wo t, *dme 91 s, -0 deutçb ih m hi. 44v tu.<mfM--- h Miniudh mM-tée M iiswiide «L, ne * i.a*u *oit. a" - ~ ~ 1~=ummamme*IowaB ~lOVSE ovAirnàL~ * N.mda~. Imomql. Ibm Vmnulltmeiq k, ehel. e~ je. mmi,. bih nau~c ?bm UC~AUi& peU~I7 alii~j. -. mmaBpasmIag.40 r BeyMmcauN-f Ba mmew.i B mjs é l u ui B1 ,, e NAea.dMmue Itmti defhbu'Mdtu aSde lhhstemcu Bm :r *Wa bol.mNi Fr ltaWiiývupid.im Aumlia. a a' pu Un*si in ubu at la 'M amyawe e iliesuliIleno!cisêsaiMbce liebm @. ui mimufSulalsGeaal gr ho v l e. bb a e.ha ica' Mixe% ibm ~ R 1 ..r.,.ii. 0 shi. I Ibm NlmMsr elt ga ma i a" hhiauisWum c 0 mut t aidilile ilasit ~wich B lbuIr Ib. m hM. ud a. m M MPB Me.budmmihmbr.J vU.N mi-sr aie h... Leas(iOcmpm mdil w the mIà "m a tUNM, iu bspuaen beçmbpi. il, "' u» of* Iamug ïrd; tam a .. eoq vu cmbaa et Wby uI.u bu tuM te q~m ia dm e, net ai.i~ s va. s id... ~ ibai mmd ah. aimai - I I laies I mM-M i t»4Uýa iïI -Wîl -0 lawt. -imilabai. MBorai i..ha MBe.- bu Bm wupoelem, mmi, s imM te im B pete id tisqilia.B. Waldmvot the. MO;bt B. ho . ecmlcimo .i aibit d s etu aw mpgl Weld sb Bt'm Bsy vuil4~ eiumuilIf ibm th utm d *a a tvoudaipvnmpl w«W mu"valuM fmne!uB. MN v op ehu a cmhu tAa, uuma,-hMd expm mm *eue » utse f Li Uma nie te "im mmmmgb an i lu Mi IOamf tu i » mddug de hiacaim e Célma mmgie* iePIM peuprmeivatemb m Ace. lm- 1 muplilI Bi Bae voiai hn l ami'h . Uilame bcamt 1ce.aimmieifi m b. Meli ibut Mielhy bad eMW MI dmil lIt =a%> ~su mumlî,liai 1h. Guemat vawu dt àspmc.b of Lord John pmil c BMte ;; pime te la cW Miefmrdbubcii amd. =i. M" Z Walmsa. M a8i they me Ml l"at hy vete hmaadi eedd aidicw e ic!u"i"vausm Sie mt. njL le a»Vir vues upu Bi veuNM pmema sdhembo. ItsiwM teladca *060% $, ivpe a»ducof"i shpl- Me. EOMNSNvoli lAm i Geem ftmSifieaMgave. Mu. SMAJA Epp"ma 66B. witidedgfB acti ebt ibe -ma u de ai tIrm L uf m - Iv gieteBi sau*oy bclvu lMibpe" lbe ee meai id mt BT b e e emeummetla Bal pamumes'DcL lzmhscymçt ffhol ga;ldmliaiamsssi-b eefemetimrds b« m s~im thé ci, -aid à.'- sumil. Bun leue, Mekit.ath radIUhIONMa6i MlaUbs.M Wma- sihlai.lUbhAe.d e mmtd u 101 Umi flbdlt, v i. b imiteb. ap*mmaiu m .g adMm klid0mi eaeit 6Mam Ibod . I44h laid ilB. gUhe a» au ba l t -vet I19hlme buuIo=s BeI ai.à.Lt e.meeb tp ht Miama veueml IfaSISij1 oauey *àaugeibmat.ifB otal 'a Bm lLeti m e. TM ,Pt ieum tuisiv vin l u m mou&tm; e lemm.elth.pemmtmm* msmmeayl jur vaui bu yidâM ali,'a im Iaean tmepI« epat ammua"ymWl dih un«meutaie rWou$ »Iie almpagne ~wu aaaie 14te810 bi. ouICIO GNEA aesi qlae. mmpiisg l. c lia maeat4,isha 1 aid a era0à$ats. vim bau miimmm I &%mmaichm n la bm ba iw Te vema laIMes!.te.. c illa bm elaà p-"i « " lliie 'abmet j.male. bu emtltii h iimld kbe li4e adieceMal s! ighppd i. ie mpeeiiset iW.vlidg. a, m lati, a Bm'O-'uhedeu, f a ,h" =hpgu b Bm MiUilsc .lgsim b.wâ~ metgSi. M e~vt - lt-~ad a1.2 w ai aaiehila - Upu mmd 1me vaun am %ho 1:4Z.;-Neu0àM. M"mt4. misa F,? 34 kete, oe Uiawia kla fit àes,ellca. licha Gomni, 1Ibd in h. m 1 - TlTEMAo, Jan"ir' », 1t acipezmiaLz Cev5, .aay.zu" i. 10811 SON amioved Ibo t bm mae gh gommeiuet b. mefemi eal a icemmunît., Ijeider ta amme mQue.. méacthe subjeci t avm t- Ni.PARIE i amt refer it, and aiUetaa ly t.auceh a-eociittee..ne léle eaitheIb doumet = Wu" à Mùametvaliseta"; ie, mil a ga teup iui G evici teiaj, bat h va. toc eaaita ecrar igtv hy Ibem.-b.vent feillsi16»aeLerd Deîhe .eîtui, man d tdc. emaldulitel] ijelaver cf the Govcraer Gner- il mach belle. Bae iev ceul aepect. lne tu». ad, la abmement, Ibat»2,00cpaîs l.mm me h. prine i bmesor =memIami M1.51E ,i rotaime Ibm coriginal mui, 1a~ez wu lcai0.n tbli .<t b, veûttla amy lt tb y vcdv erciecudisîgla ieuae he db. c Ibahm. iug tbm lust PLliammt hemi aid Mr F. Hea difféed and bs ippealmai#0 tie rSad h., tetuimma the prenamnt home; and h.:l oeimtib ah!=uinoe'atter vbtt il vu? l: clailie Miev hat cva *OR b yraqoabl fovimec L SAVEWuci bppy thal Ihm country gel '1e knout bey "bo en.jairapea i J.Crov. :A peu mrai b. m.membeci mîîved difféetly te chatbo dhe dcccvAnd chY?1 Th.y mes tes- bu ltiil acone.emand ibey coulai ses 'ta. =c . b Goeran.cIoducen ; flir cum Ja its m duicacoui vorisa t bh koa mmd 80cfrlaumIsaecifnended liasAey Oea-. Mlie SOLICITOR GENERAL voilaiopn lb. matimemibhon. friad con amt pljr1. log Lbm Qmn in e bwcy p dega. If il ver. mecmmmaetadalîm Mer Ilajemy, Jet nalice bu, glus, mmWbae it dismacai. ri. SaE OOD msaiil vuu mt mb c m. mcmim bs y migbl clpect te iecshve le Ibuir ad- dieu; but he conlaamst evhwat gond vouhabu giceai by iefinthe b malter te a cotmit« tbe bittai viy vould bcta adion thebmQue..one theb. sbct. nesimrendbmath enat a km5wu ilbuataife t No,ituamtti;ilýslý,1« 11km te me"t lb.the mmeiaaavblclam p , aii btwe.., tb.Geumir GêneIaid 4 . GevemmiseullaaimoIbtih "et cf ll fr oui information. Re, b.;Lved aem à. i leen plaue spmtsthau l- prate il Il vu mulber appreva« t di agcvd c' itil amevd ithemmctioec, f lb. egstrea SAM, or kt aid cet. Ibo" e ch. uià ta nethe q"«mie pt to tet, aigit b. Mullaea vitieul ofUn cpu t te depatelim. Wlut I v euhi amiai Mo cf " cîroîte. M &M tehen meerd- iige M Ibm iclemtd vMba&F!b Pslu. If h. cuitai pu lim.icei liat vu jemlY due ,t th bm.H.e via l liai botmde& aid ho lvip s ,aidm di ee..:,lveim bai jelumaç et,<an d t Ureaà. Jétb thmm m he vie bkMmM Eoe*m Mu6 j,1hi4ipial e ien laa hm l a-g. , m.(hmmwim :11=*b afla,1 ve. b.t Io b taai bowue.dLtBik t. ~ r him aitl - onfvas c v& vsI«L d On Wmdmumiep fteoeuopti*mCheegiW-ý mnmîtlvo. ai »«feeLiMr.soun i "t iàm@Lgimlamle GeemNw t ~ nd Ust h.. 'iete..u t- lh av"iu nbe iepia" Mttalg KUêG5~~Li~ARY~ 1dm1 I.u*11illp- the Ckmi lie~~~Wk IDb<n yySaa taivote of Il 1la -Weh baveepie iMe GuanO., à ubi ad if pugem4ap je ah. CeaCil cn thui W" " il b. f aid in mittier immn. Thi Omadi tila k imitk Mai.bylà IL TheUMu. selbig iflin u th me, tiri BaReiivei ibiemuiMW ibte tha" IvIb, ieiled li Provimciltfui il ocmmMrjuce. £18,00 pet moi amBishiqa ~ilif leda imi et AMt a M dvi mg the dumuutestiai m tithi bt mmtoat tred m £10M489e vmoud ve le sl ii 1*0 o.,0% 1h. a M uet.lyp Eseiimain 6 ,muain cneV of thMeim e Mty* 'q b Sbb", d Mli M - aI t -u lu Sagus an ai choie us B lu. P giboie -ira ,ii 'i I Ibm 0.00' là. -du te 1his ea - i*M. "*l4y mmla @Mmdtomar "âdn 2d. TIIORUIN id, aae bon. «beuàýî. .aveito reu temessage, end x r Govecoruaanlseied ath evn 2= 174imdIb the eeet Giemmral MLover Cmia on the îubject cf ihm Revenue, aid diithlieu- tnant Gommaeree ipr ith the requst cf Ibe beoe? e-h vth.db. bâd th.eaidpilmi e IbapjamimÎnaÏhlet (.Omuoemt& sir ràaic Sentc for lhe Rereivî r Gempal, mand tIclie t. iat mfol i @put iae 4akWmer tlatIem WWsl. ment, echaaldbmliehimpend hob. ctually q4aIiahimer fer lin, and b. laid hi, Ihit Id mausel iaii f*.dad am i Iit. Ut -euiGcnmat femea it«Iaaahe hob.,ba", c limai vue . M ,embeIg upen tb. subjeci ; mcd vhsl i Lbs 1 ip'îreplyt He mii if thes EecoairGecerailbad acleai di&ieally le cul hoh addcc, ~leehe-cavd àfii- ThalcieG ed tcecii1 thb e Mebers Lphlieaium, sd h. NEbreateicai villa mope- moi. W bat wu Ibm feeliettbe people villa fflpect te thi RservesIlthipamed ten timea thicoglaParliatnt, end if Ibeirfia linuge vite ano lee lucemulted laibm eiI.,* Parlismeal, h. wQee~mipcamid.Wbem t fiI.eeling of tb. Peuple en 1h. e latale LitI iihipema "hbouhen evera sssio& fWua thers îcy de. férence paid la thm fcelii anacaiintereala of the pempi en ctheme questions, er o e bmgat cf £2% 00t? LIber thebm ho f the Goeiaent, et iem@peruso.that nurmeiddai hiD, bm, ilîiwrZed th pwecedicui of Ihis houae..Many est of ths home@samiid mhy voilai peur iaGorermer inc Cma- cei W.Ibm pee mccokay et repremcelvm g umem; cdMW mof the mmIVirsucue N'ami la ari atielaig« li. n ceeu lahm ec~.. Aid if lbth ei- pde of mmm.ility mauai mt ti< cari eu mt, il vcldh.ea heuei te hart ceLegiltiursetaI al, but t lestiea iGeveime. anid uif. Nid. GOWAN kauvlIthâtivmwr of lthi Gev- mer Greietw u ontet ahïtSy o ,l 1kbon. mmiai lifer clavile, orM W t e hi* ; liaI utw itaoacwey la the publict Ho hihiewedai Ilda 9 v.e.cmnbtkanmd ceamfSt tM tboie ch. ver. i s bsA. he pporillg rpel .gsveram.st. la wa. nid tbat aàenebcd*m Souk place upc. telb. ui. etlvema BmHOMe Goereemet una Ihe Gememuiiaroli, 'laa wu th efelrance dra hmi Iby bone .. mmaon fIba the iGo umm Geestil eceimnai au amivmqmat h. vu &a 'W or Mabam e Mceu- Muiccalte lthis home. 'ue cula qppeft Ont Ibis WA vajmei aïtlb. Gavemo eatu riOeat mmucima hm e Govisma.iIOe %ln hich Le vent vitbbcld fis.ut* boesef Thi. Geva'îieGeucrul maaih. laid îw- eiveaithe m uscomumia dmîitr thé cv.ec utiiammy Wvll 1tlhe . sud inter- ati eof.upe '&' "s ePmisby thon Ipie.. tati,..He11. nid I m>'th$bm mm thse! Dow iy mchr auitheibm -lm t riTb* bha.. m'Mler fer Liailamai mui <sme aGoenomaclii cetil29 tothe UCtiuUUcelvid ibu ésExclhe. »arwen « pm. Bat -pia "d..I< h ij Ww e I uli ly hW, if tbm pooi!u depl h mgv.ftieuli m tb. ià. mimiemi mecilg te Ihe visbes ori*9 pme*t Bie iamv Iboeunimbai iel$h vuCOi v p4t b. talaIbmpelmepl et t 1.aj~.4 u i iIviib lh. acovr »Mitdm»u-mouml ldIl »Malbctma>. leOd e ck tWOr goemumei# Mp.Ivellmllim ic tihl is uapb vtmià u mieumsiNb b.Lpame kMp vent muse al hemtÊ. mu. i Me ibis meamre milder the cofi~j tbe Legumaure. @Ditbc void miel ordia Mpiamil. W. oe? h hd Ducs mpmmk in ah. Coacei belli,~ glua1 behumihi.m poe0mcWilil1 umivermatly end omibeiîusttly îîelier.j l'inbolond boy iether publie funclî0q,,, ; annelle. Thi Huit. Colonuel Wý ekeao ivar othbllu. madi.r'd b. coulil n ciàii ifunq.nejby tt. Tho. lon. Ni.r. 44amieci ul.dthe~ bahuby màmut elrpy ta lie m jectitn uiicitboitdbeesi urgrd îît lyIwo bourts i hedelvey, ctirat mpeeîmuen ail pallimeasi<y îIcqiu e v.e ever vit:cimed ibte Legwil ,,eC~ rdsudmai i thmnte hlo,' tte annl..t tiutI, end Ile mt Q, il d fmi uof 'l.. ioiucîtuiîîof tlebCnti Act ut 1791-. li relQll o 1 0 hiC i provisionen md trie ppicîita oiut 4,. s iplem tu the priment amIee et.nocieîî la,1b .Praossne. Ibm, Wei cv# ici vel. îîtj i hi (ettite lftovine4al Letielatu e libope yeC te lo b. lehi. lay liis *peeritlit t bmth ee"duptiedby a i naj«,,I-y 14 a 1 amcdment, end it teintcr4 'te lu e'c eeuding on Mondmy. Un<Jontdin, t iim. NiM. De laqusiredeliîcred elohît p, ,of mure 1h40 Ivo boutsri lti n l rjei. ?Ar. De 0l. eteels in lb. ar t 1f du, 1 ito, em# inwthe use of i maltitoudç;,, e %uh moent îlae illiuei. Hlie. h%, tiiProvince ibrueelears, volto uuds le lianiemure cf dtm vuîa mi Iflhitiî,.,t 6"lionoibt recmia ibe <cueoir le Nef. De IH. la ceeonm c nemtIw.nîi Motinommser. mmd abatte iniii inn t &, mpporently incriemin obitVien..but l, an in he a mon cfoe titre. smd lbat idosa beoe h binlitet EIliscai lis P rugotiva nia d eimaaliimitm. md niubà,,I sied se far îmsariîn meslusiplauî.ja gummistion of ahi questinîa, air. DMg spieerbei ippeaiid bbot ci ette,. la Ocueasean.Mr. De B. inform %ie tri, th aî ves it t ait speecth ; fi f th, rvoiolai. .envoli cerer tale hji ant îmà, ia bri( sud caicîeogi ieply tu the lioo M De Dhoqtiei. e. N.. ai epiy teihe ehi ai ide be hma de, la i ti rare.. bid battu foreud 0.ooub Ihit Iliq & veineiiieîl mIce, remarssîl hàtut tirten memuhe of tut iHoui. uic ne ormete. liipimm.ioe eCroi. 00 bod viîmain favie of theia, ih.Sttej doedica ibe mbuwap)lid voeiagarnia i.. U« véstyulit es. bputvifurtibe l Them~pe1i e, e aîcition dl la hi a i tokepl*t in taie Ob teapbu e u Im .jeI U be ai lmm eum~~u attit. .!,a a Dot ont s jm * a*i «hi ais t ite. ,i lIaitmM-I 1h. ppl lon mmade,lie i jmlusugi.,Bt Ill sMbave lmOpposa cf MW*ila Î&l ieâIdua.m u hrgiam liiiplistliBsbfmmi,uni eim d mag ias mîlaat. and b bab..mm4.mUnilss Publieceýdat &W.% - - - .UIIII, Iatho i. better <AU 69es au lion b.vu Ibs. The toij Iledt n 'M la8f l14,for naiqI bu uhje, tu ho0i Io"! halliq ............ .1 m QýPCý m "M y