Our Town George Beaver sincerely interested in helping in · this year's pageant. Performers selected by stage director Lisa Martin will be committed to many rehear- ·sals at the outdoor Forest Theatre on Sour Spr- ings Road. Also, there are numerous other jobs to do during the pageant. The Six Nations Pageant was started by members of the Indian Defence League of America years ago, in order to make the young people of the reserve aware of, and proud of, the Indian patriots of the past. And no Indian year was the 39th annual pageant, patriot was greater than Tecumseh, who had a to the advertising pamphlet. That dream of uniting all Indians into one great na- tbis will be the 40th edition and the pag- tion. They would stop the whites from getting ·ttee is enthusiastic about presenting their land by uniting and refusing to sell or to aw subject. 'Jbe one last year was make treaties for it: He saw that the treaties. received. always resulted in the loss of Indian land and J8eant committee would welcome Ule whites did not abide by the treaties any- or adult native volunteers who are way ~=~=:::..::::::.::.::....:..===;:.::...;=-=-i-, ·Tecumseh spent years of his-life travelling to Vari¥ tribes, trying &o unite them in a poli- tical way. It was not enough to unite Indian armies for battle. He tried to get them to agree that the land that was still left belonged to all Indians, not just to certain tribes. He very nearly succeeded. If he had succeeded, the map of the U.S., and perhaps Canada, would be different than it is today. The history of the Indians would have been different too. Perhaps the Cherokee Na- tion would not have bad to follow their "Trail of Tears" to far-oft Oklahoma. Probably many would have died defending their land but many died a more horrible death, from starvation and disease, after they were dispossessed. From the Indian viewpoint, Tecumseh's way to die was more honorable, even for the women and children. He was truly, a man before his. time. The pageant committee is composed of Ro- bert Jamieson, who is president, Emmert Gen- eral, Lynne Bradley, Bill Smith, Mark Jamie- son and Mona Staats. The next meeting is on- March 20 at 2 p.m. in the home of Mo,-ataa . near Little Buffalo.