Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 18 May 1841, p. 1

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ceave te ymdlau i Ireclsa. p ~T. r ad P«tiser. Ige 0f 7- .fei, t4 'unar au r ' 'Igw 'i gaa grot Sl rvt en ail 1 blue ls il nO e., le Il rs, Dsi Inry .îialr, %aird Cn rt, egay d CL 0 7711 R. H. jk Bironus eSlertia i advsitagre 1, t.R. H.& T, 1t respecifol1y e lbat lie bu ,secondi do"i .th aide. tfIle happy tn wuil INTED. ru oftpsais l lie payment a( atmbred PR Y TUESD UIEITLEI, cIt, neauly op !I, Kingston, tbainhfullyrci Ineg aid sen mco by il. sIiribiy e for tie receive onle m aIer nimber. ld antil amaris' Publlalier. be addrtrt (Mi lIera on hajire Itcy, lropertii. Tea ra 4d. per lise fas Wr eveay biu«qM vnitten i grged acre verWlusembtIl t'On toe lle sy ofpb Mimr, Fn'.P Andersen. F. W.X mm li f liaL TESABBATH BELL. swt u 1114 k ,oe a dlsoslet bell. al w» tihaï P11 st t baiv. a « tan!hit hU 01tasgii si. it*as, 'n-69 Wieds0be mm Wo e isY muid Wo'ea bM Vif W --d < a, ll el -iyd«, nid"voii 1111dlag w t tu b e rl OL F THE BRITMM£Z ilDAS LATflFROM Ciând5 ar M"aiip Brtafai ,Ca Lft. dpari g 2ociock juterÎ ay moi;. $h ator ai m o f tbe 2M1 ofApniL ...sapers are ta he levenirigo thle lOti aIlP" o0îthbbc aiit'hie 20tl 5E SEM lSluP PIIESIDie.1 ad,teillert areI enounC tiat the puidet had eeb arrivera aLvre c otaoiia aipareo,non bad ziy tidings of lier. on mintne giety as tilt bIb in tlii W in Eariio for ber safet, svteropy be. ber oa i r,ls itiating o her. Apil 13, There Was a repothis after- On .Roiterti ld recived a etter Irota iet aptai of th Preidei, and thot ali asMadira itvlhdalage ;'nt ansen- 1b,îladyrL rais fotut iiitheeport oges mai.reDuke and )uciess of lan iii isare In a pantel si.te of sus- la lu f thrir second son, Leutenant ,eroy wnora vbonsuboardtlie Presi- The iteaoiaile Duchrînbin a clate, tala, dfterni gopon dibtracton. Hi$ nhiia n jt eciangefi] er î.le 43d ne- toibee1titi Dra9,ooü"anid Nr. Zortnay, of r. P. Ccton, i. 1P. fr Bridge. iiheonlyoilcesin te Biiishirmy Who a thir pnsae n ihal vessel. GL, A.1iil 14- Exitcerrît vii rAused Il wonifi hy the neya âbroughttb y the 'r,,11141 itory large tem vhS4 wai dind on for x.ler, to enter the 1iclori.i il w3 îuoonmedîaiely uiered tual tie luih te îles'deîl .'beseigeri uere s'aie sent taijfovi the mimerons partics inrtr f the fact, and boite vitre dis- Jrai (ho ivr ruhmeet ber. Ever et the cnïiîgnee es ci teldaI the ai.. Lrdje raavloff te port. Th. Wad'an oi tne loir il hrast aie Piesi. tipeced evory Joimet to enter lie ,th, Abou. a quarter to se ti oIll ok, lie th si pner'n guito %as ibeard in Butie. inaië" fldittes il aas ascetinedthal i roi lie niously expectet Presi. il! ritcral, limAlexan)dria and Fal. li tejoit i cirulatoin ona Monda>', of Di iraîng j'itIiis Mdir,, would iceni tna se hii o%. lloo Iz eter %vasi osimd 15 day in our li", nus rola. d An, tîcan StSiavNaviiraîion Company, Il Blt0 corl. Bllier sqiare. %Issas. tatrS ANI) iioDGEONo. t: In thei Leerpool correpondence of Oi Ilis d)'s ddte, il h sael Ibai 'the 1Pesieo were neiher nurnerous mi e1trepotl s itorly ns adi contradiction, "'Y case aaeasinsîsninon; lie under- be, i eg tua Ovni a ib of the ail, i by Cîiaio Kaîe tu Captai Roherts tak itroand of te vennl il lrerlaoly o s tîî hlai tie drec- r no ppeeionj00for bie satety of tie O Pniol00 hat lier ntacinery bas gir- c3laiai0Roherts as Fton hbmo Halifax vetiobabl tie loer l'art, as lie ' le iratls0 1 Iremain gentlemen, "MAICGREGOR LAIRD."1 o f "ai$ on board te Presiden-fore ito,îailmaiî, ,tii mizesil, ta f ala roisgo! tjoliail, izen dilu, l i palse oe t opgallmnt dit- ta iruiî, b îs, two larer ilut. t5laîîiî ws orgalani ditbo. 'hiî tte followilo; commuain- 'ne l'reidet. Tial lac 'It n amyii intmnnet finim buinss~ on ber yeslray rut.- Wien il %asfoand ;iai ni meus about bers ihe [ o Zeru.San i 5l1cia; g9 Peu intBermuda. - No nevra 0f thmePria. delYt e illngy gire 10g cmmunications"entma 'hl' accuracy vC cmm e- tY il ne deeply excitet cou- veel, il Iamy DMne unie- i ulutarice cemmtect vl:.b e Louis.,, Captain Wo.t. 135 letSoPvoeigs, on. o! 8,te iaibavint emu ,* lie Louis ot iss hun- i er place, md sailet trou eici pot ste reariet in P"ant at One bandred eu. cfdetiater Ï, u-ad be lrirai, vas ifed. M'ae hie American cou tae"unee atemesa !ni at i ter tic ty Of poao.on hae dffn e 5 true~e~ n L w ______________________--y____-_______No.1. land by lie assimlate of the Brilishconsul, a about 20 anreivnlN ew York by the Lealaa,ne ly lvinte mliter leavig Lonton. Tbeme cmabh medockl »Mathei.Peitesat fend éaeveniy tram tie ga. o! Ib oitmmd14W uIt. mai-vu pmeiY, fhemthbr peut ltk, enlie ly tdi-bled, au *hlh canit la ai aeloy ai vI enit a isova te lb.e»uhbvmrd o! ber esursn àstfaIt e the le gilloa.ilu Bmy, tieoo lie may day befar Meh..y lieharde!. L M Selier, thie gal elhie; inhe SeN. ER, il v&im jorbabie i. vomtotura ealfaxuetNew Tuai InoomstloM y, villa More .mWlt i h for coocrn ber ex thc«ariai o te.1- lal tucel." Cap1a" Fayrer, viio comnaudtble pgredo auberkdaIvej , bamza ia k ea eaIie dtl autho e4thle hllov,;colemaelu Ne pemestig ratolier avivai t1IlE bel ber reudtricl 1this m mmlpmbabb, thlie or aNewtounad, l i. t"5 N9 ,a ls.50 W., $111,vouit h.e dislttu mBarse" 4ioul000 mil-. Theotali N W. or M vanuit provent tha e bulltv o! gmbtier i New Yorh or Hifx.Drsivosaitl i. tb place ; if nts o, I vegseber lire. days alier dao gaile eia Immpombay rattor. Havlag as lbe 111th, mie vott ho bin tie pomaiios aievtafis Or six daY;Sa.Ilat viull th Ibra.deys tfIle; td.î, &c.,the vuldblieo hlis" @ Rago eighîh day, or lie 10hoft Marei. Thon Csp Robe#,lavould tornmdova htetit.elelilade asalb -lngiudehcolo om0 nd Wtll m th Ue peml le ofBermud, oa uholie i hee ,ytm of &oGe ILStream, lien hart Uapsiedtfer Bermuda. th Nov, as a cripplet ebip, mnd in thomo, latitudes ,particémiy atler a Rae, calme are commun, m Rive El, fro ein i lti, Illdeys t. go to Bermuda Thia vouit ho tic 2d or 3d ofApia. Ssa.!te Sgel jeon lie t. 1 gave Lord Lennoxand Povmî l v tiedys to gît reat, a schooner, lire days o Phil Il depia, tbree deys to Haitax; Io days voqu ae maie ilthlb 13th or 141i of Aplil beote lie7 coul be board of friseBermudiga ccriagto uy notion, 8 ove. if &sic coui i t Bermuda trou lie bmmh in the hine I alow.-Tbiy may bave been een b mamay remets, bul I bave batl tao m.uch experiemce n ite inattention of smail ctrl on tie coast of MA nerica; tie7 cane for nahin; bul Ihoilvea.1 give tLI lie 251h of tlii momulat lashear 51m Ber- -muta, unles m rees sispatchet hy the gov- ernmneîut falat ëal anmd even abat, as tie nuait ,f pachut calling lu very unccriaim. "in 6 1l my rudter off tie Cape cf Gtod Hope, thie Lady Flor&, drain; 21 J fret waters in i severe gale, andfitted one afler aiy ovn plan, ani mvade an excellent passage ta S. Helena. Captain Robierts is a sharp tiaw, atd ilI do mach ander amy dififculties lie may b.e placedtac H e bas bis on en.-ineens mnd oflcer-everytiing bu gve confiece.-IL is my opinioluq sronciy to, liaI the President wig u hump aI Bermuda.ý3 0 Tait PRESIDENT SrtEAN Soip.-Her Mjety, opon leavîn; Buckingham Palace for Windsor ilCsi, left trict commande liaI immetiately upor the es o e a leafely of the Prcîideiît reacii, London, a speciat mcsaemger abouit hie diapalcbed àte M.Vhie.r it the iiintelligence ; and il hvint elben (alas! but boa confideciy) sîted in London ecoi Tiiesy lth eome ifrmation hait been re- 'aceivet reipecting tuavreaset, wgielileft no toubt lisat il bal moi heen heard of, and vas in safety, Mr. Ragera, a Queen's messenger, arriveot express at Windsiur,ftram ovn, siortly afler igil p'clock e tat rvening, ant lier Mijeahy, immediateiy ather r i arrivai, hbit the intelligence commuicatedt ta hier tirougia Ibe Lord Chambeilais, vuen lie rQuerra ont Prince A Ibert expresil et (eigiiest st- isfactiona aItle gratityimg conmuncatin.-LLon- tudoi piper.] MISCELLANEOUS. * The. London paper; atimonce the teati o Rey. nods mothe dramatist, in bis 77th 70cr. ýf Commodore Napier bat elaajt IEngland (rom lihe Mediiîerraneam, mmd vas received villi greatb hamas at Liverpool. I is cataiin one af rithepaperu htli . iii taîke tie ciief commual ln the Pacifie. Tic Albert, iran steam insascl, for lb. Niger ex- pet ition, sailet Ilra, De.pttord on 'lie i3tb of April, amd ancioret off Woalvicb tra compilee ber pie' parutions. 5h, vas te sait for Atica about lie cThea Bouse eofComnions vas 10 recuoineils sess- rions aller lie Eanbev r-cesa, on the 201h of April. 0 The pspens amilunce tie riviai of Sic George Arthur, froin Upper Canada. The Duke ot Wellington compleetlis T72d jear aon thie lt instlant. Four Captains ofthle 131h mal 141h l'gt dmi- oosquareret aI Caterbur, gene beidtuh bail ira £20 ach, an the lGîh cf Arit, 10 taie Iheir triai a t ie quarter sessions, for ickin; up an nt- ragensrclou in liaI bain, on the turvions ni lit -bieeîg ira a ilote of intoxication. The London Speclatan mentions thAflkAAmen.- cami vend ldetaint mmd overisulet hy a Brilis cruiser, on groundieue) uspician'cf hin; encage! in tie Éaao rate, wiîh be ie rt raâ, 64hese tiings are very avhvard usl flog.ei LATE NEWS FROM CHINA. Ttc overiant ladin. mail reaciimt London au lie 101h of April, iingin; dicru fromt Canton 10 the 2Ut Jaury, Cacuitate the Ib 1h of ebruryand Bombay tuthl aiof Marri. On tie 9th of Jmany, notiin;satiefaelory bai- mng hem licitat trou hle pmsiW emmi.amu Kesien, preparations vere mae f. slackia; lie Bogue forts. A force cf aout 1,310 mon "rsterhe comnadai of Major Prat, vwu iberefora lande!in a hihaW lour Ciueepee tort, vaile theelshipe Callioupe, Lame, andi Hyacinîh loopàapoillot appasi thelover batery of the tort endtoped a lir "uil, the steamers Qucen and Nom" . lrovnla selis vila groat effecî mia lite apper fort, a Iat tie garrison vetm quickly rompelledthoe tncaste il. TheIi. i âmesasiter mmm reeaame, acndetheli enmd tabla;pessesion oM lie afot,puine!a 'cryde.- Iractive fir. of musietry ule lie gardons oM lie lever balletand, velbin assvabous hItIbir adin;, lie Erla assie caveor lia fort. Tie bu of th.Briltishmifnceeatted tlabave bhem ,3 ile*aad 26 vosnded ; liaI t fiiheCbh"maalava- tioualy rmtd airkm 500 li 7110. lltaeuaiy villa tus attaci heL ti lpDraidl, Samama;, Modeste, and Colombine tank op lieï posiion oppoit. e t thfot of Ty.cocktovi vhich go"rthie muwbentramce .oflb.eDaes Tligis, "à them. afis wu tiie circulais rtrous Caltain Eliot, >ni dated Jammmay 20, wbielà lir hane gven soen ont extracts,, tagether vigiI i nguardocuemt Mt- o leIl.imperial, omauom et ms 'ta ira-CmP?. ELLea i CmeCuLASI. e, mACAo, 2Mih Jas., ISU. i, a.r Majuqty's p1 eauvsmy humovWta sa- to M " tce b.c alism es iamry arrangement$ as balaie» the . imperilt cmmiWmer sied himelf d6 ibdointmgth.e4Uvm odtm: o d 1 . n e eai o o th .i s al a " d H a ihm o f H e u ; di koag te lhe *Isàtb cr0v. Au lm ewageaMWd dodute te 0pirepm e oema«ellried aie ut (hMrs Iopaid as if the. (radoaie.conducted aIt 2. Arnlu miîy tet.l Britiush e.ra eut0 3- Diftet alicial i «m Jur.betvee lb.com. Bdi k thr~0I e portf Cmu te l.eapen in 1 Odmys £*tmthe diiiie MW year,'mdtae ecar- vi.i ocmaeta Wiiampos liln lartier arngemniane le praehie at thbMWmmv ttlemest. à* Datai em a lter of negolitilc. m t dclie utberMaest'sGoemmt buaio T e , -q h t f o r Il e r i v l e i n C h in a o x c m i e ly f o r t h e i tlIy rforming hie uIty i. cfercla; tbmptotec. tim 0 cc riti h titheubjetolu, c m oh etiao beige povers tuat may teroman tabe- endm be~7r Nmjoda f autier Plissure, liera vll li no port or other charges te the Brliti Gov- * Ii. plecipotentiary nov permits iislfto make a foe general observations. L' The obli villa df pont and redressed injiuries gi er illov naturlly front the right feeling of tbe i-Queeulgs abjects. Imdeedait ahould lhe rememher- ld al n ctetof modification resulting offly trou il political intervention cau lb. efficacloos au the ?9 staat7improvemeat of onr conditions mileuait lha 11 syatematically secanded by conciliatory treatmeat 'Y of the people imul becomi; deferesce for ithe in- ci stitutions and govemment of tbe country, epýon the 1- thresbold of vhich v.e areabou a lib.estahlised. 1 Ile plemipotentiary cari only proaume te advert r"very brielly te the zeal mnd lisdoin of tbe coin- v- mander of the oxpedition tu China;- admo t h at diraue union of ardour, patience, and torbearance which bas distinguiahed the officers and forces of lail arminetaI al points of occupation and operalion. ai He ia vieil assuredtheii.BritlihCommuoity %vin Ssympathise cordialiy gith hlm in thaîr lastin; res- in Ie for his exceilency and the viole force, bc la i asbaoeed to express in meuh ineldequpee terce IL He cannot conclut. without declaring that, next 14to these caulies, the peacpful adjustlent of difficut- taies musttlb. ascrtbed tu 1he acropulous good fii of the ver7 emicnt person with whom negotlations Fi are stil1 pen ig Pr <Signed) CHARLES ELLmDT, Klier Majeat3's3 Plenipotcntiarys China. ýd CIRCULAI. itTC H &fi MÂJZaTY'a iCDECTS. blAcAO, 201h Jan, 1841. ,t er Majesty's plenipotentiary considera il ini- r'cumbent upon himami ta(oseo..no limne in aàsuàn ;athc commercial comann ity tlia vilgi ose bis Ilbeat effo>rt with ber Nlajestyls Governnemt Io se- !Tcure an early an ntire advance of ticir cilma 1 ýofor iodemnity. e And, mindful of the interest ot parties in India, bc will mot faitrempectutly Ko mova Ibe Bighî Honourable Uic Gorernor Goeneral of [mdi.. Io se- cond lieza purposea as fat as may accu justt 10 bis lordabip. (Signet> CHARLES FELLIOT, Ber Majeahy'e Plenipobentiary. Froni ihe Canton R.giaWo oJn 19. b TUE iMPEIL CoxxUSSlzoeeua' ORWER. tV. have juil received and transiateth Ib 'llow-I mng order from Keshien to the Keunming fou of Ma-I caoi, vlicb l a rider to the Birtisb Plenipotentiary'a t circular, and confirme tie gond and gratefol news 1 continued! in liai ducugneni.9 e c Kebien, a groat ministcr of state, 1manimperial 9 bigi comaismioner of Ibm second order of hereditary1 poic itstidenoiity, andlacting govermor of tihe Ivo Kwang I proinc.,griea ua tes Ilchfor Ibhe(fll intor- t m alin f theTungebe, or Keuniming foo of Ma- I cau. "i ll Engiiah barberiana are now ébedlient ta t ordere, mnd by an ofilcial-document bave restoied lrigbae and Shahee.; îmoking me witb the muet I arnest importunity that 1 abouit for lieu report,i r m beg for (<imnperil) favor.f - isAt prent aIl affaira are perfecly Wel aettled.à t-Tbe foîmer order for atoppîlo; their Inade and catil E; ffthe. supplies of . voisions, itla uncneces- 11 cary go enforce ;i a o.u purpose tiist 1issue a Ibis. orders tu 1h. sait Tungcbe, Ibt b le may obey accordingiy, withoul oppoaition. A opecial des-i Frotthe Bomay Il mm Macâto, Jan. 21, 1ait. Chusan, il a uenderalood, viii ho evacuatot, and u ne port vii ieo oedeto h e Plorthlard. The Iv futmrecourse of tii. opium Irad o damaioemctho0 bave formed! a aubjeet af disea.on ; boit vo ne- Il dantmmd opium moy lheimportad iet & lewevat-a limanal mihiugli sati contraiandin Chi",. 1 ne tendalIrates tieua ason a hah marriod e enat Wbmpo; smmd outil va loruthe propoesdaia 1mem e o4iie.Brliab geeimesî viiiregard te 1 Haug-Koug, v. commet pretemd tehnyvhisas tla lklaliehdivertedlta the &vceg etiMeut.AI- Ib rlogauber v. look uto lbth arrangement as a very t eimtisfaery deacription of comprouise ; and wep efeur lhe ouly resi and tangible reluit viii bieaà Pelicent of 6,000,000 dollars villa Ibthe orcified lime, pueély coilectedl by som. addatiosli mpota 1 1en the femign trale. We do lmet lithtalmy il reduectios eof the existin; h.mvy duetle incoi a bmupltios r my medificatmn a<theel-ecionahie hbug Z=2ea;bat me trut, ssii., thedetaila of the toi, éragemtamlaepnaulgmled, v.abiss fnit thèse ai 1altera viilieh pnoéerly armmged, and mm hope a1 heaoidiied etamecore mystea a! trade for la *9 eihures. se Noehusg can zea th ibnidignatioondidiagen à' V" ciCapt. E£M«%u'm diage have .cl# da imeugat aàlclaueeof = a ubjecta ut a aIl f. sud Chinta. Pot bu yha. iiftegeced *aLien Eîuq~to - .toi CAjNADIAN JOURNAL, POLITICALe AIGRICLILT«URAL& COMMERCIA.. KISONIL, CANIADA, iLILDAY, MAY 18, 1841. PMre bIsioee .Fi. ee e". lé. On Tueslmylie 26th ait., as vi have been la- ârMed lia Beisb Mi ACvu ta hbae t ai Hong- bon; matapoGrtOfetilim force te ho diamuimt, ltak iormai poeesom or lie lain thle Me 0f beri ma* -y. The troope vereibn tehtn. eMINbenimd lo rouais on board ahip mmLUiproper Z fsrter vue provitet for themc on &bue. Capt. holi wuvas leprceia ew idy na etam mp lie river ta second ba; r;iea os le bave ns interview vila the.Impial coumiio e. 'lue flovl I"prll.mmm rain; Ibe m O f lb., Kits lve I lau irefro.commuaca. um a (Mdofe uiemptirea aI Wampoa.- 'iSvesai ctrek 5lma 'rja oed1 off the coult obosi. à aihMd capied iu4We1. Capi r y" iI.vs. ah. dab e vr- UmoV.duth gpeai;dlUcuIty by Lieut. Uhàea, %lascars atdsoldiera, 0r ate eammke siye honte, in viicb tlaey ver uml spacealfartadys; ma" liey lad meady scc«""- etola iscliaga baisai»e uti a jumite cessey them la Cbiuma4vmWhoubey veo.pemacet op=n hy Ibam uadm oi sud c oerydimnto Nieg- Po, viîere lwonsvetaIfiast Most i.iomanly Ire ait. PemrMm .N"illie ltherest, wu ibrut manachilots a cage , lie omly dhlfeece in ber tntmmatbois; liai bar ironsaouaré liaiter lism tbois rout on ithe mm. Tia, h7 tgme., gava vs a Jomilter (resaiment, antil hbey veto mau atlula iee. umeete, betting k&cin (loir pnsm ;,ont Ouafly mozatierinulgncesver grmmted, mach centributing ta their ensifait. We lave aie receiret maumambentie accenet Of1 lia ciagmatuatatendons Ibocapture cf Capt. t Anatrober, vich it in avery panticular fhoun wbmt bb yet boom pubilsiet on Ibe aubject. il1 apo te u ltis allicer vbiie ouI on a sarvcy,1 accomfaiet oniy by aIod and favoarit, native eerau, v snnandet and attachet by a crowt of Cbiunse, viuaraseo oul i, vithe a pode bis aervant bat brougil viti ibm, be manful, bept hibe, uil thie numbera augmenîing, atd eeim; i boxpouer fllower, vbom b.e vainly endenvoune tg reacci., nhumly murdered1 metd ail retreal pre. cludeol, h. ondeavcarcd hoaOfiet bis ssq lirougi theic musat i mcmpaued bie n uerery aite, bat l Wus o urse #verpovered by mumbers, mmd &truck doisv it vii aIeaeere crlts on bas has-t-r(cn lie àect of vbinh ho bovever very ciorîly ce- covcret. An acter lbat gone op to Ningpo tram the bipariat coniinissiomer, ticeclin; lie immeti- aie recas.uoofai lie pnisommia dtainedthleue. The L.mihiy Times bas lie f.ullowing commenta uopen the renevai of negociations: This interruption of boalilities osas caued, vi understan, iy the Chines. admirai seridin1, by t ucans of an oIt voman in a tanhia boat, a a; of trace ta Captain Elliot, Prae'ang toc teîay tIbal fief migil sAit a te.palch la Canton ; and, as bas ai- É vera theiecase hilierto, lie vusiem ('ft le Chines. vers immetiateiy attentedtaanmd limai girmsta u«At 1 Moodsy nîgbb, vien, if liey do nal couply auth ailtite demanda, it la underslcot bastihiea vill n-commence. JinîajaMiiibave aa fhj fr Implema. petafaay ela o t tiess ; s bas bhem em- gigit in lieui la no pu!posi turinsgtheies fi ve e iutiuandmotaltbougi n'ery body ela, expectedL olthing tramn hem, yet tiey vere canlinuet veeii afier veck, month citer monti, unbi ai lait evenh the pienipotentiary's intaion commedtla give 1 vay andthe aitack relîlesil atove delcuminet on; but mo sconer are hwo pattry torts lahen, and no lmier tos a aubordinaur Chinese officer ba; (oi c a suspension of hoatilitia., but lii imenedialell graniet, the Engflisi farces are cherked in thear career of victory, modthe Chimese aile eed la re-.i cover ionulie coansternation mbint hici lie reduc-h tien of Chuempee mnd Ty'cock-tov, andthlicde-b itrudtion cf tudr Omet, baitt urasn lien, liaI hey i aly, e pneaume, orna future day appose a moeael troubicaue reaistamece.. AI prasent lhe Chimeso are buay là removîng every lhimg vatuahie (nom the forts. We aboulul maste tbougbî bibat if negoliationa are go soont10lie remmet, they mîgil as weil h. carniet on front bhe Bogue tarte, ssbemce ihe temandthe ipieni- I >Oentiary mi e mate vibh pecaliar veigit, d if bhcrem gondtnesson for altachin- lier Chinese mi alt, such ctlach ahouit bave bhen pet-e sevèret in outil ail reloiabanci vas overcome.- But lie temptatian cf mev negeliabions, no tmalter aov nesumet, waa ton &irons tale erel theti plenipotentiary. W. save aiso lb. remarka of lie London Spec- tatou : -0 Il The massftram China, b, lie avenlant -mail,0 sa ofa more stirring tindt nt laI of 1aI monbh,a and intact more impoeing ati fnisI igil than lie facta swmrrant. Sic Gardon Bremer bat attactet rit tahen two cf tl ineor forts oI lhe Bogue, sud 0 woaIt have aitachet lihe larger toitcf Amangpay; but lie Chiine. Commander- in-Cbief expreasit eî r wisi ta tIrerait7 ibaIsort of inconvenient pas- tmie iti a ltIle talk, and Capis uEllial coult net ceaisi the lemptatban to more Ilmegotialions." rue gons a( theshipe vire siiencedth le tliin; a -.11 Irougâisseaubordinaes-vwu resuanet;il th forts voeeevacuatet by tbe Britâmi unithe tu bipsswilavm. Captain Elliot anonetlie the0 plaItic #osmanSeuvre. in a circuer, Msting taI i botbdprocuret frein &lie Ciaso eiesmaioa1 of te londfBons og, for the occup.ationuoets tie Bri"l, tbutubjeci ta lia Importi t axes;py-i mmet on intem*iy of six Millions Of eoiats e tIla mx yens; direct odicisi communicaiomns an a footing ofequiity boea lee (va w ceuris %bd tbw e.peaim;o0( lie (rada on lie I 12;f 'aeutry. 'aeee Momemeivover, bave tai. lotet y time ber.eirrai velue cm ea . nevn;u;md maccoutais imply certaiansessie« aimais lu- e th le pueitive stuteminis. Csii<mie int ad -@.M expliset lan vial masser or amd.er vital; gumne 0f bons Jide intention lie coumelooste au eSfed; ih is certain liat tie cEai, vaeman tla ila, boit e receive tie lmperim mo; itle mm evem rienvatiraugh wviéssciml a tice2d àr otbmrssIseKesien conavoyai!bis p'_p- #--_f.Ir à* actadintervviewboieeite peepotenllrymu id the imperied cemalnetrwuyei a matier c f Ibe futuore, telaie pièe oiaie a lev tu>-"9; sut Vol atgly, e theauscemeel ofthe lie ybesia fer a li ettieumt la accompamiat h the fuemitablo quel- i Sction usai 41 totails reusin amner of meetis- Jo." Thostvie omedtkaie "eft he Bo th 'ea and-Imanogout.hlbounhici b.e me. eau mahbef 64 aelatoiu "aeu.fM le h! InhumeOba 'f.. the attisai cf lie expmdtion «e»»acoul et China, andt hat Ibeir application M PeemiWu etebr lie por ei beauobailiet 117031àilem»Maui gl rommela o! lie Céiues .. renuent, erlue; eunt et It io.,rhet suaisetrai. &il& 1T be lam içi, lim nef re, coum d rn*ngil a teu - nbe plemaumptils tient lies. iap lit tiiller ha* Wft theaMdpaît u&%rg, r e aclualiW Miset allitulmétof lie mhie ot blocitat, if th"~ ba U i enboomamljecltud" Me "MWusidificul- tieell i m tau1le batrelIthe sressi, m acin the !Mise of liat eteramnéioua1emu. lb "âWesento!f(i.mater tha marchaats temnrm 84 at lbel, caetmdlslitwIbthe - imom M s viel h isselie banual permati wu adtWoresz, il vu» Irlm, lie te"J~Luh"eus ome M$u"* b.is;ig Ceplal in Si appe ia in lcihaho iaracisze lie tepariume of thea aipm o as aues ma"a imiabe ad et Mmmdly raspect lh he dag oethle United IalmU.» Thé merebants eliomeithe coxieapomodence viti afermai Pinteat ugaxnlthi. proeedmuganmd au- lce uat l liy athu" Osevd éai the. documents ta the Driserment, ndmettaiie to hoe pub- Tas Pmàms-lme mows fie. Loberae la im- Potants mis;muremMd mme te b alitaI the B"eiliiterasa îiiunminimrfre. It appears limi SiereS14gi, ials iiace the, treuips "duthé ieCity of Lahore No jin bis standards, emmacs su wb iti a tetermafietlu e ne- une1,11 Ibo lames ChudtKouets olher et Ne Ne- bai -pfs thghtro h rme. lb. cil, gelaserre sote4h arde hho ciaed a. the evemang of the 14t10ft lanamry; gons veaie plantet!aI limai, and no persvan wailovlet h o appnouch teliesl frrm the oumiat. On lie Ilti nolin; vas deci- dlàd, but turing lie nigbl nou.etofSbire Siaagi's parl-sans haviola muter t on. of lie gls, tliI cbief socceteii nestabishimg iirmalfthe liec- ty, ahe b.hobeld a turbar.b The tort a sît eouitafr lie Rance, mWiicon- tinuod ta lire upen lie- adiierent. vif Sbire Sigi. The coutue, vic il vas at firitel uagilivouit fi speodiiy lerminate in laver cf tie assaillat, vass a conliameiptephoe dte oM lie tlaiintelli ec.il Ordirs W iches issetta mevermi Brilli eg b mnîtit laprepare for memichn;, as iI vasexpert- et ovandthe capital of Pulnjmub. ZUxAcÂ-Tie second regimeml of Bengal ligil cavalry bashita banded for cowartice exhbi-i roI in an aff.ir viii sabeudy of Affien boisemin CaboeI, on the 21s1 of Navemer. Tis reagmnalb consiste af Sipaie, Or Se poja, Whîh Eulopesu aie- Cets. ic eofficers bebared gallanly, bal lie min aurmet tirir boises and lied vien onteredtu charge4 hi Affgbani. 1t No intelligence of isipottaneo hu bean receis- P td tram Scinde or Afgbaniatan tanin; lie present0 menti. Nuucrir Khan l làiii at large, bal Ibm. IP are cîron; ressorts go belole i illsurrenten bien- self. Dort Mubomet liet, on the 10th cf Feilli- tb ary, proceetot trout Feraxcuoee I Loodieai - lie tas d esireas go go ho Calcutta ta spc Lord 0 Auckland, but il vas deubîfl if Ibis vouit ho per. P iheneSingli bat deposrd liolaneeater san atacb on the citdel cf Lahore, wvi h ]solitre. days, te 'qt tie authonbty of Ibis mets R jali lfefatram be. ing gerenaity rcogniiet. GemmraI Court bati ' bell otilig-etla makte hum esape tram Lahore tla0O Ferozepoie. in ranseqlt nce of a mutin'y ameng u' la tîeeps. Major Gena-rai Sir Robent Dicb bas Il crrivet aI Madras trou Bengal, amd aasumer!lie 0e animand thle.Army allihe former pneaidency. ti Out extrorimary mapresa has ialo brougit Iet-L tes fraui AlexoDauthe,.2M1hnit., viere tlieP Pacha va, avaiting bthe csion of tbm Divan, bul te bat dscluret bis dtîeruination ta concèeo olilutet beondthe paymenî et a fixer! yerly tribut., M~ tallow no interference in li e taila of bis gev- l emml. Asaifinlu eflanre ofthbatti-acbeiiffoetce te 2M4 cf January, ha bas orderadthle army e, lioh irnesseltea70,000, vas taily btingin; in con- t scipt& t oin, ied nipe dtihe supplies ni tomr th bippet ai Suez focrlb.eltoly Ciîies, vici tari P tSeir yemrly tribai. trom, Egypt, mnd hatl raiset ..a (ha French Colonel if Englacera, M. Galiar, ssbo P rcenllv tartifiet Alexandria, & vas nov sîrenglh ic coin; Cairne, theuc ank of a Bey on full pay, 150 s perses (£750) par surtuut. Titre., Regiments bat fa been ortened frein Ceira ho garnison Alexantria, 1 rit none of tie Pacha * asi liats vero permiliet tae care lic ciiy for a moment. Tie froritieta of sa :gypt ware moci diatarbet. Mclab Nimer vas d gidte bava homleri Aamet, lie Pacia'eGovennorM fRlantoom. The Io greal Beteuin Iieson le Fi weal or-tie Nue vere engaget ini varlare on teirb uwn acruill andI the peaceabie ihblants mn- t Kaget in the collection ut natronetIthe laboseouti ce r AilxaRtria batd bien extensiveîy piondenet - s Ilie Pacha bat formeamn alliance viii lb. Be-t Couina ofli.eDesert, on the bordera et Sydra, cx-w emptiag hen ram tributs, fe., mnd vas prepang il [he ta tortifij Gaza. Bis prescrnt force îie saidteho*a a 55,000 mcm.te Aibougi thc mouchante cf Liverpol bat mentte veny complimentanv attrois Ia lie Pacha, mot- P r; neosi or praclîcai bait as Jet becs tome by iim M ý open lb. rade aI E gyp I a&ceodit e t10he lima I O icommerce amd navigation of la Limma, and rest iatiatcim vas fkit amen; tie Syrians liii tmtblnet in Elypt. Nunii, enswlle ha hoseen Bi in Ibm Regimnto! Cavale, encampet .outoeAI. « canW"tniamles.wv points, but célîy tie lut- Pb ,e, belt givea risen tle be coalud ut isat- th a obfeevet baIssee. the Pacha sud Commodore a' 'apler luie *e o eparînre, aI Ibm latten. The te gaombe min uhmd Drua. Staeihala, hovreven, Of wtret a!ely ai Doyrout. a, VITo X IIaUn GY?. Pt The moatil afs ofibeoe th ulaai, et r.- t mdin aaboyame, hm Parl etolbarre; t ermin- h ou lie ultmata lime of otaie il iipaett vwan lie Pacha. Tic flloring paragrapia co. lue about ail iaore in ofliseonitte Tb. Laipale Gazette ete dataetof iemea. an i lui menlios s lIaIPrineaMeteiermiiibat! lots- Je daclaredtht aif ial reatyoetLondon vu mot c0 kauted intempirit ofb.mmaiuv nhiebit vuoai meisedtlovurd Mabeme leAmatnia tvosi au blhdravCompheicl, ire. Il,$ami iemvm tte au t musiet a tour, whici vromift lthebcase imevita- of e, ail lb.heape.aM liy of e»Ch a cdlmi.y.» in Teeii »Mo Cciia a Cndis bava reveiht agaiul b. a ml~iapulethlacmmander 0f a lb gageb tril u pport inaaumi t i i atle a1 et e'rtgaeama m terIP ertioa l Er lmt jresa I mar ofIbe i opu'atom ce a mty pu tr l ienpe me o n a nd tl ii ii c se g e c Or ii th e tY iIbmtrtemury, Quom Isbeifa mit Ibm otpeeit.eera oftthe civil r bàad my rceied an tiuul et Uicpension me nMbhW. A hange o!(iliuiiry humtaben place hin agt. ue T 11 etleiM M are i eurnaae-M. de Moa*leom r TeviginIL M.Notiiomb, lb. tu. teuer ad,1pulie iatructaam5 Ibm Ariatdsein..au Ce.s i. un Vebm, Jubtiee cru" Brie, Finance ; 1. DeumiireePubic varka <lest- ai Bau, Wer uîsltr iu Ibm e ca"ait1 ratim ipu ot, N. Netimbbu hi Wa w direct te Imthe sugu, et Ib-m e% ncea a gimh h.e miRÜm,, l le" la isMmrY rengasgi be- cama.r Mei lnt 114it e dinofre11M h.e- MA#a ffrd j ewmà"adn4.dmm pUi*ewN DicI agaiestt helb. d t b . canton o! A ga te mupprea lb.dCt lis eDts ~or thb. amth le ArgoianGovriuent mails; e acivély ne leer ! theliaoIlation ViLthonte lii.a Tb* Vatic, Pqatm4Ou atbb uuier bande fi- balde.ed b, h ewinn" rigla ,bythe Legialatore, ve ro uumg . tw ! Ihe7 alies, laoem teehe e o (t0 Ib dda**. I Ceomorvative parti at Lemrue ere ready ta «V. port the Cath*%% o(frgas reprmesrivaeAis. ia lmdgmm Eglua aited tokisna trug pM iugMIe Diat e q" *aIbmpeeedlp et"lb vili er am e el. prose à@ In" ana etmeîI. 'lb. atleiof tisa iatreata in Amrlmu securitiebas latterly boom naonaoly dbfmtaite the appochinir insLaIisce! lfheeUmSem8 Banh fr 400,0001, i(i letala»eM-Thmuè on accoutntof uoaeys boroet hem "= = ! bai ing lirmes edcapital"as u-had ê ~fMinb stochsan dbank #haret, tbm.epa:: ila=1 U weregoble effenldauaiatd perioda. 1 lh. munt failore of lie hai mf t e am* e lpay- mcmli in Philadelphie, end le redeeaiqiee.vmmî ,l ehuilofIl geeaiafaiaviicii upes *0 (à» of il(oeu balance -théel; vu squat hte Upa araticu et ComplaiteiaMecy, ver.i iougi, it motbe thoughl te m.matemn, ài~e thaï au fer ls tho Payaient e!of I mlt led on tacilitie for raiine; or money caîber er. or la the United ýStates, titra soult ml b. the alightesthope. And oo lb. resmit ibatpevd. IL le undera ioot novi b Ib t epea t l. = b LOO,OOOL cannotl ie takou op, butal i lMIom mpo lbe Mnount IL lie raIe oh16 par ceat. lm, b. itOr praored, and mn atditilcual deposit et 11111- CM0. nominal value ln Penssylva sase8ae", placed im Ibm bauda o! Meute.Drainerendon,, by way oe bhouer security for thm utimat e mIlale- tion Ofthb.principal. IL viii lie rcuembered liaI Meus. Denion and Co. were constitad iltnse Of tie large amounis tito ate stocks origimaflly de- pasited i. guaramlce e ibm te. or isaces on boom notre aret dn tatb ava acemdmd th the truef tol ding off udir clmima5 butal i ibeiieved liait the greater proportion ofrlthe notes reprenat- in; tie noneys reaily advanced are in the holding of bankers and oter capitlakts in ho coutjy,, upn wbom lioy vere rtflVfo@d t&b@ha ima, brougi lhe inetruentmlîty mmd mîrbng m ritin; op. of the BarkeO is'Creulor, vici sjeenaliy .own ta b.e t apaw ao, a certain clique et London bankere, viio bailgnor. stata abocke and peut note. than, good tiaaand t ra;gb im-le trets me h.7wme il was oMua& laet dvMyo- Hovrever cutiotia lie tact may b., il la mot Ibo ris certain, liai country baches mou ejerahy concoîvet lathe City lbe more gitted vith pull- et$ tuli of money Ibau brains fuît of vlsdom.grose. teY viii h.edispomet to act ripounthe ccason of tis mon .paPYment ci ost-motes atdadvmece. mp-. cears mol to bc absoinuly amcertaned, altiongh il la Bot eaSY ho diacover wiat ot4er course lbey cian porsue than go falow uhoilether of thebmL. don tribe, iy whom conningiy totrmye into the crape. An evemimer palier, in alludin; te hea m- fir of tie United tr Ban. sk instalmentlan î,e "monmy article," lahe.occasic o nio enale lia Mr. Jaudon, lie respectetaàent Of tIeBa nk, bai scaped ail persoal respoamoiilty by tabla; bg ipltu " fr ii.United Stamu e thebmGrasig lýe,4'tn,, b u jubs .PAt'taen ber depeunw. ira of .si i ay bc olîerveil, on thei. atulity of Mr. laudom's trient., thal bc bas mot liii Iii. com- y, burormains etil1 a resident bere. And seu- cndty, vbaLever tie condition of the Ugijtei, StalesBah Mr. Jaudon bas neyer miova biamel th man ta shrinh trou the performanceof durie whici uet loing bave lhoraexce.aively oeeroue id ;realy disatrecahle., or troin amy resposshbifity 'ici may pernally itaî.cih10 ihm. If paru"%I resPcctabilitY Of ciardcter, emd persolataea esultine, cout i ave mavedthtii.credtlo! a prieci.. Pl, tic United Siles Bei, under lie agmey o! M r. Jauton, vouit baro osasped ils preent age If degradatom. IF re " 14 0" Lee m k e fceM j ar O <A&P r I Ii The insalment of Lise ban le lhe United lam mank, vhich hocaie tocueamaymoslah É,000 ixinds, wu mol hy taqaertiue e! atm mtock of thb. véme o 50( Z dolléa, or men« tae eleen jareai m c eaumiostpoad. 'Ine terrait mn the amie bu lbse areglry pali op Lotlitorpnenttir". libe eoarmet*(aMM bodm ' Ibis loaecl-liptey iinabruti! w reidia; at diatase-bas moa ye bae rmelvedp but ai tb. rincipalbodo ttaum hed muting mt vbicb 'lie mrramgemetvu eomcided Md agrmed te. [Tee." eh G -et*$heeveau gae' mpi. vulVE» 1fATta EAUX. Iltlasidthmmfair of the United 8L«lankma rer.es, u; bîci 1<11due en Ibm 151hLutam", il gara 1.1 uupmid, lb nov lena Ertai r b d. 1elaei, M«y Molb.he iinus havi4 agreedth nte ir pvancea pom lthe termepcemd haia feuro!rhem bore progestast ig=bode 3e Dbete ite urpeoeedisege. lb.iMdiu- y buhm paly rem.wd by Ibthere - W -:, Wlth bonh a geaDlOW 8par eut. lalseu atdof pen.t frab thekmdmo0etl dm til e n nt$ usoliject htehie,adar the plpag balli eigi nimelt priseou*@ ue .yeug a vu 2 pet cent., vhieb, wvîhh6 par eme eternI, iouglit tie ac"uallsqua te 10 pas wj. mi

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