$511!!!le PORUM Consider suffering casinos cause All mm“ must hr by» than 400 with ind mdudr uhynmr telephone nun!“ nunr and ms lhr Gun W m (hr mu“ m puhhh m ‘ III [HM I'll ï¬nd“ ï¬n duty and w Emil Wm alumnus Mama Hulk-n lam rl‘o’ Wauv mum-mm:- amdnw Mumlfljmh WWdW' lHrector [Cu-ng Products uh. v-Iiuunsï¬vmg 1 nm Enrmn m (lam “thorn Krlly “ JA 1"â€W'I V "lg VII"; manng mm Ymk Wm Mala ‘ saw .urlanu' Armdgr lEITERS POLICY ind (ills-med lk'bm erlm Uh Hum '11! w ‘lh-I‘H-KLH Dau- Wolhams Hum mos ( .‘md ,Paolua‘t "azumuwvm: (m' VT LIMDWKJ. Durant. ()nzunoss Bur w Black lathe Smart "M am your ()HM‘. mqu. puns! lumtot ol hawthorn I: m Maxim lhmrml. 'illl n my yum ul‘ pastuml mm istry as priest and bishop. l haw hocmm- sadly uwnn' m the grievous suflering experienced by indjnduuls and fmnilics‘ bu'auw ut’ gambling dependence. We arr now cngugtxi m dvhau. mg a plan fur a may†new mslnn m the U [A Although (hm debate did ,mnccm 'lbmnlo, many of thc mhm pmplmi mm. Illl'lud mg wmc in York Region. dfl' also Within our archdiocese 'Ihls 1v. an dimmprialv nnw fur cm h M as In reflect upon the Hints at gum hung m our mmmunmt ln R'Ct‘lll yczux gtM-mnwms have mom and more uwd gam‘l hhng to increase lax rvwnuc. proposing as wvll that gambling beneï¬ts the economy. It ts understmtdabk gnwm- moms an- temptt-d by the pm» pert of what seems to he an 021s» way to d“ that lzven 1f lhl'l’t' vwrc sngxmicmn long-tent! economic benefits: hmvcvcr. and than is fan fmm Hear. the establishment n! a new casino wxll have a negatiw soda] iman that nulwrigm surh lx'm-ï¬lx It ts somctlmes argued yet anuthcr castm) could he a saunt- pt vmpkrynumt and wnuld attrah visuors and tounsts. lhat approach is slmrt-snghtod. lam particulam' concemed nurflages and families will he hun or even destmyed thmugh manor ease of access to gambling through the construction 0f “Warmth†largo casinn. [he health of tunuhvs us .1 L mutant (‘Ol‘K‘t'fll of out t kuhuht anth‘ Scrvicvs and n! ( luthnht (lhdnttcs mémbor agcm‘u-s‘. In out pansht-s. we dtmtlv deal With the sum-ting that gambling uddtttitm canth tn mdeth and tannin-x W9 am concrmed by the expan- smn uf thv mummy tn harm. lumin gambling Is undvm- ably legal and. in fact. Ls hung hmviiy pmmnmd by the govern "Will. In new at thv suï¬crmg gambling can muw. twwm'or. II is important in mnsnkw what luau both mu (lhnslmn faith and mason shed on the moral mum n-latvd m u. ()u‘aswlml and small-stale gambling can he .1 k‘gitl'mmv lnm1 nf omenamnwm and 1s nut Inher- emly ml, hilll'l'lll'h “hen gambling Ls w vxten» «M‘h' available and W‘xï¬iwh pmnmtvd. It Is also dlfï¬cuh tn pmâ€" M‘t mung pimple {mm \wwmg it as a wnnhwhik' annmy. whuw nvgnliw vfln'ls am- "asked. WWMWW dim.nasmmmmmd (Mistwmmsnmemmm dmwmmWNMM Hu- ( int-chum u! tho ( amour (JlurL‘h slams games of chance at wagcrx are nm In Ihcnw‘h't-s ('mmur}v m [ustu‘u but ht-mnw murqu Luim u‘pmblc when thcsc admm-s dcpn'vr pwpk- uf what is nut-9.") In pnmdt- lnr thmr needs .md an,» of utherx. humbling is inht'n-nth' based on Illusion â€"~ on prumotmg the fantasy. pamcularh' attractive to the most vulnerable and mm. desperate. that it IS an easy way In provide a qtnck solution tn the ï¬tmm ml problems that they [at c. Hunt Is a cruel Illusion and It ts not whuloumw fur gtmcmmcnts tn pmmote it. through extenswc advcmsmg. “1.1!, untnnunutt'lv. is what happens in! too uhcn. l'hc (mu‘hlsm also notes the w Mm uf gambling in onsluw. lmiiwduds. the gtwt-nmwnl and charitable organizations as \wll can hcrnmc enslaved in the lure uf easy gamlï¬'mg twenue and that is Ck'drly nu! healthy. Apan lmm thv land this Is name! duhmus logic. as ll makes mow some nut In muw the pmblvm in thv ï¬m place. pmblem gambling is a wrious public health umu'm llwn' Ls Wklva a sugniï¬cum autumn! of mvcnuc Ls dcnwd trum lhv pcnplt' mus! vulnerable to gmnhlmg II is sunk-mum Khuuld anyuno become addx‘wd. gam hlmg's proceeds can he used tn (nu! lhl'il’ .uidiumn. “hen gambling Ls w «new s'iwh' available and W‘xsiwflx pmnmtvd. It Is alsu dlfï¬cuh to pm m1 mung pimple fmm \wwmg it as .1 wnnhwhik' admty. whuw nvgnliw vfln‘ls am- nutskvd. Llrdinal 'Ihnmas Collins LETI'ERS 70 THE EDITOR Teadler critics should look at this school Now. however. as [he pan-m of MO Children. aged 5 and 6. I hold teachers in a "class" of their ovm. Perhaps it is my personal vxpvm-nw as a rvsuh of (h? u haul Hwy attend. Although I probably won't gam mean}; fans with my lrttcr. the wonder- ful thing abmn an opin- inn pim'v ix thv fact I may speak my mind without hesitation. I realize many people tool teachers are overpakl. that they gm ample time off (summers. sick days etc.) and at one time I. too. may haw sham! this opinion. l haw nmhing but praise for this school and its leach- Sincv lhciall of 20] I. my kids have been enmlled al Harrv Buwm, Public School. Pususmm Ian Proud/00! (imam MANAGER Iolm wmmu MMHNIMMWMM mmmmmmmmm yourmaMMMLEMpmlso-Mwb- «ï¬ssion to inm@mcum bummmmmmmm? My children's teachers genuindy care about their welHJeing. both academicafly and physically. going so far as to give extra help when needed along with â€"â€" sometimes -~ much needed conï¬dence. emandstafl. These qualities have transformed my children mm well-rounded slu- dents who enjoy attending school. In fact. if I had my these two 'teachers would climb the grades. as my kids HAVE YOUR SAY. STDUFFVILLE bWhatdoyouMof theseismmwothm? [MWCOM {Si'JWTribune 6290an St W.ON. MA 167 In a town growing as rapidly as Smuflville is. m. heartwarming that the prin- cipal can remember almusl every student's name on sight. If that doesn’t give the feeling of rural charm. I don'tknowwhatdma ‘As I said. perhaps I am slightly biased but if (New do, alongside them If and when there are concerns. they have always been addressed quickly and efï¬ciently by the staï¬. Really. can une put a price on our children's edu- cation! educators? public school opergted the I doubt them would be as much to be said for teach- ers' salaries and union expectations. KRISTEN PAYNE s n u 'I‘f‘rlflf