtll . 9 à o=_ u %e~M Wblf'besmidwvs t *tdq lIhabo. dgilm.mmm ored fo ti bat.papam'rbrrd tut s1th that il vaibitohlon ta nwy bd'te b§ý Stragera y Ie sbe deri 1* witladmw, i lbe motion wu negatived vilbnt î ivwîan. AriAffe WliIU<oiA e0 th. 715, iu the Hoas of Pa,, %muasz» M rcmo .idi,% wIfo .fljog * ilmi fatler information b.d hegre ii: fris fCbins. Ilb. goieaument eeatMti.y. cca"d ot kkaow et pre!t vholber. lier. ladW"~-ay 'tIi- nnat coacdsiono f lb. articles illuisi le. I.a- stascliste, bovever, ad b... set oi thal if lb. Ptols aouti h.a iaed, fouad-d ou thone aricles, - Idvounet hoataafstry, and rouaiot b. p- recommeni ber Mjeal,' le sutticrit L iis wu 'lb. deciion tube« ber,,and 'vas @& thelbdecision -of tb. GoveruaarGenerm. faox Tria mA.. b. u verlam i galmnived oun1*a6*, bdcnlng uioms fasseMécao belb. 121h et Pebrmary, Cal- -eutatoo e2ln cf Match, md4Morlo theasil Captait Elliott and Kesbes hd'uet'yé témb 'ibsaïritde metimteut te a close, nolvitboMting= .iËab.lanl assurmnces wu bave bilmd».often, tbat tb. 'laimeses dair vas l i ttled; i ft vblt«@ bas becmad, cb faumyr s iomd discovv. It wiii o ein, b,' lb vmy,Im rPar. lioenlry Manmmry, that lb4 gveomnt bas -ut lut hcome voir! cf Cptain Eliotts ineffci- e.cy, and sontocta soîber captait tb diapiace )bitni lia.e substance ofthie ictlligencej as regards ,tb. Ciese quemlka, my b. iven in lb...fête wued-" th" nvgoliu s i e esilii png on 'On l.the ef Jeana. opCaptai Elliot mcd Kpsir- ,te contulved tb corne ugther, fer the fDuel lîma mse their interview et Pechele, bat il vms only '.% die-lb. Chine. c ornu amreinrth. givel 'cf lb. f.m.I. On the M0h CapaatEIlit'nucft cium, ln- 'fomiug thb. BnlisS sbjeoa _9%d1 -m I iab lit dvsuble for tS.. I. s ta, *.sism. On th. let of Fehmury aJoiet poselamad.wu 4@md by bin and ecbe, la 15. imbabtmnso -Aoiet K.n, dvieu l.Ib W 1,b. md béal Wuusllgl o b tedsoialure. oad*"th. êut ietI Caie n e la te taitSbgtfth Me.iCbu.pe. Md ?Y*tesllvey his- ~sud be*me,otv-.vcf IcWh etufl goimg c«, il b.e Ima eosp*Wuweadcf »Wïmdiatoas moi lb.lihe. The Briuish vers tarrng iouetfi", a lange force Seng .one-' Lut ovacng te OW s4aced aag if lji. smme' eolig vidil ptbbe i Wdmeifoi Oclober.1 q~oe.elà lbIpetAimb.'Tb.Brit- ue. ulleuIsydla sellio r- ;xErtS2 mitqoê Sha. EaeJIb-.talos~im suplgme th e l.alrbllîom:2::%g m.db, is .zbcflioc-A" inliihsff tirirâ lie'1111h 01 cers hîd beeu killed. Wluhlb. m e n ieaojIva % bispured Ibat Shah Shijali' as- ielrïping ta gel riai of bis Emeli *[aliesuail prtccle,' iog maidil Ibat end».toau Permia. Sc"t>.-Tbà British troops in Ibis regie. mite uit fightun,iacing hept on lb.alaiat b, tb. lacer- siens of the bill Irîhos. Peamx. -Troeue'vwa nicipated in this em- pie. The Shah veuin aloclianta beml, mai if t %biald die s finas civil svar is ezpected bt groe eut cf diaputee for lb. &accessiun. -le thmI 'evidftisa i illntbtftre.bavumguamarl.d lb. ibraneta bla oefim . The Iluise are unxuy for vaut c1 pa,'. Hxaar.-Yar Mahoaed, the tizier «Mm Ean, d h lbe-alaIrlez of tb. country, Ibai beulatir-, lig tome British subjeclal itit t i.e-y-e lIe frepetgosdthei lb. A'glain Savamument -*M lihely tlbhave anther varot-hmnd i.' 15*1 Tlii teelon beveen thone povwel is nov midi gole honl ImBu'sttled. '1h. Oriental eberver sbja the Shltan bas sgreed. -lot, Ibat bMehomet lAim's eredil 'pese. cf Egyrpl sthah ho e bolûte lb. sucee'ao WiB&l vetmor may appoint l bis ove officers, r<elmg- *ohljrftom the Domination < mcwj ia3 ', tIat tkribas pmy la thePFortes in l" *font ifrtb ofthe sggr o'gl f bisrevenue, a fxi»aaml contribution, tb. exact ammaouf -'vii s Bu, godter discussion. ft mu, ha, bowver, tht the Pacha rvillI no *bld b naet qite aic utiàgd i thont concessions. !kt tht. . ita aro bore yielded la bis faor, and if v. rie , hr rght Ibere aeseverai othera -e 1h batti-shenifto vhichhliejected. SPAIN. Tuhe regency question vas settlied en -lb'&b of May, th. Letes haieg on Ibt day, by a votcf 153 le 136, delermini ce appoiting a singje re- get. Tic, lb., br a voe of 119, eketed- F.- : es soe rgen. -iz comp.tator, Argiielle, nd l voes. uelChriedma v"sMit Parla, 'liling in lb. Palaus Rayai,'but lire kfauW »ana 'dliinve very i ttho Tuileries. -sie, '~y 'id mut of ber tlm. in priling. Ticmue of the .OtnI'DnheAblhemiiâd the Puce,,. Mary cf Rue Darmstadt Ioaplace on UWbd ýot f April, at SI. Peteàwbg. On titis casi e bEmperor mmid tIre. ordlatnces 'las &#otcfPtf.aoqàntinj'tho I*m.f at et sondsamder - dehfimbce '%f ddmlb, o.z bItiagfi; puilemenht'o uallldlib i aielras.- laeces, té im#ra5lmenti fiues <lad corperlal poun- Labmenl, ae vl a1v lxaiob&, éetirly te-. mittci. Thio second remits derinfMe re<l l dit 'l6lI.'Treari ;lard the third ibitendi piardon oý- a r.titttlabci'fjerchmect, W Wt bomber orMaâti. talffuus j )-Reporta tire 'Fife in Eeglaed as te a IbBWs cf IP4inisty, huitnon., vs elnsvs, eu IWà<rselieli oe. ifteBrgklrm Eeed', in uoticimg iwècn,- suyà-- Il Out in, lbat-Earl Spencer vin h.' *emuar., m ntesi of Lurd Molhodre, vho, vilh Lor« PUl.ri §tue. Wililr, Ibo iterI-ta l.esueila LoàClaride. Auoteraio,-tbaiLrJ"ifld a sol it l iii a.Premior, amdt~ibat vàrio'mmmlan*e vold follô bis acceotance of lbat olicie tA Iird, tImI Sit Roerot Pel iffi oeiore DuS. of Welingon lahiaga emiBd on»' tei xivedigý.yt te AdmiaitUli e Pl*W. n khad oh>teâceon tlImas rumm; but a* ratcbangosmr ibani. 'i s eerWai.tb-aa dimeohtioarbfParliamntImet tabe phseat l a distant dii'; mmdil, es a àlae if ut - -a p Zopi -velbae tadecido vihether lie ÏCli retci ed a,'stcm tIba lladgging .vr.vmana inve pverty aaldistrais l lbte lie proppd lp Mah mserpresemtiee cani iinorance., au, vher -a motre resmcble and enighteaed poliej The sMm jumal, in apoeang if thé. deboe o the 3ugar muV yt. a 'Vory fIlle &timent prevalsu Ipon thc mat. 1r. Fople C"de élibut it; but iUvis i air oI atter icd&fetnce. 'haétWd bo'lrtade 15.1 Parliament drill bodisscved, imil ar.dbuo . as a matter ofcous, ense;tlIît lieig.. vil gaoinltteor rither 1cm, b,'it; Ibat th. lOIiée y1lgaie n acedancy, an tbat I"enthe tila viii arrive for a simullaeeolae umtuntmmoa't mil iasoseR.frmeD ta place refera pelqcplir. flu beode Feb.sochoaumlaus' lefalr.. *Thé gestnd mioe! ilstthters vil b. a maJor- -iy cf 30 agaiesî Ministens, vho wililhave te de- çcide on tbat futare course h.,' viii adopt- * bether an pp.al le th. couut,' et a dissoluioni We ied il slalr.d in Ibm Hobart Tom rAdqrfil ér cf Novomber 241h hIal tome of lb. Caudijans base ftcaped'from Green Pend, enier. ratlier ex- tnaord inary circamalances. lW. are mos reluctéant,' colopeled »o notice-lb. complaints mdc b as aaeift the orvarders. -W. are avare Iliat no contr&btbis Ie ear beau made b,' th goverarnelfor the ceeveyanco up- vgudelof tbe tbonanmds that ba'vc laeded t or -Port., neveftheloss, th. arîlvit,' 'of tb. Esigrnt Committte, id Aget, leavs littl5t4Wevudbnd, je regard te thon. emiti2itz'Who Wouldliv' eh fauniWih.dvfbret passages. Bul itla'bau o atlted toms hy min,', after Ibeir retuao b Mon- treal, 1h51 the,' proceedea inj the Forvardora' boata frima hence, hdoinpu «âtherpiasagelo Ki"gilo, millaI mter havaeg proceedeal a part of tle. vq t'le, ere sMI*cbers, and t hlein! teliv. ut Ih.o ovtearge enti it uight sit -the- couveni,- once of thé Forvardeas o-flfil <Le aemaiadcca tontricl fr vhieh lhey lw.rs amai' P el,, de o hse Iirsd tmdiam> aueha"vav, as jetadvisd nyremeybu ien.v; if, bowvex, v. bear mSe of sn e mel. as welI as cefair pecceodiegs, et viii hecome - r duty b oxpose the arties snd politutouIa Mmo 1prompt remet itLtanacui$L IN;# defigltIol spot, ilike the rum lor~be '<ilà ioeihle amifte thelb. valia, bus nt bi,'been .crovded *itb visitors, hat bàà added t101h. epta. tie. of ils 'Wraters by Mmne temauhabte ctues, e&; fecléin tje i.mot spâce ocflooligt. If v. obla epermisuien Itou tbe partits honelited vu aliaj c"ilder t il i m, le nmbke kavmub.aturs cf tbeit cases. Il mut b.a agreal Satisfaction le lMr. Parkr t hear th. commentae ftire noem visihors ou tl. improvect ippeatacce, accommodmaonmed comfot, sabicb are thus yemr se reachable. 11% joaney frocs liontte.l lana»W perbfumd Wita4et *ami sa adey, th. .Pttabra Cmpuy, loag* te Sonosses uta,' cae, eu- b: aeti#*0&"m viit o o te 15m.talmes à0<I& - pave~. ~u the ai m t %a bmmt M . '0te 7 mileç Pr Soeu, and l I saklè. Ou.- dnse 4blmesusMika»d Mp m nthe étS. laleemi 1 ni7dcet vul.odsai lo.ded, mmalm.The ahierr la à , iq mo*g eoe Ihmsimed ulesbmmta s& aime, Iaiai ue, au mmait eoalp "lMteet 0bonem. beli r meM.IY lbt" e qimaiy1 if lie bac lglmad.iiffeIsla. Me. Tbes tPraplels »-t Mulputlg .li4W Tiueprpeflea m adéisibrahy.udeptoal te Con- auirver mav gale,, aa ps q, ... *stW l maraiciuges la 15qn niulbga i cim, z.On T".-Imb an the Barges vih qrc.yjd part ut,,XI* Éeimemci t lIu . Y lAtingms, vers psieg lIrcugi Ih. lochs nt Ibis pIacç,-ome cf Il. Soîdmer, a, Imime yon na, aêl h-Ward» nenfdolnsle- Ijý (iiioverUoard âLed vqî drovcd. Ase f«od allbvced atiohe 1.Chaidiore Fiis, 1*o'Rat h- me, Isidore Demoulin, and Luke Deaunee, C- nadies.Au inqacîl mws heli on lb. bodies, and s 'verdict retauned akccordigy-lbytwn Gaz June Hja CàAUAaxr.-0e Moudmy momaing lut a man nlmm.d Mclsaac vas diowneà ie the Canal tochs et Col.a. du Lac; il seclttaI h. '"au standing m thesaidevmallààid lillched état hie baud tba parao.on boardl of Ïbargeibdam pmi ioogh iÂin jedoicg go" lm tbis blance .d feU mb lhe1 Canal, whe h. libust. imo&t immeditely bave beeu d4itied of tife, bhiw-a insaatly pickç a p, bul ail attemptsat aI seltoaàtt'proved Ikeet- .tL'mflCoavl Observel.] :sànc thb'd cf Jume, Iber. ver. no eýtwan 3»0 eeigralas artavid je Ibis cil,'. They sucs lob lagodbell-Chiof0y y ang ÎT&e p pli. 'W. bhve opýesd a lido oemiguliog t çamud, for smre 'liaibatr, ild et voa el I« te peopevheoleovotbo1place of t . CIns hête yotb, tblr fiiendsa mud'*elatiooa, t corne ber. viien lIora m ecprepmrtm.In 'md.for l; lYs teret'clmbere ate ne publice "sI*pr- pois te cmploy ' lb..; but the unsttledsmute "ef allai% je Canada, lailul aust accuattloithe -wntfinterpnise and public imprevemeuls.* Nowl 1h11 mnigrants aie daily pouring in apon ns, i lal tebe b.opod the atention orb«b- 'branches cf lb. Legalalu iar v bc hdirecdLtSp1e qaivacement of lb. iclendâd s.tll.s-theysvama»7 dilcal- lies to'ïnîéune!e~ic b hcan hbuaoolbedautocali touforl, by the diligenat endeavmo f out enligtit- eéÎ mmaiems. ldîBvre Ba eraliloaa, gener. à1ly8 speling-md from theîle eraI chamater cf lbat&louse, mach i xpced-f tboy co-opete caadially'wvmlhie Exceliit, inje ubse poliey vwï bývétibtmost ta eldearc e .have iïc.doubt h. vIIi fowraof b.e t ter=btaof 15e new set- 'ldi-ogotOehmintworks ta b. inslil nlj «elf"o a Id ièMployme.mI-make lihoal panIs of làiid btabee 0are.vilIimag*ltesule ameng ma, b,' vhich memneemigutien 'viiib. counte- unced la thon Who veto beret reluufmvorable to m.-f MorleMrror.] KIYS8TC, 'VEU>AY JUIE15 1.m A memros wuaspresentad on Frida,' lait, t0 Hie Excelle,' dia Govarnor 'Genera1ý signad by, îe Miisters of tise- 'the,'di CeeW. lsethé Quarter Sànsîon#d~ rai Mmýiâruesby b Sbt-mdMambers of the't Cèfuiioms ttatca' itia311 of tbe inha;itanits, requetmmg Bis Excotlaka,"m i-' teifereitbc in the pmrsnt em bdiherkazw- melts fo"'à4ýi*tig uhaail, 10e whicb dthe snuitiî,of ' eSableim ' violid. 'ic CIfroiritle sy;- bîGormQr Gcna arqaJed ta Ir putR on wla wited co tM l mVfecyIii di. maotives Wbisalndue edima toasubu the aulject ofU diiiMeasorial te hboasXdea demi; and ckmowldged tire u-gmtdo the evil cornplaimed oU. But if tIc prine vlicî dhiiiMemerini udvocted, vere ta o Ril,' darried out, il vould produce art mu*i delay and inconvaniance in gaverIpa diroughotthdi Province, tlat lefeed der etifig circumstazcas, tdialteîras prayed'frorcouldn& Se' çfeted. The prie. ciple mantaed Iy î1e:Maemorialiste, be Ws aware, vas aanctboned. in Emglnd, 50 tl2 omail left-Ja4omdon on tae'Snday ; mmd 4n "i 'Province ts neP-uaa le ldW ee ado fain se &ras cocre ontreal arid 't6linttlî rShiîuld Kingston bacoma dis pea'- maè«SMràf1Vd*ratibeet migat laemne- cesscry ta adoôtiuemaa arrmIaneaiîtere; at papluit, bac +et,t'tcp""i" 'heti «açrql coarvemaahoe ofU i.e 'wbolc rovbce, Wdi moi. se. low dia abjcttlyhkadto inlad e lremrt could be accomplsed vidiouïtber ut- most inconveaiance to. the inlabitunte of dia Province gecasalî,'" It i. reported t dii A. Mnan, Enq. M. P. P. for Kinagston, las racaivad tIe appoint. ment of Collecter of Customa for dia part ai Toronto, vacanstb,'thda ttiofaMajor Car- frac. We undamsand tIers vera no lama dham 10applicatiois afortit stnia-iié ine df whvom, inaail .prob.bility, feel diat dia, ' bae becna lglted,'amci are perhaps, quite feénklac. Bis EXicellency, va- opine, 'thiraks ut iaquecrest set bleaven aid seeý DzATu IRoaU 'rivaiSALTPETE.-ne 1 Cokwcit of 7oroD%ù IstmtEs tbû a iw-dayPs mgo -Mkry ,'C SUcM udied indiat cit,' b,'talc. ing bia*aldty 'tIf salîpetre, 'vlIicls ad been givami - br 'iraiug mine" i or saile, ai dis elmdartirobîn Bout,'. The wt oi.mfom ýpW*ufe'df'gtoées land dry good mrIa~ ianl 4«." gl4e , canna i ch troe y r p u -Birdea. ÀAsddier '1arasprcid. le, dinpl6y'ient of boys M' m ue arant p>erloas ibar lapodiecr,' abops. Tbe are too rnany fa- tl occusrerices sbpUr ar e ue n.mantiommai aboce, toa alov the subjectto ha overloled, or îreated vidi indifference. - Nmv BoAauer ousm-Weu udarstammd dia Van, dia Arcîdescon afKiargton hai lct lbie splendid nev building ainuateet a fev a'odi i rear of the Pariamant House, ta la occu- pied as a Boarding Bouse b,'Ma'. Botslbrd, fornmmrl,' af diaOntaia Hne, Toénto. Thra beai,' situation mand commodiaus scommo-. dations of tilsetabliselcnt vill le diy ïp- ýÈW1m eibrora 'fDiMreitoaof Wtlommcr- ch Batik tir-tM kd" a*biatltimleais an- Wasg ,'eur, " ejlsilaehthdia7th lum, mand rmamiecid i héfoll *bc" retas --Sm. ;n x i dbIL P. JE",Jàâ A. udcmag Euq.,~ohn itrj , sqo. MMar Iea,' ~q4Jlib~hcbe Raq. Wiba Logi, ÉihAki Ü«4as Esq, D. Pnesuis, Eaq. J.Catwdribt, sq vwu s-decud Prai. &w,~ md W. Logi, Esq. Yi4'Éemdcat .o 'the insitution. i - Dr-Brat, mid tise ~a ';reugîrpced hfude1, bsbeen appointi Emigruu A:- gét lyoriTommo We Iaveo fot hurd tha mumbaror Apphicants forÏthe office, biiiiri ai ~~EJî'they were' flot "fev ancflar <betweeu." It i. taed that a e» Madical Boardlas been formed at Toranto, with thea follWýimg gentlemen as mnambers: Dr. Widmar, Dr. Gwynne, Dr. Honby. Dr. Talfer, ad Dr. O'Brien. Wee g '1 reîurn our incare thanks to cz;arîa Modalt, Esq., for a cop,' of bis ver éxêle'n "Lettea, on Elementar,' and Pra<rct ~l1ction." By.tIaeir publication tua a comnpact forun, Mr. M.' bai'codierred s 'iaifag bciaafit upon tha peopeaoICanada. Trlid Qiciat Gzette for Canada bas hee r.- mnoved 16 Kleni4.' Il le prlntcd byX <*m* in. b 'OU i kenable, oiguebee, latï Govérmenîo ntPrinI- orsfor lWver Canada. ÀA pplementtote .G- zete vas Il sed on Saturday ovenng, cotiing lbeTo.ttobg *tpointmehs: PROVINCE 6F CN1A Bis Ecz.xacvTalc GovianaoýôGEUSi. hau been pleaseai te clilb.hefllovieg Gitiemea te the Legisialive Ceancil of lbe Province, vii - L .S. tAuMBsoa, HOSIELS. P. Dz BI.ÂQuxm, P&ra ~iMcGLa, .-R.,B. SULLIVAN, R.E. CASON, "Gzouoz Pîwanaya, ALzxirnFiamia, * JAvas CRecas, .* ANL iFrAGUSSew, Zamuuas MAMUNIS, JOUR HAILTON, F. P. Daem 9,Lb J. 3. Tàcaix, B. P. KuOLovarc nd Tujouîm McKàv,-Estpriros. B,' Command ' T. W. C. IIURIIICHÉ 'Gxnenfcet Houate. ie ersay it.igstlcc, the 9th Jane,1841. Offilie t.Seretary of lthe Provinace, * "Kingston, the 101h Joueo, 1841. EXCmLLi»cr zr' Bv£MoOSUEBÏAL bas 'hoen plemd le mako the folloving appoitmeels, RemmaSYSyvaNaJîmMMOm, 'Esqaire, ile ho Speaker cf the Legislative Coancil of Ibe'Piê#ince '- 3àkàs Fi*ton, Esquire,lta tIi Clerk ofîthe Legislaivc Coneil of the Province of Canada. 1 ~W ~vubL*svEsquire, te h'Cierli bf he ïidfiv Amblyof heProv'ince cf rF.ZJIiv1, GntlmmnAeb.'Usler of th' F. 'el*mo.àsdv~.uctfImF4 1. *lthà.ac, Gmiîhint, 0o bu 'lk*joials AMImmef tihe Legistaive Auemàbtyef15te Préviec Dy COMMani, D. nAr. Smcsiaryof tMe Prouias. --offace e i.e -£-Yf mthe Paoeuae. Kingsten, 1015 jatte, 1841. BU ExetaLmucr Tais Govumoa OrnERi, Lbauj been pleased teu mabe lb. followaag appoinlmenl, vix Tuolirs PîiSz4vsaaw, (6b e Smtveyor G- Dmo f tb. Province of Canada. By ommndD. »ALY, Srecraeoa' f i. proadara Ii BaLle Commercial Advetiset statue, Ibat the vuecb of a seoooer catied lb. Highland Chie!, vhicb vas lut it l ail ce bond, durne; a sterm e Lako Euie, six or moen yearm mse, hbasai discévirèifn flmapâffalo'bids<' ç as lace calîci SêîOai'pâIbt. Sriavqaanb,'eedail, bifilt le Cinada, sAn bld a fuiti cargo of prodece en board. 'nisesio he irai intellieence vbicb bas becn receaved of tb. Cbief, und of the fate cf Iluse on board, smmc iglindividaais. We give blwanr abstract of tIc procead- angs in the LegWaitiva Assembl,' an dia alec- tion of Speaker. It vill bu seen diat SMr. Cuvilier, mamiber for Huntingdon vas unauri. monsi,' chomas ,'hiaeHanse. -It gives 'as mucb plaasxsre tun haable ta mate, diat on so impotr a muiter t-aomue good feeingpre- vZiTldIt1aong thèimembers.; and wii utraer- 1, lpedat dii villb i h fe'ld'u, 'b, 11=airit of mutual conciliidtin'nncanfi- dence. The country demnds'tiua action of Parliament in more mmipoftalst ma't'ers'diani immense quantritoU business ta do; and ve trii lIe turne aÏhonorable mambers viii ha occucn"ide'i 'd q snm aGeares oU relief and improvemnt.-Aa justi,' remarked b,' Mr. Tlarburn, ' If ever tIare vas a ttna o t offer a pence ofctmfig. ilvas nov; mmd tiratihe bod,' of dia people of Upper Canada eere hirb4 t ...aii uss " -~t i thet, liil.Govermiment -anat lieeqnml' Aonciluator, anud evuncea s eie to arra', ancasunesean frrtieranca af tIceofien .ex pres. saci vineiaoU di. majorit,' of di. Canadiais people. SUMMAURY OF FIRST DAY'S PRO- CEEDINGS IN THE LEGISLA- TIVE ASSEMBLY. Yesterdn,' hine the day'epointed for .tIse meeting oU Parliamiet,:-notsce lavlng been eiYen on Stmrda,' in thsasupplment un dia Q.uabac Gazette, diet île Commissiorcera for admimristerig dihe(OlI hmucmbes, would ha bn mtendaiaaà!t 2 oockm, diaeloteswas filai to aveàin g.at thaget di lokp udety~, mamets vera avorn ian-four Iaie»g hissnt-. flm imesmuber'm iaving taken Kl ith' athedi *CléSk t'ed,*Mii xcaflemc,"aProclamation commln diis Pârliament, as theo dia dc clan* ocf ic Union Act . M "riil n o aeconded, b,' *(a Speaker in . k Ir.bcitath. liti mIl formier diàWeàa vorlci ho burloci, ane peerOf this Bo eladici n0 beeamashl baw m b a atriai Bd"tib abjcct, ad a geurdemmu vael! versac in la rliarintmr,'bu- Mr'.- Moeittmade a few-remnlw Ios ime the mm efface; and eclsahded b,' eaicg bo vnrnlal*pport Mr. C. beesuse tIc latter vus an dvocété for Roapommi" Govaremmt. 'Col. rin uoaapported lihe motion wi.h mcted ije accouîan, ith e Pleasure, bçîrause Mr. Cuvailier, litre himeif, t4 o lCple.tCa vas a àiôderiat reformer, an4 conceived that &[ter armne Ifa Tnelish ,yr voting fur fhat gentlernn.p, ha wus payin hei.eah, Put, lsown cdtIatrtuentr4 aqomnplîment, many of .ijîhàtà di theun being Lovei VuCaidiczrs. He truated Mrt eddsentig voir tliamenbetsfigWntbe LowerPt' aeoud Mr. c. bcrî 11c l bold out the lband o'fçiqads4 pidvic er Ils Vole iad c,, ypyinag a tribute of respect to the talents he co"<aht ir e i 1 'nd deýyportment of the late Speaker, Sir AI- c.ferd iou '.Ith r. ïckssaliin rderto ievet bingwoul&do bis test miaunderstoaxl, and t0 do whiat he deemed bis facto ily h ~<tu duty to laisc'onstituents, lie would briefly Then îurnin4 to utîile slate lais reasons why he shoutd vote for Mr. ePPealed bis remrnýk in Fre Cuviliier as Speaker of ibisHuse. So soon having been il., 5l, i enc as tIhe eleca7aot-s'%wcre over, hc îook the besi then n'ove! thttjle ouse, mnaus of ascqriainipg who thxpost couille a war t d Slntd ebal tient person oude to fit l 4 C4iwr; anid ability adteOti, 'fla i lu thse resa1î at vhich lhe àsrired, age jainasup- spak resrsIl wai dJpU port Mir. Cuvillier. Mr.KH..said lewas. wel in support of the Itaji let auusred tIsat Mr. C. vms firrnly o10posélî to mcd vigrously opposed by the Civil List bleig vithdravvn froth the peo- & Morin. These latte ane md hgd nro confidence whatever in the thaltbtey h atter the le wr nta. risS oy prasent Administration, being entireîy oppos- d ds to is Lowcr Canadian policy. iV bauMr. t, %ak.nmat lown,c M.Cartmvrigk trese, and1 wîth mucliaia racmth satd, tbat bie bad flot intended to op- bi pose theo S'ioof th~e Lon. and laairned mem- be for I eoIeft;- bei* eSter the speech lad bcan made by ise hon. »nember l'or .Oxford, ai felt it'his drrty tun maya, in ' mnendinçnt, ai tbut Sir Allaai Napier McNab be SÉeaker of tl "ai honorable Rouge. d ..Mr. Johniton ramarked, that hc did flot ho- lieve Mr. Ciavillier entartained athe viaws ai- tributad ta hlm b,' Mr. Hineks., Mr.' P-ce concvrad with Mr. Hineks bn thinlcing that Mr. Cuvillier could flot have an,' confidence in t1ie jreset Administration, as it was composad of materials that could lot possibly work togaîber; that hae Mr. Cu- villier vas a supporter of Lord Durharîn', policy, wbbch was mot carried out b? ihe-pre- ient administration. 'Mr. JT P. Roblis ragretted tbat sud, re- marks slsuId have aînfirMrHnk. !. caglathe present a vary improper lume to irtuke. such rearsr; lie would support Mrt. Cuvillier for Speaker. and lie diougbt .trat mn,'expression of Mr; C.a views aetliais tme was umcnllad. for.r MUr. TAorbusrs cormêurred ip îlaç sentiments exressed by Mr. Roblin, apd siaid that tle1 -of-tha pepiple in U'pper Canada desirad n lýemiot, a"d if jlerç ever vas a tirse o etrryiMstio 1aunad ofi'i.a-peareoff'%ri ng to7 15ec6um;rY, now .,as ibat rime. He timo' Mr. Cuvillier every' way qualifed, and eSter i4y mga' cinmi'Iinent ta Sir Allin !tcNab, cohéffJed b '.boping the born. member fur Lemox and Àdington .,'iddwithdrav bis axmeman t Mr. Hia-l.xlàin'ed bypaying ibatbedaid o prgsMor dasore an y epresaîtm of opnons .men Mr. Cuvilliar ; but claimcd a right t0 siteG ýwbat groumd ha ouppoated that gen- M.Cam>er4a truqîed. tîat'ftadiscussion wasoa au n d;,le thougbt thea Speaker slaould .bable to, speak boutiste, French-and gngibsIs angagcmd it vas cbièfly for thia ai;aasôn ' I bslould support Mr. Cuviltier. , iM"S-A. N. kNab r ested the bon. mam- bàaéra p 1î Xài& i:dZ ntowitbdraw is oion of amendmcni.; m'adLac' thougît ~~~r. ~ ~ i LHncsj*tfid in L mgIsareasortsfor ý#uppp. ig Mr- Cuvilaca. mmd that evar,' mem, le ouglit tudothe a ne. .,,.Ia. Cartwrbglt wbIshdrew tle amoxadmemi -Seor nly. - 'tMr. . . eelrrèted' exceedbutgty'that Mr. Hieckos Aould have disturbcd thse uuanimity tbait prevailean6ng bon. geuitIemen \'t regard ta Mr. Cuvillier. - Mr. Ayiwin rosa anad said, that hae enîirely mtgreed withr vIat ied fallan from Mr. Hineka. Hea(MrA.) daemad ithbis dut,' 10 declare -,vhy lhe mapportad SMr. Cuvitîber; and for one, hae vmouId oertainly mot support tlint genleman, if lie lad mot confidence in bim; lhe tIiô4th it mmcessary thnt thsa Sjpaker shoul. fs&a gen- tlainn 8ossasrf iatonll4nce of te bol ose;ha,' ve ~, ~ouid prefar Mr. Vi- ~ger, Uni v is Idil i ipsition of the tP , aed anmd vote forM r. Cuvillier; it tliemn diaexpress undarstaxrdingtliat; Mr. C. bcd ccu'no confidence in tle'pre- sen Govermm t-if lha (Mr. A.) îhought oulerwisa, lha wod ratIer vota for Sir Allan MeNab, or amy otlser tory, thcn tbe bona. mem- ber for Huntingdon. MUr A. wvas coxavinceal, lmowover, tisaiSMr. Cuvilliar*was oppesseal 10 tha preaarlt administration, and t0 m.aka the matter certain, that gentleman ougrbt 'a iv an'expression of bis views; ýîtfriUwh «:l vas axtriel,' dasirosus it'manimnstyashoula ax- ial, lie coùîd nfl'o crmc bis PrunfipIes'to are- servait; lie 1tiought an tdia.p 1art of M r C u- villimr an exprassion of opinion vas necessary, Dot only, ibat the people of thisI5 eat Prov- ince asould clearly undarstand oulrsiStnun, but diat thse people of Engliamd, ifidcccl tie,' took an,' interést in aur affaira, slsould aIsa comýprehend. il. Mr. Aylwin rcpeated that a1tlouéh lie worild desira to sc that true maryrti s counrtry, Mr. Viger placad im dia c.hairtit 10t preserve cordiality lie slaauld vota for MUr. CeviUlier..SMr. Morin, ccurred vidi morne <if dia montimcmrsjust ulterctt byMar. Âylvia, but wooù1d 'coinsidar it extrem:el' 'vW o ig9 esPr "a, ; for araexpre sýion pf M r. C u- yr'se'opinon, at ulss tivse.'thitikîsi suaa 'course on tr part of mr. C. would lie out of ýplwacenmd expo thîe Bouse ta enrlarrssmasat sand conteuntion, witbont coing amy god vbat- ever. Mr M. v ould conclude hy *recoax- mcnding urr. Cuvilier mot to suie bis political views at tiis time. Êr. 'Siqtb (of Frontenac) rose mnd. amild, thal for bis part ho1 bl ever,' confidence in the. mtin - is*aioa, and t(beulItti repageh of Mr. l-inckî àn bail,'haste ait Ibis pairlcnlar liame. Mu. Sith lbonght it vould betimnpudcnt ie Mr. Cavillier la dtate - bis political vmeurs, and in tact lb. proceoil- inga of the hep. memeo for Oxford woul4, if car- ried ont, b. eqeal te a declaralion o! vrant of con- ideneoi. lb. Geveremebt, a course thâtwogld Jead toma dissolution o!fIbh# body. Theie U'yGeafor [T. C. îmid h. bad net inteta. ded le lahe Ba&y pat in.Ibis ,ndiscsion, bat, lie coald co,*trepaan lemIaI ater viuai Irsifallen froin thbd u speakeru Wben le, lb. Att'y Gmn. litrd tle Roise lirreafà.frmiqi i a dissolution, liegue il axipeed, je accointance vilblb. çooiltiu iom. qu¶fcesi.,b ee dalg he ide&! qbotsïcb entaimpi. re bhei bi teGavemmen. He *ibj ppâed of lMt. Cevillier; as Spepher, on cet7orhe speqing lb. reucjrimngaage, MW is %bZ=a W iâ O n-e.- Mr. d. i C e6gm pa1liunon ,oitjtP , C uu Umm p tif, Si Pveic,, r. , Iiy,î ,t'J the transaction of hlbus, ines trary la p)arliamellta3' aîageta circuamstaaces;an d n1101 ayoitk and an Op~position Ir thec Om0001 but unstipporîrd l'y 5tiite la,. Mrt. Viger eôntenileu l;rl. bamve asscusil)ed outil the., q' lut wben al lengthth fttc nr"e tl 5 o'clock il ,i 's ca'1ât,fi i , the Houa. accordiagly ajnl . t I trd ttl. PROVINCE 0 Lrusaier -Thiaq day aitu o!dOKita, P. K ni rhie Goi-erior Geacral prarfeefo Chajabet of tise Lerjtitre Cotr;î' ment Buldïmuz. The biîeghest Cauncil ber,çlure asqembled H4 va, ple ser ta(ocomaxnd the "t, Memiseus aoflise Aseay, iandta preoelt, Austin Cutillier, ni 't the Coujsiy o! Hsfhirtdao inf,,m cy that !tle choicea e ofArsertai On bi'n Io.be Ibeir Speaker. .demanded tise rutoaay rrivipM E.upllency bavig Orato, lait, ilhe Firat Scsian a! the FirSt Por Province af Ca.nalài ttfi, frntm tý.e 'lone rfî ooirable Genlemu afirlaa ând Gentilemen of ihr Ha&X cf A I have deemed il tighltIoa amar5 earlitst period a4hiris tise rt Province, and the 4utiea irp*d p Imp1erial Act lorthtie Union cf ibm vi;icla thua Legislatuire b coasltuS, tî4, and jIilb uh inçe abisfi yoa(c deliiierate <Qumlms great cd' ests onsricte4 te aur charge. À oubjtpI oQler Mijesly, ami -Proyincr, lias bren frîî eau~ bomtieg StAts, clre it l No e a tt ulpSt by ltsecotife Il in rermetrattng agaiesîiras vialpe *as osnde for çnatariiigIth' meis W difence, peendiag lIa1* Hou Maýestyts Governeer. le sentatiie at Wsingta bas lisae he 10 deacibis relea,.. ')fIlltiss mand 1 am nol yeu apiuiiusiball"!'v' commianda toasarure h eu ai a l * da o!f-e -ser f ied dceînru Ihe.r vith tise wioleatluIt af lHe Autaw--.menla acrle comr1icted Lont o! lad s aiiutter l'y a-hick iode, Il the Tteairy,tlie i îlespetPotagekl of Ibis Coiey and lise United Kiordia ly redaced ; qnd a mare speedy ai veya9e o! le ttera s ela w ient 'i oI anasmince e t-eeb'i6kdlt upents madel y lise D-1uy Pmtltd .uistler n,' direCtions. A coaasdai pointed by upc to e,rq'uiue aito m vhi.lenePst uice systoraof Britati Co, atnd 1 ce *l ideritly siticipate faii ils labourasurilil be he baihmld clarine, îmsproi(.eîns in theie aIma!c lasn b,'Pur. witi!n bise C01IaiO' vhich ivo have alreadv pissitai e10 cationnvilbîtishe Matser CoatiY- Mina' stijçs 0 depialaes vef4ré o! the rovincellanaad put tiei,* lpn eine. o! hicb I bave imrll nie rpari , îvhidî ici ii inabM conaidetion. A ,omi Ijien, first inim[tarS japclnre rf ailairs, ja bhe idltptiondoi deeoping he r&urces cf th' Proar consiitered and PXieive Palle pid settituento!fItle Cautiry, tiret"i mans runperty a',itin 'tlttec sl'l'l fature fortune,, arr deeply aircird il lion. Thiariervemleto e! lise ra shorts of Lakie aendi Lake Huma" -thse esttbt'ismet Of nPeteti iens in thse laild Dîtlica, a',ra la retOilv utIn. To utdertske tieseicccotlq vili latîdeldy be requre,,1 condition o! lb. Province si ai vo eau soc eforbid tise matele tb. satisfaction o! infotioilg 1 ceivred saIberit,' fn--om é o IltaIe, thait Iey are pre pegWmiParlaumnol onf8srlJlbe'i importimumel e.uakinil. latw o >peidi anisd rii4qàillt ily b cd *itIbi rovince elerth hy~ ~ ~ ~M Pmchatnaa iesilotet ils Mnoit pressing dlfi -ulitifi aé'vancerft tg POprratl dm Pauliaunent,bly saffeiogthUe gmal'p#' perial ',,reasury for aa lt he' than a millioand ilma alf stelânl PPa ince for lise doul ' PalpU Pressure of lte inîcreb oa Ille PÔ"' ealniltu procetulit5 do' Pl deelakiag8 s , wh o elsdl yeard bau bren rlaur ea'edl'ytf-e, tie$. 1Ialaithldirect asest jvon embuacin; a 1p13fo(if uapli lay belote ,'c', fa o '0r izircte lb. people o! Canada lex at fe which ceevey loua t imîs *t In iediac onnC ein< ii itailapon pubic iworka îate 100 lion, and tile dhsp $anidae<WW an.Tiere est wlthith, ihu pBtae~ I1e Mots'r alrtbl oduetatihtg ise la Ji prel tiin lie Co,' in . sue mploygnent (Or" , vm1C ThUeànta"e c c! om Werhe vhicsay bal gri.at Measurt pof, tau fncrte n id In mlf i es,~q Immgis t ri h c l the pla&ce vbsare hi' hai a s v of- eeof f«, pucpmsd Io the l10 ntPa~t tionevhicbaliet i sy -4 Ibis messin -vini l lisîà It I alatbldaV a it: r-e Bt i Mai laliWau I malw m lote lrIviî ,a . = _ Wb oel la »&* 5a oflalt dalais o ibm iBpttL . o adu$te ~ in i' et te wse dl sa adm d t Ihe bune Isereaitn Wlb = a," fUtli *,oal ti mswl aICIII lir aillte eau1 k ut= m utedu! c'e ,W11me1 n a rioom'a . rdeamm bues isib fdSa ;;jaiililj usertsieio inqsuieats r. TheIt Irdeapestera laos Ottc mu a oSU lge ,av ui Be NothC suasmed baarnd*bIsi mstitdb"b.ou *0 .810in thre Wiei hi ý ix Jim théledd-otas ct gamen tehfi mmd ctkraI tur cordaimtttisana Id of d u.siA ru tioydon ta Moy 211h, inclusve T 0a the Briishaussi rohasiytakenple t.i, adtalnitr t le.audrsi au srmge bc ta isa1 iiitere in ahpoAdit utmaa eveie ia an, Mde i.pullsi vi rib is e lekof(lye Wesr tendenteriuade m 1 Ya 4orca%*, ,2t, tilsv. ien bay bed au halrnt. Icamm c Aou RM M0 ~ ~ mnaB21 a Io 'PU ucm .1