O~ things that come up in discussion reveal a woman flAds it hard to tt-Jnk in of obstacles or weak- ~ -flld is determbie4 to ~-~ d everytblng de- • job that forced her to danUte from the reserve in- to Toronto every day for 11 ears and to juggle appoint- ments with .n answering ma- chine that broke down last weekend because of mesuge overload. "It recorded 43 messages and ·Qaen it just died on us" sbe laqgbed. ' Behind the confident per- son who h~d originall~ Dlanned to be a doctor and studied . sciences during he~ ~t-year at McGill University m 10'70, la a person with a foi- ble cheeseburgen and trench tries, especially .. Ides hm the chip truck'; 8 lover 0 theatre who has seen Les Mis- bles twice; and mother to a daugfifer who has seen Les Mlz once and knows eve word to the production. "lt's great, she mows the lawn and sings· to the Les Miz tape," said Ms. Jamieson. oveof •11• But her Jove ot the arts, a passion· shared by her hus- band Tom Hill, artist and mu seum director of the W land CUitural Centre Che saw Mllerables three times> ot relegated solely to the fin r of art. and all pretention au, by the wayside when she eab ofber favourite televl- on sitcom star. ·~1 love Roseanne she's so asic, she's like real life " aughs Ms. Jamieson. ' · She also enjoys camping, xcept when it rains, and is ften accused of "cooking for ffie ti'oopst a habit ifie says comes &om growing up in a amily that owned a restau rant on ' the reserve called obby's Grill. But a pile of books next her bed is a tangible testa- ment to her favourite past-