'l‘ho Zlb-ycamuld Ballammo u‘skivm had dune we" in hurting and own mnducu‘d upon wth testing. ' But there wvw nu nfll‘m’. 11m! was until earlier this war. lhcsc days. he's not aqu to Imago of the «wring whorl aï¬vr making his debut as 1hr kme (kuuuiiun driver in thc l'layhuy Mazda MX-5 Cup. a'suppon spec owl“ of one- hour timed races conducted on a road course. (hmcanaflaingmuptomm/h. James Vance-I nusmlu had thoughts (Jfgiv ing up an a ran-rt in ‘upvn win-vi racing last “I did some 9pm whee! car tests in the past. but the ï¬nancial n'sptmsihility in the spun is 3 Int." Vancelnusada said. “A! the end of last year i didn't we a future in motor spuflszul I, got 3 Chang? and wan! to make the mastuf it." , First racing din bikes when he was 1 1 years old before tum'mg to go which he raced for lhe last nine years. VaIKe-Lomada's big opportunity arose in eafly lanuary when he ï¬elded a call fmm his g) kart race team ovmer astingifhewuuldliketoracemWest Palm Beach. Ha. Upon «mm from Fhrida. Vame-lnma- da was (untitled by the Speedcraï¬ Racing Dewehpnwm team. who saw him compae in I' ’ andaskedifrwwamedmbepand theit earn-Mme! team Vance-11.an flew to Dallas to meet upwith the team. lkWï¬ï¬hmlofISdflWï¬th ï¬rsaraceamistanedlhesecmdrawfmm Whackofmepackwhenhcirwurredmotor problems Vame-lnusada wmked hiswayup tofuurthbefore his motorblewup. ‘ The Garden Basket - 25th Anniversary Celebrations Driver turns heads en route to US. open wheel [series Vance-lnusada felt. his uncanny ability to BY MICHAEL HAVAKAWA mhnmluwui-"rr mg, g um DIMENSIONâ€!!! mom into contention during that second rau- czmght team ofï¬cials' eyes. Hw [cum sol up u [nut-day lust an liaglvs Canyon Raceway near Du‘atur. ‘l‘exas. ’am‘c-luusacm did not disappoint as he wlipst-d the track rm'nnl un three ()crasium during the third day 0! testing. 011 the ï¬nal dav. he rose! the mark twice. ANTESUPOWNMONEY " The leam infurmgd him they did not have a lot of funding, a big necessity in open wheel racingr Vam‘v-lnusada then put dmm some‘ of his awn money to heip out. 'lhc bottom line? A racing team was born. With intentions of making their debut in the ï¬n! race held in Sebring. Fla. Vance- lousada said""thcy had to pass on it due to licensing Emacs , ‘ “Hun sold lht‘IM’m’rs because they were a rolativeiy new team.†he said. But they made it In tho m‘ond event n‘ccnfly staged on the Laguna Secavroad coursc in Mmtcmy. C 3111f. Vancthluusada mamwuvered his vehi- cle into second place with dose to ï¬ve laps mmaining in the Kimmy-titer ï¬eld. Bm adversity struck whcï¬ a mechanical issue forced him to spin out and not ï¬nish. “I think the team was surprised I was rac- ing near the fmnl of the ï¬eld. We have a solid foundation of a team.’ he said. Vance-lousada’s next event is scheduled lo take place at Mid Ohm June 14 m 16. After that he's looking forward to retuming north of the 4% parallel to compete at the Mobil Grand Prix at Mospon Park in Bow- nranvillelulylStoZl. l “Mygoalistoseeiflcangetsuppon to move up into the next series." he "humus: (Item's not many Canadian drivers malseemtocxceUdliketommptothatnm step' SPORTS Stouffville Sunâ€"Tribune Who do you think should be Whitchurch-Stouffville's 2013 Citizen of the Year? Nominations are open for this year’s award. We are looking for a person who: I 0 makes our community a better plare to live, work and play 0 is involved to benefit more than his or her family or business 0 sets a positive example for others DEADLINE JUNE 9. 2013 Nominations should include nominee’s detailed resume and letters of support. e mail: jmason©yrmg.com Mail or hand deliver to: Stouffville Sun-Tribune 6290 Main St. Stouffville, Ont. MA 167 Attention: Jim Mason 1 ’ For more information call 905-640-2612 ext. 2 Award to be presented during the opening of the 29'†Annual WhitchurdI-Stouffville Strawberry Festival Sponsored by ,4- wmv saw-nibune Inusada, 20. 0f Ballanlrat' will race a! the Mobil Grand Prix at Mospor’t luly l9 to 2 l. lames Vance- 7%