"'I ~ *~ a c i ja tb 4~c~p. - -v 04 ~mat1 bu vbu-tat ureât - the dthe ocb- av.fâaeib çeg e "£ag tie -1uugilbeç«WMaotedbyw.ifob- . ..... 1 r et d lsyaul aprydestiwwd bée ** mitup, (t" Presott, by the Steaul Boat ~baratt vbeh ames iis tylce'in every 'rh ubsrlef op< t - tu m t m as 1 leters m"Yvho mre eïgagas-inl tinatagvesaiaatisa,,Winib. uifor U'e. c. foerydes Curtia ze w~u ,j js~tietup am diputidpufu ~~< TH3 esb ide evasas recèeivo n as with la G. Lhsasu I s~sft, 119. 24tf mtered li u luiItirnjoi f18 rq~u~ ~s' m er. liarovemind çb went~ -h Uat brèke~i"nce, à *0 wit vkItamtoqe cov-; Sne we nqw dunex- But whedie1by aaalchynuys Pavais, WU beyaeI" &ourn<ua Piwbap IL .. uuJy W,Ie- oeaMd Ca"e, Atl't tu hfra = :m"euIo te bear: -Mnd en twma£om o w. as wrmklcd Mdi But àucun b u muwm ieencm ÜAil /mda e~»9a=gX epd Tux zu.0sd- nt r tek;; ýOa-fat me-P - e1 usWabdmouhad thoy.. Thiqtwkigam foige ailthqh they Tombter W»t aktM"11mior lataiD@c, prom mouitajorphactito toms ofamense: Noughwu tcres s#aIky, but.therec. culd IRY. (may; A"numght m e .midbot thie k vculd Anil a.gtammtuctautbut lu t le ugo- Aiu wb&ch% MaMne xqq0k*i"s clearly waU mhow. 7be~ ~~ 0 e hughirIsil vas thie baumof ro. W" chretmmlue_49 tlu vit that bWil per boe A a ww ibate la in tta r ap of a WRic tRieMd a WitR a gai niat i hm hât Iwq a , fur And thoeîgh CMa4,iP umw rotamandis ta crownb The hero rosé, up t Oie gumaent vent dovu. A long row of algoa-hmiem.-amply endov'd ei rawell esteemid plaarlsec,bumy and proud. N.Iz lodedme uai, whllstRio other was prest (tà the chest; By tRise mites ake opur vilow d~e i VP Loy the cabwS.,ait w img a cc, Ivith a bowice. And down, dowm tehefr4it wg>ovrtit came Aria hoporarné .enrment rare - Ânok, w Itka ëie.b leeM sud bare 1nmb'd1th w .til b Re utc:Wa lid pie eurt<Ut ery atmy decay'd; Wh hf l= = "iscthe tRs hole toio dm the thmbit cip4e.(no maMtr boy) ~fi"dt i é c~arosweghed les A tban7qz "sbh r..up la the miue, Th=b&Wàa" y Ù a ton-peny nal; A Aelw4e ahUioc lçkrand spur. I . 4 u~aaSo~ *,*tdhb< - -.~ ~ e - Ma . j - -