The Ha“ rep-4m on lhu mam! will be available In the Clerk} Department by mum on June 2. 20M and on the Tuwn's web me 0n lune 7. 20“. Council will conï¬de! a staff report concerning the sak m apptoxmucly 85364 square Indus (9,35 square feet) of wrplus ptopcrty to the owner of the adyblmng propcfly {outed at 52% Mam Mum. btouffnllc .( Put 0| 1.0! 13. Plan 70. dcsigmttd u Pam $4.36.†12. Pun 63!! 29907? (joumnl was updated on th: acttvmcs ot the (Etta!!! Toronto COLIIHYYSIJC Matron Alliance ((BTCMA). at particular. the comrktmn at the Ec‘onmmc Analysts “tidy and propnscd second phase of the study The (ZTCMA u in informal group of Mayo" from H munkftpalitlu in the Greater Tnmntn Mu who and periodically to than mfmmatoon Ind "pasture-I as tt rein" to bat pruneâ€; «mot govermlmn actmtiaipohctcs. advocacy and cummumcattom, Council endoth the research proceuet. enluntton prone-m nod work pmgrun that stuff presented u e general but: to tuplement u lutlt Heritage Inventory (3H!) Review for the Community of S'touffvtl'le. The BHI it I register of pfopcflltl of cultural hen'tnge value 0t mtetett tttuated in the Inuntcipaltty Properties on the BHI WI" be «viewed. evahuted Ind (Itegonzed to reflect the" cultunl heritage value The It'k' will be conducted by Town staff With the usutamc of a Young, Canada Worh (YEW) summer student in collebontmn mth the Henta‘e Advuocy Commtttee, Fm mm: information. staff npons can be n Town webfl'tc wwwgmvnofws. c a andukumg 'CounCIl Agtndu. Minute: Dylan ‘ Mu. Andra Henna†representing lb: Ukuvin. Society press-ad Councnl with the 2010 Watt, Smut Award. This is the third yur that the Town has been honoured for the“ demand offotu to promote mm “hey through pubhc ethanol: and outreach. GREATER TORONTO COUNTRYSIDE MAYOR ALLIANCE (GTCMA) ~ STOUF’FVILLE HERITAGE INVENTORY PROPOSED SALE OF PUBLIC LANDS NOTICES renewed by vmhngvlhc Fm [mum Information. plan we our wetsuit at wwwmwnofwsn 01 (Oman PUNK Works at 905-640â€"1910 or 9085.95- 5299 ext 306. The next anal it scheduled to begin on or about aloud†Mu mm In the con-unmet o! Bollnnuufï¬nuclnul Lab and Stouflvillc and u c‘xpcctcd lo last for approximately three (3) weeks Ihc work, u m be Conducted dmlv. Mundav In had“. hrfwctn 9 00 am and .1 30 Pm SVflCmS 1W! mmunwalc For mmc Inmrnutmnr'on both the .201! and 3008 surveys. pleas: access thr Iuwn websntc'lnd click the 20-“ Community bunny-lint on the home page You may “so contact (jary Sumner. Manager, HR 8: Strategic lmtmmc-s. Town of Whitthuxch stouttnllc. 905+“). 1910 or 905 {Wi- 3299 all 267. Between May 91h Ind 2m. you may receive a all to participate m a ulcphdac survey that vhll ukc thou! lS-m1nulcs.Thc survey “being conducted by an independent rest-rd! ï¬rm called DPRA Canada. Individual rcspunscs WI“ be ktpt confidential and aggregate sunny highhghh ml) b: made available to the public by July. ‘ If fan It! not contacted. you have other option to pnytkiputc... - The survey is variable through a link un_ Ihc Town's ye-bmc a}: uwwinwnmwx u Fnday. n u he Puh ‘AIttrn-‘ahvclv. mu may pad up a survey at one. of the 1051th below and mum your feedbukusmg. the enclosed postagepald rnvelor‘e- ‘ ‘ WATER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS FLUSHING PROGRAM (‘OMMUNITIES 0F BALLANTRAE /“ MUSSIiLMAN LAKE AND STOUFFVILLE Picaw "tuna tic :urwy hy May 23h. 20H "ks Department n-mmds nude-ma thn u conducts a {m flushing program of therTuwn‘s wuer dlyshnbuuon snnunHv, Mumczpal (Him: 3" \andvlford Dnvc‘. 4th H V ("Jerks Department onday to Friday. 3 30.: m 4 cho'ic Leisutc (.‘Iemrr 30 Bu‘rkholdcr Street _ n!» to Thnnday, 0002 m 10 001‘ m . 9100p 111.; Saturday 8: Sunday. 8 00': m ‘I N ’Y The (Impontiou of the va‘n ofWhtIchurchâ€"Stoufl‘nlle reserves the right to accept or reject any pmpon) and also rescnes‘ the right tn accept other than the lowest proposal The mam for proposal submission in 3:00 PM lo. 1! mm- on Weir-(slay lam I. 201 I Any questions reprdmg this chagcst k)! Proposal shall hr Jim [rd In M Dtmd. Manger ofPhnmng Scrv’xts' “WE-Mum“! n: 901%“ ’0†r 320. 01 ahndrmdflumfwumn Dmumtms u: 'aullable I'm puk u; Smuffnlle Munmpal‘ Offlccsf 37 Smuffvlllc WS-IFPâ€"ll-ZS Tet-‘0 of Reference Balkan-rue ~ Alumina: Lek: Environs Secondery m. I Highway 48 Conidor Review The 'l‘own of'WhttchurchvStoufMlle ts mwtmg pmpmah quahl‘ted consulttng {mm for the preparation at a mmpxrhc renew of the Bulhntne- Musselman Lake and hnwum \mvr Plan. The .rcvt'ewl mll assess thc adrquuy n1 thr lend destgnattoï¬s and polmcs within the ScHIemrm Mu hum: for the Banantrew Muuchnan Lalttt and limi'trons Scumdan with puttculet emphasu on preparing a Funttmmi \cnu mg Land Use 5 Ant?“ Menegemcnt Plan tor lands along Hnghvu an animnmcnul Management Plan and an Open Spatr am! T Master Pljn ( (humans 0! mqmrin‘ can b: dircdcd to Denis Chamand. Manager Upcnt‘iom at 90564114 |26 ext. 262 or dam (hartundé tnwnufw': ‘ r WS-ll‘Q-u-ZJ .. mnma'neuvanv 0F CULVERT FIRE Clad-g III: In. 2011 - 3:00 pm locnl time The Town of anchurch-Stouffvxllc :s requesting quotaunns 2,»; :he supply and delivery of culvert mp: as outhncd m the quntahur document ' Documents are available for pickup at the 'l‘uwn of Whmhur Slauffnllc Municipal Offices. 37 Sandtlmd Dnve. 4th Flu. Stouffwlle. IYalAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER (PA IT-TIME CONTRACT) MANAGER 0F CUSTOMEI SERVICES MANAGEI. QEVENUE AND TAXATION SERVICES Fox furthe: Information. plus: we our mch at http;llm.townofws.comlyobsup sandxford the “HIV 4! ndan an