HMMMQMSQWQWMIMMHWMMWMmMMM!!thMmamfm rmmmmmmmnmamkmmummMWMsmmmmwma mm:me Wamnmwumamwmmmmumammmmmmuw The design consists of a 9,000-square- foot addition that will connect the exist- ing Bogarttown Schoolhouse and Vandorf Public School buildings, creating barrierâ€" free access to all three spaces from the VGN Construction has been award- ed the Whitchurch-Stouffville Museum equnsipn project. The bidicaine in at $2,888,000 includ- ing taxes. Council also approved a continâ€" gency amount of $365,000. The anticipated cost of the project is $3,253,000, which is about $4,000 shy of the projected budget. GOVERNMENT: Tenders awarded for Stouflville street projects Museum expansion expected to cost town $3.25 M “Ford tests their brakes on actual ï¬ford vehicles. .hat’s why 6 choose them.’ ’ Deï¬cient curbs and gutter sections in var- ious locations will be removed and replaced from Greenwood Road to 100 metres west of the railway crossing. the Town of Whitchurch-Stouflville. Construction is expected to begin next mm†mm month and be completed in August. The second stage of Millard Street's “mm mm improvement project will be completed by Pentad Construction Ltd. was awarded Furfari Paving Company for $186,236. the Victoria Street reconstruction project Deï¬cient curhs and gutter sections var: for $522!4_(_)2.83 including GST. The project is being funded equally by the federal and provincial governments and the Town of Whitchurch-Stouflville. inside. Manholes and éatch basins will also be mmvsmmmrmmammawmnmmmm[mnmmmmdumomwwnamngame mummme mummmImmmmmamwmmumaehanmwmm.mmummmmwmmmwammwmammwmm mmmmmmmmummmmï¬anMMummammmmam(m.mmmm.mmhm BRAKE PADS OR SHOES MOTORCRAFT An additional $52,246.28 was authorized by pouncil on May 18 for contingencies. Victoria Street is a two-lane'residential road with gravel shoulders and a sidewalk repaired and cold milling of the existing asphalt and asphalt resurfacing will take place. Never buy another set of Motorcraft‘ brake pads or shoes with our Lifetime Warranty.f V Service Includes: Add brake fluid as required The Ford Protection Plan’ which offers replacement coverage on brake pads and shoes for as long as you own your vehicle even if they wear out due to normal use Replacement of front or rear brake pads or shoes‘ Inspection of rotors and hydraulic system Service of calipers, maunts and sliders The work planned for this construc- tion project consists of reconstruction and urbanization of the two-lane road from Main Street south to Sunset Bou- levard with concrete curbs and gutter and the sidewalk on the east side will be replaced. located west of the GO rail line between Main Street and Sunset Boulevard and is generally in poor condition, accord- ing to a report by Frank lerï¬no, manager of engineering services for the Town of Wtchurch-Stouffville. m$4 , k FOR ONLV PER AXLE QWQRKS Ask about hdw you can save up to $350 a year.‘ R Drive one. â€" Sandra Bolan