Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 9 May 2001, b7

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Wednesday. May 9. 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER B7 Photos by Peter C. McCusker S T U D E N T A R T S H O W ; E rin Flanagan, above, with cloth art of her n eighb our's dog, Abby, and Elisa Naskali, below, with her Mer maid from an E ric C a rl book were just two of m any of Falgarw ood Public School students who showcased their art in the school at 1385 G ainsborough Dr. last T h u rsd ay evening. Photo by Peter C. McCusker H O N O U R S IN M E D IA A R T S : Galareh kia za n d and A lv in Cam pana. foreground, and Jennifer Hare and Alain Savoie seemed cool enough before the big night last Thursday. High-achieving art students were honoured at Sh e ri dan College's M ed ia A rts Aw ards, 2001. R u n entirely by students for students, the aw ards show recognized out standing ability in the areas of editing, cinematography, art direction, overall sound, visual effects, production management and screenplay. A n d the winner of a vote for People's Choice Award was presented to first-, secondand third-year students for the best production from each year. The M ed ia A rts Aw ards, which was telecast and fed to the Internet, will also be broadcast over the sum m er on Cogeco stations across the province. H ig h T s c h o o ls u n ite fo r g o o d c a u s e he students o f two Halton Catholic secondary schools and one Halton public high school will present a collec tion o f one-act plays, as a special fund raiser for Travis Colley-Zorrilla. This Common Grounds festival will feature entries from each of the high schools that placed in this year's Sears Drama Festival for the Halton District. Oakville's St. Thomas Aquinas and Burlington's Assumption and Nelson schools have worked together, utiliz ing the arts as a `common ground' for a great cause. Travis, who was injured in an unfortunate hockey accident in December, will be in attendance for this student theatre event, which is being funded by Mattamy Homes, Pumpuii Energy Products and Attridge Bus Lines. There will be two performances tomorrow (Thursday). A special "student" performance on behalf of Travis will be presented at 10:45 a.m. The evening performance at 7:30 p.m. will be dedicated to the memory o f Mira Frielander. well-known colum nist for The Globe and Mail and adju dicator for the Ontario Sears Drama Festival, who lost her battle with breast cancer on May 10,2000. A donation on behalf o f the students of both Halton boards will be made in her name. Tickets for the evening perfor mance. which are $10 each, are avail able at the Oakville Centre for the Per forming Arts, 130 Navy St., 815-2021, weekdays from noon to 5 p.m. or two hours prior to the performance. More information and tickets are also available by contacting Mr. F. Sacino, festival co-ordinator, or Robin Lloyd, student co-ordinator, at Assumption Catholic Secondary School. 905-634-1835. Donations to the Travis ColleyZorrilla fund or the Breast Cancer Support Services can also be made in the lobby of the Oakville Centre the evening of the performance. t h i s a d · If you're ready for summer · If you like what you see in the mirror Look great & feel great with a little Magic! No exercise required · Guaranteed results Don't delay...call today! NOW OVER 180 CENTRES A C R O SS CANA, 'Basedon failprogram . Exdudes product H ot validw ithany other offer. E xpiresM ay 16/01 ^ «i . M id n ig h t M a d n e s s s e e k s e n te r ta in e r s Downtown Oakville is gearing up for its 24th annual Midnight Madness on July 20. Beginning at 6 p.m. the streets 1395 Abbey wood Rd. will be filled with live entertainment, OAKVILLE (In the Bruno V fin e Foods pUna) good food and great bargains. Lakeshore Road will be closed \ from Navy to Allan Streets, including E lim in a t e C e llu lit e all side streets from Church to Robin w it h C E L L U L O S S son, so strollers can enjoy live bands on every block, strolling enter tainment, sale merchandise, outdoor patios and sumptuous food. The Midnight Madness selec tion committee has begun its search for enter tainment for this year's event. If you love people, enjoy perform ing in front of large crowds, and have a great show or act. the Downtown Oakville BIA wants to hear from you. This event attracts approxi mately 40,000 Oakville resi dents and visi tors annually. Performers or members of bands should send a bio along with a demo CD or tape to the Downtown Oakville BIA, u p ro C h o o s e c/o the Selection Committee. 146 Lakeshore Rd. E., Oakville, Ont.. L6J 1H4. For more information, call L O C K W O O D the BIA at 905K M C H R Y S L E R 844-4520. 175 Plains Rd. E. BURLINGTON (next to U Feminique 'Oim pfesbelbng'on onluVne set ofch ecks!"] O akville (905)469-4532 | Burlington (905)637-60191 W >% H I J O W E S P a c k e m I C U I o 2 0 0 1 C H R Y S L E R N E O N L E Spacious design, cob forward architecture, a d va n c e d breaking system. 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