“ThisaWIId was intended to boost the fundrais'ing effects to capital funding for the facility." Mr. wrote in his report. ‘A similar went was reached with Heldgalr Development for the ï¬tnms centre's internal sign. How- ever. this naming rights agreement is in perpetuity. somme Ken Ferdinands B not fair. . "Mmtisagoodfw?lmought$20,(ll)w;15d good ft't but 1M1 get it.†Mr. Enmmerson said. 1n 2(1)]. counch awaxdcd the naming rights to the foundaton for 10 yum. A 3250.000 initial payment was made that year followed by additional annual payments 0(550J1nm Wand 2010. 'ML lsbovic is being [leafed somle diï¬mmly of he said. “I feel everyone has to be treat- edinan ‘ï¬calnwmandwhalweampmposing here doesn't sit well with me because of when was put in phce; Wendy. in 2001." Council voted "Nesday in favour of advertising {m competitive bids for future naming rights of the cumplvx The comma with the loseph [ï¬buvic Charitable Foun- dathnrexplm Aug 3]. ‘lflfldkmhifneaweshouldadveniseandier Lebavic comes forward. then we'll look a! it.†said Mayor Wayne Emmrson Funherdiscussions between the 1mm and the Itmeph lebovic Charitable Foundation could not (THHW up with mageeableï¬ndunoum. at. '1 don't hm how people will say I'm going to the Wm ï¬tness centre. But they do when they're going to the [abovic MI. Emmcrson said. Mt. Ferdinnnds proposed the Wm with the Joseph Lebovic Charitable Foundation be extended {0! the termindcr of council's term. which ends in 2014. and lithe m 00qu get $20,000 a year fur the nammg rights. than all the better. ‘ Foundation lepmsemaï¬ves indicated earner 3115 year they wane interested in paying “around $201110 3 year for the optional ï¬ves/ear extension.†according to an April 19 report to council by Marc Pourvahidi. the town's rrm~ sum and director of ï¬nance. Mr. Emmelson noted the ï¬tness centre doesn't hold the same pmmhencc' as the entire cumpk-x and ML bebch was aware of the agreement. "I think we need to beat the bushes to $00 if thvw Is an out them." said (bumilkn ( ilydv Smith. The .isum centre is not the only am} farilny that needs a new name. “we museum visitor/community cent!!! has no formal name as of yet. (buncil has dimm- ed stall to provide mmmemhuom. ' , sbolan Pyrmg mm Do you want you: name emblazoned (m the {mm at [he Leisure Centre? If so. now is your chance ‘I- don’t think cwrything needs to be about mnncv Mr. Fenimnds said. His motion was seconded by (Lnunnllnr Ruthard Bailey. but defeated by the rest of mum] (‘nunmllm Rob Mary“: was absent and did not vote Leisure centre title up forgrabs again Mt. lrbmk did no! (Hum The Sun-'mmnw‘s rallx ‘1 [6:1 evtryone has to be (mun! m an identical munm'r and what we un' propnsmg her: doesn't 5:! W!!! with mt bauusr of what ‘What is a goodfee?! thought $20,000 WHS u was put in place. iha41MN1tl}: m .300! goodfce but I couldn't get 1!. BY SANDRA BOLAN