Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 9 May 2001, Classified, d4

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D4 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 9, 2001 T h e O a k v il l e B ea ver B O N U S ! A l l c la s s ifie d a d s a p p e a r @ C l a s s if ie d TO PLA CE AN AD CALL 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 3 8 2 4 O R 9 0 5 - 3 3 7 - 5 6 1 0 FA X : 9 0 5 - 6 3 2 - 8 1 6 5 woakvillebeaver.com T h e s i t e y o u r c o m m u n i t y c lic k s o n ! M O N . - FRI . 9 : 0 0 a m - 5 : 0 0 p m C irc u la tio n : 9 0 5 - 8 4 5 - 9 7 4 2 Real E state 1 0 0 -1 6 5 ' Rentals 1 7 0 -1 9 6 · Leisure Living 2 0 0 -2 6 5 · M erchandise 3 0 0 -3 7 5 * Auto 4 0 0 -4 6 5 · Help W anted 5 0 0 -5 9 9 · A nnouncem ents 6 0 0 -6 7 5 · Services 7 0 0 -8 0 0 B u rlin g to n T o w e rs T h e H o te l A lte r n a tiv e FURNISHED C O R P O R A T E SUITES · Furnished Designer Apartments · Fully Equipped Kitchens · Magnificent Indoor Pool · Sauna & Fitness Centre 1285 Ontario St. Saturday May 12, 1pm - 4pm 277 Dalewood Drive Open House 639 · 8583 Open 7 Days per Week www.ontim.com · btow ers@ lara.on.ca 2 storey,4 bdrm, 4 baths,hrdwd thru-out, ceramic tile foyer, 3 F/P, formal living/din ing room with bay windows, walk out basement. $839,000. Call (905)338-7375 O PEN House- Sun. M ay 13th, 1-4pm . Flam borough. apartm ents & flats Private sale. 81 Hw y.#5 ·J for rent W est. Clappison Corners area $229,000. Enjoy BURLINGTON.Park-like country living. 1-acre lot, setting. Prestigious area olf C ourse. city water. 3-bedrooms near Tyandaga G , July 1st. U tilities/ m ainfloor. Upstairs apart 2-bedroom ment w / separate meter/ appliances included. (905) _______ 335-3001 entrance, fridge, stove. Clean throughout. A PARTM ENTS available (305)689-6668.______ from $875/m o. Indoor pool. Q EW / Trafalgar area. O PEN House. Sat./ Sun. _ 1-4 pm . 4394 Latim er Cres. (905)844-1106. Burlington. Dream Hom e: O A K V ILLE. QEW / Trafal M illcroft, golf course com 1-bedroom from $799/ m unity. Arthur Blakely gar. o.; 2-bedroom from $899/ 2800 sq. ft. Cumberland m m o.; 3-bedroom from$989./ home. Exquisite kitchen. m o. W ell m aintained build Upgrades galore. Private ing. N ellie, (905)339-2028. sale. 905-331-2360. N o agents please.________ D o w n to w n PR IV A TE: Rexway/ Cum berland area. W alk to St. B u rlin g to n Paul's &A ssum ption schools Torrance Street &m alls. 3+ 1 bdrm s. split 1&2 Bdrm Apts. level, quiet crescent. $235,000. 905-399-1763. with lake views. Freshly ran O A K V ILLE: freehold, 140' lot backing onto ravine, 3bdrm , 2-1/2 baths, c/a, fire place, California shutters, large deck off kitchen, w alk out basement, m any extras. For appointment call (905)257-6843________ M A PLE Creek Village on Stephenson D r. 6 m onth new end unit. 3 bedroom s, August closing, private sale. $176,900. V iew by appointment only! (905) 333-8396. N oagents please. RED UCED! Lakefront "Ennisclare" condo. Toron to skyline, harbour, escarp m ent view s. 2-bdrm s +den. $365,000. Gloria W ilson, Sales Rep. Royal LePage R.E.Services Ltd. 905332-0666/1-888-847-7355 W E specialize in Condo m inium Sales &Rentals. C all Linda Davies Real Es tate Ltd., Realtor, (905)333-4347_______ ROCKW OOD Three bed room century hom e. V ictor ian decor, large deck, beautifully landscaped inground pool $269,000 (519)856-2182 w w w .saugeenrealestate.on.ca industrial /com m ercial space LA RG E area close to highw ay w ith historical signifcance. Tranquill setting, already sold to many, but room for more. Fully land scaped, m any stones, along endof Lane. C all W ally. INEXPENSIVE W A RE HO USE or light industrial space Oakville, near Q EW 45,000 sq.ft. or less. Sprinklered, overhead doors, overhead crane, truck level doors. Joe L uyk, E xt.242, (905)845-7597 OFFICE Space available Q EW / Trafalgar Rd. area. 865 sq,ft. & 1090 sq. ft. Reasonable rates. Trafalgar (O akville) R ealty, (905)3381130_____________ B U R LIN G TO N :O ffices for Lease: 500- 1800 sq.ft.; re tail for lease 1100- 3000 sq.ft.; Investment building for sale, $460,000. D ave Johnson, Assoc. Broker, R e/M ax, 905-333-3500 painted, new windows, hardwood floors, Outdoor pool! From $869./mo. G REAT Canadian Bagel (M ilton). Profitable, great location. Contact Scott B . Prior, R eM ax B lue Springs (Halton Corp.) (905)8782341._____________ D R Y C LEA N IN G depot (Franchise). A 1 Burlington location. G ood lease (m all). 20 years- w ell established. ($3500/w k.). 905-336-1550 C A N A D IA N owned &op erated car &truck rental company is looking for an agent in Central B urlington area. Prospective agent's prem ises m ust be zoned for this type of operation. For information call, Gerard Slootweg, Carter Car & Truck Rentals, (905)5279083._____________ N O N I JUICE- God made it- w e sell it- incom e is al m ost unreal. W ork w ith top BEAUTIFUL local leader. (905)855-9166 WATERDOWN! W IN N IN G Combination. Y our determination to be Edith Court self-employed paired w ith an innovative, exciting 1- Bdrm Apts~$700 business= SUCESS. Can Immed. & June 1st be started p/t and still earn potential $55,000/year. M in. Includes utilities. invest. $16,800. For free ParkingAvailable in fo : 1-888-335-7533. H A IR Salon for sale. G reat (905) 690-1896 Burlington location! 905630-2244 A IR M ILES® Collectors W anted. Points aw arded for rental dollars- 1.2& 3 Bed room Suites on one year leases. C all for availability: G H EN T Ave.: 2-bdrm, (905)639-8583________ large eat-in kitchen, stove, OAKVILLE-near W inston fridge, 4 piece bath, laundry C E W . 2-bedroom facilities, locker and park- hurchill/ Q basement apartm ent, ap ing. (905)637-9333_____ pliances, parking, 4 C/A , H E A R T of Bronte. 50 East $1,000/inclusive. June 1st. St., close to lake &Bronte 905-829-1762.________ H arbour. 2-bedroom avail A K V ILLE. Near all able Junelst. $1,110./m o.+ O enities. 199 Queen M ary parking. Call (905)825- am 0816_____________ D rive: 2-bedroom available June 1st. $975./mo. W H ITE Oaks, Oakville. parking). (905)844-9006 (+ Spacious 1& 2 Bedroom+ den, from $1090/mo.; Im O A K V ILLE: 6th/Upper mediate. W ell- maintained M iddle, 1-bdrm basement com plex, full rec. facilities apt w ith to patio. including indoor pool, sun Availablewalkout July 1st. $675./ ken livingroom ... some w ith m o. utilities incl. (905)632fireplace! C all 905-815-1628 2820 (905) 637-6701 A V A ILA B LE June 1st in Burlington's M aple A ve. area. 1 bedroom apartm ent, walk up. $625. (905)6344222_________ A V A ILA B LE July 1st. 2bedroom, second floor of historic dow ntow nO akville home. Private entrance. Parking. A ll appliances, utilities. $1200/ m o. 905842-6250________ 2-BEDROOM S: $810./ m o. (Utilities included). 2386 N ew Street at G uelph Line. Office Open 9-4pm , M on.-Sat. (905)639-5761 PORT Credit, June 1st, renovated 1-bedroom, $780/m o., utilities included + parking, $30. Great location. 905-271-3429______ W ATERDOW N.John St. W alk to Everything. N ew Appliances, N ew W indow s. Complete Reno. 1-Bdrm s. U til. Incl. from $725./mo. (905)690-4454________ BRO N TE: 2 bdrm , private entrance, 5 appliances, jacuzzi, gas fireplace, a/c, w alk to lake. N o pets,non sm oking. Parking. June 1st. $1150/m o. (416)993-1622. PROSPECT/ Brant: 3bdrm , 1800sq.ft. in quiet 6plex, a/c, 4 appliances, hardwood floors, patio, ex cellent condition. July 1st. $915/mo. + utilities. (905)637-0127________ 1& 2 Bedroom Suites among refined tenants in luxury building close to Burlington M all. Call the 'Princess', (905)639-8009 O A K V ILLE: 190 Kerr, at Rebecca. Renovated, Large suites. W alk to Everything. 1-Bedroom from $825. (905)845-1777________ BA RK LEY Towers, A l dershot. 2-bedroom, M ay 1st/ June 1st, $810/mo. Parking included. N o pets. C all 905-632-0961 D O W N TO W N Burlington, 12,& 3 Bedrooms: June/ July. Freshly painted, som e w ith new kitchen cabinetry! W ell maintained, quiet building. W alk to shopping, Hospital, Lake! Call (905)637-0321________ GUELPH/N EW : 1-bdrm , sunken living room , new appliances, new ly renovat ed. $774./mo. utilities incl. (905)681-2019, k 1& 2 Bedroom apartments with lake views! Burloak/ Lakeshore area. From $950/m o. (905)639-3301 C A NA D IA NA.Quiet, w ellmaintained lakefront build ing. Very spacious 2& 3bedrooms available June 1st. 5220 Lakeshore Rd., B urlington. (905)632-5486. B U R LIN G T O N . 'Bluefields' Large, clean 2& 3 bedroom s. Hardwood, fenced patio, laundry. N o dogs. Junelst. $8757m o. (905)336-7207 BEA U TIFU L adult 4-plex. 2-bdrms, 2nd floor. Back yard. Private entrances. W hirlpool. Appliances. N o children/ pets. Im m ediate. $995/inclusive. Sam- cell# (905)-516-6733, (905)-6342600. B rant area, B urlington B A C H ELO R apartment for single person, non-smok ing, no pets. References. First/ last. H w y.5/ Guelph U ne. M ay.15. 905-336-6323 BU RLIN GTON -- N ew renovations 2/3 bedrooms w ith basement from $850. plus utilities. Fridge/ stove. 905-332-0935________ BURLIN G TO N - Large 2bedroom apartment (825 sq.ft.) in clean quiet build ing. Parking. $750/m o. C all B everly. (905)634-5885. BU R LIN G TO N 2-bedroom apartment (highrise). First/ last. $700/mo. +parking. (416)890-2768_______ SPACIOUS, bright base m ent, excellent condition. 4 appliances, 3pc. bath, 1bdrm , living room , gas fire place, c/a, cable, parking. Share yard, pool, patio, B B Q .Q uiet W est B urlington area. Suitable for em ployed couple/single person. $785./mo. inclusive. N o pets/smoking. July 1st (905)637-5740________ D O W N TO W N Oakville, 2bedroom, A /C . Available June 1st. $1150/mo.+ C all Forbes 416-420-3952 SPACIOUS 1.2& 3 Bed rooms. Freshly painted, bright. Competitive rent. Burlington high-rise. W ellm aintained. Convenient lo cation. 905-333-9846, N oon-8pm W A LKERS LIN E/ Upper M iddle. 1-bedroom +den, $900/mo. +utilities. A vail able June 1st. Call Terry, (905)334-2836.________ NORTHSHORE Towers, 1& 2 Bedroom s, June/ July. $750/m o. U tilities included. N o Pets. Q uiet B uilding. D i ane, 9am -7pm . 681-1307* B urlington Tallest Building in Oakville! (at 30 Speers Rd.) Kerr/ Speers/ QEW Bachelors trom S729* 1-Bdrmstrom$829* 2-Bdrms from S949* Spacious and well main tained highrise. Most newly decorated! Some with lake view. Liz: (905) 845-9502 housesfor rent H O M ES to rent w /option to buy, or creative financing available to facilitate pur chase of hom ew ith little or nothing down! Jay N elligan, Assoc. Broker, (905)639-5258 R e/M ax Es carpment Realty, Realtor, creative opts@ quickclic.net 4-B E D R O O Mnear schools & all amenities. $1975/mo.+ utilities. Others too. Call A ctive Management, 905847-5095, E xt.70______ O A K V ILLE (near Sheri dan College)- 3 bedroom basement apartment. Available June 1st. First/ last. (905)828-7811_____ O A K V ILLE (near Sheri dan College)- 3-bedroom house for rent, U pper level. Available June 1st. First/ L ast. (905)828-7811_____ BU RLIN G TO N . Francis/ N orthshore. 3-bedroom s (4plex), 1.5 baths, parking, laundry, stove, fridge, $850/ m o. Available Junelst. (905)578-6996._______ BURLINGTON- 4 bed rooms, 3 baths, enclosed backyard, no pets. Avail able M ay 15th. $1300/m o. (905)827-3947, after 8pm . BU RLIN G TO N . 3-bdrm bungalow, finished base m ent. Near schools/ shops. N o pets, June 1st $1,295./ m o. -futilities, 905-2574125, after 6 p.m . 4-BED ROO M S, 5 applian ces, fireplace, garage. July 1st. $1695/mo.+ utilities. Active Management, 905333-5387__________ E X E C U T IV E luxury 3 years new, 4-bedroom detached w ith loft. Glen A bbey, gas fireplace, 5 appliances, $2500/mo. Available M ay. (905)844-9022, (905)4652525_____________ IM M A C U LA TE CO N D I TION- 3 bedroom, de tached side split, 5 ap pliances, c/air, near schools, fenced backyard. $1,800/mo + utilities. SE Burlington. September 1st. (905)637-2942 C EN TR A LO akville 3 Bed room townhouse. $1150/mo plus utilities, available immediately (905)827-8983._______ O AKVILLE Nicely deco rated 2 bedroom town house, end unit, 1 1/2 bath rooms, 5 appliances, ga rage/opener, A/C. New com plex, July. 1st, $1250. plus utilities. Call (905) 849-1162__________ TUCK'S Forest, Upper M iddle/ W alker's. N ew 3Bedroom, 1-1/2 baths, 5 appliances, finished low er level w ith w /o to enclosed patio, sunny kitchen, A /C , garage. July 15th. $1380/ m o. (905)336-0659_____ PA R K like setting. 2-bdrm , June/ July. Near Tyandaga G olf Course, B urlington. 1 1/2 baths, finished base ment, hardwood floors, 4 appliances. (905)335-3001 3-Bdrm 2-Level T o w n h o m es 2418 G lenwood School D r.. Burlington (Harvester & Guelph) 1-1/2 baths, cleaned, painted, full basement. FU R N ISH ED roomin ex ecutive home. W ell main tained and clean, inground pool, many extras. Re sponsible Individual . $450 Trafalgar/Upper M iddle. (905) 338-5956._______ BRAND new 3-bedroom basement apartm ent, taste fully decorated. Seperate entrance, close to Pilgrimwood School. Call (905)847-8191_______ shared m accom m odation SHARE House - Female wanted - child O .K . Shared responsibilities, fair rent (416)562-1170 (905)4691096._____________ CLEA N , bright apartmentM ale/ female. Smokers okay. Guelph Line/ N ew . $420/m o. utilities included. Im m ediate. 905-632-3289. O A K V ILLE home w ith pool. O w n bedroom plus private livingroom, share only kitchen/ bath, $525./inclusive (905)465-1961 O A KV ILLE- near Sheri dan. Rooms available. 4bedroom condo, secure building, laundry. $400/m o. Available M ay1. (905)8087447; (905)339-0637. M A TU R E, non-smoking m ale to share beautiful R iv er Oaks home. Upstairs bedroom, fu ll house privi leges, June 1. $550./mo. 905-257-1428.________ PROFESSIONAL female to share 3-bedroom bunga low w/same. Non-smoker. A ir, fireplace, hardwood floors, deck, B B Q , cable, large yard, parking. Near GO / lake/ downtown Oak ville/ gym . $520/m o. inclusive. (905)339-0776. STEPS from Bronte har bour, 1-bedroom , bath, liv ingroom (handsome tow nhom e). Fem ale non-sm oker. $500/mo. inclusive. Im m ediate. (905)847-0888. 2B ED R O O M deluxe tim e share, near Charleston, S.C. Near 18 hole cham pionship golf course/ Beach. M ay12-M ay18, $400. cdn 905-815-1586 H ITC H IK ER Premier 1992, 5th wheel, 32' 2doors, 13' glide room , air, awning, phone/ cable ready. 4-burner propane stove, microwave, gas/ electric fridge, furnace, center kitchen, spare tire, tub w /show er, w hite oak in terior, extras available. N o smoking/ pets. $28,000. (905)632-6297._______ |({iV J item sunder S 1 0 0 . B A B Y change dresser and pad, $40. 905-335-8248 B A B Y swing- G raco. open top, battery, $50. (905)331-- 4793_____________ BIKE- girl's, pink w ith training wheels, $20. (905)331-47^3 _______ BIKE- girl's junior, suit able for ages 7-10. G ood condition, $40. (905)6399694_____________ C A R Seat- Evenflo, 5-40 pounds, $20. (905)331-4793 C A R topper- slightly used. $70. (905)332-5304_____ CHESTERFIELD (Da venport) + chair, R ed floral, $100. 905-336-0522 CLOTHES line pole (for backyard), never needs painting, $75/obo. (905)3192015_____________ C O R O N A TIO N Street fans! I have 73 m agazines dating from Feb./92-May/99. $25.00 or best offer Call (905)842-4184 before 9p.m . CURTAIN S, tw o sets, 43"lx50" w ,m atching com forter, bathmat, accesso*ries. A ll peach. $100. 905336-0522__________ FISH tank w ith all supplies, $85. (905)847-5124 FREEZER, Chest, 21-1/2' w ide x 46" long, $100. 905336-0522 .________ CEILIN G lights, hanging, blue &w hite Tiffany, $70/ both. C all (905)637-7647. N 64 Video game- Banjokazooie, $30. (905)8475124_____________ N 64 video game- Star W ars Pod-racer, $30. (905)8475124__________ PLAYPEN- Graco Pack N ' Play, $45. (905)3314793_____________ SOFA- L-shaped, beige w ith pull-out bed. $99. (905)845-7531 60FT of 5ft. tubular steel black fence including gate, rem oved from around pool. W ill need new posts. $550. 336-8132_______ A IR conditioner- 10,000 B TU , almost new. $250. 905-637-3676________ APPLIANCES- fridge, 2 door; Stove; M aytag au tom atic washer, dryer. A lso, apartment set. Under W ar ranty. (905)637-8328 THIS W E E K 'S SPE C IA L new Frigidaire stacker washer/dryer, full size $888.88. Also Com mercial washers & Dryers. Lowest prices new & reconditioned A p p lia n c e s P lu s 2033 Mount Forest,Burl B ED - Orthopedic mattress, boxspring, head/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635________ BED RO O M set, 8-pce., solid Cherrywood, all D ovetail, m etal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w /rails, tri ple dresser, mirror, large chest, nightstands. Never used, still boxed. Cost $8,499, sacrifice $3,999. 905-971-1777________ BEDS, N ew - Complete: Double, $220; Queen, $240. Complete w/frame. Futons available. Free D e livery. C all (905)681-9496. BED- Queen, orthopedic m attress, boxspring, head board, footboard, frame. N ew, in plastic. Cost $1225, sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573____ CARPET. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainmaster &100% nylon car pet. W ill do livingroom & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad &installation (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 CED A R Springs Health, Racquet and Sportsclub is offering a new ly renovated banquet hall. Full ameni ties, in-house C hef, friendly staff. Seats 250+. Great for banquets, conferences, weddings, etc. N ow book ing for 2001/ 2002. Please contact Ange M oore, 905634-4800, E xt. 221______ C H IP and Dale mahogany partners desk and credenza, $2500./best offer. (905)335-5504________ D ESIG N ER K id's clothesGap, Osh Kosh & M exx, etc..Girl's sizes 5-7, Boys sizes 10-12. (905)634-2997 D IA M O N D ring, 1/2 carat centre stone, 18K white gold, c/w appraisal. A sking $4000./best offer. (905)6167598_____________ D IN IN G furniture: double pedestal table, solid cherry, expands to 102" w /custom pad. $1,000. 6 Ethan A llen chairs w/upholstered seats, $250.ea. 905-844-2528 D IN IN G room table, glass w ith 6 upholstered chairs, Excellent condition. $300./ best offer. (905)825-3538, evenings. D IN IN G R O O M table $75, buffet $100, hutch $50. Stove, self-clean avocado $25. A ll good condition. (905)639-3206 evgs. D IN IN G R O O M : 9-pce., solid Cherryw ood, 92' dou ble pedestal table, 6 C hip pendale chairs, lighted hutch, buffet. N ew , still boxed. Cost $12,500., sac rifice$4,750. (905)304-5883. F IL T E R QUEEN VCRS & 17-20' colour T V s &portable C D players, $80-$l20. Excellent condition. C all (905)681-9496. W AREHOUSE Sale- by appointment- Cherry/ m ah. full D /R suites, $1,750. and up; table, chair sets; bed room suites; odd pcs; 1/2 price. Save $$$. Beautiful baby grand piano- Excellent condition $1,950. C all 905227-9458 D eliveryavailable. W A N TED All-China. Sil ver, Crystal, sewing ma chines... Doulton, M oorcroft,Q uilts, G lass, W atches, camera/ audio equipment, dolls, paintings, collecti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477________ PAINTINGS, Antiques. Estates; G lass, China, Jew elry, Clocks, Watches, Dolls, Cameras, Textiles, Toys, etc. K arl (905)681I cars for sale 1993 FORD Aerostar 380.000K - $1000. as is, C all (416)828-1879_____ 1998 Chev Cavalier Z24, black, 5-spd, 110K, A /C . power roof, alum inum rim s. M int. A sking $12,000. 905319-0608__________ 2000 Ford Focus 5-speed, a/c., sunroof, 15,000 km s. Take over lease or purchase. (905)335-4839. 1989 4-dr. V olvo GL- blue, excellent condition, certi fied. N ewTires. $5000/obo. (905)842-4288________ 1998 Camaro convertibleRed. 97,000km . C ertified. Em ission tested. $15,500. call 905-631-1466 _____ 1995 Oldsmobile Royalegreen, loaded, m int condi tion. Under 100,000km, $10,800. C ertified. (905)8444892_____ ________ 1995 Ford M ustang, 6 cyl., air, cassette stereo. Excel lent shape. C all between 811:30 m ornings (905)6817206._____________ 1997 Chrysler Eagle V ision TSI, executive car, 48K ,w arranty, fully loaded, m int condition, $16,900. (905)945-8286_______ 1973 Trium ph TR 6- 53,000 original miles. Rebuiltengine, transm ission, clutch, new top. Excellent body, many extras. Runs well. $14,500. 905-825-2455 1986 Prelude, recent clutch w ork &brakes. Needs body work. A s it $800. 905469-0655__________ 1997 FO RD Escort L X 4door, dark green, auto., certified, emission-tested, a/c., immaculate, $6900. obo. (905)847-3418. 1997 Intrepid ES 3.5L., 6cyl., auto., air, keyless, ABS, power everything, certified, E-tested. Re duced: $10,400. (905)319-- 2049. W iK u l m otorcycles EXCELLENT K ids Bike. 1998 Yamaha PW -80. Clutchless shifting, semi auto., 3-spd trans. About the size of a 50. Never abused, exc. shape. Call Ryan 905-689-4522 after 4pm / leave m essage autoparts, ^ supplies & repairs TIRES Sale. 1 season only. Firestone Firehawks P225/50R15, set of 4 and M ichelin Radial X SE 195/ 65R15, set of 4. $150./set firm . (905)681-9303, after 6p.m . TRA IN IN G position- start im m ediately. 16-W kL ive-in program. M inim um 18-yrs. Exposure to all aspects of Veterinary Hospital. M ust be m otivated w ith a love for animals. Fax resume to: Tracy Edwards, (905)8447351 PHARM ACIST w ith good patient counselling skills required full-tim e. W e are a busy dispensary & open until m idnight. Com petitive wages & benefits. M ail resumes to: Shoppers D rug M art, 520 Kerr St, Oakville, L 6K 3C7 or fax 905-845-3407 P O L I C E F O U N D A T IO N S D IP L O M A ^ R e g is te r N O W fo r F R E E In fo r m a tio n S e s s io n M a y 1 0 a t 7 p .m . H A I .T O N B IJS 1 N K S S iN s T rn m s (9 0 5 ) 6 3 7 -3 4 1 5 D IS A B IL IT Y C L A IM S A D V IS O R S (3 ) P ennsylvania Life Insurance Company, a mem ber of the Universal American Financial Corporation, a publicly traded company with approximately $1.2 billion of assets, has relocated its US operations from Raleigh, North Carolina to Mississauga. As we contin ue to grow, we are currently seeking 3 self-motivated professionals to join our claims team. Experience in claims adjudication is required. Disability'claims ex perience is a definite asset. Team players looking for a career in a fast-paced, growth-oriented organization should forward their re sume, including salary expectations to: Pennsylvania Life Insurance Company Attention: Human Resources 90 Dundas S treet, W est, 4th Floor M ississau ga, O N L5B 2T5 Fax: (905)272-3797 E-mail: iobs@ nenncoro.ca P/T Days H o u sekeeper For luxury retire m ent residen ce. Responsibilities include gen eral housekeeping se rv ic e s and laundry. Previous experience in com mercial/ residential cleaning required. Fax resum e to: (905) 842-9229 or drop off resum e to: Michael Heffernan The Kensington 25 Lakeshore Rd W Oakville ON W thankall those whoapply, however, only those selectedtoran intervieww ill be contacted. Please, no telephone calls. Growing Oakville based Aerospace components M anufacturer/D istribution co m pany req u ires imme-diately, TWO FULLTIME In sid e S a le s C o o rd in a to rs The successful candidates must have strong cus to m er, co m p u te r, o rg a n iz a tio n a l and communication skills, along with previous Inside Sales coordinating experience. Knowledge of the Aerospace Industry would be an asset. We offer a very professional work environm ent, excellent remuneration, health and dental benefits, etc. Please forward your resume to: Box 6339, c/o Oak ville Beaver, 467 Speers Rd,, Oakville, ON L6K 3S4 IJ e h -|« general helpw anted general helpw anted th e rm o sh e ll four seasons of comfort * 3 months old com plete with all attachm ents. PAID $2,000 SACRIFICE $900. Call "(2%disc, included) PR O FESSIO N A L room m ate wanted to share beautiful new home w ith separate quarters in fantastic O akville location. $750/m o. inclusive. 905-257-1010________ FRESH LY Painted: 2Bedrooms- June/ July. (Single & double storey) Low -rise building, Garden like setting. Private land scaped patios. (B urlington). Tyandaga Park D r. (905)3360016; 1440 Tyandaga Park D r. (905)336-0015; 1460 G EO RG IA N Apartments. 1,2& 3 Bedrooms. M ay/ June/ July. Heat/ hydro in cluded. Parking extra. (N o pets) Burlington, 905-6390456, M -F : 9am -4pm , 6:308pm ROSELAND FOREST. Furnished Executive 2bedroom townhouse, C /A , fireplace, 5 appliances, ce ramics. hardwood, $1600/ m o. Im m ediate. C all L.D a vies R .E ., 905-333-4347 FU RN ISH ED Burlington L uxury! 1 & 2 bedroom s from $1,295/m o. utilities includ ed. Im m ediate. Short/ long term. (905)632-8354; (905)632-6189.________ condom inium s ^ forrent GLEN ABBEY condom inium , 2 bedroom, 5 ap pliances, woodburning F/P, ground floor w /o. July 1st $1,225 + Hydro. (905)469-9409_______ G LEN A BBEY Area: 2bedrooms, 5 appliances, balcony, A /C , fireplace, no smoking, prefer no pets. $1100/mo.+ utilities. June 1st. C all L .D avies R .E ., 905333-4347__________ B R O N T E : 3-bedroomcondo. $1175. June 1st. U tilities included. N opets.References required. First/ Last. 905827-1232__________ BU RLIN G TO N , The Pal ace: 2-bedroom , 1.5 baths, solarium , a/c, 5 appliances, 24-hr. security, full rec., walk to downtown, lake. July 1st. 905-632-1913 B U R L IN G T O NL A K E SID E ! Brand new 1500 sq.ft., 2bedroom + den, 5 appl iances, balcony, C/A , 2 parking. For em pty nesters. N o smoking, no pets. $1800/mo. inclusive. June 1st. C all L .D avies R .E ., 905333-4347___________ D O W N TO W N BU RLIN G TO N : Lakefront amenities, approx. 900 sq.ft. 1-bedroom , 5 appliances, balcony, m arble, luxurious bath. N o pets, no sm oking. $1300/m o. inclusive. July1st. Call L .D avies R .E ., 905-333-4347 | ! u | houses for rent N O R TH Burlington. House w ith poof, 3-bedrooms (m ainfloor) + 2 bedroom s in low er level w ith fam ilyroom , fireplace, C/A . July 1st. $1350/mo.+. 2385 G il lingham Drive, 905-5243168_____________ STU N N IN G Lakefront, se cluded estate hom e, 2 bed room, livingroom. dining room , 30' sunroom, deck, lake views all rooms, all appliances. A vailable now . Lawncare included. $2300/m o. (905)849-9996. 1-800-453-3310 FREE Estimates... G ot wobbly or broken chairs? W eak sofa or chair springs? Soft foam? Tired looking wood finishes?... then call Fields for all furni ture repairs and custom w ood refinishing, 9-9 daily, (905)632-9090________ FREN CH Provincial bed room suite, lightwood, head/ footboards, highboy, dresser w /m irror, night ta bles, $750. (905)842-5898 evgs._____________ FRIDGES (2), 16 cu.ft. Hotpoint, $475. and 12 cu.ft. Kenmore, $350.; Grandfather clock, $350.; solid pine rocking chair, $75. (905)257-4218_____ FU TO N frame, new, pine w /arm s, 11" m attress, $300; Hoover canister vacuum cleaner $60; Danby m i crowave 1.2 cu.ft., new $100. (905)681-9496. K IN G bed- pillow-top, or thopedic mattress, box spring, fram e. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. S ell $675. (905)304-9222____ K ITC H EN table, white oval, 2 chairs, $25.; enter tainment unit, $50.; Sears console TV , $75.; H itachi console T V , $200.; 5-draw er filing cabinet, $40.; beer fridge, $50.; crib &m attress, $70.; Y ork exercise bike, $50. 905-337-1410_____ M O V IN G Sale. Kenmore Ceran self-cleaning stove, $350; M origeau natural w ood crib, mattress $200; desk, chair, $50; m icrow ave $100; kitchen table, 3 chairs, $50; iron patio set, $50; rattan bookshelf $25; winter tires 215/60/R15 $25/ea. 205/60/R15 $25/ ea. (905)337-3882._____ M O V IN G Sale: D ining room table, break front, china cabinet, m ens dresser, desk, tables, m irrors, chairs, all reasonable. (905)782-5838 O RIG IN A L artwork by anonymous artist; part of m y Lyon collection. Call W allyR . for m ore in fo .____ PIA N O SALE- M cM aster U niversity, M ay 24-27. O ver 50 pianos available. For appointm ent or inform ation: 1-866-413-8858_______ PIA N O IN V EN TO R Y Clearance Sale.... Over 100 pianos... NiemeyerYam aha- K aw ai M ay 24-26 Th.4-9, Fr.9-9, Sat-10-6 Call 905-631-9259.. N o reasonable offer refused! SCOOTER- electric, ex cellent condition, $700. C all between 10am-4pm, (905)847-3999________ SOFA, dark brown leath er, L-shape, good condi tion, $400. C all (905)8470525._____________ SPRIN G Super Sale! Save up to 30% off decorator fabrics. N o GST! Sofa & chairs from $788. Loveseats from $448. Chairs from $199. Senior Dis counts. Free Estimates. Fields Q uality Custom U p holstering, 9-9, (905)632-9090 W ED D IN G Dress-Size 10-12, elegant, "Eve O fM i lady'. Headpiece, veil, & size 8 shoe included. Paid $3000, asking $650. (905)681-4651________ TO D D LER toys, like new ; child bike seat; booster seats; student desk. (905) 331-0550 Due to our continued growth in the M ilton, O akville and Toronto - W est m arketing areas we now have openings for two commissioned m arketing and sales professionals. Responsibilities include the sale o f home heat ing oil and equipm ent, diesel fuel and gaso line to both the domestic/residential and commercial/industrial markets. Previous experience in domestic/residential and/or sm all commercial/industrial sales w ould be a definite asset. You m ust provide your own vehicle. W e offer an attractive commission compensa tion package including car allowance. A com prehensive training program w ill be provided. To pursue this opportunity please forward your resume including salary history to: Therm oshell Inc., 200 Cochrane Drive U nit #1, ^Markham, O ntario L3R 8E7 A ttention: M arketing and Sales Manager Fax 905-470-7807 N ophonecalls please. R egretfullyonlythosebeing consideredw ill beacknow ledged. P ro ( n a m i c Full/ P a rt-t im e D riv e r/ W a r e h o u s e P ro n a m ic D istribution Inc., is a major food distributor to KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell restaurants. We are seeking hard working, reliable professionals for the following positions: Drivers · · · · · Class AZ certification with tandem tractor trailer experience. $ 18.20/ hour starting rate Excellent driving record. Strong customer service skills Ability to lift up to 50 lbs. on a continuous basis Call 639-9212 L U X U R Y Tow nhom e. W est H am ilton. L ovely 3-bdrmw ith m any extras and upgrades. $1,650/mo. Call 905-5284944_____________ G U E L PHL ine/ U pper M iddle. 2-bedrooms, fridge, stove, $800/m o. + utilities, first/ last, available June/ July. (905) 336-7901, 5pm -10pmO nly N EW Renovations- 2& 3 bedroom townhouse mai sonettes. 1 parking, from $800/mo. -futilities. June. N orth B urlington. (905)3199104._____________ O A K V ILLE- 3& 4 Bedroom townhouses available July 1st. 4 appliances. H opedale M all area. Lakeshore M anagem ent, (905)876-3336 BU RLIN G TO N : 2-bdrm from $975./mo.+ utilities, June/ July. 3 appliances. 1.5 baths. One outside parking. Near schools, shopping. Park-like setting. (905)333-1190._______ BU RLIN G TO N . Large 4bdrm townhome, yard, basement, garage, deck. Near Burloak/ N ew Str. July 1st. 905-336-5858 BU RLIN G TO N large 3bedroom, 2030 Bluefield D r., fridge, stove, laundry, parking, $950/m o. -fhydro. June 1st. 905-315-9821 BU RLIN G TO N - Luxury 3 &4 bedroom luxury town houses w ith fam ily room and 3 appliances, 1300 & 1600 sq.ft. plus basement, fenced in backyard, $1135 &$1235 plus utilities, parking$40. (905)639-0950. N EA R Super Centre, 3 bedroom s, 1.5 baths, hard wood floors, fridge, stove, washer, c/a. $1025/mo.+ utilities. June 1st. (905)336-1705 Warehouse · · · Certified forklift/pallet truck operator. $ 13.50/ hr starting rate Minimum 2 years experience order picker/loader. · Ability to lift up to 50 lbs. on a continuous basis. Flexibility to work nights, w eekends and holidays a must for all applicants. Apply in person at: Pronam ic Distribution Inc. 5685 McLaughlin Road M ississauga, ON L5R 3K5 Or Fax resu m e to (905) 568-2973 C apB rick BURLINGTON Requires Fulltime " D r TRUCK DRIVERS Excellent wages & opportunities. Call to arrange interview: We thank all applicants but only those selected for an interview will be contacted. RATTLESNAKE POINT GOLF CLUB, MILTON 905-634-7707 GOLF Course in Oakville requires Full-time M ain tenance help call G ary 905825-9457 or drop off re sume to Saw-W het G olf Course, 1401 B ronte R oad. ISN O W H IR IN G (905)693-1900 F /T L in e C o o k s & E x p . J a n ito rs Please fax resume to: P/T GE NE RAL MAINTENANCE PE R SO N REQUI RED For appt. call: (9 0 5)63 9 -1 02 4 it S A L E S A S S O C IA T E F/T required for plumbing department in retail/ hardware store located in Waterdown. Two years retail sales experience required. Plumbing knowledge an asset. Wages: $8-$10. per hour plus benefits package. FU RN ISH ED room , quiet hom e. N on-sm oker. Close to Sheridan. Immediate. $450/m onth. Share facili ties. C all (905)842-1684 905-319-8484 A IR conditioners- w indow style. G ood sizes. $150. or best offers. 905-681-7067 APPLIANCES- Fridges, Stoves (Gas & Electric), Washers/ Dryers. Like new . Spotless. Under w arranty. 905-549-1911_____ B EA N IE Buddies $8. each call 905-631-7856______ BEA U TIFU L baby grand piano- Excellent condition $1,950. call 905-227-9458 B ED ,K ing X -thick pillow top orthopedic m attress set. N ew in plastic. Cost $1700. S ell $650. 416-726-9885 BURLINGTON- 2 posi tions, full-tim ew ith benefits. D elivery helper for delivery of dryw all, job involves very heavy lifting and possibly long hours. Forklift operator exp. an asset. Duties in clude staging loads, un loading transports &load ing company trucks. Call T om(905)335-5012_____ LO C A L Stone Co. seeking individuals for flagstone walkways, patios, and re taining walls. M ust enjoy physical w ork and ow n transportation. (905)6938921_____________ D EERFIELD GOLF Club requires a fulltim e Cleaner. B ronte Road/ Q E W .C ontact L vnn: (905)847-5555 Please fax resume to: 905-689-0990 H E L P W A N T E D O ntarioL icensed M illw right and G eneral L abourers required b yA utom otive Parts M anufacturer. M ust be w illin gtow orkshift w ork. E xcellent benefits and p ay . Please forw ard resum es to: H um anR esources M anager 521 M cG eachie D riv e M ilton, O ntario L 9 T3 L 5 F ax- 905-878-2735 P H O N EC A L L SW IL LN O TB EA C C E P T E D R eLIFESTYLE unities HELP wanted- stair In stallations. Heavy lifting, w ill train. Start im m ediate ly. Call 905-336-1296 to arrange interview . SECURITY G U A RD re quired for luxury B urlington condominium. W eekend days. Competitive hourly wage, training provided. Fax resum e (9o5)-333-5811 . D R IV ER - Tree Planter, must be strong, standard transm ission. Trafalgar R d., North. Van Dongen's Landscaping. (905)878-1105 A Z Drivers for Oakville based company. F/T local work, M on.-Fri., 2 yrs ex perience required. A vg. 50 hours*. C all (905)825-1397 D Z Driver, physically fit, some lifting required. Clean abstract an asset. N o weekends. Benefits package. C all 905-822-2377 GROUNDSKEEPING & M aintenance Helpers. Full and part time. M ust have ow n transportation. Non sm oking environment. C all (905)827-2234________ FA N TA SY FRU IT M ar kets N ow H iring Fulltime: Experienced Produce C lerk and Vegetable Trimmer. Start: $11/hr; D eli Clerks; Cashiers; Garden Centre Clerk. A pply to: Len, 427 Speers, Oakville, Tel: (905)842-3602________ PROFESSIONAL cleaner start im m ediately, P/T ,M onFri., for m aid service per manent position. M ust be reliable honest hardwork ing. N o experience needed. Tracy, (905)331-9100. O A K V ILLE Law n mainten ance company requires experienced, hardworking, reliable people for lawn maintenance and land scaping w ork. M ust be able to start im m ediately. $9-$12 depending on experience. Leave message. (905)6346390_____________ STOCK Clerks- part-time required 8pm to m idnight, weekdays and some week end shifts. Experience not required w ew ill train. A p ply Shoppers D rug M art, 520 K err Street, Oakville, Fax resum e 905-845-3407 N O RTH Burlington land scape com pany has im m e diate openings for main tenance &landscape con struction workers. Fax re sume to (905)336-9949 or call (905)336-1667_____ SNACK bar concession. Full and part-tim e summer help. Beachwood Park, Lakeshore/ Brant, fax re sume 905-878-0405 or call 905-693-8444________ G RO W IN G corrugated converting company re quires 3 full-tim e labour po sitions. A bove average re numeration. Full benefits after 3 months. M ust be able to w ork 3 shifts. R oom for advancement. Trans portation an asset. Send resume to Propak Lim ited, 5230 Harvester Rd., Bur lington, L 7L -4X 4_______ W ANTED- A Z Driver, P/T or F/T , hauling tanker. B or der crossing experience, m inim um 3 years exp., clean abstract. U S runs. Suit local individual. (416) 722-7642 or (9g5) 377-1937 PART/ FU LL-TIM E help needed. Weekends & nights. Self-serve Petro Canada in Oakville. Call (905)338-0430.________ FIRE EX TIN G U ISH ER Service Technicians and shop positions available for O akville, B urlington, H am il ton area. Experience pre ferred but willing to train right people. Company ve hicle and uniforms provid ed. Salary + commission and benefit package. Fax resume w ith handwritten cover letterto905-631-9558 ASSISTANT SUPERIN TEN D EN T Couple re quired fulltime for down tow n Burlington residential building. Duties include: Cleaning, minor repairs, sharing w ork w ith fulltim e head superintendent cou ple. Salary, benefits, tim e off provided. C all 905-6370231, til 9pm or 905-6372225 til 3pm _________ M O L L YM aid is seeking reliable dependable people. M on-Fri, 8:30am-4:30pm. Transportation/ training provided, call 905-681-7484 A CCOUNTS PA Y A BLE. A progressive Oakville manufacturing company seeks an experienced indi vidual to perform the ac counts payable function on a 1-yr contract basis. Com puter knowledge and ac counting experience in a m anufacturing environm ent essential. Fax: 905-8448310; e-mail resume to: tgarbutt®atc-frost.com D Y N A M IC opportunity for an experienced outgoing stylist in Burlington. Call K aren at (905)630-2418. PA IN TER required full tim e. M ust be experienced w ith own transportation. W age commenssurate w ith experience.C all(905)467-4256

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