‘ “ilsll . 4 rzl'hm I wmyorkregionxom I mm ï¬lm \Irrurh :iu \smâ€" 5 Are you odd? ".0reven? 1} U r; <3 Summer outdoor water Follow your local outdoor water use bylaw. If your house number use bylaws are now m as odd. water on odd numbered days. lf rt IS even. water only on v . even numbered days. Remember, water your lawn once each eï¬eCt across York Reg'on- week at most and only if there has not been sufficient ramfal‘: (1.5 to 2.5 centlmetres) wrthln the past week. waterfortomorrow.ca A brogr‘am ()l The Regional Murlrrtlpallly of York 1-888-967-5426 : a _ a 5:, 4 1K M r’ I ; :l (I ll :ihl r r a ‘ l AURORA . m H m l r ®RKHAM .. “ ) ("h'ému‘ "VAUGW‘N wt. A“ sxrlo†a~g¢um .-