_______ __ I66 ana ionmdawi it a e0 in A I li D o minj5ter ta'l et,1 [bese ai nth in leu haIhe eniii bleettîtes suala hen iai sar Ji fla o, avs pu >~ n Ta e aie .o liet, nra c a t l. oid fcont y dagent,, ilà ea tireîuuoî1 ep5ta spport thr ncui e as saineiniigtl. iaî eatIhe Connell g thlea te tatit g% h vt tYtj ah' a r A i 14 tP.e loay. etV tatt4 1 ilelt a le , il ch uulnrargot, tite err -îî le. en thp <lir icîtW oi ctîîae - r' el iteliti ctjîs ele LWîis O liteCol otue.i the te luiih, cc crlerly i chin lihI aie, 'a Y, Wet l On. 'ai thae lharPàaho 'fti oie eft--wbCh I a Lnew ni m ettsu rte :ji a fe vt "'e tienne glind b11i Irl'n, mose L ifireoeI11 lie îiv,, 4~ bavues no tlernew sues and1) attede' dcrr,nw ýlin lif Acdugh e andliI il aýtoilsit t, auc a Dren ri leArngb art pa. ,,arra, ru Vue t. Ohe thre neart clul stuelc ,w~ pRO, pusc-npal ~~~ sc &Ce ihtetos lue, and the eie ants i the, ia han bei rr ai, ît hs'nircnclu tt lre, lue aihopat weirîr a ide.nednrea'eao . iow couive, farhe drîl O iraien iera! byc îîvrv, lala calueIally tlîy r ot r. n ti nera btitan hi shrr iMo. and Crc tvoetel~r r.) ofCinl mrag ah aý,ý iru lia hiaeth cunitiryeoi tlJ h if th e are rari'cvif the r e relightucd aiDr. Lîrttl0is ubId d the rsi goee.fe np uiS y'rt 11, etectie lk ni p iu tie prshow d taw bcc Il n :Piailb phied auj thepai clge wt iira caii Ofitae Coi, ircs bain foun ndWn hin moathiainPothe r 6r.@ etiiiaiint Geruar ate kt c udd i fore ti-t tet-. A aecutrae, bth aiclnti dii ly beîiii ghere mit l tir n ta n y l ut la d o e ta he lt l fnwr possie t teeu h., Ir. IoneSirl aeitlh m.i tean hey baentbeen rorl ste suâal ? Itere, nc. iast lai s et ane rabce e alneiotle re Ienlgtnl asol lest ac seL on th- Grand Drlce ofrui Tun ..ard ataisrte iii si ' -sitàS a y greaostfa eps1 1ii t e rln to y t~oabie tri lit "ir ue hUid anii Coient5 r ea l ibii ùli Euroe.i TWI lir hin deou.edigaeei thi mrna' oul ait u i Ger- ijdeornis staerthat B Car.i t at' i etil becou , mr nid tom ihnclay e hwt ie baut M~ dte o iceKi arc cf Sailtîll fii prabe luiavlea. le-uis hv55 Iled to pin varios at$ti hie thebae asgiefor jai 1 lati, ai g rn teraasenc o.0 sf aoti o sestc, in coteetosj onsakigtiicef Ll 'Yr stsa e h ot5"y l reailns- a Cobtcle 0ere viltte .ele Psais 1, cet- Parab oul 'lût Wi. r3i' j liais stat ien IUU" 1 liaeLs e eclre elagi m the ae lte " fr0 oeti ee aln o i :ee5 tiesor bagos. Whbr olie as i f WDJ ea eae erce Ait antt sim. the st n h e uâaoeesJ«88:~ îimpoN'fille, ait.is?7 point andl in ail Leie. bayei r* llf« ma" U Se itha; ad if ce? m e . m U a MUS downimld y . rilit sa vsMamy forOursailrs ame eglua- Wheer l asrgie se-fatiguîug anad la lie «ObiioutlialIau tolt naral o1~~ n lb.euefeusivO araillitth of cgauuel. The latter laid] Irait 'lie' 0xpectea! places, anad anns'ysd Ibea e"dbrrml a drialfil manener, The ,,Il » ers etlengtb forceid te asseoasble ;it5ifl8bedy. and!eau tbhecurivassof ca. ue bye01 red imost severely.- re check, in acsucla iif, lhas given grsat lmai. a.ata r%ch.las.Ferg atEceeaî ,rian ;dftcI in Of hfi. raies, iheir îaabllîl te ruh their ralant fnes, sreioieed, syxt spriiag, tau eout an in- i,,ce, tabubay, aiat.glter, and destcîey n S rGOVERNOR GENCPRAL'S IIEALTH. ; c to;anag blilta bas been isîued by the lct. e ate,eance lapon Lord Mercaiho. I, býc1arcennuihl if tuai adul a ayting ta ils lie. bloxrLAq4O, 20h Octriher, 1815. 1,Cne ,i e rr îaliity limier avic bfils Excel- pr ieGiertiir er nieraI liai beero labiuriiig, à nribpof eeatsad wliîch lias giiewly soit -. *.-rîItl "lu-en prlociiip a mniteia atile< tet-i. lias me inti te attell Id la Jl vl i tiera r, by whîch l i.l. ra C il tii tlte il ihave beec rrte, 1't ri,:it- or thre actin n a gi eat 'dc.]f, r a dayr or t'vlbat lias fot 1 Il re err*i* liiiiltlii lois.toui aaerîiiy 1 l a i:h.rlias bec, ecosry fir h.m a irer u1absirnenlce.1 j';l1S(IAWF()!tl>, M. D. Li. . MACl)(N NELL, M. D. Iîr, Iran fird hiicontiradicreJ file report thelt r u-'h4d ht-t-aperfored on Hi a cel- ri.r iii ieebal Ii itîtany huaiorulage - 1 an ai Jrt c lu îl.9 * ne gi ibohe!aLtalbaPiitia[hua lias pt-au] MrLA-,Dq, Oct. 23, 1845. T-er, tiasrotht-cii niieb clai-re in the liaSît ii:xrcelliiuîy'd maliety durng the lat fewi ~j -irail heaith contIiustuci lth e t@ arme. RBo. L. MtecDuiNEaL.r., M. D. n ee f dilite Gereral Ci moiiteis< Ithe1 t.: b ..rtN.g'tonl rd 'loroirto Rail Road nýrvue alstr V 1 IUtP tEiville 1 st Thiiriiay, hoi 'ointer, E-q9. lte Chair. We have netot tr receced te recnuialeir, bot wil ie [hem1 ,,iir ii ..ltAiiiit-i cof gerotlerirn (rom Kirg. . nI iýjT i tirI eiii ntpfrlte counaitry, as n'ellan c t',e i 1,.ie I.j tatene re prieent ana!1 r. al- t t t ri c- , . A lnerit-t-flOputhe 3 li f 8e!!et Ilile cas ailicia! dthe vanteI y, v Ilte i ci 1: li il M rnvy, Esq., NI. P. P. r eC.un'y ,fl rnrpresidc-d, ana!esoi. ilf Il mtilllIlleîi in faeiir outhe ,'plan. Iliii t'i-litea -ti ie acceuret me lachi mcvhave le!ta" rn:litr i l tiai e ttRai! Ronid Ment. el,[,týlt-rt-. rreef tlat Plice arec !!.ltcuei. e prîLabltiry ef t heir :ostnc e i re [c l, ILlitlitoari-. lthatare pan. t form'rt. of tifrho St. aivt ceat ,'V ctlr",ti te1Unitedl Statee, anda eO',. 'e ii-A 1e i ailtae a rota! tro-na Hai fax j I,, 'te ritue.] ai p te St. Lameretnce.f i leic ie 'rhirn oiject,hbt t lAil cp. as 'ev a, iar oit ; foîr if ail me ,re "ir r l andI travel -,,naid havef[lie r. ' u i te ii r?(11 Ill e ulr, ana! t-c' ' rre eralile ti binte eiiauoee r .n per ut oI. e t alotohe feu owmet a t laiii "'î ciduri lrreeponderice of the Quebec IliE irii1Lindin, Oct. 3, 194.. "I !lice atfafnciry nifie rettdierc cth i ît-('.. aitd]indeiliiiail Parties in the1j r'l..(e' e. ru hio,%, that the canitalists; of o v':Itrctooîrv ire movi readîly dielposed tu1 lit- r r'ctiiiiltutiic.tiota in the Colonies,t mi.c'~~ it-iii('~taa.The first depoitit 'P ite arl(]t i otl lelt uron Company wan a"e, !îîo a sulhvcrt ber, ini the dayr 'ti st uhinîripr itîrr. 'hece are int i tit r -e toc itenPilthrfe relut [Ife9 v 'i ar.a,-l ni)ub ap s circ, uld% u e h4ee aîry liercater i thcîr dis. a inilnunittated article1 c î îte trcatirit t f.i 1v til-Ie îi.'ernropetr, itr cjetîsgt :I LI mt-il]Surmepr iaf Cus- 11Cl s î ii,'tr ahonit ten veicrs, aria on1 il'iI e bet-iig Pronuimrd, lie very ici!te h wudfo he rquirea! Mi reAl theretore ap;tied foc t'ltt,~c ii Ittimteoîlof receîving il,c 'l e 6i t i i f I.uiilitil, weaiter, t -¾andi requiriîa iateriar dalles,1 ,, iettaaPtilitiîal petl ~;. "-: WrOlier is d hargea! his 11:3 em tiigelntirle satistac.1 ~ , tti ritutut lislprinci pal, ana!1 Yiitr, tvitaseif-evideit thai î'ticlliane treatea! him muotl i c" I iIi u hem adrift lifter len1 Cifr hie ternes ifferea!te t i t eul act te stilî', . i tb-ta ttid rop'i-ert 1ti. e I"riil'e haldlr'cti riely teaiIrlor" tileeeme 2 iii rat pi e vi teiii v 41, tili ivthttint o t m i t' caP file Princi-pal iu1c ii ' Ci vn tllueie, un- hai la' gîvet ir. '<li. l.triunetrhe Pre ut Po-t. i dhave eune tit 8fistra. - < Ile iilas leveer heem a praîvînorît i e in t ieiIl. mlw ie feei fer the iisatit 1 ' i,J t la ithîle [hovernimentf "l Urriitett t i uîîrrl iislry i 'iornai rus ' i iel', i T thtat they ran affiard ~~ui-~~ 'Ma5mseiti miteken. lr r-. ivciri! ee e'th the Nerirana! lisi rhe cl' îin zthe condeuct of tet 11, t r. a trti arrait jîîun thern in1 ale r.~ u i. They affect great9 ~~r I:~e sRyave s0 tir doparteil1 %vi ic. t l -î Sp..pary faories ls la. ecluion o fl su cre. I lies hîtheujo lbs-oathe ah.bit aot ieveca! pubbe serlatf. Whs5 lae e ara Party hacha tai snobe ontavarble remparisons btve titis twy me k fr, am i Ie. i lay e o uluY Bsudithse aa!inrg graia«. The reasouis Wo av lsvamai)tes yen- a( public eo-.annOirniad focur i teriority ie mut unfair aind w vjes alpate I« aMting. Ui. Oliver usay Rnsi nsultng, Ibathslai ui andilb.e mpire lts ebic tue ouei P846 e lismase-s at e 'terIloiloana!d a f ai onr The truaue of thsir s.peroii, amito ar baros, ta catch osmsgglrs, ifl me ê ahiCît nte uertr dart" likw, but laha mnt ontelPresme tai expeci primia. trvprce cî cad aae-ars Ie l011.,otenoie..te reointbug standing, for ever> lium es iuub ritf tregr aeai -pureefveaTh politscaî cat'a-paw pute ius a itionger dlaima ta %% ite ne luve,botoile andarital one id Ha!ifi.xthe or rack party gîvient l'j. 'y whoclch e ate desirous ot couelu itb Quel-e ry Ratl'ay.re sa raaI.ta.e1 a IMuPORTANT I X ansd it Possin<rsei aIl flameeadventagea the eirtcfiiit Cfwer frecgtitilis city. '<ve have tai Rail RLad IMeeting at Qàcber. diriienclraa, ou e r[acnaturel position, ana!-U Il heUSi ainsslTua..iC 4 i'n %jiner. But logiricus futureliton QuaBErThursday, Oct. 23. lth i.qoe, tî t'aeievr uth emnitî'u to t- I orsCet- a t u tnîasi. If ne have Agreeably te tbe roquicitîca froim lhe cilizena ct ria;ii-uated thiti cheme oucselveg, ave cain of Quebec te il '<orsblip the Muayor, tIse Pub- etiew vé Participais in ftie feelingscft[boae Who lic meeting calieul by hlm teok placetI-dayn lnc.The,, jat nt-ak ofene-p9y ie CRanal, Or in tbe Old Pari.arn-tnt House at Ico 'clock. AbaoiutlQeehec. Traéiet e rallier tadavîdual than culn tue lundrea! persona nere presgent, aie amorrnt, eive crer"g. Butaiovbn ne ccn-der the re- [hgentthe mont respectîable ana! influential ciizen;e. fail n tiè hta t-rtc, iclcsaou mucb ha, been '<ii- noticea!fltsHocour the l'lavr;Ilion. A. W's. sail, ne niIl-MKo iletIliat rin theo faut twenlv Ciichrais , 1'. C. AYIivattIl1, . P. P.; linn.Yearse manercial esabshm!aents bave he Johîn Nailio ; Il. LieMesurier, Eaq ; CI AI- fîomed ofta magnitude nul Iben even contmpla. leyne, IL. N.; - Panet, Esq. ; H'enry Atiîi- tll. Irai) not eery ola! myselt, but 1 ignage, a son. Eeq. ; Mr SheriffPeeil ; A. Ju.epb, Esq :lttle ut teor hi.tairy. ana! 1 @av Ihat Q.oebac pre. C. E. Doonî, Esq.; Dr. Fisher; T. W. Lloyd, sent@îsau lany exaînriles of indiviuaI energy as Eaq. ; J. Buner. Euq. ; W. Stevenson, Eaq. ;- aaiy erber city afIl Continent lvilh tbe saine Dr. Saru al ; D. fil .Esq-; J. Joseî, E69 ; PcupnlA:iain. But cve muet ece fallase thoe xmple Dr. Saitil ; Hiata. W. We aer ; A. Mtuuntauat, ai t ûheî preat ciîe. ana!sat in union. W<ese Eaq.; J. I lchieEuaq. M. P. P. ; J. 0. Claau- hue efforts malle li tb. Unittd Sates, in a cary veau, Esq. M. il. P.; E. L.. Muftiziaohot, Eaq. ; avetu les@ Iban our-I allude ta Prtlanu-who 1ev. Dr. CI.lt; Rer. Air. NI'ahon ; Holl. W<. bave bren almoasi scceasetul n ea rrying oui thetr .Shepari; G. . Symaa, £&q. ; J. Bl. Fur'-yth, prajedi Shail ce ranilie"n?if îhey could suc. E.aq. ; Ib.lia.Inry lack, &Cc. &4-. ceea!, tifuuld jadea! lbeaschaune wore we te f.il. lle Mm ur wn'es ralil]tu the Chair, ana! h. X. 1ildt,, t vver-value oui Saulheru nerghabours, nor Gerneau., oi;tire, reqat-sîrd [o ar' as Sccrctary. as f1 aayhinz ut au entbusiagî abonult tair n. llie I Mf.i1 r. .. n opacieiuitg t ha oit-e rg, tît or t lis. JrfEfitlicapital ia tu male Port. said-Gen'tierlitn, mac rie lcri tuict agreeabuy tu landu a groat tutin, tf s thromi-ita, acay an ad. a reqajto! fri ttîe rit..cecs inQiiueec, srd icar eet'.oaamirlyfor to iheBlt->h (luerniaaent agnecaiLiy fiot oety atecia uo, but them chieeoftta cire, aid uwira, coluaita te) lisot[îu ut t 'arhîtuhinsirica c tiaerea! din i. Silitce île ta upoiî àýt cee wluaust reiy. I ehalil oîly re- Pattlnicatti utIe-alert:seleeo ilou i ate- pe tîit auîourteuy as coloni6te lu coutrîbaite [o. jlerlier ere lbas icen sufficjoe ta [iruiit elae'Irie irt'n..rtchIis kiwi!. oiu the oj tii oicou ir LleOttti. .TitI olject ýte ! Iauta free tli tlrit thateuiEgr.inta cf tc-day oc. ctilsideratuituaofut hebei-t inamuri taseotibc rutlciîtIrt ul.'affvr mach ; but chat lbey ciedergo relative ta the Ilp elRaiwzv 'frottm u auoe ioa.aiOLIt ini corituarisoreta tîe efforts ofth[le irai ta Hlalifax. Of te i.itportarace«of sucb a 1(,!'-- settîes ofath[le cotuntry 3M0 yeurx age, me-hn the>' n-ny, al are cnt aaie ipti. îe,î; aodiu t il cou!.] be tirl "sessionl tif a uvl.lrîens pirpîca!by &av. executd, 1 ain conihdent b ut s lIleue. 1 nàeanthie irvi French anai Englinla set. grenier than ne con anticipate. Qunlice bas Hiers, villatrariorsea!the[ho-ile cattieat trami sufeéreul mucIs-hars been otten deprivea! of her the Miisianippi lu the St. Lawretnce, and froua property-rand îeen lier hoples treiluenîl>'des. ftle Saguenaay ta the Il gdson'd Bey, anda!iant ircyed. Sbouid ibis Rairay commtunicationebchie ry of the advantagea [th ave have ai prenlenîr; carrîca! out, seleail ho yet a very flourinhiiig me lias ue.] no mapîiiceirt cîipo. hat itrnalicee-Jo.1 Cty>. <Cheers.) Site id 0o1 Dow chat nature friai400 tfonle, and me are called upu nat ot%, inreudea! lier tas be- ana! clu>' 1 B ecause, du ng if flot to su rpas , aI leant to equal t ein, (c le ' Open, loeever, bot the communication fîîr n and the empire, ana! I contithder [lial.it i la alioî. wbole year, ana!elle muai becomae an itmportant taini t0 cotribute lu [liii underîak'tcg-. 1 aîîî rt place. Thse projeiri in question caula! reineve ermpeleut La pointlouat tle pn'ritel; but front .ery hindrance ta lcr pcoapeily. Inatead of Point Lot-i ta the Flals ufth[le St. JothtansIlivr six ronth,lthe Railroaul coula! establialu trnffic the populatioin as that ut îuany îliuuaands aot ioula, for the whole year. Trhe advantsges cff aucl a ciao have been settica! foc yoare. 'his popuia. ueasure muet atiua evecyboul>. But cee are net [iota dosea or consist cof a tnmv rieh mîeni, andl hers, Gentleanen, te descusa lbe quesioun ot ite mac>'pouer, but are minetl>'ouithe[laC snn' taion- importanlce cee are ratber caeseta deteraniue l'bey are auporior in malt> rerpecre lu huttie ut chat course ot actionave ailI adopi. Bat a fcw fileCUited! States, amung van are cerrairîl>' yoara bock, a railroad otaix huodrea! noles c-,,u!d mno weallli>'mon, bat ceho. ni vertleleeg,, ce hîave been gilrnlyconsîdîrea a rîdiculaicia pro. ut a difi'rent descriptionr lIo hise il) Ibis happoy jeci. The l'ail [coul>' eare bave removea! sucha colon>'. Tlle lîn.i.nember onclnilod b>' statiaig iéeas, au.] the uvrld habheen laughi [liat suchu ttat tlmoula! bc a ligma (lnt lwi Cl' a1!0'd ichemes are practicable. Let usn lkta luc tIilexert iheniaelmioa. Uitted! tatos, ana! ce can sec ihere chat îîîay bc 'ruse [Ion. Jihn Nei!son intr.Jucea t[le tiird dgne. Otîglit ce, tîten, 10 brîttate chou ce e mtion in a tory humînurous ipeecl, art- aiioud ont al aides n dsposition tas enfterupon ti iicon- tlte ls aler communication ut the Saiat Lame. struction ? lm it possible ti oaiIl? ce ina>'ast. rance beirag the-secret cfot-acexistence ta Cana- If i dependea! sclel> on the soliiary hre lof da, anh thureforc raiimrayv, as atediuonis utcoom. Quehor. 1 coul.] repl>', il la not posaible. Buat, muiication miel brtng prosperut>'. lit- daeit Gentlemen, ave sce tho rster Provinices cf Nu- oîmtlIe advantagea cf [lie sehteme us a molittat> va Scattima! New Brunswick ; and ce cannuit point of viec. and concludea! b> beggiuîg ail pre. turget the groat îesairces-ibe immiense ceait là cent laalbe uneiridedin a their exertiona. -an!udm fil I poîver (if [bat Empire utavhich The lion. Mc. Black noovea! the filt motjin eue are au inregral part. ln Englana!. capitaliste cihoul any observation. not oly find fuîîdn for lte railiava et Britaju, The lIon. A. '<. Cochran propoeia!the fill bmt i je ijiair nuney b>' cbich aveu) continental ni,îtuun. sad ohered-lliane bail a conversation ralwnys are inu a great rogeasure constructea!; aîîd ceth Sr James Alexander, clii bas Iately been the Uniuted Staes are indebtea! tai ibat quarter protrsjonally engagea! in the Province ot Nec fer m=ex. attthe icfiues. Railwaye are tIsemonet Brunswickt, ana! I learfoam hiaii cin ht. vtue issalp ulation of lise day. To fln ua!naey ever portion cffilta Province the line aboula! lie ~officer nî it. Thme En.glish capitaliate aant ran, un obetacle existe. Tbro".bouî il Present- imoa caplairi ttforîiîeir moue>', andl frrno the ad- ed greater faciîîîiee than wsce aaticipaled, ana! virwraJehich the present lino bola!o cul, ave no on, elovation exceeda on. lucodreil ana! Il' taut fAnyexpucl assistance ln that quarter. feet. The ordicar>' lcvcl je tort>' fect above lIse The cas ttit o l" ropoi5 rna rad liaiLty saine, j ana; therofore, Physically aopiaking, the plan ju been compute.] at fine millilans,ana! b>' ohers u. jý!icctly fenaible. The lnowclerever L ta t. ter thie Unitea! States linea, at tbîee anal a haîf on, muet pas th. e ondetftn@ nt. jotn's utîner; millions. 'rbere are three Provinces afecîcel, and] lu the valle>', ifia [lie epiînion cf tIelocalts andl eacb abcoulm ieh disposed ta maite noms asacri- icientille men tirsait there are man>' bundreda ut fice. That New Blrunswick cccl.] do herîhare tiquare milesoftcoal mines. Tlîîn, a a mattcr there la ne doutai, ana! Nova Scoîja cas alcca!> et revenue may lie.ecknaned! upun ai no dia. stirring in the mtter. If ue for Canada te show tarit day. The only question ce whcthec we are with chat spirit ecoula! entet into thse prajodt. foc pour or net. The Nova Scalians duc nut Other colonies arc exerting thermaeveg. andl ce think ibeinselves too pour, ana! alîliatugb Sain oaghl ta foloewlbe example. The firsi stop 'cul Sljrlt says thoy aant energy. te>' have leen boeteanaine a coummaitte., ana! certain cecolutions laid>' stirreul up. Ina bthlqnova Scellaana! New ailI hi maivea [o tha[ efltc. hf ce mean tai ad. Irunsvrticlt, apathy hsie disapîîenred. A proper vanne Quebc, ntucis [he lime for actin. Let feeling bas been shocu lu bo[h places, and! it the present op[îrunity pas, ana! a euiiar crac need unI>' taeie enconcragea!, [o produce a cordial ailIneyer occur agaîn. Waat coula!be îhecodu- co.operalicn vrihlaus. I bncavset-oral gentileen sequence if if ceas noce ieglected ? lcopieonuîîthe HIl comrnalîle ut gruat ceaith, te voulul [bon îay [bai noîhing coula! ho carrlea! out chuoo a teethoucanda are nol cf imuprtance; lu tIse anent capital of Canadas. An eîuîerprîso ana! 1 coula! mentjon two or three-arîd do net lilte this ouphit toiucceed. If lb. Kingetons ansid hlthi fat exaggerate avlen 1 Bayfiatthlby Cape Vancnut rua.]id cemnpleiod, the traffic cculd, aithouat inconvenience, rjslt £5,000 sul ot or cit>' ailI lho sorieuali' afecled, if lolte- the arbome. The population exceemlî 3330,000 icl>' aelryed. 'Theflonu. Cbairmari bore rea.] socle. Three years agit. New Br-unswick cas a prinlea! report cf the meeting of uhe London in a ilepressea! ciate, bul 00w the revenue us Provisional Board of Directors, bel let Oclober mot fluuriaing. Neyer is my recollection- lut.in London, anad a privait ltter dail 4th.- ana!il extena!. eser thirî>' Tsars, aere [lie for- TIse. documents containea! statistical informa, toises ofthlb citizen@ cf Quebea,,curore able icilho tion, ana! porntaduCitIhe advantages cf lbe lice, honefiltea!. le the lait tee years, il liai pleasea that if hall been approveal of by lime goaverument, Providence teaafflict us cittb heavy blauei, ana! ana! cuntaîceul cerîifcates tram eminrol proton- tbe lait ihree inhehavba ohtelai Ilv severe icual inen asicte teililit>' of the rchene.- calamitirs. We .ee been prostrateul, but not He concluleda! nidat loua! cbeering, in caliar avercbelmeul b>'tbe cboclt, ana! catb the heîp of upon the nuetîrap asseuiblea! ta teel tduit nue [h. Alçnighl>', ce aili cecover Iltro hese dis- cau the peracîl for eery persan tu eneri bimself. asters. "le charge et apatby againat tIse citiz- Tht- Ho,. bIc. Wtalkor cad-lTe 1-nnor is an. enset Quebeer, id must uîîfnir. In proat of tii, uir-,iJair.0ne iftoovîrîg itue lrt a? ue.eitî. TIi cran b.c eeu a prosperar>' et trong ansd vigorouis aalantagfit i . lite nutenure brie ht-en on metil i>qwlh. At no ditant day chec oui measures sai doA n t l i. rutertport rmadb>'lthie u. are mare iaturei, ave ehaîl gice ioosetbing be- Chairnon, t!rnt I i.iiaii tt atteililît au1! atattOtical yond s ym1ah ytea ur iol coouiste. But ail reisarke. iti tact irl iai, aecessai " ., or tieeri parti es muéat ululte, ana! ce Sont nderavor ta îei ndifference ail piîuuuua as tus lbe va. i.,pptrtaltce jsargle oser>' diffirenre oufaupiniion. Of onue tact, I cf a Ratlcoaad frune aiat oQitnee, and lliOlttCefeel sure, th ifof ahi ilifficulries fthatbave figuret- ita extena! îhrougliou[ Britins Northu Ateicca. oedmucr Cily, (ana! [ht-y bave cci beon ltsc) m (Chrera ) luori ennuI.] ratfajjlta blie ienellctal one Ithbreasen lthe prouperity ot Quobec, lu bIth the Mother Country anad tie Cion>'. If allucre tIsai the pr'opoe raleay troam Oie Pister coutd i ue a tmulus tas agricuiîure-priusaole cîry lai Penlaiid-eýnilyot Juilgo Preble ckes! crn ere-nnreasqo,,raction, seret ur 'easte ugae ch>'the citizens af Quebec did not jointlui lande-ana! lransfarm a bowling wn-aîanet u the plane. Ily1Ireplieul oe xpect ne ta fritftl alheys. 'M'is cecululsecoce taunicthe subscribe ti na' ete cvhieh cilI uap out prose. full beneitls of thse pratcive sysueun so geiler. praily- ad such, gemtlenen, ailI blie recui, acal>' coccetteul b>'ftle Immperial Guvecumet, a if IltIs i>'l construcetor to n tIse fate beneit n hich casleat, if the eroduce wero shipu. of Ruebec cîllIlk a duactiare course, if tf b. poil un a toreige lcountry'. lin the avent of car siaure'îti-ely iraleul. ils advactsges couL] lie groat, and b>' thse rncpd . .B. Fuacsyth llu mose e lt M ss eolutiolt. transport oetrioupe, magt eecnpreselli vucb a - Helie id-We have hoard to.dcy, ranch mention lamit>. A revenue coula!lho gaiumed ia tlie trace- of the aieter cooîois-siaiter colonies ! tb.Y arm massison of mail&s for clah nan>' thotiana pouaci nothug of the mort. Aak in thse part for vestale aers nov annuaihe' paid ta the Anuerîcasi tIc.oftejîher, cîu you wclîlyen easy as ccli calfra feuen.it oa! dacmorac- ilt h. tariait.dsve-.1efrintes Kcmocbtka, If cva ink tu » lt WHLNGttîeCRisigegintloman, fcnm New Bedtord, assure@ us tes mlnays since, Ibat one bclacging tai that plue bdliaimde futur successive anal succastul croise ser -hales avîthin otght yearîe, and a! in!brougil bame upavard cf ibirteen tkousanl barrels ot ol. The crew ceumaustea! ot thurre' men, ana! a!rirg 4tl tinie no spirite of au>' kînd iaitna been ahanwe] ciboiard as a beverage mun any occaion, nur bad a'nu ar i ied of diîset, or beeai sereaus>' ait-, cmeti camb an>' accident exceptiun onie n-,tance, -lien uuie ofthe mecn a hoat, atier a eviailo haïbeen c[ruclt, cas draz- Cea! cul ofthe boat b>' thbiglaIt fthlhilàe cb. îng arounil La heg, ani4urejdaccavward euth grmat vejocite'. Wjile jinliais rawkwa ana! soînecbat nevel pu-edicanjent, lie aeuzea! q truite,scit cul tIse itrme - but le hia disapuiis[unt ut proire!te ho [bat pari cf the lice ckich vSi attachel io the boeat! Fîudjng imself ahjll fried doce b>' a torte etaics Ie coul ual if, Iso made atîotbec ut- lempt, ana! foelnatelypeiceeded in severîr.g [Le lino whicb tied hbae toe v ale, cheu hoa- ceaaeul la lIe surface, ýffiùg ana! blseing .« ve. r>' lîke a chale," asa ý iennecua by bis companiens, evithout blgepriencea oison- tiraI lujun>'!-[Boucn41unalîp CNcxA'0t-O(Oct. 3tb, 1845. Tac RaNce Rzrs4u.;on EEir"IsIq TG Oumo.-Maii>' atyour rtensavili ho antereslea! 10 lerare that Rnge's 4e (lorman nefonmatioc bai airea]>'reanhe! lisuuntrv. hIs as brokeus ont in thia cil>' aniengr Geresan immoigranut», lic the fore oftan indepient Catholic Cbercb. Several Isuadromls, niosCatIsnhlcs have been unitle! ia nec urgaiz4anu ait cplig lbepris. =ile atRoge, a refor 'avau f tiur creesl-anl eiselly rse indepe et of tMe Pape eand Ithe Bisuaps. The>' base rertse! in ane cf tIse Gerinau papers u e cii>' for a pitor.- TIse secret ofthlIemo nt, I apprebiena!, liet ho foria!d le the lahoraîs influence oftour free insitution@. TIse stru es in Ibis ci:>' anud else- > abire. ta avisai tlaemr ch pnu'porty fromin he contrul outhtie Bibopes oe of the tirst fruits t ofthis iüuey. '/3 conflict lermlated go. neraîl>' in favor of theolie"p; Isere, by a cure- promise 1 umderian lhe Bitahup takrng lIse 3Churcb sud tl eis e ceeseter>'. But tIhe soie spot vras not Ie volcao vas cap- de ,but eotqoocheit et! noirllîige'a nva- mee baZve e. ilte a acivrchaomel.TThis us but iho begiuning C eed. " So,de you knu nysconga 1 . Yen, 1 troertee . Ousia OudeBn! and! t5other aieS." tl'osai Yen, n es Islat. hy the mer isai Eards. Mr. Irculisa . pcare, c»a et -Jîha 6. rallie. E.q ,of ttseb te iMm " B ., daaghter 1 Ouhe aines eaiy %V. A% ua>s eimd>adi. Audresce, C. W. eIbo la11iiatan. b, ths Ref. A. ilaer, Alemads, ne. & aL .«0<Ama a 4 r.elia, toe »Je»eIB Ill &W* ( -ý av»,4 wbte feemerly etsees>'. nafs, snlai At iis.Mei,t aiths 1r Trent. se tbe 21d Biens- slsaieN IL.«"sdl lia F-t. . 9)av seil î Lsqmf Ije 1. Res-ored-That #lise -tlizemsaon Q0e9 bave learneul l cit!a r'uat etsaýtinoithe 1-t-ol lnes wticli bave be-uts ha-i i Eîglsmd atis.te sutmrr-.viqce. tuapraimoi; ahe ormcnationnIta Railca>' htween lialitax Si-il Qaiebtr, nuis a vietcf(un!» oang eto ,ile. ,au itla tihia'it- £nt& cfBIliî ..I Ainerica, mn>' hase a suc,' alia soeedy carrirerciah nttrc,eu-e wjth tIse IL'iied Ktigiiarn. naIl oninons art tua year, a liraudb a port W-tlîtr theur oct, limita ' Mleovl "Y T. C il-LWI-, Esq., seconde.]b>' IF. lNIEsiRIER, Eiq. 2 P. Cra4'I ase itizeias et Qonhoc ci r y'c lanettrna evecypossible effiat tc, card utirlfe c, luep)opaued r;tilwuiy. b th,~ lion. Ni .ou.ti 3. Roia'J- t~i hie ptrpcseul Raiicay. be. aides tacîliînîir-g cueI-ut1errimiantpircurfP, n ii haav.Ili-etl.îcfct tii) t-, tabIe mcrur- il>' ctfteIProviescasnonla t fihe British Liii. pire ; t t ;,Itlaeccfiee, denir.-bie Ihal the litraebe laid cutl ly acieuitfic mnu, oestablished charrie. ter, as epeedil>' as piassali, cutIs theo ncur- renne o e lie prtaI t.iviuetnent. Mtuve-d iar the lMe. Mr. BLACKu, aecouded lu> 4. Pýi-vt/itd...2IlTht an hîtîralle ailuleeas Le pcv- îecî'd trihoIl$ ,ce!ýenIr arle Gîuveriîcîc Cent-rai. sag-nîd bl>'thuehL.yar aot lhertry, in the ninoruif riais meeing. %vîthu a cupy nithe preselît resoia ticîi, prnytiny haat 1l insEellency coul.] be pleanet u bcîng thie cabject- Ieresat raier tise favairable canufn.eraton îof lier ftuajein's (*#)v- er-t1uent, andallt[lie eui-l aire aurîsouber@teps as l ait iila'nr, ia>' b. aýit- raitexpedueait fr f urtherirtg tie audertaihsue- Mev-a! db>' the liuon. A. %V Coa,îtà, seconde 1 b>' J. CRAIOTasrl-q. u. P. 1. .. Rc'ciled,-Th.it a ruasruittee 4,c appoinina! tu ecreopai)na! '. ii ut riusuaa te;oriejit uic iîh ina>' b. turnIeilit î2.fier pr-iatinig thte aloreanuentictnet! l.h e v 'hicmifmuiuietut-s Puablic Bcidwm.uttuitm, and nlantbIh,[i,,l'cri- rinces. ic utcrhieràe e iemueaofut tans leel. t rip, and lIt->' report frin-u i îu~n.tame aark aumot. re' trs tu otleiaeî uo>ëeeu0mS ttt i. tute uirol tis e ui'jL.-lct lis tieet uf. 'Tharth[le f-ia utg eotîeten fie-m lbc C.m1. mittec:-Tie taaýr cf..-let, theie ide~t out tie Bouarcferr'aie, tlioatmteiihîc rs otthe .eiia lore readentin te ciiaria! it-Cr, anal>lcns Cuuchton, Il.INcl,1, lbnte, rtte, 1h.l. niet-urier, R. ia8sa-A. Zi ptir. N. Fieer,,P. Xf. Methot, C. Turge, , J. B. Syriies. Il. Atiur. vont, E. flacquei, P. In;I .J. (). StemVrt, F. t;lachtitmyer, E. Turigpe, Il. Iicniiiiarltin J. Jîttees . V.';Ioppitrd,f'. C. L.ac, J. Drainier, J. cilinitliu,J. E. DBviinieTibhota, J. Gililea. pue, J. Cheauv,-nu, T. Lni, J. Nli,V. '.rein, T. Rl. Eckart, l-. X. Ilfrcdîu J. Bell Fiirnyr b, C. Laingevin, P. Pattccpur, A. lanîreraîta, Jauîes (;U, Juun IMunie, Clcrîup J. Biner, E. R>. an,J. .1cLe.J, A. Ltrie. J. Lezoco, fla,J. Du- cal, C. Il. Park, %<V. ;Levet-asumi, il. patroan, Il. flutaai, J. Nlackimuz fIu li.t Locî-wunh pote. er tas aiddtuluilîrr auaiuter. W'e, undevrstranç a splicîdial formaiotn of shotO liaila eelu disovctreJ iiithijitabout fmrty mile ufthe usagalle comenlruîication ot Lakue Huron. 'lie qntarry conîtis lat-s ou' ahi dimntsions uni thttrhmia-safront ian-o une-h- e-s tas tie eightîa oan lncha. Ve trasa irtai sema enterpctirn; iitrilividai % viii, lniy iltru- uiucin.g îhate as i e-averitomg for ouriounca, thue affird <)tl riope'c-tit-erto our fnmquntîei ire .We aire tsain licosshîmwn serise uau- lifol epecirtrans céewhite roarbla., nearly as nlt sstaauar, and alec.f rit t IlauVende A'tittnî," ns it iuealenl, and wcL-h exi-ain in inexh.mciiihiqasititiane upori the clIffa of the Ciananioque Lait, ai few mîiles cinly hieloce Kiiitgsîon.-[Cliptiicle._ Trasti ci u sriur.-Tne WaiVngaton correspond!enît j e Courier sayn tIsatirM. pak- croittn han againcroponea! an arbilcalion lu Mr. Ducli2nan--a retfeCce cf tIse Oregon questieai lu nonse thippri aver. TIsaI PMr. Buchanran is disposa!teuaccep.tluc coller analbas adciaed the President to recoma! is ocourse, ilufbis mes. sage lu CongreeI te opeing ot the session, but thai lia Pregideri retuscs. ou at lenni objecta, oii ir -rond liaittlia '<Ta'eaturi mn lnocracy muili lie displied.eil. Jutdging tram theinase ai the Union anad th. er leadung Dsuiaratjiiornals. ve inter ihal lIse at7orita! polie>' cf tllciii majt ation lie ma4-malte a rush' u rpou Ibis )regon malter, as tIe mmuei primtireng pt-iitiunal tument et the da,-N. Y. Cao. Ade, Frida>'.1 TIltS DA Y IS PtIJLISHIED The Wosloyan-Methodist auzmqao AND GEIERAL BELIIGIUS CALENOD, FR TUEr ProvaI2NCE OP' CÀAA, FOR TUIE TAR OF' OU£ LORD 184 6 : Bcing the- second mi/es-Bis.rli/e ar Liaip lcrn, and tise ninul if li"ste Reign of lier Afnjaist Quît-euVit-tria: Ci- ONTAINING, in additiona 10 hoordinar>' mJ tsîerut a Calondnîr, a large ameountcuitNa- tiauual. Proviucial, Etînlesanuica!, an.] oller jnela- ligent-e. The incrensing Pales of precedîîîg yeaa-i bave induceml the lîubîisher tc pct-para a large edition ut thig yror's nuntahr, lu order t eeot lIse de- manuls oeth[e public. i3F Onrdestroin Agenîv, Merrhanis, andl oah. r, ailoudea! te cuuh promptitude. liee/t-1an But-k ousti, Tus-t-roa, Sept. 120, 184.5. Cobourg Ladies Aca"iey. T HE W<INTER SESSION oft iis Iaitu. tion w jîl comomence cenIIsurcday lIse 23d] Octuher. Boara ana! Tuituon lu thse Iligber Engliph Branches, £6. Iias. per Quarter,;coul c.at fur the Commoun Englnsù. Lecture, are gsv. e tulbe Winter to classa in CliaicTuy, Par-. î.eoour, Aarao-.tourau.] Bzet.acÂAL HOTi. For partîculars, cee Circulaie, ceich cau lb. ob. tained aSt this Office, or by application teb Pre. ceptreas. Cobourg, Sept. IJOtI, lu&5 SALE 0F CONDEMNED BARRACK STORES. O N TUESDAY [he 4tb November. ai Il .,'rlock, A. M., wiil be soja!, at the Iiarrack Stoeres, Tete de Pont, a quanuity cf unserviceable Barrack and IIcsjidal Brddi7ug, consis1inýg f B àltR À AC .- K S P 1TAÀL. 133 rnIalikets, j 17 Pilloava, ficather, 244 BuAsters, 3 Rugp, 122 Palliasses, 30 Tuavets, 300 Rugi. *30Goewns, 1044" Sheets, 3 Wauteoatoy 139 Treavagrs, 67 Cap%, -A L as> 3 Cooking Stnvet,, 1 emmon, do,. 743 Store Pipes, 1 Jack. 31 Meat Dinhes, 1146 Tin Plates, 3 Tables, 15 Table Top,8 B.d Botteous, 11l Tres- Tengeiber aitia a quantiîy cf iron, Tic & Pew. ler Utensilp, Barrack Furuiture, &e, tooc ume.- ous ta ingeMt. JAMES LINTON, Q, A. Kingaton, Oct. 2th, ta.. COMMERCIAL MART. F op .f MESb and PRIME mIESB WILLIAM WARE. Kingoton. Sept. 30, 1845. CORPORATION Lovicu ~0T 1C E is ereby girasthal JAMES N D EANE j, in.tructeif las e.wnçisece tbe imllection of the*Cuep-eranî,n Taxe.upf tiel'owsa ut Kiiegslon f.»r the y tir I845. E!y ocder Of the Cinmr nui rifv? AI. VLANAC».PIV. Cieri C C. Kingeton October 2-iih, 18VI5 PROSPECTUIL T ynewepaper L1e pu hl .hnu-dnKaaN will leise d on the iret fuesd. yiluJaaauary. >116. The earts of lthe Acus nill ho ,rrer'ted Io asiçuage exitiîng poltical and religious aniumosa liee ; es theient«epets of Canada wilîl b. greatly prîin'rîted y unanimity anx-nz helin îhabiîrans. ftzîo.Ncc avil sitraci tb. at eanofuth[le As- Gus;; and its rulunriswîilb. <peu tu lhe es- courageeneeof [LITEItATUP. Gireat consideration waili ha givrn 1,v hil tnthe COMMERCI AL INTERESTS OF KNGTU.N, and of tb. adiceut is >trcts. The aelfars uf the làssMER îand MxîuArauc wjfl claim itp earuîepî regard. Aid tbe resder w 1'o pertu es '!e rotung usefrely for amusuement wdlI nl. we trust, ho altogether di&appoiied. BaDEJUST AND FEAR NOT" twill ho the guid. ing principle of t he Aucre. Periu %ins nihing tu becuire subscribcrs tu the Alicus can applr ta JOHN Sl'EWART, Surgeon, KîNGsTXor< 1 Kingston, I4th Oct., 181-.. NOTICE ua hereby green, that applicatiounC Sl wi!l hoe madeae ahi Oi e 1 nficof [lie l'roc olcial Legi6Iagurp. for sa Act 0 ater and amen.] the pre6ent Act eftIacorportou u at the Towcan of Kingiston. Illh October, 164.. P UBLIC NOTICE ge ereby given. iliat apîplication wi lho rai.de tu tb. Provincial Legis lature aIi. oil*t Session. fur an Act lu in. cipeirate certain persoina ainder lhe naine and dea.îgnatian of -7The ;Wolfeblhauad, KiiWàuýa si Tcironlo Raitrcad "upn. IIEN îiY SMITH, Juior, 1 JOHIN MACDONALD. Kingston, 12th Octaîbe, 1813. New rand Fashionaide Stoek et sgcch Lue Ptîecsfter Reo.dy CASHl, hai mu&, prte îl e h oieilîyou"ccan1. ps-etextricahels- mrir of their beinug unale,-sud bp mg loyIoueit-in Il'rasiCaenadaa. Noi SEC-OsN Putc Kingstoin, Augusti ltIs, 154. 0 FFICE at Mc. Oîcotta, Princeas Street, A Il sheaae wliaa need the iervices off ait exporiencird Detimî, are reqpecafuliy itasiteui a:t' Ad'i u P-e uis. Septito er Sth. 18-15. COMMERCIAL hART. B Y RIvAE SALE, B 0 e COUk~ TD NAILS, cs.eoted aise.. WILLIAX WARE. Ki'ngfflon. 28th Jnly. 1845. A T the BULP.iT W*aaaoq, au eox- £-J peienedSALESUAN, cof tcisdy E. KINGS¶ý@q BOYD). Kioga9on, Ag. 12tIs, 184$.' TO ALu WHOMX IT MAY CONCERN. A (REEABLY tu the Powera vesteu ie tIse A i3.'resiclent andi Iirolore of îdis Cataraqul Bridge Comspany, b y the Act et incorpor-aicn. Sae. 15-Netice i. laersby' giveas, ibat by a Bye lacw of the snia!Preaident ana! Drectors, baving Weet pasea!on thlb ihilastfor lb.herp f prsvemsing daasque tu the bridge, luin folv "An'y îs r -Pensons idisag or drmtngop- onh.b Ct.raqui Bridge, et a fater rate thon er calla, ailI ho sibject to a ftnOa omsconvictio, theree4 foan shilling&-" THOMAS GLA8SUP, Secretar>' & Trecaurer.. Cctaraqui Bridge Office, Kingstonc, Sept. 27, 1845. T DE Sehocrîb.r bege leaive laegcMe go. s T thse Iclaalstauito rKinigton and ia Viciai, t>', that b.olimaDowecaiicg a large Assortiaoaç cumepuisimsg <ver>' article iu the lc e d ETAPLI AMD hiC! DIT i**ii, 91l et wbicla ailIlabuscli a et use 1vd o prie« for Cash-Ne Abe*essi. E. KliqftC BOY!>. N. B.-Aa the SubaWËbor hu# iaposea@( hlie Stock duriisg the Scanner st 10 per ucent. lover [bac an>' House in ihe Trods, <aeeordiug te W. voatisemetat) ha le.soov able and viling tedie. pumr eoflis FaîlitIrassnaioaaaiet he tP.. cent. louer. Cuit anid try bsaoe «je. . ltast WIos, Ringse o clar, 85 A. &D. SHAW,)' PKINCEIS STRICIT5 R ESPECTFULLY aoeqainît me ihabitanté of Kinî«a'a vici0it18 xd her çi, Rtomeras gneniaIy, tî1 ihe firit of their FALL IMPORTATION%, us nov on band and rsady Fmiruapection. TIheir aaaotm t FANCY AND STAPLE DRY 0000l". wfl b. found replete with every dsaur pfiSo f Nxw, Fam 4»Foe tmýzGoe». suited for the FAU anmd Winser True. la addlition t. a very extensir 0 Stock nvroisn fPa»wPial mm ~m Orleans Clotho. Merinoes, mCeesiu &bdrqu»g wocld pasocialr ydirect at£eM t. t i.ausj asainTeChs,&.eti An "e à, "Tt£aoi oous un~mie uwâa Aw àx 33t *8&rAàMtE N . together wkh a a gza gen - stock of pHosiery. Blankets. FJaaels1, Taat.e, Gala Plaidaal Woot «i, mepLime». Cornons, GiaagI.amJfjre'à POU t Vale t sisMd Cambnics, eas,.,Chés .Bmod Cktlm. Cuokmï. ,Tv.. cand >ckuCs, FiIW "» Saie, nd udNeted SHÂwLShi MusElas, Nuis, L.es, ud 4 JedIs o Goode it n elvriet.- Au ell« int so oas f FmPu d Par TwiomdagN Uilh,8q@âwS oommd F"t. Lynx4, &e. e- Prmceo-a"4iKiaamm% lu splesmer, 55 NEW GOODS. FIRST ARRIVAL TIiS -P ro0Y .,N EXTRNSIVR 5S<><'#OF FANCI AND STAPLE DRY 000D,AT7 DEYKES & COMPANY',; gSasACtlos S-rotm, c»»»u or KIG à[qu STOItE STRuCZm, HOae M . rme r sp semie es - W uelfrmssEurnope. tisir Glt-n FALL 11MPORTATIONÉ, Rue-l Ca*hesere, Set-ietTl'.i, Lama, ShefamJ Anp.Tartan. Clsusa, Zqubys-, Crae. ,GmrUac'. Ne eiRockouu siact., Bfu a"d Haàdkerthiiefis .yorel le uinPrisait-i Cashmeres, Bal net- Mactsîelnîans..La a elai. Plaàus, Chleck Seuraey, Fleauanls, Cl."s'uîCas. bricks . e- -.Plain a«dsiFigurai Frenechsenda Bcsùh *-tnsCobusys, Lama Clef/s, Frac- ces, Lia.trs, ad Pr;Is ed tCHce. Silc Vl- cela, SeanTurcs, flrcs-e-.'Vgpln i Rtes*. w/cftc, and ccle.ued SÂTriC, Bonnsee etad Cap RibbowI. GJIores, Huises-yLace, And S go~rI assorîment et litanIraigs DzPA5ITMENqT is Iucgely stspplied with Superfine Broad (JIihu, Cizsiime.% Il-t-tinq. Tweeds, Cec-uureye, Vil- t'rteen, VL-.eakinr, Drills.a nsitt, Facp V'ecu. Ileaver and Pilot Clouasy, I'rent-h Velrce, Loednu Beeeea', av" Counia-du-Pag-is HÂTE. froue tlue Mest efainuestieakes, itcgikr tellaEeg. /ie/i eou-y osere <dîna, Geni's Rt-ad1, made Shiris, Craants, Stocis Svaifw, andi Si/k Poet lar i kercla atf. THE H3oua. I'uraithf.g Waaor»m Ctîndam.- Splendid Eabead Table Cersa, Chiintz Fim-suataru., Priaais, M4os-ee*4 , Lsea Flrncd Tlable Oil Cliisu, Teable f.anens, 8ceci- aemx.Talas. Blanct-î. Qatitls, F/anie/a, Serg-", Droaege's, 4-.t, e-kit-h eddimioai lSup - plies efil coýuinae tu li eered until île close uf' tise Naitoune. [ir TIhe Prtiprielo-crx ulul cees-rk " ite,e tuirchaiie #fflue,.. Gms r/ulCnt-. deceuge lisait s/cil' a,= al Cpcuoîld conmmand,lfuir Buyer aoltaisard. t!im ana r ctye-e noabiedtu afes- toesepublie' 1