C6 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Wednesday, May 9, 2001 Walk To Remember Sunday, May 2 7 th, 2 0 0 1 1 0 : 0 0 am - 1 : 0 0 pm Through the Parks and Waterfront of Old Oakville /J beginning at Centennial Square, Navy Street. (Start anytime after 10:00 and Walk at Your Own Pace) ------------------------~ " D ie d , 8 T o p c h e fs r a t e c h o c o la t e a s id e a l g if t W hat is it about chocolate that makes it a can't-fail gift for almost any occasion? "It's hard to pick out the perfect per fume or buy the right size blouse, but you can't miss with chocolate," says Chef Rick Royal of The Art Institute of Los Angeles. "It's delicious, beautifully crafted and perfect for any special occasion." He must be right. After all, Americans con sume chocolate to the tune of five billion dollars a year. But before raw cocoa beans can become a sinful chocolate confection, they take a long, arduous journey through a process of roasting, grinding, pressing, conching and tempering. But according to Manuel Catemaxca, Master Pastry Chef of The Art Institute of Houston, it's the addition of cocoa butter that makes or breaks chocolate on its long road to deliciousness. "Cocoa butter is added along with vanilla and sugar right before the conching process. With lesser quality chocolates, manufacturers will add vegetable oil instead of cocoa butter. But choco late made with vegetable fats does not melt in your mouth as quickly or as cleanly as cocoa but ter," says Chef Catemaxca. At The Art Institute's Culinary Arts Program, Chef Catemaxca teaches students the art of cook ing with chocolate and the differences in quali ties. `T here are advantages to chocolate made with less or no cocoa butter. It's not as expensive to use and sometimes top-of-the-line is not neces sary, for example when using chocolate for coat ing on strawberries or ice cream," he says. For the home cook who wants to use a good quality chocolate, Chef Catemaxca recommends Nestle Peter's Burgandy, a bittersweet tasting chocolate sold at most specialty food stores. Chocolates like Callebaut or Valrhona are among the highest quality chocolates and also the most expensive. When using these brands the chef cautions, "Be very careful not to overheat the chocolate. If you do, it will become grainy and lose flavor. Also watch the humidity -- that means keeping chocolate covered to keep it from absorbing odors. Never refrigerate." Is there such a thing as guilt-free chocolate consumption? Yes, says Heidi Satterlee, pastry chef at The Art Institute of Seattle. "Most people think chocolate is bad for you, but that's just not the case. The key is to enjoy it in moderation," says Satterlee. "Chocolate is actually good for you. It releases the same brain chemical that caus es your brain to feel joy," she explains. Now what could be bad about that? The Art Institute's system of 22 educational institutions is located nationwide, providing an important source of design, media arts, fashion and culinary professionals. These schools have provided career-oriented education programs for more than 35 years with more than 125,000 grad uates. For more information visit The Art Institute's Web site at www.artinstitutes.edu/nz/. As a gift for that special mom, dad or graduate who has a love for chocolate, try this recipe cour tesy of Chef Manuel Catemaxca. C hocolate m ade w ith cocoa b u tte r is a delectable treat for i 1 u a m m m mm m m ^ m m m^m m , W A L K E R S ' C H O IC E S 1. You can choose to gather pledges or simply make a donation to Bereaved Families of Ontario - Halton Peel. Your donation will help provide support to TO HONOUR THE MEMORY OF SOMEONE SPECIAL ... children and adolescents who have lost a sibling or parent, and to parents who have lost a son or Join us to walk in memory of a friend, daughter. family member, co-worker or 2. If you choose to gather pledges, in addition to anyone significant whom you have lost. supporting BFO, y o u ca n d e s ig n a te u p t o By gathering pledges, you can also help 40% of th e p le d g e m o n e y y o u ra is e charities that were meaningful to the person t o a n y o th e r C a n a d ia n c h a r ity as an being remembered, as well as helping the " in m e m o ria m " g if t . healing begin for bereaved families (Applies to walkers whose pledges total over $40). A S P E C IA L D A Y Chocolate Pound Cake 2 1 4 1 5 1 sticks butter cup sugar eggs cup flour tablespoons cocoa powder tablespoon baking powder Pinch of salt Please Join Us! P ic k U p A P le d g e F o rm A t your local public library now or w w w .bereavedfam ilies.org after M ay IS or call B F OH alton / Peel at (905) 813-0363 Thanks to Our Generous Supporters! 97.3 EZ Rock Susan Aglukork Pick of the Gop Toys & Books Anne and Bill MacLeod Anna and Paul Fereirra Bemie's Auto Service Purity life /T w in Labs Metroland Publishing Halton Gvitan dub BFO's Wonderful Volunteers Raleigh Industries of Canada McCutcheon's Photo Source Hutton's Image Consultants The Body Shop Susan and George Rose Nikken PiMag Water Systems In Kind Canada Bumsteod Productions Skinner and Middlebrook Funeral Home Oakville Beover KitchenAid Business Depot (N. Service Road) Tim Horton's of Canada Oakville Gvitan Gub Kopriva Taylor Community Funeral Home Grde of Harmony Chorus Town of Oakville Oakville Family Chiropractic Glen Martin, Prudential Creative Memorials Mark Walsh Paramount Canada's Wonderland EMI Records Petrillo Law > P r e h e a t o v e n to 3 5 0 F. C c e a m b u tte r u n til lig h t. A d d s u g a r a n d c r e a m . A d d e g g s , o n e a t a tim e a n d c r e a m w e ll. S if t d r y in g r e d i e n ts to g e th e r a n d a d d to c r e a m m ix tu re u n til ju s t b le n d e d . L ig h t ly g r e a s e a n d flo u r l o a f p a n ; a d d b a tte r a n d s h a k e to d istrib u te e v e n ly . B a k e fo r 5 0 to 6 0 m in u te s o r u n til to o th p ic k c o m e s o u t c le a n . R e m o v e c a k e fr o m o v e n a n d le t c o o l. S e r v e w ith w h ip p e d c r e a m o r ic e c r e a m . P a m p e r H e r Q A v a lo n B illia rd s ........................9 0 5 -8 4 4 -1 1 8 9 Business D e p o t ........................9 0 5 -3 3 8 -5 9 2 5 C a rlto n C a rd ............................. 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -1 9 3 3 C haps R e s ta u ra n t..................... 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -1 1 2 6 C o n v e n ie n c e K .......................... 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -1 9 8 3 D e n tis try in th e A b b e y First C h o ic e H a irc u tte rs 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -8 8 8 8 . . .9 0 5 -8 4 9 -7 6 5 5 E S S O .............................................. 9 0 5 -3 3 7 -2 3 9 2 H a m ilto n Autom obile Club . . .9 0 5 -8 4 5 -9 6 8 0 H e n r y 's .........................................9 0 5 -3 3 7 -9 3 3 1 H M V .............................................9 0 5 -8 4 2 -7 4 1 1 H y & Z eis .................................. 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -5 0 6 0 Jenny C ra ig ................................9 0 5 -8 4 9 -4 0 4 4 T h e Keg R estaurant ................ 9 0 5 -8 4 2 -7 3 3 3 Kekos D ry C le a n e r s ................ 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -8 3 1 3 L a u re n tia n B a n k ........................ 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -0 6 5 5 M a il Boxes Etc............................. 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -0 2 4 2 M a s te r M e c h a n ic ...................9 0 5 -8 4 5 -0 1 7 8 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -7 8 5 1 M c D o n a ld 's R e s ta u r a n t M r. S u b m a rin e OU h W e 'r e c o o k i n g u p a g r e a t w a y t o c e l e b r a t e M o t h e r 's D a y w i t h o u r AH-You-Can-Enjoy B u ffe t B r u n c h O n ly $ 1 5 .9 9 a d u l t s & 1 /2 p r i c e c h i l d r e n (10 & under) Oakville Town Centre II (Q .E .W . S D o rv a l D riv e ) Fabulous Taod. Best Wings Anywhere, Prltalt Party Room, Cold Beverages, Pool Table. 20H. Big Screen T.V.. 2 Satellite Dishes « Great Kids Menu! 84 9-11 26 Call lor reservations Q u a lity 5 0 % B ra n d s u p to o ff E v e ry d a y Womens G u e s s , M ia M ens M ic h a e l's A rts & C ra fts . . . .9 0 5 -8 4 2 -1 5 5 5 ........................9 0 5 -3 3 8 -1 5 3 6 9 0 5 -8 4 9 -8 0 3 8 N a tio n a l S ports ........................9 0 5 -3 3 8 -6 5 0 0 P e tro-C a nad a C a r W a s h P h ilth y M c N a s ty s ...................9 0 5 -8 4 4 -8 7 0 3 Pier I Im p o r ts ............................. 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -1 7 5 7 P u ro la to r C o u r ie r ..................... 9 0 5 -8 1 5 -1 0 1 5 Royal B ank ................................9 0 5 -8 4 9 -4 4 1 4 T he Shoe C o m p a n y ................ 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -8 2 8 5 W in n e rs F a s h io n s ..................... 9 0 5 -3 3 8 -5 7 0 0 CONVENIENTLY LOCATED AT THE QEW & DORVAL DR. N o rth S e r v ic e R d . D M Town C a r tr e l 100 North S«r>iafr Rd. W , Ltatt + Z (903) 338^8263 B o s to n ia n H u s h P u p p ie s K id s 1 O s h K osh K a n g a ro o s A th le tic You'll love your look, and you'll love the price. 2 4 0 8 L akeshore Rd W · 8 4 7 -0 8 5 5 2 2 0 North Service Rd · 8 4 9 -7 6 5 5 (Open Sunday 11-4) 2 4 2 3 Trafalgar Rd · 2 5 7 -5 0 2 0 (Open Sunday 11-4) N ik e , A d id a s , F la M E N 'S ·W O M E N 'S ·tODS" lTiefciflBii I 25C S rsntS t &JkJr« # 4. Unit #303 (90S) 331-0063 Dwsdss A W inston Chsrrlrfi 3233 D jncas St W U ni #2 M ttu u p (905) 60A-C266 www.firstcho'Ke.com QEW