«'I. . q À .. - kt tu1 - pfta mm Eya- ~gmm~.disI , 1 mawime~ agdanmi t.tj' ad Gs, v. 24,29M ,bue P&ime Rsm ItEM t ita nw luth. ~ ~madT ~uq, Asal di. Midis. * -i the '.-uemo depi.1mi s ti, if thi- te he. amJ -ï, oimu i sï w1t, c umm ilddq% inaematedtis"Tuut if s»y pes aAi4w naasbeI~amed with avri or erfeor or uOmaIorb. u Tn-euror orittise but i b prelem e e d t.praIin taienofOUUrite iiuil bcut if 0, t ha b te bât eronthu tîutkcd mu nstuWaly enough. coaclade that the lia' of nature, authoriting alf-defençeLut th, 4&."ut thpartyanjured,-takes lac in tlepca a n sd ratier tdm sabait t "" an.OPUduaigrace, may protec rbsif y lâ Me"nsashappatui mnel of ai toi shiis of the Midian Lr he noera, andi several 'bats took e~ *, - s Îot fatahy.Iý . athe Ditict1 e New 1ithinàtmre «thmeeyearp pai r-c tuef a party cooocermed in a 8kimmini I les rijo, wus mW«ati wounded, and feil 1, victi. àte the= cmaten. tiapeate modes oifenkce ; but i entre *MI 7 ostr 0ftbua rmarks to cnai 1- opewsiouayt wbhebejinil muan uaid fw1, iftq tbeqtt t n t i anti baosues angwei&abe, ivillY ao qrihimaI, for any onsquences, howevi * &taitl tmy n a.A masked ra *A -the . .. .. .mbeUbl a ho"e of ce MI pmmdIte aio tlpst ity Of tii. whle tai di, TheN4e(peace and god order, ~ du ebenaoe ntiemeçution of mui4LwàI! aheaald heprosipteti, îy a senui mi -Otj. Umrefeouîbly.than by.Qieâe curm qg,, it a " uithoir "Inilu n d 1 Iy umwi tisvulgar custos, ithe relick b 'w bWWSrbaaousa, uthe ,pprbRium Of th rimerenlegtened fime*. ~ IOX UE inosTroi C81LOIICLE. 1~ t, a- mcret ,a à v» Bta5dNew =M caaaer*d MAt,.tellm oie par- di Muatteal Dsk'bi4 h, I ; ve, thwaheachuaioour , to rt- te pU thiwmfan Il v «O Wi buis ve l ta> popuab- mneois..that U Dam ier 0er kc"matc Sye days idînes. At Nütbw&g 4.. eç.r--q ~e0 wuk vil MeIis-by pui it @du 5ta" x e~'favmron h -9 - -- - - ç1 A p er-u ? bu«e-- a dperla B rausper lb Butter, do itatey ptbu",ie o0 Cider, pesb4M. mg Duckms, r 'pair U . perda. kY liwk,-per pair &w Flour, lerbbl. lit i per cwt. ce lay,prto %O utton, per lb ,e Oas, per bushel be Patatues, du Pes, do a trttges, per pair Vel, per lb ad -Venimon, do mm Wood, par cord %009000 J 0 0 4 0 0. 5 S 010 01 0 0 Jkl 0 0 I0O 1 3 0 1 10 0. 0 0 -f0 1 0 0 il 6 o 0 O 0 0 5 0 *0 6 0 2 O0 0 2S 0 200 2 d o039 04 0 0 1 0 O01O-a qo r fSCa* or sh omved crodiL I FO1EreR B*i tir0,pAIihe 14 inKi0 i melv . ,, . ... ,2.a rnâe * h Kiugalan, sept, 17,18lem91 t~Imqa ail 4~a thIay~ Naval v UiflO TWAN Eaaeanoepb.iN wsu UI-A*W erwifl ntuieS~ Opo te tl~e suhscr~U, BANK 0F UPPER CANADA. DI RECTOR for the week, John .ILeuan Esqu ire. DISCOUNT Daysý-Wanxs»flr oh eaclî week. Ail Noesvofered for )iSCPbu4I must be handeatth te Uashier on the day prt- îeaiug the DISCOUN' Da 8. »ARTLE !C,Cir. Drafts ou Qutbec at a uhqrt uight wIll lie givonft w ede- %7 isaquarter ofcLiMle of the Pwu>i tond place for a shgp-,&oining the unilitary reserve. For-part!cIàrwi pply ut this ufilce. Knguiton, 28th Sept. l &19.- BEGS 1eamc to inform the Ladies and Gen- tieuleil of titis town. that laebas taken the bouse lately o .cp1edbyDorti r Bayd, where, uIdby hais children. he, iutends o- 1 eull $inary for the -Ipistruction ifi Yanth, in the varions br.auches of edtication, viz- N. B.MisaWHlfAviiicare6illy in- struct the e mal esajr ar ,cave", lu Rond- 1. 4t Ag,&tkSle-mmd Plain Needle Testkour4115,me.te character and ahili- by us bohuity a ta g10Dueçi " A000» BUEÇHO USE.- Enqurof. JH RNS P" orperso-nl4 an Âf~b.roinThmi AthhuesJdtson eau ,~ee-wCt - a ~ éI het~19'mo ïii 00 M. w1Là4umS&C ' BOOT & itLO=Z FAO' 01. (At the aigua d tho Go "dU L AMt.) h5WILIAMS oc CCIrsp6 hlyl- L.formtheir mctol maltu âst mhy hale rcmo«d ti mà~ i amd ta abom auUW t dwemobre's Cale ame, v er, .7 efflantly ce badas tEgoutaoiIea of a supetior qualty sMd nveat fashuai. à AISo00 alr e et âpmbh iSÙAL& Kit gstoý, 1uue 14, 1819 1 Eg NTIIAO tûeirwB EVANUEL"IUAL 1J.ELLD IT Jus lon basa ismestad by ti bien&a of IvanuscaiTruth, md tImn vie have E the bc" tieeOSutaid.utIg*t, timt la oii5, but W Id*I knowledge of btIstet.mId psv 1UO a Tli 'on im Or owq cO.nti7, s=4var" Us T oth. wold, sud t thusMma tinte femblg 'S ,,, istructive &"t aurtahilaçMboshmy fàr the ue f the riug erm L.m Thce diturs Of the Àvasu'eiu , have for Diafly yeai5bm ufully avare CI the want' Of such a work a"thed tii ste ,hich woeld setrulfrao- it circukOtltu, ,he Cba rch af C hris -t he U c m "au &'y u 4,rge. 1'bey Inow cmefward te attampi. tsuîppW ic4cln'ymsdeo te pau. ro«MP eof flic pubicasud Mnda et ita godilusi t Ci bt e ghifj ui Weil eI mieat design.' ht la p.'O>oued thut the. EvangolIcaler- ,id shili h Prmtid .- ce a4mlb, sud a"tM contiU fot le". hn3 pagea, ov.utly exCecuid lilettev-prahs, la the usuid bri ut a naSIO ilk.prkes Motto ea <ie bihf~5ChnulIt,(Ham« owC.rma- lIudS aet>' Of nefui rmd uutu'th mattt, origid nêld .,lsetadfrO011t- and p@WiSiuliand ïïeilHellild vii ehibit b.kglai sketces E inienmlt hactei5, *Wy o .tipp, celma5y5 sMd dimoatb.B* m .% rai, ~ ~ ~ hl UuIw u u»ph icu*o -If e* = f M m - " -,l. .r I~ h h W V v i a~m 5 C O* i A abeu.a * r .4 b, t * k:. a.. w~éM~tEM t- - a.. ue~u~r" W ,~, 't 4ý . ý - - ý ý, ýý ', w , . ýjý ý%, -il 'lm -1 îi i. n ril NSI - - - -" -1