oelpeotta--Ti..,fowwt-e~n~tfsisj4oe thtaseMtuh-u 1whc Ihv g M* ijouri.o ou.iatsqi let e li a oa beoreI pocedl ow it la ni >in b u ilvs, s o*btlsb tp bo~tbej5t~O~CidU* C t to.ad1my17. - mi. en > the cal mmN, td thmie 's ardmarny Wh ti atM, tcseyu rdiashv dydbugti t le rpegard.d 8S- bbtii UOIiit frm.Voth-if sta ablet ,rct eto. te nmuep4ttin owft wrs; oî7cientacand foribssgvr- and f hedomsthm dieafte àkàng pi bae- go »SIb< -etnja wlëMs ntoff ftdi. 'Oie farclt àe o tun ifamn yVand forWSU w uid owee n aacutyad d ofea h letmela dwn efre1 rueera ni nad increasang agat our a àÈras. os i. pve n a easaffal* ffeveydeai mort- 1are bitr *trmetudr hih by av mi~e mon, haune inean D Cod y cstparte. that yCamabouti-.t mio ntoç- eanttint, an whou yt o pusensible ta3ail Wim u r onera -you nor uthlta ir- dy..I iiuint y,, reas 'neias ltmo nilng it i [bat 0Vonth«stand bsb Aima retii m à bith e>vprhWe ,atiof the morl orn ont more me, andoroof o igur efi k andlie d usi"e! ftevb.ayan" ibwicsefte resiprie& cawé*hontam th ia atebtwhoSb fan is mns tr»Y. uta .hnin ow r cla cor commona ebiedorto th sa fdesve i n- masi la e ouannr ihtjudjiia Ç castisque, wbforche sol Mr '. Of"'e basinwr nd ase;. ho ruly ajjçVpretb 1' nom the litsl- ndbs ies.nand isi goa byt e Frnch."La oratrhe piwer os if there 6e a maithfhehbe y an he a n t le adtho i mi. c la h, nr celehraWd ;;ilect of' ama opr-equs InexpSmgmy bborne p i tue wia- Prah . hi h i& aeptaw y tsarck e "'cil ah l>'don fr yar - deta Wi herita litssonm a bi daightcr, veanms-coerigwcho halneyoinob soalnt det an4 a bankrn.an-d oub y> alute nfir>'nsdert e rdl e thý hae ue cnscerd s nc.spke ra hcb you Tat Yesa tlu hraeeito emmand c mras istowh0Insnil oeal n o aullr foni tend or mot e feeUigt c mn Il sa[atI ipise bi, at of oti act y uon an>' othe witl u hlimfome ota " ai my sotermalnorthe ne urde ne I huly p6e orryay.the fadumt sa'.[bt f if ar eet ie befoe[lewol wr pttaay naneenem y b go cvérlalIdawith sach sameanbia- 1tofhpgi!i.asd téa nubî of theiska m'a bat 'worbaît a b. b09 it a an ar iebia w iitmrugin oa. commn fa tbssnoption sca eil>e 'edaýmax, bihtf omtht Ara ur incht oein t s. ocasle w"abold v?. cckr,(rS ex e ismen c au e -ai [b. worldhav,! etlv henVil bh*gis ans, bisoum, aandwbish aue;snb-the Frestnce'*LnNaopese ProuiPed;Ir ifte et'nulinUay anggo.ifest T ' bei Iatrust a ta compaintore repeyc,-tin aeligâh cresncb arofnelob, re neesharv, andthare- NatW ier0f wnoeantoU'disi' $alebI wXd ojpceeofdàtaligtat elti.shaInufehe gm; butwnof hecan orougit nmy -Itenn wis degardt waIs an i- c taige te eheso callenuigneey opihon-lit devet do ntisea* aa>' cfptand g ff d aebts. md unaiy sde ttheatriie ity t haImalditoe perfcctaysjomhat so f mhichyotu ht-mcpe sain tmcmati nbel.Cc nee, ian as s haeverçed n onst I hr wmthe n tnaesenimetshoasPre- B ch Muas tis, o who 1 oe mg an Rmes d& rith 1d i*dst gle f arth an' fit saw ta 1 y prse htvsu f gimSroen mot edin at hiw ne. thse soclty la t ont ak Tnd tilli1gar'F.ie BoudbesrDETT.ày P 'nlirelbtho n I o t e ul hewor[lie ecue M yie Spaeniece ovn m at., tnhoen sdociet>'tcucirg,1 ldem1d hm;sbidyucrcmtamlmme came cevly #'wtaslvoti albenugm: at rero anayl si9 anti publute d leh. m ast, of eorld ou sbortthtucety soaU.te teinhadeleiht dertotitht at ll7jnrie ae Q outi- eb t itht t g iereaoi èew te otow en ti.potemptibléoa benlawForpiwîbncito orlion 'nar, shave aiù1sth 9U4O mgreat delmies Whi Ibed, fted, ai hahflorest dî nme enç am ot mot. nlaeurn amyntver nc . 1 ry liai ta wbm en tewruladon as been, arahali' ate t. peeent thconlunfam wss chtheve b t nre d.ut ce noenypouae-r no suh aguecntare ngaratintheanrIe- PHARIAF. uom c. wom~?ive.eomeliy1Ceitrs. H o wanse and Lorl ds, lebSM 1romill neswoLrcedabip.ati eie t s h d ukfe aiellibut ohng cpreeentsha C, sev e* ith er d vaveaio dim1 1 tl MY ie i iaineglect .ta n1wt titien then ertaio n o ierbast .1'hm-la inmypve uîthe ay -f anti aify eb.est gainitmtt fornat thlic aimsof tgriy s Sn'y vsittha dt y ju hiclî c s o ictoOnmoio o Lrd in, a" ofCas- tae re at mwy wfateïerbave tlwomenulfm- tt M i Pivlee asoered in a cse gfayerthing tnMyinfutur artns cf eadpuyni rd M1uni, or st mi eiti.and hi de in Energtat d o n> t Mnost ube a an t. iqir. mieth bi i Ssain lithei e t i. on place r udpnditcen F.i htlrenvorlîn todfnu dmiof saunetermetlabor fr 5<IOrid graOat enrlutlt>* udl andtleî, BNIBESTICTIO. wpeEmkr iantit te wloair the peraower "inn bnkroo Jrist * the em a idr frtetirn.aoupe- d tt~epe fythesuMptm o * bus eCipla*o ofel v altwowbisn iepants. n14,191, bail igmued inae 11mbt i. secondta îitv wocileti o, ad pm h.l,. Freui~ Mater. forteacbng Eglissnen foraigs ian.iun1yJora dertoi 7r-t- coti- 11oiOusi- diqiù ut us sew Ion e encIesytomtrhtomativeoutry, ut to whtom a îuottal p ier.aita n, or a-co gW odesiret heiamoo. at ele tco- e eeread!qItt o.th ta g me (ain ar s thlslaermté th ql-~at u uray(h oor~T dhbm 1 a ve usniarafly) as rnaddesdcil115fiusivinU "a yoa.f w mIra.ideté ome Wi1l 6e piears.dme umnt lhk ucaLrd a ~ udoutan, ttat aata ht ebtdueT heajritv 'nofCISlswliat tliq ICuua pe-i serve mei S"y wae aU etinye t h. r al ab moatdiit ni l owe fllytoyav nd "oo s a1- r gantb; aù tIaiP canei i r-,' - y e d , a es dd igloo t é lber pow er , rletb5 ips dpra' ot jiJ Capackto ea rçateVWtit. lwb mot llaw .<otIoilre*iv ti hiçý ofilo et~e, ~vne~lalihiera z" or mor tau tes tues thepest population aiot British bles! Dy maa<f-i.g<atoiltai Rnd lnduatri-c mt/ âmin edb'tsme prodauctive pov4rorre" t Bitaisi not maly iuppitliehr awn lnternalemmndi. hat o-r stoèk» evér>'market in Uic voritiinta vlich ber comnmerce la a.diitted"-.i Y. Adv. Two expodWxman are fitting i. France, an" iR China, andi one for Afra. Titis us uêl the ouly evidence 'ne bave- of tue attentei asid In Frame eiuhee dvuucmd 00 FMIr ming wbucb canimahe a nation A ch, se- rovucci 4w happy, Wbile the emperoir Alexander livesv the onace ai Europe will not pvuobablY 6e tttr- bed with impnnitv. 'Hie love of peace, ant te tbings af the Prince of peace, appear ta coustitue his soul. - At a late meeting of a Bihle society, Efigland, a Mn. Clanhuom men- doued a conversation be hati with the Eut- rrlal>.at A*x laChapelie ; iwhieh. m getlir iingi, hesaiti that wheut b. alerdMa satiety estiâbllsbed in the V. ataaAnerica, fer the preventinfoifwar. -ffi coincitieti ith lia an vievi, ad vas Fr so g"at a m"ra purpaso, that be hasi tionghit atright t[o signlt hb tmoniofM latoi it preuident vith Iseown bancL"Speaking, of educating tlie poar, lie sait, -teach thel rising generatian ta, read, antigrive [hein the~ Hl> Scriptures, tlie oeil>' fundation cf [rue ouvrais, anti you la>' the axe at the foot of ever>' vicion cuuto:ni. War lascIf, aïnong ethora, vouât give awyay, whierever Cliriasa- ty imaintaina a solU ma in the hearta ai men." , 1 yOnAurebrwixer "Nor-D tuai *bi t he"..,i o~i tismlnsuVSti ba e wnhieqw la-.Ox -Md6yli tlai>atihsIss ami- reuatoutnA h elle hsaullon...1 a5 r. WtUas. l a atie mic~gMm~ia, nt vbw, fneatttkeu t k su li sate ejC e ya catatDi~a.h l- cfw 1Cje~~ an ma *t ki¶~awab* Onl l.araie I CWOeî~a m fiothe vichuer have voittii hM . lia Iaipzis thelaN.Yrkoligti a TthepCoror aioie'.t e4ea»et aSpe tthar. e m . de tey gpp r ei, t d wi sias s-ae ôi hi th ahuten GaettMatctn krar wLkl Mmatia. [ui II. rblet a ftctdYa e midctonmta bomus as e « t h e it sspa à dpepcatuetcfsaeahe.oit4b0" .aliet te~ IOt rer tedsaehsmttii o t M rioutaiesit o*iatenastedbaj . the $bcti, elàttiPa vnmç raz".i fSt, SMas isd *t0 oif Jud#e WU dWaah _ ,id mm 0*. »» ,did ýS the A4,bc~as~s È*st StUUAT5AJt nOeUd appear 67 tht sens Ibo a"t lma1 îcgtt. ivroo foi Sita~5r T. sulujet ofmi S. a m, ad bléu gsi'la . vfo tbe; ovrs the vhol el>la .beautifulisla -theae tw'. EVMY cpvgmstba e .st whicit bas hilwetbeen haut very BtIsknmnnal ti expecot 4guvean; ne emomS *~.urueaua 1bil eyer"peztratsd hie tue sanguins th"a* , Asud tludsêWho bwwheton iteriar; attpçpteto do sa neo sdesidaui*sd, lusuèema, Mi la l au wthdawt vee antecertain. _C4ommem" U be "AMIhp viiimm9goto Afria, perhapS tIiti and yet the natves tuter. vili probably ho vn- It is to tue Cô81;» G ass11, camplior, Oc.for ted <rom fifty t iiI y wblcli Samatrat hab4aag licou famais6 ai.8r 900& iiliwacter mAddhiduustrm b abits, mu . Rafél rt tiere vas huit one altevnatle- n aafoiyar lth'lgwrtyiààduemNI fl andithat vaste opS the road>y goinghim. hnaettaf hCus.M" sel. Hia enterpruze vas cranet it sc nem d Csandtheii remit ha been tue di 710,19,UCA IQ S. nc of a mine of nealth-a country higl>'cul -__COMMUNICATIONS.____ vateti.& abaounding i prectons .metals. e TEUPMoreAD IMI». c aithi tuespace of » miles arount iMenais.TU PS&CYMAu&D embn, . vs gatu d itàfina op 17TM, PROMPÏ'R-.o., VIL coaa ulation of ngt loes han aa dl*i.. - e Oqr.relative duti* uaremierous. l: 'a lniw bon vas [be.place whence althe golthtat deéduOht ao OurarCtical duttes -are af ionej pSv Melano the nme ft hï u denCher-.'iat dais.& sery ,persan us relateti fot De V soncaus vas carried. It la iuppowedti eat nly ho alier personneidalhi i tS greater riches wiU bederiveti irowSan s uvaiolism"CtiesbtkAtS than ever vert froni java, a.r t'>nXturat c1eil, cui.t-lbo' I hese tiacoveries have nat, bhneer bon * prafessienai aiaê voluutary;. astiis ve'1 matie invut greatpersnai rmk a ge bounil buyobliptiord- Of duqti fisalliag urî1ý Tise country coutl o0y me explart n fro e«Shofi bue ocial relab-oo -anmotais60MO fet iglîta be croffldït- He ta a mieomrof thtt *-rai oclet>' anti rocks. precipices anti tnestî, ta li tra- c al l ed;f*' uuy it,lit lahprms P versed. For mas>'niglits the purty bwd neo Anadl ater"ws shpaesn t alseiter, but tiie Icaves they'coulti callect af-I tt& hub- ie, ýb. -.--d ia ert seldoan lsý,.tIt n ù om20 tao 30mile* à~ y A~. dlan' oves the ter>' vort iMada Iît vu . ii vms.o pst. In tiisexpedition tihe anvtrao M.. db. anal, frqp no« fwmid ahI hm vst1.stetç Î# à sringo liLfr .moAl as. pyem saof .o ppî aa fosriale -Tn rnenaluamh lade 'Il.aaw, oM ttmalJfia tte (Enau Rvuvicaou-*I yei mni bs.J i ~sveàm*Ws Sv 9@nw4s Mt lo OÎL But - shae- *tséate o b tlaçs _% s <t. - *