1*d COOPER WÂANTBO. !0 N hi.wellI acqtaduf ted wlti blh KEGS, Wiin fibd eulyin japi Cion 10 TOAIMLO4 Kingston Brewýery, Nov. 22, 1819, T H suscrberhanjust received a of maious sime- andJ neW dd egaut 'Patterns, vhidih, e Ofrs or mie at moatre si Oice amd cbJmmI fucash. .»ehasal- qo î Ved inaddtionf*ohmsfýwa r plsveral tmns.4 Enj1i@h »d SwedesIbon, a- - ïrid izs;1 Hoo1p andlRound do. Nal lieds, Gyid@tones,ý Do"ble-& Sidkle sheet Trou Trace ami Log.ChaP9; Wwot &--Cnt Nais. (al Bzes; 8Suithap Belbows, [loiIow are, ýOf d il deton ; C t, it, andu saws, Currileana*d LIeiaed-01; Waëpu a< Cari Boxe !roi and Dia. Wr; A emodaisîrtment of fladdlery! StéjàPed. and ast rauCabinet F'w',tuarewith an extensiie as*ortment of 8helf Goa", consisting of mooat articles i*- the Hard- Waeline-to@ ninomrou to ua"ntmg- 3. WATKIN N B Flour fir sale. Ebzgatoia, -.Mw. 16, 181P. 3: TUE subocribers beini duly noinated Executors to the. lut WII1 and Testamen of the late LAwence Hprhuvr, EAquiie, mnerchant, request ail persous inded to his estate t. sgiake imediate pyMent, and thooehvs~e .,au.1i s uid estate te bring ti.lu dwîthout de,."- lay. ............. .N » EVANQELTOA.&L HBRALI). FAOU WIt aura; Wàee Baamu~, Vestadz,Bsuaetes rai tonSb per Male Chts ree ma tawi lad'. hm mnmg mdck a=t gir, 4o«U do. tama lw owr ed o a ie ltec- Imck su ia lves.mtil Agreat alyi *eiaeêà compl AL YOVM.4 fl' store 9 or o 4 iAb <Mi ~ - dde ret IT lias long q lamented by the friends, licil 'if E-'vangelicalruth, and those Who have, the beit interesta mofsaçiety at heatt that in ýhe Cana4as there wus no periodcalplca P tinsil-app=>imted toe t IIO t ilvie trtI4 coaveyiag teo ur -mmner- ous, but widely scattered'inhabitau, a knowledge of. the stateadprges 'I al ur own Coflntry. aud yiu te world, and at the unief (n instructive and entertainlb_ç for theup6f the imng Ati TheZëitos f tie liaVefdr many yéard been fuyaWtmê woint ef7uu voi m md he whicia would rsuk-iru ha circule '0, the Chobjn of cC4rjmt and, the. counby at..o largeTb.y boy çap orihwem toemp u te supjly tii e&i=aCY,. eA dpiçt the patý oenAn Sbu bus tm39 pgs, *W eçut tis-yu iti BI -luhy' na hm - me&ecurW te. a«otim LL the ~4m~ mw Fou. e aui "Il madwii I..--, L ha