cb beheao t. fns abk.mÇ; BW bankqof &bisetribulary 'ffl.d' la teLamI aboie the hI on fuis 9 ythê'Ofosid VIL~ trngfeets.ie towu ofxr y o àpeIfe0r Wosm ofrol!elm lu h-toi0< work~ ~%~DJ~IYor rand a munaaoeltisegreat * whih e to thse e- BZ* muof -tolactealOr 1h en long been fie sbjectof enxionse pect- toso cnibrsMY preel PISio oedlyl l o mea iefrao aion, and almo ui _aoay demnnde aie- -of hW= bis Ir. peadbta ~ uMJi ie ela hntd fromf'U.,atriotIsmDo leu tues from thse itti. eMite, . sete isi la po bsaits='Jeuctetw asilt tise~~~~~~~~~~~ .ne' fti etrbeusr.I g MYgai, "' ecugsary to rendu klitaffable. is hardly necesear y to Say tlt the. object bY cbnWb 0 eSdincountS OS wili At tihe termitiatla -et thse lmaissso, troqgaa~fhî oftbs p t udérakig j to rocre -_drW 1',hin . Slatlon.e rm]cr' wat recocninc to you to bestow your aumdi costotuipu a ofsaea coveienrtasgsge o tr r bas-~ awla vsh ftâmene nt worth haff thse tenti on an aoendrnentatftse rond Jaws.- as .rqet evrydecrrton e a SSOl5o ts m pald for it; and on thse contrarY, if the A rsnetranessac lhc ey 'to tiepr6 rondesrithenfet aftisemoOChthe £imrctOt5 wcre more. liberal in granting dis-the staté of thse Country, I amn-more deeply thanits foir the.natte year, aunth alofteOi. couseu, and increased the number of tiseir impressed with tAie-importance 0 that "'ub' are pleased.to make >At t wcive o' lncek the directors .of the notes ini Circulation, either by lending to the ject. lbv hhn canai rpie to the spot. and eacis ta- stte-gito isdividuais, thse estate might be- It la peinful te obierve, h lserime n e- ir,. 1s~ kg pade eoantsencjdthse excavation, corne worth double the maaey; tisat i,do- vil the- neglected gratg of an eariy date arm I ieeacil fts ièt sa ime eighd bém' soid for.. This presenting to tise actuai ifliabitants of tise Youi diately folowed whth cheers and huz aartificial and unauS yti enu h soice ieelpin fevln e by ~ ~ ~ ü m ~renie (titne~q .tgebld n>oney Vaine o pry in the empire longing te individisals frorn thse operation of 11ev. Wm. Sanarl viev tse tatretin s tcle Thed"endait wansdopinions, the tise a,%sessment law, is found to b.e detniment - 1oP. twenty fou indlvi- ai. A nèWhiil so modified as toprotecitise Di. Baldwins, Si regular laburers, to a aIrge n nbr, em- i1u on e 'wîich makes one land from sale b>' distreses until due notice can Congreas, hem deci pioyed for the. purpyse. aniaail by thse gp nother bad. The>' be given to the proprietors, will receive his igttsente great g ow 0adC-ag t ga- asjsys se vaded thse scevme, t en conmenced t eh' roer. The fate that Gentlemern of the H0Uoa rlu aembly, lie found this valui joperaktionh,- and tew r r es sedlitb e 0 three millions of i shail direct thse propeo fcer te iay l,. abiindntîy Ïon thse a spirit neyer iiurpassd-idiana p, r. ud,*tkrcmarned in cfr'4 fore von the public accoSnts of tihe receipt de la Plata, in wil, -il 11, we and - penditure, with estimutes for the en- tins and its utili Dreadful Clami!y byFire.~ - er attempts tu suint; year. isiat.Asa It has edom (alen toyoure.te lt sud fine- Honorable Gen*femr4,j and. teVideu4.- F Mai It ha seioin alie to ur lt teaincontro- -Gentlemen, an accident of amoren nfg nature t rMrn ak Tego ftépoic npplto bas occurred et I- V.efWnero' ecîig.ak Tiegot f h rvne npplto SagsburWiortbtaliooals and wealtb, justifies a reaaonable exPecta- .Our corresponde Steke, about-exht-ii-iles (rom Saibuyo0a ndsc tate. dnththe measures adopted to encourage 'litely fava"re . _w An accident origînated in carélert e cospas me-- i tWlII receive your fulîet Ipport. And. 1 seîth ndLv and causing thse sudden destruction Juet.wl be fo il must suggest r vour consideraLtion tise ex- of no less tisai seven human being iiCl~tAl uc. fat4 p e ew seuler%,~a ~î o hc e flacbroe ot bewee on a7 v i~ly stee more remote from thse great- 1n abstract. One dlock on Thursday morning lait, i VENUE. lakes u rivers , an easy approech to mar- Wednesday lust mi houe blQningtoMr.G. ellwnet plOdilce of thse revenue. ket. rity of letters recel, wans ôcenied as towMr.t0nements, tle years ending Sth A- Your attention wili doubtiesa b. given te cons4pi racy lid isee priloc 'T mach laws about to expire, as ma>' requfre te amnister poison end of the bousesi shop keeper an lfa-juve of propera>' and b., continued. tria, who le atpse mml reidd; u te tisr, wofamlle aues , Some parts of the province neot accessible tiset thse plot was censistia0 f ine poor praasmven of 1819.. by land, it le my purpose to visit during thse hu eoefi i whnquokagt relate, were burneaLte $ 9151. 439649,03«1. piesefitieas.on for naviçation, that 1 me>' be- deatb. The fire was not discovered sntil 1 "-seduties of Great Brit- corne persoisally acquaaated witli evéry part Mng it intci executi( tise whble of the. latter part of thse buildinq ai rt i riptis. of the population.committed to my care. ciety called Çarboi was enveloped in. dames. It'appears ji,223318i. 2 15à9, ices t80 1F-tth etrnSa.ini thle Asra t was occasioned by Mfary Adlem (on. of 202363/ 312o1 ices 280181Po the Wetr tr wonti ourt of' tia. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ T sulrr)hvn rvosyt ont ohis grace-ClUARLEs duke of Ricbmond, deteranined t e efti thed, piaed mo hin aubevs urta -bunlê c1Thse Benk of Egand hbu a capital Of Lrnox and Aubigi >, kalght ods oft et as,-M-idt es 8Sý. trb.The5lIaaoesai nohle order of "tiega.er, governor lis ing implaWtolt heinla a buttery fot fer front tiselire, extent of seycral acres,'and enriii 110s O: chief, &c. &c. &c. place. The naines of tise unfortunate ouf-. clerks; about 50 more tisaream et pS'eseat ferers were-.Clariatiaiin Adieu,, d 80 .occupied b>' our goveriment in tise public e-<fay iU plea7sB 0iW 6race, rOiR TRZIIPPI years; Mary Adlemu aged 40, hrfcse ahntsa.-OUn etÉ.We, tise ministers and eiders ;of tue THE. PROI#A daughter Eliza eged 3 eas; Jane Tar- - Presbytery of thse Caneda%, asseinbled in . e afndm set laed 63fin Davis, aged 22, MA.KEand.thse Presbyterian church Brockville, E1 l disystemi, on whic t Ans Davis, aged 2'2, and S" manufactured ~ mehon nTedyts si a f'sfudd ia i fier ilastitdaugter Jane, aged 10 motls, xr ÏbtjU1, annd howethver Id -o and Elizabeth Wilikans, aged 17 years.factureal ts be indsqced teofo&r V9ary, 1819, conside*u it te b. .Mr te b. conàide"#*hu James Davis, (the busband of Anu Davis) buyers offf stili iower prices; pu ty as a public oy t. aekrowledge Our crowà, snd cWb escaped witls great difficulty, having one of inconsMsence irregular suid'uace tu oe a a . iegvernmelsu 116. jects.pmly ,grallti his cisi'rt-n, tire e ers oid. 'Tiis pur tradeoas tise whoie 18 mending. wi MMV aivouiirsigsmgmm epmn s* t 11 man is tise frigat of tise moment, ieeped o exp res e'ntiments of Ioyaity, beg 'fCoflV57 -Villa- frei tise window te thso ground, but recel- ADtcîml arrived this merningwlî ission te ao a hlmelIna.~ u tor. Tiatdite inain1 :e e exeoueai by isia sa iecting the danger to w îich his 'if.eand coi4tens sôme particulars of a preten ded pI ollowins huaobaoadraaat tt i-~~tels chilrenwer exose, here-nteed isediscovered in November lest, which had flortvouorpncpead arosnybdoeni c a br. .-*At t ¶at ti ne the women of its bje ct t a seize on t ise ersonjof the e s- e - chilren ere xpoed, ie -re-eterd th nI weto bave bi priuspedscatd ha tise bosi ondeed. r=c c.,aanr.ror Alexander, and compel hlm te agis a te have bvtneucttadinths eaioo Wide. i.pa bots apartanents were runing &bout ii n polmtontaneFen ercl a< tof maie losby iJse eoet, ei theers Wpob agony of deipair; lie caugist bis eidestchild icon, and trclaim bis son emperor. Tnat pato o n b »ercm7 viith hi-iefi band- and witi tise right drag.. such nonsense'soild b. insérted la public exemicieed, .0W mi liyw4 red tise uother, claiping bser infant te her priais, is acarcel>' credible. cacetsc.W. hie tft thse lin of foe tise ioao, dwastuester cse;butby~orn Mr Grttm ba petÎioe#11Wmotiona on Ou =nt[tyand b> tise providonceoff0od Er t oo meaituewae ecaa' 4~offr~ tseCaisolccaasouna-tise 3d cf Mv;î tise have amrved in tis distnt province of thesers ousetram hiearasad wsl.t~w on>'i.O1 il0 ialowil Coe noiistiie Brtis empire,w$l a viev'to exte tue -scbirasi adfthe bSdso* CStoemm fathr brstng uro ishe oorwhih vs ba eabjot i uivosadlamentation- Christ oui lord inii s.salvation of men. tic. tAtu introduce Ionfie, gan race~ iie otede itsha asbwii amins layawfuk W. 'is explicitl>' to etate te jour habituel ansd cer child but otiswere re~;nos bnnt.. . eC race, tisai Or assocition svhch bas ken togitise infisenq Ths fe t this moine n$ ai urYiza leàueraeparts ai U. >ut orecenti>' foraned, il free fron.ail poi;t_ , itfes thse necoui the mas& cf lire, in addition te tise farmers nw *1f 1 t0r scal -plans und intr e;tuah oroi this day a frequent and lier infat, tise four *one o v te and tils séoèect. stueroo-0 y a m ias sd chidwo dTéft biind. of tisepeece and hap-pineeaofa cite, 'tre, r 8 of tise shsop keeper, occupy of thse community-.-nst iiinnxo metfr conve part of tise bouse, and Ce Mr.. m Ç.X'4Odft5 V5t4t[ d or ihbne cases, pereons, furtunat1 ely ee t th Mehodf*C lire thers commuaictei. - rons ie -bràots iPIlonehdficipié ail; but it asuissu bl.gaar adtr, n à*andi manàer a êhgovenisets »laid een;a4itsý bit,~~te granay enddownit thse c*u*isanad csusfeio n& o fs itôle t Lieutenants IW,,rpre- 380 lieeces of a leof inted.to tlie H.ep- .01"of, ssabyaiadvnede Wspisto vechga .>ýai rfr iat sinster. W= aen cuêopie but Dasirnte, ad p vt»comae d a b tierait uasg, t ie secause of Goti andt uth &ad have n eah nrei, wba cmpaet wiistuesarifice Of tise Pacr-ifik, tlsresgiih iu aterest te p te but tise iptemo f thse pqe s th lite.s of fise women and two childreu. Strawberrirea, Wl1 i' U5C inemFe hrsLadtu mmss.ap ane.tàh Lond n~petities, wcre ex in thse fuit kn mo-ei hrs,àdteïàmap-mnadl T7a Cicasigus ov. -- t-fuire8ti feilow tsubjeeta; mmdcc. u akJes.hlè aW .contahMabout.se ailart>namses andi TeCraiiLd.NeGztedOj a dozenstrawbe J'itinction& excer t tiof Freshytein.te n a os France cetr4cts thisunpliaot observa-1 A ver>' strikiisg pf of tise mi1idnus -ofl Wp profesa alle -c~se to tW en anti minltleut th tioasefli.è ailier arjs papers as te tiselthse seasoas, is, the gesa forwardases of sev- coissittion *tÇoea Britain, ind fte. ý . eral bumcises of grapes is Mns. Thorntos'a lawsa mmd goveananent of this COUnDy bn bfin s gardn etCaneibsr>'.Ali US ~ hall neyer -cemé e.promote hm, man's garsir at Klrkdaie, e thsrua'nemlt t with. four yossng ames e*iy Leà gti-lMnm teobe sceai. OI Baikekens lare fna longer aliswed ta D; jt. - ~ ~ in t e e l"wyk lt nisae l. in parihlrsnt, Vo easm= relyt A ofm~rst 0 amile et thse fâmeloing aulu *.s ot- - u PROVINCIAL Pê39U"M NT- tn.-.dirIIh girUr 01~a ~aauîsa entel prilapkof tise iclet 1 ch tise British cost!tWa 1ti1aDý thse nationah oga alvestid in tsi hinby private mata es l'ionstise, cowp, and&>s granti, by areleaia m e the Ps. prapric.. tise king, until1 a patent i mgpwmet"etl; asu la am mot«., mstwltlstakiag a- , = or th u etrt for a vp~oe, a ft m d 1 =f1ers vae gl4ays 141m 44ieu. acped nom' M d vs, o.tlusd ci ofprecedensi and hal>' lW-or ' jýeed.. It 'as te mode of ucedn.Ma- îes, as th ey are loup ' rcted byr L: rIde o Mwe a 0ifsveyanee pritO hB5v W,11 lot t* see that thO comfltu>. 1 pro? wse. We are quarters th' gra i 5gez Mad D,22 tisai serrerai large about or tiree chii have a1Od s a ubject attention; a not shlow it îrtim of th ed, *lat fna city.ý modes aund, b>' At Ai mas.Coea At Eni John MW~ la' tus iem Robia . use of iowards hWi~ net to be, imoet obed't servt J. READy. t. saruo f tue frigate cided tue question tela, country of thée Péfs*i auic veizetable grmw.a1 norfus sde ofthe"& Rd', uncultl'eated esbâ' ity unkrioWà te thX miosg tise rocks t N lent aýt quelueC witb London 'Ave iveis au ,n formed inItat lai tise emperf e A ont in tsai ceunfi>, a dWmoyered but heu ai- ne appoated for ecul. ion.Seve ofthou» Dnai, Who are 'umdrom tes of litai>, and agai%., rvie=&nsm ineme since bu» vey>'severe rueas- ai GAJADA HESALD. -PR N. lx.. tjoe f Vincent foeur. 10-4% ets Han cargo et Neycast lotte, fa'oi 14-8. bo. lunéoE pen hoat BANI WX y.., -~ s E Ian.