Ontario Community Newspapers

Upper Canada Herald (Kingston1819), 25 Feb 1845, p. 3

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MF, 1 Fu . . las, ~ ne b e.ingl,î<l ne ma iii' ;-Titat s' Conmîti.ee eheesu te exmine lbe lbe prisent bill iefl,. t, &i suc iter mtei i uset lbVis1e a'ndt i nDU of lte0 Town tt S12 Oc Ire. 1 rp a viit te PiOiions Resas pleisons wore apPýined a urpe, va. C 'jet e!sq., lobas RL FOtis P. Eeg.. F. Id. 1111,Lj Bruace, Eu-. Jamnes 41,',, »otien, lie foIjo ' lie Connttee, virn tl, "Yi Gildealeve,~tot Cg D.Bariai, secoame, M Nsirman lot tic Clair, eniy Gildorilev, Fo a~ etinq veste 'lC lr'.. taut in CooChair I" tbit ad OuneetoniT leth pren thLe Coliat tà buil t n lbCt uti 0Tbaae to faer mreperty ar e binvention cf a la, rng sen'r tig into Cong of guigt te tie rnill,mA atm gl af lavyeus. As tiiu for proPerty isn atr V i on ane peints «f eowwI iexpIai., but sutely on tei it maniti b. deteread i ebill sitonî pion i- i "h ion appoint tven arhitriet1 pel'tY otite, tin, mot tht,. aid shoult ie b.fnal. 30o e1 batde tita th, £ von hi' he Town le tht D)~ t 'axes, in toc annaîl a oie I lbe District Tn2,7uer,, ;bat )It 24 Pai' nov £7a eu, nret ; ne that if lne, ot 1 thons tlie Town wol id mear ta thb Dtirt.Ba 0no 4aleoa lie md thývudpaytolî bat, eu fairly b.e o5rd orcs OthÎeLt24, U £7,luemv onu' £425 c1, oca.b lie D£7rMî ofev *sid ky lbe Town. The , iithe nota piit hi' Torînt se no Aucb bargain coulé me.We muet he joli téd tric sti mo ct f te ona te Blouse of AssemcIIy nsi Blaldwvin taustai lteé Mi.* )Undl a ssmt ,sl for bir. V'g GemmraI Sherceoti repliai blouscif bann without antai a totiofice. Titeusispà 'rin le Iwo cass; for t iou svaeseat influ ele,b e cwu no imusediate n ehatmiing a »aI, berause aem prorogueti; bot thora e, an immedae sud lieogs rse lotm"ea sest, bena tmg, anti ha a uei. T ou0 sne. haife mat it tbey tati saurol eliteil issembly. Tebilavers ho buit cf 1111le sscvioa lu tb ettile a table of tle 'n*u s dutisa eniiecte t ien Mat lbe toal valise efthe n ula à« £208912 Ms 54 :îaso Ils 74 leidor D7à 84teb hoidlaevi mrtioee are Coin, £2MW. rie.; Peelt, 15,40 cL, '%. 858.7 Tes, 1180<5 ari, eoep samu: gAlM, 1"l. The arilIs Wlot revenue Ar%. icur £W9 £i,708 Une 3i; TemOWl >1lFt4 11% Oi; Sm4ufl asula c re aie in ppsi Picvias e thect large amoam t ' P lis Meve Pest. Lasari Wodu bW Iii i" A. comeoa' 'geoi et OWsssi s,4W lk b4fl rcsiale qluww in-7e seul 1 '.àq ris ,,Wfr *»0t;p Mde a R e wiioUè«le.pesiomtafor isua'sutIelshsalbio l i 01s ami TMmd la ai boren, M#isbumeasyiogte bup xpeetoitab iw" t7,,.d he exonscttiange f« dl ugdTrastasa I't icou lDthsonsemue ed pte h 'd by eD lieroc-4ifth Mpn ths le .ecl ciamsiolthe s« don M légg isd'trict 11h e "amun gote a '" onte the UDnis tri be eapisg 'w e, eeregiti 101f àaSeb u Ht, 1. ilhiibu dm aeà Distieller OfetUIts TruAM ,« iR cotalmd Ie err",tic@Orsi, t ntd otlit.rite I athe b ami 411 a,.r ifac sie i aedboi e , ut vi i h stys arm mli' £88. a lide ne th lt , pitcoeaidies.twer mastenrt vt ot ai olcound lebOe,ti 1h a u* Wl ,. hih nesulnid wu ae M bu Tt sio = Ze.toci l £?,Maiet the se tst our olei ttenem1II tsdi'. s h W yu, wu muisllopksa depi'cfi Ouripr loeteck et emt £KmiMd im clehsa" toe lerd l e m deil.Ila msdtten bor ont ac frmatoue erite ilfr tal iby Malingrag ucll'paenta te a <surers in tahe bemouit of whit et bmember ilutle rieveller buo.Iiu emnild incsmouie Jne Yimi; un et the emcc in &une I he leigbeg ia beccsng led lu Tewn. Ss ioi u Mxica stath" iSauta Anna hi s nîertboîî MA taie. prisonir. T.J.di du68 KnpIesf»s«" ExisT Town, PFn.19, 1845 in,-Yesterday 1 vis in Town, anti badtheui iare o ai ccin île interici uf youu 1noble kret Building, and cwa introticei te.thb ~. Te occson ut m isi aib.ing singe iri uoeut lintlaimaing te yecountery 1oo hope foi vilI pubîlab ia, for genero rtin. aviog piesedthlb.Tell Gais oser igto 1lvas pioeeaieg atogthie rond te an 1,te f. he boFrench Vilage, dem îflaI lii!, llires on liaI i'oad, oh in deu imne, anti a vs passonihm, srg hàt 1 bld btter talle tic ight band rond, se anbtaniiIdid fort li ralttieiaunce ne lihenontry'. Wben vo <t nu te t odaizel Rondaain, a bey Came op, in. but la.l rie, am'ti no o <ite lova. A» 'oth nîemarket, I1awus ver civilty invited ta th, îlMayor. 1inlquireti vii, anti vu jd t I i 1la be fmolfor evading te Iee:n:l I folluwedg110 cedutor lu be R-14 ihe Mayor va. s00. in mtundancei Jevtc-ed Cat thoe boy cite rde in viti mn $i!eia~ marie hy the boy vos Correct, I re. C t Jthloeau ne intention, ut evading Pannle': aoritb; e I as àt" se~te setli e !,' fir hig trouble by paying bhen fitean lL iQg dts ga, 1 irgmeamitmely deomut the boJe le i siing for bringing igehlme Te mcaiid lie ire of IMr. Noble, vit "«oidthtnt I oulti b. trieti ag in, aouf W18 as tantat is pualmgn.i1 Confée 5 l~tateledtiae;butail a once eb. 'ng iPOr'Ait 0otJ. Ceunei, Esq., suspend. z 1't île vall, 1 folt imineditly uleved. kzt lieed iCiocvoua, anti ateeoed te fiiGrbut, YO're in for it! Inothe sanie l"Pied, Never mît, Join. Gir. a yen'. ma, liii,'nid b'li show you ba's Ce L l. 1id Ias, thug ccnveriog viti Joh l the -NiYOr lad proparetbilg itrdiatanent. nuFtd a Ie;1replidi ai il ms ee 'l ',y'.n ta rndio intecootenancea ci 't aktiuuuntf âne. Nobles seseti1< ,Iit ttternot arthina1 letetl b ,nc at, indicîtetisonmelig iband_. tri iebu' t.,luaîing appiclaclto. lie îtneaad onddeniy ebbing te in- un ni doen hî, limbe . Hovevet, te 'irge, tIt ho boy to, go hourr -' n pence, and walked off, aidenîtli 'Pe ;resî- n ttho bai caugi: a l'au. 1n,,i "ite bo o ld ne I1iti et le!l en rîie mir, ty the way ofn 0 e a te ai neth nintelJonaly,1ntiIas satisei lua fjoc'a m nvaeitnectedge te n el a st!i oliedpaidthelb.bey af ieCourt. But1 'Ptneed n hW ett &Mltlim.c. 'bt eeut btaeo elir Itfi ftbig 5!alaucftielc 1P ling t u s ~inior osis amcd i' be admoît i0fhiet t. y ' r ~0 Rhsn andti is man up in îm.pbaUne a mum in clate 8 titho intsur" 'liqi'jaîce. I IE WuL GAD.DUTT. EDTO* M. Gaubtat la do.. ais atMaà,à-umIo laP Wi t aruoien idL on -W cIna on Wta iii~5lis~ . -0 bfl i lianda. ooomr momo nepnlmtaila. et ,a air amjseie leieu e~asvil s <oa Ictea apisci eti '~~O heu lavla<mstlnti l 11011, ami rB.<01, bons in theLatyaMba a le. alaetuee11 amildt. Tepcetfaai&e ncO1iiaemvntvo i li av f P aiaab4l tIsal elaviiba"lit Wn, e ti Wamudrtn ttl ImetcDoU. dalle1%vl (Wa an utai P" ela e tst h ba sfenPreataesa a" eas . 1u mcomnalarag.bai, ,tiPeliinabuseau5Ibomai fr 1. m1the. t. lb oe~um -------r eueOs liti c-pW Cmtial.esc loede eltcanes & îa puagapsve e 1». etli fcengtsPur aaeil ead- ry . acttspetlemas e i i.. ti-e4l mugr ois ýînc outaie liaI gantima ltmFon. i r.rlmt lb mleet te t î. - bu Pm salie #Y ad Dui pck t maaItoinee lasufe.n.t b igt e. AlrceiefVnmes ugrilpae searit. m lie saieqaillo areuall; mat dm m" 6M eévu uter ittult ae Upr i e. Cpostm" a1a10 iemeu eft sh.W t.y ccickn tape iaitee taranemuenabth natPrP"ions. ea"eteD 11eJe. e N,, ice a vii ocadinet.M m eAd tress ui oe.ecf Pw oinlue. ,a-p é lg da ty peTite bé fling fabineleam . "ôavr 1h see tm impotntt. v.. i b au. A lt <if tii. el a naI, ntan lpmis-, by ie aq tfflam .teaionici ad bd. lir* vrlo. e4oesie e minet itigchbote ii- ;by tlrd»W hulyoo....4[a satuemen ofgtheali li a o" mai.eye Teqa et env b. Nitecn mnset» batiprat» "% JacPle a esc ewon dut tmha e "greai Fc«UY oit. lge te mtatisfactison of be sn fa s vuoconcll..lb.prbic ate ullifl 0 ye aioTunrdaWls hsa i th Ueng11luOfMamillerlt wl b dmt, à lO lb. lis ite, aI ortUlOf , envaie obiUie diay The boumdy fma tie ad s 80.tathtes.! chfras t <icruaise, fibie la ant i .it.itEi vana, nig ipr4e mv L aqusa Cmes Mee« tb dvle fco ycigth mî, i ee a on-a. Lo Ch ot srtr e rl Harald " âe t a Mme a mi a l u ley aM utar ahicit lot b . o . C . <d th leIleYet elseur tramounte. ey rbavees rn ei.H oooh ai Arg vrenth tom hmrec0nis &lbe purbae i fra @mtimai yeaFcat uab.-.-Thteil% Mlle 22eHuiijme r 02-cud e propedm, ntof lvitctt uacture m fpte la ge6el eard ai as shieseulng ho i tt qheAiistou ati th ne, at tabe ann in" ar 0tiy Yovcr mershan On Btr 'ehacu nea t esrali, du aesite,gae ayn teoJ" utviio. a ouPit Tbiti Crnall, vu.udhaper. This uay earit e eeliemialle lie nEliot.s hieg Ins atitits orelnd. rn. l its. 'a.olcin e aei ad aac tOn thlie 2dîlc.Rvsse nmiatml.Jac. big Tic tis&Bthicle a i ofst. hiunnalita lie sion C.îB, ie 7. m rt y, buttice Pcsdn a- W lra C Lest Gadotbinhautrin sermla foz.lits ts" 4 ii agamnt ha l ecndvas@ae"nOflyp 't pete hPoacsaye mlata lwsgo. rn ul.-Tdbatv.ot itePn aithmeury t4ea li ul. fia mteyb u t ibo lieue e, Mvit iula er a t haer iîy t On Th Sx aii. J mu Lodz. ot lb. e Lantvei su lothora er t'ladivaionsyountregatioti tabir4 vr, taie , u eu m ny enie c naie, ül bu t ita o e bota lant :os a tle ionti hapý Ie t thor's On etthedilaioslu naid t mat mer.erg daThaveth etheBerllb ou fSt eirnt, te l- le forlae; bolthe eniitceabut tba ti.baîc t su lir oa..d hBill, ebu atueima si hankicsf-r le e lit. C4itnie, athesecnd ulit e ea sfM fes' P M elb crou. atiof I zelna t tlemoi. n, tthfri allomict lamet arinniuailavrdyA miofca tisa ll fr mm TiaçofstFetle aiIm.t. ibaaoft.mTht lise i l l« teodtealaitepe but t whes lautheiens80surpise se anlauce tEga "ai beu esin atita Iieallpe Lr lyoc. dpea subceran, and bppau hy wulas lveas 1is uvaige îpr-Intiane veu dlaigyed forbeaufura is i esn ordthPaLanorise bryit Ure"niva"d cWefthleadc.ue.eo taan t eavll netietisa crad I ri mnsrg te liehav eld ist et aciarg to f lb utie. cits <gle or T c eu lthegeatom cft urbi e au O~~~ ~~ lbpr0.c u Pat asasou a lesd o.ti fvetCnamrsaing. lite painthe s w u, thl s ene. teae, andoee. d aUeDfrie mu v cimos tluais cW au t -lb eel mmpeaTamî iag alitl ie narugi1 etba ni ebteunuofute a as sym hepa. mu t alu. lafdat penouille orchfTrie. s luslhy.Naimex aTaev irifroua nand ppmen De sdw ayppysaie wofe rpie. he avursalie, aosm ite btalno useat h.au tb MVtigaseie-n dti asnoyer ies ate; arOl. O btiamg anti tLr aletoneumr ie *' vo but vIe fure t liedossession orelteealter. l t sherbscnet e b eh o eili se ta . thé e t fadi-bargeofite i mpnngite teo f Teoctur ind e xa in lb pasi., e l Ibn genin itte plecte nMr.Bra u,e ep.Tte ltatli ewoi(oti c im elsiav, th e retfos il Tusch . aiamltt iucio oti t ber it rrv alas t ei. Otbe n2 ofbis ce Buet vMilaloits iportntcane l eovhere te aU. ie eci te tmauluai OPf s i elauspa. sr muoîodM. ads ytne fb. dte ar d oNrGa.tiy- iN savld . in enfridteraia op. a c touheae ulomému ucdlsig you ng t te eUns R au Ccsau.-.y 4en r sfc .y aies mny P parantdlay. ae onted lbrprie , bw e totitsmmcaudit.4abutIs&tioe"inhol.uclos .& toldissilionsei lle Cabint.Taeronturma tera hls ite dinsussa f emer conry a- e bont hervete d issuasion eaie tuplatisoif set a 8110 11. cha fsul t. lbfutueORtocsfine i t»eiau r, min M"-tu o rofpîireluso f o. dflreot rinpeu f o O'tlbeva l lbt se gotfant unt h x rtempries rt. e esup.l Te îi.lit s inDevr a en. titatlavetini eprsio fatrail 0 uorin teu bison athothepla ee ii.wu ccasiae d te bae%ti le Teo he rmealpfointsM. ngociot ison. t ieam. e fthe donly ne he litboa ab t ttis, l mi pe are ui ee taIole uemiia fo r. vat a cieon tl ie coti',taomthe i u soei n ndeo li en aei, anti up vielve ofhve comunantià»a radybaslur acieym dla taimou ti o nce-li e r endc i -, luth eCa u M dasu lc ecetbcccsinamee at Pa e tted' nga noi rosiou ie cfîctrse bnn i en tationnteen Pi. w seasn i ci vet ehmmen esnua!taay Ehm eim- nn Namlite axn bs ttne mpitt h a r erdeeisefioi epotntgput ite gaisneo i i ein io te i. leRmorts a vers .omstth extofet vrin * lb i el tibreuitnisil o.tict evr setsionepro4ses1 aI c ou tsu (rT@ inestigaio rn th bu" omatioiGr e bu pmùolife bia meuim fporctatinbendgon-ftlaat bis e muhcfnoan ider îleCieae te 't if . Ose bimone a enbycea-h t e ato esyta.hefrtsan acot lisg *rbi noaav eTuhoe rent ltZ e nmutsain ithieenvlitemanth ud. oe k al eu u)y .h ag i elpe nregdimîlona itbhradilliairnoahve im ; T héPm eer eta t h"la it a b.se ala in 0 loatie u p arenmm t and n , hic e iti ave amaze mI an aa l. ei'minbea ragî fcr.yCli as. pi la vitclai muts s o up lasI ye a ity ofite . i ntinCotumi. le erneiots htla I la. -govthea. its ay 111. ereo.at- lie cii u oronm2 Lancy-ldaor lieu rectervgnitude.of 5cm Car.es hn D itoiasallseeliali. se 10 aisn îsach comnes eon Coi.vÀiql. Bu 80Phe- tati aiageti tiobn gity cfa Barnthe id n d'lci tid ega mAtof utessian liarWthudle sio of ronelMestcaled, Fhile t "f o d BeeLl eiabuy, etaiit lipoat cfaauillounew ab. taieuayts are. liiremnir. h ta apliation ifii ass er«tht actl tend« thatn lie mIfait II.ti, Cber IboCircuelaie»W ja. aiS cfa propseins tc eraly c frnttht atoin Grey-F ia ors, andab faitit the onnaxta viiielb Oured ernaite pat iterug eib emteirne-th n e ar lsorcleseitina9dieei e lofte ematis icanon, wt Brgovin, ntuât bIavecsa lae cuist v bathsutoel Tht citairma, ofaving, uu if.v vartalaplai0omachcn tIteoe u ht cf tic a ab i a innth ist intio mzJ iteitemnbeve.ihtecr e (rom lb Com st p urpet yatw.l eetrasiensTht iis dqetonin Iel ematoutbsntit@v1ce eMvi.rw Omitwnraî Thirotiti pnlla.fereest- the iedhin esob n aiaio E vr2î& t54 eac -e io rtu eir ecit fsa ala. niude.xpmettj ebamr . lit.sus tyeest a m S Bhi a m ret-laticr àn A» CektiaîmyAopti or as razeti aimae. oigaa,niomcfsi'. e of îoftachugrstouw«h ienltodeep iqUnitbd Kigl treat ms*taies sdselaluis ia y froua inte Creenre 0 fe Ba goyfad. nuthetiisLa aon pe"fie of sîl viin a e Dukoaay oi les Od' oftanti l lb aet-'egiliaty of bi b PpeI tcpos. tes t e mCuonO tckalte thaon 1 tvuc mcagt O 2» nts ff IiCL te Cluaeual Wesset h in ven ifa popos ieofrai usa Im<et. oilla eiiay niaia apAube in on ferfia lli e lbii vuy ce phitS. ic lie" toia Stlybor Sotinheag a ccccd lgbf wu l Co Mmei ieer Pt;amtue t Iifrmnlar themetnai tlbplas. "' s w la~~~~~~~~bl abaipkwar *upile tîl o,.. yslirt e.lt w e h eteat.ule hMs a. ls, Mrnu. agsiip tg orer i00Wn tt sar ie t uica pImoie. ts. tsud esl ltke 4.' ZNu, aingiu leuriai.t r eiliGM,- ho cs. i«t Cslae o ei Ik. s tnshe il. oth mse - f . M,. «vthe th t: ,j - tls Pub. . atmch ha aruoi Obult Ofbietbat uay*Po U bb iené bains vauie4 al. aEa9OS tic fw. coint e eie ls eI se" * lte i tbcil.vith vZ te, lfoue bon«v omiteI. Att1e Reps! Auisc téokt . OConnei asid Iaitii. sesulpi M ;=Ide vit& ilhe repeal atalie.lu ha Oeeta vas am talnibe lut 'bu lailpar wvititm, but wus sin.ply imeii te k 0eP "dP mipeote th.e pirit of beslevelis 11 *te.hourever vith expresie ofcils ç It bthreas u te thluthe stlsut ba biftcusionpratinceti b7 the boqueuetae là" temw, te damp the agitatien fie, ea*L i sali tbatthoegitheite cordat vas titieta, seus tbong 01« injuârie. vas mdilateti; anmib. poeed ltai Lord Frexcit andtisison, Mr. IMit O'Connel. shout b. smet te Rin s osdelagal. (rous the Associtin, lu order te lay tisir aie be dw toPope, aoti implose bis Itlineis M g Ibalintasir exertione te cItais a reatoratis, et their demne.Uc iegielatue.Ne protestas sPsaks l ite tiy ofthe 'NoePbpery" a laen seIt hmvesurpasast ae Ieading Cati maulais of the Aseaiencoin lb. vehéene c tisai Pruosauions againal the Pope,& 1<1,1 te in terfer, in ibe temuporal affairea(ethlie peuple c The qMeeting onMmouds? ii the Wau donai ere*tied; t bavlng en anonceti thait tÉ Llber"i4e"venuldbu present. 1rSaiti <0' Brils uaJ'0a thechair ir.JhnO'Connel spotseat somne langt, anti ebserve&tin concla aie, bat -if a var camne. th"y voulti bave a r* dees of glacances, for England's nfu as Tits làbeumîeg" tile, deliveret iual( of, egliar tapomi @pencb, deieuncing ascentiancy, -demading tbaIthe piess, educatuan, religaca ItIlanti .bould ble egancipled-reieringte th, injurie. lallacte theUnae-de.laîing the b woulti mot aiteekis pailiamnetary imiies tiu ring the. onselng session, muidjinconclusion -ovis!tît Ia sommâites buappointeaite oenid or ehat course lte repsal moubera ought ti peraile in thnt respect. TIibent fer tite vos! wau £.190 5e 3d. Dr. NIlial. atidreseti a long mud aeeodinglj, Violent lutter to Sir Robert Pest, tieaeing thi boquet met, bai harging tb. geverament vit! ceint, utnoer the pretext cf sonsi!liaîion, te ire 'and, a dtiri,.te deatruoellelibertins cf the Ro miait Citucb there. lThe fiabpapern comtine. eelul, te turnieba Melancbolylieî cf agrarien outragea.*. Ints las Negh OGwdea, tite attetapîti ed rdera arq eportt, tte eircun.tances atsnding wvia n r Of thiimnt horrible anti nvolting ebîracler, atm IL" l in noticetias baving ceursdin ibal M 1 h b e r f m e y t c u b li e a i n e i AtLi er14 on Semtiay oiita Party vere aemetiSmga -v ais" in Chang, lam eloe a bh peasel ucaliti.. lu théc dy, anti tie.mous j, whicit tii body vwu laid ont vwu deneely cemti. ed The filot entdenly gave vay,adti livitt. in ve. re p"itateti te lisreçes leneatb, vitob Ofla .,Camrisgiùte liS nexlt, Mant tau ma being h l iîtd, te egmuti. 11 Dis a il". bholy accident Il pormmers itet1.4andi(mu 1510e20 grievously mainued-nue vit toeg anti armes broie. seula fracluet, mai eu* uan lad 1ie back broken. The leteet marter of vhicit v. bave mn ae. couat fmeinIrelaunti htI f Captai. M'Leod, R. N,, vite b" n temperary daty at Ballieanoo,, mty ltnui, vas diang at Garmal ami Iallinam the issdeac etcfMr. Perry. ne lot @bout e6» a'clctti Ondu entie car, and cmig suit of tho Mae,.vaft red at aid ot c« a t "lta El l wuso sleilnu Tipperstry Au - ?"Pt i feus, aller bitmiag moaessîgil', lbave beconie scecitat dernier, sud b bas baen<iven recencly for 100 battis. For Pearin ttere le lilîle inquiry, ant icearc witit difficulti' supportei. Co -Tiie Coin ha!. bas been iu a very iactive 'at* fer bOMc lim»e standi kv trou. actions hava talen place im an y descriptiou ef Grain. Whoat buha.benrtparcbn sua qnautitte only ; price, etEnglimb ant Irisit serte bave reosteti id te 2dper 7V &b.; sat Foreg hasl ikeviss untegoftésaa el lretictne t- ithe faut Ivo or titre veil .O, -Provicsio queutions for fureigu or boumcimae Fleur have sarcoly been supportet, andi 17a per baraltvas acepted is eFrtai'lest ia 1ew tudret bibl. Of sveeot Batea la bond. InimenCern busmct dol as t IOver ratce& Oale, oisapontde. an111, rOCWIa lai et iepcril1d Oat alseatlu à fat report. anthlituro eb.apcsr. We quoe fitest, Canadien free rot, at Os 6. te o e 1d; bite, 7s te 7* d ; Unitd tate. frase-4,Os ) te 7* per 70 lhs.; Peau, Canadian fIm.36i te lemrquarter ; Indian Coin, ilos 2&. te 3N. Ir18 bn.; Flou,Canadîgl ma.r0. ubIt cf 1014.., eeit. me ad teIl26.smur, 2"ahd te le; Unitedi States, sevei, 27.84 te 2%. 4&i neur 24.0 te 25. NuaeuaaTTa u& 19,0lai I-'-Witb thé or. option et 1 prictere, dis. dot mosket blm con- inuei aetive, and prices, foirsom.*iesrieaouu e 00 tutnu ssic. Yarn hie becnu acteivea 'et; il inve, scaue jea ml general mumbers ad Puiiprvu. Lau. aD& .FbeL .-Tise.hls tem m -i--sadaggtuMrdCinuhbalsu t1e gel lta, am&Y mcii aines ltbe beglnmnug of Oeteler; b esand la puineipally fer tweeds Maclatis 410w> llffàes, but li mcanti mîtile qualitis elle.. tdoit of sala ; ibe à$lai ais ebi. u lersdelt ierie- - ede<11bmal', fer ea (u Aves% enass doieg i.nhuatCods for Y01tW i Isgsebaym b aie "el l mani et ~ttis. b..bec sl =97reu."a 000,e tie ne"a 1 use duo j4asbaun tii. mme Est Oumitua. 0 lie 2.~ee b4echiaiesor a * I1cneaawm'1 oet CgtBad' le b& ia.Vter. m0 bus. 'ruS anti kio Glas8, CIOWvsi.lPt UtmmâMa Roti Tolase«a BopaeiUmti cF&rA tii.lae a kegu ani beAâes v getis aieer dasi' Kingston, aamaiy aoer4 184 GAT REDUCTION IN PRICE8 AT Tac mammwm oeudik O p g ai d L e k o 1 l" a - P r ù î ua a & eTU cier, d.ei.qo of ilartiare a&M Fancy Goode, ani lta la deteî,ninod in future t0 seil YERY LOW <(Wboleale o Retail) fur Casb, IW8O tc4webich in very extensivecmpris. es:- Rmglhl Bin;' tfoineti, Crotvn, Louinoor anti Avais. Bar lien, RiW tiou, kf round and Hoop Ion, Caul, Crawley, »Dolter, Sîit bc., and Spring Steel, 1' Tin Plates M . mDC, antd Canada Plate., sittIroue ndti or Plts., Mhent Copper. andi Brama Siteat Lee ati ntVZer. Ian anti Bread ie tt Hfitlo* Wire or every description, SCbefiW. Table andi cher Cutiory, ant iBluer lvory and silveoiplatei bandIt muie. and Fauta, Bier pIstNTeu Services. Britaminia blettl, Copper atie and J Ware, Table Lampa anigan t ter LaPP, lui mplm«Wend tenoil#, oatnt LmwCeters and Ile 1 i*eai; aisle, anmi ôwlmg Pioces, JOiDra'. Crr e'sandi Shp Builtioîs' ?uas, Locke, quits, ctteSer , &c. Hair Benting anti Curleti flair, Saddlery, CoOBe, Malt, anti cor.in Mi Blaclmithe' Anvale, Vice,, Bellowe. S&c. paint.Manti 01e Wiudov Glas, anti Putty, Cordage, Gie., Tube, Pail!, Charn». &c. - . CHARLES, W. JENRINS. Kingston, Feb, 18a5 V IN E GAR. TUTredîed end for sale tir the Sel>- il scriber 6 H]hds. 15 qu. Cash$ & ine Vlt ine Vinegar. 10 ba black Popper, WIL SIMPSON. Ontario Street, Kingato, hiU ud Witer Dry Qwduk WMQLESALE AND RITAIL LAUETON BUILDiNGo, T k !~ ~& to., Legîteinthmale 'cta "br muamerona Townvnd m id euri'Cm.- homers, lIaI beir impeitaioets l aIbave item =auulty large, amdi hey bave sev on baud tlb a. :sel.t ofetl M W dFmNI B la I le; viii égdte qualiia. Mati nustmi vetue e atli a iy Wii aut te rpees bosshme m in thed.. Tley begIledtav guroiOgrissTibt Gaam»eesYIve, te., antmi a lsg arsye atheu Wcae ofLs e 6"i, aniabI Sa lbUsa ".- BrudeaChlwo Piota, Beavera, Deiles cas.. H@4wedséey, anti a animune.aoc 0.1M am eCttons. Lisnt&ce PueaciffintaTeilled M aad Udg. Laite' Pit*Uia beeia, Ci Md £M de., NeaoeeaIPrunelleamainh. les. w m ie a v« eteâive iIieAf large scket Mev mai ver"CeaGecti, te entumem wmat cii alt e bellSsi-.ai e.84 qaite a geeldon! cdapaa Isiventurtse. ser t b*oli srlstw*fer iulaty. quauo qaâm d l 9084 au tubs u epseus 4y FMgeel- rssh.ybue Osés auv40, ti.Mth 0 t, IdIu* à( ýAugiem'e. Brook ud ofivo.,.d lez. h.on a Mo de aâm CÏa U AiD FIt LL KINDS 0F $MLMu esAT COOU. T MI: flu b Ot10rcbeg s e ve 1e v.bid *W" àid te Pubic i t pmrahsa0ein WlU11 0 ig csbet ijuwithSCab Gtiuweoxa, Y i OLpbmet ri" baffTe ML'SCOVÂO, C1U'J.EV 4.dOLTD Liquora f evevy Flavour,' CHINA AND Cen'cuKdy AVERT EXTXNB1VE ASOMTiJt.f. BOOTS AND SHOES, India Rubbers, IlamIUo' plendid aigri w ita b ous at .I ltrrtile . A I!.ic e = î1n b. soW d Vitplcalo and Rtiail, au aboie lf. H NOTICE. YAVLNG resigned the Crown Iad" JA Aency fur the Midiant isltriot. in anticipation of my letion for Kingaonj 1 erte Inform iMy friends andtho Ic pbIuib tht1wYçonto=c aii aa pnuaiète Land Agelt i nià al My ransactions '%lit h. Crown Land* Deparunent are fnaly ce*a, andi 1 respectfally ffer imy services in t(bit capacityamsuring tino, who Miay emploj me that 1 will bc, diligent in the dicharge of ny duty, andi moderato in my chaîges. A@ Government Agent ere for everal jFema % have acquired a tbovcglritnwedge eoftu&ti afflairs; mndl1 orrepond ith tho mm ".:e peciabte 44ants aetIRend Quarters, fui wbose %ecoum1hvetpeft. tLw of Lan J 8 I §f ý. l ~ e bly Offieilbfor the fatu roet,y r. ideer, wîtn bau a mite of K* ue~t. A. MI'J;1UNi 1Çntn QiSetuai 84 FOR S ALE. cT oftv rier. te c!... Comlga., 75 pecitags ofT«s. cosig ef Tvami Yuesg lijeoitG um w ter, Im p ertaLm a' nouebcng. 20 kege ?juiTobeces, Ils., M . 4 ~ l e ' ît , 0. . w d e d o ., 10 de saulihtC antle,' cass ape 0ilW qk .c m iii W b iie .. v ie gar, M bIl& CanadaWhisky. " d-ý TOM sho lrriotwgn e. II bu quital. T a" leC etifis avuGiICALDIE 7 , F Sg o" Iy t e u é w fi A rzw m 0 l y la«pkte&smfo mai C*W ofl kagtmH'~ABLU W. JENIN. FsI., 1> 011 -»OR SA" Y2'*I5RN P, ui' rM ellaaJi i A CARK-..Hl IIg £OmW.K ix- MON mmm'- P'eauce lara la ni ecntde i1 zwo » 0"i krk mcm&-d

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