*e.Jrs, Y41?of ks opera .k~tIsh.DÀIC<*tf îèQueec Fu sstheir achiièwledigeme.îts anx 4ha~adsth~at*nd unprececlented en X~e e 9ituw aabhishment lias ex p knd fromI'M enlightened public. Anc à*, s4mre tisse they congeulate tticir fel 4'e idaeP ud the inhahitants of the épro Vm* pera1y, ion the complet. atitalumer , eI~o~etis Company. wià'associatec r IPl wh u hot upace ef six m<qpths frir 44ip4AY tue jBce was opened, 'premiurn qE.inseUac against ire were lowered tx tbahaW the former rates ; anid at thi! -bmany instances, propérty iii insu. at or under one third tihe rates ofpr-en.i. -,ui. charg" , twelve monthsa ago! Thlat dt ttstablshmment of the Qribec Fire Office lia! e&lcted this, is indisputable-lt catnnot tiiere. for. be tOo tongI l hidcated or ton oftet -rpatd-that- to support. this-eompany te th 9 utotyour pover,by giving them a re. férence of ail insurancett itendtobeecI ted againht ire, la the only effctuial mcans of enabling themn to contifnue their cxertions, tnd consequently .5 preventing fliondpol%, and a reurrence to the former extravagant ate f p rem ium. î For the prompt and honorable settienient of ail losses, thîe Quebec Fire O)ffice off,. îî you the secturity.off nearly three hundred et Sthe.most respectable of your fellow çàtizeis, exclusive tif a large sum of moîiey iii the pos- session of the directors for suddcn e.nergen- cies, No delay or indulgence will he requ- Ï ed, nor any un wortliy evasions madle use o in the fUliment of their engagement the mo- nient that a lots is ascertained. 71his Company will contýi,ieto insure pro- pery i ai -prts of these provinccai, on the Most i<aerite terms. And the directors have the utmoist con6i- doice that a discerning public wiii uriversai- lihd heartily corne forward iii.ttuppoî-t of an institution wlsese future exertions cati alonc maiîîtain and renderpçrmanent the great adl- vantages that it has nso short a period been productive of te the country at lai ge. Un bec Fire Office, May 24, i819. 1: 13. Applicatioi for insurance to bc made te thse subscriber, agent in Montreal. 14 ADAM L. MACNIDER. FO0Il SALE 0Onrasontble ter cs, the following prop- b ry , real and perscrial.~omryoîe byPli i Smith, situate ini the tuowniship o;' Feie ksburgis and fourtli concession, being .' thte îtest half of lots No. 23 qîîd 24, coîltain- ing by adineasuiveinent 300' acres, 70 undei- gond impýrovemnent"whereon is erected an excellent grist Mill with two run of Stones. ili gr'Ai reimir; a saw miii witlîi wo saws, tlia-. etit about au hlundred thousand feet of toards everyflastiii; an excellent fuiling mii!l aid * two cad>~g machines, as gond as anv in thiv province, two conî'enient clwelling hieuses, and other builudings neces sary for sucli an es- * tablMhment-With farming uteusils of evet-v desclpthntZWâ nted. Ait excellent Stoc k consisting of iorses and cattie, 'and a!bout thirty thousanul feet of boards andl plan k. ý d. That valuahie stand for a Public. House, fo'aery oiwnedb by Danilel Bowen, i third concession of Fredericksburgh, cou-s taining uie haînulmet andl tweuty acres of Wbids.tlirty ülndergood improrement.9 3c. Part of a certain tract of land Ibing betweeî tise second ind thimul concessioni,o ttiîewlsç cglltd the third conacession o! Fi-ed-d cricksbrgh,-'Po4Ftlier vitis otheî- wild 4 lands, ying iiidi&èrrnt partsof lueep-v.n Ince. for particuilars, ae1~ly "t& à:tbepri i * tr on'tisepreasises.. psps- DAVID XPIGAR. p Fr-edenichiburgis. Tûne8, 18i9, r'W3v A. MARSJAL'L, a- Mt,~bDfIR.W~*rb OOl PÂTesteE FA14L% 00 MI-AGAJA, 4 DiUP*S ri srsièietgl p i*-novztot ~ C aielâa - fromt near a bir. Skinners, shieli gives à,f" (cesqui se9 eeala ld fulil ide& of 1 the river t. b. senùabovi npuu~ltus par 1 1- and below the Full@, wi4bths intèrnueditia.teClmsaateh- V 00aa . Sot rqus scençry «W opids, .the ouaiihment by ,tir&CI .l reaidencé'o! ii e ujftomsClarke.- médiatèmenât alsle termtea lsOne other view frai e upper batik nerir de leur Demie- de mi% W .ue le SMrs. WIMson', (sO el*hÎkh i. (rom Ilf4aivit8 des'O c esqi r idn abs ia position near andi meiitely opposite. Bas Canada, pourrnt arriiera QueUe 1- tih. Vailb ;, eaid howing as traie a fort in o avant le tOme. et .4e ceux qui réie& i- the liorse-sho.. (so naîued) perlispa, as cala dans la Haut Provice, avaffpt le 2i.de le b.e froin any other position, mois sui vant, aaxq" 1peri*h les retouri Onip View fenthe Table Rock, wlîich se feront. Comme l'on donna plus ý il guves a very, *iflI and the nîost prfect teins qu'il ne faut pour tranîsmtte. lee vieiv cf the etire .shcets !we of th, communicatîen9 àQ.jc, des'oee British and Am erican Mills, that- any po- plus éloignées, lo tg *sds I -sition possese1 icThis ai Po embraceb the qui n'arnîvent pas ài& as pour être ýs cstabllishment or Mm. Stî cet, Clarke, &c.Pores dans ces retours, resteront jusqu'à One otier view, frmontiî pjit tlhe Amer- periode du payement suivant ican lalder, 'which preseilts a just idea of Bureau du Comniissaie-GeneraI, It the Americin and Mi*lrnfaîis, introîluces 9uebec, Ie.7maré, 181). theesahlshantofMr.~teets ili, ro Offlcers on Half-Pay in Canada. Mr. Clarke's, c-c. givinb, at the sainie tinte, n perspective, the Aniciican (bannel, the 7fT" is desir.d that Officers receivinghalf- isettleinent of Judge P'orter, on the Amie-IL paiy, onr military pensioni,,throtgh the * mn side, the interspersed islitîidsa mîd a Cosmissariat, in Canada, will trang'mit tu *disitinct view of Porter's BIit. -to 6oat tleir several Agents, ut Quebec, their affi. or tIie Great-Island, îvhiclî separates thes davits ion tnpliica« mmediately afier the wo great sîteets of water. twenity-foumth of te.period ulien tlîeu One view (rom the American Ladder j lalf-pay becomes due; &ù, that th. affida. whIicli fçom its situatioin presents a mior 1vite of oficers residin- in Lower Canada Just idea of the. heiglît uf the waterfaU f shall arrive-at Quebe ý(ore (he loth,.and (whle il ivtroduces to view the twosbeets those of officers rexidizîg in the Upper of watem) than any other position, peyhaps, Province hefor. the twentieth cf thié fol. hu-m whiclî îey can be taken.j Ofl montlit whickperiol thereaa One- other view frintii.e top of 'tiie A.-; r emaeu. s e than sufficient nier ican Bank,1 which Oives the truc lin. time is giren fo communications 10 reicti soîi formation of the Ameican Fai, the; Qieb.c from dthe most distant posta. (boa. lvisioibetwe-eathaL-and tile British, and. officers' affidavits Wihicli do flot arrive in a distinct view of the latter fromt the east.'time t6Olie incorporated in l~ese returns, Ai.o, on. othervi.w tioi Groat-Iland; must remain over titi the .nsuing period tliis, froîn its situai ion, cati onîy introaluce af smet. the Uriilisi, or great lal 1of water: it how- O Ommssar General's Office, ove,represents tiie scenery and great fail quebé'c,U.f«arch 1, 1819, 2m6 witlî fine effect. -Devotini some time in Octî,bem, No. FOR SALE. vember ani Deceniber iast,.ir perfecting OR the uaexpired térm c f the Lease, the delinaetion and true perspective of i wh ich is -seven ye.ars (rom dthe fi mtof tiiese vieîvs, Nim.-Wentworlî w7a flatteredi Ma y neit, the premaises at present occu- by thé emarks of -lhe Hon. Thiomas pied by the subscriber, facing the market Clarke, resident near tie Falls, and by1 square, b.ing sltuated on Lot No. 46, and many other gentlemen iii diat vicinity,ioîining Mess. Smnith 4- Buttemworth, on Id hat of tiie many views tlîey hll seen;(tie street leading (rouithMr. Robert WalkL- atteuipted, these %here the most p-tfect," er's hotel to the river, The buildinügs on lie received front the lion. Thomas Clarke,!the preinises consist cf a 1a" ÏF"m MmI. Street, M.%aj. Leonard. (near the fais) i flouse, two stories figi, Weil flnish.d, -sta-1 Thomas Dixon, and J. Kerby, Esquis, ble for ten horseos, and also a bake bouse tlie Mr. ILîmiltons, Secord, _Bgar, anid'witlî a good oven in complte. rer-the suîîdry gentlemîen of Queenston, tle Hon, yard Weil secured. %%,m. *Dixon, J. Symmiaigton, Esq. and ma- 'ie,. place is Wei wortla tiie attention o! nyJgentlemen of Niagara, (licir certified any baker, or a persoi desirous of keeping opinion of tise correct representati<m la public bouse. For lurtiier particulars wlsich these views aftird, and recominend- Aiply (o.thse tubâcriber, ýon thse pressai. ing thein to those unacquaint.ed with the -ses- scener>'.'D.M COA . Thi,. gentlemen above enumerated, to. Xbngstoti,. prU t7, 1810. 7tif gether witb mati> othbrs, have confirmed their opinion of! (he corectness cf these FOR. SALE, delineations, by becoming subscriberg for TWO Sîsares in tise STEAM-BOAT Fron- one or more copies.each:- and to rende! it tenac,-exiquire atthh. Office more in his power te do justice tolthe ib- &mcve ci' COnei J/e,é eral *atroae lie has alressdy received, elth.¶pi 19.' Mm,~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ M Wetot upssbfoelecm "1 erio<l for profler te leasethe pletes the paintingo subseribeti for, te dei r vleeftaiga-onh Cw vote two monthns in thi. city of New-York, privienedfte ini-on the a"houaii for iînprovemeti n t utp thtie art Of adate, in order te a&Word (unie te CRLZnS ti it *t ahi cl le is deficewnt, and fiat. p _ Lo- M EBE ofe~vînna tie u.olege of Surgeons in' ters hianseIf that (the dei ay -oc icasioned lie hieLond oelevto iîfmî Uc nbtiereby, %vil be asmply nmade up to bis pat- lic~~~~~~ tiah sumvdoleiouse forineriy ons, li the excellemscv of the pa* itn ocuil by Mm. A. Me Plierson, an'l next jnIIS =or oT. Markianid, Esq. wihere lie coutils- anîd the efiéUwiicb 'bis Views of tise ~.nos te practice tie difilrent br-anches.- of iis Fal lswili produce. He takes-(tiis me(hod profession as uual. (ogýive tise information (o tduos. conemnsed, He le now opening the anot extensive andi and aItishe saine time (o solitit a subscrip- leneral assortment of (ion fromt otiers,sie namtes hli asflot * Dptça <patent ,4ei ~ yet beeîî honoreti with.- tut ever werents.ouucé int Uppr Cana- A(li sectu is ft idît tise Eitor of Greit Britaias. Store Keepers andiMedical (lie sie Of tise painîtinag wantd, and are Practitioners in tise country wirllibe suppiil eday ,aodersste., To (bioue prices lie wiii on as low (coma as tise' possibly cai be iii flot consider bimself bouand to adiiere for Moutreai. any subseription after thé bst of 3mai>, as1 He hst Qac lmported a cisoice assortrncnt he i.uudert(le impression tiait the ianpove-1 C)f Walssut anîd MuosrSn Ketchup, ment lie will makf aideti by lis great cie. i~Beat Iuglis'h Pickles, Indian So', ie1.l Baie cf Gliead, 0 srtoo ju4tice te (lie subject, wilF com- * .Maccas4 ndRaussiin Oil, mand an amvance in price. - " Sod Iowdv~~asiui~d, lousrTis7«er- .An>' omrmunication (o 'Mr. Thomson, àlaewarties-ef Perfume- frein persons ata-distane, twilbe attend. *cd (o ; bit subsçiptions viii ndi lb. obli. nfor Pan*rsDyer e, 8- i &caorynouthe Part of Mr. wentworth, to uý.sor,,8sA Iufe aigf- 4f 'fulifilif, ulmsone (curtis of-tse - subectip. SNOTICj * Thse Ho». Allin bM;cleais. (ta whotn a V5heyele t tis al persons indebteul reference for opimicas, nuayh 4se (ote ssMconie ae euett a s tti re. of tise Viens in question, id a a -.-uiraseesa~u ahou'tsb>'tie first day o! .ilcriber for cp. ~ *tb.v ent as il (useecmahintunset- ý--- et4iut atewl ImdsumnPî a RICES. ~tlis t4f radn attorney for colbec. 011 pitin, on Canvass. ue.- ~ gaiit 6 feet in Jengtis, Varnished 'complet.,1 AM au athome Ih*LUOY lmaids a*, gt23 each hh,ýbft reqoci %Wbr*nt themt for ad-. (; 9*18 ARKR. 4 (cet M i( eet -- 14 e e Ot W E*l isI kd bed - 1 e v C ard age BR ridge., t W lte finis d Tay or ad Parkier, u mliitet(oeabem tdf Wrbook acuant et noÈet çequest - w kscdb s oleaeM êsIaaona e wmvqd «0 Mwe. 'seu à bWoatworth t e" intoe E ect , an engrab. ~~*o lMw4-astwr the firut 3iVjlTSfpOftiSg > - epfet in aperspet. frft~pebu' nsthUe 'ti eaiitna hsts. v BrWîd > afh'e me Üè~0mnec io e r.ntdui r a lo, "oe ée a l . is ~ecne t te -pù,*ftf (. c. -TUOMSo Prospectqp tedir -lePoslL i-rTHERIiLL, EQq. and others, to makcl" specîfic proposais, whieh are expected, . aj tiser te secure the advantage o! aion works titan tu ris, a revenue.i il> order of lus Exceilency tise Lieîkt Gor. in Council.1 JOHN SMALL, Cleirk .x.lCounc7l. SIIEIFF'sS ALE. .j.bidia d *IB Y virt e ofa w rjtof E x- IliasMsys Court of King's Bcich, and tome directed, at tihe suit of --Woliamn Ilenderson, Robert Armoise and lamecsI Henderson, agaimit tise andsanmd tene. ments of John Stuart, Esiqu ire, 1 have ta- t ze nanAefn k.n.,.. i'd j-'whemesubscraptiosInraigvlb a John S et, hirteen iares, 'i. tThryShinspe ar, or 'l'n in is tensui o!Aa~sia~xa~s la tseShillings.per quarter, pyabe in aâvMeec. count>' o! Prince EdvardW, nle aut triçt, ServéWal haresus iseZ W4sA " Lbama being -lots No 93,94, 9.4.97, 98, 103.104 -fer sale, At Five Guinea, -Md tlae eu"" and 105, in the fifti Concessin-Aisofive ouite bndred acpsini tihe front Of A mrt 181-. Tise annual unlascription (o b. ppus-.00 tad, being Lots No £3,124,25, IGand tii-the fimt M--a.i coernx;tsar rear o!flot N9 57--tise visole.'o1W" marhges tebe-#ïd at (1* urnmelme. vili b. .sid at Publit AuctiOn at th' -The. present preprietors am .uiidte Court Noue intise towvof o! iisan y'tiewaearae,t mae mpfi, Smdsy thse fifds day 'o! 1 ne tient, at eufroua tise begln-in la de!rmIlt twein'lwck in tise Ail ter. Al2ee. 1 L é o.. K eldlng uirt gagçs , r, a sà eh t &a ,A U l . . d to bu . 1 bove lamai, or an! part of' (hem, ame reqtL&,,Wiau. &iteW,u 'mcd t. miake tue arne kn.u'ia aIny office, X N lai 11 prettous ta tue of Baie isy tsltsKaao,22d'march, 1819. 3( .5 rksgtoa%;îe are inquBt i sebd e the8bsoâNlir, at hiaboats. adjo!nMug tow !Kingstons, rnd viih as btte d"lY Uspossible. JOHN IFERGUSON. April 12, 1819. - ib"Pe and Ii>&o Let. AMO Possession given 011tb isbt of Jfay T HAT elegant Brck Store with the! IL*spacions and convesiient Dwullngl Ho»ua. in thse Town of iasfna pre- srent occupieri by-.4fegstâ. Balfour and Fer- guson ; (hem. is an excellent cellar, and a fW, stp!7 §türe 30by 40 on the premis- es. XpjpIy te, John W. Ferguson, who la fuli>' authorised t. settle the affaira cf the late firm wbich is*this day dissol ved by mutusai consent. J. MA. BALFOUR, IN ou-t ln, T#own er can reçu"v n d, ay 29sS TN the Sd Concession of flieý Toii IRyngSton, an lEXOELLENT F9 m¶i JotNo0.22cou 94n~1ja provement-Cuts 30 tons ofHlui 17 and nay b. 'madne te ut »"tý tous, Has on it an excelleuel Barn and a comfrtalle Direrin For term apply t6 the oubirl ~V S1~9.DANIEL p~ I AQe' H. Rt SI, W~ *IL Ti. [ s--- 't . __ . j# W . re miu m m - - ---- _. _ - . 11 Kingston, April 20, 1819. M , -TO LE T. , 8m~ inaon that hé - THAT elégant and commodious two so-, menced a sohoil in a bouse W~ ry Dweliing H ous E, together with out-hou-s 1Frentch Cboich general>'knsy es,, consistig o! Stables Stili-house &c. ; in e ~-une Btnk..el~iy Stuartville, fiînnerly occupied by Mr. Thos. policits thse attendance of (. ' Daton-there s on thse p remises a spring ithat place, to won will b. eai ue of excellent water, andi a Garden with a gvod ceusar>' attentioln. feîîce, whicis makes it a desirable résiden~ceTR.I. : either for a private family or for a person ~r euyn rtac e desirous cf keepiug a Public sase. -Trcachs-ditrtmic'*dil),' For paticulars apply ta tise subscribers by Writing, 4c one dollar ver amosu wisom immédiate posssion will be given. Those studying EnpsuhG(Wemmar"by EVANS &ATKINSON. Chart, which is the àew app red4 plie Kingston, April 20, 1819. dobtaas for six weeks, i iiu . ift have'amvayd to y6m or.,~~,ia~ Exeutive Couaseil offie> gocd inderstanding, b ytur dlpta4 Irork, 29th Dec. 1818. eato o h tu h ofhe aea 'aVTTCE ia hereby given, that tise Exe- tplica tn ( o-;etdyth-ëý'L (tq utive Council for the aFarsof this pro- (hei r.agod k o W in dg e 6< if, l' vince. wili assemble iii'tise follcawing days in' atcirtetnwt eatb the ensaing year, to take inte consideration'Oamr cslsfr.5. bplctoso and matters, j .ýi.and from)aif ut-4 W apliaios n(1819) ~28,k89qý ,,-t On Wenesdy lu " p> M' lIidetb las &'.ibvd-î.W On3th & dyth auachos! (o a houhe cwned by AMBuèsb.$ lOth & 214h Fbuary, opposite Mm. Blanchardsa. if& 10th & 214h FMar, yJI 7th.&M st April, Dru&gist,, Painf and' Staiomw 5th & 9th àay, -STORE. Znd 16th & Sth June.. 24h *t J uiy, 11h â&25th Aàpust.9 er 8(1:-& 22ad September, tise libérai support tiser haie. sucsi;4mince 6th& 20th Octoher, thefrcomennement in businssb4stic:a further -htwpço pb à4~ al- ad & 7th November, ring-recently receiveà a *si #8$~ Ist lflh & 29th Dccember, Genauiaie tlrnp&hdgeu Zig order qf Igis Excelleucg, - 1.a hý'qA T/se Lieasgaa't Got'ern0vý t is sign- of tise rOLDgEN MORTAR JOHN SM 'WL opposite the -Markiet; which, togetue JOHN SINU ALL thear former stock, renders theit st Cl/e &~ Coune l. ore cosiplete tkan any li tise Proiq4 JustRoc.ire an Fo*b ct h Tl'ey <ccl cofident that phyaicwîa. JustRPceved nti orgoe, u Aisers ancb Clotiiers wil ibid it to Isole 0.qee-Pirice îs and 8d. ta Cail ons tiem, as- they design4qj~~l keepiog a suppiy of the aru 1cib PJ'!I E Srmonpeached b (the late 5y tbem, rz ~ Rr. r. PARK, in th. Scotch T I rhat QuebeV; on the day of his death ; RUffl 4if.-ME - oni the text Gten. xiv. 24. "'Se. (bat you (ail Patent Med * bot out b> thse vay'.". Together witi tihe ConCeutratedSl -anerai Sermon, adMni Lreached on the followang Sunday, by thse an Rer. Mr. Wilkle.. 7th W~ater and Thie. lClGSTOW LIBLRR.Y PA ,- ILbas open aI- (lhe Courf.House ý £IL, W1 ever>' Monday and Tirmdy frdm'fntel vwo untifour o'cl udt is the afteooa, ma--- mime iorn T'"- 7;i a nd# en.., igâe.,f-l JOHN Mc LEAN, ecrodit.cepfrc~~otpc UMJÉ?UU & ST. GERMAIN. Ire ..houl*.lm, 1 .AI -MBOAT, t itsmfeu rplt.. ,AI&%,a ome hiCART, ~goh pOIqurat "6Uc& i' mis. ,W., Adj Publicai :.,hem th rawil eh ,yabl1 or, tem--I bruch c cfaik tel.- V;alt el~5air -j -1 i -' S. -- .5 . s S-.~a--- *--i. -* lie ~ag a 3 k ~ - i