Some of the more than 1,000 participants in the Terry Fox Run leave the Lebovic Leisure Centre You can lean more about the people who want‘ to lead Wlï¬tchumh-Stoufhrille tonight. The Sun-Tï¬bune and the Whitchurchâ€"Stouï¬ville Public Library are hosting an all-candi- dates meeting at Stouffville Dis- m'ct Secondary School at 7 pm. Instead of questioning candi- dates from microphones on the floor. residents will write their questions on cards and submit them at the event The event will be broadcast live on WhiStle Radio (whistlra- djo. com and 102.7 FM). . (SWW‘ibune DEBATE TBNIGHT SHARE THAT OPINION, STOUFFVILLE. E-MAIL LEITERS TO THE Equip}; JMASOflgyRME§OM THURSDAY. SEPT. 23, 2010 I SERVING THE COMMUNITY OF WHITCHURCHâ€"STOUFFVILLE I 32 PAGES/$1 INCLUDING GST BY SANDRA BOLAN sbolan® Justin Altmann calls it his ofï¬ce. The Town of Wtchurch-Stouï¬vifle calls it an election sign. Either way, Mr. Altmann’s purple pickup truck emblazoned with his name and mayoral candidacy slogan will remain in his driveway until Sept. 30. Mayoral candidate’s truck outlawed issue of whether or not the truck is an RECORD BREAKERS Altmann’s pickup a sign, not oï¬â€˜ice: town ofï¬ce or an election sign came to a head Sept 11 when Mr. Altmann was visited by a municipal bylaw ofï¬cer after a complaint was lodged about the truck being driven around town. Election signs can be posted on campaign oflices once the candidate has ï¬led nomina- tion papers. However, election signs cannot be erected anywhere else prior to 25 days before the municipal election, which is Sept 30, according Sunday. They raised a record $100,0001flus for cancer research. For more, see page 3. to the municipality’s election sign byl_aw.- The truck in question is equipped with a ï¬l- ing system, laptop, phone and election materi- als. Everything you ï¬nd in an oflice, according to Mr. Altmann. “We do everything out of that truck The way we look at it, why make the pwple come to our See m m: 12‘ STAFF PHOTO/SUSIE KOCKERSCHEIDT