Wsm 1 malumfromarocomzodmolot _ 1 ummmo'thpoyo‘asdoxpwoqce; rmaamwv: 1 °Str0ngmponmwmm _; -memmmu; ~meabilyiomm0otapwm mammmamm Mmtommodm The W! mmé'wi mm strong mwszd be We meMM!manu Famlranly with Issues ‘ Aurora and ‘Yodn Regan Mil be con: an asset. Some mung and weekend won: IS reqmred. M0; Mambnmco of xp ‘ dumps 1% servers, podorm backuos ansâ€! sun-mums - 1Wâ€; Famim mm WInXp. Wm 10m 50m. Emma 0m. 2007 $th #Mmdmmto: MOM:an Busy. Home Builder/Land DeveIOper‘s Ofï¬ce (9000798 an experienced accountant 'or an 18 month contract Please emau ‘resume With salary expectations ymOmpMnonbmm£om ASSISTANT KWORK ADINISTRATOR _ On. your Com-ct Stouflvlllo Location Coming Soon!!! Carpet Opponufln‘esAvuable F01 mo m'mmommthe ammo Train! Indusfly Weoflerflnflozfltywm mme-oflloe or !rom homo Wm nanny pmmdod Exponencod Travel Agents welcome on .mw’umopmu mo Monmo MRSVP manommm or phom (10;) 60-2500 Famouflormmtuatour Send you! resume and mung samples Juno 20d 2011 to Tod I: m. Edhor, Thu W En WOymxan um“: tremors WIDE can A Ramona .Hd‘l mm W 0‘ metal 5W mom a hm hm Mi ma '0: may Wmmmm Iu‘ieoumsomu mm on,“ b mmwmllmmm panama “w W pommCSR m1 LANDSCAPE LABOURER an$5ï¬mew wiry rwmmw an Chan mm nomwmaww Intidm-od Call 416-566-2576 Fun time 513.514/710ur Expon‘moed II ‘WNWW.wa. ENOnwv-vm» Enghsha must Fbxbfly andanabiaylowommatwpm‘ enwommuoswmal Plus. omnilmumflo: l bun-IIan 50nd rt‘xmm'x In MQIhtyinmlfllmmm ur dmp 0“ at 69 Davis Driw. \cnmrkfl Giles ('hevmld is family nu m-d and upgralcd dcalcnha p. Is seeking Vac . Guitar Fine Instructors Offering rurllml wig") plu-x bnnuws Smcm‘xtul apphmnh mil hv: enthmusm. pmtcwnnal and _ curt-ct Uncm'cd. hxpcncnw an Mm FIT l: P†Position: mm VIII Train Orv-Lh- Dlh Entry. Typing Wk. EM Mug. mm. mm Ptoducts. HURRY. SPO GO FAST! Bull" thoul Sonic“ We have mmedme posr-uons avauabie let: UM truck Mochank: Experience in the Waste lhdustry an asset Paid trailing ~ Paid mileage Weekly paychecks Weekdnys only Family 3W - (‘ar required RECEPTIONIST/AWN. ASST We require a Paris Consultant We are a famdy run busmess m Stouflwle onenng competitive wages and benehta Fax or Em." Ham :0: 905-640-9232 or 905-642-6977 no" On In Front EM Experience is an and. but not a mew!)- Funvud you: qualu‘ï¬cammx: HOHEWORKERS NEEDED!!! Fax “5.880.848†E-w: mmï¬ukscbcma Be a pan of the Giles lean Emu: WillsQMca HOME CLEANING WITH FLEXIBLE HOURS mlorkdobfltflomocom Gnu-um manuals-b ' Ahmad. WORKODOLIS Ca" 905-471 -2929 Stouflvme HMO USTER W, .mamwu ca Mid IWHAN OPEN MUSE WY IA! 2!"! 24 2049 Comessm 2 ~RRS mm Man Sm East SWIG m Yorleumam Tmtrw Mom 50 mt to Webb Road East 125muot204900mossm2 Newnos- tm chaan mutate home on lovely 1:? acts has MANY mvastoious hm tub. Manama pamihaatad garage summptmmc‘ SC. I.“ 00110291 Cd M3131 ' 130'on Browï¬omuuhmfloflyhc OPEN HOUSE Sat-Sun. 2-4 V: 9 I!me Om. Box Grow. Whom Exciusm Endavo m 80:: Grove Gowns! Knchenfl 5 Beacons. 5 Baths. Lots dune Roam, Pool Hal Ta) 0an Cabana, Pr‘wncy, 342: (image Ono Aao+ 5 Mm tram Yomrgq 407. Skim n'wu Minn my u. Cl! 647-288-1333 I mama 170 Fume: , . W?!†. In; gum SEE-U5 .. JV . Pym man «dam: ms 180028: hamWKï¬ H m La! 'aas Mam 416-222-8600 who WmmmMW Wish Largo; mm «mm gated amino Cabin Iccowm hm WAN Ravmwwb STWLE STWLL 51W Ma'er $51-47! CHECK OUT FULL USTINGS AND PICTURES ON l“ mm 16m Ray am. 3 bedroom 02 m m. m. “I ‘650* Au , 151 w mm mitermuï¬o ‘ mm Somme 2' hedrwns Mann wash vo‘cm nmaroom Mum dull-006mm†2mmm Wis Mmm:au‘paru Homev M 9006 am INNS dimes. No no Um 1‘! C4 «116me mum-um Mam 'esoiomiOm bottom moo m-«r‘doselm Mommy 8mm 3:750. mimic man w‘smbrmm 3(250 mamaï¬roq m V $5726 979,4‘6- ‘2 WLLE- 99‘ L/ne m t? acn we ‘00: vm W _ "em, mule, an cm In a! mm Autistic mm W I m IW ‘5 W Piranha Hun-cod AC W “650. Non mar 116677-2421 - Du“! 000‘ M sum moo. _ oats sea-scam MWQMW mum Tom 0 man and $130an '5] anm 1675a†5 W ‘W Ham in am lullFo-M ,‘J PAPAJIoIandofliol ) ADM 16th, 1945 - May P3! 2011 Poacolufl passed away «she: brawn battling anaemic Cancel on the em ty momnng of May 23rd! 2011 am roundod b ms tamin at Scarbomum Hospital, wchmoum Campus Rwanda is summed by his «Mom! 40 years Maybu. two chaldren Ronab and Rosalie. son-"Maw Kmaem and two g‘randchudren Monika and Kanos Rotando's spdmI mu comma to We through me. We brothers anci-sco Sr , Adoflo. Antonio Buenaventura Jv, Danuo and three Sisters Conn-e. Teresa and {use Rolando was always known to: having a warm smile and “big hear! that touched many lives Including NS brothemâ€"mâ€"Iaw Jose, Antomo SI and Mervin-law Leona and Lourdes He wm be remembered for hts random ads at annusm. devohOn to God and Iove lo: the me of basketban He was a toya‘l when good husband. mm father, pyfu! grandam: and un ish friend, He was a man of true integrity and wil be missed by everyone. especial†those who were fonurmo ’lo seq him smile With tove Mary‘ou. Ronald. Room»). Kateem. Wagnd Kudos Restjng at Chach WATSON. Tnvor (Acme mambo: of the Marin StoufMIe Community) Paacefufly at the Markham Sb Hosaflai on Saunday’ May 21. 2 the age 0! 81 Trevm was a Ins/mg 0! to Mlkhad and the law Stu Manan Deal uncte great unc great gram unde to many who Im dandy. The farm rocewcd m We DIXON-GA LAND FU HOME. 166 Mam Street North ham Rd) Markham 5w Wed: May 25, 2011 tram 94 and '7 Complat‘e Semco at Slmmwuo Church, 34 Chumh Sham Sumflw Thursday. May 26. 2011 m 1 9 “cu; 0', flowers dpnatmns 2.» IN ON Stroke Foundatron woum be mated by the iamtiy at Markham Stoumnle Hospital. _Sunday. May 20H surrounded by tamay He was We by Janet. ms beloved mfe 01 52 rs Loving father of Mmhae! and annefl John‘ Jennfler and Kamben. Proud grandather of Brooke 30000:. baseball. hockey mUSIc and dammg were among Berts many pawOnS He was a toundmg membev of the Woxford Somer Club and the Markham Youth Soccer Ciao Long- time volunteer wflh Boy Scouts 0! CM Faunding mambo: andformet Freedom 01 lhe Markham Obor Acuns m Achon semors‘ club Ben wan be sady mean as a chenshed Wand of many at Pamcoatm House ' Ben was the reagent of many henours for Wanting annex/omen: m sport and vomva and oommumty semce. mctuom a Queens Jubilee medal Vammon ml! be hem Fnday‘ May 27 from 6â€"9 p m M Duonâ€"Gadand Funeral Home. 166 Mam St.‘ Mamham, A sowice WI be in the Chapel at Duran Gafland On Saturday May 28 312 p m 'oflowed by a cetebrahou o! Ben‘s Me at the Markham Serum Centre. 2? Water 3! anate antermen! In hea of flowers donatmns to PamCupahon House. the San/anon Army 0: other charity of chemo w0uld be aporeoamd a"! HARRIS blavely he ear I ‘ sur #0100th Rolando ‘f K ll