patterns which 1,-ad is Mèta pi, everal têtisOf iUý1A î * ngîish and .8wedem triou, aa', rFtIi . t eorted sites AMON a d Rlound do. - is WeSELi .aIýbS A&nvillsanaid Vices., M drasb C1othaà'"t 8fliflC2O# rud 1)ouble ý& Sigie Sheet Iron; green, binte andi yellow FIaaae; Roue Dhn- et;worited shiWtband drawers * M'oBles . Trace andi Log Chaine;lt an.d cunterpants<-Chiatz fursit Lun w Wro't & Cut N'ail@., (ail izes;) îîniiagfi i êbndi : scum BeIiD, IiG and btbitte lm"feefalt, asoàbm e Sriths'ai <eci ios; y4on sge <wb, fa*h nd» W e &Ilassescrrptions;); ctino st Catoni Crape, Cnt, Fit, and MillfSaws, Snwls; sakShawIssMd HakechifCh FIag Currer' ani Luteed il; Bannn, Stinsi, SOLS, Long Lawn. JaCO- Cunrerl Sid Litiè(l il; nette and MoUl Mu"li; Corde.! Sambrie & e r Wag-,On adCart ]Boxes BokMuslî m a okMualiii Trin%-1 Footinç, caficoes, checcka striPe c.mtOnu. r A rood assortuiiftof SaddIer StUUPW. anti bite Derrys, str-ped cambrk Ginghawns, n andUtt Brast Cabinet Faàristurewth Vestings, Bgnbazettte. Tartan Plaid, Tlr- an extensive asuortmënt of Shelf Gondsu. key Sti!ne, Brown R.-Qnd Irish Linens,Çt - consstuigcf mot articles ini tbpami.- ion-t *Sh _, --7WT&IW-t e ,-Dip~id ware line--too aummeroma te miqtion. Per Table,Clotlis. Geenanti Bluee ilecov- g I. WATKiN&. cru.Ditt.i$y Furniture ;.beas¶hflgs.bnassa- .r N B Vieur for sale, la rtigs,, Stotch hirting, black si.k veils, besti e X s.t.E_.3( treble eit coat buttons, &c. &c-' Ribbons, n tH u~rieubigdl oiî apesp, ;î reds,*cotion as1twni .ad THE#uWiibrebeic dlynomtiaedtwist, WIa swhite anti blg -d UýLS, eExecutora tii thes. t ê'WiIlanti'F"esnti ulatecoloureti andi black asxte.! linge, boys yof the late Lawtrencl Hevckm.r, Esquire, ant gils,ý do. do. me'i *lanîWshaff hum., do. e nerchant, requeut ail persus Mbted te worsted ïo. lalies' ate colored black and -d6tepayr hite silk gloves, men'a lined beaver anti hi@ estate tr make immetiie taient, bock s e»glves. i e and those having demanda arinst the said. - -.AV . ,'--- estate to bring themi forward without de- A Mtgrka vîty of ether articles, t»e nu- lay, nmercuatoTmntio. ITe whok rJOHN KIRDYg counpiete assortment of Dry --Gooda. which e ~ ~ ~ ~ ee GE.H IIKLW. i> il! seli very low £$X casH. ei kA"In on,.M%. 9. 1819. srtf Knrs 1 Nv 814. 1819 3 FOR SALB, 0SIV ýCt(TlWY NE 4 eceletFARNI, iyingoUýtbe RayA YOUNG MAN Frois Le-er Càado, exýBay ,. ee un A .~ wighes a situat»iona a cwck ie a Bacoritaining ee andr Stcrs;iCntoe or Warehouae: bas neobjYertion te * ben"part of L otsNw7admthidCo- ecessioni Additional FedFiksug4 nih:îakng himeif.usef')i iln amy 'iivCOI large andi comuinodious framte honte, a log nected with mercantile business eun fbarn andi an orchard tliereon, with abott egad " ýefn n rtmt '40 or 50 acres iirv oetunde- i ;-lo-çaSpe*k ýth( Fr--n-hiand Etngish * ,~ inîprveinentsaIso -aiirfurther partic.ian esàque ~lfence, andi in a very eo.3 neighborhoo- of t e pifter. s a àgod stand Worpoblie Ibusiness, smkAlnt !t.àv 1.11. yt Ias a inerrhant and lias f r merly been a tav* fi 89 rnt. Forfurtiier pariculars apply te Mr. 1O iE Paul Petersun, on the premises, or T il DJf.> S 5 $ Z 1 SAMSUEL PMERRLL, T) G8 laïve reeMectfUly te influa the i -Kingston. B. puulc W iet he . fttkqngup a cople .iLsO-14o Pea and Flour Barrel- ofrotas « th. grosê1or eflOks.Fink- Sp 1 te *; MaeilLL Ibhoum*" stse« éW4 .aup-ýMts-ita & W1519 i i& ayuOhi.Wine ia<u [US IDRY~GOS .fOJràrLY JVqalzrxe, coaprisng aheout ýverý aire M4onft feins o»te ?Wcuty lMadU liot atmsrol mad o»n qêdm iPWSE e. t -or*wtiase ands a u hgè5 matiUîse8ki~ ts.~us sue tai t ay Ummm4 Ç~rf arady booàemse-.* . "Il, Bettve, W ENTITLED TRK iand ufility. Ht akes tis eorruîrymuet' 2 UsasfI EVANGEIJUAL HERA.LD i returniig hro meut sincevo titauks for *hI in oospete.repïk. a IT bias Ipng been. lainented b>' the frientis licita, a coninuance of t"er faveurs. jears ôf EvangeUlcal Truth, andi those Who have i ICiugSten,d4Aw. 15, 189. Stf Anpre the bet i:terests o dce.> ai heart, thuttin A'.Tego;wi 'oeeilor l- rmesay tlite aniae.aa there vasnu periodicul publica- ue ino .îii .~,2d~s. é mhatr tion soif 1> appropriate to the ilffusion of, Diîvine trutti, andi col vngto oenr utmer-' ails, but wideiy scatter-eà inhabitants, a LL peralons id e te te i estate of knowledge of tfi!e state andi progress of Re- A «the lite Charles Tromp, deceamoi, ligion w oir own county, and various par ts eb od oeo okacu of the world, anti ut the, saralftime foriigete ybnnto okacut4 t aiîîstructiv& mni ent.rtailaffg Misceflany hereby mmcrd tg qake ioàmudiatecI forth use of the tlsig gelieration. ment, *Mehaiîg au The Editorsofthe &qng lical or chatesthpru «» th, ïMit have for mani> yeears been ülly aae et of TrUmp, .eaod r vqme" tad want of such a work and tue ativatitage tii.eame te tUe aubir vithut a'ta whicli would'relult frein its cirelation, te #pd'àhe ftowe tê'atieat a e the Charh W,-Christ anti'the country t debted v*M réetfn cuuie~1.î large. The>' now comé forward to attemptathucçdfr4ame, - - te suppi>' the ticficlc-ncy, and sadieit the pat- fr, it ronage of the ÏUblic, àantifriands cf vital 1 -W4144AM POWELL. gotibnçss, te carry. bte Zffect "ier well1 rotant diesign. Ki.g1 on,!O(w 25, 1819. as çoatain ubtIesB thas, 32 ý. à7o. neatlY_ lexcecttted lin4*fpUf ta tita of aaae.a #C' Itq exceet i TfflY iminji Aunuy.atiL- oo sb açu5 îrren . A a "Ba c a sI$ entertiabi- fl & - w1bMe $M, - iM& e ~ p..t»IéUmntf" fltu 4e0e0, a set, te pnp.4y fosa f Ire:k:le e tWr sud s-.-- -- -- raate*ot oee* wA*u it i lwali M4W. ma Imms. Poth - ~. ~N4 -N 'i i -~ I I T Mmi -lib And 1 -AMI Wall - 'AIW