on: I Mnudm. Aug i .301 i b Mmmxc um Sum .Almbmndnnlmmbe Nth-all)th "mum: anuwu Plumx'n up Cmnw I k'hra H'rlh‘r unfulle trk'pht"W. mum-mm ‘nw animal-rm Iberï¬ï¬‚topflflmu nm puhlm md mods! fut (MW-fl“? [macin “150%an 90mâ€! immune“ use mmde mmm "may mmmaw CW" .lu “hum mm Yann Rrpon Medu t m up (ummmxn lETTERS POLICY I )aur Win (“Ilium Diurnal. Dunn-v! ms Ianm Pat'hl'rn Daphne [1541's (km! Paolunn «runoth m CU“ DIm'tuu m Pnunm 'nns Im'l'u' Mu"! w a" w 00%" SITURDIY PORUM Poll shows Canadians want 9 more out of our health system (ills show that most Canadians cherish the underpinning t'thlt‘s at 01" medicare system; that health raw \htmltl be allocated mi llll‘ basis of lit-ed not ability to pay. But polls also Show that Vanadi- ans want nmn' frum thv s\ \lt‘ln lhv list of pulvmml Impmvv» moms is lung. Pilhhf npiniun and reward: undonu- puinl In art-as such us unpmvmg prunury health care. reducing wan lllnvs and lx-ing mom pmaniw about health promotion and disease pn-vcntion. ()ne health system improve- mentgseems ll) be increasingiy capturing attention of the public. health professbnals. unions. employers and experts I! is to make medicare more compre- hensive by expanding coverage to include medically necessary prescription drugé. A poll released last mack by EROS Rescamh Associates found that mm? than (hm-quarters (78 per cent) of Canadians would support expansion of, public drug aweragc to make “Phamlacam†in Canada operale like our medi~ care system. Canadians have good n‘a- sons to want such refn'ml. livery devehped country with a uniwr- Sal healthcam system provides universal um'rage of prescrip- tion dmgs . . . except Canada. Drug nwvragt- is pnwided in all comparable hcakhcan‘ sys- tems because. when prvscn'bod and used uppmpriau-l)‘. prv- scripï¬on drugs can be among the most cost -cffcctivv form's of providing ht-allh mn- Ibo architects of these other systems know that charging pativmx fur pn'scriptinns will impun- tlw use of essential medicines. which can cost the health Carr system in other ways. such as inn-mas“! hmpitalizminna In Canada. many pat'wnts cannot aï¬on] to take mt‘dtttilu’x pmscribcd by their doctors. 1111‘ mm poll by EROS suggl‘sts that. in the past fM' yvarx. abuut one in ï¬w Canadians (23 per cent) huvr t‘lluu'n nut In Full «I Saw W‘s anapenaawsa MthEvuanceNeMrKcaaMassocme prolesso'Wassooatewecmratme UBC Centre tor Heath Semces and WW I u m up trnvnuvhn nnm pn‘wripmm lxx‘uuw of nut- "(puck-t (1N5. l’hal's a In! "I missed pn-scriplmns. Such access problems are pmvcntcd when medically nec- essary prescriptions are uwered as part of the healthcare system. Countries with such access - every other developed country with universal health care - also spend considerably less on pharmaceuticals than Canada because healthcare systems that purchase medicines on behalf of entin‘ populations hgve signiï¬- cant bargaining power in price negotiations with drug manu- favturcrs. -' ( 'anadians an) justiï¬ath pmud of the basic struclurv and ethics underpinning our medr um- sysmn But a gnmn‘ng num- ber of us an' n-ahnng that Ihv sysu‘m is uniquely immmplcto. Pharmaceutu‘als are inte- grated intn t-wry other univerâ€" sal ht‘ahhcun‘ system tn the dt-vvloped vwnrid. It‘s time to do the same for Canada. We could begin m‘th clear winners for patients and the health system such as covering drugs to man- age cardtm'asculat risks. diabo- tcs. asthma and seven: mental illness. If we fail tn do so. we will con tinuc lupay mum to gm loss. Stove Morgan u 'u 'w tmymwlm. mm LETTERS TO THE £01701! Volunteers do more than mark ballots “or role was to simply mx‘mimgv people to come out In Ilw pt)“ng booths. If I needed a ride or simply a nudge. she wmdd do what- vvvr she ('Ullld to help. Over the yean. l have senedonchurch.sdxxfland housing councils because I wimletwartedly agree with Councillor Heugmve’s senti- ment that if we aren't willing In pank'ipaw then we lose our right to complain. ’I‘hiny-ï¬vv years; agu. col. lapsed on the couch in the Ming mom Of my moth- ('r's [mum l was uflemd a reminder to volt by a volun. tot-r going dnnr to door. Hw chance I made to accept that stranger's offer- ing that night has led to me mung and participating in my democratic rights at every upptmunity since. Like Councillor Rob Hal-grave. I have observed many an' willing to “bitch†about how things ate run but are short of workable input to those who do the actual mnning. PUBLISHER Ian Proudfom GENERAL MANAGER Iohn Willems And participate. to me. Re: Big 5-0 election pm]- was :5 GEORGE, GEORGE, GEORGIA, GEORGE, ALEXANDRA AND GEORGE - - R - - - - . rr's BEEN A ROYAL PAIN! life. Thank you. Mayor Mayor Emmerson and d] of our councillors for being willing to stick your necks out for the rest of us. means not only to go out dents in mting. of our way to visit the poll- Like that nameless ing stations but to explore mmanlongagulamwfll- solutions along with any kg to step forward and do com thatmbringto Mamlcantohelp. "‘8 W "'3‘ be' LESLEY O’CONNOR Th?“ Wlumee' made um ’H-WH r g lasung dzï¬etence at my l sums! we invest'gate the option of having vol- unteers support our resi- The Big 5-0 Let's get yoy interested in voting Sim-Tribune 6290 Mail 5!. Mia. ON. I.“ 167 myommcom _\0rl:11!gioncom) m engagv you in mum'n'pal gum- nwm and mumgeyou a vote in 2014. E-mafl jma- vow? H? my {dons ï¬wr (air 5-0 m (dunk Hot Topics a!