'flmcnummumulhmmmwnmnmunuwmm MWIWWCIMMIhmwmï¬ï¬mmmfmmwmmmm omammw.mu Participating Schools: 8311mm» Public Sthool, St Bngvd (amok School Glad PM MK Sdnol. St Matt Catholu School Mmth MOMPSSOTL Oscar Mason MK School. The Pfoqesswe Monde Academy Stouflwfle Christian Schoo! and WMndh HIgNands MK School. Free Funny M Day: Saturday W 28 Dmpmtommmmem I (milybetweenn am-3pm SpoasaedbyRBC Foundation m _ Exhibmonis genetouslywppomdtm A panama oi emam an of may (clout, styiemdshapematayoungmwucan' Evayooe us Home to attend dunng vegu av 935er hours. ' Localchildren's artwork at The Latcham Gallery lanthanum-um May 18-28, 2011 “THE WON6 AT ART" tun-0mm (ll-Immust Imam m ML“ t. latttpgb‘iï¬li The event is open to children seven to 13 years of age. Cydists must bring their own helmets and their bikes have to he in working order, Pamntx arr'askul to register their children by calling I-877-4Mf9675, ext. 15%“. Them am thum- 595mm available: 9 sun. 11113 free two-hour training session takes plaqe at the York Region Community Safety Village in Bmcc’s Mill ( busefvation Area. 329] Stoufl‘ville Rd, lune 4. Signal training, obstade avoidance. gear- ll a.m. and 1 pm. Participants need to unm- ing and rules 0f the mad am: just some of 30mlnules early toalkmforabike tune up. the skills young cyclists will loam during this ï¬le (LAN‘BIKE cycling safety program as year's Kids CAN‘BIKEYOFK Region Bikefesr. the Canadian ( lycling waialiuns nationally 'lhe {we two-hour training sesskm takes standardized cycling safety program. which place at the York Region (lomrnuniw Safety pnwides instruction on all aspet‘ls nl‘ sale Village in Bmcc’s Mill ( innervation Area. 329] cycling an the mad. fl ' ' â€" __: ,_ ,, _\W; Leading the my to hammer. mdependenr Master mvm amt w Mia-smooch.) Manhunt, .4 mluMM Stuntman-slum Sundown: hum; Kids can learn to cycle safely at village tmmes you to a Mastectomy Intmmanon ( Markham ' We oflev a nude wage 0! pvats and s prEpanng for Surgery, knmeduate’ly km the venous stages of heaung Mastectomy Days Plus - Got a free bra when you buy a prosthesis‘ A! Shoppers Mom H Aha! breast surgeâ€, 5 my woman‘wazll have Friday, June 3" 8. Saturday, June 4'h 10 mm - 2 pm. cm to book m3: appomtment '95 087-9955 York Region's safe cycling training prugrmn aims to deiiver the (AN-BIKE xafv cycling program to 2.000 elementary school age stun dents by 2012. Heanh Care we know It provides a slamianhwd wt of courses that can be taught through a variety m nrgw nizations interested in education. safety and health. "I’VQII’N’H armature H Saturday, xnv Infom JFK