'CeL.êr.î.d R eg,, LIN IME NT ri pipw einm thac suciling ofth c, wrlIon ii nuemhun,aîJU if li"mamel oui ut the fliit, v is gond upmaia..-lit gira iemmeiat samticenstweak lambe, end exteoj. tý' 1 mie. ceatralud.-A few ditspen nt' oppid te *aear or i caf peuilo, 14îP'i cMM aqcplcim caus. liem ta iner jn ici lECOMMENDATIO)NS Fresn'tb. numercas certilicatea ,h ttihe pretcor bas vectived of ils effcacy, i. lte fallouing. MIRT FACTU Te ThIL~ AlpIL( lit la acueimea urged liai the hurai, net hoe ci b, alternai cPi5iM T1 b, trtic sometimes ; bul IlMeClan> ibet dlstrsaio; <doplaint canotbcrihe internai ceioediese.Xce bi thieir long i atant ose, by ubici r rÉnbapsal h lte cytlem bectaja enerally derangeuld, dwi soi dealrrryed. iE vuere net thl'b oaital the great distret cf lte triere7 be' ubile snCb Slow sud diiobiful rennedi, iens t ef ? Titi angwer la pla, Candil, amoi tis, mea Dr. 15. Hevn roe1rve end Linimentl. No home c-i b, Mort pe il reaches andi satothes the erves, and ali mocit effete il, on il% lirai apilliration. supd teulel loe l e nOves muref effectu nîî> opeil ibeumatie pains, titan sny iWr,., Ïztpms5i applcation vrais eir kic i n l. l (-Cas Mn pouerfl soif *nceediale. Let tih, iced lry il bel once endI te, "'uSt lie c MHUBAEL HliNES Il. k The. follouinog ca tro, rtpOtal,le' and gn eman tuo wecil knoun la Teqcire coa, Lotci lis te Td. 411 bave bepu amicled Ment gciecan 163%, uith rieumaliam and ronctraction Ci coris orm %u tel, caused b>, the. cruels il chalets, bicit lts hiti In is Most a.'er, j After tr1 ng many rem#du, in vin, 1 bave, b rele- ILa the crde of my legs re!nxq.. auciling- reduced, ani cm geatly bnetha lt une of one bo'.ll, of Heis WNerve ie j Liniment, oaci exlernaiiy, and one bitie «< dise Vugetable Elixir nsed int.'rnaii attbcq lime. i tas nom waik ulth Pae in parsit 1 couil net a orteil aga endure et ait. JAMES G. REI'NoD 144 Citrystie atreel, corner Delsuy iTii. choc, article for saie at No. 2 Fikk n'eu Maiden Lane, eue deor bel w Pert $4, comctire & C . 1 nra Agents, ar! il s every Druggisl in, Ameria. i of A8 a ltti tt HAVE lOU COUCH ?-Do nôt e4 Thouaniauvemiel a pcemnaiire Icallu Mui se#" o 0 jtle Mlention ta B comm', r(Ci- Hae m a cough T-Rt,. Dr. Barthcr Expectoa S yrri., a café Mentirai prmu1 conlaining no poisouiou. drugr, aod u itn c tensive practice for spircrai ypr- wiu! mo tîvel>, afford relief, ans ave yoîi fronn thal iicase pulmonnry conîsomption, ichici. sweepil luun the. grave buondreds, nf the yoîr1 1Wl.'fi, lbhe luveS, and t4t gay>! 11ave 3o11 a rougit ?-Be luerîîiuted t, rur i tie ni thia Epectorant Sycrup te day ~- OInrTfw Ma8y lie tac lai..Brhlre Haeyou a tg - Brolrew's Es tiI, Svyruup ia the ouI>, remr.ly yrcr siruulil Sfk For thii plain reacson - -Thal in rro -ue dt tloouqanl roses wher.' il bas bien usiI,bfout1 ed la relieve. For sale et lhe Drng store of Comvsticu à Cli Fletchuer ai. near Pearl, nole AgenîR, and Mi PALM KR'S Cheonist aoi Ding Stuc.', kiruri LTpr Canada, and Mear>, ail respectabe Du Tihe genaine hav e isnignature nf Dr. BAi PU BLIS l RD V E RY TUESDAl UV THO%. ILf 139'T'LEY, At bis aRr.c, jn Store Street, neai>, opposite Mansion bleus, Holel, Kîngton, Upper Cm uhere ail order, wii be thanhtuly receis, punclo.ctiy siiendeul la. Tems.-Fifteen cbiliins Ma a tm exU of puscage)payabic j i acae e shillings ana six pence ifstait b, mail. Anypceos becoentsng reepmàcbie li then mrente o icp"mr, "lal recoiffe one grfi ina like proportion for a grelte.' number. ...No papers icontinued encml arream rP exc.'t aithe otion of the Pobliuher. AZ Communcations, to bt aidrenaci (Pf te the Edilor. Advcrtjsements and Letters on basineant' addrcoiscd ta Thos. H. Bentie>,, Propnietr. Six lutes and under, 2s.6, ft srtiorn8W etch aubsequert insertion. Ten fnsti »i 3e. d. firut insertion, andi lIi. cciacha insertion: abotre to'n uines, d. Per lin, or insertion, a.nd Id per line for evii>, $ulrcc Aiverisements witWat urlin dliidî' incerteil tli hiblul, snd charged aeceéaO3* dmr for discontinoing adeertmcenelt t t wrtimg. Adveniisemenls for iouetîen 10t b.' dlivet thc mornin q pr.'ceding lb, day Of palîcaite 'AGENTS. W Na neb ......A. Mpbnrael Esq.PY- Ba. ..W. J. MKa': En, i'erlkkaburxh, . .J. W. Asiceac, j'q p. Hitt tWelingtouMr. E. W. RItOn.4 Conmecn, ... Au hm Mait, Eau. Adoliphustoun ... . GriSa, Ecq. P. bl. liblisewell... . Boule E:p. ]IL -&Item% Mii.labo . Ia -T ;; m » I. Demorestvilic . . eaet)Et u Sýopitiasturgi.Z le IMaiaYNît Shenonvile,. . H. aclki,Eq P Belleville,...B . Flint, Ecq. Trent Port . W m.. . sa rtcU, Port Hope,.. ...D5 Peterhorough,. . Love Brigton,.. . . .ý..joni. LcklwOtdy b.q.?. Couborne . J.... A. Ece NIaj P. )L Gralon,.......... Taylor, EOl. Id. Cobourg ......... H HallI £1u1k l . Clarke,.....J peve Darlîngion .R Pail . l- Whiely--------J . 8. IIcermaaaS, CRa. Tornto... Mr. Ositomrne 1aid01 licuon wt, tMr. P. Clati Pet~it mýea mai.J.Cbp arbe ippev fl!tOn4~i1 LiérciR~. poLITICÂ&, ÂGRICJJLTUK IUULUT1V UOOANDRI NIE, TRIS OFFIC, ffRIlm Il smET w8msVOL. IV: [Joui Wâx.wyEditor.] ______________________________________ c 7IJUTANT (i (»79a yxCa T«oo, lU4M peil, 1801. eILITI4 GENERAL OMWER. lis LEL%cy tLici muaaGovtaigo Li. plcaaetoa ike lie f.iioiing Jilpiut- lui in tbo Miiti. Force cf Upper Canada, ri - Fint Rqgimeni Prince r EIucd aehebý àar fiRaeh , Heinry Dagrua, 2d Afti, IMa& Fe ce Cipain- t. lrsci Richanda, aieî 2d lRegt. Pria..e" lard, 2tii Dec. '37 pR imaTlorv 9l 21 Ardt, 180. Wlii ohil, leof tii.' Pd Reç.pancet Edward, V. Wceh. a l h ~ P n i ~d e t. oa elaCsa, c joapeDinitia, adl liszrlim Richards,,i. yVoni Dezc, Fig. .d bIih Daaeist Young, Iateirci toit lsg. ulreEdar, do do t~i Chrc, Get.e.Ynig, trnatn- do rad = i~ Geaise- Richarsdo irransîrirIo e4tit legt. de aJ. Wngt, Gent. v. Godsmiat, trams- terrai ote bRertre Bsl'a. oft le la4tai Rug. Prince Eduard, do radi Bsuagri, . Moero, tanstrmtrIol Sfe id lu i gienl Prince Luluard, d0 cis liolgir, Gent, do huim Y. Churci, Gent do mon Carnet, Gent. de a ii Armarong, Genmt. ilec 0, be Daign- aio,Geat.t.Dcvera., eR Diarieldo oPuae, Gen. . Devol h, lctI Provinces do au Bougon, Gnt.Dingmampcs, do r!Lun Iuage, o. Richard,, dei de utihnIer, Gett. a De0erel eR Dtdo as van Biî.ta Gent. . Taylor, prom. do oe Nlinker, Ju'IsI. Gent. do CheI PrniGnt. de mur Davi, Gent, do «;nI D. Lmlasum, Gent. de 'é h.' Ajuent- mi. Dail Araitroc8, v. Blakel>,,seti. de By Cmmand. RICHARD DULLOCr, Ad4siut omu, MdIiî:e. THE TRETHI THE TEETU' ni uuN(XPARABLiTUOTU usiaATIOx. HIE facf is prGtî dtemi imet inrduico and doubina rs feu>, conviied,at ure baire 'eiuce freai the sale of about 2U1,30 boxes lue OdouiSca, rithin tbiipant yeartai lie Pin dsans Of lie aicbjmuct com ealiseil, »d aîedy diseavenai fer prserving Htica, imposta ictautifiti appindages o ecbm . ie of the Magietit Oiontca, uW ciIlIl arbr, r, oio ng and trengliemimg quailiis oveu ail xruSrneos subtances fie. lihet teit, prurras tIbm aintiir naturel tiiflncy, cMd rimint «andacumandihasut>. Il las amr- cd ton etperine, Ibal uben ouest, tise tftiti i eur decci,,bt t nmajo tihlI te jutent celle wiSli ibo n atlurel star. %Vhen ibey are ide- ed ila progre'm nili te aiteteî, asdthticteei led adpreveaied tram nchimg-cii thia bas n 'Ion ini&t mltitude of instances; endi more a hoisads 0 as oes, t'fusrcotiboche, thal 0a! aî,) liailonce be ecýAcali>y corei 1h,, Ille ot poulan dentifrice in A rla- iton cusio, wretoruvoilleite >oag or pul!euaa,a'et inidividu]althat vaiues lticitu l o tl, iouinis ardoia suret I0 tou Ibt IIci,, laIuiiilJelnger ItÉ5 xI bocr.. Iitlecocho iacoatr- i ics nl)otice. o,i', choesale and retail, by A, lT ('.N. 7Clerer cI.Utic,NP. Yanud 'Ir.;ults huoglîrut tie United SIlips. F aubu CHARLEF HIIATH, Store cirest, W)Rms, WORMIS. I iTC-HCoV'KS oacîvaliedenincie.- latdthlîRMîTEA, a novereigut ranii> trui i. d Sso in crdjble are the eCscs n1 t estable cermir -feu persom, sud il it hsarare free lio them, psrlieulariy. lu id jleuî l ýaaypersans go tiroagb moi, oua. vO miliiar, mîhhot siaben- 5h, iet u.t horuhorc b>, li the r T a. li'iuival a ile nedicine bus been 1y 0h muuiae fr a.'. lteel yens tuatm,,ss' Soreiithon 16,00 pesacot Dotl drn i one ouitasrj compiit; n lunu ladred a -.' callei, enoe. Jr tuu heir irrîded prferecce to i, rafler !ne dfe»et aricle, sent fouttbite pub- iO looacd r NI.Hitchcock,& Weru aolItan u r5oIandronve niet lrente- lI1if ra C bu Iole5iui:d-or in nto oeo,' the u 'uiatad til W agre"a&- ru. ~ ne as tfla le< fui" Ie, lt r iii îttccck's WeaTae, la uSa hOîlà s tflnce for th. ds. FI& Do, olpnp t tail, la>,A. Ileacu n % o IFo,, i17 Gnnepiec.,Uti. i . t-ýj r t 'huob thCe U ns 01S 'elICL EATH, Steo re , LFF,GNLY TWVENTY FIîVE CTS. RM. HiTentOCK,Snusvih SNLFFin btei4'i article aveu ilncêeici and à, '. ete.if oranAmeies for le Wuù , eym Ne Catarf, Du.umet oins,, is, nerdvouse acci ,Fait- paiSouho4 ,f auto lroatl 'i uiîiMW.i 'Ir .'i bo u Y. U. s,1c I bohsa ai li, iv A. Irreâ.- ofe pIr pîo to No1I7 Genmasi, '" Y tir a et04oohoIIb Vie SHAtIInea iti.i RS.bLE ni'THE SUBSçRR LERIE rarLnenltD a ta '.IaIORS, WINC% Wbhite iquaiiS LEII ,n bieand red ai., uj28 libs each kcai~to X1 ai Deil.Stovs, tdthsu e De t - " in, na, e> ehpe ww Cmtau e c ' a 11 uW uIiCs , il .Atoaassed czpndgfor me tSubaoeilcera t F# LY 1(10Liacoma ti tAW BON. uuekmiasiip, uhicla lbeea aoel "".C Mead te tieir fris anà lte publie lenge"e"14 comltiag,uilspaut eft be heaglifal ICE BTMW, ce" sudaingie )une andso Devos,, utSa guet Vadet>, a cy Cotoued doe, Tb.le* Willest L=aetueiu of oi.g soule -&à Doece, umil bave the opporfani>et, ý tàw elecion. G. Hi. HA IlIft ~ Store Street, UMàré151h, l8e". N. *E. A h&maitifu acacaint sif MoUBLINEg DE LAINE Drcaee, adepii te tb. appu.chiag qui.e ,,oses; riet a wihàlarge miiand onduneae ; t hiaof NErjW A* YACTM]y. FUMIE SabecMibebeau cve te tiforu lte GentlemeaOIru L Mcme di s vieinity, fiahob.hé# .utshiahei Hmimthelb.Hailleg hammiele n huaToum, Md bus &V Sai hhu So31S lau-z S--- m*4.p iccecueutof WELL 7RED1 RAT,%nWb" be eets fer SaletaicemsPimfutr Cash et shah afmda"TIOMAS 8CANTLUET. Kiagalc, 111th Marei, 3lm8 WEESH Aum"IAL*K C OLLINS & RAINES, Louhmuslule the public geccrail,, tiat <bey bave jont rceivcdg &"i an seu»w .iaqferiameia,"mCu, cf ouz. D.NTALESTRAW BONNETt, 0f9b ta Wu sud Ami £"mut *"himabe pes fsuis- Il. o tehéfi.couming »Mocn. Kiagalitl, maneit16,18<0o. FOR,ÊALE BY TUE SUBSCRIBEE, e9f-rCoa or qsproc. Credi. 2 < KGS sueuePl-&cbcc,1 I00 haif lega u 75 banc .ma Cavcaulli, 50 iii. Ropie, 5 bitis. Cc.f Oit, 14,M08seper:or Spanisit Cjgaa Tamm Caen. JAMES LINTON. Mm n nwff i itta b bifttei ap me at biit residec nhoGcsv reetnea oppo- site ol d aic e>,u ra ~rim ordera s lh iafil reclva abpuctal i atlaied ta.t TROUAS 0. BVTLEE. SUPERIOR BERR FOR Saleb>,the S«ocitnLARGE STOC] OF01 B RR arrantecIolekeep daramg ihe animer, sudni qoInhan>, breeed initie Province.t Appil Ia. Eae Bewr, isa ieball', ai Sturth'c Point, ceai Kinguo.m 17180. AN ENGINE FOR SALE. ASIX BOUSE POWEZR bu pressute Rn. d.gin, ulti Bolier attacbci, foi Sais, endiujil neSoud extremel>. aloiorCas, or on short credat. 'nc Engin, l in pgilodrer, aplte Kinugstonu, Match 17, 1840. TO LET. T ATPLGTFUL COUNRY uSI. Eaq., eih rciaand&i"arienpossession m<se bai amIbe l6tef Apri. .qlà4ieefMr. Kingston-, Mtacht 24, li86. IL. M. ROSE. NOTiCi - ALL Peusse iniebtai e heb. Succsieiohim q aecous cart eutaildu, ara e mectfeîi>, re- quecleà th eau ei bau Stoe.smaiseutls lia cme. More uat, 4 Mntaon, I T RGS Marri 25, 1840 F OR ALE Y TUE SUIISCRIBERS at 120 bris. North Siture HerieguNe. I VASS4 FRASER & Ce. Kingnlon, Dacemic, 1839. F OU SALE, aet the prtmisscf Il.& KJONES: làvcnuoeSali, pot"aIKttbes, snitb'c Col, Apply te Maer. Vas, Faca & c. Kinonlon, Decubn20h 1839. REMOVAL. 'UTASS, ]FRASl à Ce. hag te idfoi hit Sau! GicSry M c m orEgtdNimt htei& pic mua. i insFrottre, Ilirmedy>, ccupliedb, T1%o% :ada2 =ee i gemeini .meatm c= i Kiaçio., lêsi Ner. 18u& p>IORSAUE311 TUE SUIICRIER8 ad .' tueuw n a int Sre 20 Bailea'Urey CdteAuuiasabuee.) 20 N"rticI DLlaRebn VAS,%FRASER a O. KingntM, Dcc. 1830 CASSIMERES. J USTrumte-dviscoe s.jmtich~ VM IatC 97lu *t" 3.LACSF te lié, uAitU tucm elm emtmwe siim MIo aue"ylicit e ae!~1~çtbaId 'aa~ e'v aL ~AliD CO-191919CIAL JOURNALb TE 'ERMUS-FlN-~I= SEIILINCI e .b!k lPAYABLE IN AbVANCE-... I~ET IîLSANSX PNEW'HEN S&NT DV MAIL. XMIBS N, UPPECR CANADA, TUESDAY, MAT 5, 18». [T. H. Bwua-c.a, Primier àt Preorietor. NVgo&&N.10. F e N islew Yc.'hObserver. Thanugb the. kialse a tfa gentiena,to i Iis cii>, u Rc Pelrmilted te pglMib an catract frnt à 1.5.. jeut rereivai b>, bLin, containg te h.'sî -ad* egIligenc. Ithtuve miit iîes hnNae Zeaaiad havc sharcal lhe fate of Lyman and Mua- SilayN.M .Ifidea, Dec. lU, 1839. 'I Te. *ulanMo). Wg 4 Caconl e ief UirthetI 1111Y bée. eue ahlp aaiiki, cd csii dhere laut ca mited hinmgocslier uccflb.m !ba mua h. cîle in er. ugag a vieil le thet aaion af EsecuagMau Me thlbNew lletîid.e vue Miii Wcaleu b>, Che salives. TU&Zlevel.'M nWilliâam. soi Harie 1 Inui boo etUpei- 0M. william qwkc i à eimalsie b. sea hfbi, yitteiliet ai nid Cltlem uaMa sas flte us lie ution oe aer>, vuIM" wuak en-h- mSouti Ses Islam! ia tbi gen"tie M à mt imiejiat>,, Mr. Cuansigtaca, ub@ wu eulit lb.. aitichelime, eamedcity Ilght, aid 1 bav ey i palatielligee trmac bis cen ip. 1fr. Hantawu inle lit beahit, mnd cocu mDoi Oak* àà -Nime, ulel.M. .William, wueratlier Mr- Ceuagham, wmie beau lthe uar cry rab- ad, tauI I a ja srBniepeaucd lu>,tic eame; inu aa #-Nrfle #, av hlm fIl, - lIco tumi uif mams peumaMr. C. tlien luttai Mff. WlMiame tr teebeaf itwicb u ai nmm digauc. M TIsIter imotnmj i, ai tu tl c Maer th aviet tcihebbrig, but un ecalal. mi nmriee&eMr. C ulti dii- colt y rcacbei te boat, and maie bis ancpe. Thama ucfwte hmiofarie uree »misnt tb, fie iA"MiciMlainar> Socieiy, and lie vasel ,*peh fcit le les u wn n eeu.pioye in ulis PnM thce ammu piaos Taee IuPaemTCTToma MOVaanXn.-Cipt.Bayles, aet Bd"IniiNative luftasry ileia, bannecest- Zvicig iled t cea f, id m aiearanlgeuenl ua<5flsgsa c y mgeateadmen,of good aisealic, fnomic Uid cl, meqauatail twlls lie calivetiots of M ipCoteton for lie pae fmmRb liaésitlie C=~pi u I'i. ho u peillenof qbtaithe lcapitlMi ofiles clmo i pralle. cf orottmn. Titith ofliat =sPL 3"4eise% th ohlie ap«mcyofta yonc gectiemàaill mi e dy eu rcecdaedinla Iisci, un Mm racemilul Viekbitrg es a merchaul-nu alic tien bu hbe munetei in ai.managent cf a larg etoon plantation sa Jeemme coont>, nl5uaed egi gcgetlemuen frousAdaas mid laa- m coalitieon ileiait&te, cendmontrfou Louisane te 90 te SUaI ou liagrnnd cmert iii oton plaulig iu ladin. The@@ nmiepraciel coitia PéImétesaWeil aqualu te nievciitem la th. unscgenUt aidlimallue ofeves>,part ithecet. lm Siauag Mdhitli a OprOC.c ii havae fhl àl diay or îseefor leuTu b ue*e l ttuibdtualeibtua-cy'j il.il iln st andadmuines cf àgisnoa, uan cear uail puc; Ihe>, sucengsged ai a miarj ccci of Ihree itendimi ponis a yesn, miii anl exeus ehaid au iaidditiostai uainy, im plcporlson thein caccras peamiseit tiens. Thaic> llirepic ce" hogeier th Surat, trou ubece fie>, unitdis- cra Iot eleaalil letIheir acTeraI aecutem ot dioirict county in ubicbleocmanca lte groiig of Catan. Il ms%ha aosdeil taremaris thantoe ar o cultivatcluîmSeutsit i tmneaukusol nem ait- e manuerlia itil as la the vicanît> cf Natchez befete tue introduction cf lie Cotton gin, ami lb. immnse imPteventola ciof cultue.nsudaileît ai -anatie labcet,,in couastles ltaomiadacia eo QOlmajc in Iodla et about ta-s dolasr u a"s iif teicelashll ensProductive maig. ivat eut mable Stata, Maite he ic cin lange tn lie cuitueof vwlla we au emphalically teri er esiple. TtBritiah Govemnment tefoaten lia move- ment, have made an appuepriatiolàofetwelve thon Und poondi, snd have pamed it c neiaI li te aI1y on cetton ruci, imporîcul ingo Enlasi,fron leds and on British Cotton gonedsate mitoad, tbau b lite mme inihd 0forlie dispunity of ins, RRn.uou0a1exLAWîîm.-Serjervit CoukJc, uic avsas a rough, btaaternug filo,iiu ne gaI&e fions a 5'ilitumimore than b.ece. lon atndoacf a t'eul of cf isery,, ic asked lhe uitnroa, "Diu'at ticu love liit13" «A>,,>u rpilc i tm uecuti a gpin, "fiut I donnas like cckl. -asee uii1.- The rwOufe laugiler culai ceicealtiao hlie Court utbcc diatai eiesnsà àrgbet. e i, 8au asecict a coihug lmahlaaof Sergeani Pe. Vy>, s greât lauyer cf te test as@. A p-mnlhncs ec ceee in thel.Court cf Kiugle Beaehtle] uaotiuig te disptay bisa it, laile hlm Bercly,, " Ami Pra>, tir, heu do jon mi ie cul liaI yen anc uccul £3,»IOt"Tic gentlemn stdeli pmueima ehlgmMtrope to h£ll,91. «lct' mît Myl> ged,n3 idcIiboiSet'gecs6 t, y«i eu -u reli lite gearticu.., ac ne ilaced ai, oy.1 biae.aactirlaiod ef eue &gr. Sergesut iwya, 1i bapc a ie ai W* lte hicealnta aSem 0t" i leugbI..ttitig lpiuld ex.*&. ed cccii. llc-iteà; lencm aa I ad, nd Lord Manseli obaccved, je bis coual IV. bacce tome, " WeniIsle Davy, 1I lilW* uss> sacept Chal. cbd. mt.eqak u'a *me aider casubeien 1,Mr.Alait macce, 46 Tuao m ,»lnd.,I.hs lea . qsaiie encael. Tic D)ouw e, uet,- & Play lacerde ya-ci i -Iac.ium us ccd. hm uxtub0 9h" n u m etw uniàt ba u i c. la te e asei h" whiuam " i6m baam cau e* 5ji51 ii.IMM IM M etBd@&" lubws W à bcas u baut ameu lah Ak mmaddua lc pc.,me te ee h - uci u mac gli Fr#%liees *W - *jet*- -a1 Eis~U.ii aitai hs.u id. vussle -a foui, * bm aivecatae *lu Iamlum' a- l hcen.éfleuuniMdbwe4itU b Inaicu %na he ume nom 4~m Oum sau e umtel il isuW As qd à- CI& be au ri in oi au fic Pi -ai ~Br e eh ai il i 9b l ci t ai4 cî lm ci Il lam t .~ Ili.441 &c.T. W it., uciordif.pi fi)he' Tffâti-, is adv the. dur Notlin' im glke . ";àtHbl4u.îi;" , I if Cli.'.. iIiitlIA.idsjin aiv part cf their confie, cor iin i,-r.îpari. brtore r.ac fini thbé ait ofI Cc- tierolRiver, uthiîît crl1 ref. retiré whslsocVet le ihi. angle,, witld iliit oi n ile it tent prfatrih..d, l%,.n Oh.'>, wUuld fuliji 81i lhe reidtlc Oe lb' TretY- %QmlhtieI#- iiî,hlrds requi If ibis ,.lie a, te isertion of lthe Guhsjfr, that -44ë preleeslacaof nlujher ipariv are Cent umci d th@ iNeai> ," Witt nelth4 tuc Opton lte b, uhienl ,he *ier basatt.euptd te §mn i thoauerion. TIi. Ihtisit rilm, 1I tieve, tlié eLssd ta M%sa, unit ro l'i, sttictl,'r coofoimale teaiL" 15i5 *ut, fltu.'hee, il vfor 0" Iloq hbf igitla or Ue ain ounilerubi.provisitons aitutTreatý'î lfi thecluttimeu( ueOL. Croix, in 17%<, a de- P oiure t ou ,the intention ofte Tr w attu m ade ut a cbcua.*e.' hl ijd ciatM Uit Intel. iil# imeilatl cl, boit in il# oeasequc-o, if moe t he' nile b, ubicli lb. rmmuini,î p. fialui question ar, e th.bulcîrnireu, iti. nlttttji4 of ever>, diitrrservc.d te lier.Irjîitb tewi aud périple by h4t instrument. If wu. hoOd roneait Dot ta diblhthe di' ilcl " compronfia,» cof1794, ini this respect, me avienl traits, lake Car. ltt ou. ciubiiimi tli ttentifog ich .ughl e lt art liermi terni« in tii, cjuhlumenl f thb,,,. llng point1. te diput.', bh.etmoltrocdimie pr.ect, andl nraite' the plr.'lxt fur cîlli ioeabier apoliatiomsuo au.' fmgLî,. ~ an', Sic', AYEcDOTE or H}iaxTctte.-On b.th ie l liadapagfbueî..'cj< cf dit day wien Mn. Tooke wa u tu ilfer hi îhm, nDI'.'uamu c ai cl ungc.' eit f lte1 tiemon, lie n-asBsolsIb, Mr. Ciin,,bis aans, Wate'rs cf l the&Jia andhisisuýkx. c'allex u ini atiier would lho th e ti imue te baie a chumce. of. iilB.) a( Funiy,,"laslte Aruiai. are cfi lici nu'. m apeal c1%I W i îe courit oeno," tevratlunaue lhe Tria,suof' ;lai t, iletus sail Ïu?.. Tockt; " for tleai rut foohui s rlitaçkumsstoutS vite," mic mc meaholsud ue linsur n y ci acquaatane CuiflJustice Il atlle . heu ameusMasecaI"iSalarilgPr.'leualca ori bbàli reilmoj miter cf thc court.,, Accord- put fortaluder lie ulmeeliy higb utionl, cf ingîs-, ubesu Mn. Toati li, "fMylord, Idiai I ymaau Qebee coMm.caqcar. tuonlil .aMy triMmel, lte Ciief Justice pnukd lutiieccamd lparacpa ofthtbice.'to uih and bieu,s uobis taviand mi alcr c.stis j 1 claie, ie lb. fclauîcg aieauIia ernciual wmthle cotite.'Juoglie b e ctgin, u NU iamacat645Ibo Dritib ai ritlarn thicSitiry, vooeis ccamthin mdugence cf aa ài,-' ab laitlth ee"W«. aide of Neya hcolisj a 1U>, laid"tieetail e,yuiou't siCtishMet 0the ighbi do Nu*lifheIo.Crix, which h îwï B"a ii~ec sul 1 secept amy Iodiam ,p&rte lic umul alitintIea tCver frein genre utI)jouir banda. 1heient! it as my nll; lutkisabé,I eilto lte Atlantic Ocean. The sud, Wf youc ieiiabp doubtas1,1K I un reîird lté agmmmallal cesartiaccobe mml>, cenuicl a mocm Il i a &peina ina; s'a Midb lho dplu = 1ufli.ctaem, isiecri, ta, uti ithbigla lacl1 peltie ael of loupera calnt fia pocletl vrai elduid go ic tisi, as lietroc liihetina ofP if a liecs io deltei. Tissceaus euel àfilie u atcslimàtaIuer jota tie Aliaîîie ;-baî i I w.cjicf EdofFAmuni SuMrke'c, ase pn hcimg athcSt Cuclaand thse Allani cRiaul uesne nli vilanthabai saccu, aid, uile bad c! ena tisu iew a in t seam ircclnthalles, due, cuti,q aaqoaHccaa, a-ho bi em laa .bes upea olia nacnl bceoae ' Ii, ulter aitiier c tic tiomn of tic lion u ad clu. aucoim,a idbi «tpenubet b hebe.pntric for bth l wu diiig lb.JudgtsaaCâui beor' hlacbiet or nu Mcl acquillaie it ih ail.c.t ulientar>0 the toa."e- , factlecf lte question openan bi b.o wraise. Jl rlitcc ceauc,tepasamge 1e entellci btecofuse, Tue Law or Nzwoaivpc.ý,-We le a stho ie qacaico," istesi of rriail fonttue Ialea lie icotff QuitiltJiOpe illamsinta 5lots ivams lci the ullsn p'alxccesta ie1iiore, ami 1 cma botare * t c d pa0cnPI., laidoua feror lecavami fubIhà*."loap bls pen. 0 lie lau in r.Jpttllwa i olamrshig tecd- Nota km meu4mni iblondles of ltcuvolea isusfncec euspapera aa1ilinstlalb.Geuile tm lt, whri le kelloea.litit 1. VItre a »hilertle a newapaper ceiders il the 81 <iCix River "emiliaie 1th lb tii ta be 4sotisued, aidil cntinue t i f ta bis1 Orme.-" The Si. Croix River, mpa lte toaci- cuàmne, lie pemspiomui, in thc absence of mmeeaen y sdcitaut liaIt vascilev er n 'uenida.lel.caoInasliai k le torby thu tc etrjr-hi"a orseAmcrlcai,-enieies =mibe'osscrer,aiand @a inpomsete le py frjut ai_4of î'cdp. l'b.Trait, ef 17W, i il. the valey InoaaAi"i, (th. eeai,) urin tic 12 Ifas apapevinfronfaalidyitedey bot a veriai trpeaiam no' ub" th le uhote dispute peecoai hepac fbusiness, colbis ticaliwtvm1tse,,le econttraitiages, wiis cpoint c*çe an eossaent, thougi ilout bis expresilW- oyonmithe.tpnal i vo f lishe or civil; for, lie quaI, amdi fic bas raen o obelieve taltilla m an era La.. inmn cis e. rllueil --" Mmlai, t,,a ban. let unier thebe bllet, ticegia àuatlkn oe, fil Ita u aun along tie nmliii.'o e t ve-r Si. hamac n ialnsd nier tb.erpritic itICMex,jauulits mouli, j in I807 i f Fudyte itsb ho l ta opay ficril, in tat c asei1lie banal t coure.," &e. Wcéilma, e excîsinai iitia tec fown luei, mss bu Sien ntice th iicetinne 1. u"ter agaliWthlie sumbier cf persns con tsspiyed 0 tecninetesuicc tio neriw.'fina lil intel i- s A Dweas'uSoial m ug, faonsth I ls. ttgiit genteman 1Mal haiielfin labis ltiadable efforslat Parade, Peusac, bInai t »te Iisslglia h eiaout a±*,noct aly tmisnue daitieuvolhil (rosi lb, Frenacis-u cbufore Jdoihtfif, but, rcuiseruug rlaure dani «A ileiitha. maies t<adi cf buse aquivoel, ie litate liait te Tr.'styhas nit eurT Fat Ibm. uicia Fate buntoit vilhemil, aiTicemenéeste o «teDe ay of Fundy,"w And liait r liais t UAaiegalcoplnlcally ullallacI frein lite 'AtIlanc1 By r5 luaolaDtlOctieu, inusthe propoccsitn i l, of ail tanuwii A Dîralts iTàs.-Tbe adjetaulofta voe. l0,q"eciongives roslicheetolobalinalel>, o i trer corps, deolu uheîhar bhoiha dkti w tenei. Te ocitltete Bay of Fundy>,, b>, ouefo tite cIl lis mem, crieit ot, 46Ail je. *ëI mcimg i lb. hecomiplaisant uailn lte Qiteem au. valîhondt ara%, ulli piceate iaaicop mp jean< hm haidnc, icienical VlI theAtic.,iî S. bonds" ieeaccerainmenhe ic Ameicano f ail teil, iomnsa; and,iimutataadded,eof al Ceyrsagauree A yeosg en4io of a negiwmiuiavinanst Matlu cnuetallveiy, te nimbe Ilseit caIm Sglcd againali c fuma. »enchtaer, sng nligl Idtlog., the àtulmg Ililu tmlb- l tm cf ubicit vsever>, nialu ivitalîi iy Me. Te mais obis apparent, it ie ouI, nceman>,e bi of Wu faiimb enil ulotulvtai taaveidd »A th mid, liaI lthe ulote disapute lenti- -la Weil, Chatte, andilorelate, le du jeranges eofItighlinois Mmue i*l isbis mg * l la, g t "be il ivide aater, and lhe qucstio.n i, hici s tiý »ped- UM 1becm akma." t4mile le Irange rculeuut' by hlbvret i --=I~N hmnn aa*siont gImatffl r*immulr',lorryiLion4in tom% the yel aî tshou b.s peulalica i d dlceeamiat klab, s'mg 11bil he.IclrIe ilsta inlb the !t lte>, Votl[int about, sont ho art lier. ietil asla o Ngituada bie l " i ho couaim a s drat an erascn, bei 61"8, h#boum tiemt Rivera ibal cmppIlt hiemevresinte heb. suppeI rcilte DIcmas," Ibo;tîie sth et RavoirSt. Laurence, tronc ima uhicfit au jte C por Z.Iater.At ntikcA-11 ad Noir, hoth raesdivide Rivea cafia mpi>,tt A lady sutinmade. liel e t h. MI h miea lte St Lawrence, fie. Rivea taming ilui 'i feelings liveatt I eba ccl.cte r.aaoue" wasnlber and opposâtadirectosn, Md, n»1crate lhbv cith bu cen bicscrl pracice,. 0 on l " StiLawrenceslamcocemsi, escli, hheiefare, cmi- 71 te, '*cso you lhe nebarbotons as te pul innocent piest lthei.'requiit«oiet icTuesi>,. %Dol, imo, lambe te iathl " "Wty sot, am," salithflic é, Midiad Ruç,emiag theric len dis, ae batelier, 44 otu ould'ml reit then ailve, uoui plisteom Msr'c as i, in a atel ,ditectînv, t10di Fo ils lie beai cf lic Consecicut Ritera. ateimplortant w - Rivis4uaeoisent, Kcmactîc, and Anira*Ccgin, Ila Niasie Cxa E.-.A certain Gcim maicuuc Ilsuthenly lo thla.'-1 Atlaniccele nor uta~ ~ ~~~~, wou m> tibsnanti 9 per cent. lm-laIbru.avarug tlihsn liha tea of6, he ateet uteantin iaIcou.'>, ful ththIm elet- r nid lhe spirit ettie'rages a ai iflib.ever tbcugbi of uhat God uouid as>,"Y ividimg Riva. stiat cupl>, Ibemeelves ineulietau hoîbs extciflen t Oh, jyas,"repliai ie', -"1have R nerSt. Laurence, fironsthlcs.ouicb fait110jlte h totgbt Di ltbnt, but WuiCetci Alniighhy kl Atlantic Oeeu,"-and iisthm saucge le uhici by luira froin above, lie 9 ailît appeer like a 6. lié Brltiaitchais et rimil. amdinbrecoaaches. i (U thecamlii.'band, the range a-hIie the Ancrai- air Frntth Mutedcorrer c nsialion, uivides S.t. Lawerence. 'Iretleta &i 11E ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ tis tON A T Q E T O N T I he M al, Iivte Verte, du Lcap, kt. <l-W j rHEBOUVDAY QFSTON ND TScolly dignlfied aili lic nom of t Rveta,) fraum i ELUCIDATORS. hiuaaneleSt r. Jeim'n River, and lfhmnstlb.pu lmTu£ TISEETOR O THira caxtfaGonuam= l aclae. This Idiot River, tel fic llgche, ba 1 i,- la tie QueitetQel fléo, I .thinstanitlata uthic Bay at Chaleur sas te ci De>,th, iana artle"poui tiche onar>, lime, buaissrthc fainte helfe of -éflit. Leme.',ami lt, olf'i ii r dti c id h U niteo Stl. p ue m uice s. c.e tofI so S t. L iu ac u in, théA tlntc O cmm, tien I19 ide ef Nftlcss, cnd uici, alticagi pefuedi, arele lie United isléasasie. aintiaret, clthl rtten t ltra m ite er the olutacii"c«attIqe. .cam-b cIM imtiouc, petiti mi, icti -lie.ou ioni i calcuIsî'd raier te isreali tomieu- thtmeuosae, alien opp e h le doctine et me 'ite. il ls uvaloed, c anjebme mec.. ciona itien eogaie ,falic ictictheAtlantic Oceavio 'itI tee canue>, hicla oemtily marIa lb.Fil- ami an cuil té ' ylIdiuaen nt' ccociegl, e cIl of uhh aaictmimng aid ie teslruc 8114 "Did"? iuhl u b ds>, cf Fcdyih c iner Ti tllnie.Elcb*imc.Mau iliOeasm s morea ci t he eAmesiea the r&ithle boucle tofperiemi uic bave bitem en. clmm.-TheSDay, il t lu m meic, e an it-a" «-a. inl tlC>.'uor empîydt alonettes, Io ilcontfs tic WuIit ad th ieea, andte tastlem aseoluic iljetanami ni mao"g, habué flvoiier svae, lI.fa aal adistinction ultiiecaiitmee,-suc appreileni, ai bicsunm sxpaas,-et )mate ina hacp@U#etc'" f. oithle»Wai e op. f iniviag ni a bis I«ntiil el commensi.l ,j tuieh uit bacI = feui" a of = "M aas it) iaI ccciit ta athe pachentsae ftbis quaaiou, lbvue aiedd o ru mgeition.-lCect Beltloa trentesoueh- su ut gel doillet auto th* miree ofcanuint Ie.m a m i Aiethe tcdogmea ia*lieBay of Puni>,u riheaomueà cilba alec aisuwei. luhi INcfat ai the punopesuf the Tiealy, the Atantc su eieroiauto your have te cctee ne e tus» Dean; Ilm8"910"1quité, mdrnieamt§Y ofmalie art litakes af yar cmesuenat,. *rgmmltea liecenal laut e daduc isfre, ce la the Aii, b, u>my ce" #Mggaulcbe eq*iehcice., lhe commun amnoge, cmi ligu me»nexa.cae, tfexpeiutl eoe%4gb W$sb M *am " Ouen m etu-i efe théalaallcT ustrs a e, Cm 0 *.dmavihc le Vigun Ial iuc( lionma mcagAiee ofl ethle valu. eildu, Jis and Maie- luis.MsieOe'.: qumilc uhhle ecli, al4Ic.,he I80 as*msw "wuclemws i fraoo ce loTraea ce caied f hanie s y » 4.af.usic jas - li i ont.as, lWer,p e Toreul m c mof Mis paIlm ls "1"qw Fui.' hEeIlmibé«aseà oru vieg pi. aMi 4».bAnilMe @Md &cu 1 Teaa au btulncemaim &y, fil blm Uvc0 wtbcy -muee am 1 he64wabeî<lbs III."Min,1 cumii,! urahi a,6.1 wtm eaiJelép il .5fatlp « sils a60 ie i 8ns. a .19 ,4Wo@y eunih, éb>, a u iÀgcdm sWn t4uaeà a luu..buhci @àse .faeasnwpc . ~eO e cB atou.cts e pn a.ptg i ecua the, a h il~M» tm. itecce.rma Il taWMahi.me IrmtiDlÎa bcI1miiauy l icauiui la .Croix ai aic . in" th*bu b 1 wbw agam n~fin hot d'O a va u uf blu M 49 U bmi l let" 'lisBIbLamuu lpnlls h6eUl. ttelapi uget dos ela6.u n~m CouNAbD.i erat Honî 3.Real, A r Me ld ii, Sir 1 %0. Len ie . ttas Lr ue sud et uible or itav Rity, tirer the.'arrîvi eortthe pbopodalo of the (mv- ernor Gi.neriicf Canada, liinu wder the rntî- si.leraiimsî f the iou... the imlpertantît aifels Io u'hich Ilion.'propa. 1 reae. Icanant but fer, i flint theimportance ef the cutîjecl miii ef ilseif in-. due- the 'houa, to p..>thce ttieýt attention 10 el.- 1Iie cuijects of bier Majet>, reaiiez n Upper alt Lower Canaa, a3iousit tehfme thon l,UO,0Cli some caleulate thibmat 1,100,000 1 andcmrne at 1,2 0, 0 0. T i ., fo ra , i o t e o f t h e g pe a l ýf a m ille s ail lt. Ametican provinces. Tbr, uvaido' parti, in eof thlie grasî vaut,et 1f he'Alhtrlan conti- cent, obcr tii. greet onliets ubîi commuaient. Wiîh thimgiîser of Amnetaci, &ou pantiMW.oearit siiof magnilcescs lcbe.a sebfore en tite bar, den of Upet Canada. Tou,îrovide fer the inter- c!ta of ucb à population, nitea ddt.lixnhthe cpe- re fgocc.mrinni wlîcii ia besI aiied te, iot îipuation, whicb in lîkel, go iseimeeot oui> bi> Init, but b>, emigralan. muni, 1 sm quite ton- - c ci, bhae ite henuie a m tIr of giat inteel. But, air, liyn tiis iMfiansiona te bring lot- mard a mcccfii, uici May, if Pcnail pt a nepch excepl ut lver>, rare oacai&n, te liai Irterrêtence cf pariltio«wbieb hbe r.i d.red necccarr mme Mi. leonaLmasol cding the. office Wh eh 1 bave Do0w IL bancle.luid, cialci lhe gulev-nces "i.i, asnlbe ran-rd, affccti.d tiepeople of ha &Zbeeî. Sie 'titat lime thocra have beten a- tien mîeaareffj'tvaricun inqîîiniea, cand éventa of 'ery deep importance cchîn.'cted wih t iis nuijer. rite,. S'ai lhe reliait cf lte mmitetee of tim liouae of Commnicu; lier. bave beta intimidles b Bverai ecmonimm, onaainucuadocamesln PMe- ied, gang iaal ict ery ulc0lajitemace diti the MotoîsoftCanada, mlitIibo r au.vre it tbrc institutioans, with tbt- pecalier cie*@comne liieica le titn, andi ating r.laýi guena w"ic clagltle ha remedlrd. 'I behnve libe.- %in.e facruted, in the, coupna of int lime, in It« nccemnve year, alterp#I terate ti" prout. iec fiane. hhir alegiace Io h-r Najetty, bath by opanicrretoin i. ticprovine, ad hyifi ioof a e d banîiti fro,,nt% ihent Thte", r, re ecealemtfnaghbintemaciveat teqair th. atentioet cfporiasent te lie slitreidIoho iemb je, wbea a apantre le 'troealniuliita vic ifpeunhi, aeellng a ettîement e a< oi- nalau mattert. DSM aller aill Me fepalforaIb ha v e b e m c e i e i, ea tr e, b , i fi ce t, i hl ico m flua bava tahen plaue le Canaa., aid afierbeadajr c'lieaeliami maie e l Uc.gcmra i iet o th lii aeorlb. e mmm.a( YOM lwuc ibuM.< licol; y ber k* yafim ttnom m e h m. ing e l c en c c mfdeocc et lb . gaS am-.i 4 ille ail a sireuà uferhn % Md laIhe le rimemeataiWathai bec, dopéd ie h MM >ft. eved.mIc Ih ave alleâ, l eaie-o cd tcCnida" aadeildacer th aucceitlialea ac spet, cocubieni a *k»iege oft be poe*W-' op cf thé penilam« let ta" ceaalnyraltî b. rauincU am etid an, cf i ii.t eaui p riier le ive snackià tepor *it b lerNJg1 ieuaecatas vguels" ireatct e bd O ced & Micmitf.cted Lapis as:b Im a f«c se pwoauib, emowutth* "bonla lag n t i a u p le a e a b e c, m et c l , h i mite bave bacc..i ,y>,th.e ma 0«( v~e mud ic m puuftM aWou le hbnia O 9 10 .nofteCemca, late . reum i 111 cm au tmark et cp bdc h s(ub i ieimei dod u g m "Iads λ 01; agduiabw du dmeutep a at vu"; -aleuWby ' 4 ttt i <~beili bua 8Zd= tui uvc bL »lia4 Nec ~ or .ié ai *t dg*Yaild -ki Wlup m,~Vhia> Mdu sc1,1101 .', uI* ro bu 6.qat, W" *ui, MWnemilth. b.... b . m e n u . m M Wie a . w tel < cc n cicm~~uM-uliec ha- loi if il hW uie for«» cm àà fi *«)y elamrcb a Is'*maille W" d*.ehilemtlbwe . pai <Cgal P" m tâc MreOcrm fi Io Sax somba frm .ie 104 o e ef grom 3 -1 ý*#Mofflkdmë 1 1 .1