VERMOntMoFoMStmaonuflofommdlytndGOFURTHERFORLESS. denom Now, not onty will you go further. so w"! your money, 20" m mm XLT ESCAPE ‘ $168 20H ESCAPE Hm K 5 T - "04; L165 FUEL economy M W “I.†A“ 2011 ESCAPE HYBRID. MOST FUEL EFFICIENT SUV.“ BEST-lN-CLASS FUEL ECONOMY Ford offers more vehicles with than any other brand. mm“! m >‘ a $6500" + S1000 months on Inns! Wit-7' 20H 38 ad bvmem '0: 72 m Escape Moods mtmwv 2mmâ€. gypsum In. man Whamâ€: “huh And out work Mum "(nudes tut FUEL ECONOMY†‘ , ‘- _-amm« - mummy». BESTJN'CLASS nnontm Hu- “Hal. {A '8 ‘STvN-CLASS FUEL RONOMY' than; C on GHO'ON Est: r. Ilsa II. iii-DI- gist-ill... gig-x .‘léll ultra!!! 5.638,! usages. 7‘ 3%: OR {I}!!! itng luv-1.5:!- 'gi Illicit-I’ll..- run-‘11 2Q 53â€"9'.Ilnlll'llnu “CUE: I §3§1!3ilgg ï¬anceâ€"ï¬g. «58.1323 u¢2lÂ§Â£Â§Â§ï¬ .‘E s! 33!! 4 .ill'lllsgi§.€3 it?! in: ‘3‘] 25:13.! 3:51. ,Il‘ll‘. till: :3! B. ‘5! 32:916.! PLANNER lb add an amt :0 flux 11 [um Mason (11 1mm": Farm 0me: am aim H W (1! mr "" Dome the Cow ml: 515' 31 Glad 93ft Pubhc School's fun fan from 4 to 8 pm Games, nae: crafts, mod musm and U0, Mam 300 manner saves. hosts a soup hm '* 31 noon Entenazmxem 9. Jack Carson Admussaon Doï¬mOpen Whncndvrf‘ StouiMue :5 0r horn 10 am to 4 p m Spend the damnne 12 War sues Fvee a? charge Fm move a: to Storm/1H9 Royal Canada an Leann parades mm as L Ninth [me hat! to the new MN on Mosw SW at 12:15 pm Fntenammer' Saturday mgm and Sonia. R LN! WWII! Martham [mm ‘5th remms to Nmeteen on (b Part to present Stmrn Warn-mg m-ne Um‘es Ove' the mm 11 days. 1081 320 m mneteenonmooark ca philbannon C8 Bauomrae U005 host a fun euchro fundratset , ‘ on Bahama Community Comte. 5592 Aurora Rd Igom Tuck's $5 from ,1 . For mow mmmunm m v port‘an mm antic In“ mi onlmr In haw rim! Choan ages 7m 13 mum cycung stuns Mllamtotpmaz ‘ Bm‘smmon ' Am.$tnuflvil|eRoad Rooster at 1877 464 9675 ' Jack Garson Adm-35K 37 AH serum ne-Icome your SmeGarmnCIuo BWaWMsfle MQammnoonm mmwmon Roadwossfmmfloï¬ifls Sim Jubilee 550k): (Dub. Mam and Mamet sums. hosts a soup h ï¬om630b9300m The sum annual Bole- me Buwa Golf and Down†Club Go to m ma Food andWme Fem on 5mm GOODBYE SOUPMYOU COWAOUNGA 5m MSIDE CYCLISAFI HAM ‘El Len n-gulm u-m “win-gum Hm ,m'rl In" nnluu Sllll “5’7"! H lam H )I.’ In"