çq o W MIIhjringnrie nt Mad Ie de te o-TM E tn~. f adtee rn h oo the-ed troainyed te.sJ Mui pi 1~rn&éwn. ~tinthefiu 1. i duke elvagesaretu eev 0 lrn sasdwo pnpatclqeton es n t fta a uiw1t« h r edai0 be. aiRbelwy ned'etii-ee tv ari-tnaob itecae i ltbaiuitd u .éî,, iaols tpersu t !& a ~-h.~Luft epmtialadepatmetwhae ~n. iesoîisobepaceina respct- oecli ydsmnfteP. dieei bz tà0I~. salay ~d eoleos a aotw oralPs Inn, at te p11enet tcpbi a 'uales4Jir q ond nie eegeante.tpuath-nat-e. t do~j, voau 'ué l~inea, mies usgra<'Thea orm es u adr ing case têee a dse un at thd h w ii u yter u i t M r - d i i o t a k h m p p ar . o e t uc e s t h e o n t n d r r e e r s r 4 i u t u e 1 7 1 T e l a geof t he-11 9 0r e u t t a s tit o n h 7 ê o a t i I CWlUrnd OU he orte rquit- sud m a uli hdie u e the " PIauay&pI~>~ ~~ter cn. e dtoure f oinni th6e acI t éL .i..TLaw etby the SwhMe ofas NoThe Ameros,-cl" y e - ls t ou pf lui~.~tly.' Ti. strprovo p1tert..strat i (n pohe ty% te sne . lîmeibin owbou;ht é adpinoi ~..4. r o n d ~i as ecdat it e nbits. antireuantenvf.u sutpul fu a kt. Tii. - . _ 1g, t ho rbte ingat endui rr r te . l wui â the,, posloiostion. c.-nà<hesee i "% b t'I d , rntRs is, t w o:067 mow,f r<'i as rutaidt siid 1h. boudethe leared theonilier oisjsty's:ua, ImPU AR igl3fNU aNC. brIdit onets hihprvd éb. oienla.. ad efrslie r mt b e styih (LJÙàodeut inal & o iev are e et th e iI te e eiatos pthes tér ". protctd atu dtiéex nd ofh o! nhlad M set a- elte adm1gistraLiostf usIlsTrop, qattiért* in whe! ho u carrtg j m erderm t iîe ne tu e x ir, bwt ae ei ocriiiîalcassedt hqs nc luth. ~ ~ ord e -gi~lfi tii!o" , wic îtsede- aortdidaryo u hrce f u.e a hoc M" lia dyn se Ii m o. a e a i c hedpotsawy ceii. u ly lndod is at Wo e a o tesi oîe d plan- a suies Wh m od o u*iH-Ltih ti.g vd thapon Ut a nh ni e t bis .00. e m on v r e ot tu i co e l ~ s >' de vat tt a o!' lSM udthero iei cile vas bappil>' s ai ed y th 7Mtiby hol ut h gpao E~s y, clantantt. hsj qqrtv custu~er, ba Iîiluert wittota eflct.' lyluoures, MOsaduditpntheigabe p 4 usice t ti Votit u l~spsgpguplalit prs. oayunI .rf.< lal~g1ad,4fpgayasfots t il s ore ts !naa uoe. f u ecur uain; W lo vse t lNttitit5çUtttitet lt ho a i", we a bin oa es i. te thomet it em mrAdîcla is t e rr~ ae aima. u e&u lie ** fr arriug o1sorot t1.pilter ptblabr sisiatâte e 23e o ovice bu XMn lia;inseraren532 -amokarsm 5 mmasuwU m e 41 h. oud hepote, ta fÎrho-ie ubravesta"èes lly rdne orer. amTheglit e ajcgs ofpalmeto itîeâ., ntheap.f.tbli b.asstui üt cm- ~pubi& a 1ýNnQnligti mth it1e due n.da ers iar e t reeiv es00liéras and wo uponttrla tia quson ea;friif4y nrâ en ec'm"ua "d îoolieoibu&;t teayikty,,,U 11 tte iLese o t ule ~~orda ~ -inr S4 Pni y emi a vngiusentsw f4om Pi«4 V .uam!ry t s 1mtggPae riancesy lie . yte'Sd nd4t f be outi IU ld taminefurter bncraen Mmscs.gitssi. co pe-- iL e-fds? qit t Wrokec aadrtrd an osiio. rabet teSaueo u nei hl mutsèf r ---- -,n Ï $M utl*o @Tel M . sad, he'lar ubb ry , T e C rk aperreiarkale, and'stexigi ex rag u ï.e. ,