4 Hours of Private Virtual Golf tor 5 at the Sweet Spot Virtual Golf Cafe and Bar (3 $160 Value) Includes 18a! 0! Clubs Sponsomd by Award to be presented June 30 during the opening of the 27" Annual Wflouflviflc Strawberry Festival Nominations are open lor this yeat's award. We are looking to: a person who: 0 makes our community a better place to live, WM and play 0 is involved to benefit more than his or het family or business 0 sets ,a positive example for Oth€lS Who do you think should be Whitchurch-Stouffville's 2011 Citizen of the Year? DEADLINE JUNE 12. 2011 Nominations should include nominee's detailed resume and letters of support. email: jmason©yrmgcom Mail or hand deliver to: Stouflvllle SunJribune 6290 Main St. ‘ Stouï¬ville, Ont. MA 167 Attention: Jim Mason_ \ F0! more information call SOS-“04612 ext. 2 SWâ€"Tribune One Week of Children‘s ‘ Summer An Camp Plus Supplies at Roksolana Ad School (5225 Value) - Mornings or Aflemoons Haknnson is anticipating yea! results from his two-car stable this season. A lung-timv competitor on the NASCAR Canadian I‘m; Series circuit. 'lhummn It. will pilot the No. 8 Farmers reed Families [)(xlge (Ibailenger for the lZ-race schedule. Drivers will travel from British (kxlumbia to Nova; Scotia. taking in seven oval track events and ï¬ve mad course events including two street can“. Hathaway will continue to drive the team's Snap~0n Tools Dodge. “Ed (Hakonson) and his family have given me a great opponunity and we are looking forward to a great season for both of, our teams.†Thomson Ir. said in a media (clean Wth the Smuflflflvbaaxi I411 llakonson Racing team shim; into gear to star! the 201 l NASFAR Canadian ï¬n: Series this. weekend they will (In it with no! just um. car. But two? Hakonwn. former owner of the Slouï¬vme Spin: Jr. A hockey club. announced Don 11101an It. will join Jason Hallmway as (he town's two driwrs fur the season. One Adult Admission fur 3 15-Hour Shoreline and Seaway Cruise Islands Cruises A ‘ ,(A $22.60 Value) Hakonson adds veteran driver Thc 20! I season opcner will take plat: Saturday at Mospon International Raceway. SPORTS UPDATES? GO TO YORKREGION.COM LPGA Tour member leak-,2: Shepley nf Oakvifle shot a ï¬nal round four-rundcr-pau 68 and defeated by Trotter. 20. of Chino Hills. in a fourhole playoff tn wm the event. Through two rounds. She-play and Tmtler each had a ï¬ve-under par 139‘ The next (IN Canadian anvn's Iour stop takes lune 13m 15 at ( Lluh dc gulf Beloeil in Beloeil. Que. Secma Sadekar ï¬nished an a xix-way tic for sixth place at the seasonâ€"opening event on the 2011 (LN (Ianadiaqumen's [our at Squamish Valley (‘mlf (‘Juh m Squamish. BC. A former Smuï¬ville maiden! and mem- ber of the University of Las \hgas‘NL-vada women's golf team. (he 25«y'ear.old Sadckar carded a two‘round I44 (737]) m ï¬nish at even par. FomverStoufmleresldentslxfll hmn‘spmpnmuroponer The 20“ wax)†“pone! wm mkr plan Saturday at Mospun lmernaxiunal Rum-um "'Ihc addition of Dnnnw In our pmgmm 1x a gmat slap fur all 0! mn (t'dllh llc' 1s a hard working petumwith «1 gm" wnr-L whit mm on and 00‘ the track We an: looking [Um md to some wins thlS season for mu tzlmnlv 0! teams.’ A 1- Week Session At Ontario Pioneer Cam; (Reg- 565 pins tax) 0n Cleanuater Lake