tra the~ arij,I l, nib iAnd ,ini a~j b Io' Ate ire1 au, Ion si~ uOlin u Ail0 hî» lei sud , IS sans;Q: lt aliety... anc Cot~ tri rlu, a., le 1 anyerce,' Su Giot ; hîI.ý lst lack L kil; lefs L sellck Bills t'ut FÀ :ts; l'aîîW es ; Stocks; S d, Cotton, Liii, -Y;) ED CROCKR anurail, INO. liao taition of Ship 0 fail Dock, (a roaferms. AIT Wua. WILSON, 1IFED CIDEJI, liog-au artile e.galloa or Il S. A. 1hON~, lauge, Froit Ni <Mt ad wlelîe. lUILDING LOTS s Town of Kin tANNA BROWI ST, BUILDING LE yin Kingston, e. 2 E.t, and heing o.290-ApIY Hu. sbitTa, SALE. 1 ofereit for S4h, iRED &CRES d ubip et Loîghb 1 ott f tn!dr si 'ea BKnc lintllriugh il, 8prag sud tgl amargin of , 0 PRP ptg-l susd và, Cessai> »d Wft OWfT giRgaa* ftsul ii Vis. P ..0,ihO5ait cicr aew! à ubo kot, theon%'.buc4 Mfm sai gidath8t tir, £attleieti mub!ihst frea soit fiir, i~,ld,,t bi utair ; .. b ruit.t ig litaulter. (««A, "ie. Oi' t fler, do thb e1btst Lamern à l #eri!W Ow ervc dose iteiya! s O di ot gile r .Y li mlepejushditab sid in., osl ats Iomar' primse ,bcgecs crtIbail soi acerc! the lloiu artice upon lie-euh'e îUg Duies, fuaintlicCicleI, bY1 NO . wtn cdlouhes a15511 nec, do appelr Wijgonibide &I' LOTECTING DUTY AGAIN. 4ib day f %18Y, 1839, tre Coinent hAcsly ai Upper Cusada eoted an A, bissait gracillis 3May.lyý, iayusgi M4 aTha %dieâu andl lour, lie grorl teftan hse prnine, May lib. s ithe pots ohGret lliiiaim oi hiesai flîî ielia orulher iteialplits cf ti seron, el Iat youîc Majes it> ll r in Pailiaîount tu icen lie Cauai iltu as tuplace the saie illt>' ouforeig pol- jilliîhiî îuA i eica îVbic oh-,ai pays uhtnataliited iloue t alit.' Ii liaionaiacigncd iu tie As île i.eiîd or Inîlir partitif lie lîn.î>ee trli, IteJr ici-l cieratinuof t LàAt, l, uiini-u'r reai-stusfàaia lau lic italaie iirojie, drpreciabes th #braiitheo nmti iofCanada Seat cn eà the sabie f the lamne îtirle in th 1i Lf Amcrdes.i Sbh day of Jailu.ry, 1841, a Flitri weatrlJ ai te iillèt'e of %atcnbu, nea lui the îurpoe if-' oinsiâinug 11e ir là; iin, aJuIn i Aiiericasi lto ducr, meiil.ha S. Cittaiglt, Bi., I Oi.J ind por la tie forlcolir <i lian thaur i;eudiii,;tuta tke partinluth Mlle r fa.ino ioiin:îc:i, îioduced th' Aliies Q! theil ous:etf Asseiîhlj th là te llo qioaaOarc bâtent, iO l!. sl' o lie puiai t h ii'Ir l, ii 4, r int it un lia liat .4dtlte 'iîii i rne o aiaied.i, lit 'ie 1iîîllu Uncil (lie îaj.c- aus cari id :-'-Tt lu:î;oinul n-lIL il. i la isf C'laitd Iliiia i .elie 1liotting uigi t>'II il, J'lrlciodre IcO Ipmilh iiCi li 'fil hoaine iia: asil" t iel liait cf thl !àrAdIe.s ab.ue iluil wasve.projucie [ilit, baut pulhard'y ParitcfchI J:li iiihY leri- hy [it neyer.- Clii~~ ~~ te.ei nr -il tliî c.a shi maeci'ah.e eeîî iii lihe Cuir IIJ.and 'i il hig ofhe illSi Februi I tle feiner oni tlesc paliers, dates Yis bsperchis ighilly ntllel, calj chlai u, ne, n'id i w1rrilce te l sr hi culîl fIîîmîg re.mrk :-l 1..iIoal hie Ilîrnîno gleat lil uudqîSîjîli ' et ;roectiiiladt)'j: hlulîi,-e la nller miniulsêli oiý iîeh, î rnaîLs ttbel'nane1: Tlîcoc gintlieii,juýi n . ctio, are n3-,u,, i uirîr ifiiiaii fa: the calereat of liie 1 bour1 Il e ai dilcobuieeno iranal uiii llydoa IUai-îl.d -lat tic'>'are L'1 ~ ~ ~ afh lrBiî ' tu lienica t he miore Aunha ~~~~~ & lii îa Il sas-e PMr èlý th~iu~ i que iau e cur Inal Leu: anîiieus vleurs ter taîl quesîin uere lnt candidates, mî1hl ia y as. YOur 1 retin le i ho. lirniie.d ry the nlIt1 ficu,ý "IlîAîu, Ignorance, n as ittin e 11casa lwr Y00 n utiy auditive- a uuit1an CIilioitnnity of!ur- îti. a Uîe cftitilla andl lbe a uiloe i idressunithei s a[ol i 1 pr il ra eIoeatir a -isiO te speeichiof Mr. i~hlthjc""Ud'i, sut uil! cndeuvr. .tlbe , . t o le blusenof As. ' i 1 îe 81enl ien tenricaces, fi ll lelimts f he .,eh Il. Cisri-ht iutls lent haIod a e rted, sod ~lln îile a irsefoi Whicb ntaeeîhanioî>r sud uil ici bc le i ti gfticeguadauce eh sa ilea t ddes ti -. t i .y uci anisd <ever bi liIi ConIl>Y. Whou tle uAeicstauan luronpe, ild r ie Mestaxiom forasidu. gr ri a-,in' when DucrOsa mes H&-Wefwdthetc.'I i iia ewoi -Tusubtli & C.., Gorge Urqîuiirt; sud Jans: i- Conseils Jour. tCe Tico eXpOit ef Botter and Lard, in tic evento * ut doti exacted la England bring taken ai e conld be csrried en walb profit ; but coder the pri 1% meat regnllatians the prices paid tiie fanmer do ni * warrant bis prepérng butter lu large quantities, b s&eI fat exporta"io V .Oatmeil la manufaetmrd in cousiderable quai. tti.. jinte District, a iy degrees It twill beci i au article cf ordinary cchio-umptii; iiin wbici casi 1 the capitI of Wient soi Fleur *culd increase ic à popottioo, sud ou farinera wbbld lie more onu - aasr witb lieue of bllictlgnan sd odbr places tc 1 te wct,-where, ficn the great consomption M 1 audian Coru Ment, sud otier substitutes for IVical breai, lie>' aiee abuled lo aend off Wbeaî lu lare qqqmmls e; mmd aittongli tic c limita of Canada id 9 ot» fota*mb isctie grow t luInieîn Coin, Il . i adW*leci that O.tmeuai s amore wtMioeî rand nulticieuarticle cff tci tbaa ti. otier. 1 Tit exporta frein tua part taoc, must gradimill incresse, gsti lIoie aseul qubantties cf tend brougit ite cultivatioai. Itl geneclly supposed Ihat, luait611 ete lias bei-é sogu ulrougiaut tii. Province, cf Swieai, one thiud marc Iis in tie proYions year, ghlci, witb a Isvourablo semai», wvouli aicw a greut sacrease in aur exporta. We bave onoltheis nus cf stating thie qeau- lil, cf proituce expoitial om altec ports on I.alr Outaie ; but mi mut tLe very conaidêrulile, partie- ulurl>' frein Hau,ilto,-îliat being the. exp2ittion fer i very rici aud extensive tract cf country'. Froin OakviIle, tie Credit, Whitby, flarlingteu, Port Hope, Cobourg, Grmfton, CiAotice, sud other places on lth. lake, large quantities are expcrled. WVe-siicsd b. ispy ta receivo r-tarns cf thè- ex- porta fruin the digèent parts; and unise coutl ib. furnialied es giti littie tiaubule b>' lie Wlairgecs; white tliti publication wo.ild b. beneficial. Toronto mttisîkel suayasnpplied la pi-at s- bodîmue,stilb ever>' neeesaary article of cou- &am ptionq train the suarrounding cautry,-io nu lb so, tht il cannot i. suid tulie sucpassed, vicwing lie populationo f tihelplaces by sny maket on thii continent ; m«Ail la liard liai, thi udstry of the people ubould hae beal db>' lhe expeuutatace cf the Goverument salaies inuas place-, glilcide- inllejent ta doter the British munistry rom »ny attention Io the prayer of the address; therefore, litie truder iet, au Mr. Carter stated in bis speech, " Adroesaeftirddi beess ped, A dIcwdunanuculi bu tAey hod reie.ved no onster>$." T iti àZ man d sont ariv i tbis cievatad station vi souDe botter knowledge of the dutie»lio mi ercpected Io discharge than la commoly pass by tii osefrmerly raised ta pewver by inin rantable influence wihl long prevailiid in province, snd lit ahould bo ighly gratifyung Ic population Of the. Country, that when our Leg tort and Government attempt ta raislthe prie brilad it u un t tiie highit, there w a powq superier knowledge and benevoecec.ta guaid intercat,,andJ in tbe wordi ofthle Chrouo e gluun on the. address anditis framers, Il lsa nosto for the tune irteririts of the tarse. and country geucrally, that tela i m aje f t«lle ceeduugly nico sud difficlt sjeet bruegitb the meeting ai Wattaio., js ptmeed in handsi v are flot luhely ta lie sffected by tie manas8a of au>' parlîamretary candi jat. II Pittsburgh, lst June, 1841. U'. PROTECTI.NG DUTY A;Ai-N. The. Addres of lthe Hase of Assembly inin picable ta the. sutject it cmbracese sud la net sentiments cf the population cf this country, cause in thàt addiess sr sson lis i3signed for prayer it centaine, twbich the çoundcst argue« of theor>' and past experience demonstrate tu futile. This reason I have alireody quiet dini a fOi -~commounication, ta gilci you Worm plessed ta;X ject fbon ln your asat numuber, but wbicb 1 sgajn ce re- tbst lii. reader uaay findit t convenlient for pr, If it. that "lThe. pîsetical oper.tion of the cal da Traite Act, whene ver brcad-atuffs are higl in Ainerica tiion ini Europe, depreciates the. v. of wbhLat stear one qiarter below the value.orf sans article in the. United States of Ameic.>' ire] The. abovîr quotation is ment ta point out1 Injuriouî effect, tu Canada, of the. opertimilet In Act snd for that injury proposes the. folloing1 Dii mody ; 6"That YOur fiajesty ural recanimeni LdPari soient ta aineud the. Cansda Trade Act, sa os ta place tthe sane dut>' on foreagn grain, im i 'thinlto Britiah Northi Aneica. whicb CanadienPoli a-paysa hu aadmittedi mb the Unite.d Stt.." ime Itl truc tfiet Ilwbenever bred-sluffsl are hi- ch r in Auerica thiýn in Europe" %ubeat uiay re- desrer iu tii. United Statlea tian ln Cansda, ida tbe I-ouie of Asseuibly canclot enuvince tiectoi ign id 1 part of the population of Iis contry, th ici moîeraîjon ini the priceocf wlîeat ln Canada la ldi ji ta lhc thus complained ut ta Her Maj.ît If Itwoold net le conducive tate i nercat aIi t as country that wheat siiould be dearer ln it ison b.e Europe, sundalîonld it bappeSn ta lie sa once lnu re Ye or tourteeu years, it cou»d nultlbotter th it i the trou, wblrb ai snch a cuasinumoit prevail, ta e .ne le.3J. per bushel of duty ou importations tr. th Europe or cIao giere. IAbout two yrars aga, wheat ivas "4jearer in J <ict merica than in Europe"~: it poiahly ratedaoi le IOil% the Unied Saes, sud rated tiecamant, 'te th duly less ini Cmnida, augie received it inpe ted duty fiee ;-nder lies. cirrunistances,l flefier, was net tlle igh price af bresd-stnfa Ilie Canada injurions bta thr country geiierally, snd a th i sve tu the pour ini pariculir ? If il ites s awiiy in ttus adereis cf the i(-collective vladoné o' f the. Province lu t coi-pkiied ut, liaI we li nel the power ta rais, tlicm hghcr, to oppressath pour more, injure thie country gciîrrally, and i si- licter the condîi ianofthe. fainer, as few cf tli w- bad euy ta e di? But Ii. flt beld foth in th jat addrea, ftlt the. interest cf tieceountry wua its et Jd etbutrt ta enter Iuto, s contest witi th h!United Staes, tae qi...l tiiem il% extremes,,Itaboa l-J wiieat as higl inl Canada as ini th United State e eu whu*n i e ta dispose cf, but ai li iipoitiig (romi Europe ta suppl lie iîumedist rd conuîunption cf the country, amingst ubici abatl iC flt b. bast siglit cf the distressea cf the paorpi O f tic emigranta. T.îkiug for grante liaI en lu- eh~i is said ta provo the fuility of lhe roe r-gir-il in luis Aildrca for mn ataiin utIie Ca u- nad& Trade Act, (aund that ronierquciitly the abal d dity cf the people cf the Itomo District, is ni li ppasrenît, lu hheir exertions ta seud tuis precclo re dornoict te Great Britain, with no leso pompess 'Ifty~ anI force tliai iiictiarg.. cof .Degaes, som, lit finie dinugthe î'astn inter ;> i t as advent ta th, ;"reniedy wlicli the AAJiresajproposes for th e e Ik coîii).tii,~d f so forilly tu lier hli-j,ty. Thi tai uiiedy, or prayer of thc petiticu, l-4*Thii,î yn et M...ty wilil reconn id ta Pailiamcuîta arin Ilthe Canaa Ttade Act, sa as te place the ssing r'duon <n teign grain inpoted into Britishi Nortf ez Acetrica, îeiici Canadien iraî tpa3a when ad- te millitl o thle United States."y te Letoiiua rayer lie granleil, and lhe counry s a ijrd ;-it <ss, iîidiscrhrimialcprayer: de t ould lie productive cf al the. ivil anticipalei rtatetbusiness by the forierderp, iw bile it gave y litIle or nu rlief 'ta the. sgticullurisus, it wvoul r tcnd t0 depive out mailleru cf tiie benefits 9F the e hnuuactnring praccas, snd when "Uread-etnffs" D ligt happe. ta ha very dear in itia country, lteven dearer tioainb Europe, lil would inresse the le suffctinO ot the. poor.-%u iti ait thePlr. c Pl of British legisîtion, tbe Corn Laitse< of cand ar &e relaxed wben breod-stuffs are extremely bigi e t lu Opposition la Ibis inniano proldide, ou Hanse of Assembl>' couiplain ta nertniuit Graeý- hans Maj.sty, flitI<bey bavecnocthle powrerto raill r IIbread slnD,"II bigi, wic. tlacy are slreaayly t bigli, peilisi glicatutn shillings per busili1 e The IlAddrc s ainapplicable, bec.,. it prays If for a dy on grain, nîly , gi.liith free iîîtro- ductio cf al chier fatrl roduce las moe. njurions ta the native iduliy cf lhe counîtry ;-Bar a i consistent lu de.iii,, as it l oea tihe saine dat>' ai thinaferiorkIlîdsof"Ilgrain" wbicliila desired ci wheat; -cal, for isaaui., wlîicl are cRen said iiiCanada, aswelt ai lu the States, for la.p buiel, would lie cver.ti.xcd bv s duty of1..3<1 ae rr-ommcuded in the. Address. Ou grain tii, addrcs pays fer s dut>', guI. it syanotiing a- gainai the fre admiission af al grains manuftur. ed haloffour. 0famltic American produce wicb fenteira tic Bcteh North Anericsa Provinces, wieat i. fleat >y wiicii tics. Provinces becellit the moo4, in fiight, lu grlndiug, aud in expartiuoe it le Europe. It duos litîle damage ta -the f&rmiig iritercal etfliose Provinces, as su article irougit lse o sete dr ivc lic- ie-é.- t Ir., I_ 136 CANADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICAL, AGRICTJLTIRAL & COMMERCIAIL, _____________________ KINGSTON, CANADA, TUESD)AY, jUNE 15. 1841. giviug LtUSIEZ, WIIEAT, FOREtON xMRCAcuIZYrniz l vie wed wiîi deep rcgret by this meetinig- il l, ?11ADE WI HCAXIADA. the mare sa as the juat expectatiaua cf tbe resi- Wright dents in lb. iciait>' af lie eOotemplated uaviga- rs Pied 7b the Hmorcela Ileus of Rkp -iatas of liou, bave beeu cluely disappointed, snd the proe 3«ethe4lu eicjStates, in Congtess aaemMd.: Il erit>'as Weillas seetllment ut tuis portion cf tii §W-talespeilI effle ac4j of Rochstera od coa- Province, greati>'relarded fions theuant cf a iiont 'YOfMnre .,shcnuih: -. chap lud afe uc oufaconvayance fer heur lpre- y b.e duc* and unpp!ies ta and (rom mairket. sesd Thot >nur petatilleus ire aixins for the [.50- Moirer! ay J. Cleu-I, Esq. i. N., secoudeul b1 "Wr val cf thoiomapolitit, partiel sud oppressi er- Jambes Foi>', E.-q., Ihi a1iîoswiicabrrs oTuecrido îTict sa fr as ttasmeeting ceau ascertain fraie le Ilie nceen is ttaadCusls-utl u- spers priuted b>'tie antbority cf the Provincial g Ida pa byond lb. St. Luwrcuce sud great lakes niy ;arlamnu, lie smnifut£31ill 2 2j i he c cf lie eua ld ta bl in aur mark ts sncbe goodh sib s ge irer cf are u eful ta he in, a ud p sy (o r t ie sanie lu L u IsI - r l e l l > i a e c c e t r s e p e s y n F d da ur ler ce other produce equled by aut citzsaa, d for lieê mprovetet of the Trent, sd that le withut eingthrce aied MMOf 16,79 1 3 oly as eenexpended oau ~~~~~~~~~h wiiwtoi8 brc .se-ut ;--tbitaI furtioisnin cf £12100ta.te f lo-lt. At ore ports cf cnt:>' on lie seasicacis nsistle rompletion cf ltee5.1<1 improvemeibls, I the. tirougiioui Impact datiez an ti. articles lb.> ltey & a ear abavoeibesu gcnted welhth e expres ia- c f us. hmmeet« Of lhe Clowa, te Billbaving liesu re- Wf«Î 20d- At the Colonilal CatOinHanses, the. BibI- snv.tfor tirai purplet-; and lia et lhis [att.. ublub i dulies levieul on the saie articles, wheo tan- M%2000, neto nc farbilu; has lieau expended os ýment ded lu Capoae. thse objecteinîtended b>' lie grat. 3td. At Rocheter, Oawego, BaLla, Cleve land, Moved b>' J. Pice, Eiq., accoude,! by B. F. :I. sud the.aliter ports on Ibis frenier, cnmthe articles Ewing, Eaq., tii-y seil. That b>' lie exponditure already iucurred a s- TIat itla spcaposred liy lie çovaromeot of Great r"as.bordea bas figes emposed an the Province, as Brilain tie Partiieent, materaml, ta diminilithe well by tie principal sanof mona>' 00 expended second close of taxes, by rernoviog lie prohiibition asi>' the. intereat aonual>' on Ibut Som, and as be- au Teau, aud thebeeary dutieslevied ou tie Uni. fore stateat for mnce>'nt expouded asua intend- umap. led Sttu Manutactures cf Cotton, Sille, Wol, ed ; lthe saine hune net cul>' la liernon l te Paper, Iren, &c., inpacted juta Canada, sud ad- corrosposndiug alantage ta Ibis section of Ibm bc- naiiez freigu gods, throigi the Unitod States, contry, in amy respect wiiatever, but a positive lie as aise the manufactures cf tic Union, an pa)-- ijur* , a lie drowning cf lands, sud bidrauce les ment ot a seven pr crut dut>' on tie actuel value anli uncresse cf expertse ta liaI brandi cf busines »lie cf lbe article iiuparted. wiichbhas bitierto licou the cul>' ane ucceqsfully Thot the Markets cf (lie Canadas, are always maiug a remetlanco forcocminodities tlin al raer open la aur aLib, enterpris., sud undust.>', ta coin- (roim Great Britu,ad lalyncsar>' for lIa Xive pel, dîîtyfr-r-, witb Ithe farinais, millers, sud wants cf lie resd.ota. eply, lumbecinen cf the Colonies, and ai Eugland sud Mccci ij B.,B. Banne>', Esq., seccned by-H. mal. Ire land, in supplying thae do mastic demanda, sud Ravel, Esq., un- rie demanide af Ieir sbi1ipiu1, for Lambher, sud foc Thot (ro; tlement, mi,e b>'mmii>'gentlemen ri1er Wheat, Flauc, Beef, Peck sud athe. provisions, ta tis meeting, it appears liaI in censequcuce ofi aIne Hec., gien lhe burrel aI Fleur is aI 814 or $13 in the woeka wbi bav. beeu cmieuced upan tie tbm New York and Boston, Csuridian Wheet la hiable Trent, but since rplinquisicul, s ver>' hcuvy Iaoa J'y ta s tax cf 25 ceuts a busiel, 'which, ah sncb a bas licen sstiuad ftrie t ttwa ypara by lhase thie lime, wanld nal lie b.ssced ilb>'thi. comprouniue engaged inuIlle manufacture of lumbpr and lhe the set, but would fsit upon the consumera, chichI>'lce. eonveyauce ci il ta market.,tian lu ladlthe riiz re- sidenti lu aur cities sud villages. ansd cxpcuts« f absialgtimber dama lie Tient, I te Thot a greal part cf lie freutuer.coaot.', capocs- bave beau cucreisueu nearl>' hwo-fold avec wial W as ""lY aîoug iii.coasalcf Lake Erie, lu, sot ul uIlong lie>'lgcre beforc mn>' int.ecfèeece wu, na. wiî rted coutume. la lie, depeudent on Canada foc suppuiéa lb. trinsit of liet article. let cf Plie sud otber Lumier; yet tet ind*as ible Morod iy bncI Hampsires, &eg., anconded1 article ta car Carpeulîns, Joiners, Cabinet nallers, hy John Curtiss, Esq., igi. sud Farmeranudsan mucb required for bouse sud 'Thoaîtich section of lie Province throngl whicb b. slip miii boat bîulding, la lîxed by Cangress near. lb. navigastion cfthie Trent sud ils ccîtemplstcdl yot !y' one -fouette cf ils actuel valuetinbs matorially continuation us, liai long suffored anid lastill sut. sun- iucreming the doabivdellisgs and tacto. es, teriu8 frein tie uaul t fsan iccessa ta market,c bat bridges, sbipping snd farniete, sud ebliging lia as that navigatlo if coniplete wculd églard. Thotc San ta raie tic tents of bis-humblest Ian- lhe preset settlera are great lasers frani tuis very à t>. auito. cause, nd in lie knouvledgm af almost every lu- f ils Tial, burtîbeuc as Great Britain ilas ith a ns- dividual eft hi meeting, great nuines of Emi-b lu intonaI debt cf more than 3000 millions of dolais, grauttzduring lieyears 1831, 3-,33ansu dc. se- tic goverument Lave recently slated theu ir en- have beau detertfrntsettliug lu ils ucighbor. ilis. lion et!owerlug lie datiez an limber, as onsi- icond sud bave trausfcrred themr capital, skilsudc sect rienlial eseaus ef relie viog tle ditresses of tie indoste>, ta cther sectiona cf the Placince, cou-a cm country'. fesdl7 for noa char Fsilestian the. difficulties f Thot lie Cirsadiani gill net lie likel>' ta a.ek arisng frein the. want of an easy traitait fen ri-M A- anc markels (r tie asie of tliuWit, if mn>' date sud mercisudixe ia Ibis part of lhe Ceuont>'. 4e srplus le>' bave, vthile liuse cf Enicisai soi Movei by IJsac & Pl - t, Esq., accoudeil b>'I if et rcolonies.reopen te thbes, soies lhe BritiiJ". .DisIes, £l, or- Corn Lawa are ccpealed, Ne.'w York miade-lie Tuai tbis meetinag fi-ais tiat in ha*iug their i aI great aipping ,lac#, sud oui canal baesuBd chips blpansd axpectaticua <bus snddi-uly clincked, ail lin tic tarriers cf ttieir produce, or unlesa ge are su.t.he ,va.>' moment of tueur lhig a prospect ut isv- c op. ferine fiem lb. failure of cropi, la wiicb ltter ing theni realized, la a just caoolie mplaint, sud e s, case importation would lie.maie desirable foin a that net ouI>' laiet due te tbeeiselves ta mite evimy u"t coutignous country,,in exciauge for cu oinmreban- exertion la have the wcrks recommeccd, aud e ve dise sud nmanufactures, than J rom Girman>' sud conuplelcul witb as ltte dels>' as puastble ; butle lhe cther vibrât gccwiug nations in Europe, wbo liaI ilbiu duc ta the Province se large, Ihal saineN neI would pcababiy coqire hundreihs 0et housaudi of secounit siould bie given, sud ressonts ssigned whyiy cru dollars lu specie. 19caur lieavy taxation cf lIe.tho pubile moue>' geanti for a apccpa rtie llpce, IN is Lainier and oter itaple pcuducls cf tic nertheru bas out beci expended sas il uvas hoiie. * V e- colonies leosens their impocltiens, on. exporte ta Mcved b>' N. Biarry, Esq, secotuded b>. C. s th hein aie prolialil' Iloreli>'prcveuîed toe ie s.Deane Baker, Esq., ive citent. Thot a commniîîee consitiug Ïfilotb follouýing e., Thot it le proposed by h'ae Britishi goyernmnut, gentlemnen, via. Major Campbeli, -Meurs, lssie are lhistesul af tii fluctuaig ud chIen hesvy Plat, J. B. Cramier, AdulteH. bicyeus, W. Rob- il. duties ou our wseat sud gonc lexporta lhle Uni- eriscu, Jacobi Ford, Richard Bècdsill snd Thomas n nilait le inguloni, sver>' aoderule flxedroix aboutit i Carr. b.e eqnested te collect sncb informationuibu icIt levieul, affording far mare ceîlainty ta ore farinera, delail as tb.y caîvenienl'cean, cf the ci en- millets & mercuant, as ta the expediency ef gow- expauses whiicbahvecbeau anataineul by ite dîfl'er- al son ing and purchmîung wbeat as an article cf capot eut persons eugsged lu lie Lumber tcaide on lie ex 'a- thitu.:, sud liaI, tirougli the aperahban af hercdo- Trent, ince lie pattial cansituncticu sud subite- le- lonilInmavgation tles, Eu,,iand bai albrosdy i- qeul abaiidoucnt oethle public wamts ou liaI ed Ide trsl' lau. Led lhe taxeis on aur grain grounul au river ; and lisI tir- transmit thse sanie veile ee usl Canada, sui îipped lhy wset thle St. Lawrece forcgoiug resolutiomis ta His Excnllcncy lhe Gcv- il. fo orîii asumption lu Britihshilp. ernor General, sud tbat liey se espcttully 50-lie lot Thot lie commerce of Canada by the cianuel lict that H-is Exculency mi>' lie pleased to aelue as a.e cf tic St. Lawrereua la itebrupted ducing bal lie an investigation tlie made ota the presiet amâte tt il ycm, and tic vautansd inertasiig trado et the part of tic Trent improvembnts, and tleecxbicuditure bu se of New York, et which puciasca ctuud haenmade tifthbe mne>'raiseo for that purpoei, îîîîlta urge ti nut te advîntage foc colonallne, foewarded ta Tenon- open I-is Excellent>' the expediecr>ofe comptîe- op idt ho, Kingston, Brockvi, lMontrel sund Qunblec, ting tbese work,-scnui!acv luinîrpoîtance ta iîi i. iy car Ilailroad ansd Consai nduces os respect- toase, sa erar egards the dvrancemenl andlpros- th, th fl7 ta represeultiihat il night lbe mira rivait- perit> cf arcit extenrsive tract oc n sd teîlilc nW l-agecus if the CustomrasDatieb uow levied ou Countr>', in iair viciniîy sud deslinaui5 no di- ai; gorile imporhed h>' our citizeis (romt foeeignt lands, tant periad ta lie a source of revene hn lie Peuv- wn la were mode sube;t ta drawbaek, sud eetnîucd hoaice, far beyoual an>' atIsla t n mi'b.expendeu wh ; the niercant« cf Canada, on lhe exportation cf the ticreon!. -lu -<1 godsla tiat country'. Moireadb>' W. Rcbertson, Esq., seconded b>' J. lir Fc Thot, lin183, a memorial cfminu> thansanal V. liurpi>', Esq.., lia Id iiiabitaicts cf Upper Canais was sublinilteil ta the. Tiat iu connexion giti tsa bsprovcmi-nh cf tbe la eé Treesua>' Departainulof tic United States, iy Trent, vie look apan lb. compleliou of tie Canal ni i" Mr. Canîimeleng, eue cf lie repccsentativr-s et sccaas lie Cmryiug Place, se s werk lu gilci thec ge Neiw Ycrk la Congen siîar ta tua lin bts objact. Country la gresl>' intercaeli; tiat a large Usd1t W- ae Sa far as il elted lo drmwbaks on foreigo gonds of lmudt callaul the Crel liegerve, was ou lhe testt sW ea e-exported, tha repI>' gis liaI "t.edepea-t stoe utcnbtT ci c ar>' c p re id vas decidedly bu favor cf sanie suck legiaation" (for tie construction cof tuat Canal, sud Her Majelb.. _ 14 as bod itbes praeà foc. t4'a Goveaimeut iaving directed liaI liceapprama- are a Thai tie rea*vl cf th. reddtrcions on tritde ta ail val. cf the miove trqct, legen gr iti pther aI. -Rk wlich .bave veiilefed vel>' respedtfulîy ta !n- .laüda-aboul lFresquae alesmotratig lu tie gicle 1hi se vite fia. attenition cf Congre, 's-euh b.elitely>'fio te soot£18,00>b.cpid ont cf lhe Casstaanîd Sp a croate amr, indI7 feelings be. hm sefreoties, lie- Territorial Revcnuesifooctle purposes bif tisa abova nej tientlie fariner and marssfctnrer, iaeddly is- <wurk ; il as extrenigl> desiruile ibat ils probabl: el I pu cerise tho traie ou on: canais, iversanmd caileemdss, adtastages, bote lo tie Commerce sud Agil.- liter - sud secure ta our Atlautic S&sports sud Freiar ture cf tic Caonry', lbe broogit nder thie notice mi as Citica, a foi sisce cf the Commserce nviicb now cf Bis Excellrue>', n-bah a view la the intections Sou tl centres lu Moulu-il andl Quelece, le the exclusive of Her Majesty'sa Gaveennieut, relative la Ibat sud a advantage cf British Capitalias, Merciauts, 1Mil- wrmach neig ipeedily cacried ita cffecî ;-its ira- pil lets sud Cunrieim. partance le the Milets:>' the country' Ibm iMs>' il tiieretore peu. yonr Honorable Hoee as long iea well kuaiv ltb e Biia Govemrn- rta allow s Drawback eqluivalent ta lie atteunntcf the CatamWa'i'es leibuad an frIgu2 goutte sud Itlvas tien propooed b>' J. B. Croge, Euq., sud cpil a inercisudhze imported lt the Uniteul States, talie aeccndr- b>' Jacobs Fond, Eaq, sud unenimousî'will -pai on lheur exportation b>' land or iniaud navi- RAsaltra, Thaotishe thtube ofthlesieeting are nev -galion iota Canada; sud ta modi>' or toleal ltie justly due, aid lie given la John Sheila, Esq., taorlit itaxes lner Ievlcd on Cansdlmc Luran sd Wbcal his aile conuct instle Chair. cul cronlult oalite said sdates. Str) JH TE , And ymer petitioncis gibiever pis>'. (S jhdaJON TELA i Reieatcc, 27ts Ns>', 184«. (Signeil) ADAM B. MEYERS, W l Fr0. the Oroid,.River Tient, lt4Jyn-- 11. -. -- -'t .i .atc -.ty caeOr. onlsnthuai tc Dff forihiu ÎV l doldetts*aidie. -- 11 cnudamed lic hiiti-n lsouss-the rivasl, b- lot Ï09 saVe.ucmab &ait a Kciitiaum.- ea Tic ie-Oiasd.iiasd- juiges %re.11ltouai Ite 1sîeep, sud seu. ley *va1sdelpibuthse meiuing, - lie>' (coud us-ettFu"obndeuil sud tic Kr.tok- ne Ian whispetieg a bis cu l" ae- in Ci enanble s.y?-« U J hnw ta mgocisiljfeeyo.» U Leî Mciiebe" "Bi c pe:ba13Pu Yeu-Pbbaw !-ou d.'îhausse 1ev.- Of Shi 'yoimng.» Tinsie bc s>. 'Besati- t u111.11"Tic OUdasçcm.eo llfon-4(amit ce 1l'»«ii.udi rni Tesie. ie.îié» as "T"'q% sJs..i 4s ~te tirs.- . '"ld u isdrhtsuam j ay Anvàix-acmsor Law Pasmmm-A geullesui id su Due oethe ehe isteward ,s Id i. came round t biolet tisPýe ps.m's.0 (ont .r pungcaisfer theios bil ii.,> 'Ihi usn isdanger of btni ieblmn ap. IN@steward peusIil_ i, 1>' niplieul, "No Sir, ouiithl toa Ist v a uelon affGfd te iner peopale op eta h i Wlm a bead. e WtaY il du oncle like a tradition?1Desus Ji l a sleg-tnd, (tagnuL)- FURTRER EXTRCT8 FROR PÀPERI B Y THE A CADUA. GRAtàEr iuTAiN Aloi ctieÀi Iu nîgater to queilstofialSir tiee et 1;Lord Josur Ruasotsaoid Chat the goversaseol badt received int-lligence of certain prelimimar>' ot- bilgements gici ihait i-eu entered imb b>'the îIlenipatebtiaiies ofthe tvo pôveca. Tiai. psi iuninstY mîrangeenent,bous-ver, did nota pp. ta bave bei-n ratiuied lu>'tle Emparer of China liileed 1h <11<1not sppeas.a thhubic>'!ii benas Il>' altiled belgerts Cepinî uElîjaîl anei lhe pI.eipo ltiiar>' appoites! b> lie Chinese <Coversmcat.- Tuat amoirne ment gus general>' diseapr o f hy bier Mujesl>"s gcvcbiament, but no factic stae tosild lie tahren ntil liey rectived! lartier se- cauints, staîing ancre particularl suitbat aitrest>' contained. IRB. PUI gsou logbacus cf kuevialg, eonsieler aIng the distance afthe s eue oft erahlens, wiseli. ru luostilities biad ail>hes discontinueiL Lord Jouir Re$Sax,..ssid a tace baibac. n., t,-res lito, semd, b>'eetii acesuats liaIt nièce boit ual been pal sn end ta, but iu cciii net sa> liat hostile aleatlona migbt Dmtlb. rommcnci (Cheers> MAr- Ht * id ho wiabed le hno w wietbc ieport tli a ielbeen cli culalei wuicarriat- ntgil>', ual lic gaipreussent bitd recalai C&pt, BIlloi sud appoinuci Sir e nry'Pohîba-te bn hi aed. The public ere &allns ta kucv gulete muirb u tIlesae. Lard Joita, lià tat il s"as. ii S!r 91. Polsnger iait receieifl,# é &a ièW 0(s Mt»iécýèni* toChina, i s à àboetédeput beed vctI. - T UEDSTUa .f or 0Tu£ àaa.c g M r. Hunus maved for copies cf mil lb. entreos pcr.dence reisting ta lIbo destruction cf lie Caro.; lise. ' Lord J. R'SiiiL raid liat liii mô%log; vas se enlirel>' anosiai, tle maltrbaing yjt-aide e.- gorhî-tanD, 91181 hiehcpad Use lieuse w no uàt re- quire lie production of tb. cacrespondeàîe. Tis. bon. geulleniscihuit complain.d cf tlee ceaiducl ei lhe guveraiment th lirespect Ita lis quastios.- He (Lordl Jobn Rumieli) Weald tîstale bey tmj. ter ilogd. ii @gaverumnast cf the Uoit aiei liaut maie a comiplainl cf lie cenduet etd iï& individuili u oica .eveesiit av a ken Part lu tic destruction< of thé steuin-hôat Cr- cliii.. The nugqer bta itcomptoir, vsli tcsssmiejo cfa regt quanti te f oeresîpeondaac. and of varions atatenients mab>' lise Gevornol cf Upper Canads, and ba ponde r of tndividua wbo wene doncemnei iu tise transaction. The Ametican gavcrumont gsai couter éa.41.- ment,, but tic>' did ulneta"in buacii W aorsfinit susuvr e reitdemsaudé. Tice feet of set ash. iu£ for a a iiswer Wou, lt o he mcl coëphau- cd o ecoues.ale easmalter cf discussion, sud if, vas not for l i Bilis gouttassent ta complain et tiat conducL Hi as coorincul <batthe, màtt svcuIJ bave enlirel> droppedl s itiu t i the t& gricîrus, if il ibail nui beec j the i. sfeeténaU <fTil cf Me. M'Lei. Tiat moureit ulsuferts- atel>' relviveithe subject, sud biti Ptiedasr. si- c didcuion irigeen tii emrogovcrusens. %With regard te the poclutîlcf lb.f hecorrespend. encc asked foc, lhe hoit l ta tae lut il eoub ieain. aCcuVeient ta lie Public tservice, sud tesd ta em, liagruitd tienegdinatiat tuera Dow going s. tia a aicble spirit, and asikist tend le milai. againal bie pasce elt lavagman d intelligent a- tiem. (Hear, tienr.) Mr. Hum£z Wântail lhepapers in osi e. u'prov» b't lhe Rtisatnmode b>' the noble Secrelar>' hi the Foreign Deparsitt uv as niuaoadedinftat b'he noble lord ssii lau lic Ameriesu gevernucat us.! nat persistud in ieniandini an uiv ae.teta li renustrance cf Nachi1838, ovite. Mr. Forsyts lastiart> saisi tisaâtidMe. itev.sve u DMotaprese te goFtofmnt liert, becucae blie idbecs somureal by Mc- Fos blet in s tew deys tii>' veaul bave, ur asu s r r c c em u ic hi m nfr ais the o g vfl sse ut iredt &DM 910111 eunI). Now, ho sesatitise peperfi the pirpo.,of teigici her lise iMme. menît of Lord PalincrsIg n aia allrgation vas cu. rect. Lordl J. RUSSEaLL s]ilat Ithe prouctionoftise srresposadeuce woslo net rouble ticelian. gentu.- man ho athsin tie end wihiei horpoocl. Ii anseies. gavreenent bâai ased ft e resa W oe lurisng cflthe Carcoline, but te tiset lacqus 4r baIsestysg ovemment delihtiele nd aust rougi sne Reet, dii mutet hbcint iproer te dce a fluIn.user. ltut bis noble trbesi lie Ses- tarjyfocForeiguALins bai sc. informisise Imarices.Misiniet thliCoUurt ef l'nOm tisaI eo Biish goverumsient stifi-si the destruction cr ai Carolne, oetvicli tb Ascris Misjeter baid e r cOmmunwation ta is gevermaunt as le hiesgt expadient, bit ti communsication ba" et. yttranspired. Sir P. PseEL saii at lise bon» niember for Mi, 's-ax bai-maies a con c&lling foran extensvo io.send.ue@, glacs tiche Wde lorimet by a de. vlle. ain labis eaPait7Oftegpaiiâ ini. erdet lCovu' tilt egocaflem cesseclai tri* su ouisjeet ser.-W esspoing eletes la. i-e We obere 0tist a meeting of " Conservatil.vos" bau beea beld t Belleville, sud lhe tenais of as p- tihion agreed te, atainst tie nelsn cfuthe Ilau. R. Baldwrin tla repeetshut Haslings lin Parliameul. TIi.>' bjecl le Mr. Baldwi'sn& turu lu ronse- queure cf isté"previaut cetuan tte ie4ti Radhug of York."D This lb.>' iepresecl as asi nooreuj is5paication e te tnd as a cadidate for lhe suffrages cf the Electors cf Hastings. Tiat aa> b. lie opinion cf tic.. irho caeapcaed the nuceîiug, bal il lamO'oore U co j,~tt su nilvidual mua> b. rcterued b. sanmml>' causîncies as cionse te eleet un, in wbicb case itla lt ta hin ta de- cule urtat Le iso saillait ter. Tutemeeting nexI charges Mr. Baldwin gih i-iug udc0£a. lacming intisidation," b>' vici malfeet laj"auco gas des.e te bis oppouent aI lhe Electicis. Tue truti 0f tiischarge can ouI>' eppear sahen il la Provnd u videCeoaau lic scrutin>; sd the eimrge Wh" m OhaU tu "aix Bakwàl, 's a. lb>' sas eiaiacd b>'6,liéi ecehone jaleta votsuad b>'tg the n-jectien of gondl sud sulifct- ouh votes uffre~ toc urbis oppeàtu, seibi dupauid equsil>' an proof. Butthleswoerpiug charges becogit againaithle Bîtumsiuit OdLcef, seihll ite meantime besson mruall> lie confidence ofthb. Iubbluinthe trutb allihe e'utire stalements. Mr. Macii s gi-il known lu, liesagenulemanu cf strict int.ugrinî, sud incapabale of actinag a dishononeable, pari; but the bitter appoaLion cfa clique ai Belle. Ville bat beau consbsat> dicacteil sgalst hlm unce bus mppoietmnent taohtis e or sir et lhe Victoria Daatrbch.-Lib.1 JUNE. To pemsset reat sensiilityil sud livel>' imagé- naion, tisis i5lihemuet picasat mentîtlu ibe >'ar Evethe lirici Bse.0Of inuon producco les. ex. citemnt soi p!esute. la u .luci sl nature ta iive aid bbcomiag. Tue mud ef May' bas bren expauded teanuopfuisxgoaer. Tue vqrh et .e- viviug began lu tha lait monti-neg lu la ccmplet,- -<1. Tii. eachbin Wcovr-d vili flcurishigg trocs Sd veteables, siube andl gess.. Even>' tiiîg l f f g gan'<sd creation la adrneul lu ta moa, beauté. 1 cop@. Tho hlossonot the fruit hree la as deliglitit ta the er, ai tic frail of Butome rte te luth.Anul man>'a hbanu d lui-mmbisue0frui but ilsexparullngfloger tabeshow. The lempea- arc ofthae ski> u cb aRs otu vite abrud inta lie j opeu filhihasd ta indure a ramble where 'sa us>' inhale tic putent air, sud cornte lacenacnIwitli ile, beauties cf naturce. The moastil llîl.îte nu>' unjo' the talk inutthe studeut cf ustural 1151er>' ad liay u'Witt derive far gieater piessure ; be will b. utile te dete arso f desigu sud wlsdom 'hbiei others do iDot observe. Te bathi, the scene hs euas.ifnl sud ccfrculsiug.;ba ol le .latter, il irdues monre admiratioin lthle ploos oh counc- in iud tontrivanco CVI:>' sehea. visible. There no woak ctblind chair; of accident, aIl sce naka cf gise sud ntelicenal ui teludn th cd.Tioexaiaslîo oftbevegetable world ail~ ~ ~ ~ . ale nagcuvcin11. Iiainta Wlsdom ' .iPoc hava ber. lIt iniints o!thteir tires. , ost lie tilbas cf verng Iplantssuad ibane l r e Dow 'Iresedinu hergayesî sattire. Tue long t leap cf vino.ler e obave preparetis(es forb bis noi dlsjlay. AIlthebir îireuuiag beastie ste teai betars on. admiriug view. Tic>' ppesr ta d aide in s8ai ealitiiingthir Îtrigibeut baies, sud P i ou.t hat le>' bae once iloteecst sade tle e 'It>l u lc tair Tue>'lift h tiir idest beanal gboieceioe tic tsoait bcueazes cf lie mIlsh, or ta dîiuk the refr.-shiug dues cf beuven ; ulîthe>' net cul>' gcsi(tir- heuight but exhale sr amasul fcagusure ici etibicers the tiaseit cf A un eir eîj. Go fortho , yvon liaIlave pure t asuce, sud isaItth. ielisand guardons spreadbi for. youn vel>'dirccîlc, sudtho utslk siIlll ma yen. ind ta nemu b a-i b,-s je creatin- n ll give a testa for pleasaresa bicub deligit, bul us rercosuad debllt.Ate, aud excite a cerumuit>' A 1te i lg e e g f b ols >oa willlhGad ew .ar' t i tiutlectuaj gvahiflcaaîisi. A 'Yàamga Ressuie Aos.naÂL..rioma p. lbt rliums, à native cf Ne,, Hamiohir-, bs e r4o ne su AdmiraI lunlth. RuamusNoryv ihUs. se mf Coant Zlneeo. tA sbang ltumspe ma.- di, ig of lie vori, nt the ure cf shout 20. sfIc. ce rIng. cleihslip iunaalsoe. t Meredith Bridjteli v ent to Pertlanui..seueed a saiItn'a boctie lu .ssal-wenîte oula, v @4 as airais ien ahSt. lb Mulhbfii...alter recoverbng Sot a hIir lea sce M an 4es l h une isthre iabsie " et lb. Amer- Iii s Colâciftemat SigWaje~iu..l»ff la a Co 'slshniih a paicadl e«WraM a regard h fw cli 4. wu bppbinkcid hipuet f liSe avyM lie Ulým orMaads...4.e im h lie eta Co 1 aet hk s" ns ,ime . dIo ae batbfid soI acepWW ~Rhssilady., cet eecroi anbaume rmmarniildiler, bsPise- cf j li m e ulasrt>' eaig te ies uaa icha lofu Boalib e e WM d hm e,, s visbel lcal