CHARITY: Stout’fvillc event raised ï¬fth highest amount in Ontario third straight year Organizers of the 2010 'l'erry Fox Run in Whitchun'hvb‘tmlï¬villc wanted It) raise “(13,000 for cancer wseamh. They surpassed that number and maintained their place as the community raising the ï¬ï¬h highest total in'Omario out of 220 mmmu- nities [or the third straight year. Last September's event in south Stouï¬vjne brought in $114,500. A few days later. local students raised Getawandgd active Calendar ofacflvities an the town webme June 13 â€" 78. TRYITFREE WEEK Greatpn‘zu to b: won Minimum! manummI “MG WMVMIMS/Zb WHEN, Wuhan Mam-2mm $65 Cavalcade-le mainnmm-WSM...MuumWWCun-MMYM Terry Fox Run honouring cancer survivors another 322.540 on national run day. ..l!.'s not a town immune from cancer. This year's run â€" Sept. 18 from the Lebovic Leisure Centre «will ."'Ihis is such a giving town.†said local run up-ordinatur Sandy Schell Kennedy. “People can: and they want to help 001ch Hum-mom $250 “M4111!†~‘ 7530 E "mam- 7mg! SE". 18 EVENT May 316 6pm: Onlme, Residents only June I a 80m: in person and fax. Modems onIy June 7 5 6pm: Non Render": Wat’s On in honour Whitchurch-Sluulfvmc'a cancer survivors. “Many of our neighbours know cmncer ï¬rst hand." said Mm Schcll Kennedy. “We want to celebrate our survivors, as well as remem‘ bearing out other loved ones.†uur survivors, as well as remem‘ - Register your team or family bering our other loved ones†[or the 201 1 event. Survivors. identifying them- For more local infonnatiomcall selves to organizers in advance of Mrs. Schcll Kennedy at the run.will be Outlined with mm. 4705 . memorative redTâ€"shirts. For more on the event nation- How can you get involved? - 15611 Mâ€... Ma“ m- MJmM- 10:00“ 4:...- Spend the day flaming 12 heritage sim in our (ammunuy «no 0‘ charge') Many of these heritage Item m tardy open to the park. Don't miss thus opponunny to see what happens bdund-xhe-scened Sues mdude 6103 Man Smog VomDumam Heritage Way. Stouffvvk Umed Church, and York County 8mm! Fov move “human vim. mdoorsopma F0! mom on the event nation- ally. go to www.mnyfuxmg OTell organizers about a survivor in your family or neimbourhood 0 Volunteer for run day or at a pit-run event during the next three months mmmwummm mug-am mum-um Mywflmdhuï¬gum? Doyou TheMuseumis Wthmnflwfav-My handout. Waninme mummammmme otheriobs. Brandme maladammmh Wmm.msrd. Mcmmmwsm admn7MMM6Mmm. ‘Many of am neighbours know cancer ï¬rst hand. We want to relelinm’ our survivors, as well as remembering our other Inved ones.‘ (J1