«DiA mm'a flsm ?'y but lb., I _______________ W casu* w,»aa tom k cta, 6oelPManld a pis, *» am uik fr Ceitalm, with na MgStd fiegetle afth wi*humýiteadmrtmeut et aHl duulptioew of -A I-, e.fiu quter cuh a e miur o ld m wWle ý aiStrr, Md M*Ji4. f ie has muulwd ";. 6 g8 mmamet et ew ackey and ci"; a few "had Dlan evi«e. fi l iàe ofwhieh wauj b. nd eCtrme1y lm~ W. a J. WILSON. mastdoc.,21dt Apil, lm0 JL t* 4 htae tIe , îha aum e o St, T. Whc1ue bonm e ««WlEmeme M«1 aetDms ted nw.s41;o -v .. aA HeL ,Égdbàîc, Sicl. W5aI =,W »à Mn. ii£ buçNm nt WNZI5t aft lie*y dsàetse W6" à bat. SA%!Ëm yWOWA2. mpim - Unm l #rAmirlaWpci0mOMMel i la maeed l in Ptheoàasd 0 w" bi i Put lamhea, A1li Iml thé ieuSCam BNEW ENUVS! NOUNhU -Prao# Pz~rsal t g beevieea NEqARy m A Dos- Sitm Stati M i tI tit, 8 D it e CamiOOa ditsa "Ib giemumiGlu . W A? A<W Moi »dll O ial, *Wu#1eslppa eetg WgLtfi*IMED RAT.! bc oMe% MU$Fmx V tm.0 a Th eyliluI , tu' eaboevie meotewtte O»rta cèrieo, Crockery, Ail bb etucc,à taaaig iss y.rièud mm rhW petrnmei mlg, te b i.LqIltY, d M >.be li pelce * fe1 I Iail Je WuiWge lse keep on hami lmrmlmg Z:se*0 saiuq Mex c~on",lotiee U Ne.w0w n. Ltà agi 4tl~ZUdlausm~t l fts fa dieee . L>etG" l ,t i ul& la ie W.. ~.Wh.a~oebwS(-t aa *ca at "sMmurgmmlet.ei e mt.t mesa it r, .W1%@ Jetau»Wle so iiila jmaaes*;948 er attudu b Momami . u0vladte V B'K îouoersPEioiw. 'v u"ea,-Fu Saa"e iwTM sitht outai1 Kmpten, Fe. 1Il, 184 FOR SALE, I'OW &,t.term e tti. cataChILni A as «rMagii* C m£8,ý» cà ,m TUE SIJESGEBEU K ?~ te il. Mamie ta flair liberel asppial Oc- ~dtmle~upOaseqi lu,.. Ijia. a£t.0ai oEil bqe.43miwao- tm 4mtwa Utr » la usaç&i *0 peuf ~ot~laeSedet t>'tals oea iiime lm IaaieveueuUsse*3 sPamu, Anid lm 4r on lame Wt Lm mt Wwmmze- measa avm , ited4laMas103;»lle t pesten = Obd tewul' >'Mybina if usm c- IWdrti1 rTle csmumtivei l Iueal'alindab s imm diate relief, aMi laaev ianstaaosa bu vrciglla permaent0 Mt@ame emaela the lad staes t tht ioem;l l4m tata m ii, Il vil fi d ite give smah ni4 d, misl>'prelimg tiâti noma t flite miri" b cu t e efl arl> oxulaguléyth 'le Tm amhatiber hoinlg vltumed ahit pain lthd peat destruaicnof et i h Uand lite e efsmmii>a ai Ue "p ky âmeg b> bu saemtaratetand d ihl iardcdneses, bon viii mue ni'rr = rusilaio, puparod tes cluiea ea,è ithaillingte.bSwat ti csruti. s tesgtoft e li aslcai eeli>'mmte rai its a -thseuthr.ldsaa . ïi. alta-- mlcpmu, r id~m'l i l l eperier la qptbiltu ptL iiseià d 5aed sp Iione, lia di" a acaerding t. lia directions l vii affect a cureil a ii"eesont eitan, l intsc iletu 'Tic 'e la in uuwetlving, almest ml' <3igpite visme bave hi- amalt ui atart md elet. W. ,W samuit the amares of a kwa0vWa blMé1 ; . Wa"e. la. 5m A.ài &. D etmgDr. u ise. W .. N. AM. ,1 ewW ndVui rehto lassnai. AgentIt el. Pieq .cdLa sses" haIoautaeistalem ppyDia* A b chn.ts m e , Cealaterm. I Dahà fflaitee gelt mti tbet1 icauipueus ai MEICIIE in saï m, IÎT TiONAEY in il IW vaite =- % alcossmcmiclOOKS, a coiaa soectiet cf msutqelltmsniou seielaring lMe, prr>losC( OM eôete Aur, 4emmcol AW»,-PERFUMERY a"i DY-STYFs. Kimggseectbehicl leu1. FURs. ùn1IEAP Fruil. PBESbatriber ln acknowledging the very A lterisemaeimem teg.isbtgot*ho on- tats e e, flimes it utm f l,., ùma coegiy Marcitaa"md uiobamta<tere, 1y,,vlej Teicpeetfol> Ntors tcm and the pab- ha " hoi u bu >t rece*Ved pet aiip "Freecn", &as MWlage uPply of umi ed ta, sIDeata. WAt"deW» A ir, i, >e -Gemat Melile, Fl 01ce Wb M th rce Lamaieuet tht e- gc1 od au eripmpol»d4 let a Cebmtr. ai leplimo-e ilemiIu t e WaslaIsL. &aimac, md ce 8. we tt -y dssarp*i. am mesuse flriug dent io the etoit mmwr. ,Çoâpwiw d e trWPPINQ Fmi. A r. itIiptpembemm5iilaaf 9WWta»u, lort Otise18 0(94R AL cvt clsessepltttceLEl 8 lMl.lkblukt- o 0 teg~aéce~st irdd e s "!&dami le qwat6e q- 4*aasts 42ls7nwyaafe ai A l>maiaxtlisselia- * ~ eummqe bopt5fpLa~eii ~ý4O neê*ULMMI so .. E~~~LagLmci9U0 km'e~ Mi td Liai thi poé *Mi basa t* m wm td t&%a ni5fsa ilretta rtemdy. gwmiSesh a fha (mat en siai thc eenay' 4@0wý * MIT. fk ueb. lias. *66 ulUinevutigata uvi Sad il.§0 *b métal@ tih e tier phdesis repmim moi abeouet mMay un amm Med pipsicia bgtto 4 MOral Md ceratretn liime. Uem- p. titi modicie ie &Ilil profteata lie. Giedlme hava tlId tht propefors mteu, liai, tiode po el net tic' el M puat.ctltafe hOnma leeri mile lie>' base tie ailaI. Tic> eue ul b 1me of the vont kind i el aesinaa 1evw lm1iftakai at the commsceent. Tle7 tiUs âme ut msVilIou the hast deailit', maid iwpnediyWeil., ad dbrièit. PU %et tpuldiegin il a trial? inj*gtiotmat is, tbaithia remedyamin7 teP "maaI sud pleasant te tic laste> aud chgl iresm i it alays at Lie gramiai remimast. Ib r" peetr hmDow maklreg rapi alge- ,,0,tut"hav Ibis article inth li bads ofe ei> iaugglat"tdiapetiecar>in iiseml a.IlMay isiea te lois einseby the pigitst.rse dthéi gcutlsuisan id piyalalaui vie la the aulior et il. E SPOJIN, M. D. a hlai greal pleaure thst tise agents am ene-i allaes la te img foard an artirle se trlen>'me- rln.is m tis amp, a mm @ml &»Mb saie, nd dImm tuticcomumit>' uhe bave eccesafer le eemal' alwaye lsd it aithlathelr reaIk bati m te places a% abicb il omal lie tsuin, BD the bw lcea e ai b L la t eld, andaud mlreaçeca- tl iE.DIL SPOHIIN' ]CLIxXia Orf HE<m. 058FR V.d 7N. Symptowa like the folloalof are sut, ta vieid te use: tabuese et tic alomachb baacae, elizzi- wua, paipitaiscu cf tie boult, imp.ii alrpetite, etedros m"iaid patreseedtetatos, cati- Dm ted veaikeesofethle exlrioxitiet, emaclation amui 1Seerml iclility, iaîune.i reat, as aeseof of préeusaandl sciaitaitihe stoaeci ater cal- iage algit mare, greai mnental drupoodena>', se- verlyng pansn in lie abeat, buck uni aidea, ca- tienetitàidk for socci>'y, or coversation, In- valinlar>'sieling ani weeping, Iaasgour andIu h- gitude U eel atexerc6a. Ta bubc ai aiNo. 2 Flleo-so eNw nit, andi er au respecta- ble Druggis. D.SOI' 38.131810V IBAILTH. T» letdigg pinltter>upen alli kthe great use et thia Syrup ispredicsled, l intat the etomaeai,% thle soat cf ail disesa amfevetisb ns- tms,emtd et>'disesier incident te lie cloaiàhever- sdi>4 "saticle. Tien. is iberefore ne leveretr cl, seibes, inolammton or dabilit>', or ikne, ai stomaci, (exceri wilb f. maies, enewer nij eMtaI>, or jaundice, or d)-pepsia, but abat it wvii e. Tiheut> tteg asàttat Ipeoplte tud bha-i tient and depeed -pin k. For anéisa it bsu equal. E. SPOHN, M. D>. Saaiet Ne. 2, Fletaier-t c o mur Maiei LUa, aidji mau respecleale ugls DR. SPOHN'S E3LIXIM 0F ILEALIM. Il ibu icme s geral practice vil maasy te use Ibis article in ail caeset afcilde, pries in the bonis, or beer> iageable fealing, temti gte bradant e Dihiliéati. For Loýetiss, if 'ae, tîregthîedaiyit cemplilol'Furethe evoire vilient prodaalag sickoas. wbccpigalagugi ant ail ceagit et chaîdren, are cutea b>' IL Tic alamac ià La inhopeticci oriar 1>' itamoiIl ii quitt icepsiiet laI ". mn'aieee Slaicom- mensce white a persoa eutmag tilts 8P. éj- Ifttouiai>l à eudua aM Y,>' ealh> and Youngf avpcaanc dr'iviag or ab the bu! mc eft li ajuem. "e genein t 2 9Fletcier- [tiets oe daebloes Pearl yiL New.York, b, Cssitei C..,N. Palmear, Chumisi & Drug ,s glasgit ,Upper Cataa, aal b>'aul ceapectu OPINIONS OF THE P1138. lcet evariais disesusl te hpissans art ahmljeWhi oeNOM fkruehie counry tte sigil dlimes, tcaotan prove fatal, ins coaleqnenco afon. *itsflre"teitL.Waemdrsaausstdiamle Dm"e, au excullent medicine., m»e Vinhme a Spehe'. EIixir .of Hemiti. ba lie Wasle"lu Dr. spua aperfoasti Ume vatueteal aveu, of lur mli cimer rinseies lad <mid.» " Omptamteciamta, tid Othe"a protdieg st a log Voyage, CIsD"otprothe ltemulfras th 1 mare val"mne ccmipaeioo timna medicint of ea. eeediag vorli mmd alit>', inean auontegu*1 dmuta, 11gb tallois, si uni Pmi," De.SpelW Elixir ffet altis. DmurtSpela usrevai lii hlglis.t icmtiiasaf Isdia eariiaaq ellcaci tuée MAit puainiînnt Naval Mdi Miditer>'sa -,emu.""speuaccliuitit Medichuine ttg a vey uiaueide I"tbmtuaeiiaanhi w am"Rou, la et erenilapa>' a aïs ku Mueas e l te eni09M , b>' svetalut id s ea dilnl#iumW obeos cf fia cm>, have lez m0 o.11cm etise pMttiet W*dvamlebonduit lasecsmugil th Ie notice et ant et un eeA I»umsballictaueil i esi"r iteGo urfle usa poplatd hibiy apciaicino dicintise uacary d militarye =î sin anla atil01etDr. 8Sjelm', imen as liaEligirs'Ê bistbl. ThOumilie in edeserveitlespeom e t auascileai coerectives after the lad. an et tho telle e tote si 111 - -- une xi acala.l . - Z7uru«-& mti iert zemo e bat mW." Iefqe ysand Uset>' icalas a àztfiz mmof e pfi iseuff a.evsesot tipihm: aut!U5 am e1c licit W li It cltienb W elvicgthsimiw me boitsg e ta ieaee0" e.reoft Il levataor mmr qla d o eu Dr Bb o las teino" ;a a &W" aila . k ea : 4, 1'a w eisai e"t te lie gaaag se Uda Dr. Sp* aai cille "Y heo piyc vt afy ami lci c.alsiertimt'bs. t>', as ascii c.sair of e the acuat>, ais * great prepdtlul>'til t he i£oged i ela èset ,i' Klilir d nIlb, eut tcqmlexpuliment; e -ee evil sell ile abçeeodet tom lie wmtet ils, accetim le isadirctiea. sd eatingpua -a ude mstviS dte imrent fene- ratios, hdm @11 onpt eai lcataM wikhava Tvrbc b jut et. of Shakspemwhc eker ot mci c agu miet cm ret.eTaaateWomitém Teo ambile aLaidigesiona wTls laia u iiicet, evomme>'ticaster simd- f aiseutd, this i mei.l'hie aiatonmi sle bave ah saemtted ltu m u ,cavr et tit admira- bit sadicae, l y justit>' su peaking cf il im termitetftthe ha i aisae."l "Miy dear Suaulonhave tequeated s>' cas. did opinion f yet jEuriuir cf Realti, 1 have mach piaure im sttuimgtisât vicealaboelng nner maea- suemillasu 1te lceb t e cr adelsuauaboip- ta la ay, til*h atloneceme wu -in ever>' va> tien l 1I realid sir; andl tecrdim5lY oitemis ose 1 dataeaMy recevlr' Icectlder il an excel- lent àsut>' sedicine." « Misslas t requentie nesticittteedimg te bia genocat aill, etit à longted daasrea llsai tempuo i a te Mmto e medr"alman for relef. Se utali au st, if svtey on.e attMy renu hWeald latete idteandmive tvmiCa etUtisedut a s eev me arefau etil a ce ln au ibssI el opiaistli a, apasmismi lbilions akeclienaateiency, haituealoehivceu.nervtec mni sick huadacis, maliacSel ichumera; ini $hor itaitdiatau rs " flons raman imptinit>' c tl bi e tare inliafiai, if tit Sy'cnliens ini- trodiei Tate evet>' fandi' a inte Cunitry, (and me haaventuimu liaiIles m ili bu,> liait th ht et ail weuld lhe voadufaly luprared, and the peaiciaofevery acmscosidtmibly bouefltted." lit PRESERVATION OF HEALTII" «l bas hcaa remarked, amist trul>', that tie lire rlav secrets of bealtb arecadmt>'rising, exetleand persowil cîcauliaces. Petanal olamdimo. mil bave it in thir pieuer taobserve; bat te mMelay ar>' tiaing l incSveuieat, snd ex carrieimpaible, in coaequenca of the naturseto lisait ali>avecations. Te tiese the ose et De. Spoin'a Eiixir of Heaîti Wald prove oetgrilat valis e i therervatioa cf ihat lovaisaaie b Mca- mm-healh." vumie 4SEASONABLE ADVICL-" Cc 'Taire lime bylite feceloc,' saya tic adage. Taife medicinetth loi r limeas, vo.IL ie aait cf le sedivokleiacertheliapeopet amuta e ek relief inmmedicine, lias, il lat iacuvar lie frtper mniciie ahiahis ladai mniniatar cotteri tr- lie aficiaed patient. Dr W Spobn'u Elixir eofiltalti, '*Llis bas obtaînede1 celebrirthle 4 uoaleof piyii, unequailed ilt amaluot or moerrn lims, bas peteemed suai as. tctilhiultues, liaI numbsof et itfarcît', il ma"ce la Dr. Spehn, have publiai>' rtcordei ti epinions ofet s sosserfal and exitep&ilar beai& realecn; qulltlea."1 Io N. B. Let, îlerifolthefoloung Suiesb, W RULE lât. lu Fui1 a commeacetauler neua sfourlafull o re tiaS>'rand titiil t el ticoltater. Aie hi tbo aus mch agurs jouplisemte malle il pia* $*mtt oradelment if yen Peser il alient. SExt Os mg. Ti. insiltul oi taken aIt (ret et tons a-drafts, et intervall etof20 oer 3t)minutes. Tsi. t lito lercitrelisater aller il, aLlik ili ses.,, nu1 eopleasmot testie Wmtip. If yâi cicetemi, t-iele tablespeo.t.iI vill a qeaer of a tmbler 0 r- aeser, and taire il aaii atoce, amd repett il q 20 minutei. di RULE 2d. 10 If uqels ta fvuoe,11or balicolcetive, toit, en active athitie. As a as a aperatas elpot the bheli, or if lie tever l Iglhe, emoloce a te coneslice-setfibis micine. Fr 'abrilato ta *III taimwtoly lieproitoceelif S11hutairco aile %- pijl et hleiding, pruridet tic ppemeus eep l te a warm roem, or ceveret op l a m e u. ta BE i rMeit le tipetapiraticonand (ae'r se aonis li tihe mme lime. J.Per-spironuewllial mur>'atm" r lloa viticu pisyse«orbiicd-tctimg, si the pchucu iltse alue in RULE BM. For DysppseCogmnsis, DivisaiOf oo a -afler cuting, cor culasq3, tais il afler malhsa tu ahl d uirected. Hodossaof Fod iand gRawrbmi, l% viiile àùaatcuet. W RUILE 41h. 'Y Attar ttesomit imer, btas u saper Rei Ieatâlagycep/fillsa or amip i la'>' labu i4, m V aaiupliat moetqUetI p e eveull.Le us net le eledtie el dmCg cutinitcatutl t4 hIndlsase lbavie Muon utpositivel>' lia ~ a lrilstni lutot av tbitg da.eay>'Il etiss.ly cmienvl0 el îheir inimttgsma. Le Lall , lumthcIcituru viIls ticcegblme. 14 i 4ideaahmmo.acne.i. ftht pence itI -lîr Im&ea à4la.tu Magti me"-#lIou -a.lw l is dem Il b>'eisdme au of. Su, u m deU J UE8sDCBWet. Çd 0 id e dsCSl& .'Xuja arn>1 de d 4. CutOv lta Lset le 40» dePBowebU tlO s&'chyScls '30 a0l dcteef l M a l dwrwUmti% ie 40 "aUS' hm~ t. .i = »0 M0Tt ltOmot.& kwht Io - - de * 9" 1ý %Wj'o W nom -=Ihm DILBRUAELREWES' Celab&muîud RAcuesîl,1 Neye ut Umet LII I ENT 440ed uscrring musd rugit, has cure; epvgies reliel in thu swellaitg of the erLao fluet, ad televes thet Otist andCC so the limbe, and viii tie uaeillu- illmmatiouot ofe iic fiel, ris, mtsenes weak Iamba, and exturi r. chas ant rated.- A ftlesdrops; ons4 'ier anejçleto ti. Car etId e»f persony,., motp spplicationecause tIslas tg brai in;",or RECOMIIENDATlONS,, Item lthe oumerons Certificates 'Ai î' h pMeîcor bas receicci f il& elicay, j' tic *lîwiag c 81101 FACTB TO TUE AFFLI ltis sonmetitnes urged thiat the Rheumý mot Le cardext ernal epplicatroorç,. % be trse sefmetiac; but atlj, ctaCîly tiat dilstre@sjng romfplaint caane4t e teer internai rfmedies, exegt l'y tbir long ,À aillatuse, t>' ubici cirias k t thc amare atea becermes cameraliy deraned, md destroyed. Ee eeotm. simil the great tistres; of the suflerer le ted ? wbile sicci slowand danhul t CrndrM tieu t erait Tic coauer s plain, csn., rod traic, me Di. S. Hewea' crN err so Liniment. No nmsnecoulJ e t a Il resha miscles tie nere, more lla, Mo ifecluAliyon ils iet applicatio,,ail tra repetitiensaremorti more effecîil '1'Rh.iea lni e, lion any ic5 eric i applicateon ois ccc, krogw l,. Vuts Iara pmereful i ditmeiiite. LUt ied try 'il Leut once îand il'e),musit e cs, SIIIJIAEL HEIb s, K c>Tic felewing is te- respef table sa gentleman log weeil Lnown tu require rom Let lit taree. " 1 have hein affihieid mallatglieloroly~ 183% , it iieoumaijsand cmrtracîtm l corda ofrmy legs, causeil b> the Crirois cholesa, wiici 1 thon bii mil ortse Apter trying many remeies in in i,1 hn,, relief-bat the codaeut1,r>' legs relu,~ aweliingq reduced, sa ia.n ge8fly ee lie use of nue bote of I ls'Norre il Liniment, usad externaily, and neOOC otin, dian Velltable lioxir, usedi nlcroally ktO flime. 1 cau iuow aalk vith rase in ioit I ctld not a week :sgo cnlore t il. t JANMI-S G. REY!Noj 144 Cirytie bsirei, Corocr i)lr Tic above article for nle it Ne. 2 tit mc lAliem*1 Lameon, oor bel w Pearl Cceatek&Co. Genermi Agent.,, md lj avec>' D"Uit ini Amerira. &* x.oeiay. r HAVE YOU A COUGIi ? ) Dot ektl 0 TeossaIns ae met e premnture dciii - inlt ofiaeutile attention Ioa arourimon ouid Es,.av you a cougi ?-le. tir. Barthi ILExpectoranit Syrrnî, a soie a e.icil prce n containing no poionous dring, aodulard tensivc practice for seceral 3-car, i ri Il tvel>' abri reliif, andtlCave Yo nrons tia ir dic.eaepoitoonar>' corsnomptioo, wvin J- swee loito thse grave iîînrels, of theyaa altIefir, the leveiy and tce ray r HIave yeu a rougi ?-lBe inrslaied it2, s boule efthis ExpectorantSyrup t day!i. Hava yoea a Coîgh ?-itariolornew', Fals jd tant Syrmp itie only reîoely yoi siold té Cure Yeu. For thiiplain reauca c-Tirain o vonore4 Ir Iboosamt acasirhre tlta becausabdi e d te relieve. * For tale aihe Drttg stote of Corrstrcl ià S Fletcier ut. near Pear, uiean"' tes If PAL14KIS Cumul ast aDra t'iotre 'U~ pIte C anada, o n ucri ' ly . 1 cesp; clet Thse genuille bave lihe si grlatre of Dr., 'I PUBLISIIED EVERY TUESDÀ !rTTOt 0 UNLY o I UiVfie nSre Scrrei pu Mams~ion Iause HMne, Kinpgslon,inrer wiere aU odets wji le lianiofallyrc pusoctnaliy stientedtot. Txant.--Fifteen shillings perahmun,le ofyaetage) payable in advnance, and ce iilimgs nd niix pence if sent bu mai. om>'perion Iecomimg reepossinle fur &i ment of sir papers, a"til ecetie one la Iii proportion for e greter tiumber. .e. 'Noeradiacotinnuti mlia nu exce p e ieapfl the Publiuicr. Ail onamnnsaat sta bu attira.1 te lb ia lter. Aivertiaroeteos mot Lettra ou lashis darei to Tis. 1H. ilenlt>', ProMeitIt. Ilrlrs ut gSShrttilds. Me ânmes sud mute, 2a. 6, frnI imttl, eeeilseqetdt insert .TestIi»smi & -4I. AMaI laUt"a ea 1. faab hImo": à tisutmlies, IM. pr ien 6 laaadlcMd mId Per limefer sT> iém s titi tuilt aiam ..ten &ROWs den. for uiaaaetimaimg dvirtWIruutg ib' If e làcP.belsme, i, P- Alalpsialea.S.GreNa, E>q. P. IL. Baleacli,. ÀW i eve1t -!NI, Joh bamsfaN ~~Bise l~cltPsetor Bq.1 Mati Rat,. D Snt, feL. .N Peele ......... .- . .al, 1'.P Oua, .~~Ju.1.hv. a..N O m is 5 , , C. L s s u .thle5le, e7sestb asma IOde. abat et hé mita T*L?*eî "XiETR! -mo*?iDàm ailsso paeb uoIUI bstaMvbal 1 aquell *01 W« alaal,à»ie mi petaàe Mt"u Jtant I"Eu ia Oui pae ideaftatse iuam- igolaee: e ove&lewlib>oa ae a ltil5ie guet iainm@"- Minde etWh s b ym ,aiwweàIsta valthSvaliti d ÏTLliebu aies. lai« UO ? ag4it tltittati >trango ouiIÈil e i. Me raltTise *atpm tU ialirtUe M . "poda e tes mes ami Ut pào k e eeV m e, ar imt ate 8 p al ad e ai dm . M ~e ' 1es a at' m «Mri evelste ie eblalsibd latee taifsei ,alalosi dlu 1 l' buitonDr. N NLalteaiWueuTI autmn,»me.ýrth l, is sisee à"wg à.Vmmoe aiy CHALE ENElse ar M. aITVHcoCK'xa >' ava tUFl*e blet"m e0 dlte gienl loupe S Amisalsaâne u1uai.W et<Gém, D"es 1,aieri£y$% tbr.hc,m b% bsy CRAULEM &141%"s d ALE BET TM U, a1ille mm klOdu b tti let Ta" 0:" al Op~bqsvleeO a, I .tu~ I - À U. 1 1