TIIE KINGSTON IIERALD-TUESIAY, NMA 18, 1sil. genecallysar, beevel, ectiusg vcîy cautio-ly, whiicis ise is repotesl te bave sufferes! mues pain. enmd the e se h n mss being mach les tisa c.çul W. isceever cosider ilsa duty te chsecks reparts gg this »b»»i, alsld tisera hc eves a moderato , hicis bave becs carrent un lowCh amen strie avas *demai, they wili bie enabtes! te da btter as re - laid in lise stteets on whicis bis resisesce abuta, .Bus-nssbasiees ratiser briser in doring tise efteinces f or amay lestt. Hie Ex- 'OChe <reitis week, altisonri thse bayera cellency anas net conuideres! mterially Corseu05 continua 0porcisase mach mas e paringly tiss a t Iday, ce limce ; aliscanghis cprevionasnullring -usual at luis reasei.-[Leeds Mercnry.] h as! rendcred thiWse oa f caitsansd carriages dia- HAL1-uax, Apil 1.-Bu.ziscas in tise hall bas Ireaing te hum, ans! cassed Ihus proper precastien. lisnenmora fltisais flochle lest nionti n ail brancis- -(Monuit. Transaript.] -es - ver ftw pieces indeci bave cbsnged bands,1 end! Iose eai ,carccly tise puices cf laI aveci. 1DaSs'ATC1.-TO slew tise srt.vi6yy o<fc River Waalis it l sale, aird rathlsr ave.1 Forwarders jr.tise transport cf Gonds via tkc St. HuD»srjcL, Aril13.--ýhebusýiness .eç>e- Lawrece, ara may mention tisat tise barge Ayr. seedhi u sre oneuIarIEL»%%April 13.--Tes- tise Prop. rîY Of Messes. McGibison & Fergos n was' seced biseauket aretes acls se c loades! at Monîreailalst Mcedav witli mercismize pecitly n tie facy aticls, bu ai aitdsP.fcr Tono o, th ie gods %rers tranàbipped tb lac St. peares!; ndedc, business testsy must be caies!God nTsrdyeeig n!aol!srea V.vryditli, lfe geads beir.g sols!, dsd tise prospectGereo osdyvnigadwularvet glons> for tise future us additicn. îPrices aise tisai Cilty atout econ vesteidav, making onll four acrescarel>-supprtes. jddys and! s iaîf fionsMontreal ! toteonta.-[CIàron. BRaîctoan, April 15.-Tisetr asagain a dol Gaete. markset, and! by ne meaî.s tie se aal! quantit>- cfJ Frein theN eurs pces changes!bandt,, Pn-1 probaily ijesaine cases 1MrcirAraros'ltepsTilTioN-Tise irI quateily ler rates accepte& Tie on?>- gonds un drmznd are gensd fancy artiles. Yarna are tise tarit baver mneeting of tise memnis of Ibis Institution, fer lise and! apinners complaits ieavily ; bt stocke are saisi catrent yeasteckt place aetisceir rennis, cciner cf net a hoby a>- mssbcav. Wnl isra iKng andi QîeenStsreets, on Monda>' cvenirg fast. preises! on lise maket, ans! most deicriptioni a'te eterwavyanvosîialaVre ibid. Icaer ; spinnera isuy onty frcm bans! ta descocing, ans! consequeral>- tie attendaie was mentis. ratiser limrites. Mr. Masson, 14;t Vice Pretiderst, MANeCHESRs, Frisla>- Eveing,-Smflce t o- oressjiesl tise hais. Tise ccmmittee'a report for day tisane bas net becs tis eIcal t fvorable change thse quiiter lsaving becs calles! for, was readis-tise in estiser lise clatis or yrns markeets ; tise tendency, 1Seccotary as folowe: ov- Tise Coesnittee cf thse Kingston Meehafica'In- on thse centrar>-, ef bolS iasif apy -tbiug, ow-stution eR leave te report: war. IwashoChti, isa l vêîyativ of Th isin .ce your committre bave ebhres! on intelligence fremin astâ ltoYetn i e irmiifoeiaprsn eaeea htis ordérs dis! not arrive fotra qti osrt-, i sort imethi frsorhepsn yavt eSbs woulîl b. ressuIes! te; but notiingaf tbit tins! bas becs tim«adt on tiseirýpart ta forward tise ietêrests cf becs huard cf. On tise avwWe, lhinsi are ainsithIis Institution, sèsd give ta il th« t st#ity ans! glooc nd es denîessesi. permaececy aisicis -il bas ever dsevi. TisaI ~7LANfiLsortisefforts have sot been narI'ele wueraaMlng, Boeuii>LE L M illt, APril '?-- Use grotintîrease cf nicantitra dnrisg f(se pat Tire nu beenlo day on êxceedingly doîl mat- kit. Few bayera attendes!, es! the pircisases quarter, ans! thae cntiaRcel generimsi donations, ful- acre limites! ans i delioje ,eleeL Tisrie la 1>-sioa; and! sehile proofs are tisas occorrietisat no change in tise 16,oui ma toeport.tise inisabit.rust of Kingston are arae cf tise bene- fii;tab e iedfrein tisInsttutions greaten COUragemient is affordes! te your comîttee te pur- woloialjsjsue Ibeir itherto saccesaful convieo, and! ta centin- _______ - _____-ne.tuecxciitisemselves a se c oant tisosa obstacles Frisa M iastrM Tuas., May t. tisat cecusauiY Pissent themacives duriui tise ra- M A RK<ET S. pis! growtir of an Institution, whiicis, faunded os la ujes, he ranactonset aUciOw whebjust piniples, ans! iaving for its otyecl thsens!- a eten, tisen lnacosbat sur ies, aisiis vaîsceeseot cf scienceas! tise disseeinin of hf iselattferlylantsofre, bavtse b.e i5 ic koatvlcdga, ,is eeiaeslly dcserviog cf pubic suri. Wf .Ksasi n ofrnann t t eon wgnsctrebciven!Pot. luto yea stli'e rmd wjit rlrei brb 5 Deing tise pat quartier 25 sew membera bave opinon as e frme! alsTetence te future becs eddes! te Ibis Istitution, as large a numiser rpations.a.Te Southsampon, tise final arrivai as bai ever becs admittes! durisg ont qoerte inca frein lise West Indies ibis seson, brings a cargo cf its Te-establishsmenl; ans! fren tisesumber ai Cuba Sugars ; ans!tise sales whicis ayb inad e ssI rangers newa rrbving amonga au, witl tise proba- kt. brbpoainanIeveateuttiemi ility cf beccming residestq, tiser. jàever>- Ores- ket. peor ca gpeut ncreaseduringtise essoieg nonths. JReceuit aslvices frcin Ciina are fai ri lst e Tise ubicitoa r o e ol as!_ sy ini lier cisaracter, andsainse cf tise bcd itifonined comitiaollaiibtsrsmcsribt pabicaien usLonon reby e ncals aegunebecs taken as wilîlessuie tiseisr egular paymnt tisat a fiâal settlement cftise diflilrences in dispute for tise future. Tise balance in tise Treasuet', à- lisea-btaed'. Thisncertinty tbat bovtrs anda, eterv delil due blise Institution up tae tus M Use 1eestiou, eîtl indore tise sPeculatens in das beung lully Pois, is £22 lu. 7d. TuaS te maititain pricei, t tisequtatienne ehidi l b lcs7a ease ayiprae ba.Ilsd rvili b cdel b als u hales piste ;but yen ecmitteare ai l daisue itit blbaunausi jetii FBa t et atvubb iite i @à »4MaihsP mna Wnts euE tethelis se.re- dVers, é ver ialit yiav, but ewgl Piqcset *$i1tla CassaFlevlme ftrUladd vaIUMSN dM M Uabhe ti l ue taM $1*2 a $12à am iendm11100a%,$14 a814à Wdeh l Lira m i(itl b in UNetait ses 1 av-Pui.e, 88 Primse me% $Io1; Cargo, I e helie dmiseeun la go aer Md W1-2 a 87, WMsauc. în.i. uIîgl4 eutnnsas Lanz,»-<I. a8d.pet. lb. cand attemdedantd Seing suppied wihb mmny of BLuta-Nio 81 par. bins!are tihe et andsti ec intîresting pés las tise 1ret- Ft.ou.-Ne inenian inmarisl.Ince, abtis a ltr nfrius eeUnilci States,is a source CÂ1r.aD.-We bave Seand of nioslees tise ofgrhebeefi, enabling members taehSraame ac- arrivaI ai tbe lest Halifax steamer; Sut 2%.* 9d. isq0ainesavii uriams cclsaas ru S*idi>- the baisera fer boume censutepian. qSe ticre n loin eedoay. Ysarcondaqite aes aitise sping Seat arrives, are looks fer a gond th' urr! tapiebs Oppathneild a.sa ntaâti e ros dî 3isR alarge uantit>- ailI bue requires! for editars. for tram iinulcontributions, ans!request tisey i5Sbpmetot. ailI still coninne tiseir favori te tiis department et WàmAr.-Tse ce!> cargo of U. C. that baotier-tise Institutio. Tisera have sot becnsase uns rives! Iis spial metwastis a resu>- sale et Si. 10 lectures ilelivereti as yoar commillea avoulil have 1-2.1. par. 60 lbo. Tise qualîly vcas not fautitate. desied-two orsi> baving becs gitan. Asa.s-PeisaIre fimiy hield at 29s, ain abi ' Tise Debîting Clase is stilI a source of internat: few imtacî bave frind baers tisera et. Peal ita gencrel management caîls foi thb peat praises-os ne 1 ctssl kt 280. 9 taélch b".tise part cf its leasing membera, oeilaseclic. deiats Tise Cana! ne bclg opa fioctise seasoi, li reotinuetlbe nael ans! intomming, lise suusssr of -I[»k for large quatitiest; f produce; ans! in ont its asembers je rapidl>- icrrcasiig. nitItue hope te bu able te give a btte, accoann cf Tisa following donations bava becs recuited du. pricea. ring tise prisent quarter : lu Imports, eclling has yrl becs dons as but Cbisiîau Pbilebophp i vol., Metlsadist Magazinse tee Upper Canada bayer, bave me-le Ibeir appear- 2tesBuhtsTpgais-fCnd b susce, ans!tise asortments of gond ins ia tOC- William Fergusen, Esq. plete. A vert cli Frenchs Bibl-hy Mr. Win. Ford. TeimonDenjcrs.TlisQueceaGdxette cf Men- day bd aiUi«e a report, tieuprevallent inîth Lices Tien, liat a dqe6 o f 10m. cents!taise place ait l e eth ie Balae Timtru, âdiitisa au asditiesal 1t. could ieb laid on Colonial Tm- ber, tissa lacinir Balle 1'ambur aiea dut>-et 45&, aind Colonial ai 200. 8>- dul ait *li s'aut a tsi itt>on Timbet reitrhe Nons cof Europe amIs! sot bu reduces!, but lisat te&editUhsgs avouts Se lais! on Cuoeal Timber. W. do nsotsee boa .the latter arrangement avuli meeltishe vecsetc tho isa. homere, viso clansour aI the prtective scale vi glaties. Tise ceet t fBetie avouls! nol licedor- ed, amad tIat af Nerlis Ameic, aouls! ho enisancet te thaci. Such as aleraies anoals dsraîo>-tisa 'Colonial Trade, aitiscut aflordinsg an>- relie-f te tise tonsumers otTituber ima Great Britaun.-IMonlreal Turnes.] Yesferuia>-aternoon. aisile a younsr Se>- aas %wlking eus lie waiaiun blisscgtibouirioos cf tise canal, a dog tussing near tarîles! lim, viseslSe tell inte lise river. A >-ooeg masnîmmul Waliser, avi se a i viiin iearing et tise chis',ce>, imme- 'tiatel>-rinsees!lities ci nd ss!dresses! as Seva, 5lunges taelise rescue. Afler going slows taice l11 sacceedes!, ans! isvisg places! lie drippiiol ciils! in soat iecping, ans! secs iim fouI>- rcovering, agais proeedesi on bis avak.-EMontreal Merioma- gci.] W. Re il alatedth iaItishe Govereerr Geenel aili proli.isiy leste tonrlingwIon dtuuîg tise preseel aneci, Tisere ta lune enngis yet before tise1Ath Jane. His Exeeliene>- Sas b3an iatisen severe aI- 'tacis. We are hippy to say Se iv nercuts in.-[ib. Tire monton, et Monîmeal lite vas on Tinursda>- ln eraably diversifies! b>-tise publie marria d i M.Dbata tote bise iful wsandaeompli*lsas Misa edb>-. Atos o'r1lot'k tisaCalietrai co- haines! sot lesu tisas fve tisousands spectators, ans! tise ecremon>- cas peefooes! nccrding te tise ina. po.ic ans! sublime rituîal etftisa Roman CalSalie ors. Tise bride aras attanules! b>'taelve figles *dhOsmnw, ans!tise happy bidegraun S>- an eqeal bumnber o! gercorsa d'honneisur. Thiis liste toast .pientis! avcuding aviseb ever occosrcd bn Montre- al, or w ave ns>-osu>-s acorîinen1, as!d ax, at- tcps!ed b>- aih tistioniblca ije iseet>. Tisa jilles d'h&uiactswvre epprapriatl>- reses!R hte iie ails a aruglisof m ile rais e round t15c bris!., ans! an sm1lralare veil reacig frinerth ieir beadi loatisir eel, alsilis.hebeatifultuiie-nise glass et falion, tie ncuilut ettann, ans! tis h a birsrd of ail observeb--%vaca sutirri saemsgitcemst tras Ofwt Sile le,-f éetui. Surisa migi-riceais ler- lacis fa4MiSitrse ti-iitjn sî ntb eM btrast ainsead irr 155 ruy.-Lllcrale.l Or restera cill resiemUsr, tisa, on ihe autisoi- ilftyet tire in Eienissg Mai, a repart obîsines! trtial cirulatio,, la be effeet ibat Lors! Seatuni 1I id bSecs#11-:tre ise emner Genorsslqip ef iulif. W. Uas-e-copies! h ta. patagrapisiofe 1re mualis almhtien pace . but til bevident, fren the raplannîtion of the U,ited &SefeuG&Mete, tisai thse Dublin taper cas isisnemeî-..Mont. Ge1- lA ine .seM barge, ecent 16084wn,hé ans! abiti s. a hfrrcbies!atts tse .aliapespellers, la te l Ying et the tamai bais. -,Seb@ointendles! fëesaRideau, andsavililibe eiuqnlc hy es!t> a.. Moua, StaienaMson ut-vat. Wisatevcn ý'aubts ma>-lSe entestajîscd asia b te-att i0f thsI u'uetio. tee rsesIsaigaicu, lisera les,-e s elli'va, .î:nocg pnacticl mens, 110question an la e misi- s, litea!im for caa-ib. Wie.ltin* y egret tis evaure ldispesihie iftI.seulmrytnt6vncm Genr»»«14dmaieq TCabr tgs, Eq. Ta bssosly tramed Pictures, the Queen ast Bucinighamn Palace-b>- Mr. Coe. Ven. ArcisteamoSi eat, £1 50 Rev. R. D.Cartwright, 1 00 AmIbes>- Manaisan, Eeq. M. P. P.. 2 100O James NiekalîsesI. O 150O Il eig ndenstoodt litItisevarions Societjcs aili avili u procession on tise appnoachisig srival cf tise Gavennor Geceral, yeor cemmittea bave de- termines! ta proiide a beceer ansd sujtable badges for lise occasion. A oabeciplion bas beu acror- ding-ly epeneil asîl lie equisite amouant saa> oh- laines!. Tise banner s noan in ceuue of prepara- lion , ans! jour cossmitîee censaI but eapnessa 15cm tiasiss frlise approval cf t15cm condent b>-tIse siemsiers aI a at. meting, ans! taise liis opprtu- nity ta requcat tiseir c.rial cc-oper.tlan in a Il osa- fait muasuresr. Alabjiis is eepictfoîl>-saismities!. lFrom the N. Y. Coin Advntur.l Tnne Pitesisi.-Tbe soxiety cf tise publie rcspecting tisa veesel contines aihout abate- ment, altisou.g tise opinion seema te ha gainiog ground tisat ber course is rus. Romors ancre cor- rent yeaterday cf ber arriva] ai IHalifax and! Ber. anode, but on tracing thein tisey- are feund tu b. aitiscut feundation. Tise mesi probsable stateaient tbat bu yet ap- peared, scerning te tirroar any lîgist opnn tise paie- fat mattor le susprnse, anas brougist tu thii port sème days aga hy a Britishs bqrquP tise Recorer, t'rm tise port cf Bristol. lier captais, Beavmas, le sais! to have reportes! tiat on tise 281h cf Marcis, 'amen off tise Azorca, he sait et a great distance tise bull ùf a large ship, èismasL±d, ariebUe took to be a man-of-arr ans!tisai about tbe saine time be. saw fragments cf spire, caia, &c. floatini on tise water. Tis is supposes! tohbaie biecstise Prûsideit. By tise subjoine.l note it ail! b. rcees liaI as in- vestigatýion or tiis report ls tu be madle té-aorrcw, biefre tise Britis consul, wvien perisapassmtbing ailI be elicites!, leadisg to a dehnate conclusion. Bauitisu csus.Avx, May, lmh. To Iho Aitfflor e otihe uorci.l AdocatiSrs. Gctleme-la ecaseqoisce cf thse report 1sat P. Bowman, master cf tise Brii-sh barque lkievery ef London, on tise voyage fron, Bristol -fer this pot, saw a very large h.aael diamatted, weiicis fraie tise Loitude nay bave becsotiesteam sehip l'reailcut, aitisot lsing asde ay effort tuefrfois! relie f tu a vemsos circsamtancd, 1 have dcemed it my duty torequire tise attendance cftise master, oficers aSud tesmen of tisait irsel ut tis sconsulage te - mcîrcw ai neon, la investigate tise statemerit as pubîsised ; te aviicis 1respectflly invie thse gen. tlercs ocusectes! aitis the press. 1 am, gentlemen, Yaur humble servais', J. BUCHANAN. We bave vecei dtise foflowiag note frein tse agenit ncanaigftee cf the EPiesident ins Ibis ci- ty, in aimeer tea alette addressl lta -os e Virle mcn hua moxing : M As vlates ta tise President estill have hope. - Sb@e wues weu huad s!it Ilsespecta au aey ahir. tisaI ever 1.1t Iisaport.Bishe -vas in cai érdev, neil mmeed and office"s! "H <'Momasir ibesto, à a mn.oft aMped abiltyk, sbu e espacet -t6f buirt auteof G. t uas; b. bâda ala ere-n-**O. eies Quee, aMd &rfor e pesi e u mefbeu s- gise bhte. yens, h receives! fmae yis 3q. a gels!$ment if tbe talai of ily gm N S wu eee baebugb4.e- gcà " t ma 1 twa ldmeua te u am Oe 4datais tui l us lesa hwà1- standing ber superior strength and equipimns, futr we know that bhumait srength carinot, cape withis Omnipoterice, but we hope so. notwit4endisg wc hàvyi beea distremid beyond nicasure." XLNGfSTON, TVESDAY, XAT 12, 1841. tua a. ferr nurnier arc called thse attention ùf or readers to tise subject of Immigration, as one ini wbich tise prosprrity cf thse Province %vas es- sent.ally involveJ. We are glas! te lind thâ.t tie confession ii general, and that a!ivviy ir.tee on thse subject is frit by ail persin ethse Province ; sud! tisaIil la in ne danger of 1-eing neglected.- Tisose avio bave paisi attention Io the recent coin- n.unications from (Gîeat BEntain, avilIl ind (tither. j, a cbeering p;rospect of a cun:iderable accession te or population. And thoae avio have notices! thse c1h ptcbh cf Lord 'Sydenhsam tu Lord John Rus- sell on Z tisesject, cancot fail tobbc highly grati- fied i tishe attention bestewed on it in 1lots thse ligli qîtaitero. But lise satisfaction we feel rt tise prospect, is accooepar.ied witis qualification cfj considersisie abatetiet; ans! titi Pailiament bans atsemblcd, sud soine prospects cf tefori n tbe Land Grontirg Depariment bas sppeared, ave sisall be uteder tise neceoNity cf wittsisolsling any e'rprestions cf entire satisfaction. Té speak tise truts plainîy, an injustice lias been iefiicted on ail persona wlse have settiles! uron land! ie thse Province for soine years pait; and frilso pretences stili accerinîssythe usual induccanq*ts pseted je favouo f settling jenlise Provrqcéc- 'Wben perlons desirous cf cmigraling, habr 'cf Csnada, tisey art tels! cf tis alusbrty cf these lî- crate, tise fertilily cf the soi], eccompanied, witis comparative staternei.ts un many par*ulart ie referenco te thse Uniled States, iily favoab~ile nc Canada. But tiscy are ontt bld thg ithse cisief a014 best poitions cf tise !aride tlsrengboutlbte Cons- tr .ealienates! from thse Crowan, enin b lbbanda cfpeurz:s holding thon, on slleculation- but it is a fact as true as it lW disisonest. Te illusatrate il by tompîaison : Suppose an auctioneof goos! repetation, 'vere te âdveitise assle àf a car'o e ë tee, with thse, esual'datteriink deicriëstios ef qual- ity ans! indocîments to purisr sers, soppee wbeo ise had collectes! a large nseably cf. cstomners round bita csly a lèe chests cf inferier quality were offeres! fcr sale, ans! that socs after tise on- avoidabie exposnre teck place, tisat prittate sales bas! dispcscd cf alitihe cemainder-and thlientend- es! purcisasers weie courteously refertes te tise bolders of thse tests, Who bail bonght tiselaons pec- ulation. It ta easy te cenceive luat thse nafniessl- ly aspect cf tise perlons tisug imposed unon, wculd auggest thse rpriety of tise gentlensai ciearing out mîthont îdaly. We cas rceive nething more calculateil te tender tise Gevernment aspopolar, witis regard te hUe wiso do renais in tise Province; mot better adaiptes! te drive setliers inte thse United States, wisere at Icast, this advantage trensaisein a nm- sted rupeofleboice ln thse percdise of lad. lit Vu mse net et present, ester "l a detui i I e h i4uiflese.cts susmdisg the. bangoaf ld lande viuh n vlew of afihre adeanetlpneu-if tise ceetiatlon et Creva and CnyRemmvueini ther hiredean séae, t!soub *.a Ifferent unua.; aIl the-go M etee eil tm, to ecîre il. W auconfine icor at0 t e iefo'lcaing extruet irosé Lord Durisam's report, wbbch places Ibis subject In tise clearest ligist, and ondoaittedly mnst excite tise attoeisimaent cf those Who bave bas! ne previces kntaledge cf thse subject: t t n ý-f e eIf It d 9 Yf e Io y )f y ,e If IBy oflicissI retorna ahicis Iceompan>- Ibis repoest, hi appeari tisaI, out cf aisut 17,000,000 of acres cam.>e aiebir lise snrveyed districh$ cf lippe, and ens i tisas 1,03(0,000 ane are yet :eppopiads, anl is a"mont IncUsies 450,000 acres ts renertp for asd, leasing lent Ibis 1,211,000acres aopen te irait 1 mwo1 of ibis remuent SO.O.0aces are required te satiàiyitqise5 for grate foundes! on pledres by tise govemem al.I tise opinion cr Me. Radoenisuns, tise ealy acting sun- veyor geca, tise reseainisg 700,00 emsiit fortlis. mont paî ofatinferton ie poition or qaaity. it mes' al mol. "asis, tisrefore, tisaItth ise ofet . pblic ladis Uprr Camails have ban&iemntad h. lluýgay- thse srseyed loasabipe, uety 4000,000 aeea1'bave basa glaulealor Id a lanlthtre udeai buétin- & d*tabls e am, forgratselterthe amonea if about 4M0 granlesu ans!letise opins ofaitheSemersyor Ganserai un ]y about one-elgiti of tise land waiielà ressaieethse Ceose, er S3W,000Uacres tu availebl ferthlie purposs nf selemuent. Tise aboie cf Prince Edwaads Islams! about 1,400,000 acres, anas alienatis in oui dey le Newn Brunswicks 4,400,000 acres bave isee puras! dor sold, lIvYing 1te eCrean aboutal11,W9,00, et ifiic 5,500,000acres are emoidosesl fil for iminediate seule- "Of tle.enlia.mte in lUtpper and LowerCaiada, up- werda of i,85000 Meconint t «i"ergy Reserve." bis1 fo lise monl part lts cf 2Waces eaehci, scaleed ai regelas Intevua ,over lise aboli fice. of lie towanships, ans! remaaning. ailisferebaona, euiais ls!d t lii day. Tise evils produncedi-b> tise systema cf feer- ving andiutonlie clegy have becoare nalerions, evmo in Ibis ,onnry ; anda 1i1mn puin elieti preeails brn t t>-tisIhis yste. bheinubaud ... ilbol tisat mueso f renedy bave bisen adopteai This opinion tiicorrect ia botis points. le respect fe ers' na townasip ebolh Provinccs eaeves are still made for lise clergy. jurtas a beusre ; asd tlisetclofthie usse- nial Parluameut waiîcipermit. tise mnle nfClergyRe- served, applies le osis' one-fousth ofi ris. uantity. Tise select cemiities <ior e 1oute ni Cossumon0thse civil gaeZment cf Canadha eportd, tan1825,tisaiIhbee r- levalins,,un tisey anre t present distriheted oves thi country,. retard me r nonsny oIsoe iicumsance thse improvement cf lise coony. Iylug aths-y s!oin uetached portion# of cante toaasisip, and iuterveniug bitwecthie nccupation$ of actuel settiert, a90 bave D anoes.oc cattmng raosie tisncugsthe andas aa morasses, aviicis thon eparate tisem tote tiseir neigbbcarsa, .This des- criptîon 1a pefectiy spplicale te thse present stIta cf th'i 8. lJase perceptible degrce bas the etil bren rens- "&Tisesystein oClorgyRecettes aiaestabuiliesl b>- lise ic of 179, commemal>-celles!tise Consîtitu- inal Acf, avih irisstctedthtia, in respect cf al geints madie b>-tise Cucain, a quantit>- equal te one savantS cf the lins! so grantedsoulsl Se reserves! ton tisa clengy. A qisaulit>- equal te cee-savants of ail graisa aossisb. cue-cigisti cf eS l owno- .bsp, or cf aIlthtie public lind!. InattiadofethIis pro- portion, theo penduie bas liesn, ever suneatlb. art passes!, ans! in thse cicarcat violation cf ils prosi- liens, te sst spart for tise clergy je Uppen Canada a se sentis et ail tise laed, aviic in ua quinlit>- cqns'al te a sixtsofethtie lins! geinted. Tisane bave been appropniales! tua Iis purpose 300,000 acres, wriicis begaly, il is manifeel, belong te lise publie. Ans! et tisa amoont for avlscis Cleigy Resoiez bavit' becnsosls! in tisatI Pe vjncc, seaI>-, £317AM0-(ot alsicis about £100,000 bave been aIiadf'ridd aes! intactes! in tiseEnglisis fond%)> tise satoe about £45,000 abouit Selong tu tise publie. " clni Lower Cansada, tisa sasse violation cf Ibm la lias taises llare, vitlailîris diffeence-tbat spen ctary sale of Crean ans! Clergy Rceee, a fraS reser 'va fût lb. clcrg>- bas Secs made, oqusal le a! firths cf ireS reservec. ise reaul bas been tise appropriation toc lb. clergy et 673,567 acres, lu- aIrai! et 446,00<1, hing anes s,.ot2WV,,59 acresl, or Sait as maris again astise>- ougist ta bate re- ceives!, The Loamr Canada fond aireat>-pes!u. cet' lusilotnts te £50,000n cf ebicis, Ibene- tsr, hirs, nr aboutl £16,000, belon,& te tise pub- lic, if, aitisoat any ncfcmmofet Iis abuse, thse avisae cf tise cesobsi Cicrgy Reserves in botS Prov- inces seoui feteis the average frire ai abicis scri lands bave iitherto sels!, the publiceanoulsl bu arenges!teothe amount of about£»~l,000; and lise ref.,rm of tala abuse ailI groace a cetaiad ai- Most insoesibîte gais te the publicenif.£60,O00 la rete rring, fer fartiser srrpbanalios efthIis 5uict, te a peper in thse eppeadix wSies bas bcssran -pa ,b icM. lanoaatnMeuler of tise Commission cf inqiry uicis 1 appointai! fer a ia ecoloiest, 1 bonteaire aof stattnas>-momaconviction tisaI tise ergy bave batl no pantin Ibis grealimisappro- hoabi tipublie prapeet>, but lSd i bai ari- mi steyfrocs hesien miscisception, or sous. eIIaer ertrrof " icivil govrermnct et buttS lPnv- "ýTise gea.t elj«Couate reserves foecIbe clergy l, tbat tsose fr abess tise lisdis *et aport -neyer bairs altempteid, aos! neyer calit sucer. uiy0at. ttept, te cultivale or matithls e.pet>m a tisa4 byq.'l appnc1iae, se nantis ban sit hbeld Ï&Mseuet%». kep ina stetaoficmstsltslbe seriais iju aiofaBlselliersla itesncbboar5ed. SM it.sl bamgrest mWdnakteouuppiitatis uin u mel014 prts-iucà b, alsiebai" bl basjus>-h eu, ami ali ie, iaflielted un actuat acide.s. l héUse c Canaa% uepieel>-, Use pmacica cf nan oirgn attemrptisg ta ceiaas, î.iilblic services by grsets cf public lis! , baq prss.lcett, an.] is sill prciing. a siegoce cf imujury go s<tual sptidera s iri il isdttll- mult te ceneve iiscont isarin& svitnrsaed it. Tise very priseipi. cf stais granlu isbas,insmourluas, ourlt *Dmy circaustrces, tbey mailticisi te me ansceit, Of approiuation biev~od lise avants cf tise eosunisaty, ans! grcatly b.yonqltise proîrrietcr's mrtnea cf esîtivatien auJ sètitement. le boiS tise caaas, Det ont>- bas thia peineiple been pursses! avili istekîce&qprofusion, but tise local execotive -overmeontq bite sonoîgeil, S>' vicatinz or eva- ding tise instuuctionq avbkb tisey reroiveit fron tise Secrt tary cf Stats, la adil incilcolabiy ta tise mis- chiefs list arouts! have arisensi ai l escale. tl prer Canada, a.pO.cocr et have beiu geales t"U. E. Loyaitis." teion refugecs frein the United m who. ans tt1ed intise Province before 1787. and t(eribren ; 730,000 acres te o bitia meeo; 450.000 serra le diîsciarge! Sotdiers an id Silm , 000 acres me Mlagistrree and Itarristers ; 135,000 acres te Execu- rive Coiuseiucbsr,and their faiîies ; %0000 acrei te lien Legi.lative Couacilos,, and tbi f milie, ;56,"0 acre6 te Clergymen, as peivate pn.perey ; 264.000 acres t n, pesa,mtractis: m inmalle soveys. 92,M 5are, t ofier f t, rn u i7 OsX0acre. for lise endowniest cf rtnI,4,2 ce eClnlTalbot 12,000) acres ho lise boirsetofGenerai Brock, andI 12,00> acres taetier cinttin, a former Btep cf Quebee; mailing sîtogeliser, wstb the Cierg;e Reserves. ueiy isaifcf aIl thre surveyesi laninlatiserovince. ln Loup- 'In Casaa, exelnivety cf griot, te, refugeenolse ~as ltise amunscfwaisicistse Crnwn Lands' Oepaxeurent coulsi fuaish me ais ninformation, 450,000 acres have titan granled te Mililiamnre, te Exerotive Coaàn- cillora 72,000 acres, te Gevemner Mile. about 48,0% ea oes, tua Me. Cuisg anIlcafliser, upaards of t(o,5&t a- cees (as a rearaifer aiving lafbrmnatinin s case cf isigUs treason), te nilleeresud euctdiers 2000 seare, sud tOtemder, toensis" 1,457,09scrs maiinga- lnalther, aithlie Cierge Itaserve, reliser as-e liss .hai cf tise surveyed laids crigimilly et eh. disposât at thre Crown. acIn 7pper Canada, a very saal proportion (par- isPB les&ani a teatis) of tise land ttiss geamlesi bas becs even oceupiedse atlets, mach lois ra- elaimes! ans! callîvated. Ins Loarer Canoudu, aitis tise exception cf a few townsis borileriag os tsa Anserican fronlier, whijishave been comsparative. 1>- avil sîttl, ie despite cf tise proprietors, Sy- AnscriCîn aqoallers, il Ma>- te sais! tisaInireteca tarcstielbs cf tise granti are sill nsettîct, nd in aeerftcly ails ad «o cîber resuait lhbave becs expectes! in lise case cf tise. classes of grantes abuse stala. avouls preclude tisen frein setlling in tisa Wilder- cess, ans! aiosa means wav etsanable lisem te avoir! exention fer givint immeediate valuane ntieir grants ; ans! aofortunatly, tise land! aviiares lu- tendes! for poisons et a poarer enter, vaSe mighl bc expected te improve at b>' their labeur, Sas, feic tise meut part, talles mb tisth banda cf lans!-jabbec of tisa claire ju>t mentiones!, avise bave mer tisouigist oc etlling in persan, ans! avio relais thse lands in ita preseni ails! state, specuiaiing upon il _s acqairing a talue ai soe diateel day, aises the demans! for landi siaîllhave incresc tbrengb the increasre cf population, "ln Upper Canada, sleaMr. Bolton, bimmaîf a grat speuator andthboltercf ail! laid, !4lthe plan of granting larg tracts cf lans! t gaemia aWhe have neblIsir Use m ur stringisgte lisue tisa clldmea" nir, picbapa, tise pemniar mese Io imprmv theer granto, bu bien lt.emmesr6 f a large, putor lise Smcera s emicing in a atata of vikk mL Te syterif orgranting landtate i chiUdres of U. E. Loyaliebasfnt; bees prodc- tiv. if tise binaita expetes!freint iL Aver, sortalitproportion cf lthe lins!graste! ote ubas be occupies! or umprevet. A gest proportion cf suc ris psa are te unmarricit females, avis ver>- reatil>- disposes! of tisensfor a inas ciâsider- stice, frequestl>- frens £2 tu £5 for a grant; of 200 acres. Tise grants made te yng mes ver. aIse frequenl>- sois! for a ver>- amali cossideration; tise>- genaralyhîsl parents aviis asSois lie>-lia'eil, ans! acre tisarefore not disposed tn movtre Ibeir grans et lands, but preterres! remaining aitb tiscir famil- ies. I do cet tisink ose-lents cf tise lande grinte! te U. E. Loyaliste bas becs occapies! b>-tise per- sons te aviointtise> acre grante!, ans un agréat proportion cf cisssolt occopies! et al. Mn. Ra. denhisal ays, i94 general prire oet Iese grants vn front, s galion cf loin op 10 perisapi £6, se Ibat ebla millions of acres acre gnanlesi in Ibis ally lise aettlemenl cf tise Province wanas sel ivaeeil, sonr tise asivantage cf lise grastea secarediii tise masser tisi avi nay suppose tes bava becs con- tessplated biy govertiment.» lHe alsementions amongal extesive porcis.seis oet iesa grant., M. Hamilton. a siember cf tisa Legiativa Cessni, aise Iougiât ab'out 100,000 acresi CSief Justice, EmBroce ans! Powell, ans! Soliciter Gesenai Grey- anis purcbased frein 20,000 10 50,000 acres: lani atatestisat teveral members efthtie Executive ant Leglalative Couricils, as; eu asetftise Hanse cf Assemb>-, ta! e vry large purcisaseri."2 "Ie Lover Canada, tise grinsInteIl Leaders ans! Asseristes" acere made b>- as evasion of insInuc- tieca avhiris doserve a panticalar description. &B>- instructions 10 tise Local Execativu immmc- diatel>- fler tise passing cf lise Constitciainal Act, it aras directes!tisatIl« becsose great incenvenie- cea bas! tisretofere arisen ie man>- of tise colonies u n America frein tise grasting excessive quantilies of land! te particolar pensons wh-) bave satan cal- livate! or setîleil tisesamne, ans! bave tiseres>- pre- tentes! cliers moeaindostrious, ftra mrving sacis lansin jer eeore, te preventtielike inrcntenicisces ijeftuon, no tarin-lot aboutit bc granted! lusans>-ppesos be'ng master or mistreas cfa tmily in an>- Iaansbip tt bc laid! otwhicebsirooais! cenlain Moreolisan 200 acres." Tise instructions tises invest lise gaversor avilis a disetiosar>- 1rpover 10 grant additional quantifies in certain ca- ses, tact exceetisg- 1,000 acres. Accerding to tise instructions 200 acres aboulul bave beema lie geseral amount. 1,1200 tise maximum. is special cases la ba grantedt b an>- individual. Tisegreat- 1co part, Isoaever, of tise landi <I,457,2C0 acres) aa grantes!, in fart, te isslbiduala aitie rate ot froin 10,00 te50,000teeacisperson. Tis ecvi- cn of tisa regutations ias manage! as feilowsi A petition, aigres! b>- fron 10 te 40 or 50 parions, as preseustedth e s Execalive Ccunril, priying for a grant cf 1,200 acres toe aci penses, ans! »peomising lu soldie tàue lacs! go arplied fer. Sacti tfilions moere, I arn informus!, alwa çs gracies!,lise Council heing perfectly avrsie tisaI,'onder a pre- vira, agreemenut beiwaen tise ipplicints (of amich 1tise loess ariaprepires b>-tisehes Altern>-Geont. raI , ans! sos! poblic>- b>-tise isawstaiiers of Qoe- bec), fite-sixts of tise lan! asas le bc coeveyed te ose el tisern, terme! leader, b>- yhess mans lise grant wua obtaiseil. le mail riscs tise leader bbi- taise!the aboIe cf lise land! aviicis bas!becsnom-ý 1 sifly appisres for b>' fifty pensons."1 fSu il is clear, lisat after iisviting tisonsants et tis,. moitWp -.aa z;yituati L th-,s niiisij d ai tPZ e a. nsiofGrest,1 u satrtiei ii tiiadaj' eralsi. b>'Me. J. Listes, la taise place on Fi ida>' next. Thse rime approa-hes aaher thse Governrr Cieneral w iII enter Kingtn, t-) open thse first st( Pacliament of Canada. It is an event ire- tic portant in itscîf'; but it liai additional intee-t v; in tîsis Toni, owing te it being tise place t chosen for thse sing of Parliameni, isy naidu thse reetropoliton digniry is coiaferred on Kisie- ston. Qur townsrnen, in tise moat corincnd- b able rnnrsr, are, it acems, desirous of givii: al] Ilis Excellency such a reception as %aitl lus C suitable te thse occasion. Nowv, suig!ine oc hav-e not tise Ieast objection te tise ssuai cde- ni ecriltions of salutation on surch occasions, tise bu ajcof nshicu musy e tise expressioun of ce-c speet for Ilis Excellese> peisosalv, etf 1ev- altv te tire Queen's Represestatia e. andi nrâ-t- irtade for tise ionour corsferred on ciii Tow P, ave have srnoue objections te suds -In ne- rangement as is cotesspiated; rand 'vo rr deterinineti te record eue opinions on tise suisjcr,-hac if we 'in a effecting soriec moification of thse contempînreti arrangemnert ave shril, ah least, do our dut>' ie tihe va>'of' a, peotear. '%Ve uuide-rsnd, tint part efthtIe ar- is rangement consista in maresallinZ is procvs- il alors, the thre Socicties of' St. G;eorge, St. te Patrick, and i S. Andrear, îrrdcrftiscir re- specibve bannera; and te gather ail thse cesi- deuta of tise District, Ici joIn in tieseamne.- ai Totsne have tisreescrtousebjections:Fiertc il is,-ta use theo mildestlanguage,- inbad taste % tua rejoice usnluisitwhiclsis tisa occasion cf' ce- I gret, la other places, especiaiiy in Torontoe: Jc aoulti retremiser, tîsore is but une inster- p >*t in tise Province--ts efa-cr'e ant 1-psi Dss ctlitif tis atarely rnsrebýcotg on tse eesrI ccaion tebc issoderate in U thé~ epesoofeefligs. Secondly-h tIs soietes eferet 10 ae net political lxi- dies, nor inan ny vay riepeeseastatives of' tise peipsi cf Kingason; tisey ara organiseti as- I ienaibly for charitable pueposes, te nyhicis, if eý tise> confina thonsselves, they avili aiavaysr mcritSyublic approbation; but if arsy tising s eyn iisrsîmecued, Isundreda avilIluhas-e Just reasonrte complain. Has net tiseexist- t once cf these, andi a few other distinctions, been thse cisief cause of ssii the troubles of Up. per andi Lover Canada, for some years partI And, cas any cee think tîsat parading tisose divisions in tise very face cf 1isis Excellencv, can givo him alsy kind cf plerisure 1i Risi polkio i, ta asile aIt classes under thse de- Domiatem cf Bridai subjecla, and cecose-. àsendly,o dsceuraga ici uver>- suitable way, :s contiusl uxhihitia of ditinsct classes or ' pu-des ia eoaaectoa witspublic affaie.Ins thse emleuletion ?Îai seapersoa, diose Whos were sna bots Ine atier cf tise tireusBritiash iles are qusite overlcoketi, on uiiis anti on ails- or occasons. WL>' eiould risey b. degra- ded 1 asd if tiese> aoulsîieadrives an tîsis and -sirrilar occasions, te procure a banner eft' tiseir own, avio is te be respoissible for bts or.- prorition te more objectionable purposea?1 Tirdîy-by wvist auîlsority andi for miat gooti purpose, are tise inisabitarits of tise Dis- t trict te Le gatisereti togetier on tise occasionu? Authority, there caus bc surely nono; andi are carnaI believe, dtisany ssbesrdiisate cia-il ofl-t ccc avouiti voluntaruiy onde rtake it, if lie 1usdt tise ieasî avisis te retair bis office. We dan easiîy canceive snany evils, ras tîso couise- queusce of takbng a multitude fron> tisir c-c cilpation, especially et tisis season cf tisa yenr;c but av- are satterly at a lois to conceive, tisat1 any good cuis pcssîbly resuit frein il. liw- ever, ave stiff have a hope, tisat if tbere ns any procession, tise p reposali hi docs tise Membiera of tise St, Patrick'a Society- murs credit, as is originators, mi>' yet ho adopt- esi-That ail parties may witisout an>' otiier distinction, be marusallesI urder tise Briis klg. Tljcre iiscarcel>- aa iktisaIat e o nt iseer cemplaints frein sonne of our sascriisers- tat tse- do sol gel 15cmr papers regulai>-. Nothe lisetult lics et w ils os. W. nec extreeel- psrticolar us Satinj, lise papera regolar>' mailnd in tise Poil Office jib iis tswn, andth ie tMarne musti niaiatis soute cf tise pas5 office.. We bave Secs repeules- 1>- tolulIbatisinse coutry-posînnasters arc e is te isab:t ofonprnsng paperç, reading tiscun and! Ibm 1potling tise amapkers on again. Thsis mi>- a Cont ltan tise inregilai>- vits aiici tise osesers of tlIe pipera neccive Ilseu. Fuar suicm as eguilt>- of tSis offence, ave puisai tise fottowing inforînbtion. If il do net bave lise deaireil effort, are shail try comnutiser plan. CiCaution Io Postmasters, Su5u-Postinatfers, or culîer persans emplaped ia thse Post Office. "lGaENRsAsiPOSr OFFICE, IlFebruary, 1841. cc Tise compldin:ts on tise siiujeut cf missing nriavu- papons, atats Il te bave been committe! b lise poot, ccntiuuete base ntsrerous, tbat bis larssipllsiusks it expeilient lisal eve>- ene eniagcd un tise Port office senvice shoiuld be made acquusinîeuil ithItlie 32 casecof tisa Art laI Victoria, cap. 27, b>- ijci i is provideut"l TisaI ever>- persour ensplo>- cd in lise Poat Office, avio sisail steai or shise a- ceve or destre>-, or sisaîll ilfuill' deisin or dola>- fl ceunie cf coeveysnce or dclivery tlierebys> lie pon, an>- peinte es! sis papers, 'aitsovt covers, or jnenoera open at the aidese sisalilibe guilt>-cf a mois- domnieer, ans! Seing reavicte! tscrenfs&hatllciffusr suris puuslunenl b>- fie or iouprlsoniroent or b>- balh, es lelise court sisaîl seenmccl;" sud Isis lerdsbiu tarISer desires il ma>- le dislisu t!>' undier- stonl, tisaI aveu>- inuividital acting lisnsus>-capacit>- un tise service cf tise PiestOffice, wiso halIl'e g'Ubl- ty>o cs ccisan c'fleuscr, ailIlibe preseculel avsisteh « B>- Communs!, 66W. L. NIAiBRisn, Ws direct tise notice cf tise reaon, te tise first cas boat, Oni hue aist~ 'O, ans d lu u,, %. il he wa'" egalr ilt he aber ', nat.c el tiedrs on iy s ns! bùjiors.ý euSslr of MIr. lt n uin - uspiantun unînâtl fori ail s Prescrit. Tue u sj, - s-lt ausi lOfon i i ecter Ét C 5e'u 2' 'r tii bosse lit ci t'c 1 Tise Cciss tquj0,'., anul Cetneunil G, c, iCI, as-s O cilucul Ic-u lie hîlelean. .sioî ce(sOnbu tuait f fthe C~ Ti:c %seiltl 'r cocti55 555 ire rot 3yu, rut, %,- t' cd. SECS rît ni .î 1s, Cia ts el, Ou '! luSin nesis-ittu 'arc ernr' the presiut, î'nul nu OS'cIVF 'u1, Pee, tiItithe siue CoisPIn haeOitileitliasit cli, I l brben uuIuce j fr nor, His Eýxet-'tiuy liF. e 'Xpeutdi t thse Se.t cf tti, (ta meruow s) sut -ucu~ icse Iis preîty essdest tu Inip %ril1t tube rcol, tu thsejourieY. ly îthelitil l:, Exae:iisc- rs sttii ro1. d sitîcis ýt, ot luCen n i t55Sbts W~e une glus! tin1ubcalmetu nsa Excelebey tise GrnnrGei salt exies! ç y0 asi sllx i,rS, c0vrie. The asvrerlit t; il )restr y vmercing, sa', thsî bui tatdes! Stter, mndhIbsis fitensrit4, dar dtui lentise ie dqy.-îMask Tre luLbec Cnulesi is uteaî,r, hran bet tCstblished il, h,î t (vt. 'if the i Enitiss Nsrth Atmc-risur" Burise, ub.tie ice I itko ilutberje s s-is!ta tue the sI sàuglttL in ilt l5usu a o(nilnis lie betiuve htoc i î,,n c Rec 1uréen b o ulsl isssuain dn ici ples-- i tius1'eeî h I1' !ions or b- a' ptty li W'C 15 "Y in bis lses5. Lll 'EVciInRT'S CLAinEnîrC:ý, tise Roral E xchasi1--P, suw, 1isis no;- int - icating belscIan srefermce t10cuit adverligion tea licle is propaed waitisoît trde;ie! ot fernttion, ai sis e rise ii drinks. Il Ibmelre ousinesot sitbu prohsibitifatticles b>- tisetaesu abill Se founul a plessant ansd visita partal-dtsng tise aers sw" %IE mIN Nw YoEK.-A erit N- wVtir ns0 -qthstls lst, kivk~ t>' ta tise amtocf sean> OUI',» titoyasi ; about $0oo,oo0, oruelil wus rovereti b>'Iissrance. Wu observe tise tue.tuus' ti. are filue5 .uts atm>- ft susis i h'. citmi ns lumitbs hasý: terirct. Tise quAty (4ui ni li Ibrougs lie s ocf sOur f 1 is tu be gre.ter tis st oin tJ iissusla lient ut th ue silir cules, hà-. 5m frcm Tursisto la [licss lati.l! Griverneseuil lIeuse, s;!'Il lel Esq., E-nsig;rt Agi ut, bue a'u! appeaus oiilie il'> cf Quite i5 iltress, sil sus iuu81)(411,T rý lcft Miiispeut ) estut juson!, uui. Ttur. Nw ia Eaa.-The BrocL6vy Sasirla>-, s>a Ia iePrst jer lliciarilsoi's sean publicaisI.1 1 village on Fuisl..y ist. The >i McL-od Ineslberau emacdsI -" il is caneslus! tuo il permitteJ IS paýl tise brai botle" sccesrpas.i,' m etticer. Tl'eisuia siul î J:bsî 5 tlel witseut a tii'l- TheI wsouls! bus lcreusIl hs Sîrenusons efforts !Tc n e n iis:s le construt lvrseol cf i ýi YI issue Lf ilbs il fc TIshe lpo.ittisaI t lusdL embarrazied ciscasoldl5eisti i c Goitre.ih bimiself.-Iis eau-iD rI>- pensonial koldg t ïi t~ eau .Y>-.vili coalldesci)if hluS to- morfla ta chie ail, th iseIatls's WortShaItolast $100,00O0J avoitdull a fracticn." M«.- SV- -r...i Tlie oÎa tent of ibe at 118d i ade in îbe Pretîcb andcKA usatin, Mricius i p 9Iu Plais B5l "nua COLAR, AiD 1 xn-ptan, Mi- t, 1841 21t oe w o moeOOm M l 1 l swm r o T w f 1~Y0 N nOsPlieS, in lf rt, tbreli fuein 9 Il un. a Plack, in le n, readtls from 9 te s. iais Plàmai, in les ý incises, ciet fSap sic Rok *lm Plaint 45 ted, bresulth ftn p. of fraI, 1,50 ich Ranis lmnPlan] 4 ebreadtis tri of et, tI,0 inchs Rock glonPlant 43 teeatbnesdtis fi 10,o et, 1,50. ichs Rock Eim Flan .5 fret, hreîdtbh fi ich Rock Elu Pîmnl 45 feet, irea-itti fi o. et ledt, 4,000. nch Ymllow Piee De rici aide, in lenglis q. et fer I. 9,00<> a îire Telloar Pine, ènuis 30 t1040 fted. t iecesil ellea Pise, egili 45 hi 50 tedt. et (là, Whilue, le s cis, se leigîti cf 1i a-81. tIt 0.k, 'White, ta ai ta il ice, la isu tgtfh fr is Il>teIl Wl Oak. Whte. ta sj ta I0 incie, ta uoulj um 10 te1Il frcl, en ist <luI, eVtite, ta lin (o s nira, tamouIl itll [tomn 9 la 10 tL'et --t 0k, White, ta) s Sats, cuculs 13 ta le Du 7 te 8 test, sms p-r sale ta he dliseresl 5wn hpie sieS 11cv est, o5nOr befors hl 1 ee1u o ts- Cens, f sytsicb ,15 niJélso Tsou!us-r ansI m,îtri, t "It 'in a-jter,ane I2notl!!jcit bliste ir ]ng BIusldr. '1sleis te r.ypiec5 iil, y 'titi he rî.qtt;r, lunes! fur Itie ifi nut [je 5ivcflie thie a](î fuirt e 'ekesP vilI lle ti e, sela>' fnoti.iuel. îi-' hock y"' 1 4.Il abrili : ne:t.g, abet e 1-orY'"1" fine Col SIIt<S. (cleinte n~s À - cees-.- I met., at Meatrealandi vesutelina &verdict orf