Ontario Community Newspapers

Oakville Beaver, 23 Mar 2001, p. 37

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Friday, March 23, 2001 townhouses for rent THE OAKVILLE BEAVER townhouses for rent articles wanted 37 auctions, sales lETil EOT E g auctions, sales Come Home 7 ~ o C U M B E R L A N D V IL L A G E 3270 Prospect St. · 632-2601 3 Bedrooms · 4 appliancess · Eat-in Kit. Basement · Playground · Parking Conveniently located near schools and Burlington Mall Area Shelter Canadian Properties Limited B E A U T IF U L 2-bedroom , $12 00/m o. + u tilitie s . A p r.1st. M aple view M all area. C all Jackson Lee, Sales Rep., Sutton Group, (905)332-4111_____________ O A K V IL L E . 3-bedroom tow nhouse, 4 app lia nces, broadloom, garage, finished base m en t, nea r schoo ls, transportation. $1,275/mo. futilities. 905-270-2693. B URLING TO N: Newlands area, 4-b e d ro o m , 2 -1/2 baths, full basement, close to amenities. $1145 + utilities. 905-634-4856_____________ LA RG E 3 -bedroom , Jun e ls t. From $1129./mo. (+ utilities). 5 appliances, ga rage, p a rk -lik e settin g . Longm oor Dr, B u rlington. (905)681-0070 NORTH O a kville . 3 -b e d room condo/ townhouse, 2 baths, 4 a p p lia n ce s, fin ished basement, 1 parking, $12 75/m o.+. Im m ediate. C hris C la rke , T ra fa lg a r (Oakville) Realty Inc., Realtor, (905)338-1130_________ BU R LIN G T O N : 2-bdrm from $97 5./m o .+ u tilitie s , Apr. 1st. 3 appliances, 1.5 baths. One outsid e pa rk ing. N ear s ch o o ls, sh o p ping. Park-like setting. Also, 3-bedroom a v a ila b le May 1st. (905)333-1190._________ LAKEFRONT, Stoney Creek, A p r.ls t. Luxury townhome. QEW access. 2-bedrooms, garage, a/c, gas fireplace, $1175/mo. futilities. (905) 827-3582. ______________ UPPER M iddle Rd./ G rosvenor- 3-bedroom 2.5 baths, 4 appl., a/c, garage, May 15th. $1450. 905-829-1762 TOUCHW OOD AUCTION F R E E M E L S B * AN TIQ U E S W anted. C ash fo r c hina c abinets, boo kcases, d ining roo m s, dressers, e tc ........ Q uality china, c o lle c tib le s ........... Partial/ entire estates. Call Ed, (905)541-2436 W AN TED A ll-C h in a , S il ver, C ry s ta l, sew ing m a c h in e s ... D o ulton, M oorcroft,Quilts, Glass, Watches, cam era/ audio equipm ent, d o lls , p a in tin g s , c o lle c ti bles, estates. John/Tracy905-331-2477_________ W AN TED c a r seat (T o d d le r - 2 0 -4 0 lb .) In good condition, please call 905689-9547 W AN TED : A n tiq u e s & Collectibles. Are you mov ing, d o w nsizing, c le anin g the attic, disposing an e s tate? Furniture, china, crys tal, silver, linens, artwork, je w e lle ry , m e m o rab ilia needed for JBMH Hospital A u x ilia ry A u c tio n . C h a rit able Tax R e ceipt at fa ir market value for donations. (905)336-4102 ____ COINS and Collection lots - cash paid. No questions asked. W ill tra v e l to buy. Tony (905)257-1725 antiques/ flea markets "HOW TO OPERATE YOUR OWN HOME BASEDTRAVELBUSIN ESS" CANADA'S Premier Travel Company with 26 yrs. exp., will be conducting a seminar Auction sale plus fashion show Tuesday March 27, 2001 at 7:00 pm at the Mohawk Country Inn located at 9230 Guelph Line in Cambelleville. Exit 312 North of the 401 PRODUCTION ASSISTANT Our Burlington plant requires an Assistant Plant Production Coordinator w ith min. 2 years in a production/ metal fab environment. This position requires experience in the areas of productions, fabrication, purchasing, expediting, inventory, maintenance and quality control. Strong computer and interpersonal com m unication skills needed. Blueprint takeoffs an asset. C.E.T. preferred (or min. 2 year related diploma). Competitive salary/ benefits commensurate with experience. F a x ( 9 0 5 ) 3 3 3 -5 5 8 0 TH E PREVIEW IS A T 6:00 P.M. Antiques and Collectables (905) 337 -2717 Designer Fashions by Waramboo (416) 748-8648. Tues, Mar. 2 7 ,7:15pm BURLINGTON PUBLIC LIBRARY *2331 NEW ST. No inventory. No receivables. Interesting Tax Deductions & Great, Travel Benefits make this an opportunity that must be explored. Call 1-800-608-1117 to register. Space limited. Not multi-level marketing. Ont. License No: 04316071 BR O N TE 1-bedroom for rent, parking, $450/mo. in clu d e s hyd ro / ca b le . No pets, non-smoker. Immediate. (905)465-0857. FURNISHED room in ex ecutive hom e. W ell m a in tained and clean, inground p oo l, m any e x tra s . R e sponsible Individual . $450 T ra fa lg a r/U p p e r M id d le . (905) 338-5956.____________ W ANTED Dead or Alive. 7 days - 24 hrs. C all 8764594; (905)467-9484, Milton. EES 410 420 cars wanted trucks for sale 1988 Chevrolet S-10 Truckasis. $500. Call 905-336-0689 vans, 4 wheel drive 2001 Census Representatives Needed Now The next national census will take place on May 15, 2001. Statistics Canada requires Census Representatives to com plete census collection activities, in Burlington, Oakville and Surrounding Halton Area, Acton, Milton, Flamborough. C andidates m ust d em o n strate: ^ room & board available & wanted K « ||l articles for sale articles for sale "FR EE S p irit" tre a d m ill, m odel #30898, bought 1999 s lig h tly used, paid $1699. 1/2 y ear le ft on m ain te n a n ce co n tra c t. A sking $800. (9 0 5 )6 3 7 5031 between 7pm-8pm. FR ID GES, Stoves (Gas & Electric), W ashers/ Dryers. Like new. Spotless. Under warranty. 549-1911_________ O FFIC E d iv id e rs , desks, building supplies, sum mer furniture/ pots; Easter sup plie s , toys, ro lle rs k a te s , re c o rd s ...R e u s e C e ntre, 3335 N.Service, Burlington. W ed/Th/Fri-12-8pm ; Sat-95pm; Sun-12-4pm.__________ FUTON frame, new, pine w/ arms, 11* m attress, $300; K irb y u p rig h t vacuum c le a n e r $90; Danby m i crow ave 1.2 c u .ft., new $100. (905)681-9496. G.E. 118 cu. ft. refrigerator, 1-1/2 years old, excellen t c ond ition. $425 obo 905257-8648__________________ J O B S .... J O B S ... Jobs + Computer Training Schools + Hourly Sem inars + Free D raw s... all at The Halton Job & Career Fair on April 17, 2001, at The Burlington Convention C e n tre __ KING bed- p illo w -to p , o r th o p e d ic m attress, box spring, frame. Unused still in plastic. Cost $1,600. Sell $675. (905)304-9222 LU XU R Y tim e share. 1bedroom condo near D is ney W orld, O rlando, F lori da, A p r.2 0 -2 7 th . $300. (905)815-1586.____________ M A K E 30LBS D isappe ar Fast! Free S a m ples. R e sults Guaranteed. All Natu ral. Doctor Approved. Call Now (416)208-3163_________ M O V IN G - old fre n c h p ro vincial L/R- $200.; Upright Piano M ason & R isch $900.; Ikea compact bunkbed $600.;.& more. 333-1572 MOVING. Sectional couch m u lti-c o lo re d w /ta b le in m iddle, 2-yrs. old. $900 obo. Kids cots $20/ea. Must sell! (905)631-0011. M O V IN G : W estingh ouse HD dryer, $150; treadmill, like new $375; Little Tykes Turtle sandbox with lid $20; kid 's p la s tic pool $10. (905)-681-7592____________ PIA N O 'S -N ew & Used. Huge se le c tio n grands, u p rig h ts and d ig ita ls , Y a maha, Kawai and others... www.pianohouse.ca 1-888-PIAN081 PIAN O Sale! Kawai d e m os and used pianos. All must be cleared! 211 Armstrong Ave. Goe____________ R E TIR EM EN T S a le- Pets & G ard ens- Used a q u a ri um s/ sup p lie s , le ath er goods, animal crates. 834 Brant St., 905-634^*155 SO LID cherry d ining roo m ta b le , 6 c h a irs , b u ffe t & hutch $2,000; couch and love seat $800; queen size m attress & box spring $300; coffee table & lamps; a ll good c o n d itio n . 905336-1438 leave message S T O R K C R A FT c rib & m attress, change table, 4drawer dresser. Excellent condition, call 331-9646 S T O V E - a lm o n d , c le a n , e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n $75 O BO . (9 0 5 )8 2 5 -8 6 6 0 or (905)637-8378_____________ S O L ID w h ite ta b le (4 2 "X 3 0 ` ), tw o m a tc h in g c h a irs w ith u p h o ls te re d seats $125. Ironing board, almost new $50. (905)3390237.____________________ U LT R A M A T IC ajusta b le bed, twin, "Genius" model, purchased June 2000. Paid $3600, asking $2250. 905632-9062 1990 CH RYSLER C a ra van, new transmission, new tim in g belt & com puter. G ood c o n d itio n . $2250 obo. 905-631-5199 ROOM a v a ila b le across from S h erid a n C o lle ge. P riva te bathroom / walk in clo set. A v a ila b le M a y .1st. $430./month. 905-842-1524 I shared accommodation B A B Y c rib , F is h e r Price high chair, in fan t carseat, g irls sum m e r de s ig n e r clothes, GAP, Roots, MEXX, size 3-mos.-2-yrs., excellent condition. (905)336-4248. BED, K ing X -th ic k plush o rth o p e d ic m a ttre s s set. New in plastic. Cost $1700. Sell $650. 416-726-9885 BED- Orthopedic mattress, b o x s p rin g , h ea d/ foot board. New- still packaged. Cost $1275. Sacrifice $550. 416-521-9635 BEDR O O M ch e rry w/ sleigh bed 6pc $5,650. sell $3,399.; Com puter cabinet armoire 48x62 $3,000. sell $1,499.; C ocktail table sq. antiq ue crackle $900. sell $49 0.; C h a n d e lie r lead crystal $1,800. sell $800.; Q.A. wing chair, Burgundy $1,200. sell $40 0.; New from Model 905-336-0786. BEDROO M set- 8 piece, so lid C h erryw o od, all Dovetail, metal glide draw ers, sleigh bed w/rails, tri ple d re s s e r, m irro r, large chest, nightstands. Never used, s till boxed. C ost $8,499, s a c rific e $3,999. 905-971-1777______________ BE D S , New- C o m plete: Double, $220; Q ueen. $240. C o m plete w /fram e. Futons available. Free Delivery. Call (905)681-9496. B E D - Q ueen, o rth o p e d ic mattress, boxspring, head b oa rd, fo o tb o a rd , fram e. New, in p la s tic . Cost $1225, sell $550. W ill deliver. (905)304-5573________ C A R P E TS , H undreds of C o lo u rs / s tyles, Includ ing "Stainmaster". Will do L/RD/R fo r $319. includes un de rp a d / in s ta lla tio n . 905510-05 8 9 ._________________ C A R P E T. I have several 1,000 yards of new Stainm aster & 100% nylon ca r pet. W ill do liv in g ro o m & hall for $349. Includes car pet, pad & in stallatio n (30 yards). Steve, (905)639-2902 C O M PUTER desk mahoghany, w /p u llo u t filin g cabinet, matching 2-drawer filin g ca b in e t, e x c e lle n t condition, $300 obo. (905) 319-3155._________________ CRIB, white, "Morigeau", in e x c e lle n t c o n d itio n . $150 firm; matching change table top with pad, $40. (905)3316930______________________ DININGROOM: 9-pce., solid C h erryw o od, 9 2 " double p e d e s ta l tabte, 6 C h ip pen dale c h a irs , lighted h utch, b u ffe t. New, s till boxed. Cost $12,500., sacrifice $4,750. (905)304-5883. DININGROOM suite, smoked o blong glass ta b le top, u p h olstered chairs. $300. Call 905-639-5134_________ D IN IN G R O O M , K roeh ler, b u ffe t/ hutch w ith c u tle ry drawer, 48"x60" table with leaf, 4 chairs. $650. (905) 633-7680__________________ D IR E C TV S a te llite S y s tems with programmed HU c ard, $400. HU P ro g ra m m ing, $100. P rogram m ed HU cards, $300. H card fixed, $100. Call 416-9912761 or 905-867-7277. E N TE R TA IN M E N T c o rn er wall unit, solid oak, light colour. 85" ta ll x 55wide. Reasonable. 905-634-7323 E N T E R T A IN M E N T u n it, S k la r-P e p p le r oak, h olds 24" TV, VCR, stereo, video s to ra g e and d ra w e r 3 2 " w X 7 6 " h X 2 0 " d. $ 18 0. Desk, Sklar-Peppler cherry com puter desk with hutch and lig h t $250. S tep m a c h in e , $ 1 5 0 O BO (n e w was $900). (905)844-9992 500 career training THE CENTRE FOR SKILLS DEVELOPMENT Will be at the HALTON JOB & CAREER FAIR, on Apr. 17,2001 to discuss your training options for a brighter future! www.thecentre.on.ca "Career Training & Skills Upgrading Computerized Programs" To ensure your future success see us at The Halton Job & Career Fair on APR.17 HALTON BUSINESS INSTITUTE NO Fee! C a ree r E x p lo ra tio n s is a 3-W eek Course designed to help you plan yo u r ca re e r. Funded by HRDC. For inform ation/ to register call Grace (905) 3333499/ (905)878-1240 · · R O O M M ATE w a nte d to share dow ntow n B u rlin g town. Female preferred. 2 bedroom . F irs t & last. $400./month call after 7pm 905-633-9435______________ B U R LIN G T O N - " LaS alle S u ite s "- own room , A /C, kitchen, bathroom, parking, laundry, suite male. Nonsm oker. $45 0./in c lu s iv e , 905-681-7355______________ O A K V ILLE . Non-sm oking roommate required to share 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath home. Own bedroom, bathroom and TV room. Laundry. Parking. $600./mo. plus utilities. 905469-8786__________________ SHARE house Upper M id dle/ 6th line area. Laundry, First/ Last. $400./+. Imme dia te / May. 1st. 905-3390153______________________ O A K V IL L E - H o p e d a le Mall house. Fem ale w a nt e d , k id s o k a y . S o m e re s p o n s ib ilitie s , f a ir re n t. (4 1 6 )5 6 2 -1 1 7 0 (9 0 5 )4 6 9 1096. previous experience in enum erating or canvassing and in dealing with the public; ability to com plete field duties as required, follow written instructions, read maps. ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE @H0PEDALE MALL QEW then exit 3rd Line South to Hopedale Mall, Oak. R equ irem en ts: · W ed .M ar 28 thru to Sun. April 1 I firewood G U A R A N TE E D d ry 100% hardw ood. "O nta rio's la r gest F irew ood re ta il. M arc's Q u a lity F irew ood, (905)-257-6366_____________ K v i | 1 pets, supplies C O LLIE puppies ready to go 2 m ales. Vet checked, m icro chipped, registered. Call (905) 827-4648 A M E R IC A N c o c k e r p u p py, 12 w eeks, black w ith w h ite ch e st, m ale, $250. Call 905-844-8778 PARROT, small Quaker, 1yr. old. good-tem perm ent, large & trave l cage, play gym, toys, food, $475. New baby- no tim e! (9 0 5 )6 3 7 5380. f T i l l ] cars for sale pass a w ritten test designed to m easure arithmetical skills and ability to follow w ritten instructions and read maps; · access to a car and a valid driver's license in Ontario may b e a requirem ent in som e areas; · b e 18 years of age or over; · w ork from April 27, 2001 to mid-June including evenings, w eekends and holidays as required (this is not an office job - extensive outdoor w ork required); · English essential. Pay: Approximately $1000.00 for 6 w eeks of w ork Please use the following reference num ber w hen apply ing for this position: 3120000-18 Apply to : Census Area Manager, Fax: 905-639-1140 NEW R e n o v a tio n s - 3bedroom tow n h o u se m a i sonette. 1 parking. March. From 950 ./m o .+ u tilitie s . North Burlington. (905)3199104______________________ OPEN H ouse- S unday, M arch 24th 1-4 p.m ., 129 VICTORIA RD.N. GUELPH (#7) $136,900. 3-bedroom end unit with C/A, finished basem ent, pa tio , fenced yard. D ire ctio n s: Hw y.7 West to Victoria Rd.N. (Just past St. Jam es Church on R /H side). For m ore in fo r mation: 1-519-822-9122. *Please indicate the nearest major intersection to w here you live. Closing date: April 4, 2001 We thank all applicants, but only those dem onstrating the required qualifications will b e contacted. Statistics Canada Statistiqua Canada W AN TE D - L a k e fro n t C o t tage for rent for July 8-14, 2001. M uskoka- Parry Sound Area. 2 adults and one infant. 905-469-0962 C O L L IN G W O O D cond o 3 bedroom, sleeps 7, avail a b le A p ril 17 - J u n e 30, $ 4 5 0 /w k . P lu s 2 w e e k s J u ly - A u g u s t, $ 5 0 0 /w k . (905)465-2922. D A N C IN G -M ake dan cing your career. We're looking fo r som e personable peo ple to becom e dance teachers. W e'll teach you to dance and help others le arn to dan ce w ith The Arthur Murray system. Oth er positions available. Call (905)849-0707. The Arthur Murray Dance Centre Canada R BIJ l l general help wanted LANDSCAPE Maintenance C o m p a n y in O a k v ille re q u ire s e xp e rie n ce d Lead H a nd, F orem an, G eneral L a b o u re rs . G re a t pay. Please call (905)257-8422 or fax resume to (905)2578423______________________ EARN extra income. Join a fu n g ro u p o f p e o p le who lo v e to c le a n . P a rt tim e / fle x ib le h o u rs . S h e rid a n s tu d e n ts w e lc o m e . C a ll The House CleaningAngels, Deborah (905)842-3672. UNIVERSITY Pool Service is looking for Pool Techni c ia n s . A ls o lo o k in g fo r Office Person with account ing and data base e xp e r ience. Mail resume to 481 14 North S ervice Rd. W ., Oakville, On. L6M 2V6, or Fax:(905)827-4535. B U R LIN G TO N area pool construction/ service/ retail com pany requires full-tim e experienced pool installers, s e rvice persons, gen era l la bourers. Also part-tim e retail sales/ stocking help. S e asonal- o ffe rin g com p e titiv e w ages, em ployee b e n e fits . If y o u 're hard working and enjoy outdoor w ork, fax R ainbow Pools 905-681-7245 SUPERINTENDENT CO U P LE req u ire d for dow ntown Burlington resi dential highrise. Live-in ex pe rie n ce nece ssary. Fax resume: (905)849-9520 CAR clean up person needed fo r auto re p a ir shop. D rive r's Lie. re quired. Call Gino 842-3001 ESTIM ATOR : Imm ediate. Manuf. exper.; autom otive o r th e rm o p la s tic s exper. strong assets, strong prob. solving, neg otiating skills, Engineering education pref. email: giqlio@trans-united.net or fax: Alice G iglio at 905632-5777 ___________ LA N D S C A P E M A IN TE N ANCE staff required fulltime starting Apr. 1st. No exper ience necessary. Call (905) 331-9759 SR. A C C O U N T A N T We are a professional services firm located in Oakville. Established in 1973, we continue to grow and are now seeking an experienced accountant in their final two years of the CGA / CMA program or equivalent experience to report directly to our Controller. This is a very hands-on position. You must possess a strong working knowledge of Accpac, Excel and Word. Your knowledge must include preparation of monthly financial statements. Your functions will include: · Invoicing ·Data entry of A/R.A/P · Bank reconciliations · Cheque runs · Preparing and posting month end journal entries · Preparing draft month end financials. Please email your resume to: ggroom@managerialdesign.com or mail your resume to: The Controller Managerial Design Corporation 406 North Service Road E,, Suite # 300 Oakville, Ontario L6H 5R2 No telephone enquires please, Only those candidates selected for an interview will be contacted. Thank you. W A L K E R 'S /N E W - $ 47 5/ mo. Cable, laundry/ kitch en privileges included. Re s p o n sib le w o rkin g adu lt. Immediate. First/last. (905) 333-3895; (905)510-3895. TWO rooms. NE Oakville, new townhouse. $425./inc lu sive , S h opping, Q uiet n on -sm okin g re sp o n sib le individuals only. 905-2570175______________________ ADULT student, clean quiet needs fu rn is h e d room im mediately, New/ Appleby Line area. P lease C all (519)853-4542.____________ ROOM for rent, G hent/ Brant. Share all facilities, 2bdrm apt. Suitable for em ployed non-smoker. $4257 mo ind. 905-864-9199. UPPER M id d le / Dorval, nice, clean, quiet home. C/ A, share kitchen/ laundry. Immediate. $475/mo. inclusive. (905)825-0806. LO V E LY fu rn is h e d b e d room , s ittin g room , w a sh room, share kitchen/ laun dry. P a rking. $600/m o. Guelph/ New. Non-smoker. (905)681-3402. B R IG H T fu rn is h e d room Upper M iddle/ Sixth Line. $400/m o. A va ila ble im m e dia te ly. F irs t/ Last. Near buses. 905-257-2777. LARGE room, kitchenette, bath, cable, parking, use of yard. M ountainside area. $500. Non-smoker. (905)319-1057__________________ FURNISHED room for rent in la rge a p a rtm e n t, board available- Burlington, near 6 0 . (905)631-9400 E A S T -B U R L IN G T O N . Furnished room , nice neig h b o u rh o o d , use of k itch e n , w a sh e r/ dryer. $400/m o. inclusive. Imm e diate. (905)333-6726; (905) 631-0617. M O B ILE hom e 14 x 53, year round living. $290/mo. fully furnished. Dishwash er, w a sher, dry e r. 2 -b e d room s; scre e n e d porch 12x20 A b e rfo y le . Norm a Roma, Mon-Fri. 9-5 1-905659-7784. 2000 Explorer Sport lo ad ed including Mach sound, le a th e r, low m ileage. A s sume lease- ends Feb./03. $499/m o. Taxes included. (905)662-4428.____________ 19981/2 VW New Beetle GLS, m int, 32,000km , Black, autom atic, Keyless entry, Loa ded... $19,975. 905-847-5901,416-601 -4657 1998 O lds 88LS, certified, e -tested, 39K. One fam ily ow ned. S p otless, loaded. $18,500. (905)631 -0341 1995 HO NDA A ccord auto., fully loaded, 106,000 kms., immaculate condition, c ertified, em ission tested, $12,500. (905)469-8269. 2000 Honda C ivic SE, 4door, silver, keyless entry, m int c o n d itio n . 4.5K, $17,900 + tax. No up front fees. No charge c e rtific a tion. Brent 905-632-1442, cell 905-512-4786. 1994 BU IC K G rand Sport le ather interior, auto., fully loaded, excellent condition, certified, $8,000. (416)5231637 ( c e ll).___________ 1997 Intrepid, autom atic, fu lly lo aded, app le red, sport model, alloy wheels, 111K, $12,500. 9 0 5 -2 5 7 6013______________________ 1992 HO NDA A cco rd LX 5-speed, air, cruise, 131K., very good condition, c e rti fie d , $6500 n eg otiable . Home: (9 0 5 )8 1 5 -9 3 1 4 ; Work: (905)606-1504. I cars wanted $ 0 -$ 5 0 0 0 . Rew ard- C ars, Trucks, Highest Cash Pric es Paid. Fast D e liv e ry Free Tow ing. Licensed A uto W recker. A uto parts sold also! 9 0 5 -8 2 7 -8 0 1 5 (Oakville) SUPERINTENDENT C O U P LE fo r lu x u ry O ak v ille highrise. Good m ain ten a n c e & c le a n in g s k ills necessary. Must be friendly with experience. Apartment & benefits included. Fax re sume to: (905)815-1627 or call (905)815-1628__________ S A LE S A S S O C IA TE , (P/T or F/T) for high end la dies bou tique in O akville. W ell-groom ed and experienced. Call (905)338-3344 PA RTS D E LIVER Y D riv er: Tow ne C h ev-O ld s is looking for mature, depend able c u stom er o rien ted individual to deliver parts full time. Clean driving abstract req u ire d . K now ledge of Oakville area and previous driving experience an asset. Fax cover letter and resume attention: Human Resources (905)-844-1497.____________ O A K V IL L E Lawn m a in tenance com pany requires experienced, hardworking, re lia b le peo ple fo r lawn m aintena nce and la n d scaping work. Must be able to start immediately. $9-$12 depending on experience. Leave message. (905)6346390 CAR & Truck Rental Jock ey- O akville. F/T Morning. Clean d riv in g ab s tra ct. Honest, punctual. Call 905337-9373.__________________ WEEDMAN requires Lawn C a re T e c h n ic ia n s . Full training provided. Driver's abstract required. Apply in person: U n it 5 2400 Wyecroft Rd, Oakville or call 905-827-1441 or fax (905)827-1499. PO OL & Spa Elegance Ltd.- Now hiring- Full-tim e person with G -License ex perienced in Pool Service, Pool C o n s tru c tio n , L a n d scaping. G ood w ages for right person. Call 905-3326410 or Fax 905-332-1798 E S T A B LIS H the Right Im pression in the firs t 30 seconds. Creat a "Unique Personal Brand" that is pol is h ed, c o n fid e n t, p ro fe s sional. C all Prem iere Im age, C anada's leading im age/ e tiqu ette in stitu te for pe rso n a l c o a c h in g / s e m i nars. Intro. Tea with Shan non $135. 416-324-8955 www.premiereimageintl.com SCOOTERS fo r the Phys ically challenged (For Sale/ Lease) Some used available. C all S co o te r Jim . 1-800850-3012 TECHNICAL SALES 40K salary + commission + benefits + bonus TBA. Sales of technical, networking, Web and Internet solu tions. Burlington office. Open sales territory and exist ing portfolio. Must be comfortable with System Inte gration. Must have excellent communication skills andlearning ability. Previous sales experience required. H A S S LE Free C o m puter! 3 year w a rra n ty w ith 1st year o n -s ite . Includ es H e lbde sk S o ftw a re S u p port, P 111, 1000M hz with CD RW, lo ts o f e xtra s. $22.50/wk. 1-800-267-9466 www.crazycatsdirect.com JR. TECHNICAL SALES 30-33.5K salary + commission + benefits. Sales of hardware, networking, Web and Internet solutions to small business and residential customer. Work from Burlington office. Candidate should have excellent communication skills and learning ability. Some previ ous sales experience required. Submit resumes: Attn: Timothy Hanlon Tel: (905) 632-2923 ^ M S I Fax:(905)632-3536 email: thanlon@bserv.com A P P L IA N C E S - frid g e , 2 door; S tove; M aytag a u tomatic washer, dryer. Also, apartment set. Under Warranty. (905)637-8328 A P P L IA N C E S , (5), a l m ond, K enm ore frid g e & stove; H o tp o in t w a sher, dryer; Toshiba microwave, 7 years old. $500. 905827-7171 after 6pm

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