- ~à~na ~asfl~flEà. 4 i vi o vii i po:eu t'e theu enlyvt es ta obmimr. ta ethum t4 lWte u»wa. lTe P1 iýtv Pu at iU, ' unfre Of perum1 10a lisry "b Jat~au in ,ta Ihmie0lbe ve ecl t samime Lb. ur Id0 ity hsubePi4e e = 1ealnîh.iî i LiemyWbemn à *ne vil1 id. Wp. PkET v Cdao.~ tif~sn &ree4 Philadej YORK ALDIt, AVAIt PUROVIW Es. asunceo tat ail the. NIMImýaweulmcerm N0tm Ab. ita o ndenneing hî iilmî-iIl b.ememd'h me A»"9 0 b Gll", 0'i. 1, incite ly 27, et a ojp ira Edisbergli Jourali fer l or yuli aise continiue te i g# t4tg mu die Albion, m ouii' à toic ubsctîher et oir pi.* eng le bhini the GîUarn si h. logetbet itîh ieAlb,, It dollars; and tc hov al lnig tiba Atbion. b îl id Caîe, itreceive o1n , beb If pubtiohl amuntel t rzehe dUarsaî tête PrPrielt hope. qbii 1 heu viii , mt en.ltite ho l rut oigletmim lbe foloug p)« paevai oit steel; Tise Quid poWlewufroier ukbm, EN aS< PisaOR Mmd &dUqk 9boiber yl %immira andi Wd mes# Wadtfuuly boget. mai OconMt for Lb. dnawîuq.m RXM9WrARY NOTICE. y ef14rb" àkimaacei nt te Mrv Wamler &oft, ut ta him liai t ou( p.LIL AUs ni on peyia- bhmbeuu 44, viiie. W neîsdm nontIe lisi. viii bmvieh ",ie, ef Wasigum tire Aul 8r Walter PMU. some id of lte moliits of til eugi etal. it dimenîlcar te lie M à vil]~ ~~i plaet g ir bemmuiq Drara« vrbe viii b. liai 14a mbjecl ileir coluni. «Ir s$est in CanID41, Vil] fel cription, Le vite, we obil M F;y of alleiee, plate4 c., rigtile ese- CORD WOOl)1 mumi demeription fo agie b ber. Mm, Brau.adShcm flUGR CALDEIL as uê»a3 ,&RY FuBlijc, 15 c A$trmeydrava soi, ais ne Colbuei ciii Noio~< t4 nime. Chutr f ctni'y, 1ndau d&&i 1 înî ePegtsdIiP IL ÈEN i NJJIAN of CANAPJ ,,Qom et w ,a &aver 8a Ibm 0 hieI; l&0 ft y wmh te l*iU tbm asov.ira eau tw, WI suiotaMre i dualiM W .vt Igon l'l vtintaeui a avl ai 'l iefi sgaaavY ta é,ocq the sI Ibm vive, aisal lie sa, usd-m, tlinatilsmol-1 t ha nes) eOMaSai&W. ai S00 lai grave et mine, oeary auai te amsm« a 'IM h a dcatirwsa tkm ithe-m apU the bil, yenam artiaa impN aathur, Mdi Il lie mcii l iti tisa lameram niga, Meti irlbmea Lhe ait 104 auenemamacthelligray sde1 at mgh;1 iamie dry ian vwoild ils au.msrairsm bneMIi, oiViu maid teaverigemà4a" aihe bltuil a ibmPOL rq me, My mbt, uL leeail îheleurm. bmrf iaoi, ail moonnesensilame andisel.ume vlsri I go ladly liii 1 ici frgei Je, muLlet, ImiaI! hoiu je yb e m by yha eimln a plaamantgmte. bien iàIi J ailyari, lut yeIl iafrgîvm me mue; k" ai a! OWi moLici uponmay c<lsd i bmw; mi, je mut moi vsep, nr lt lejur grief b. ,ill, I ici frai for me, motio, yu hamean. cmel. [I! toea iairi. moter, froà oui my rMsig plice: a'Il mi sec ae, motlt, 1l'illook upon lot lue; 1 I nrot $eak à m ond, 1I mlibele ,liii yea my, ofu-tenmn it pyon, vitun jon tiel la kt aalm. mFOI, tWaiiglut, îl.vIe mni goinigbh eue.é arie numiouImliu îethé tiof el il, dr;1 i4t Elfieenm tumme me timy grave le ovieg imrne ; Ie aa beter c cl iii byea iu ba ieerni i mardéumetet. apon te giatry: 1mitkt '0 ; th.y amlura ; 1 hl1 niver n12 i gc P e , ttrin atae ram. swelel <rouitter, cmiiume vhou it b.. tlit Iii.mmi, bt 1 fnlmmeep aitaMoca Olima0 te In fi" uupa the<lad New I elr taiia, cal e. auli aâmemup eANMTIC, BUT TRUI9, DhIa îrae Coiurer, vîlcbint. atgieDd geaIN bha, as thie tiling anLry- ýtll81 kifagrindern aving t&ken a1 LleMati, wu Yint Uleep etai arc"m îiî0 & issa cu e.breaer cccim 1hi uoîa wauv training ebyei.H "M ifl hu urge bis mmeed ail un ?OLIICLAGICIJLTU"IRAL &.C01MMEtCIÀL ZIMON O.NÂATvmib.*» MADCW4, 1lot& ret thon 1 lui* nifo goé md wt eeq utiWli 7-ai bilIi mit balee 9~i~e rm scii 7WIOj WII ts= , Ub le i as th 1 hogPIra ulaGoni Csle: < .1 IIII111m8ÇA, tamit 0%s et os bp Lâme Trench1 CittbiMs UnisrabMe W i, lley aM&ie mlsa khihg. Klly: InAu, de o 1mev vabasam«eeci t.e Grey aftp'r"cutr: TaIlepou lotIs, ladso ge brIlviIn. fiii merly hrv ile vri, by aFr ehmVs Ila ni li anl pint); ctauiad cla e1tantei.rte ova anKmorem la mi. I ove c bui taé »ime a'hoam m ai cd rrlig So1 capal me. Buutasp amncldGeey,ym j aeMb. ivil ID Paudl, for timeof yanr1 "ont;aifs.r" lvi e eoribmimsogmi1 thm inlate vrwt lia o i at mIrsumai hythblondci mi v»e t Lairagntd me rie nL wu laie, Y"Om ae bm Verpmas i s m ved mY1 lif. il' Them mque) of the mlty t.in catila. ThIO 1 mea, perftly atmis at ibir eptive1 tdmtit, foumi i "r o yte Patvillism, vIcee, undorhe mokraefa Lai huoutie ajpentj font 4aps»d am b mime c noer' seciely. an hppybmplu 0ten, pledilsg on partise, tae mou lastag frilmdmlp, ami vevaag. t. bau, mVer,1 e qoarnel amerne, .twbalover .lrtumlmaemi 117 maly chose te ueni. Tais uarajaur>TAa&m-A=oMn te]lît1 ofambicabl. mrivaus le Sepiemb ubraepa. edl ameef IlUt. Wilson amd taeaiy," ai - Terra.. Havieî board Ihat a wotdln vwu ou the.taps,a vcthy inligtot e thi 9.t îbsns resolvei aeu.un ie n s mlicitlng lb. cestm o f île partes; accordiumgly, t. donaed hlm Suada, ms@ait bnminei te the reidD eint-li id outin te ta 1.On hlmarrivai b. imocked t a the im. and aervai, tewoqho u@ cakneca, raceive amid.menced isbm ame. Now, b e happec LihabénanmwvasthaL o e L. ouulîf loyer ta vbom tls lovel daugitîsi cf the latoly mxive visiteivwu about teobe oilei, and vIe vae iteurl! maidanxioul expected. AccorditIW. ly, on tb. servant annoumctng ihat Nr. - orne blow, vitilsi tt ahlsrcricdintelaîloems of i paicttarnl lar, Ilshbiehnup diiaiy;" te tluting bride, on hmtrlng bis fcptps e heo sm, 'là - lgei ad tions et Iwomand ftooda. tacitammuasedete docr, a"ithievmng lier arme ta butitol emotojearouai tamme fthéb atonishmi Imier exalai. "Dcv-1 eurxioelv l have leea epeciagUy."a"dmai lmsivon hi. a valu aib= 2em om embruce. The certhi taler wvut ab e lt ure, uni evertoas 171 tie .. aprsmmitle iylph-.luit forreaao. eirelmdinte tis abmes; but ame k»14 one Mdre vres uSclenttet ilt lai lt.e pell vam bion. andip -wu "ci immif agmua" Ho adiancuil yu easy gruce lie ta ns, the faber ravoir- ed lia vbb m iheunbiag vImug, iii ai longI bo exclaim.d, IlProy, 5, iriWoe b vil ara jeu 1" aidte amer viis mUiety api "si Dpnamm-,1mmgi a a i dia pe, moblouli jeu reqire a ev tost. or m»y repaire ferjour ski unese, 1I mbu ontmihappy te eve ye." IL la muait... te mdi tle ntor. ituaLe altewtauraci ont ef Ibo tacu lu a eanner te dii mt tmsv..4lieimExaci. iner Tam Gama, 8mrai, snmimr -Tht. etn. Penaosiua s] k ltiBristol mu Tbarsiay, Ibm 2, ahsee moe, a...,fer île Tiamm.ooDcithelb vi"lefet Lai sigbi ni e upewee i trrfie galeae. p eAee"hmhm se iaj mcva"Img cben ai vafi'Ifmoac Fosse ber honletn vory ligh, as med tiiIeoaieuly, bui sitl verti euly; mai clou about Mfles mite albtv Luady lI*ai, ai Lvcaiy minueseua tlemrs tbs vumsmiackb bt teumememat upen tb. etarboaid boyamiiid ttem m, im e lIsq gest on LIe Ialeerd i.. 7ma" bea i, l.theocie vwu dreadiisud for a mcment leonglit ber tamà stand eilL Db. asiilbu.ffr, I*fted" fintaese, an oe marAmlnat W il vs ai lia tiresof ber mtrle o y4. lhW t@ . mereàa bein se n te, vb lir am; île udiagonal bandae ft" forecamîla de"iooks$m&the vo04 vol mret tve lochee opcaris, a pcuiim et wpn caa.ipdgauui.ammi*ta tpme'* von] e te bul.beni crrei mcmy, and the tra* abtinlg mof babar aid lsrbomri bov. aboya dockl tpped ln tvo places. NowitbsLari.- itg thli slnd, sIe ol ettît aN o biwaj,aid citimumi u vkW ge p île Channel itranm teo uiOn mcd m lii isol , iet faty minute pat mine A. ., chue offPtiani. there biag a lgbi treize ftom the. vmmicani. am iaillt fore moi aft *ail@svitle ber usiheaul#anai au ue>- ire miates pmmî ivele, P. s, ecterasi ibm No.. dles Chanooliad pames Ly«mgîca ra ifmIWot *ith, riximea rneltio.o. Wbei d evweeta quarter pFmitwe, P , M a o opped àb. lIme mincies ta land ienpateiio.. Beucool linui ber fourse, maki anaerg.podf ivelîsmiles Ibreug*i M day; aid b.v4 graitedd'llae Deui yl Paei, caîme toa ebenln lie Dow" Fît np hnupom moé, .qr. - Bunay -men ligaie.q petorasilimelf.Orb&Mlsta mai, ~yatU.eS~ naLior y m îmotMe .00magritimata es *,*O -- mU.4 haan.aPIOccUxaueaATA lT.Keca Imlor, mmciWilim télh notch it- Me jm ad ou*ein abie tm roduisa etificate ormieisifm'lepisu li the,. ir TeVs, tan lnte orthe prel, infoatua i it h t ofcra. le ccii met mx- peut lber hurilit. tmteied 'o te »cal way,<a a the itia ol éerly inieemocdi te bul a pe. sitive refumai toperf âne S acuicim .reemco. aie" Th. e cietp fietoallers eai hdffi, de- mu tei lisebilles M moa*IhuWiiOf ibm elenasiancet. MiKeeiib.loegmgte iUnir or. dit, about îbity meamas veut tam Bhiotu l Kanipan te tuM thefu»men tailepetfons the lonai serview, areodnate sférîmieft lir cvi crier, md lie fawarl Procession prce.dei te the charch aciegly. Mli %bey lad #eg a bynin outmde Ihm charlytrds aM ovr.osPma ceing vitb ileir annatIetvlitic clergymana laqirl i l. posmslswa. Il Mnt-vmrrd, os Ca.aiIt h AW inquired of boebae. band if be'aneaL hvinl h.ilb buttiedta Lbe osentalm." The bmoani raplWei lat b. sboli Iemve i ttie rtaimaen of lis orier.-- 'Fb. ciifnIer of t.e Reclabitasthlieu mito thie minuater ibat, ta coaequence oethle lbrui re- fusand notacibeing ateare iiii honcf aol aler- mtidien tabhlmdettnaleatien, lhey 0ev objectei Le bis performnce efthîe evir*.of thtaChutc. Tb* Rmacabte cereuonis, hving beeaucoupla. tai, te copass« L ai tubh. cîntchyan sud iepoeitmdin silenceiluthle grave a"i thi. netal panuy tb.n quitj return.i.-[Englieb Paper. AILASTATIC Pmngvîu.-WO hate ibis eM receimi a pcimeneaof theipractiemi vmrltng ef lioi wSniqrfml inlen tri n bm prapitetens et t.e Art Union, la alose yenk. for lIe .asutag mut eî .umiormiadi hi te ap.tTb* prow duclion cnite t io ncismcf voocl, Tb. Nonrme" -Tbe Relry. imien trou pagnes c Tb@IeBSof etBrilt i ai,*an oiia iraviug of a caLledral iterior hy S. Ruam&,aid Lo setches 17 Mluand ami asbelt. illaàqua. iijB xlamilsry lettpréem, wibfr eroua. fatted tca minc plaie by meane cf cie in &a. uinoii.m, ami tortîvilit prinlei. 1Bp lb. ni cf ths eamnt prmés tlm tnventiona«I mupplimasaàpom. os vlsrohy icti a papr e the7 îmlinemigt b. tbuloipll e thetaamenaiât fgoumseoea 1009M 00copine a day, aidtae paper aighi ho illeeraimi 17 leit-rate artios, vi a imelen. ou. heu after tae iat» tiay calabrais, aigât b. in circulatioea db ile paper.- W. tacet ai- tit LIai "a gret revolotihtitgte the us- limiuici muitpllicaethacboomaindnevspapst.in inevitabe.'--LivmtpoîUMil laaxcmiî A â» FATAL Accair.-On eUoid*y, ing a iemmfig vsci preeailoi in Mmancbaur, a fatal auiemi ccesrreiofa char. acemeut ci dtLtlacg maid aporaile.Il p- pme a smesudape eop a pomme lady. the .laugitSt .1ofMr. Foryib, a. uee heprincipa etamos n thLiivurpool amid ll*cleser Bai" vmy, didisumaientaiber faneraivas ied t-liai tacraîg. Wr. Tintntsformpibebrothrmil decesfid 000< lady, t. &leo a servant cm tb. line, b.img sprluedsst cf ihs loccomtive de- pancoeut. About tamn'clci bha wunge1gte bsfteeboa. la attend the fcrlo i ailr,,eno bai orierci ose cf the - » nsa te cs- vey him along the line g bi lh aarihcouas- 'Fb. engins va.goicg tm a mevit ai up«Qsomi oecapimnmlliy bleiMg tes aiti., alec, vwûiu a alan diàmaseti bm esibatioa, ho lfaiibM bu faitthibm vbceliof ithe gnepea*ag «Ver j uMR ultiàtesd mmud"setj iil le b tpped, toume, chai castae asatter ' adesnau- iraciagt ioir e"aia mbon deicbellemmi lIaI Ib l n ngn.ba Ïomm oedta houpetbils ab, vIe cvu looc uaiing he »Ita attend ta fu- na tl fhiedugIler, a"mi bai ille isi is.osta A Co«aacxoum Fà-rm-Ths Rtida 'ires.relates@aasaet of iedrtlvii emm; e un thé pattotf(abher. A Ilitie boap i on of a imeiman ai one <ai tabymaqtakrsss vas ployajim icthc rails, vian hie f"oilkged# tailefui lie a anatsieD t-lai. ci ia aftor lia, l ie teW e *bâts sud , m airane g c. holevasqui enme la ,imt. mai tiboovhnmmi, lbu ase loi eotr ul lb. bnp allitindaiiilaû i. Tme fiiiltba »ow excbagid situaions itbis humt Md a round tle gromict difc.Iy inm*eIioiçlmghie- ami frent kW perdlouspemos, vIl b. v wuabe, liwsite dely amlcbinmgho" aim rublihIi lemitanredoiloi, amid lga iml u, 1 ms iéoo a .biin eb.vs si .- lum Per h&no* vas crii t aa»'~ ou Mai uamritostt. Naaa<mou.a'Accxnoe-Wo lueslthe.M te ll esglq bmot WNke Fetuilh«44Ma 084 )huspuq.nmlt. alMr. Tipn, mwit me liet, ge a ~ a bila b. uttsg aasmsd u$,, 400801* mi iss i I~wt~amdic?. lemai sL e1& M imputleh t iii b.fmr, u Mrl. îmismi 'or Gei mondmsIMpfru i h. 50, ve mi t mp ste lasuseve abo a deallmveeM baiwemPmre theadé., ain. te:~ uh si memmetas o ied-ft tl*mues pmhi pop M aa *I.il1t« mi pesemnb.e - &W dm ~it ue 1.7oae . nn a* ,0 gon. Ne, RâviwwuS.opposioi b.hbil l g"il. vhie :stva.' aiuuied. Viewiug the=roma cOuilon cf tht. country b ha qia thosi --è-me mchia et airegistratiolos olM be moethppil*.a ie ia i ai le, Akamt' mai expence imprimntmmd oieléilO. vbmW". n aucome.. »vau emmul. voui be quadrupimi bbe mreglmttilon gau. sy la prv* «, et tmii l " cm màlae dastM isât 11brimg tie w" olehdy ofhlbie «1. * lsoaliea Tg tratim o <crite a d *OiigNbt te vote. la Ma I bo difeuWim of our ekmîèm vau db. vamty imeruai mad Weald 1opuile ilogmiir agmimmi tbe peur.. l hacunia rm«le bla aruiby ibe m ru imd expatai of ien égrtm by d.mgmimg irtdal. ili.ho geOumsa outend etaichiel ter lengli LIai ie er Canetai b.d met Made ont a «Mte viai t theaddifiitiethIbmpronmnct olur treie isllipropommd, aadlitati ilW»aaime emue oi m aiesmcbhadition Wbou the prmmnt W". paed a tmillure îtlmut il. ne thon oiet. et! tsb. 11bill imaienmod tkat it vauimieudm for Itper camiaim..Ose or lie cijmtioam ta M ILAFontain.'m bill by the Sojiciter Gone. ,a bPM ast& it Wsoly for Lover Ç., (K. a oD 5*atr.uMabe'red Wigh .vhatuandmml paumolity ltamila.9q!Wu gni, 1md. ktvherm oow a@ii1 Why.jete . .elumu*pis ;a oc iruced 1H. Ib.mgi eti Imeslmt.ceuld b. appimmiaimi by tb. cecny. fHe ( . Baldwin vould nezi a a tbis aevuMnmuantre or Wummt MnL Ie efait ai liur.,pn ibie question leemmos in '41 r b. poéitientf otb. prémeut ConMil, Mr. vigr, rk wuMe of Ib.nmot strencus foppoentaetof b. r ineble of regimiraion. ne Wuvm s lai th&% venele gentleman va. net Dow ta a ponutica bLe exoaia Wh"i vrs bis .mws oft 1hi ill ;-he' rva. Sit ia IbisHouse nIb êembe l.ied 1a omi owbane. aui thsr@fo t Iis floue cciii 1 oit Ivu ib banefi t foving vb.htib.rb are= o fm a age. or anuaagsnim. B@ ( Wr miin) muetLeauml«»mte prennetiat 1il bu theb. maion o et l ersrnbu& agu,mm, rbth" tut acion .vum *amruult uf Om eme .tigli. Bot le ibis és it asighi b. b.d rosived 0 - -W htn thé Robneut; b. comîis io a the 0" m- mluuim wv neDm aiié to, aht Ibis cSry mnd <muid ._iy b ..a- ,.i. f 1. e truble, Vocaticon Mad eu mHe vumM aiherafori, MOve iai thb ii b. ruai ibis day ii I.months. 4MU. Gown, va. favoarable te tlb 111.ne a eIlemI i wu v mneur, for tiebm pepsmc. duact or elesiioni, a&W tbit vul rendi the prmet lav, for vbich ibm greaiet iedit wu dmtit hmu meniber for ibm Fosril Riii c f Yeti. as . fect assibl. Mr. NCDONNEL (X)uRdm) rmga"mdthepe m- entm nOSOqetm and aees, l u fénl nerlrsc aoppffogtb eieme , l. Trmamury Ilsme iesv iat lab. B 1. v.n if te illtv. w vrnet miarme ho tv outd eppneiti. V wloaiI vsunec«e ma7. ami b. rogarimi a grmat dm1 i b.d Wiett millis favour jast mptyassertion., M.M«cDeuÂu, (et Glegay> vnvosi te f. i* teamenadoaaiet à@eregrd Ithbilt a. mtir. *t1Y ucaîlitfor. Tb.e ggel av paimmin a t l- mii va.WUnbm te fmeicrY te ibm eumrvy -lvu it . tvéd emver W v ane a bas amlc,.i mgm L omdiblote i as tib itIpropoied vold baqq a he mut rrilaiig std anjuiest foct. la uste mgperl W erc tbe population wuva. chbmcatUrm4 a agroat any c eUls,., bmhepwue.ett be a*asatrm l I bo mbltpiif sgimhiia vue I. t"ufllet.ravet le itroàw es te a eM,% oetWity did B04t, by vire liait. la10 lotId t. lé POUth" te ibm es chI bq b.d eM" 1fer flyJux vu ce V"l 0 lr ie bmu bmaarimd tigbM U11asatu 1rq lirm 1 --à h-i b. a NVol- eimlil lar DMeAI lrmia tsi M» tlue t<cs* td dis orif etmtie blesu befor e .p=me1 F*aimas n *f a i* 100 dtai portios enibduprf 10 eà b. vbu wu mmimdiaey <eaSets lac.vu ibte theii mi - . o thm b. %Wegiue ruglietisea u l etie »900 emd.Il vosi prevenu i geai 4mai( ci ene . c moum -"w I;ti i euilsamia"eePeel b. bd sociao ita.iii s slmt leBose.n. e iepresldbst1gi "q mase me b.db. Winus fufi ml vlclp bequu acauhehbym miitâid*ul P 'Imqasotio th"eavustle aisne;, Cass- "p li"i lb. fSeto ta rafrmamete a olci ewmoumle »me rnililymdei l*-y. BbrwUd rm-igomAplvin, BOU&IN, Brcos., C"ie mre, Cai, Daly, IelsBlmrpDicisca . mii9 %o,êt Wllllapmm-D7. am auoe% Amur mOO4Blva.bie u*Çrs NOi884afomals itm, LItter e MWaeMU.bndGIit5'P <Wiaieol1Tabi Tacl.eaaTam.i PO=WMt;L(,»=mlb4e to 13% imm ms is te1hm lapsea 4llalm A~ ~ ~ ~i iel me ouamo iu lr Ut. HAL t-~ta~sg1Wi In ae up oe i d OF.m ar et * -W eta r ute 4eui lMucmisam ~bt M"s ,iosty W .-*c UA am an«ve- IMM, *qq0mmomm omm he I%"«y of rqglwwats b-buuk but linlaprmaice h vemiontm1 , ' J:-: ,ba igela.gelise Wbu eîQiui ir togeb.Erm edg. vnlibe %tebm s misautimi PSi.favt t L. î1 MI fl.VIM 'sanisa t va. ptutML. Laier. Laut,.. Sutiullà,,4", WeetrWilam 1 ibu pL.amieprii ,îe ane oas. reë Ny ivelma asv% lIi]foyBers. fte-1 fer.dto B leibComâltime, mm.m eyour, t 1 Meth rottem r. ince, N. Gecs Ny. Mamdaînm mi Vsrmall. Ny Uutewèrflu, iihia- sel ie C .um0tusth a eseronins. mwub thecPot ma wied the pilniplevos.pfab mi. Povlacm et Uppm Canas gs.mîly, e r t bcilea s milmelalose.tt @Wý 1fr. Mern. leu M.psusmdhislffaveUn. of mwa Mr. peamil t o1 rejmrtow, ad iuri »If;.he i.mpce1 mut rpr e murI. cmled i a le metIbo Hemip wbuToambliipe ie uthome lau favecfr C"glmrilo mimorvmi bibt le u iaile tie ileuislmpl b.d iremd thequirma erall.t IeCada Mrt. Hàlacso.e t Ibou»M eff. e vai i te ome Iffmebersfmr tehb.e vcipo am p'enoios illaem of rmeuli 0.1 I ionad î ts tmaoi tabol s.l edretdt Yaa.-Me.srm. A d oiom m«4 n. erthe- amsâetLa@ ne iiheeer, Lbatah chienala" (Glet, 1rrYz)meoueIl AmogialdwMhi. Berle- loti- ttr ri a .. s4Chmees a a u C hi e- mml Si. obdi, WTac, Tlo anober-33 = r !oue.. Umulin, Iromia, C(Gin- Jeaie, Me PSedot cul Smnith. WCmiaml1 -b@ U ,yvai 3 Prmame, î1 e ý mpmeeýUhmciN Etc- matmw isgw%>8twe.u% <a .eil,) Wat' at.sdam el. uoc lias 67"- p.on a m i e d n sl. 1 4 . T e U m m els o a sîimo vm o b ti NjioviidWUOwtle "k =ea. bu huls mber fier v amIeé tasbleV %, usaimmaihsobu, OMut ths b.vmm.tba m musdàr l.it nevWi, lMm.mr-uiry.o *9*olb Wb"uima i aPerae s.um Se 44 bm~stMSemly vetus sfli viellb.a lc -YU=e 1.. n wf lIewl!5gTebyqîle medim b. Muse bad îý wurb, mi sli wlibo unat b m pfàilhrolam 'ati, t i .P ovl s ruw "pthéme"i m siam omimm ue foble aut il! u ««leIosl.r I p-m bk11 H hpo ui tbave u esetWeim la.ibln m mis etmi, U«talusess i- bien repremealm âimfe tmi IsNi luaz. jet ~ . biiy lhu tbvs rm.pss t 01t oiarmm4 e mlau ali d, lf ee ay ieu l uliv.e ga. vea w <mt is y e d la f"b, »,, ..îè Baoar i Bil l ma ame, b. ieàreqird ta ne eulqe veaW rmeai b. reris miea ban. mele rédmer uicu fi. vo dlte ePt mil li a m ialatit e1m t la pubi e sI LIer. lsdo aste.%wulmilmwbo lse ef- vanadetia. ivd tm ie»0mosmb a Est wor », mijueoih. h buit Le lay mis 41 mers, 4wia Ibo flieri0(oas aic.&n ti Ieteo lona Uetë ncîal maiela vte eqit mile b. foie Cmiami vil la. =t qnlbemwaai let od, v be upe*eoc <neIoeist anPa Rlna Bmamieu sli,%ialt W«9b.n4:ai poubme mniersuile wor i g f ishi elt le Ca#Du ii o pu OM*k p 11alcfr fWokstaspiumrrheimI lbu 4m tantcse alvaemced te gobasasse ta vIe m sIp maio bmuau»Wîle vi aaif iivus mima tbel friais fl d tappIie la sîietlth e AUle# Bemy ceors «vlm cae ]Wth, 1tot *6 Biurd e or onruI imi alinsicaf t Ibhm =j &Mpe d lîrei rtip b amel i *oarm "pkted tart b omsmgele Mthe ioft.tsrlamnag esal bai om eue*. marteet Mr. bamul" bWurmlsiqWeà bm Nn wbublow allIimiveri booml.li ibm Hsot v &CwlmgnagIet Sfaiue suas- )merle s sif N. Lionmaba mot m smq 4O6-4ta r.asy nu e@ ut~ld -bs# a ac ibu ml ' bu - tbatif tb Clavaus0 4 q»~ là éemîte msîti1%0 viiellUo L mi m M I leis-a0m 550I 40els"ae ldm0 db reml awmodb.poflm. bailemuat bmé ue f 4 I'Sdm ý 1 m vu of tb* ý ý fý