Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 25 Apr 2001, D5

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Wednesday, April 25, 2001 THE OAKVILLE BEAVER D5 Frew will be music to marathoners' ears By Norm Nelson BEAVER SPORTS EDITOR A lan F rew w as back in O akville on M onday plugging an upcom ing charitable event. A nd, no, the form er G lass T iger frontm an w asn 't p lugging his popular, and alw ays sold o ut A lan F rew and F riends concert at O akville C entre w hich annually raises m oney fo r C am p T rillium , a cam p for kids fighting cancer. T h a t's a little too far dow n the road. T his y e a r's fu ndraiser in F ebruary w as another huge su ccess, and although w ork has already started on n ext y e a r's -- tickets a re n 't even on sale yet. Instead, the m usician w as at the R unning R oom in O akville to help plug a m arathon in B urlington next m onth. N o, Frew w o n 't be running in it -- not hav ing had "four knee o p eratio n s." "I w as a soccer player all m y life and blew my A C L and all that stuff, so running is kind o f o ut o f the q u estio n ." W hat Frew w ill be d oing at the finish line, how ever, along w ith his new band, is playing a little ro c k 'n 'roll. " I'll save m y energy fo r the stag e," he quipped. W hile he c a n 't run, he does keep in shape. H e can still "cycle, in-line skate, g o l f ' and does w ork out regularly. H e tries to w ork out a couple o f hours a day, at le ast three o r four tim es a w eek. · H is busy schedule had him leaving fo r the w orld h ockey cham pionships in G erm any yes terday (T uesday) w here a p erform ance w ill include a specially w ritten anthem fo r the event. He also has his ow n telev isio n show on H am ilton C H -T V called Road S tories w ith A lan Frew. "I t's an hour long. T he first h alf is m e w ith my peers -- like D an H ill this w eek. A nd the second h alf is p rom oting a local, up and co m ing (m usician). A s w ell, Frew has a curren t hit, `A ll I E ver W anted' from his W onderland C D w hich is doing very w ell on the radio. N ot that h e 's forgotten about his past. G lass T iger, he said, "w ent out last sum m er and did a few festiv als." "I th o u g h t the tim ing w as right. I had a new CD o ut and I thought, you know w hat, I'll take ad v antage o f every gig I can get so I kind o f cut a deal w ith G lass T iger that if they do a Photo by Barrie Erskine Form er Glass Tiger frontm an Alan Frew (left), now with his own band and with another hit song. All I Ever W anted, annually headlines the alw ays sold out Alan Frew and Friends evening in Oakville, in support o f Cam p Trillium. H e's also chipping in with the Plain and Sim ple Rock `n ' Roll Canada M arathon in Burlington next m onth which expects to raise m ore than $100,000 for tw o charities. H e's pictured here with (from left to right) race organizers Kelly Arnott and M ike Berze and O akville Running Room representatives Roland Kreisig and Todd M illigan. show I w ould bring my band w ith m e and bring the b and on stage fo r a few songs. "So I'm presen tly d oing a co m bination o f both. I go out playing, w hen it's w arranted w ith G lass Tiger, som e o f the b ig g er stuff. W e're playing N iag ara Falls, for exam ple, M ay 20, before the m arath o n ." Frew is actu ally the head lin e act o f next m o n th 's m arathon, on S unday M ay 27, w hich has a unique tw ist. A ctually en titled the R ock n ' Roll C anada M arathon, it w ill feature 20 rock and roll bands along the m arathon route -- ab o u t one every m ile o r so. A lthough B u rlin g to n -b ased , the route w ill also cut in to so u th w est O akville fo r about one kilom etre. T itle sp o n so r is Plain and S im ple in B urlington and there are m any supporting sponsors including the R unning R oom (w hich has an O akville location w here race form s can be p ick ed up). The tw o b en efacto rs are Joseph B rant M em orial H ospital in B urlington and Rose C h e rry 's H om e in M ilton, a hosp ice and resp ite centre fo r children. T he honourary ch airm an , fittingly, is Don C herry, and he hopes to m ake an appearance d ep en d in g on his N H L b ro ad cast schedule. It's a huge ev en t and it's aim ing to raise a huge am o u n t fo r the co m b in ed ch arities, in excess o f $ 1 00,000, said o rg an izer K elly A rnott. T h e y 've certain ly m ade it easy to p artici pate w ith a h o st o f options. B esides running solo in the fu lly certified 26.2 m ile m arathon, fo r in stan ce, there is the fo u r-p erso n relay (10, 10, 10 and 12 m iles, resp ectiv ely ), the 13-person co rp o rate ch a l lenge (tw o m iles each) an d the 13-person stu d en t challen g e (one m ile each). A s w ell, there are 1/2 m arath o n , 5K and IK runs available. A nd there is also a m arathon and h alf m arathon fo r w h eelch air athletes. T h e re 's even a w arm -u p , `frie n d sh ip ' run on the Saturday (M ay 26), 9 :3 0 a.m ., startin g at the R unning R oom in O ak v ille, an d fea tu r ing O ly m p ian and ru n n in g guru Je ff G allow ay as w ell as R unning R oom fo u n d er John S tanton. T hose tw o w ill also be speaking at the annual p re-race pasta d in n er later that S aturday evening. SportsBoard The Burloak Canoe Club is hold ing its Lakeside 5K and 10K Run fundraiser on May 12. Race forms can be picked-up at all Running Room locations in Oakville and Burlington. For more information call Susan Redgrave at 905-637-9261. **** The Invidiata Team (Re/Max) pre sents the YMCA world's largest run June 2, kicking off at the Family Y in Oakville, 9 a.m. Included are a 5K run, 5K fun walk/run and IK challenge. Entry forms available at the `Y \ the Beaver and the Running Room. Race hotline (905) 845-3417, ext. 399. **** Lawson Park Family Tennis Club is holding its registration Saturday, April 28, noon-3 p.m. at Lawson Park (Morrison Rd., just north of Lakeshore). Rain date is April 29. * * * * First annual Heritage frails races attract 150 runners The O akville H eritage Trails 5K and 10K races, along the scenic, groom ed trails, attracted about 150 runners on Saturday. All proceeds w ere in support o f the H eritage Trails Project. R unning R oom organizer Scott M yers term ed it a "real ly challenging course." T h e O a k v ille H erita g e T rails 5K and 10K races w ere held la st S atu rd ay. In the top p h oto, D avid B o u let is not try in g to push o v er this tree but to stretch his m u scles in p rep a ra tio n for the race. T h e b ottom tw o p hotos sh ow th e a ctu a l race in progress. Photos by Barrie Erskine Call 1-800-905-0270 www.russellhockey.com The Minor Oaks Hockey Association (MOF1A) is holding its spring tryouts from Saturday, April 21-30. Check out the website at www.moha.on.ca. **** The Oakville Field Hockey Club, which runs both an adult and youth league, is continuing with its pre-season rookie clinics at Appleby College April 28, 10 a.m.-noon. Stick and balls required. Shin guards and mouth guards required. On site $5 membership sign-up. **** The Kinsmen Minor Softball League is presenting two umpire training clinics April 21/28 at White Oaks Secondary School, 1-4 p.m. KMSL is hiring umpires for its spring league which runs May and June only. Players are aged 6-19. KMSL still has openings in its spring league for girls aged 9-11 and 15-19 and boys aged 15-18. For more info, phone KMSL at (905) 464-9551. * * * * Oakville Oldtimers Low Level Adult Hockey League (River Oaks Recreation Centre) Individual or group registration. A social relaxed recreational atmosphere. Limited Space! Also reg isterin g for A dult Schools for M en & W om en R ussell H ockey Enterprises O akville S um m er M ino r H ockey L eague May - August Schedule Including " vacation week" to assist with holiday planning. O O O O O Non-contact 14-game schedule No weekends or Fridays Prime time evening games Games on brand new Olympic size River Oaks surface O Balancing of teams O Divisions for boys & girls ages 5-15 O Trophies & awards O Certified officials O Coaching & sponsorship 5 positions available | O No fundraising Applications available at River Oaks, Glen Abbey & Appleby College Arenas Fo r i n f o r m a t io n o r t o r e c e iv e a n a p p l ic a t io n The Oakville Sports Council seminar series continues on Tuesday, May 22, 7 p.m. at Town Hall on how to involve and keep girls and women in sport. Speakers are Kristine Drakich, head coach of the University of Toronto volleyball team and Julia Warren, coach of the national syn chronized swimming team, and they will discuss projects that encourage girls and women to get involved and stay involved in sport. ( 905 ) 510-1447 This is n o t affilia ted w ith th e M O H A SO C C ER U U O R L -D SOCCER SEASON'S HERE Let us outfit your young player. Great prices with knowledgeable service. · shoes · shin pads · goalie gloves · uniforms · balls · socks · referee uniforms · gifts* jerseys · shorts "our community soccer store Vytis at provincials The Oakville Vytis midget girls bas ketball squad will be ranked seventh by the Ontario Basketball Association going into the provincial club championships which will be held April 28/29 in London. Vytis players are Krista Sestokas. Sarah Dillon. Andrea Sergautis, Nina Meuller, Erin Valickas, Lauren Corkum, Whitney Haswell, Deanna Lytwyn, Beth Jenkins, Aislinn McCarry, Whitney Bodden and Alicia Bower. Novice Recreational Players 1 8 7 Cross Ave. Across from Oakville GO 815-8939 World Cup Hopefuls & Contenders Monday-Wednesday & Saturday, 10a.m .-6p.m . T h u rs d a y & F rid a y , 1 0 a .m .-9 p .m .; Sunday 12-5 p.m.

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