Slouffville District Secondary School's Spartan boys' senior. junior and bamam rugby teams made it a clean sweep war the visiting llumn Heights (Nemnarket) War- dots in York Region tier one high school action Monday. lnlhesenioinlatch.thc8pinansmrebuwedbydpair oftriesand two converts from Curtis Cmgo and the tries from DavidAmyinaM-Owin. Man Renmni booied three converts fat the Spartans. whohnpromerecordlo‘Z-l. ' SPORTS WmemappedupflmphoemmeNonhDivision WMWW.DOW3~0. maiejmï¬ortiltmeSpanmmoeivedoneUyapiece from Matt Rundle. Chris )upp, Matt Dunlap and NHL Robb in a 26â€"5 win. ' WSpannnseniomandmniommmcleagm at homaairmlteswickmadayatapm. play to Morrisy’s con-tests. theSpaflan juniors host to memmxikadlkxmummmammnoed mtheï¬nalbeiotemï¬edngau-lesstoSuwsvflleScc- ZaiBaumanandlotdnnMusheachhadomtryfmthe SpanmlohnColkybomedomc-onm ; Wamlï¬mlsandflmhwï¬bephyedmundaym Hadtcr’sFiddlnMnrklumbegnnhrgaleam. Pat laï¬an. Paul Geiger and Jeremy anridge each recordai one try and James McLeod one convert In the junio} tier two game. lhe'Spanan bamams won meirumdgameinasmanyoudnï¬wimauflviaory. lairdaldetenPlestoneadxhadonaSpenoerRobens bootedoneconven MSpannnsarbmtedtopsmOnlammawpcflypoflof lSWsdnolcoadwcsï¬omacmssmepHMnoe. SDSS No.1 in province www.mmhmnmm‘ POLL OF HIGH SCHOOL RUGBY COACNES Sï¬ï¬w-‘Ii'ibune Ham-m newsw flHomeFindema Births, Birthdays, Anniversaries and Obituaries. Celebrating life’s milestones. andthch Motrotand Media's Dtg’tal Video Group soaks talented freelance writers to mate compotting. on'ginat web contunt on a vanon at topics. Wdtonwfltworkwithcuontsto devotopongagmand intonnuï¬vo biog posts to attract and intorm onlino Successtut candidates will possess strong written and W communication skins, as wot! as the ability to produce dean. quality content on tight mm. Expononoe writing for the web and an understanding totwoboontontstratouoswoudbemta. T truncated and maimed candidates should tomard r mmâ€. m and cover letters dealing subject mud tandoxpottbobmeo tstto; Erin Smyttt at «mythflmsom Wisthon to Kingston of the Ontario Hockeylaguebmoouidplay lineup °f 'rï¬etrolandmedia D Why-um†crec :veg roup WEB WRITERS WANTED -Michatl Montana news.CC Dai'YWeWV-m WhGGISm hum wwammmmhw .n wanna-cu Mmmmmmmcmw an‘I-wmuu-omm ‘- Mann-ow ; Reports-Pullman EM-Yarkwonlldllï¬'oup 3The Aurom 8mm has an m tor 8 mm moons! mmg’ Md m.nchd19 1mammalcommit«\wolasmumgfeatures inwmne _ "QWMamomzedmm mun JmatdZOntd Tdflm ,TMWEH 0.. -_ metrolandmedia --â€"'v- 'â€"â€"_'â€"v..‘â€".â€" C o ‘ 7 ’tâ€"Kâ€"mâ€"hâ€"M Our phone lines are open: My - Friday twain-5:â€!!! 006-063-2527 Or 410-700-7284 Place your Classiï¬ed ad 24 hours a day 7 0a VS a wan Log Onto and mm on. year classifieds Concord Job Shop requires an experienced-- manual null and laun- war-«m. Mast be able [0 produce small run custom s from shnp (hawingy and w: Indemmlcnfly Send result): to: MACHINIST/ METAL FABRIFATOR WORKOPOLIS