Canada More than 1,200 vehi- cles occupied every inch of space at Stouffville’s Teva Canada Ltd. site Saturday for Motorfest 2010.. The 13th annual show attracted thousands of spectators, many from a distance. Admission was free. In addition, each driver was provided gratis noon-day lunch. “No one else on the classic car circuit does this," said co-organizer Paul Parsons. “That’s what makes this show so popular.†Other coordinators included John Steckley, Lois Irwin, Dennis Alsop and Brent Snowden, plus dozens of volunteers. Proceeds will go to the Teen Challenge Women’s Centre in Aurora. Surprising. perhaps to nonâ€"attendees was the fact a truck, not a car, stole the show. But it was no ordinary truck. From its chrome plated grill to its oak rear flooring, Mario Isgro’s 1948 Chevy pickup far exceeded judges' expecâ€" tations. “It was once just an ordinary truck,†the Cale- don owner said. “I‘ found it on a farm in Uxbridge." In the last four years, it’sundergoneamajorres- toration including adding chromed Crown Victoria side trim, chromed wheel discs and a chromed instrument panel. Mario says he often takes the truck on long- distance trips, including a recent 1,600-mile jaunt to Martha’s Vineyard. “I didn’t come to win,†he said, “but winning’s still nice. It’s the social aspect of the event I enjoy most." In second place was a 1955 Chevrolet con- vertible owned by Diane KloWak of Mansï¬eld. “We found it in a Geor- gia barn,†her husband said. “It had been stored more than 30 years.†Third was a 1929 Cadilâ€" lac Phaeton V-8, owned by Glenn and Kelly Evans of P011 Perry. Weight of the monster limousine was listed at 4,950 pounds. _ Other cars _and trucks also attracted attention including a 1937 Cord Truck tops at massive car event due the classic car capital of Ontario, maybe Sportsman convertible owned by venerable clas- sic collector Al Webster of Gormley. “It’s not for sale at any price," Mr. Webster said. “It’s part of me and my family. When I was a kid, this was the only car I ever wanted." Roaming Around Only 589 were built. Albert owns number 337. “I always wanted one,†he said. He placed its value at $250,000. Albert Hudson, for- merly of Stouffville and now of Bancroft, drove his 1947 Hudson Com- madore straightâ€"8 to the show. Mr. Hudson owns two other classics, a 1973 AMC Hornet and a 1948 Plymouth. The asking price was $13,500. He declined to reveal the price he paid. While not as old, a sec- ond Hudson also attract- ed attention. It was a 1955 Super Wasp, owned by Bob and Grace Kew of Goodwood. Bob located the car in the basement of a house where it had been stored for 25 years and driven only 31,000 miles. The Stouffville area was well represented. Owners and vehicles included: Ross Hether- ington, a 1992 Cadillac convertible; Roger Rob- erts, a 1950 Cadillac four- door; Iim Hord, a 1956 Ford pickup; Rick Cal- laghan, a 1963 Volkswa- gen; Geoff Ramsey, a 1970 Lincoln; larry Wilson, a 1964 Corvette and Rick Barber, a 1956 Oldsmo- bile Rocket 88. Still. I experienced a major disappointment. My 1965 CCM. with chrome handlebars, whitewalls and leather seat, failed to collect a vote. (See photos on page 14.) lim Thomas is a Smufl‘ilille resident who has written jbrama newspapers jbr more than 60 years. with Jim Thomas Yonknowthatit’sfallwhm...wcmttupwid1 thacinwnest. mamustfotl’uochan Sopp,mdahott odmold-dmeredpu.We mmmuc'wmcmqmmaww-ultcun andsmokcthemslowiyovcroahThcl-chno aroma quite like these when- neg. $2.99 lb. Tomahdmgwcuscourairâ€"chifldbondeumdskinlmchickmbreuu, flattendmnabigmdthmcggwuhandbrcadthcminmï¬dly‘med aumbs.Whatyouneedtodoisfryd1emgoldenha1/2 ' m olive oil, 1/2 (or veg. oil) mix to get them done. ms Reg $10.95 lb. ' ' m A," AA, , __ _ ___.____‘â€"____-_._â€"-â€" Wcaflthhaeoffeeakgbut it’s more than that. It’s a spiced Lots of candied ginger,~somc of our beautylocal bartlctts, all in chunks, and‘toasmd pecagu, ~ BREADED ~ IIICICEN We’vcgotsomegwdâ€"sizelochIldionalcthisweck. Iknowthatthishnotmbugit’salmgoodfmyou mandit’uocaltoo. . CAULIFLOWER PEAR 8c GINGER m mawmw WaW 0mm mWMWmMmmm WHAT’S HAPPENIN’ OUTSIDE? friendly -- und don’t leave a me‘ss,ifyouknowwhatlmcan1 You all know that we’re in the processofbuildingoutnewstore (16thAvewettofKennedyhnd that we’ll be moving dining the winter. What that means is that we don’t want to move any of our outside containers â€" so our solution is m w w 1/2“ICE containers, m 5233“ ‘u’ m will be $2-99 lb. SPECIALS IN EFFECT UNTIL CLOSING SUND_AY SEPTEMBER 26‘ _._A_ ..-.â€"‘A ‘ APPLE-ALL SPICE AUSAGES 3:; DELI: WHAT’S COOKIN’ in Euro 990 19 5.? war $53.09 .3 619. 88m: E- 35 8 .338. u: BEERâ€" om. 19 naeâ€"n nah. IKE:â€" to can can 033». inn-dricdtomato,swectredonion,olivc omï¬uhMmMaBakamkdressing. I know his artichoke season, because bodxtimesthatourgmuphagolfedat inthcfdl, «continqu Anymyï¬hissaladwfll .- [A In makcthcsc. neg. $5.99 lb m 3159/1003 We’llbcmakinglnbfluWWemakc a lobster stock, with onions, carrots, aomé cream and tomatoes. We’ll be making some of mu- Roasted Prime Rib Bones, all seasoncd-up with our Jack Daniels B.B.Q. Saucc. This is due of the most popular post-game ‘Hockcy Spmds’ in % our men’s league. 5 m mg. $7.99 lb. 2 was? P.S.--Thc containers haveï¬mflyan'ived mdthcumisnowonsaleatthedcli. IHOIPIIMN' OIOCII MUSHROOM 0UP spedfldxh'wcehbhdk withde givethisaoupuvdarket colour and a richer Reg. $7.50 ‘ Serves 3-4 m OurCaumofMuahroom with Bandy it the coup ’z‘ Mon. 10:00-7:00 ~ m.-Thm‘9:oo-7:oo ~ Fri. 9:00-7:00 Sat. 9:00-6:00 ~ Sun. 10:00.55†S48 Carlton Road, Unionville .99 CONTAINER 940- 1 770 FREE R m G]? TURKEYS PICKEREL mit’cdnumcgrowingmdpmcudngmchnhue dutproducuwhatweâ€"md _ ' bcstmrkcyuanilablc.WhatmihudmnIo It’sdmpk,rcafly.ï¬ndy,d:¢yatlouofgain com~asmuchoruflttl¢uduym E s: butedturhcysrcccivc.Om-smmoist( I ), mnduandfullof‘flavo ï¬andmcycookabit qukkcrï¬awel'l'hcgurkcysiwth‘hywwiflbcabit avaihblé, Hyw’nmhsingamM-smmaï¬shmwwifl getyoudoectothcrulthingl’mthinkingthatit’s anastydmcofdxcywtobccommacialï¬shing,but thacmCanaMandthcymvfld-uuymflmc hardworkisdoncandallyouhccdtodoisopcn the package, get‘yourlstove going (not the Column) and frythescup; they’re ready to go. Ifyou’rc new toPickcteNor Walleyt ifyou’rc from the sought of the 49m), thematicMaï¬nmking, ‘ THIS flaky and sweet ... really nice. WEEK because we start with our amazing fresh turkeys. Thesembeoominginausinglypopflu,especidly withourAniancmmmen.Itmthatw¢always mkeaï¬whnthanwhathwhkhcamafcw problansdfyoumuldlikcongitmnctbcordued inadvancc~bcfore0ctobcr4flxâ€"becamjtmka aweekho‘getthemrcady.8econdly,bemrethatyou DINNER: We’ll be featuring our Pork Tcndgdoin with Porcini or Three-PcppetcomASam may: WHAT’S FOR Mirlï¬dh-nndmvctbunupwkhdthuof these two delicious made from-scratch sauces. lust 25% 299m.