Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 30 May 2001, A03

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Wednesdsay May 30, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER A3 Photo by Barrie Erskine Tony Piccoli demonstratesthe new internet acces program at the Catholic Adult Learning Centre. P u b lic c a n n o w g o o n lin e th a n k s t o n e w I n t e r n e t c e n tr e By H ow ard M ozel OAKVILLE BEAVER STAFF It's easy to assum e that in the Inform ation Age everyone has easy entry to cyberspace but that is sim ply not the case. The Halton Catholic D istrict School B oard's new public Internet centres, however, should help change all that. The Board recently opened the tw o new centres thanks to Industry C an ad a's Community A ccess Program (CAP), the goal of which is to give residents in all parts of Canada affordable entrance to the Internet. "B asically w e 're p ro v id in g com puter access for those who could not possibly afford it," said Joe M ongiardi, Principal o f the Board's C ontinuing Education Services and Adult Learning Centres. In O akville, CAP is located in the B oard's Adult Learning Centre at 171 Speers Rd. A centre is also available at the Adult Learning C entre at 760 B rant St., Suite 401 A, in Burlington. Individuals using CAP will be able to use online resources to their best advantage to acquire new skills, im prove prospects for training and increase em ploym ent opportuni ties. In addition to being able to set up em ail accounts and conduct job searches, em ploy ment seekers can take full advantage of the variety of software and laser printer to create professional resum es and letters. (IBM C om puters w ere p rovided by Industry C anada.) A co-op high school students will be on hand to facilitate clients' needs. "F or even som eone who is com pletely com puter illiterate, this is a good place to start," Mongiardi said. The centres are now open during schools hours (8 a.m. to 4 p.m.) but access could be expanded if dem and warrants. This could very w ell happen given the B oard's aggressive m arketing o f the centres to everyone from stu dents to seniors. "It's all-access to everybody," said Board com puter technician Jason Maggio, who said the Board "jum ped at the chance" to take advantage o f Industry C anada's offer. Originally housed in the old Hydro build ing on Trafalgar Road, the B oard's larger Speers Road Adult Learning Centre also pro vides a range of opportunities to enrol in com puter and general interest courses, secondary school credit courses, job retraining, skills upgrading, literacy and basic skills. Science courses encom pass everything from chem istry and physics to biology. There is also English, m athem atics and more. "We are running a small secondary school here," said M ongiardi. That said, he added that the facility also offers a host o f additional program s, such as L anguage Instruction for N ew com ers to Canada, English as Second Language, general interest, citizenship, apprenticeship and more. "We went full-out for all th is," said M ongiardi. group A strep b a cte ria & the life threatening illnesses they cause Take a hike at LIFE HIKE 2001 Saturday, Ju n e 9 th Heritage Trails, Lions Valley Park, Oakville Limited edition T-shirts for all registered hikers plus Random Draws · K id s A r e a · Entertainment P r iz e s · Treats · B B Q L u n c h In fo rm a tio n a n d p le d g e fo r m s : www.lifehike.ca t o r LIFE 416 8 8 6 - 6 7 7 7 Celebrating LIFE & preparing for the future Weather The Oakville. Milton and District N e tw o rk · ·L I S T I T C t l l l P Lcoaws Th e O a k v i l l e B e a v e r Y xunptid la. (g S S S ) T o w r e p n 's o r t f in a n c ia l a w in n e r Num ber crunching may not be exciting to the masses but it has the Town of Oakville excited. T hat's because, for the third year straight, the Town has received the prestigious C anadian Award for Financial R eporting from the G overnm ent Finance Officers' Association (GFOA) of the United States and Canada. The Town picked up the honour for its 1999 financial report. The Canadian Award for Financial Reporting was established to raise the stakes in municipal governments publishing high quality financial reports. Winners are those whose financial reports achieve the high program standards for C anadian governm ent accounting and financial reporting. The financial report is jud g ed by an im partial Canadian review committee and must meet numerous standards including dem onstrating a constructive "spirit of full disclosure". "This award represents a significant accom plish ment," admitted O akville's finance director Mo Lewis. "It's great for Oakville to once again be recognized for the accountability, stewardship and credibility o f its financial report," said Lewis. And in true team spirit, Lewis said, "Look for us again next year ... we intend to maintain our winning streak." ENNISCLARE INTERIORS S pring S ale ENDS SUNDAY, JUNE 3 B E D S 5 0 % OFF C rime W atch Irim e W a tch is p re s e n te d in c o -o p e ra tio n with H alton R e g io n a l P o lic e S e r v ic e s a n d is a im e d at p rom oting o f c rim in a l a ctivity in o u r co m m u n ity an d a better u n d e rsta n d in g of th e s e c u rity is s u e s fa cin g resid e n ts. T h e fo llo w in g is a list of O a k v ille -a re a b re a k -in s a n d au to thefts rep o rted to H alto n P o lic e . S o m e o c c u rre n c e s m a y not a p p e a r b e c a u s e o f d e la y s in th e reporting o f th e in cid en ts. From May 14-May 20, 2001 Residential break-ins Old Colony Rd. Front door Jewellery, cash Stolen vehicles May 19 Howell Road Kerr Street Speers Road Winston Park Drive White Oaks Blvd. 1999 Audi 1994 Dodge Caravan 1995 Plymouth Neon 1997 GMC Savana .1995 Chrysler A. Available in Queen or King Size B AC. Available in Queen Size Only ` Beds as shown available for immediate delivery. Limited quantities. Mattress, box spring and bedding sold separately. May 20 Tip of the week: T h e H a lto n R e g io n a l P o lic e e n c o u ra g e b u s in e s s an d h o m e o w n e rs to m ark th eir property with a n id entificatio n num ber. If it is re c o v e re d after b ein g sto len , th e id entifying n u m b e r w ill g et it b a c k to y o u so on er. C a ll 9 0 5 -8 2 5 -4 7 4 7 ext. 2 2 2 2 to re s e rv e you r u s e of th e id entification kit. B u s in e s s e s will a ls o b e g ive n a P ro v in c ia l Identification n u m b e r to b e u s e d . T h e s e rv ic e is free. LARGE SELECTION OF BEDROOM SUITES AVAILABLE AT 25-40% OFF 1075 North S e rv ice Rd. W est, O akville. Tel: (905) 825-2450 S TO R E HOURS: Mon., Tues., Wed. & Sat. 10:00 am to 5:30 pm Thurs. & Fri. 10:00 am to 9:00 pm. Sun. Noon to 5pm If yo u have inform ation regarding the ab ove crim es, p le a se con tact #2 D istrict C rim in a l Investigations a t 825-4777, ext. 2216 o r C rim e S topp ers a t 8 2 5-T IPS (825-8477) o r 1-800-222-TIPS. C a lle rs m ill n e v e r h a ve to id e n tify th e m se lv e s. Payment plans available In-home decorator service available w w w .e n n is c la re in te rio rs .c o m

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