Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 9 May 2001, Business, a8

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THE OAKVILLE BEAVER Learnhowtoage the right way...slowly!^ "m e e t Brad King M S ,M F S ) f o r a n evening seminar Wednesday, May 9, 2001 Healthy Longevity. at Natures Source" D a te :T hursday, M ay 1 O '1 ,2001 T im e : ?:3 0 p .m . -9 :0 0 p .m . Place: Natures Source, 2391 Trafalgar Rd, Oakville ------- S p o n so re db y : AG* mhibuon s o u r c e For mote info, please call 905-257-1655 B u s in e s s An Oakville Beaver Feature To advertise in this section call 845-3824 The only tires worth saving money on are the best tires for your car. That's why Bridgestone offers incredible mail-in rebate on our finest Performance, Ultra High Performance, Touring and All-Season tires. So stick with the tires that deliver out standing handling, traction and braking everywhere from the Formula 1 circuit to the back roads of cottage country. It's your chance to enjoy rebates of up to $80* while still sticking to your principles. All it takes is exceptionally high standards and an ordinary little stamp. JniUUESTOIIE STICK TO YOUR P R IN C IP L E S Tire Mail-in Rebate per Tire* O il, L u b e & F i l t e r S e r v ic e C a s tr o l O il & F ra m F ilt e r $10.00 Potenza S-02/S-03, _________S-03 pole position__________S20.00 Potenza Potenza Potenza Potenza Turanza Potenza BT70s RE730_____________ RE940___________________ S10.00 RE930 / RE9S0 New_______ S7.S0 RE92______________________S7.50 REVO & Turanza T_________ S7.50 RE910/RE900_____________ S5.00 $5.00 x - up to 5 litres - check fluid levels - check belts & hoses - check tire pressures A /C S y s te m e " _ _ * (most cars) C heck M e a s u r e A /C e ffic ie n c y *U ptoJ2 0p e rtireo nq u a lify in gtire s .S e ep a rtic ip a tin gd e a le rfo rre stric tio n sa n dd e ta ils . 'R e b a tep ro m o tio nisv a lido np u rc h a se sb e tw e e nA p ril1a n dju n e1 5 ,2 0 0 1 . ® T ra d e m a rko fB rid g e sto n eC o rp o ra tio n .U s e du n d e rlic e n c e . S - check belts & compreagr - check for Freon leaks 5 < Q 9 5 ^ (most cars) s ` T ir e C e n tr e 9 r fo o r e 2 8 0 S p e e rs R o a d , O akville, O ntario L 6 K 2E9 8 4 2 - 2 2 0 1 City of Mississauga 300City Centre Drive Mississauga ON L5 B3 C1 For information: 896-5000 www.city.mississauga.on.ca B Y -L A W N O T IC E Photo by Peter C. McCusker S U R V I V O R : In honour of C B S ' Survivor: The Australian Outback, the O utback Steakhouse at 2520 H yde P a rk Gate held weekly S u rv iv o r parties for fans of the show. Patrons were invit ed to wear tribal gear and watch the show on large-screen T V s and participate in `reward chal lenges' to win prizes. Show n at last T h u rsd a y 's finale are, from left, Lin d say Groves, Lee W hallen and Joanna Stockley. FORM 1 NOTICE OF PASSING OF AN INTERIM CONTROL BY-LAW UNDER SECTION 38 OF THE PLANNING ACT TAKE NOTICE that on April 25, 2001 the Council o f The Corporation o f the City o f M ississauga passed By-law 0204-2001, an am endm ent to Interim Control By-law 0217-2000, which was passed by Council on M ay 10, 2000, under Section 38 o f the Planning Act, R.S.O., 1990, c.P . 13. Under Section 38(2) o f the Planning Act, Council m ay amend By-law 0217-2000 to extend the period o f time during which it will be in effect provided the total period o f time does not exceed two years from the date o f passing. Only individuals, corporations and public bodies may appeal an interim control by-law to the Ontario M unicipal Board. A notice o f appeal m ay not be filed by an unincorporated association or group. However, a notice o f appeal m ay be filed in the nam e o f an individual who is a m em ber o f the association or group. An appeal to the Ontario M unicipal Board setting out the objection to the by-law and reasons in support o f the objection m ay be filed with the City Clerk not later than J u n e 25, 2001, together with a cheque in the am ount o f $ 125.00 payable to the M inister o f Finance. EXPLANATION OF THE PURPOSE AND E FFE C T O F THE BY-LAW This By-law will allow the Planning and Building Departm ent to undertake a land use study o f the lands for an additional one year period from M ay 10, 2001. These lands shall only be used for the transmission and distribution o f electricity and gas, and public park. This By-law does not prevent the continuation o f any lawful use o f the lot, block, parcel o f land, building or structure, provided the use exists on the day before the day o f the enactm ent o f this By-law and continues to be used for that purpose, nor does this By-law prevent the processing o f applications for the rezoning o f the land. L O C A T IO N O F L A N D S A F F E C T E D T th e Q u e e n s w a y H y d r o C o r r id o r in th e C ity o f M is s is s a u g a , w h ic h is a d ja c e n t to th e Q u e e n s w a y E a s t a n d Q u e e n s w a y W e s t, a s s h o w n o n S c h e d u le "A 1 " a n d "A 2 " to B y - la w 0 2 1 7 -2 0 0 0 . T h e c o m p le te B y - la w is a v a ila b le fo r in s p e c tio n in m y o ffic e d u r in g r e g u la r b u s in e s s h o u rs . Photo by Erin Riley $ 1 , 0 0 0 K I S S : A t the recent first anniversary celebrations of Finnegan's W ake on Speers Road, owner John Sannachan, right, presented a cheque for $1, 000, money raised d u rin g St. P atrick's D a y festivities at the pub, to Allen W ightm an, left, executive director, O T M H Charitable Corp., who is surprised by a kiss from Paschal Brogan, the playful leprechaun. D a te d a t th e C ity o f M is s is s a u g a th is 9 th h d a y o f M a y , 2 0 0 1 . A r th u r D . G r a n n u m C ity C le r k H R C C -S o p e n s to m o rro w The Oakville Human Resource Centre of Canada for Students (HRCC-S) will be holding it's Grand Opening Celebration on Thursday, May 10. The Centre is ready to assist businesses and youth with their summer employment needs. Last year, HRCC-S filled over 450.000 jobs with secondary and post-secondary students. "Since 1968 young people have come to us for help in finding summer em ploym ent," said Angel Sebastian, supervisor. "Summer Employment Officers will be con tacting local employers to discuss their summer employ ment needs and to also make them aware that our centre is open and ready to assist them in any way we can." HRCC-S offices link youth and employers and provide young people with job postings, interview advice, resume building and job search strategies. This year, the Centre is located at 1090 Speers Road, Oakville. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Call 905-845-3601. O a k v ille m a z o a £ p ustSA itrm 'buarj a '/ m u OR cash purchase from M a z d a P ro te g e SE *15,295 199 48 OR lease from $ months FREE FREE at FREE 1 $ 2 ,4 0 0 d o w n or tr a d e e q u iv a le n t on le a s e , f r e ig h t a n d P.D.E. in c lu d e d · O p tio n a l 1 3 0 -h p , 2 .0 L DOHC e n g in e a v a ila b le (LX a nd ES m o d e ls ) · RM/FM/CD s te re o s y s te m · S ta n d a rd d u a l a ir b ag s Model #D 4XM51-flfi CAMOM CAMERA TESTING Purchase Financing" for up to 3 6 months and no security deposit on all mazda 2001 mpv models. IS Just Cameras foto so u rc e ,M 1248 DUNDAS ST. E., MISSISSAUGA R O R D SID E ASSISTANCE P R O G R A M Rsk about the Mazda peace of mind promise now standard on every new Mazda. M AZD A LEADERSHIP W AR R AN T? 3years or 80,000 km comprehensive warranty, 5years or 100,000 km powertrain warranty. dealer for d etails Get in. Be moved. S a t . , MAY 1 2 t h , 2 0 0 1 · 1 0 a m - 4 p m All C a n o n p r o d u c t s s a l e p ric e d O a k v ille m Call for D e ta ils -- (9 0 5 )2 7 3 -3 2 ^ 5 1291 SPEERS ROAD North side beiween 3rd line & 4lh line 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -4 2 4 2 a z o a lilhere G ood Seruice Is II Fact. H ot Just HPromise! . H W Y .# 5, , T i S t - i i i C EA SE M AZDA GRADUATE PROGRAM www.oakvillemazda.com

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