Ontario Community Newspapers

The Colborne Express (Colborne Ontario), 1 Nov 1923, p. 5

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THE COLBORNE EXPRESS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 1st, 1923 Page Five BUSINESS CARDS THE COLBORNE EXPRESS is issued every Thursday mornings by Bt. S. Keyes. Subsortyttea $2.00 p*r annum in advaas*. Trcuuient advertisements 12 cents per line first insertion and 8 cents per line lor each additieml lmm(' Business cards not excee-"ng one inch $7 per annum. Yearly contracts at uniform rates. INSURANCE A. E. JONES, Castleton, Ont Fire Insurance ■ Conveyancing Issuer of Marriage Licenses. G, E. R. WILSON, General Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Money to Loan at 5 to 6 per cent. Office: Brunswick Block, Colborne, Ont. W. G. ROBERTSON, D.D.S., L.D.S., Dentist: Office: opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. MEDICAL A. C. McQLENNON, B. A., M. D., C.1VL Office: opposite the Fire Hall, Colborne. Telephone No. 123r2. Residence: King Street Bast--Phone No. 123r3 J. ARCHER BROWN, M.D., L.R.C.P., L.R.C.S., Edinburg, Scotland. Office and residence, Division Street, Colborne, Ont Coroner for the United Counties of Northumberland and Durham. LEGAL AUSTIN D. HALL, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, &c, King St., (opposite the Fire Hall), Colborne, Ontario. FRANK M. FIELD, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Telephone No. 86, Cobourg, Ontario. W. L. PAYNE, K.C., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public and Conveyancer. Office, first door east of Registry Office, Colborne. FRANK L. WEBB, B.A., L.L.B., Barrister Solicitor, Notary, etc., Offices, King St., Colborne, Ont., and 411 Temple Building, Toronto. At Colborne Office on Fridays and Saturdays and Court days. AUCTIONEERS FOUND--Ladies* Bracelet. Owner may have same on proving property and paying expenses. MRS. AUSTIN ARKLES, Grafton P. O. ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE--Second hand cook stove, also coal heater. Apply to MRS. LEMON, Colborne. 43- HELP WANTED SALESMAN WANTED-- Wanted Salesman to canvas the town of Colborne. Good commission paid. Apply at once to Box 923, Cobourg. WANTED WANTED--APPLE LOGS--We are in the market for sound, green apple logs. Write for further information. GEO. F. CASTOR, Pitman, N.J., U.S.A. 42-4x LIVE STOCK FOR SALE FOR tSALE--Jersey Cow and some young Pigs. FRED McGLENNON, Colborne R.R. 3. 43-2 ASTRAY STRAYED from the premises of the undersigned on Monday, October 15th, 1923, one Holstein Bull, mostly black. Any information thankfully received. J. G. WAIT, Colborne, R.R. 3. Phone Grafton. For Sale or To Rent FARM FOR SALE OR RENT--150 acres in the Township of Cramahe, north half of lots 27 and 28, in the 5th concession. Apply to ROBERT or WILL COWEY, Lakeport, Ont 40-4 TO RENT TO LEASE for 3 to 5 years--50 acres, more or less, Lot 26 and 27, Township of Cramahe. Apply to F. M. BRINTNELL, Colborne. 43- FOR SALE S. E. ROBINSON, Auctioneer, Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Sales conducted anywhere. Satisfaction guaranteed. Real Estate Broker. Address: R.M.D. 3, Colborne. Phone 78r23, Colborne.___ ARTHUR QUINN, Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker. Sales conducted anywhere. Farm Stock and Implement Sales a specialty. Address: Colborne R.M.D. 4. Phone 98r3. tNOaMAJiL MONTGOMERY? Auctioneer. "Pure hrea~stoek a "specialty. Real Estate Broker. Several grain and fruit farms for sale. Box 180, Brighton. Phono No. 101. BRUNSWICK HOTEL Colborne First-class Meals and Accomodation Give us a call when in Colborne J. F.WOLFRAtM - - . Proprietor TROOP & McARTHUR FUNERAL DIRECTORS Colborne Telephone . Motor. Connection Equipment ROOMS IN PHILP BLOCK J. BLACKLOCK & SON Grafton Directors of Funeral Service MOTOR HEARRSE IN CONNECTION Night and Day Calls Promptly Attended PHONE 88 E. QUINN FUNERAL DIRECTOR Successor to Business of the late G. M. Peebles DAY OR NIGHT CALLS PROMPTLY ATTENDED MOTOR HEARSE PHONE 65r2 ... - COLBORNE SILO MATERIAL--Limited quantity on hand. Will accept a few more orders for silos if sent in immediately. Also limited quantity of dry slab wood, to sell at reduced price at the mill. W. W. MUTTON, Colborne, R. R. 2. Phone Castleton 19r3. 15- HOUSE FOR SALE--On the East Mde of Elgin Street, formerly oc-cipied by Mr. James Stanton. All n odern conveniences, including tath room. Large garden. Some good fruit. Apply to G. E. R. Wilson, Insurance and Real Estate Agent, Colborne .v WILLOUGHBY FARM AGENCY FARMS FOR SALE CASTLETON (This Week) We are sorry to report the Rev. Mr. Beckel's little daughter very ill. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Newman and Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Black spent Sunday at Campbellford. Miss Iva Gerow and friend, Mr. Thompson, of Toronto, spent Sunday with her mother. Mrs. E. Gerow. Mr. and Mrs. A. Johnston accompanied by Mrs. S. M. Purdy and Miss H. Bowditch attended anniversary services at Warkworth on Sunday and were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arkles. A number from our village and also some from the surrounding c try motored up to the home of and Mrs. Wm. Winn, near Port Hope, and gave them a very pleasant surprise on Tuesday evening of last A large number attended the Ep-worth League meeting on Friday evening to hear the debate on the subject, "Resolved: That consolidated schools are preferable to our present Public School system." The affirmative was ably discussed by Miss M. Blackburn, Miss M. Harnden and i G. Newman. These young ss gave many facts and delivered i as if the present school system had been very efficient. The negative was supported by Mr. Crack-nell, Mr. H. MMhall and Mr. H. Wel-who gave such strong arguments on their side that the whole proved very amusing, interesting and instructive discussion of one of the big questions of the present time. The judges, after a long debate among themselves, decided in favor of the affirmative, with ninety per against negatives' seventy-five per cent. (Last Week) rs. R. M. Male of Rochester, N.Y., is visiting friends here. Miss Blanche Warner i3 staying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Johnathan Gaffield, Miss Mary Blackburn of Vernon-ville was a guest of her friend, Miss Gertrude Newman, on Sunday. Mrs. Wm. Winn of Bayside is visit-ng her aunts^ Mrs. Pettibone and Miss Richards, and other friends. Mrs. C. Overacre and Mrs. Albert Wolfraim have returned to their homes in Manchester and Rochester, N.Y. Mr. Will Covert and family have moved into the house on Spring St., recently vacated by Bruce Warner and family. A marriage of interest to people . this locality was celebrated in Rochester recently, when Miss Mattie Ferguson became the wife of Mr. Charles Calbery of Michigan, where they will reside. The Anniversary Services of the Methodist Church were a freat sue-Large congregations gathered, both morning and evening, to hear their former pastor, the Rev. W. H. Spargo, who gave two very instruc-ive sermons. The thankoffering exuded ttys amount asked for, iueingf ibout $279.00. Harry S. Fowler Colborne, Ont. AUTOMOBILE, ACCIDENT and LIFE INSURANCE District Agent EXCELSIOR LIFE ASSURANCE CO. E. A. STROUT FARM AGENCY, Inc. G. W. KISSICK, Agent .Drawer 6 Phone 81r24 COLBORNE, ONTARIO Advertising is safeguarding the pur-lic. The public appreciates the protection advertising gives and shows its appreciation by buying advertised goods. In All Parts of Ontario 100 ACRES--IN PERCY TOWNSHIP 80 acres workable, .10 acres bush, balance pasture, some orchard, clay loam soil, 2 spring creeks, 1 well, comfortable frame house of 7 rooms, good cellar; bank barn 30x60, tie up 4 horses and 10 cows, driving house 18x38, new; ben house, new; milk house, new. School 1 mile. Telephone and rural mail. Price $5000, cash payment $1500. Apply J. R. BATTISBY .. Willoughby Agent - Campbellford 126 ACRES--IN HOPE TOWNSHIP 110 acres workable, 5 acres bush, 6acres orchard, clay loam soil, level, on the Provincial Highway, west of Port Hope, 2 wells and spring, a good brick house, and three bank barns, large drive house and one large hen house. This is a first class farm fn one of the best farming sections of Ontario. Price $10,000, cash payment $4,000. Apply' D. C. PEEBLES Willoughby Agem} - Port Hope 50 ACRES--IN HAMILTON TP. 46 acres workable, 4 acres good orchard, clay loam soil, level; 1 well and spring creek; good white brick house, 7 rooms; bank barn 30x60, tie up 4 horses and 8 cows. This is a nice f^rm on a main road, 1 mile from Baltimore. Price $5,000, cash payment $3,000. Apply R. I. COOPER Willoughby Agent - Cobourg 100 ACRES--BRIGHTON TOWNSHIP 80 acres workable, sandy and clay loam, level, some orchard, good spring creek and spring at the house; good frame bouse and bank barn; close to school and village. On this farm there is 5 acres of good maple bush. Price $3,500, cash $1,500. Apply S. J. PHILLIPS Willoughby Agent - Colborne For farms in other parts apply .. .. O. R. DENYES Belleville C. MAY BEE", Smithfield iSCOBELL & SIMMONS, Bowmanville HEAD OFFICE 43 VICTORIA STREET TORONTO EDDYSTONE Miss Phillis McGregor is improving slowly. Mr. G. Turk is very poorly at the time of writing. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lock and family spent Sunday at Carmel. Mrs. Fax Baker attended the party it Mr. F. Taylor's on Monday even-ng. Mrs. C. Turk's brother-in-law's Hudson car caught fire and burned up one day last week. Miss Jennie Taylor left on Tuesday for Cobourg Hospital, where she has gone in training for a nurse. Mr. and Mrs. O. HariTord intend leaving us again for the winter months, going to Port Hope. All are sorry to have them leave. BROWN'S CORNERS Mr. Roy Palmateer has gone to Uncle Sam's country for a change. Mr. Henry Dingman was calling on some old _friends here last Sun-Mrs. Wills of Cohourg paid her sister, Mrs. John French, a visii last Mr. Wm. Rogers and wife and Mrs. Robert Couch spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm. Isaac. Mrs. Chas. Greenley and children spent a few days this week with her father, Mr. H. Brown. Mrs. Isaac has returned to her home after spending two weeks with her daughter, Mrs. George of Fenella. DUNDONALD Mrs. Morley Shortt of Toronto has been spending a few days with her sister-inrlaw, Mrs, Kenneth Mutton. Mrs. W. B. Wright recently visited at the home of her son, Mr. Ross Wright. Mr. and Mrs. M. Broomfield attended the funeral of the late D. Simpson of Brighton on Tuesday. Mrs. Oscar Dingman and daughter, Margaret, spent a few days last week at the home of her uncle, Mr. I Elford. Remember the chicken pie supper on Tuesday evening, November 6th, in the hall, and Rev. Dr. McKenzie's address after. Rev. Mr. Mears, Rev. H.W. Foley's >le assistant, gave a most excellent sermon last Sunday in Eden Church to a small congregation. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dunnett, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mutton and Mrs. Harry Mutton spent Sunday with Mir. and Mrs. Cecil Mutton, Trenton. 'Next Sunday afternoon the pastor will speak in Eden Church on the work of the Bible Society. Officers will be elected and collectors appointed. It is to be hoped a large congregation will be present. The Express is official subscription agsnt for The Farmer's Sun, The Ottawa Farm Journal, The Farmer's Advocate, Toronto Daily Globe, Toronto Daily Star, Toronto Mail and Empire, The Family Herald and Weekly Star, Montreal, and other papers. Orders left at The Express Office are sent in free of charge. J.D. McGregor & Co. FRUIT BROKERS COMMISSION MERCHANTS Ottawa, Ontario We beg to announce to the Fruif Growers of this section that MR. GEO. E. OAKES will represent us in this district for 1923. We solicit your shipment and will give same our best attention, as in the past. Phone 21 on 66, Brighton DRY SLAB WOOD tor sale, cut in stove lengths. Delivered if desired. W. W. Mutton, Colborne R.R. 2, Phone--Castleton 19r8. 40M Values in Real Estate fijc AMD I, iialf acre of 3ukC 3re or less, in Lakeport .. $1,200 50i ACRE FARM, between Castleton and Vernonville........$4,000 HOUSE AND LOT, with outbuildings, Colborne.......... $1,600 23 ACRE FARM, buildings In good pair, 3 miles north of Cobourg ..........; .. .. .. .. $3,000 100 ACRE FARM, go8"d buildings, at Centreton. Abundant wood and water. $4500. Terms arranged. 70 ACRE FARM, on Provincial Highly, between Colborne and Brigh-i, buildings good, plenty of wood d water. Price $200 cash. . 25 ACRE FARM, good house, fair outbuildings, plenty of water. Some wood. Place suitable for gardening. iy2 miles East of Centreton. Price $1300 cash, or terms arranged. The above mentioned are a few of the many desirable properties for sale. Terms arranged. S. E. ROBINSON Auctioneer and Real Estate Agei COLBORNE * UNION CORNERS Aa undenominational sewing circle was organized here early in the summer, with Mrs. H. Bangay as President, and Miss J. Mcintosh as Sec-Treas. The society has held some meetings in the homes and others in the hall, whem sewing has been done, a real social time spent, and a good lunch with a cup of tea thoroughly enjoyed. Several quilts have been made, which are to be donated to some worthy needy cause of which our circle may hear. The primary object of this organization was to get the young people and children interested in some work of a missionary character. ADVERTISING IS THE MOST IMPORTANT THING ABOUT ANY BUSINESS. IT IS THE VITAL SPARK. WHAT GOOD DOES IT DO YOU TO HAVE THE VERY BEST THING OR THE VERY GREATEST BARGAIN ON EARTH IF PEOPLE DO NOT KNOW IT? EXPRESS ADS BRING RESULTS Is Ironing Hard Work? If you have to stand over a hot stove, heating old-fashioned sad-irons, and walk backwards and forwards between the stove and your ironing board, it undoubtedly is. But, if you use a SOVEREIGN Electric Iron and is beautifully balanced. Tele- "MADI in canada's Sold in Colborne by G M. PEEBLES ESTATE KEEP YOUR SHELVES FILLED Guests may call unexpectedly. Protect youra m an embarrasment by stocking up with the food products that will keep indefinitely. We have a complete line of canned goods for the hot weather, including:-- Corn Peas Soups Beans Catsup Jellys Fruits Pork and Beans Meats ; in season Fresh Fruits and Vegetable: Edwards & Troop Phone No. 2 Colborne Get Our Prices on B. C. Cedar Shingles If you have a building to be shingled, we will do the, job for you at A REASONABLE PRICE. A large stock of BEAVER WALL BOARD on hand. R. H. TYE Planing and Saw Mill Phone 307w Car Load New Fence Wire JUST IN ^ TO BE SOLD AT OR BELOW SARNIA OR EATON PRICES -Place Orders at once- john King St. reive Colborne Fifty Years of Banking We offer a complete service for FARMERS GRAIN and CATTLE DEALERS MERCHANTS MANUFACTURERS and MUNICIPALITIES THE 524 STANDARD BANK OF CANADA. Colborne Branch, Grafton Branch, -Castleton Branch, C. A. Bryans, Manager - N. G. Armour, Manager N. H. Mulhall, Manager The Selling is in The Buying We Have Some SPECIALS for One Week Only Men's Pure Wool Tweed Pants, all sizes and assorted colors, 30 pairs only, per pair 4.50 Men's Tweed Suits, good wearers and just what you have been looking for, three pieces per suit....................14.00 Men's Medium Weight Boots, Box Calf leather, heavy waterproof sole, the new, boot known as bull dog soles, at per pair. . 4.00 also carried in boys' at.......... 3-25 Youth's sizes, 11 to 13% at............ 2.75 Little Gent's sizes, 8 to 10i/2 at.......... 2.25 Men's Rubber Boots, 25 pairs only, at per pair 4.00 Men's Heavy Rubbers, 3 laces, double red sole, Dominion brand at.......... 2.25 The first snow storm you'll need them, get yours now! Men's boot rubbers carried in all lasts, from ,per pair........1.25 up Did you see our Overcoats? Full leather lined and quarter leather lined from $20.00 up Just arrived--Men's Spats, new colors and a new price, per pair............ 1.25 OUR STOCK WAS NEVER SO HEAVY OUR PRICES WERE NEVER SO LIGHT We can supply every man from a pair of shoe laces to a fur coat, all goods are new, and carefully selected. Any reasonable allowance made on goods not giving^ perfect satisfaction. Give Us a Trial and be Convinced! H. W. Vandervoort Men's and Boys' Store Kng Street.....- Colborne, Ont.

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